Overcoming the presenteesim culture

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It appears that it is becoming increasingly awkward to leave work at the standard time and that presenteeism (i.e. you have to be there all the time) is now the norm for many of us. What would Jesus have us do in such a position?

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Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those w

want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.


Overcoming the presenteeism culture

I’ve just had an interesting morning speaking with Paul Hammond

the growing issue of how to keep a healthy work / home balance. It appears that it is

becoming increasingly awkward to leave work at the standard time and that presenteeism

(i.e. you have to be there all the time) is now the norm for

Timely research completed at

the first of its kind in the world,

work is responsible for causing many of us to blur the soci

home and office life. For many years this has been the case in highly paid jobs like

investment banking, however it appears that


• Approx 1 in 5 people work more tha

• Approx 1 in 7 women work more than 60 hours a week compared to 1 in 16 in 2000


Being a Christian in the workplace

Part of the challenge of being salt and light in our workplaces is not conforming to the way

the world operates. It gives us an opportunity to show our values, and even though work is

incredibly important (the bible describes the importance of working hard and not becoming

a burden on society) what we have been entrusted with by God, such as our marriages,

children, our community, is far more than just work.

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those w

want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

Tel: 07503 177126 charles@want2geton.co.uk

Overcoming the presenteeism culture

I’ve just had an interesting morning speaking with Paul Hammond on UCB radio all about

the growing issue of how to keep a healthy work / home balance. It appears that it is

becoming increasingly awkward to leave work at the standard time and that presenteeism

(i.e. you have to be there all the time) is now the norm for many of us.

Nottingham Trent University and the University of Bergen,

, shows that “workaholism” is getting worse. This addiction to

work is responsible for causing many of us to blur the socially accepted lines between

home and office life. For many years this has been the case in highly paid jobs like

investment banking, however it appears that presenteeism is creeping to normal jobs

Approx 1 in 5 people work more than 60 hours a week compared to 1 in 8 in 2000

Approx 1 in 7 women work more than 60 hours a week compared to 1 in 16 in 2000

Being a Christian in the workplace

Part of the challenge of being salt and light in our workplaces is not conforming to the way

rates. It gives us an opportunity to show our values, and even though work is

incredibly important (the bible describes the importance of working hard and not becoming

a burden on society) what we have been entrusted with by God, such as our marriages,

ldren, our community, is far more than just work.

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who

want to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.


on UCB radio all about

the growing issue of how to keep a healthy work / home balance. It appears that it is

becoming increasingly awkward to leave work at the standard time and that presenteeism

Nottingham Trent University and the University of Bergen,

is getting worse. This addiction to

ally accepted lines between

home and office life. For many years this has been the case in highly paid jobs like

is creeping to normal jobs.

compared to 1 in 8 in 2000

Approx 1 in 7 women work more than 60 hours a week compared to 1 in 16 in 2000

Part of the challenge of being salt and light in our workplaces is not conforming to the way

rates. It gives us an opportunity to show our values, and even though work is

incredibly important (the bible describes the importance of working hard and not becoming

a burden on society) what we have been entrusted with by God, such as our marriages,

So, what is the solution?

Here are 4 ways to maintain a balance to prevent us from turning into that poor frog that

didn’t realise that he was being slowly boiled to death:

Know the purpose of your life

Develop your life’s mission statement. Jesus had many mission statements: Jn 10:10 I am

the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.

If we have our own personal mission statement it will enable us to know what we should

not be doing in difficult circumstances – and empower them to say ‘no’ to certain unhealthy

work practices.

Know when to stop

In Mark chapter 11 after Jesus entered Jerusalem he went into the Temple, but since it

was already late he decided that his work for that day was over and he returned home with

his disciples.

Even though it’s normally difficult if not impossible for us to say that our task list at work

has been completed, we still have to determine when a day’s work is done; and this is

where our faith can really come up against unjust long-hour working cultures! Jesus was

never lazy but never-the-less knew when to stop.

The presenteeism can either be a symptom of perfectionism or fear, but either way it

springs from a false sense of values which are opposed to God’s plan for us living healthy

balanced lives.

Knowing the meaning of success

What is your definition of success? It’s important that you know because your definition will

determine your mission statement and your approach to day-to-day living.

Often success means winning the world in one area of our lives, but loosing it completely

in another. Absent, workaholic dads may have fantastic careers but at home their

marriages may be falling apart and have no meaningful relationship with their kids.

Maybe we should strive for just some success in all areas rather than all out success in

one area. Also we should recognise the seasons in our lives, such as having young

children, only last a few years after which we can devote more of our to our jobs.

Knowing what needs to be done

This last one is related to the last point – seasons change and it’s important that we

recognise what are the important things that need to be done. The reason why Martha

received a mild rebuke from Jesus when he came to stay was that she failed to recognise

that even though catering is normally important, the most important thing was to spend

time with Him during the time He was there.

If you’re having problems with your work conditions call:

Pay and Work Rights Helpline Phone number 0800 917 2368
