PlanDo Emerging Trends June 2015

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The world of work and emerging trends. Love your work. Love your life.

June 2015

In this pack we share our insights on emerging work trends which underpin

why we built PlanDo.

Social and Technological Change

Social, technology

The 4 ages of organised production or the story of work.

Agrarian Age (10,000 years) – agricultural (subsistence) labour performed by individuals and small collectives

Industrial Age (200 years) – mechanisation and manufacturing

•  hierarchical management models, command and control structures (borrowed from church and state)

•  unskilled labour perform repetitive tasks to achieve predictable outcomes

•  homogenous workforce – staff

Information Age (50 years) – digital information

•  knowledge based work •  skilled labour – employees

Networked Intelligence Age – social connectivity and collaboration

•  dynamic, complex workplaces

•  managers become leaders

•  cloud, social, mobile, big data technologies

•  rise of the individual – markets of 1, single units of production

•  flexible labour market – consumers


3 big forces set the future of work trajectory.

•  Social

•  Economic      •  Technology

The social co-ordinate. The rise of the individual. •  Global labour market impacts – urbanisation, better education, better connectivity,

better resources •  Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce in 2015 – KPCB, 2015 •  Inequality of labour cost •  Workplace participation is higher than ever (4 generations at work at the same time

for the first time •  Employees expect greater flexibility – geographic mobility, part-time, full-time, opting

in and out of the workplace over a working life •  Individuals are better educated than ever before •  Average tenure of 30 year old high potential employees is 28 months – HBR, Sept

2012 •  Purpose, values and vision increasingly drive employment choices •  For graduates today, 50% of roles that will evolve during a working life don’t exist yet •  Careers are no longer linear – you can expect to have 3-4 careers across your

working life

One third baby boomers out. One third millennials in.

Millennials and Gen X viewed from the perspective of managers.

The economic co-ordinate. Pressure on enterprise to adapt.

•  Casualization is on the rise. McKinsey (2012) found that 60% of the CEOs surveyed expected to increase their contingent workforce by at least 20% in the next 5 years. Currently, 20% of the Fortune 500 workforce are contingent workers; 40-50% by 2020 – IDC, May 2014

•  Organisation structures are flatter – the permafrost of middle management squeezed out •  Organisation’s strategy are more agile, adaptive and client centric – Heifetz, 2009 •  Accountability, goal setting devolved to the individual for better results •  Career paths have collapsed – BRW, August 2014 •  The psychological contract for work has changed – Reid Hoffman, ‘The Alliance’, 2014 •  45% of young professionals would trade salary for flexibility, that includes on demand

work •  75% employees want to work remotely, either full time or part time

Casualisation is on the rise. Millennials are the largest cohort of on demand workers growing by x2 Y/Y.

The technology co-ordinate. The rise of the consumer.

•  ‘3rd platform’ (IDC 2014) – describes the evolution of

technology from mainframes, then LAN to cloud based, social, mobile, big data

•  The ‘nexus of forces’ (Gartner, 2014) – describes the convergence of these technology megatrends

•  Market disruption through lower barriers to entry – lower capital requirements

•  Personal cloud is leading to BYOD (device), now BYOA (app) – Skype, Evernote, LinkedIn, DropBox – IDC, May 2014

•  ‘Shadow IT’ (non employer sanctioned IT) accounted for 17% of all IT budget expenditure – IDC, May 2014

•  Gamification drives ‘the quantified self’ and viral adoption

Millennials want flexibility and technology at work.

Karl Marx believed technology determines social interaction and organisation structure.

The psychological contract for work has changed.

“The employer employee relationship is broken. Managers face a seemingly impossible dilemna: you can’t afford to

offer lifetime employment. But you can’t building a lasting, innovative business when everyone acts as a free agent.”

– Reid Hoffman, Co-author, The Alliance, 2014

Here’s the further complication.

•  We are using old models of organisation design and structure, old models of leadership and management to ‘manage’ an entirely new type of work.

•  We want conversations that rely on mutual respect – adult to adult to create mutual and sustainable success. We can no longer expect to ‘manage’ through command and control. We can take a new mindset that says ‘I ‘manage’ projects and ‘lead’ people’.

•  Management by authority or power has been the last or only resort for poorly equipped organisations and leaders.

Traditional career paths were stable, predictable and linear.

Emerging career paths are not linear.

How this translates into the new world of work.

Pain Points Mitigating Strategies


More flexibility and control around largest expense – labour è Flexible, contingent workforce

Less management structure, overhead and effort è

Agility through autonomy and distributed leadership

Competitive advantage through agility and capability è Execution through skill, performance

and engagement


Certainty and control è Self sufficiency

Career progression è Ongoing performance and growth

Purpose and meaning è Alignment and cultural fit

Leadership is now a mindset for shared success.

Contemporary leaders are self directed in what they set out to achieve. They are accountable and responsible for their successes and failures. In the new world of work, accepting those qualities self means accepting them in others – driving respect, accountability, autonomy.

4 key leadership behaviours to build self directed work places, boosting productivity, capability and engagement –

•  Listen – we value individuals who are more than their current role

•  Invest – take time, provide resources and support necessary for success

•  Permit – build trust and rapport, allow individuals to learn and grow

•  Let go – get out of the way, enable their success

DNA of shared success.

Social psychology and technology come together.

Self determination theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan) is the most cited academic research in social psychology. The theory describes the importance of autonomy, competence or mastery and meaning. SDT underpins gamification, the use of game thinking and mechanics in non game contexts. Gamification is becoming increasingly important in professional ‘serious games’ design and is driving big data analytics through mapping many things including engagement and achievement.

Self determination is popular in progressive organisations where a leader-coach relationship between employees and employers is encouraged. SDT is believed to drive retention and unlocked discretionary effort. Applied SDT has been proven to improve performance and engagement in many workplaces. Most importantly, SDT aligns well with the notion of the rise of the individual and consumer.

Meaning  –  finding  purpose  in  what  you  do,  joining  others  who  share  your  

purpose  and  passion,  aligned  to  a  bigger  community  

 Mastery    –  opportuni9es  to  grow  skills,  

learn  and  respond  to  changing  environments  –  to  draw  upon  all  your  strengths,  mo9vators,  skills  for  good  


Autonomy  –  the  capacity  to  be  self  directed,  to  make  choices  and  take  responsibility  for  your  choices  and  

ac9ons,  see  a  posi9ve  future    

It’s time to hand career ownership to career owners.

“The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else… The driving force of a career must come from the individual” Earl Nightingale

Usefulness – our contribution through work – is key to our sense of identity, agency and lifelong wellness. People who are most satisfied at work are ultimately most productive in work and life. Prof Ian Hickie, Brain Mind Institute, Australia

PlanDo unlocks discretionary effort.

PlanDo is your DIY career management platform that helps you achieve, grow and contribute everyday.

PlanDo at a glance.

Mobile first Puzzle Autonomy SDT Distributed Leadership

PlanDo delivers value for individuals, leaders and employers.

Individuals Leaders Enterprise ✓ Know your purpose, passion

and skills ✓ Know what’s driving your people ✓ Create alignment, improve performance and productivity

✓ Build your strengths and skills everyday ✓

Be a stronger leader with the tools and information you need to build trust and rapport with your team

Provide individual development plans and individual achievement plans to all employees

✓ Build your personal brand, share your achievements and progress

✓ Know the skills and strengths of your team and how to work with them for great outcomes

Build capability every day, integrate achievement, tracking into business as usual

✓ Navigate towards your career goals faster ✓ Invest in the growth of yourself

and others with simple, easy to use tools

Boost autonomy and accountability

✓ Drive your own satisfaction, be more involved and engaged

✓ Drive engagement across your team

✓ Increase engagement, reduce turnover

✓ Take control of your future ✓ Support others to be their best,

do their best. Invite shared success

Provide a technology solution your people can own and love

PlanDo is a consumer product which will lead in the enterprise market.


PlanDo enables the consumerisation of the human capital market.

Sign up to today. For you, your team or your

organisation. Contact us at to find out more about our

ideas, insights and workshops or to book our subject matter specialists to speak at your next event.

©PlanDo. The thoughts and ideas expressed in this presentation belong to PlanDo. Where they don’t, we’ve provided references. Please acknowledge the source when using this content.

The future is here. PlanDo now.  

Thank you. Love your work. Love your life.