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Sea Oleena“If I’m”

Treatment Sheet

Grace StubbingsHartlepool Sixth Form CollegeBrinkburn, Blakelock RoadHartlepool, TS25

CONCEPT:I will create a conceptual, cinematic music video based around the lyrics so I can represent the lyrics deeper meanings into visuals. The whole video will be based on metaphors of the lyrics and how I have interpreted them. I am going to base the music video around mental illness’ and show connotations of how women are treat in society therefore I will make my video heavily female performance based and even show a male dressed in feminine clothing. Although I won’t make the actions obvious to this relation, I will create a dark atmosphere that the audience will be able to sense and show different actions which you can relate back to the illness – I will refer to imagery which Francesca Woodman create in her photography and look at music videos such as Angel Olsen – Windows and Agnes Obel – Riverside for the different effects to use.

CAMERA AND EDITING: As the song has a very slow tempo, the camera shots I will use will be long paced and quite still shots, I would like to experiment with the lenses, saturation and techniques on making the camera move subtly throughout the full video. I will experiment with working with a tracking motion and will refer back to videos such as Grimes – Dream Fortress and Sea Oleena – Milk when filming. At points I will make my actress doing the same actions but in different positions so I can then overlap them when editing so will create an effect, which will look like they are outside of their body, and this is to symbolise the idea of them wanting to escape their own body.

LIGHTING:As of the genre of music, the use of a pale lighting and pale objects are used frequently so I will use these technique when filming, at this point during my planning I’m unsure whether to make it black and white so I can refer back to Francesca Woodman’s work or just take in the lenses techniques that she used and create a similar performance in which she captured in photography. If I go down this route I can use a very lighted areas with white backdrops, I would also like to try and shoot some when the lighting is best during a sunset or sunrise and even try and shoot some of it in misty, foggy, dull weather to portray the mood of the character(s) in the music video – this also links with the concept of the video.

PERFORMANCE AND NARRATIVE:This video will be heavily performance based but the performance of the characters will be very gloomy to show their emotion and the idea of the lyrics coming into play. The narrative: I will be showing different shots of a female showing different extreme emotions and doing actions which may be found unusual, I will show different symbols of religions and femininity. I will want to show some shots of a male dressed as woman but these to be quick so they seemed un noticed, I may show some signs of mental or physical abuse to symbolise the idea of another character. To create a relationship with the lyrics I will also include shots of birds and woodlands – with someone’s feet in the mud as it states, “you’re the field at my feet.” And I will show a woman wrapped in a pale sheet to symbolise the “the blanket wrapped around me.” I may try and sync a violin/viola doing a tremolo to go with the music as one of my actress’ can play this instrument – I may also have a faint overlapped face to lip sync. Performance: The performance will be very mellow and unique to show that there is something wrong with the character; this will all be to symbolise depression and oppression. I will also want to show imagery of hands as the lyrics say about “palms” – I could experiment with shadows in the studio.

OBSTRUCTIONS: As I will be shooting some shots outside I need to make sure I am aware of the obstructions that may come in my way when filming and how I can overcome and avoid these circumstances. I have made a risk assessment previously so that I know everything is safe before I record for both the actress’, actors and I. When shooting some shots in water I need to make sure my characters are comfortable doing this and make sure its safe – if it’s too cold this could lead to health problems so I will make sure the weather and surrounding are suitable for shooting my video.

PROPSI will use different props such as bathtubs, walls and beds this is so that I can show the characters actions as if they are depressed they would tend to sit around and maybe sit in a bath to analyse everything or not think at all, I could show shots of this and their head going under the water which could then transition to the sea to show the broader aspect towards the world and showing there’s so much out there. The idea of using nature and shots of the outside world could be there to symbolise the idea of the how human revolutionised and maybe it’s outside were we belong as these roles have then grew for us to not have equal rights during this period of time and this is still a problem in today’s society. I will also use different ornaments that I have around the house as I want to recreate the era in which Francesca woodman was creating her work (60s-80s) I could use different retro and vintage ornaments that I have around my house to create a setting, which feels like it was in the past. This is relevant to my narrative as of women’s rights during this time and the idea of mental health still being frowned upon. During this period women were still subordinate to their husbands and didn’t have full equal rights so through performance and visuals I would like to create this and show the effects on women. I will also like to show religious symbols such as rosary, crosses and buddhas this is because when

people are in times of need they usually look towards religion for comfort.

LOCATIONFor my setting I will use pale, blank backdrops to show their emotions by their surroundings, I will want to set some of it in a bath or bed as when people are in a state mind they may just sit/ lay about whilst thinking about different things. I will also be shooting parts of it in the Headland so I can have shots of the sea and shells. I will be filming some of it in Northumbria or North Yorkshire so I can get different shots looking down from a fill with different shots of the wilderness – trees, flowers and the different settings I can find on a hike. If I am not overall happy with the different shots I get, I will be filming in various woodlands and fields in the outskirts of Hartlepool. I will also be going to Hart dene were there is an abandoned shed and different woodlands with streams. I may shoot in the shed if it’s possible to create the abandoned setting and for this to foreshadow the idea of the woman feeling this way. “im alone but in another way.”