[4 Steps] to Boosting your E-mail Marketing Strategy


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¹ Wainwright, Corey. “10 Cheesy Marketing Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone.” HubSpot Blog Homepage. HubSpot, n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.


It sounds like a bad marketing joke:

Hey, some might consider that success. But it’s not the kind of success I’m referring to.

I’ve already convinced you that email, specifically Behavioral Email, is crucial to your success and growth as a digital business. (And if I haven’t, you better read [or reread] A Marketer’s Guide to Behavioral Email.)

“What do you get when you apply dating

advice to your email marketing strategy?”

… a booty call-to-action¹?

Pro-tipLearn more about the importance of email in the C-Suite Series: A Marketer’s Guide to Behavioral Email.


3 | Introduction

But what we have yet to discuss are the tactics you should implement ASAP in order to reap the benefits that behavioral email has to offer.

So, to return to my original question (no, it wasn’t a joke): what do you get when you apply dating advice to your email marketing strategy?

Well−potentially−some serious revenue.

How’s that? The relationship between you and your consumers is not so different from that of the Pursuer and the Pursued. And email represents your key method of contact when it comes to establishing that relationship.

Sure, you can capture an email address and send an email, but that doesn’t guarantee returns. Likewise, simply getting a phone number and organizing a date doesn’t necessarily translate to a relationship.

Not only do relationships (romantic and otherwise) require work, but they rely on your ability to understand and adapt to your Pursued, creating relevant, heart (and wallet) -capturing experiences accordingly.

Don’t worry, though. It just so happens that, in addition to my day job as a marketing content writer, I moonlight as a relationship expert. So, I can confidently confirm that by following the below 4 steps, you’ll unlock wonders not only from your email marketing strategy but also in your romantic endeavours.

Step 1: Do more than ask a question. Make an impression.

Step 2: It’s not over that easy. Pursue, pursue, pursue.

Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

Step 4: It’s still not over. Maintain, maintain, maintain.

4 | Step 1: Make an Impression

The email capture experience is essentially a Meet Cute moment, “a fictional scene in which a

future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or

amusing.” Make it happen.

Step 1:Make an impression.

5 | Step 1: Make an Impression

Think of capturing an email address as the Meet Cute from your favorite 90’s rom-com. It’s your opportunity to introduce yourself and begin a burgeoning relationship with the consumer in question.

But in a world where consumers, with a quick google search, can access a plethora of identical, over-the-knee, black, leather boots -- where your date could be selecting his next date with a swipe of his thumb during dinner with you -- that first impression is crucial to capturing and holding the attention of both your consumers and potential partners.

Otherwise, what reason do they have for sticking around? The next best thing (if not a better one) is at their fingertips.

So, what should you do?

You have to start by ensuring that initial exchange counts. Think back to those 90s rom-coms and consider why they’re so memorable. You’re not simply watching a guy say, “hey, can I get your number?”. You’re watching an experience unfold−one that us romantics consistently dream of having ourselves.

Maybe the handsome doctor saves the wedding planner from getting hit by a bus (The Wedding Planner). Or maybe the little boy asks for a mom on a radio show (Sleepless in Seattle). Or maybe, just maybe, the beautiful prince comes and wakes her from a cursed slumber with a mere kiss (Snow White).

Regardless of how that experience occurs, it’s always one that does more than ask for something. It becomes an event that provides value to the lives of the participants in question.

So, here’s a piece of advice for my loyalty and revenue-seeking friends out there: stop bribing your consumers. (And to my single ones, if you’re bribing your dates… we should have a separate conversation.)

6 | Step 1: Make an Impression

Sure, you can do what all the other businesses are doing and offer a 25% off coupon in exchange for an email address as soon as she lands on your website. You’ll probably see a serious uptick in email submissions.

But not only are you playing the creepy card (geez, at least give ‘em a chance to get to know you first), but think long term - what’s gonna happen to your unsubscribe rate if you bribe a bunch of people to sign up? Hint: you’ll see another uptick.

Just consider the consequences of PauLeeD asking SuzieQ for her number in exchange for $100. Sure, he might get a number, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that number rang the Rejection Hotline. Even if SuzieQ happens to give her real number, do we really think that’s going to be a lasting relationship? (If it is, it’ll be one where SuzieQ’s interest depends on the number of Benjamins being waved in front of her face.)

So, how do you ensure that your first impression gets you more than a one time purchase (...or a one night stand)?

Take a cue from Prince Charming and make an undeniable first impression. Save the day, save her life−do what you have to do to make sure you, and what you have to offer, sticks.

And, erm, how do you do that?

It boils down to understanding your Pursued and creating an experience that responds to what she’s telling you. She tells you she likes cookies−tell her about the best bakery in the city. She tells you she likes these shoes, do everything you can to make sure she can get them.

So, when you see her reach that product page for a pair of shoes and watch her click through the product images, why not offer her something to motivate her to not only click the add-to-cart button but ensure she provides you with her email address−particularly since prospects typically require multiple sessions to make a first purchase.

7 | Step 1: Make an Impression

Take a look at SuzieQ’s experience:

I know what you might be thinking - isn’t this still bribery? But, no - it’s not.

Think back to PauLeeD. Imagine he was offering cookies in exchange for the phone number of the girl who just walked into the bar. It probably wouldn’t go well.

Now imagine that PauLeeD had a conversation with that same girl, found out that she in fact loves cookies, and asked for her number in order to plan a day to take her to try the best cookies in the city. That would likely end in PauLeeD’s favor.

SuzieQ is interested

SuzieQ is super interested

SuzieQ is really interested

SuzieQ purchases

8 | Step 1: Make an Impression

By assessing the fact that SuzieQ is clearly interested in what they’re offering, WebsiteShoe.com was able to use the email capture experience as the real estate to create an impression-making Meet Cute.

Keep in mind, though, motivating your consumers to take a next step doesn’t always require a discount. After all, Prince Charming won Snow White’s heart with a simple, life-saving kiss. So, simultaneously look for moments of conversion friction - how can you use the email capture real estate to help SuzieQ get what she’s looking for and take the next, most-profitable step?

Let’s take a look at what happens when SuzieQ can’t find her size in the pair of shoes she likes:

SuzieQ is interested

SuzieQ is heartened

SuzieQ is sad

SuzieQ is reengaged

9 | Step 1: Make an Impression

In this case, the value came from the fact that WebsiteShoe.com not only identified and sympathized with SuzieQ’s pain-point, but it simultaneously offered a solution.

So−to bring this full circle: do what you have to do in order to create relevant value in the lives of your Pursued. In doing so, you’ll secure their attention and results will follow.

- Display requited interest: Just as it’s annoying when your date confuses you with the girl he talked to last night, it’s equally frustrating when consumers feel like one of many. Make sure they know you want them by responding to what they’re telling you.

- Create value: In the same way you’re looking for a happy heart (in the form of a wallet), your Pursued is looking for something too. Identify what it is they want or need and do what needs to be done to make sure they have it.

- Follow the next 3 steps: Keep reading.

Quick Recap

Step 1: Make an impression.

10 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

Your consumers and your beloved - they’re no different from an oil-slicked pig. So once you catch ‘em, it’s time to hold on for dear

life (and livelihood).

Step 2:Pursue, pursue, pursue.

11 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

² Prather, Molly. “How to Understand the Chase in Dating.” Dating Tips - Match.com. N.p., 12 Jan. 2017. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

³ “The Rise of Comparison Shopping on Mobile: Which-One’s-Best Moments.” Think with Google. Google, July 2016. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

Okay, so you’ve established that off-site connection (whether outside the website, the app, or the bar - doesn’t matter). You have the email address or the phone number - whatever you need to keep the conversation going.

And that conversation should be completely focused on pursuing your Pursued.

It’s known as the Chase in the dating world, or “Th[e] initial period before a relationship... for [the Pursued] to ignite [the Pursuer’s] interest and be pursued”². The chase represents your opportunity to reinforce and build on that initial impression you created by following the Step 1 strategy.

Personally, I prefer to think of Step 2 as the Oil-Slicked Pig Chase. Visual included because I know many of you probably don’t believe oil-slicked pigs are a thing.

That is to say, particularly initially, with a seemingly infinite list of options for jeans and dates readily accessible today, your Pursued is going to be as slippery as the crisco-covered creature in the photograph. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ve won simply because you made it through Step 1.

Today’s consumers, along with the majority of single people, are always on the lookout for better options and therefore on the verge of escaping your loyalty-demanding clutches. To put it simply, people today are characterized by a serious case of FOMO, for fear of missing out on better alternatives. Brand loyalty has been replaced by the constant quest for the best - “best product, best prices, best reviews”³.

12 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

⁴ Kellyseal. “Nine Ways to Ensure First Date Success.” Dating Sites Reviews. N.p., 2 Jan. 2017. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

So for those of us who don’t wanna be just another option for tomorrow’s dinner or just another place to purchase jeans - those of us who want loyalty in love, life, and retail - what can we do about it?

We can pursue. And pursue. And pursue. (And pursue.)

Think back to PauLeeD. He got SuzieQ’s number after leveraging her love for cookies. But now what? Obviously, a date is in order, but is the next step simply to send SuzieQ a date, location and time? Definitely not.

In a world where SuzieQ could be swiping her way through PauLeeD alternatives at any given moment, it’s crucial for PauLeeD to ensure that he remains top of SuzieQ’s mind at all times. In fact, according to a survey conducted by CoffeeMeetsBagel, the individuals from 37% of successful relationships confirmed they chatted for almost a week prior to the first date, itself.⁴ By creating an ongoing communication channel, PauLeeD is able at least to maintain, if not grow, SuzieQ’s initial interest in him.

But the conversation between you and your consumers should not begin and end when you win over their email address. It also shouldn’t result in the useless “Thanks for signing up email”:

Hi SuzieQ, thank you for registering

at WebsiteShoe.com. Get 15% off

your first purchase when you enter

PROMOCODE at checkout.

Sincerely, WebsiteShoe.com

Thanks for registering


13 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

Just imagine how this would translate to the text conversation between PauLeeD and Suzie Q:

*Cue beginning and end of the relationship.*

Instead, brands should rely on email for reminding their Pursued of why they decided to browse with them in the first place while simultaneously encouraging them to take a next step to move the relationship forward.

Get 15% Offyour favorite boots


Thank you for your number

You are welcome

Shop Now

14 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

In dating, we call this the ‘Getting to know you’ stage. The PauLeeD/SuzieQ version will likely look a little like this:

Of course, the brand-consumer relationship requires slightly more reading-between-lines, considering you’re not actually going to engage in a back and forth email thread with your audience. But the lines are pretty clear - it’s just a matter of looking at how they engage with your emails:

• Did they open it (if not, work on the subject line)

• Did they click on it (if not, work on the content)

• Did they click through and purchase (if not, work on the onsite experience)

And based on your answers to the above questions, you can figure out the next best response - ideally something a little more enticing:

• They didn’t open it > follow up again with a different subject line

• They opened but didn’t click > follow up again with updated content

• They opened, clicked, but didn’t purchase > follow up again and ensure a

motivating onsite experience

So true! Can’t wait :)


This is you at the bakery we’regoing to:

15 | Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue.

So, in reality, your pursuit shouldn’t be a single text or a single email but a series of messages, or a conversation like any other, where every response is based on the previous reaction of your Pursued.

And this chase shouldn’t be limited to the first meet and greet. You should be following up with your consumers regardless of where they are in the conversion funnel and every time they engage with you: after Date #3 -- follow up; after she abandons a category page -- follow up.

After all, if you go silent after a date, how can you expect the relationship to go anywhere?

- Follow up: People today have a wider variety of options than ever before. (Interested in average height Asian males with cooking skills? There are app filters for that. Looking for cropped bell-bottom jeans? There’s a google search for that.) So it’s on you to ensure you remain top of mind - above those alternatives - throughout your pursuit.

- Create conversations: A conversation can’t be one-sided. Neither can a relationship. So, make sure you’re reacting and responding to what your Pursued is telling you to keep them engaged.

- Follow the next 2 steps: Keep reading.

Quick Recap

Step 2: Pursue, pursue, pursue

16 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

It’s ComplicatedRelationship Status:

It’s time to Define The Relationship - they’re either in or they’re out.

Make sure they’re in.

Step 3:The DTR. It has to happen.

Make it convincing.

17 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

At this point, you should be reaping the rewards from following the first 2 steps:

• You’ve captured their attention

• They’re engaging in your pursuit

In fact, you’ve reached the point where you’re spending tons of time together.

SuzieQ is clearly interested in PauLeeD, just like she’s definitely interested in the pair of boots on WebsiteShoe.com. They’ve gone on plenty of dates, just like she’s engaged with a bunch of their emails.

She’s even brought up the notion of going on a trip, just like she added the shoes to cart.

Woah. That’s a big deal. SuzieQ is finally thinking in terms of the future, one that includes PauLeeD and that pair of shoes.

But she still hasn’t officially committed. She hasn’t said it out loud or actually purchased the shoes. For all we know, SuzieQ could still be swiping through alternatives in the bathroom or under the table.

So, now what?

DTR. Define The Relationship. It’s time.

The ‘gray-area’ of relationships, whether for brands or romance-seekers, can be frustrating. And, at some point, you’re going to need clarity with regards to the future of your relationship. But it’s not always quite that simple:

“These talks are so difficult because the stakes are high...At least one member of the couples believes that he or she may have found a lasting, long-term partner.”⁵

⁵ Elejalde-Ruiz, Alexia. “How to define the relationship.” Tribune Digital - Chicago Tribune. Tribune Newspapers, 15 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

18 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

Meanwhile, the Pursued may not [yet] feel the same way.

So, it’s not simply about having a conversation to which the answer is merely either yes - we’re a thing, or no - we’re not. It’s about understanding your Pursued enough that you’re able to convince them that the answer is yes - regardless of what their hesitations may be.

In romance, those hesitations may boil down to a countless number of things - career, FOMO, or age. For consumers - it’s not so different, with FOMO and price driving the most reluctance.

How do you overcome those doubts?

In romance, you adapt, establishing clear methods to accommodate for any fears and alleviate them with time. In retail, you also have to adapt - pulling out all the stops left at your disposal to make sure you win that wallet before anyone else:

Of course, you should be using these tactics throughout steps 1 and 2, as well. And if you implemented them correctly, Defining The Relationship shouldn’t be too painful. But just to make sure we set ourselves up for success, it’s time to pull out the big guns. Particularly considering a returning customer is 9X more likely to make a 2nd purchase⁶, the DTR is key to turning your prospects into repeat purchasers (and your anxiety-creating dating life into a relationship).

Start by maintaining relevancy. If SuzieQ is talking about a trip, then PauLeeD should frame the DTR conversation accordingly:

• Remind ‘em why they liked you in the first place: Don’t let your Pursued

forget why they were originally interested in you or why they’ve stuck around

as long as they have.

• Enforce real value: Make a list of everything that sets you and your products

apart. Make sure your Pursued is aware of it all.

• Establish urgency: People move on just like products sell out. Don’t let your

Pursued think otherwise.

⁶ McEachern, Alex. “Repeat Customers are Profitable! Stats to Prove it.” Sweet Tooth . N.p., 20 Oct. 2016. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.

19 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

Likewise, brands should make sure their consumers know what they’ve just left behind.

SuzieQ, a trip would be great!

Yeah! Where should we go?

Well, before we start planning - let’s make sure we’re on the same page ...

Order IncompleteWe reserved your cart


See My Cart

20 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

But if that relevance doesn’t cut it, follow up with more value. For PauLeeD, this means responding to SuzieQ’s concerns.

For brands, it means adding more incentive.

Well, I like you - but I should really focus on my career


You can do both. In fact, I can help you

Get 15% offyour reserved cart


Get 15% Off

21 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

With a little more value, you’ll see your Pursued start to come around to the idea of a relationship. BUT, if that still doesn’t cut it - make sure your Pursued knows what’s at stake.

PauLeeD simply has to lay his cards on the table:

And brands should follow in suit:

15% Off Your BootsExpires Tonight


Get Now

Look here’s the deal. If you’re

not interested, it’s fine.

Just let me know

No, wait! I am interested!

22 | Step 3: The DTR. It has to happen. Make it convincing.

After all, at this point, you know your Pursued is interested. It’s just a matter of convincing them to take that next step.

And if they don’t take the plunge? Just like your mom would say - they’re not worth your time and attention anyway. Refocus your energies toward those who are showing interest.

- Define the relationship: You’ll eventually reach the point where you’re sure your Pursued is interested - it’s just a matter of convincing them to take the next step.

- Pull out all the stops: This is your moment to establish the relationship - so make sure you use all the strategies and resources at your disposal to make it happen.

- Follow the next step: Sure, you’ve established relationship status. But it doesn’t end there. Keep reading.

Quick Recap

Step 3: Make it convincing.

23 | Step 4: It’s still not over. Maintain, maintain, maintain.

You know what they say… it’s not over ‘til the fat lady sings. Or, in this case, ‘til you’re no longer in a


Step 4:It’s still not over.

Maintain, maintain, maintain.

Monday: Bake cookiesTuesday: Bring flowers

Wednesday: Cook dinnerThursday: [Break]

Friday: Date nightSaturday: Take her to brunch

Sunday: Snuggle

TO-DO for SuzieQ

24 | Step 4: It’s still not over. Maintain, maintain, maintain.

A congratulations is in order. You caught the greased pig and have successfully ‘D-T’d’ your ‘R’.

You’ve done your due diligence and, just like that, you’re in a relationship.

And now, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the relationship ride. Right?

Wrong. Ever so wrong. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, relationships require real and continued effort.

In romance, this means doing more than spending your days in ‘Netflix & chill’ mode. It means a grand gesture every once in awhile and an active attempt at maintaining the romance from the initial ‘honeymoon phase’. While PauLeeD may no longer need to ensnare SuzieQ’s heart with a new cookie flavor at the end of every date, he can still bring her cookies to try on occasion - a simple gesture.

In retail, maintenance means continuing the chase. While the same level of aggression is no longer necessary, it’s important to keep those conversations flowing. Now that you’ve gotten the first purchase, it’s a matter of reminding them why they should purchase again.

Hey babe, brought you something

The cookie we tried on our first date


25 | Step 4: It’s still not over. Maintain, maintain, maintain.

Email becomes your continued channel for communication - to keep SuzieQ apprised of WebsiteShoe.com’s selection - in addition to ensuring she remains engaged.

Remember, you may have established your relationship, but that doesn’t mean all those options (for partner and boot alternatives) are any less existent. Keep ‘em at bay, however, by using email to remain top of mind, heart, and wallet (one leads to the other, after all).

Thanks for your purchase

These socks would look great with your boots:

Order Details: Ship to SuzieQ

123 SuzieQ Lane, NY, NY, 12345


Check ‘em out

- Do just that.

Quick RecapStep 4: Maintain, maintain, maintain.

26 | Conclusion

So, let’s conclude with this:

People today have more options in all things love, life and retail than ever before. And those options are easily tapped (literally and figuratively) at a moment’s notice.

As a result, Forbes has forewarned the death of loyalty:“In the old world, loyalty was good and something we aspired to give and receive across all aspects of life… but generational experiences have made sticking with “tried and true” a sucker bet.”⁷

But that’s just not true.

Yes, people, consumers, have access to a wider variety of just about everything than ever known to man. But they also have higher expectations. They don’t want to settle for any less than the best. (And why should they?)

But those expectations are not the harbinger of the death of loyalty. Instead, they simply imply the need for brands and relationship-seekers to up their game - to demand nothing less than loyalty by ensuring their Pursued doesn’t have better options.

How do you do that?

Those of you looking for love call it romance.

We call it Behavioral Marketing. And it’s your sure-fire way to ensuring your consumers don’t think of you as just another option for that pair of boots, or just another subject line in their promotions tab.

⁷ Kusek, Kathleen. “The Death Of Brand Loyalty: Cultural Shifts Mean It’s Gone Forever.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 15 Sept. 2016. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.


27 | Conclusion

The End.

And they lived happily ever after.

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30 |

A B O U T T H I S G U I D E4 Steps to Boosting Your Email Marketing Strategy(And Your Dating Life)


Ryan Urban CEO, BounceX CONTRIBUTORS: Mili Mehta

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Steve Dong Product Manager, BounceX

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Julia Spano Senior Director of Marketing Partnerships, BounceX

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