Disturbing Trend for Millennial Generation in Indonesia


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5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 1/6

The Summary of Survey Result: Disturbing Trend for Millennial




Grid, Total Respondents : 500

JakPat AppLeading mobile market research in indonesia

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 199 39.8 %

2 moderate difficult to deal with 136 27.2 %

Option : family problem

netral (39.8%)

moderate difficult to deal with (27.2%)

moderate easy to deal with (16.2%)

very difficult to deal with (9.4%)

very easy to deal with (7.4%)

5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 2/6

3 moderate easy to deal with 81 16.2 %

4 very difficult to deal with 47 9.4 %

5 very easy to deal with 37 7.4 %

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 226 45.2 %

2 moderate easy to deal with 120 24 %

3 moderate difficult to deal with 96 19.2 %

4 very difficult to deal with 31 6.2 %

Option : illness

netral (45.2%)

moderate easy to deal with (24%)

moderate difficult to deal with (19.2%)

very difficult to deal with (6.2%)

very easy to deal with (5.4%)

5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 3/6

5 very easy to deal with 27 5.4 %

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 182 36.4 %

2 moderate difficult to deal with 154 30.8 %

3 moderate easy to deal with 70 14 %

4 very difficult to deal with 61 12.2 %

5 very easy to deal with 33 6.6 %

Option : problem relating to your passion (may be related to work or study)

netral (36.4%)

moderate difficult to deal with (30.8%)

moderate easy to deal with (14%)

very difficult to deal with (12.2%)

very easy to deal with (6.6%)

5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 4/6

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 190 38 %

2 moderate difficult to deal with 101 20.2 %

3 moderate easy to deal with 80 16 %

4 very difficult to deal with 75 15 %

5 very easy to deal with 54 10.8 %

Option : exam failure

netral (38%)

moderate difficult to deal with (20.2%)

moderate easy to deal with (16%)

very difficult to deal with (15%)

very easy to deal with (10.8%)

5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 5/6

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 211 42.2 %

2 moderate difficult to deal with 115 23 %

3 moderate easy to deal with 84 16.8 %

4 very difficult to deal with 51 10.2 %

5 very easy to deal with 39 7.8 %

Option : relationship problem (with your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend)

netral (42.2%)

moderate difficult to deal with (23%)

moderate easy to deal with (16.8%)

very difficult to deal with (10.2%)

very easy to deal with (7.8%)

Option : friendship problem

5/6/2015 Survey Result by JakPat ­ Leading mobile market research in Indonesia

http://jakpat.net/survey/detail/1751 6/6

# Grid Total Answer Percentage

1 netral 228 45.6 %

2 moderate easy to deal with 120 24 %

3 moderate difficult to deal with 81 16.2 %

4 very easy to deal with 40 8 %

5 very difficult to deal with 31 6.2 %

netral (45.6%)

moderate easy to deal with (24%)

moderate difficult to deal with (16.2%)

very easy to deal with (8%)

very difficult to deal with (6.2%)
