The 80:20 of Product Features: Using Analytics to Discover What Your Users Really Need


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The 80/20 of Product Features

Using Analytics to Discover What Your Users Really Need

The Pareto Principle

• 80/20 Rule

• law of the vital few and the trivial many

• principle of factor sparsity


“The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from

20% of the causes.”

80% of project politics come from 20% of the stakeholders

80% of work is completed by 20% of your team

80% of sales comes from 20% of your products

80% of sales come from 20% of your clients


• 80% of software problems are caused by 20% of bugs

• 80% of customers only use 20% of the features

Mobile App - Personal Health

Mobile App - Religion

Mobile App - Healthcare

Mobile App - Celeb News

Introduction to Analytics

– Wikipedia

“Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns of


– Wikipedia

“Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns of


“We must be cautious, that as we search for an epiphany within our data, that an

apophany we do not create.”

“Correlation does not imply causation.”

“data, like any evidence, is subject to interpretation based on beliefs and


“Analytics, most often, are used to read affirmative data points. But what can we learn

from absent data?”

What about the folks that didn’t visit our site?

What about the folks that didn’t download our app?

What about the API call that never succeeded?

What about the button that was never clicked?

What about the button that is only ever half clicked?

What about the menu options never chosen?

Gathering Data

#1 Grab Early

#2 Grab Everything

#3 Grab More

