WAW Houston presentation- Sunny Taj


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What Is Web Analytics

“ Web Analytics is the measurement,

collection, analysis and reporting of web

data for the purposes of understanding and

optimizing Web usage.”

- Industry Standard Definition

Visitor Behavior

Why Web Analytics??

Better understanding of your online business.

Helps identify your prospects.

Better communication with your customers.

Increase in conversions / revenue.

It can only make you better.

History Of Web Analytics

Offline -> Online

• Radio: Before & after data helps

measure impact of ads by city.

• Unique redeemable online codes provided in taxi cabs.

Online -> Offline

Use membership cards to tie online and offline

purchase behavior.

Tie online purchasers with later offline purchases

(say in the following 45 days).

Track Offline Conversions From Your Online


Web Analytics Process

What Can Be Measured

How people arrive at a


How they navigate a website.

How they left.

How they find information on a


How they value website


How they respond to

alternative offers.

How they react to email or

search marketing.

How they interact with the

online buying process.

How We Tracked

How We Track

Analytics Framework

Business Objective

No numbers…Just a sentence.


What measures success.


Know your users and have the ability to identify between prospects and customers.


Present meaningful data, analysis, actionable insights.

Let’s Begin!!!!


What to report.

Identifying Actionable


Presenting the value

of analytics.



Good KPIs and D.U.M.B


A well designed business

case for advanced


Suggestions based on

findings for stakeholders.

D.U.M.B Objectives

D: Doable

Are you capable of accomplishing the goal?

U: Understandable Challenge

Are the objectives clear to all stakeholders?

M: Manageable Challenge

Do we have resources in place, and time to achieve?

B: Beneficial Challenge

Given the other D.U.M requirements, will this be worth our time?

Key Performance Indicators


1. Revenue

2. Orders

3. Conversion Rate (Orders/Visitors)

4. Average Order Value (Revenue/Orders)

5. Revenue per Visit

6. Average Selling Price (Revenue/Units)

7. Units per Transaction (Units/Orders)

Key Performance Indicators



1. Unique Visitors

2. Page Views, Video Starts, & Mobile Views

3. Page/Video/Mobile Views per Visit

4. Registration Rate (Registrations/Visits)

5. Video Consumption Rate (Video Starts/Visits)

6. Visits per Visitor (Visits/Visitors)

Key Performance Indicators


Financial Services:

1. Total Application Submissions

2. Application Completion Rate

3. Application Conversion Rate

4. Self-Service Transaction Completions

5. Self-Service Cost Savings (Call-center cost – Online cost) * Transaction Completions

Key Performance Indicators


1. Number of Leads

2. Inquiries/Leads

3. Inquiry Conversion Rate (Inquiry Completions/Visits)

4. Cost per Inquiry/Lead (Acquisition cost/Leads)

5. Form Completion Rate (Inquiry Completions/Inquiry Starts)

6. Micro-conversions (Path Analysis)

Macro & Micro Conversion

Identify all task on site and identify its


Conversion rate is all about


What To Measure

A small business can concentrate on Clicksteams ,

KPIs and Surveys.

A medium size business can concentrate on KPI’s,

Clicksteams, Surveys and Testing.

A large business can concentrate on Surveys, KPI’s,

Clicksteams, Testing and Competitive Intelligence.

Examples Of Metrics



Unique Page Views


Bounce Rate

Time Spent on Site/Page

Goal Completions

Custom Events

Button Clicks


Video Views





• Acquisition

• What drives traffic to your site?

• Behavior

• What people do on your site?

• Outcome

• What are you trying to achieve?

Process Of Segmentation

Ask the right question. What matters most to the


Create ‘A’ segment.

Create relevant reports to measure KPIs.

Provide Actionable Insights and ACT UPON IT!!!

Voice Of Customer

“Knowable” vs. “Doable” Biggest Surveying Mistake: Focusing on what you want to know, not what you can action.

Primary Purpose:

Why Are You Here?

Task Completion: Were You Able To Complete Your Task?

Open Text VOC: Why Not?

Presenting DataTell a story with meaning to your data.

Have a strong start where you establish a clear direction with a desired outcome.

Manage your time effectively and cover your content in the allocated time, but also leave

time for discussions.

Flexibility is key when presenting. Focus on their interest and not yours.

Have data to backup your hypothesis.

Avoid Noise.

Don’t fall in a rabbit hole.

Know you audience and deliver in a manner which makes sense to them and they are

comfortable throughout the presentation.

Keep it simple….To the point & SIMPLE!!

Go Prepared!

Share the ROI since that is ONLY what they are interested in.

Location Based Analytics

Eliminate NOISE!!

ROI For Campaigns

Did I Miss The Target?

Story Telling

Once Upon A Time…

Overcome Not Provided

Seeing Is Believing.

Multi Channel Funneling

So where else did they come from?

Lead Generation

• Strong CTA.

• Limit the number of fields.

• Provide options.


Google Analytics (Premium or Free)

Adobe Site Catalyst



Google Webmaster Tools

Google Adwords

Tag Management Tool (Tealium, Google Tag Manager, Adobe Suite..etc)

Future of Analytics

Predictive Analysis.

Mobile and Tablet.

Geo Targeted – Location Based Marketing.

Interactive Content Marketing.


Social Media.


Words Of Wisdom

“Don’t let your campaigns write checks that your website can’t cash” – Avinash Kaushik


Avinash Kaushik. (www.kaushik.net)

Adobe knowledge base.


Thank You & Now Its Your


Sunny Taj



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sunny-taj-
