2 Reasons why you lose a prospect

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1. Winning Web Visitor Experience There are only 2 reasons why you lose a sale Friday, 28 June 13 2. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Not the decision maker. Didnt understand what the customer wanted. Customer is already Locked-in. Bad fit. Competitor-customer relationship is strong. Not true you say .... there are lots of reasons!!! Friday, 28 June 13 3. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk No opportunity in the first place. Fail to understand their motivation. Customer didnt understand value proposition. Budget too small. Were too expensive. Not true you say .... there are lots of reasons!!! Friday, 28 June 13 4. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk No reference for that type of customer. Approval by stakeholder. The customer just doesnt get it even though they need it. The competitor wrote the RFP! (Request For Proposal) We dont have function X. Not true you say .... there are lots of reasons!!! Friday, 28 June 13 5. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk When you dig deeper, the truth is there are just 2 reasons Friday, 28 June 13 6. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk REASON ONE: You should not have been there in the first place Friday, 28 June 13 7. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Getting out there and batting more dont help when there isnt a deal to be had in the first place. Friday, 28 June 13 8. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk REASON TWO: You were outsold Friday, 28 June 13 9. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Customer You Competitor Relationship We focus on this but we are not outsold by our customer! We forget about these Friday, 28 June 13 10. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk WHEN you were outsold is more revealing than how. Your sales timeline Friday, 28 June 13 11. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk If you are a small business, more often than not, you were outsold here Right at the start !! Friday, 28 June 13 12. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk You are outsold from the start . Not by your competitors , but by the Friday, 28 June 13 13. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the TRAITOR moves among those WITHIN THE GATE freely. The traitor WORKS SECRETLY and unknown in the night TO UNDERMINE the pillars of a city. Marcus Tullius Cicero Roman Statesman, 45 B.C. Friday, 28 June 13 14. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk This is your TRAITOR or the Enemy Within YOUR WEBSITE Friday, 28 June 13 15. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk All roads lead to your GATE YOUR WEBSITE Friday, 28 June 13 16. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk This is why your website is a traitor and betrays you. Friday, 28 June 13 17. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk The LACK OF THESE on your website DE-MOTIVATES your visitors Friday, 28 June 13 18. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Their PRESENCE DONT MOTIVATE your visitors However Friday, 28 June 13 19. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Theres a subtle Difference between Motivators and De-motivators (hygiene factors) Friday, 28 June 13 20. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk THIS is what motivates your visitors to buy Friday, 28 June 13 21. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk When is a web design not a design? Friday, 28 June 13 22. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk When it doesnt solve a problem! Friday, 28 June 13 23. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Design isnt just about what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works and performs. Friday, 28 June 13 24. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Great design works beautifully and efficiently in SOLVING A PROBLEM Friday, 28 June 13 25. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk What was the PRIMARY BUSINESS PROBLEM your website was suppose to solve? Friday, 28 June 13 26. www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk + SOLVE A PROBLEM If your website only does this, then you dont have a DESIGNED website = Web Design Friday, 28 June 13 27. Download our free eBook 49 questions for a cost effective User Experience make-over www.bramhall-premier-webdesigns.co.uk Friday, 28 June 13
