5 questions to ask while hiring a mobile application developer

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5 Questions to Ask While Hiring a Mobile Application Developer

Devices such as tablets and smart phones are where you can find your consumers these days. Most of the Smartphone users use retail or shopping apps at least once a month. And, your app can be one of those.

For developing a good mobile app that enables purchase of your products, or lets people access product reviews, coupons or videos, you will need to hire an experienced app developer who can custom build your app for you.

Following are the 5 important questions that you need to ask mobile application developers, before hiring the right one for the job:

1. Where can I find the previous apps you’ve developed?Qualified app developers will be eager to provide you with the details about the apps they have created, or have had a major role in developing, along with the links to each in Apple’s iOS App Store, Google Play, BlackBerry App World, or Google’s Android app store. That way you will have a better understanding about their skills for the job.

2. May I have information about your current and past clients?There’s exactly no way of knowing who actually developed an app. This is why communicating directly with a candidate’s current and former clients are important to confirm whether the developer actually created the apps that he claims to have worked on.

3. What smartphone are you using?Answer to this question can give an insight about how knowledgeable a candidate is about a particular mobile platform. The developer should have an iPhone, if he says that he can build an app for an iPhone. Mobile application development services should be playing with the apps that they are building.

4. How can an app make money?If your main objective is generating revenue with your app, the developer should be aware of exactly how to build features that will enable you to make money. You can choose pay-per-download revenue model that charges according to the number of features that your app offers.

5. How do you communicate during the development process?The quality of your app usually depends on how often and clearly you communicate about every detail and requirement of the app, all through the development process. Does the developer chat in person or through phone, instant message, Skype or email, and how frequently?

Other methods of communication can be project and task management systems.