Art Wars: Design as a force for good

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Design as a Force for Good in any Organization

I. How to land a job

II. How to level up

III. When to to jump ship

IV. Freelance Bounty Hunting

V. Design Agency Jedi

VI. Going In-house with the Evil Empire

Let’s get started

Tailoring your application

One page each (seriously)

Customized for the company/position

Online portfolio & work samples

Action and outcome oriented statements

Have a friend proofread!

Nailing the interview(s)

Show up early

Dress like you want the job

Assume they want to hire you

Show energy, passion and interest

Sell, but don’t bullshit

Jedi Mind Trick:

Mirror body language

Ask thoughtful questions

Illustrate a process on the whiteboard

Your first job might suck

Here’s how to Level Up

First Order of business:

Master your current role.

Realistically: 1-2 years

Promotions aren’t automatic

You’ll be promoted when you:

Have a record of success

Bring new ideas to the team

Improve the process, not just the work

Could get hired in that role elsewhere






Jedi Mind Trick:

Ask for advice, don’t wait for permission

Solicit feedback early & often

Don’t undersell your accomplishments

Your first review always goes well. Why?

Expect 3-5% raises annually

Title change ~ 10-15% raise

To make more, you might have to quit

Consider total cost of living if you move

When to jump ship

No hope for new ideas.Constantly doing the same thing, but harder.

Unpredictable jobrequirements and frequent processchanges.

Management seems unstable

Design is an afterthought

Everything is on fire

“He wanted you to have it...”*

You are an experience designer


Industrial Design

Packaging & Display

Print & Advertising

Web, App & Interactive Design

Win-win problem solving

User Goals Business GoalsXD

“This party’s over!” - Mace Windu

Designers havemany tools.

But the process is what gets results.


Understand your users and their goals.

Engage Connect

Show how your solution is a good fit.

Engage Connect Convert

Eliminate friction and close the deal.

Engage Connect Convert Inspire

Turn customers into friends with benefits.

Engage Connect Convert Inspire

Experience design builds relationships.

Freelance Bounty Hunting

Sell the opportunity to work with YOU

Develop a broad set of skills

Keep what you earn (but pay your taxes)

Work on your schedule

*No disintegrations

There are some downsides

Half your time is spent on “admin” work

Clients don’t know what they want

Their nephew will do it cheaper

You become support for everything

Health insurance is expensive...

Proposal templates for common jobs

Document deliverables and timelines

Bid at least $50/hr to cover overhead

Discount your rate, not your time

Your #1 job is getting paid

Jedi Mind Trick:

“I believe in what you’re doing, and want to be a part of it.”

“I understand your customers because I am one.”

“I think there’s an untapped market here.”

Design Agency Jedi

High-concept vision and creativity

Fast-paced and competitive

Clients want special and unique

Tell a story - Make it personal

Create a “composite character” (or several)

Give them hopes, dreams, fears…

What keeps them up at night?

How does your solution meet their needs?

Jedi Mind Tricks:

Keep an organized archive of inspiration

Conduct hallway usability testing

Design for “less than ideal” content

Don’t get cocky – expect many revisions

In-house doesn’t have to suck

You have to learn some new tricks

Employees are often more concerned with not screwing up than trying new things.

Management understands this, but is all to often a part of the problem.

What’s a HIPPO?

Highest-Paid Person's Opinion

Change? Prepare for a battle.

Identify current User Experience problems

Conduct formal user tests

Review user flows for friction

Develop prototype solutions

Conduct A/B testing (limit risk)

Are we serving the needs of mobile users?

Do we compare well with our competitors?

Can we engage users with new features?

Link small projects as a part of a “program”

Share what you’ve learned

Always have a next step in mind

Don’t waste momentum

Update stakeholders & share credit

They see me rollin’

Millennials face serious challenges with student loans, housing costs, job market…

But there’s good companies out there and good people who want to hire you.

Bring a positive attitude, a sense of ownership, and your creativity

And we’ll rule the galaxy...or at least build something cool.

Thank You!Steve
