“As Soon As I’ve Checked My Emails”- Why Artists Procrastinate

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Many procrastinators think they’re just being lazy. Nothing can be further from the truth. Procrastinators are prepared to work harder than anyone on just about anything they’re not supposed to be doing.

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“As Soon As I’ve Checked My Emails”Why Artists Procrastinate

Let’s start with the funniest, most accurate description of procrastination ever:

(Taken from “Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack adventure”)

We’ve all been there.Every artist in the world knows this to be true.

We’ve all been there.

some of us quite frequently...

Every artist in the world knows this to be true.

How come we find these stupid excuses not to do what we’ve chosen to do?

In fact, you’re probably doing it in spite of skeptical friends and family.

And yet, here you are looking at yet another cat video on Facebook.

And yet, here you are looking at yet another cat video on Facebook.

But why?

Procrastinators are prepared to work harder than anyone.

On just about anything they’re not

supposed to be doing.

building civilizations or wiping entire squads of virtual enemies.

They will diligently search for the funniest content on the web.

They’ll watch bad films all the way to their disappointing ending.

In short, procrastinators will take on anything…

As long as it’s completely unimportant.

Procrastination is not the problem.

Procrastination is a symptom.

Ironically, it’s exactly because something is important to you,

Ironically, it’s exactly because something is important to you,

That you tend to want to get away from it.

Ironically, it’s exactly because something is important to you.

You simply care too much to take the risk of doing something wrong.

That you tend to want to get away from it.

So you procrastinate.

Which is simply another name for doing something you can’t fail at.

Procrastination is a symptom.

Fear of failure is the problem.

If this is true,

then a good solution for procrastination

must somehow take the sting out of


Such a solution exists.

It’s called having a structured creative process.

And whether they’re aware of it or not -

All successful artists have one.

The details vary, but it always includes procedures that turn an intimidating creative challenge into a series of trivial exercises.

Each allowing failure without harming the work.

(indeed, some of them are even meant to fail).
