Design and Function. A 2012 portfolio by Aliza Carillo

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Design and Functiona portfolio


Aliza V.








industrial design. concepts

Minimalist Study Lamp

industrial design. concepts

Convenient Bed

This convenient bed has to push and pull side tables that can be used either one table or both. We are not all blessed with great bedroom space, this bed

I conceptualized is suitable with most of us who want flexiblity, conveni-ence, chic and innovative style perfect for people who opt for an edgy yet

simplistic design.

industrial design. concepts

Fence Chairs

Everybody loves summer. And summer is all about fun, enjoyment and colors! This foldable Fence Chair fits the mood of vacation when people are jumping place from one place to another. Not only it is lightweight,

durable and stylistic, it does mimic the happy colors of summer!

industrial design. concepts

Rage Against Ants Food Holder

Ants are pests. We all hate it when our food is being eaten by these fast moving insects. Sometimes, we do not want our just eaten food to refrigerator especially when it will be eaten after an hour or so. The problem is solved! This food holder features 5 detachable spaceous containers that will not surely be pested by ants. The base has deep canal for water that is really a rage

against ants.

industrial design. concepts

Artist’s Table

The main problem of an artist while doing an artwork is mess. The pens, coloed pencils, papers are essential from the drafting process up

to finalization. This table is fits the artist’s life. It consists of two cyl-inders. The longer one serves as paper holder and the other one hold pens and other coloring materials. This minimalistic and lightweight

table can easily be moved from one place to another as artists want dif-ferent types of environment based on their mood and art.

industrial design. concepts

Revolutionized Bayong

Green Marketing is here and will stay for a long a time. Our world is rapidly chang-ing or hence detiorating and our buying lifestyle is greatly affected by this factor. Plastic bags are preceded by paper bags. And paper bags are not so earth friendly

and contribute much to wreckage of our world. One of the answers I see is the con-cept of bayong. The bayong we long forgotten and was used by our grandparents

industrial design. concepts

may revive its usage. Made of our own raw materials such as abaca or lily that is very Filipino, there are four resusable plastic containers that are divided into five compart-ments. The uppermost containers will hold toiletries and other cleaning materials, the

second layer is for breads, pastas, vegetables and other perishable foods. The third layer is for canned goods and other sealed materials, and the last container is for wet products

industrial design. concepts

visual merchandising design. concepts

Versatile Boutique

visual merchandising design. concept

Plant-y House

architectural/interior design. concept

architectural/interior design. concept

architectural/interior design. concept

architectural/interior design. concept