Hard to Believe – PCB Cons

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Hard to Believe – PCB Cons

The brain of a device, the most essential piece, the component that allows functionality are all the titles that we all are aware of when it comes to Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). It is a testament to the importance of all the mentioned honours above that a Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) is actually all of those things combined and then some. That cannot be said about many things in this world. A printed circuit board is an actual board that is found in electronic devices from the smallest to the largest, from the simplest to the most complicated. PCB assembly, PCB layout engineering and PCB layout design is one of the biggest markets of the world today. There is not a company present in the world today that makes electronics that has not made use or implemented PCB assembly, PCB layout engineering and PCB layout design services at some point in their product development. Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are made of relatively easily in today’s market as compared to when they first became popular in the 1940s. In the most absolute basic terms the process of creating Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) can be defined as the addition of layers of copper onto a substrate made board on which wires and connections are etched. These are very cost effective and useful. As the entire company sings the praise of these multibillion dollar components, believe it or not there are some cons related to Printed Circuit Boards (PCB).


One Time Use: ThePrinted Circuit Boards (PCB) are designed and meant to be used for single time online. If a person decides to use a different type of circuit then the board will have to be redesigned.

Harmful to the Environment: The process that is used for the etching process of the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) makes use of highly dangerous and environmental unfriendly chemicals.

No Upgrading: Once the board has been printed and created by the computer, it is impossible to go back and make any changes. If changes are necessary than it requires the entire design to be revaluated and redesigned which can be very cost ineffective and a nuisance.

Hard to Believe – PCB Cons

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PCB assembly, PCB layout, PCB layout design

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