Ikea's Portfolio 2012 05

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ikea's portfolio 2012 05 version

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PortfolioYi-Chia Lee


0o. Brief Biography

02. CompititionCompitition cooperation

03.Egg Espresso &Coffee EggCoffee Maker Design

04. Save the lightElectricity piggy bank

05. i miss i pray愛,慎宗

01. Trans BoardCompitition cooperation

06. Steping WorkHealth Manage

07. Material CubeingBasic Design assignment

08. Sculpture WorkBasic Design assignment

09. Camera ExplodedBasic Design assignment

10. Touch FutureInteraction Design

11. Ikea Doll & Sweetie WorldIllustration Imagination

00. Brief Biography

I consider myself growing in a multi-culture environment, which made me open-mind, and easily to embrace different culture. Before 6 years old, I spent my childhood in Logan, Utah with my father who was a Ph.D. student in USU. Retrospect to my childhood, the things I impressed most is the education I has taken, which full of varied activities of learning. It was no fear to be different! And we should be proud of our difference. However in Taiwan, we emphasize on group harmony. These are two very different points of view. I am always learning to balance both of them by making myself outstanding but with a humble attitude. The most important is “always to be joy to share things with others”.

李宜家Yi-chia Lee1988.02.08

2011-presentIndustrial Design, National Cheng Kung University2006-2011Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University








Born in Logan, Utah

to Kaohsiung Taiwan

very frist science project started.

Finalist to 2003 Taiwan National Science Fair

Finalist to 2005 Taiwan National Science Fair

Wesley Grils’High School(Boarding school.)

Graduated from Sun Yat-sen University Department of Electrical Engineering

event timeline

01. Trans BoardGold prize, 育秀盃 2012


All kinds of creative has been digitalize, product of digital authoring tools such as Wacom appeared. However, these days people live in a high mobility, but these tools are external expansion by usb port, bulky and not easy to carry with. So we came out with idea of “if the tools are built in loptops?”.

TransBoaed applies Magnetostrictive material, which allows keyboard Change the form with the application. The top layer is made by plasma ,so the keybord can change the color or language of buttons.

Magnetostrictive material




Operating animation

presentation and video

scenariovideo link: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ysed-ysed/article?mid=472&prev=477&next=468

Problems and Solution

Presentation and video


02. CompititionCompitition Cooperation


Before I came to NCKU ID, I tried to attend some competition. Then I realize it is hard to achieve a good design on my own, so at the beginning of the first semester, I asked two classmates to join competitions.

We designed five pieces of work for two competitions, and there was three pieces making through the second round. In the end, “TransBoad” achieve the Gold Prize. Concluded all the process , I believe A Good Design needs discussions over and over again, and when you do it alone you might stuck at one sight of view.

process of compitition

There were three designs passed first round.Each of us produce one video for the second round.

iF Concept


Find Partners

Make a List of competitions,And decide which to participate.






Infinite I/O



Infinite I/O

We decided to submit 3 designs for each competition.Each of us in charge of two concept designs.

concept discussion with the theme.Moving


Trans BoardGold prize

03.Egg Espresso & Coffee EggEspresso experiment

Espresso Capsule coffee machine offers coffee capsules, and there is no need to clean the coffee machine, it provides a coffee experience with fast and convenient. However, the price of coffee capsule is high, and its packaging is unnecessary waste. With Egg Espresso &Coffee Egg, we only need to buy general coffee powder, and place then into coffee egg which is reusable, while reducing the cost and time to enjoy espresso. Meanwhile, the machines and Capsule are egg-shaped design, the fun of a Russian doll.

First version design


Silica gel pore allows

hot coffee pass through.

Water tank

coffee powder

04. Save the lightpiggy bank +solor charge

Cutting costs(開源節流) have been a financial spirit of Chinese culture, but also a grateful attitude for the care of resources .SAVE THE LIGHT is inspired from the concept of piggy bank and solar energy storage. Moreover it is a spirit of to SAVE our world from Resource depletion.

solar coin

When the “SAVE THE LIGHT” has absorbed the energy of solar coin, it will send the coin out so we can use it again.

charge the power to the 3A battery

when 3A battery is cgarged, it will come out, and the ligh becomes red.

solar coin

When the power is not full yet.

Once a solar coin put into , it will show how much power increased.

When the 3A battery is full charged.

05. i miss i pray愛, 慎宗

In the time of metropolis, life is crowded but lonely.Lifestyle of precarious operation of campers, full of high pressure and interpersonal alienation, so a person is easy to feel lonely, then we often need to rely on relatives. Sacrificial is spiritual sustenance to our blood relatives who passed away, and also reminds us to cherish the living ones. In Taiwan, ancestor worship activities are often the most common way of family reunion. This makes ancestor worship not only a Religious activity but our unique lifestyle.

神祖牌位 觸控平板+



This design is for rent alone, busy lives, and less gathering with family and friends. It is also for Taiwan's culture and lifestyle. it is difficult for us to directly express our emotion to whom we love, but the easiest to say when we pray to the ancestors, seek the peace of the other family members also seek peace of mind, which is the unique way we express our love.













1 2 3


1. 傳統祖先牌位模式2. 顯示日曆,農民曆內容,及重要家族節日3. 特定故人祭拜模式

06. Steping Workoffice with LOHAS

System of job responsibility makes our lives always stuck at the office (for graduate students, it’s in the laboratory),and sitting down for 8-12 hours which makes the back and leg muscle stiffness. When the work ends, there is no energy for us to do any activities such as exercise. This vicious cycle is likely to cause chronic diseases, as well as work lethargic. But if it is allowed to do few simple stretching without affecting the office, not only stretching muscles ,but also a moment's activity let us work more efficiently.


The surface of the sheet metal ring can always measure the percentage of body fat, making health management mobilization.

show the body fat.

conecting with hands or feet

to measure the fat.

Made by silicones and springs inside

Allows for stepping movements in the office

hand size.

07. Material CubeBasic Design Couse

Cubes from whole class

This spring (2012), I take a course called basic design. The main topic of this semester is about learning how to deal with material. Painters paint with pigments, Writers paint with sentences, and Designers paint with material. The teacher leads us recover our world, which means the world is always new to us, and we should always look it with opened mind.







1 2


1. 底片

2. 榕樹氣根

3. 金沙包裝紙

4. 貓毛

5. 茶葉

6. 橡膠手套

7. 白膠

8. 花瓣

9. 花瓣




08. Sculpture WorkBasic Design Couse

The requirements of good works(Designs)1. Clean and Clear2. Has a certain direction (not messy)3. With Sense of dynamics, Tension

During this course I learn about that we must stay focus to a single idea when we get one. It often that in the middle of working there is a new idea pop out making us change the direction. If we do a work with two ideas, the result won’t be clear but messy. We have to be careful when dealing with all the ideas.



09. Camera Exploded

This assignment is to understand the product, first to draw up the exploded diagram, and then reassemble all parts to make this work with dynamic sense.

Basic Design Couse

Because I like to film photography, I took a Disposable Camera to deconstruct, and then discharge a fan of the ladder. I cut apart the back cover so the film can go through it, emphasizing the structure. The gear part to stay with their relative position, and pulled out high to make it obvious.

10. Touch FutureInteraction Design

NCKU ICID2011 Creative Digital DesignHuman City Exhibition


蔡宗瑋宋俊恩林珈含Dulce Andino




I was responsible for:Technology implement & Interface

?Hai-an Road is a historical rode in Tainan City, however, the view has been destroyed after the government expend it though there is many arties trying to decorate it by houses beneath Hai-an Road and attempting to Create a scenario of a street of Fin Art Museum but with beer house and coffee shop next door, a freak view has brought out.

Render & Actual works

Views & Idea

User can easily replace the “image”.Then, the Scenarios will change.

Interface Design

Interaction process

move plantform

select element(touch sensor)


Array MUX

Play Video

Video over

Clear Data


five elements


Technology implement

Photo of process

RFID Reader & RFID Tag Touch Sensor & I/O board Flash Action Scripts 3.0

11. Ikea Doll & Sweetie WorldIllustration Imagination

IKEA Doll, a character represents me. She is a little bit lousy, sometimes out of the situation, but cute of course!

Beasty CHIA, represents my boyfriend. He looks tough but very kind to people.(面惡心善)And he always stays with IKEA Doll.

I have a lot of dolls, most of them are bunnies, and we imagine they are from a world we call Sweetie World. This little fancy world becomes my main topic of drawing and film photography.

CertificateYi-Chia Lee

Gold Prize育秀盃創意獎

Toeic 680

WorkshopSoutheast Asia Internation Design Workshop

Head Student台北市優良學生

International Science Fairs2005臺灣國際科展入圍

International Science Fairs2003臺灣國際科展入圍

Earthquake Resistance Award抗震盃耐震獎

Hospitality Japanese Students天文館接待日本高中生