Mi̇mar si̇nan

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Ottoman Buildings

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MİMAR SİNAN(1489-1588)

MİMAR SİNAN(1489-1588)

 He was the great ottoman architect.He was born in the village of Kayseri Agırnas.Sultan Selim ı came to İstanbul in 1511,he was as re-used.Three years later,as an architect participated in the expedition as a conquer Egypt.The first work of Mimar Sinan in İstanbul Haseki complex,the era is all the architectural elements.

Ottoman state that the most powerful of living over the Mimar Sinan,Kanuni Sultan Süleyman,lll.Selim and lll.Murat including three in the reign of Sultan do master builder,symbolizing the power of state architectural masterpieces is devising.

In his capacity as a military engineer,he was in charge of variety of constructions,ranging from defense edificies,to ships and bridges.He also traveled extensively to various Central European and Arab countries.Where he encountend myriads of civilaztions and lifestyles.It is this exposure to varied structural styles,which imported versatility in Sinan’s works.

1950-60 on a date that consists of constructşon engineer and architect of the Japanese delegation arrived in Turkey.Commitee in our country has begun to review historic structures.Japanese did analysis on the mosque for days.Japanese the first inspection understood of masques were built on a loose ground

All these years they did not understand that this is not a crack in the mosques.When they viewed the minerats of confusion has doubled.They went to make deep research for Sinan masterpiece Selimiye Mosque in Edirne.The minaret made of highly developed rail system on the mechanism and they saw about 5 degrees flexible in each direction.

They have very suprised to see extraordinary systems in Selimiye.They spending the months and solved all the secrets of Selimiye.When they returned to japan by implementing the secrets of Sinan and planted skyscraper.

Şehzade MOSQUE

Süleymaniye mosque is one of the most excellent work in İstanbul.This work of art,as he said is made kalfalık part in years between 1550-1557. 

Süleymaniye MOSQUE

Therefore the masterpiece of Mimar Sinan is Selimiye Mosque in Edirne which he made it age of 86.

Selimiye MOSQUE

Selimiye MOSQUE

Ruhumu Allah katında sonsuzluğa taşıyacak camiimin bol ışıklı olmasını isterim Sinan Ağa!

Şöyle notlar var kayıtlarda:

Umutsuz olanı tende özlemediğini biliyorum Sinan. Ruhsal birliktelikte ise, kimsenin engelleyebileceği bir şey yok. Düşsel yolculukların yelkenlerini şişiren rüzgar, herkes için bedava eser. Bırakalım iç dünyalar kendi yerçekimleriyle birbirlerinin etrafında dönsünler.

Edirnekapı’da yapılacak caminin siparişini verirken Mihrimah Sultan der ki:

Edirnekapı Mihrimah Sultan Mosque 1562 - 1565

Rüstem Paşa Mosque

Rüstem Paşa like vanity

Mimar Sinan’ın Yapısal İfadeleri

Sehzade MosqueThe heartbreak

losıng of son

Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Mosque

The joy of young girl in a sultan and his new bride was

Süleymaniye Mosque

grandeur and power manifests itself

Mimar Sinan made 84 mosques,52 small mosques,57 madrasahs,7 Darul-Kurra,20 tombs,17 hospices,3 hospital,5 water-way,8 bridges,20 caravanserais,36 palaces,8 vaults and 48 baths,including the 364 has work.Some of his works in İstanbul.Do not hit like a corner marked by the ottoman territory.Who died 1588 in İstanbul. Mimar Sinan,the Süleymaniye mosque was buried in atomb next to his own simple.

Mimar Sinan Türbesi

KAAN TARAKCI20090302082