Music Magazine Analysis

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Analysis of Music Magazine

Front CoversSophie Russell

Media AS

The masthead is hidden behind the main image, but this doesn’t matter because the brand is extremely well-established, therefore buyers already know which magazine it is. The title of the magazine is in an eye-catching, unique font, which conforms to the codes and conventions of front covers. The title doesn’t cover the image’s face.

The positioning statement ‘Life is Loud’ has been put over the title and is also partially hidden. It follows the codes and conventions by showing the magazine’s ethos. It is hidden because everybody who buys this magazine already knows it. This is a famous magazine.

These secondary leads above the title entice the audience and stand out. It includes a band that is associated with the music in this magazine. It appeals to the target audience.

The main story is very eye-catching and this text anchors the main image. The font is bold and the colour contrasts from the main image behind it. The band name stands out the most and ‘sex. drugs. violence.’ written above in yellow associates with the article and the magazine style. A short sentence below the band name makes the audience want to read about it.

The main image conforms to the codes and conventions of music magazine by matching the magazine theme and although the band members are wearing sunglasses, they are facing the camera and the ones not wearing glasses are using direct address. By looking at the audience, they feel involved and want to buy the magazine. A long shot has been used to include all band members in the photograph.

Buzz word: ‘FREE’ used to capture the audience’s attention. It makes the target audience more likely to buy the magazine. The word stands out. ‘SPECIAL’ underneath makes the audience feel like they’re getting something extra that nobody else will have.

‘PLUS’ connotes that there is even more amazing stories inside and the target audience feels like they are getting a lot of content for their money. The word stands out to draw attention to it.

The subsiduary images are smaller than the main image, conforming to the codes and conventions. The photographs are anchored by text, relating to stories within the magazine.

Following the codes and conventions, the bar code has been placed in the bottom right corner. The date and issue details are here, as well as the price.

Coverlines are in the same font, with the main part slightly larger in a different colour. They follow the colour scheme. Line space between them.

Direct address: follows codes and conventions.

This magazine doesn’t follow the codes and conventions of front covers, because the main image is not a mid shot or medium close-up. Unusually, a medium long shot has been used. Perhaps it has been done to make it stand out from other music magazines on the market with the same genre. The focus is on the subject’s hands, and not face. This is okay, as the artist is very well-known by the target audience.

‘FREE CD’ stands out to encourage the target audience to buy the magazine.

The positioning statement is in a brightly coloured font to stand out and convey the magazine’s ethos to the target audience. It is fairly small and placed underneath the title, it is aligned on the right side.

Quote in same font as the positioning statement. The main story is a band name, in large, bold, unique font. There is a short sentence underneath to tell the audience what the story is about. This is the same format as Kerrang! magazine.

The mast head is in a bold, clear font that grabs the audience’s attention. It is partially covered by the main image, indicating that the magazine is well-established. The colour contrasts from the background.

The image is small and has been cut around.

These subsiduary images have been emphasised with a yellow outline.

The colour scheme appeals to the target audience and is consistent throughout the page. (Black, white, yellow)

The background is plain so that the text and image stand out more.

Bar code is situated in the right bottom corner, obeying the codes and conventions. The price is by here, usually small, unless it is a very good price. In this case it is kept small, as not to discourage the target audience.

Coverlines are all in the same font.

Title matches the Rock genre.

This magazine front cover is quite plain. The main focus is on the main image of the band.

The main story is in the same font as the band’s logo. This will attract fans to the magazine, as they recognise it. Again, this magazine has put a sentence underneath the main story headline.

Direct address is used.

Coverlines are all written in the same font. Dividers split them up. They are all in the same colour.

Masthead has it’s own unique font, that is the same on every magazine. It stands out and reinforces the brand. People recognise the magazine name.

There is no positioning statement shown.

The main image is a long shot. This is correct for the codes and conventions of music magazine front covers. It fits all of the band members into the image frame.

Unlike the previous magazines, the background isn’t a plain colour. It shows a place. Most music magazines use a plain background.

There is no bar code. This differs from the codes and conventions.

Unusually, issue, date and website are shown at the top of the front cover.

Unlike other music magazines, this has no coverlines, except the main story.

The main story is very bold and eye-catching. The colour matches the title, which is red. Red connotes anger, therefore it appeals to the target audience and the nature of the music related to the magazine. There is a small opening sentence above the band name and a quote underneath. Many magazines do this.

Bar code = bottom right corner. All magazines do this.

Part of the title is inside the other word. This means that the second word can be made larger to stand out more. It conforms to the codes and conventions by having a unique font for the title.

Body language and gestures have connotations of brutality and violence, which relates to the tone of the magazine and the music content. The props are also violent and the facial expression of the front man looks angry. The target audience may listen to this music to release stress and anger, so this makes them want to buy the magazine and relax.

Simple colour scheme. Black connotes death and depression, the could signify the hard-hitting song lyrics in this music genre. Red connotes anger and passion, signifying the angry music and how passionate the audience is about it. The same colour scheme runs throughout the page, which follows the codes and conventions of music magazine front covers.

Direct address is used.

No positioning statment.