Natural theory in world politics

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A new conception on how the human world politics is innate, and how it is currently shaped

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Natural theoryAxioms of vital time and space

By: Mouloud Hayoun

This theory:


Includes, for the first time the social phenomenon and especially at the politics field in the area of systematic study of natural scientific "causality and quantity".

Here are some translated excerpts of my natural theory from Arabic original manuscript, in the field of political thought and civilization, which contains a new perception on scientific foundation of human social, cultural and political interactions, I hope to shape a solution, even though theoretically, for many tragedies faced by humankind today, wars and economic turmoil ... Etc.

The erroneous perceptions of social systems sourced and emerged problems across the various political levels, including the international anarchy which has devoted reality of aggression and wars that did not subside.

How that:

This research provides a new distinguished scientific proposals on scientific methodology, such, social interactions, across their human life structural levels must be studied.

It began with a simple observation, but evolved over the study and profound reflections to a complemented theory, that explained the causal relations between some integrated variables of humanitarian social phenomenon, in coordination with hidden assumptions of natural and human life, exhibited for the first time, as a consistent scientific model.

The natural theory


The beginning is that I attempted to discover the assumptions of, (article components interactions), and actually I reached that goal, and identified three basic axioms:

Differentiation _ Complementarities _ Alteration

I called those as the Axioms of Vital Time and Place, designed to set up what I also called the Natural theory in cosmic and human interactions.

“Cosmic and human”, said despite the vein material epistemology, which was my first focus attention, because what happened after this, is that I implemented the projection of the axioms on system of human interactions, I reached very important results, because I as turning to assess one of the sociological concepts I found myself going redrafting it with a corrective way, when I subjected it to the Differentiation _ integration _ transformation formula.

Hence I do reformulate concepts: culture and civilization _ ethics _ issues of authenticity and modernity_ positivism & rationalism _ the philosophy of history, as I managed to formulate mathematical equations to measure the strength of social relations network, and select partial anomalous social system and public order, and development, focused particularly on politics and international relations, exactly, this was the first study, the first axis of the exploratory process of natural theoretical mechanisms, and dealt with these concepts under the title: Entries or Gates because I intend to expand on in future, separately, for their importance.

And because politics and international relations is the core field concerned with vital time and place axioms applications, and that the main problem related to epistemological errors in the construction of international politics, which results a world of injustice, conflict and wars, I implemented a projection of the theory's axioms on the subject of international anarchy, as a second Academic study.

and I chose twofold the Iranian nuclear situation and Syrian crisis to explore methods of international policy, led by the United States, in collusion with the ambitious regional powers such as Iran and Russia, in order to proof the positivist - rationalist misconceptions and its effects on international community.

The policy that want to implying the mechanisms of international anarchy, although nature according to the axioms of vital time and place vow to impose straight socio-political system through various levels, beyond all hardships of international anarchy.

The axioms of vital time and place:

Article level: known that any system is a set of units tied by relations, defined by laws.


The units are in varying levels of universe, galaxies, solar groups, to components of the planets, to the components of the atom: protons, electrons and a nucleus.

For example, the solar system, made up of the Sun as a nucleus carry or contain an enormous amount of energy provide the planets swim in its orbit with light and heat.

This is one of the relations of kernel dependencies that cannot be flushed from its orbit or increase or decrease the speed around, or move them either closer or far, and these are the laws that determine the relationship between the solar modules, and any departure from these laws carry the loss of other units such as Earth.

Since the universe as we mentioned is clustered system levels, we can say that the analytical model of the solar system applies to all levels of the cosmic systems.

Conclusion of this first analysis of the basic system of the universe is that corruption or bugs in any level of cosmic order may refer to:

-Deviation from any law defining the relationship between the system units, as approaching the Earth from the Sun or Mars from orbit deflection.

-Remove the system unit such a deprotonating or damaging the ozone layer in the Earth.

In that case, the relationships between the system units remove to a case of collision or chaos or corruption, after it was the case of beautiful harmonic functionalism.

Here we define the essence of the life of the system, and is a State of differentiation & complementation between units.

The differentiation (for example) between properties of protons and electrons is important, for the aim that each of these units provide their vital supply to the atom's system in order to keep the survival of their interactions, and so all need for survival to save survival of differentiated units for a goal of a good functional interaction procedure, To occurring complementation, which provides safety of the object's system in the universe.

And that any exclusion of any unit from his system will impoverish it one of their causes of interaction, and the fallout from corruption begins in the object, and then, this degenerated object which is differentiated will impoverish other similar objects interacting with them, because they need the healthy existence of every unit in the wide system.


Hence, in this bad situation, devastating all of the material system levels, could lead to the lack of those objects, breaking down integration at all levels of the cosmic order, corrupting the universe and moving towards loss, after the good innate conception of the world.

Therefore, the need to maintain the innate system laws and maintain distinct units of the system is the basis for the survival of the universe through systems at all levels.

Another intuitive fact and logical evidence, demonstrating transformation axiom, it is “Time”.

No life for universe and humankind if the time stops.

So time is the soul of the universe-legged interactions between his molecules, as the spirit of man is his interactions energy, time is the divine energy which stimulates interactive relations between physical units of existence, that shaped on differentiation among the characteristics and complementation of their functions until the universe get the harmony between the different levels of their systems. And if the universe had not differentiated and integrated elements, so it never needs time as energy of its life and existence.

Keep this fact in a time interactive elements of the universe and highlight another important fact, which is that each interaction between units and systems of the universe is the producer of a new situation or situations of interaction, it means the functional integration between the distinct elements in a system will result in their interaction the emergence of new units, a new interactive situation between the distinct elements, and thus what is known "History".

This means that time is an outfitting and material particles in the universe, so that builds relationships in every moment, surpassing physical relationship tick, and so be in every moment new events, new photos, contrary to its predecessors, but the principle of differentiation and complementation between systems of the universe, as long as the time is supplying energy upon its interactions.

Therefore, the natural cosmic order interact according to the following three assumptions: complementation _ differentiation and transformation are the axioms of vital time and place, or existential effects in the universe, that make it alive, always overlap, interact and shift, and this makes us imagine natural theory on cosmic interactions.

These three axioms of natural interaction are themselves based on other sub assumptions, as follows:

1. The universe is a complex system of several units.

2. Units of the universe are systems as well.


3. Each unit consists of other cosmic units, consisting themselves systems.

4. The universe is built of several systems, varying levels, in a composing feature from the atom to the cosmic structure.

5. Every system consists of the units characterized with two constants:

*-differentiation of characteristics

*-complementation in relationship.

6-Each system being thus formation, is a distinct unit, integrated with other units, under the overlay as mentioned above.

7- Each universal unit needs complementation with differential unit, to ensure their survival.

"The survival of any unit depends the survival of other units, with special characteristics".

8- The interaction between overlapping units can only happen with time.

9_ Interactions make composite units /by time/ in the feature of an ever and relative structure transformation: dismantling and integration.

From Physics to humankind

Object’s components are in a State of conflict or situation of complementation?

That Marx says that parts of the article are in case of conflict, this is wrong, because the article in its components appears as in integration, and the Marx


statement that parts of the article in conflict lead as his accumulations to overcoming one element, is in fact awry of reality, and is a reflection of his initial conviction based on recognized conflict as normal, resulting from a new situation because of the accumulation of the relationship between the parts of the article is the result of constant interactions between elements, So that the time factor which provides energy of interaction for integrated physical fittings leads to historical transformations of their reality, without any conflict, except for the case of resistance when it faced a corrupt or aggressor unit .

The result:

The case of article and its transformations is a complementary combination between interactive elements, and not a conflicting one, throughout history, and so, the Marx's law of "looting robber" is not true perspective, physical element does not require a wrestler and take away from its components, but the interaction between integrated components lead to overlay properties and components as functional structural situations in every moment of time, and this is history.

Marx states that human history is a shifts due to permanent conflict between layers leading to new relationships between them -and this is the Marxist analysis- and that this conflict is material -causes and consequences-, however our projections on the facts mentioned on how the interactions of human compositions refute the idea of Marxism, because the relationship between humanitarian gathered interactive elements is functionally complementary, and a solid structure, given the differences of each element or group, in the framework of social construction: they are not in conflict.

And perhaps to make Marx faulting here, is to add to thinking that physical relationship is in struggles, he believed that private ownership of the means of production is an abnormal phenomenon, and here his footsteps II, because the characteristics of the physical element interactive with the rest of the elements in its composition or function recognizes the principle of private property, because amongst the physical article contains there is some richest and most powerful elements than others interacting with them, and functions of some ones are wider than the functions of some other elements.

And this physical evidence refutes the idea of historical dialectic in one hand and makes us approach again on an important fact, that the political community is based on differentiation of features and functions between its constituent parts, integrated and mutant.

History is the continuous transformations of social structures.



Here we try to point out a very influential intellectual deviation on the mechanism of social interaction, it is the August Comte's idea formed around the three phases, when he thought that human societies cross it, until reaching a state of maturity, "as he claimed".

Mechanism of differentiation and integration to refute that perception, because human populations have a maturity since the first presence on the earth, they reacts instinctively in accordance with the principle of differentiation ,complementation and transformation, and cannot fall outside the scope of this activity.

And the origin of the error is when August Comte thought that sociological system is interpreted in accordance with a method of social belief, the fact that the creed is mutant, not fix, in wide range of believes.

Add that the innate, correct and proper origin of interpretation and understanding of sociological system is a system of differentiation, complementation and mutation, because it is hard in time and space and at all levels of sociological organization, and even the heavenly religions provide explicitly asserts for the axioms of vital of time and place.

The regulation of social relations by Comte loses positivism and rationality and objectivity their methodological correct position from the beginning.

Social relations could not be addressed by one sociological unit values, or the values of a number of units, whatever their size, to hold systematically and epistemologically the social phenomenon must contain all social units in existence, and this justifies the positivism, but be positivist connotation reflecting the level of analysis dealt with the phenomenon on some aspects without assets, this must see as deviation which caused human scourges.

Comte tried to come out from society mistaken beliefs causing the failure, by stripping it from its sociological characteristic elements, used to interact with its environment, and which constitute a whole dynamic interaction of cosmic elements, that life cannot be without it , he wanted to develop a platform for another world than humans, because the sociological identity elements, including religion are substantive requirements, we cannot study social phenomenon objectively and scientifically without it, like he wanted to study human life as material life, this can't be, for the different properties, despite the similarity of life axioms in their interactions.

Comte position influenced sociological theorizing and deviated it from the correct methodological approach merits; he dealt with the limits of the surface level,


which in turn led to the exit of the sociological theory from its original scientific function aimed at human service to subjugate him.

Development: the Common destiny

Projection from the: Axioms of vital time and space approach:

The only fixed laws in the world of social activity, including economic activity are *axioms differentiation and complementary and transformation, and everything below that of the doctrines and economic theories and ideologies fleeting with the passage of time, and the proof of this is what some economists theorists noted, such Ralston Saul who said:

“Grand economic theories rarely last more than a few decades. Some, if they are

particularly in tune with technological or political events, may make it to half a

century. Beyond that, little short of military force can keep them in place”.


He added:

“The wild open-market theory that died in 1929 had a run of just over thirty

years. Communism, a complete melding of religious, economic, and global

theories, stretched to seventy years in Russia and forty-five years in central

Europe, thanks precisely to the intensive use of military and police force.

Keynesianism, if you add its flexible, muscular form during the Depression to its

more rigid postwar version, lasted forty-five years. Our own Globalization, with its

technocratic and technological determinism and market idolatry, had thirty years.

And now it, too, is dead".

The interaction between components and across social unit and with its natural

surroundings and with other social units is an appliance that targeted an innate

social interactive movement trying to reach the landing situation of physical and

value gratification.

This is a deliberate movement , because there are substantive interaction forced

to social unity within the cosmic and human interactions controlled of fait

accompli such as climate, geography and soil and adjacent units ... ... ....Etc.

Access to case material gratification and value, or the deliberate interaction is

meant the process of obtaining the wishes or the needs of a social unit to access

to interactive comfort or happiness, and this is the statement of "Al-Farabi".

And can we express it by accessing case compatibility and harmony within the

unit as a combination with physical and humankind sphere.

Each sought to achieve this welfare is what we call development.

And “Al-farabi” States that the city or state which fail to achieve welfare or weak

State is a corrupt one, and this what we believe also in our natural development

theory. Because the weak perish political society on the one hand, and converts it

to an aggressor unit in its relationship with other units, it also undermines the

integration process, because vulnerable unit denied the rest of the units which

need her specialized production, by virtue of its gifted style of production.

But the concept of development when many political communities today is

contrary to this concept, because it is based on quantitative, States today trying


to get as much material production even if outnumbered they need, and what

might have overflowed dump him at sea, as some States are competing to build

the biggest Tower or wider mosque or the most prolific agricultural crop

regardless of his utility.

This quantitative understanding of development was awry for a development

that would benefit social unity and the rest of the other units, in need of healthy

development of each social unit.

H.Mercuse said: “consumer community products in order to product”.

And the proof of quantitative development concept no validity is the economic

crisis of 1929-depression-, despite huge US productivity machine crisis happened,

and this is proof that the production must have objectives sustained by ethical

value, and designed to meet social needs, and to direct production of blocking

rare, in other hand, quantitative production uncontrolled and brutal, freedom deal

get as a result a great crisis .

Guided "Keynes" the idea to organize the economic activity and the need for

State intervention to guide this activity, serving contingent harmony society of

America, and this is a great way to go to the qualitative development production

concept, but it was not enough, America today suffers from severe crisis in his

local qualitative production, because of a reason didn't notice him yet, and it is a

violation of the principle of complementarity with other international

contingents, the wheat surplus us throw is an error example, which will return to

hit USA, that the principle of international integration in accordance with the

principle of differentiation And integration to achieve or make each State to

achieve consistency and harmony of the rest of the other units, by providing what

you need, than let excess wheat-producing to other unit, who needs this excess.

For example, Somali hunger and needs wheat target at sea will disintegrate on

the American economy, and is exactly as far as requests from States which do

not have the technology, and which at the same time the magnitude of the oil

revenue to raise their level of consumption of Western products to help them out


of the current financial crisis.

So the development concept of harmony is not restricted to the unit internally

only and is complementary process necessary between all social units through

the various levels, and only weak any unit will lead to hardships for the rest of the


Now debt exceeded the value of local production and reduced the credit rating of

the United States and the euro zone, and the global economy is threatened,

some specialists attributed to two reasons in favor of a natural theory based on

axioms of vital time and location:

• Capital turned the principle of providing opportunities for individuals to work on

its acquisition of the wealth of other-any weak or corrupt States such as Algeria,

which put into Western sovereign funds, raise 150 billion dollars without really

interest – and not creating wealth, in other hand.

• Expert considers that international economic relations characterized by

systemic, and therefore, if crisis struck the United States would be a cosmic

repercussions, and that's what happened.

This statements witnessed and proof deeply over the credibility of the analysis,

according to the axioms of vital time and space to natural theory in

international economic phenomenon that I founded the principles and

assumptions, and in next discussion, I'm going to demonstrate the credibility of

this approach in the analysis of international political phenomenon.


International relations

The war against nature

The real international conflict today is not a conflict between the poles even though media devoted this allusion , the real world politics conflict is between nature which want to refer people to peace and security mechanisms over the international community, respect for differences and complementarities between its units on the one camp and at the opposite side there is a rival opponent to this natural direction, wants to curb the natural world path, to fabricate false mechanisms in order to formulate the international life, as establishing an international strategy, advantaged by conflict and suspicion in others and not feel safe, with a simple aims is to stay and to keep the international situation under control.

The Syrian crisis is the ground that explain clearly this view.

Nature vs international anarchy


America found itself after the cold war, just like an element in ecosystem, which lost one of its necessary compounds, bringing each pattern is threatened with disappearing.

On the one hand the Geopolitical and geoeconomic transformation after the Cold War led to prospective endangered chaos, and on the other hand the mechanisms of rational realist security strategy of America and its allies led them to devote this Chaos to a corrupted end.

And through the procedures of the new international order the world as a whole became in danger because of these two elements.

We are in a conflicting situation between two models each wants to impose itself as an alternative to regulate human life through a strategic management of international interactions

The first form is the realist positivism of US foreign policy and its appliers over the world

And the second model is not the product of human rationality, but it is from the nature which exposes their alternative mechanisms today, through organizational security dilemma exhibition, by the emergence of a dominant force, for the first time in history.

And the theater of this conflict are geopolitical ,economic and theoretical transformations, addressed from America and its allies which tries to push or hinder the strong natural transformations that want to refer international community to the natural condition, and this struggle appear now in the organizational anarchy appeared within the form of international relations.

And focusing more on the core of the conflict, we find that values are strategic objective of belligerents:

- The new international system and globalization wants through mechanisms of transforming the human being into a machine consumers and Communities to markets, according to the status of the background of rational positivist’s mechanism, where the personalized sociological specificities of Nations will be melted.

- Nature, want to force the opposite in devoting Privacy for International actors, and build relationships in accordance with the logic of the international community and global governance, founded on efficient and respected participation of actors and the whole of international units, leading to global integration.

It is a conflict between nature and logic automation, nature wants freedom and dignity for all, either the mechanism is stereotyping the life of majority according to the method which held the goals controlled by the dominant actors over the majority.


The means of this conflict are strategic security schemes at the international level.And therefore we will try to demonstrate the assumption that the United States found itself as global dominant after the Cold War realized itself in organizational security dilemma, and it does not knew its destination, and try to face this situation with mechanisms which led toCede domination's profit, and though relatively, in following strategy:

United States security strategy centered on:

• fit the capitalist world.• National domestic stability: and both are by creating external threat.• Standardization of third world in accordance with the mechanisms of the market economy and globalization.• "Deterrence – reassurance" towards the ambitious regional States, in twofold objective:

devoting a sense of external threat through the work of the United States to create a new rival Tycoon includes such States, in accordance with the agreement to split the international geopolitical interests, and at the same time, America rest over geopolitical regulatory dilemma of international security, which occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union, such becoming the international force configuration interactions uncontrolled, with unknown destination.

And this strategy has implications for the formation of an international community security, most serious fallout than cold war because:

- Cold-war polarization effect on International actors Privacy but under national titles which relatively respected cultural specificities, but now there is no ideological polarization, but starting to show new security impact of polarity within the Syrian crisis, centered on China ,Russia and Shiite Crescent.And this alliance is not ideological, but it is the alliance of the last resisters against democratic alteration, and matched by what appears on it "free world" or "democratic" ,which aims to achieve a new world order in the rest of the world.

- And the aim of his dictates pole rival is to keep his authoritarian units systems, with regional and national ambitions, which don't want to cede "its kingdoms" for Western strategy.

This fact naturally leads to disrupt the normal development of political communities of the Alliance, because it will deprive him from Mechanisms


of differentiation, integration and transition as axioms of development, because of tyranny.

And on the other hand would be political communities of the free world to process automated profiling in the context of the new international order of globalization and market economy.

This was the main aspects of the current world politics race, which is not between nations or cultures or ideologies, or even economic interests, but it’s a hidden conflict between natural sociopolitical rules versus realist, rational, positivist false conceived assumptions.

Syrian crisis, within Nature/International anarchy clash

Everyone acknowledges that the United States position was strange towards the bloody events in Syria, timing and whole achieved manner that West intervene in Libya, which had a similar mode for what happens in Syria makes us keep many question marks.

And so, I'll have to analyze this problem at a broader level of geographical constituency of Syrian conflict, beyond geographical boundaries of this country, because the deduction of the bloody war and massacres that exterminate Syrian people cannot be understood, except by addressing conflict on broad international level too.

And since the issue is addressed at the level of America and Europe on the one hand and, on the other hand, Russia, Iran and China, we rather must touching nature of the relationship between these two major thrusts in control of the situation.

And initially focusing on the Iranian nuclear controversy as an analysis tool for access to identify the nature of the relationship between all these conflict-related actors.


“Iran is "strategic goal" of the United States”, the report of the well-known journalist Seymour Hirsch Peter Phillip from "DW" after the invasion of Iraq, warning in his commentary of the logic of war and force in American politics.

But the threat was not known implementation until writing these lines, that lasted more than nine years, why procrastinated America in its military campaign against Iran?

Sure that US State taxed in its occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, they faced great pressure to get out of this mud, and it drained financially and humanly, with very much effect on its economy, these factors were important reasons for not providing US war on Iran, as a rational alternative, but these considerations may not be compelling, on the grounds that American realism does not give consideration to any matter as comparable or above its national security, which is based on the global geopolitical situation, and especially, US will never Allow to any nation in the Middle East or in Neighborhood area, having a military ambition to transcend the Israeli one's superiority , and that's what was said in President Barack Obama's address, so we'll try to de-mystify this US policy.

Key turning point was the victory of the Iranian presidential election, in which Rafsanjani falls, and boarded their hard-line conservative.

This shift resulted the Declaration on Iran is determined to resume sensitive nuclear activities, and indifference to convert its nuclear file to the Security Council threatens to escalate a new major international crisis.

The Iranian ruling elite are trying to cope with threats and greater regional role.

This Iranian escalation came after the arrival of Ahmadi nejad to power and fall moderate reformers who distinguished themselves in their dealings with the European Union, especially with regard to the nuclear file.

This Iranian alteration has impacted on the European position, which was somewhat lenient with the Iranians, and it perhaps was the shift which served the United States aims toward European foreign policy, fearing the independent European policy toward Iran, since years ago.

And what happened will strengthen American gambit to put pressure on Iran, unless they cede their strategic military superiority ambition in the strategic area.

And perhaps this partial interpretation demonstrates some features of US policy toward Iran, but that followed remained vague, because political behavior and statements, as well as events have not gone in one direction.

Iran, which helped the United States in invading two neighboring countries which are Afghanistan and Iraq, and put under bet that national security, dare in the same time to the United States and Europe, by draft nuclear threat to US interests in the region.


In addition, the principle of allowing international observers access to Iranian nuclear facilities swung between acceptance and rejection, not to mention the conflicting Iranian statements every time about cooperation or objection to Western demands, this western behavior was not the same toward Sadam’s Iraqian regime.

And it’s important to include here the Iranian statement on 25-03-2012 “ end of dictates era from the United States, and its preaching trusteeship”.

And on the other side:

• An important statement of American foreign policy toward Ira:

A CIA report which said that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003.

This report published by the New York Times added that US intelligence analysts believe that there is no compelling evidence that Iran had decided to produce a nuclear bomb, the same conclusion reached in 2007, confirmed that Iran had abandoned its nuclear program.

This is a radical change from the previous intelligence assessments that Iran is moving towards making a nuclear bomb.

The last national intelligence assessment is a formal consensus of all 16 American intelligence agencies.

• However, the newspaper emphasizes that there is no difference between US and Israeli intelligence that Iran was enriching nuclear fuel and infrastructure necessary to make a nuclear bomb, but US intelligence believes that Iran has not resumed its military which apparently stopped in 2003.

However, we note on this inconsistency and not set in the declarations of the parties that it's linked to regional events and issues of interests to both sides, we try to deduce the parameters of this variant through the issue of the Syrian revolution.

Iranian/ American compatibility on the fate of the Syrian revolution

In Obama Romney Corresponding, both said: “America will not intervene at Syria; America will help Israel against any threat”.

The Syrian crisis now, shows that the world is establishing a new bipolarity, comprising the United States, on the one hand and Russia and China bloc and Iran on the other hand, after sparring that took place in the Security Council on


the issue of Syria, which ended in favor of Russian / Chinese veto, booster to their ally Syria, but what does this have to do with the problematic topic of our research: the Iranian nuclear issue and US relationship?

The answer lies in that the Russian-Chinese veto was in the service of Iran's Shiite Crescent regional project leader, a strategic dimension to its interests in the Middle East, which Russia counts as an area of vital catalysts to them, such as the Russian military base stationed in Syrian Banyas, which is hold a vital security position.

Furthermore Iran would create problems for Russia if they did not help their ally (the Syrian regime) in his problem with the Security Council.

These arrangements designed Russian-Chinese pole allies, leaded by Iran, lord of Shiite Crescent, what their officers told in clear that pro-Iranian entities in the Arabic region obeyed them order, such a statement is a declaration of the exclusivity of this vital area to Iran, who prevents interference, and arranged through this Declaration the Office dealing with allies and adversaries, thus Iran occurs interests and make concessions, and that's what happened in the Security Council on the issue of abuses of the Syrian regime's Security Division against The public revolution, which erupted in the midst of the Arab spring 2011.

The dealing relationship between this Poles is transitive, America waives for Russia and China regarding the Syrian issue for Iranian interests bellowed to the Russian-Chinese Alliance, and this was confirmed by the 26.04.2012's Obama's statement when he promised to Russia a security concessions, if he’ll be re-elected

This statement also was suspicious, at the height of the Syrian revolution and when 10-05-2012 Damascus bombings attributed by the Syrian regime to Al-Qaeda, authorized State spokeswoman Victoria Noland confirmed that Al-Qaeda is active in Syria, supporting the already US. Defense Secretary view about the same issue

sure, the other party also will benefit from this understanding, in accordance with its own strategy in the Middle East region, the United States expressed agreement or complacency before the Syrian issue, because its strategy in the region requires not the downfall of Assad, fearing the arrival of the forces opposing Israel in the region, and therefore the United States Rhetorically manifests its support for the Syrian revolution, and deals in the same time a procedural work to facilitate the task of Russia in support of Assad.

And may begin the vision clear after US and West contradictions when Jeffrey Feltman says in the same day that “the United States would adjust the strategic concepts, commensurate with Arab spring”, and he said: “any failure of transitional stages will lead to the destabilization of the region”.

It may settle the confusion after the Hula massacre (committed at the end of May 2012, which exceeded their victims a hundred of dead), amid compatibility


between America and Russia over the fate of the conflict in Syria as the following press report:

The New York Times said the administration of President Barack Obama is seeking to persuade Russia to resolve the Syrian crisis basing on the experience of Yemen where President Ali Abdullah Saleh resigned, but government personnel remained in power.

Quoting officials had cited that plan calls for a political settlement could satisfy the Syrian opposition teams, but may keep items from the Government of President Bashar Al-Assad their positions, noting that the plan depends on the approval of Russia after its opposition to offset Assad.

A US official said that the United States is ready to reassure Russia that it would continue to maintain close relations with Syria after Assad, adding, “We know that Russia wants to keep its influence on Syria, our goal is to make the situation stable and not eliminate the Russian effect.

However, officials said that although Obama did not reject Medvedev's proposal on the adoption of the Yemeni solution, but did not approve it.

They said that even if Putin agreed the US plan, may have disagreement about the definition of the Yemeni model and how it is implemented.

And we will understand this setback reference in US dealing with the merits of the Syrian crisis, which is contrary to its position in the crisis in the similar Libyan one, through its strategy with the Syrian regime forces contain, Iran and Russia.

The United States, and at the height of its support for Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran, noted the President Ronald Reagan's involvement in the Iran gate scandal, which revealed the involvement of American arms sales to Iran, if the water gate scandal led to the resignation of Nixon, Reagan as a head of Iran gate remained, so that the foreign policy for Americans do not affect American citizens mainly affecting internal conditions associated with living style.

on the other side America has got support Iran in invading Afghanistan and Iraq, in accordance with arrangements concluded with Iraq delivered to Iran and break the Taliban opposed to Iran, despite significant animosity between the two countries.

And the secret of this understanding, despite the absence of Iranian American friendliness between them, are arrangements of convenience for all parties, and that:

• international actors: like the Syrian people, Taliban and Saddam's former regime have a global strategy over the issue of Jerusalem and Palestine in General, (radical demand and extraterritorial, viewed as defiant toward the West which is in support of Israel) while Iran has a regional agenda over the Middle East, and not to controlling Central Asia, although it is a natural geostrategic


prolongation of Iran, witnessing Shiite Azerbaijan's problems with them, let alone considered Central Asia the area of influence for Russia supporting Iran, and this is the matter of the deal between both of them

As America fights all its international interests threatening actors in the Middle East and on top of that Israeli security interests and Arab oil, they prefer to face owners of endangered agendas against its interests on the one hand, and dealing understandings with those are away from threat to its strategic interests in the region, and although they have some economic and ideological territorial ambitions.

