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Computers are a major part of our lives and I believe that computers make humans lives easier and more flexible. Computers always develop and they develop very fast, therefore it is important to keep updated with these developments and the new technology. I personally think computers are the best technology that human kind has come up with because on computers we can do almost anything which makes our lives easier, even orders pizza. As a software multimedia has been the part in computers and the technology, which has always been helpful with anything, we do. We can create almost anything on the computer by using the appropriate multimedia tools.

I have always seen myself as very creative and unique. I have always had a creative mind with making wallpapers pictures and little settings in the PC to make it look more professional. In my GCSEs I have used the computer and the web to accomplish my work which led me to get the grades I needed to progress to A Level. The computer and networking improved my computer skills even further; currently I am studying A level ICT, Media and Travel & Tourism, which all involves computer skills and multimedia tools.

I have also been interested in art and design as this gives me an opportunity to express my creativity. I started drawing very early, and was encouraged to develop my drawings by many people including my schoolteachers. When I was at Primary School, all the kids counting myself hugely loved Pokémon; I used to draw all the characters in the cartoon. What encouraged me to continue were people’s comments that all the drawings were very realistic and professional. I developed my drawing with the use of ICT when the PC came to the house in my teenage years. I think this is because it’s a new technology that caught my interest. I was mostly interested in the computer and the network more than hand drawing after the new gadget computer came to my house.

I have a very determined personality and driven to reach my goals. This quality has been essential in my education and work. My family runs a local business in the industry of fast food outlet. I have worked in the shop for three years, and my father slowly gave me more responsibilities, which was hard but excellent experience. Football is also one of the activities that helped me with my determination; football is not a soft sport, we need to push to the limits to achieve the goals we’re looking for. Although I don’t play for a club I have played with my friends and family and this was enough for me to improve my determination and overall fitness.

Outside school I enjoy reading non-fiction books, including those based on true stories and autobiography. Currently I am reading Alan Sugar’s autobiography and I would next like to read Steve Jobs’ autobiography; this is because I think that he has a lot of life experiences, which contributed to him being this successful. I am personally inspired by the way that Alan Sugar and Steve Jobs have expanded their success from nothing. Reading magazines about gadgets and technology also interest my reading, which keeps me updated with the new developments in this industry. Listening to music is another hobby that I have especially rap and hip-hop, but attracted to other types of songs too

In the start of the 6 form we was taken to the o2 arena which was fantastic because our class had the opportunity to have a look at the backstage of the o2 arena, how they use multimedia for the visitors with incredible creativity. That trip fascinated me a lot and I started looking into multimedia more deeply. I know that there is much more to learn and experience about multimedia and I have the straight and curiosity to study most of multimedia to succeed my dream job role in the future.