Question 5 pp

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I have used stories on my magazine cover and contents page, that I feel my target audience can connect with and will enjoy reading including; Ben Haenow who is playing at the UEA, which is local to where the magazine is produced in 2016; this therefore also allows the audience to connect with the story as the site is local to where the magazine is targeted (Norwich). I have also included another story about a younger boy who is a rock star, I included this story because females of this age group think that little boys are cute, so I have included him and his story to pull more attention, from the females who wouldn’t have thought about buying it before, this means that they would buy the magazine and want to read about him. However, on the front cover, there is a cover line that reads ‘reviews’, I therefore chose three artists that are currently popular with this age range, at the moment, which include Justin Bieber, Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus.

My front cover features a model, who wears little makeup and so a lot of females are able to relate to her, this allows any female into indie music to be able to relate to her. I have positioned her towards the right hand side of the page looking towards the centre of the page. This gives the impression that she is looking into the magazine, therefore this helps to draw people in and read it. She is also looking over her shoulder at the butterfly, this creates a nature feel as butterfly are naturally beautiful as well as the model.
