Tazo Tea Advertising Plan

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History of Tazo 1Competitor Analysis 2SWOT Analysis 3Environmental Analysis 5Objectives & Budget 7Research 8Brand Value Proposition 9Target Market 10Campaign Strategy 11Big Idea 12Creative Overview 13Creative Executions 14Creative Testing 18Media Objectives 19Media Choices 20Media Schedule 24Media Budget 24Brand Activation 25Evaluation 28Creative Brief 30Meet Our Team 31

Tazo Tea is a brand of natural and organic teas, selling both loose leaf and bottled iced teas. Owned by Starbucks, Tazo Tea is sold in both Starbucks establishments and other retailers across the country. The company strives to “bring you the most intriguing tea in the world, on the strength of artful blending, distinctive taste and use of only premium quality teas.” Millennial Creative’s goal is to increase the awareness of Tazo Organic Bottled Iced Tea by emphasizing the new portability of consumers favorite brand of tea. Through our innovative creative execu-tions and brand activation, our agency plans to connect the brand with living life with passion, zen, and joy.


Millennial Creative is a full service advertising agency that is committed to bringing new and innovative ideas to each of our clients. With our creative ingenuity, natural talent, and drive to succeed, our team always produces top notch work for every project that comes our way. Our team, made up of five brilliant and gifted creatives, is dedicated to executing different and ingenious advertising campaigns that both our clients and our audi-ence can get excited about.

AGENCY IDENTITY: Millennial Creative

Tazo’s packaging and logo were redesigned for readability. The + in Tazo was changed to a “T”


Smith retired from Tazo while still owning his 10% of the company.


Tazo Tea was founded in 1994 by Steven Smith and Stephen Lee, who created Tazo Tea after buying a few farms to create, market, and sell his own brand of tea.

Starbucks opened the first Tazo-branded tea shop in November of 2012, but it closed a year later after Starbucks purchased the brand Teavana.2012

1998Smith approached the Starbucks CEO to be a potential investor in Tazo Tea, but he wasn’t interested in Smith’s offer. Smith later sued Starbucks for copyright in-fringement when they create Tiazzi Tea.

One year later, Starbucks bought Tazo for $9 million, with 90% of ownership going to Starbucks and Smith retaining 10% and staying on as the company’s senior vice president.




Arizona is a cheaper brand, selling at only 99 cents per 24 ounces. They have an unsweetened tea that is sweetened with Splenda instead of aspartame, which appeals to the health conscious consumer. They are very prominent with the younger audience, especially in the 18-24 age group.

Lipton is recognized as one of the best hot tea brands. They have high brand loyalty among the average hot tea drinker, and are well known for their tea bags. They have a variety of iced tea brands, including the very popular Pure Leaf bot-tled tea. Pure Leaf on its own has a healthy flavored option with a lot less sugar, as well as an unsweetened zero-calorie flavor.

Snapple has the most brand loyalty for a bottled tea and is the most well known in the market. They have a diet line that is perceived as healthy. It is in the most locations and retailers, so people are more likely to purchase Snapple over other brands.



WEAKNESSESThey are associated with soda in the public eye which has a neg-ative connotation of being un-healthy. They are not recognized by tea drinkers who brew their tea because they do not have tea bags. Also, because of its im-mense amount of sugar they are very unhealthy.

Their bottled tea isn’t as well known as their tea bags, which are very popular. Their main market is selling in bulk to stores and school groups. Therefore, their target is split between the consumers who buy their tea bags in bulk and their smaller market of on-the-go tea drinkers.

Snapple does not sell tea bags, but is still recognized as a tea brand. Their diet line is full of unhealthy ingredients, and their regular flavors are full of sugar, making it another unhealthy option. It is very similar to soda in the eyes of the consumer because it is sold right next to the Pepsi and Coke brands.


• Has strong brand loyalty with the people who

drink it (mainly Starbucks consumers)

• Tazo’s leaf tea flavors match their bottled ones

• The general public is moving away from soda

and likes the idea of bottled tea

• Advertised as an organic tea

• Tazo Tea is part of the Ethical Tea Partnership


• Unknown brand if you aren’t familiar with Starbucks

• Not available at many retailers

• Only available in singular bottles (packaging not suited to

buying more than one at a time)

• Tazo’s website doesn’t enough information for prospective

customers to learn more about the brand

• They do not list any nutritional information on their website

• Not sustainable because they are glass bottles





• Branch out of Starbucks (without alienating the loyal customers)

• Could make Starbucks Tazo drinks to keep the Starbucks audience

• Potential to branch out to K-cups and Starbucks Vue

• Create a better website for Tazo or add more links so that they

could be directed to the Starbucks website

• Could implement more sustainable packaging for CRS

• Tazo could create a more nutritious line so that people will be

more inclined to drink it


• Arizona, Lipton, and Snapple already have an extremely strong hold

on the market for bottled tea

• People who prefer tea are moving away from bottled tea because

leaf tea is a healthier option

• Competitors have much better communication messages than Tazo


The primary competitive force that Tazo Tea faces is that a majority of consumers choose to purchase other name brand bottled teas before they would consider buying Tazo. These substitute beverages include those such as Arizona, Lipton, Snapple, and Honest Tea, brands which have a dominate hold over the current market. As of 2013, Arizona maintained approximately 22 percent of the market share, with Lipton coming in second at 12 percent, and Snapple at 7 percent. This is a major problem for Tazo Tea because it does not allow them much space in the consumer’s consideration set. Since Tazo is not distributed in many different stores, this issue has not improved in past years. This is a clear disadvantage for Tazo, however it is one that can be remedied through increased product distribution and brand awareness.


Tazo tea is at a disadvantage economically when compared to the other bottled teas available in the market. One problem with Tazo Tea is that, unlike its competitors, Tazo can only be bought individually and not by the case. This makes Tazo more expensive per bottle in comparison with other brands, like Arizona and Lipton. Another economic issue that Tazo faces is that being owned by Starbucks, a higher end coffee brand, could place Tazo as a being seen as a more expensive brand in the minds of the consumers. This view of Tazo could drive prospective buyers to choose another bottled tea brand

over Tazo.




Politically, Tazo Tea is at an advantage because of the recent government promotion for citizens to begin leading healthier lifestyles. The main source of this push comes from First Lady Michelle Obama through her Let’s Move campaign. Although her campaign is meant to increase physical fitness in children, it has become a known movement across the nation. This includes the young women and men who make up both the primary and secondary target market of the new Tazo Tea campaign. Tazo can use this political movement to its advantage since bottled tea is generally considered to be a healthier option over other popular bottled drinks, such as soda or energy drinks.


Within the United States, the organic food market has been trending, and it has been forecasted that it will increase at the rate of 14% through the years (2014 to 2018). People are looking for healthier options and are taking a more active role on the food they choose to consume. Tazo bottled tea plays into this organic food movement. Though they

are not certified as organic, they are a part of an all natural and minimal ingredients tea, which mirrors what the organic food movement is trying to do. Increasingly, we are now eating 14 percent more sugars, and compared to the 1970s, the average American now eats 15 more pounds of sugar a year. With only 18 grams of sugar, Tazo

tea encourages the idea of a healthier tomorrow.




This campaign will increase the sales of Tazo’ line of bottled teas by 7%. We will accomplish this by increasing awareness of the product, as well as focusing on the healthy aspects of the drink.


Within our target market of 18-34 year old women, we will see 70% comprehension and 50% conviction by the end of the campaign. This means that approximately 70% of our target audience will be exposed to the message, but only 50% will find value in the campaign’s message. The effective reach of the campaign will be 70, with a frequency of 4.



This will be a year long campaign, beginning two weeks before Memorial Day weekend of 2014 and ending in May of 2015. We will implement a pulsing campaign, meaning that our ads will run year round with periods of heavier advertising during key times of the year, such as the summer months.


This campaign will be executed using the 12 million dollar budget that has been allocated to our agency. The money being spent on the campaign has been broken down by medium and can be seen in the following pie charts.

Magazine,  4,039,014  

Online,  840,281  

Online  TV,  1,726,007  

Transit,  2,339,084  



• Gain insight on the current level of awareness of the Tazo Tea brand• Increase our background knowledge on both our primary and secondary target markets, and learn more about their views on an

organic, healthy lifestyle• Gather more information on other bottled tea brands to further understand how we should promote Tazo Tea in the market

Our primary research consisted of a survey done on Qualtrics that was dis-tributed over social media and to individual people via e-mail. This survey consist-ed of 120 people, primarily women 18-25 which is our primary target market. The questions focused on the areas of lifestyle/demographics information, opinions on the healthy/organic movement, tea products, and the general level of awareness of Tazo Tea. When asked about organic foods, we found that buying organic is not a high priority for our target market. We also learned that healthy activities/eating for our target market means leading an active lifestyle and eating bal-anced, nutritious meals. Furthermore, our target market typically likes to brew their own tea instead of drinking bottled tea, and when asked what is most important about bottled tea they said taste, followed by nutritional information, and finally the price. Our most relevant insights came from the question, “do you drink tea and if so which brands.” We did not specify hot or iced tea in order to see what was as-sociated when we simply asked about tea. We found the most mentioned brand was Tazo Tea at 32%, followed by Lipton at 23%. When we specified the type of tea by saying “cold ready to drink iced teas” Arizona and Snapple, at 52% and 47%, were the most popular brands, with Tazo at only 22%. When asked what they pur-chase, the number of brands decreased significantly, with Arizona and Snapple at 31% and Tazo at 14%. Most people were aware of the Tazo tea brand, with only 12% of our survey responses not recognizing the Tazo Tea name. Word association showed that people think Tazo Tea is healthy, soothing, and organic, people also associate it with expensive and the word Starbucks. All research results can be found in the appendix.

For further insight into Tazo’s market, we used Simmons OneView to look at existing research on psychographics, age, print media, and televi-sion as they relate to the brand. In addition to our primary research, we deciphered an MRI+ database which involved over 10,000 samples and was done over the course of a year. Using a psychographic vs. brand cross-tabulation, we discovered that health and wellness are high priorities for our target market. Of the Tazo brand users, 25% make sure they exer-cise regularly and 26% try to eat healthier foods, while Arizona and Snap-ple users have much lower responses, under 20%, in the same categories.We also used secondary research to show which specific media outlets our target uses the most. When researching magazines, we found that People (13.3% who drink Tazo Tea read People), Better Homes and Gardens (13.2), Shape (6.9% with a 502 index, meaning that Tazo users on average are more likely to pick up Shape) and Real Simple (4.3%) were the mag-azines our target read the most. When we performed the cross tabula-tions we had to divide age into three groups and average the scores. We looked at television as a medium as well. Among our primary target mar-ket of women 18-34, the most popular TV channels were as follows: TBS at 31% with a significance in all age groups; MTV at 41% but only significant in age groups 18-29; USA at 26% and being significant in all age groups; and Comedy Central at 30% also significant in all age groups.





The Tazo Tea brand’s line of bottled beverages gives consumers a quick, on the go iced tea that requires no prior preparation. Its variety of flavors also provides consumers with the satisfaction of being able to choose from a plethora of options, such as Giant Peach, Mango, and Tazoberry. What makes this product stand out in the market is its 100% organic formula, which makes Tazo’s bottled teas a healthier and preferable option for our target market.

Since Tazo Tea is an all natural tea, it is seen in the market as a more nutritious option, making consumers feel reassured that they are being healthy when buying Tazo’s bottled tea. Healthy living and awareness of the nutritional value of products is a lifestyle that has been growing in popularity, especially among our target market. When people are buying Tazo Tea’s line of bottled teas they can be sure they are drinking a nutritious and natural product that is both delicious and healthy.

When someone is spotted drinking a bottle of Tazo Organic Iced Tea, it says they care about leading a healthy lifestyle. They understand the benefits of choosing an all natural beverage over the many other ready-made drink options the market has to offer. Recently, the concept of healthy living has become in-creasingly popular, particularly among those in our target market. Another perception of the Tazo Bottled Organic Iced Tea drinker is that they are in a hurry since they chose an on-the-go beverage rather than making their own tea. Together, these ideas give the impression that drinkers of Tazo’s bottled will find a way to integrated health into their busy lives.





Meet Emma. She is a 20 year old col-lege student trying to balance her busy schedule of classes, school clubs, and active social life. During the weekends she enjoys hiking with her friends to stay in shape, reading People and Al-lure magazines, and catching up on her favorite shows online. She also likes reading about the latest trends on blogs like Refinery29. During her personal time you can find Emma cuddling up with a good book and a warm cup of tea.

Meet Rachel. She is a 32 year old working mother who is constantly running around to take care of her kids and move up in her career. Every weekend she goes food shopping for her family, making sure to buy healthier foods so her and her kids will have a nutritious, balanced diet. To unwind on the weekends, she enjoys swimming, taking yoga classes at her local gym, and relaxing with her family while she sips her favorite tea. She also likes reading Real Simple, her favorite magazine, and watching the Food Network so she can try some of their new recipes to try out on her two kids.



PRIMARY TARGET women 18-34


SECONDARY TARGETMen ages 18 to 34


Meet Tyler. He is a 26 year old living in New York City who is trying to work his way up in his career. Every morning during his commute to the office, Tyler likes to watch episodes of his favorite shows on Hulu. On the weekends, he enjoys playing basketball and going out in the city with his friends. On the occasions when he can catch his favorite shows on primetime, Tyler and his girlfriend like to stay in and brew their favorite teas.


Tazo’s main problem is that very few people recognize it as an iced tea brand, and instead they only consider it as a loose leaf tea associated with Starbucks. Arizona and Snapple are much bigger names in the iced tea market that have a considerable amount of brand loyalty, making it difficult to persuade customers to switch brands. Tazo’s second problem is the increase in the public’s want for a healthy, low in sugar drink option.


Tazo’s target of women 18-34 associate Tazo with hot brewed tea. People enjoy Tazo tea, both iced and hot, and would purchase it because they consider it to be a healthy and high quality drink. Our main insight is that tea drinkers are more likely to buy Tazo Tea, while iced tea drinkers do not consider Tazo when deciding on an iced tea brand.



Tazo’s ready to drink iced tea has all the qualities of brewed tea in a bottle. Our campaign will position Tazo Tea’s line of bottled iced tea with tea drinkers as a healthy, on-the-go option to love their tea all day wherever they are.





Based on our research, we have come to understand that our target market is looking for both a healthy and easy way to enjoy their favorite teas. We know that they place a high value on the nutritious aspects of the drink, however their main priority is not to buy Tazo’s bottled teas simply because they are organic. So, in order to increase both the awareness and sales of Tazo’s bottled iced teas, our plan is to focus the portability of the drink rather than the healthy value it has. Our target market wants to be able to enjoy Tazo Tea wherever they are, so our campaign strategy is to show that they can savor their favorite teas wherever life takes them.



Our tagline, “Uncap passion, life awaits” will be seen on each print ad, and each tagline will be specified depending on the flavor being featured in the advertisement, being either passion, zen, or joy. The fonts used for both the tagline and the body copy are sleek and modern because this style emulates Tazo’s new brand packaging. The body copy that will be placed towards the bottom of the ads will further describe how you can take your favorite Tazo teas with you on your journey. Like the campaign’s tagline, the additional body copy changes slightly based on the flavor that can be seen in each ad. The body copy for each of the ads will emphasize the campaign’s message of taking your favorite teas on the go through both the copy itself and the font selection. By making words associated with tea larger, our audience will make more of a connection between Tazo’s bottled teas and its loose leaf teas.

The print ads will be composed of two sections. In order to connect Tazo’s bottled iced teas with its line of loose leaf teas, the top section of each of the ads will feature one of three flavors that they have in common: passion, zen, or joy. Each of the print advertisements will feature models portraying the name of the flavor being sold in that particular ad. Whether it is someone doing yoga, playing guitar, or laughing with friends, each scene will bring our audience back to the idea that their “life awaits.” The bot-tom half of the ad will look like a burlap material to show the organic aspect of the product. This design element ties in with the overall look and feel of the Tazo Tea brand. This portion of the ad will also include a large bottle of Tazo bottled iced tea, making the product one of the dominant elements of the ad.




PRINT cont.



Girl picks up full bottle of Passion Tazo Tea and starts to take a sip.

Cut to a montage of different people following their passions. First clip shows a girl doing ballet, second clip shows a man playing soccer, third clip shows young adults playing in a local community band... This montage continues for 20 seconds with multiple clips of people following their passion.

Girl from first scene takes now empty bottle away from her lips and says “ahh.” The words “Uncap passion, your life awaits” appear on screen.





Joy Tazo Organ-ic Bottled Tea cap is secured on the bottle.

Tea begins to spurt out of the mouth of the bottle, pushing the bottle cap slightly to the top right of the bottle.

A wave of tea emerges from the bottle, pushing the bottle cap to the far right of the screen. Under the wave of tea reads “Uncap passion, life awaits.”



“Joy is in a bad place for legibility but otherwise I think they look good”

General Thoughts: The collective ads are great. I can see them in a magazine. The referral of getting home brewed tea out of a pantry instead of making it seems convenient and preferable

Review of “zen” ad: From a male perspective, the picture seems not geared towards me. The picture of yoga is with a woman. A very small portion of men do the whole yoga thing. But I do like the play of “journey” in relation to the journey of finding one’s zen. Still wouldn’t buy it from this ad.

Review of “passion” ad: This one I personally like better. The picture is relatable because I play music. It’s following a pattern so brand recognition is great. The text is great too.

Review of “joy” ad: This one is the most relatable. It actually seems they are joyful. As a group of people, again I can see myself picking up a few for friends. So maybe a reference to friends would help.


First off the people in the ad are beautiful, so that automatically draws my eye. The care free look they have is very appealing and the phrasing to go along with it is a big selling point, implying that choosing this tea over others would mean I have more time to enjoy other things in life is a big plus in my book. And the organic background that the wording on the ad is on is a great way to capture people looking for a more natural lifestyle, which I currently am. I would definitely buy the drink with how appealing the ad is.


“They would catch my eye and I would enjoy them visually”





Our target audience is men and women between the ages of 18 and 34. Our primary target audience is 18 to 34 year old women because they are more likely to lead very busy lives while still wanting a quick and easy way to maintain their balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Recently they have been placing an increasing level of importance on health, and Tazo’s line of bottled teas allows them to take the nutritious teas they enjoy with them throughout the day. The secondary audience we will reach with this campaign is men ages 18 to 34. While men are not as likely to purchase this product, we want to expose them to the campaign in order to increase the overall brand awareness in the market.

The women of our target market are constantly being exposed to different media outlets every day. These women watch their favorite shows online, read magazines, and browse the internet on a regular basis. Since the women of our target market are constantly viewing these various mediums, the message weight will remain consis-tent for each one. For this campaign we will also use transit advertising in specific locations because our target market leads an active life and will likely be further impacted by this out-of-home advertising.

The advertising for this campaign will be both regional and national. All online commercials, print, and internet advertisements will be placed in national media. The transit and point-of-purchase advertisements will be placed regionally in major cities across the country, including New York, Los

Angeles, Chicago, and Boston.





This campaign will implement a pulsing schedule which will run advertisements throughout the year with periods of heavier exposure during the summer months. Since people are more likely to drink bottled iced tea during the warmer seasons, increasing the amount of advertising during this key time will be important to the success of our campaign. This strategy will increase the level of aware-ness of Tazo’s bottled teas in the market. The effective reach for our campaign is 70 with an effec-tive frequency of 4.


Online Television: 30 second commercial Magazine: 1 full color page with bleed Internet: animated banner ad about 468 x 60 pixels/sec Transit: bus ad about 144” x 30”



Hulu is the most popular website for people to catch up on the TV shows that they have missed. Since our re-search showed that an online commercial would be more effective than a broadcasted commercial we first decided to advertise here. Hulu will reach the majority of both our primary and secondary target market, which is why we plan to run in this medium through our entire campaign.

CBS is a major network for primetime television. We have our commercial running from July through October on the shows the feature on the website. We felt that this network in particular was important because very often CBS doesn’t allow other websites, such as Hulu, to show their programming.

NBC, also being a major network, was a crucial media vehicle for our commercial. The commercial will run from May through the end of August. We hope that having commercials on Hulu, CBS, and NBC during the months of July and August will boost sales for the end of the summer.

ABC, being owned by the Disney Corporation, has programming that relates to our older demographic who may have children as well as our secondary target market, as they have clips from sports programming. We plan on run-ning an ad from September through the end of December. The goal of running the ad so late in the year is to focus on the people of our target who live in warmer climates that would still be buying the product, as well as to maintain general awareness.





Similar to ABC, NBC, and CBS, Fox is a major network that has popular shows such as Glee and the Mindy Project for our primary audience, and shows like Family Guy and the Simpsons for our secondary market. This will allow us to reach a wider range of our target market.




Refinery29 is a fashion, beauty, and entertainment website that is es-pecially popular among the young women of our target market. It is primarily geared towards women living in metropolitan areas, such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, however many women around the country frequent the website.

Women’s Health is a fitness, health, and lifestyle magazine and website. This website attracts many women who care about their health, which will associate our brand with this lifestyle. While we do not plan on ad-vertising in the magazine, we feel that Women’s Health is a very popular website for women of any age.

Shape is a fitness, health and lifestyle magazine and website. Very sim-ilar to Women’s Health, we hope that this will show our brand to be a healthier brand of bottled iced tea. Unlike Women’s Health we plan on advertising in both the magazine and on the website.

Food Network reaches the older demographic that we are marketing towards. Our secondary research showed that our demographic visits this website frequently and will be more likely to buy our product. We also plan on partnering with the Food Network during our contest and as a sponsor later on in our campaign.




Transit advertisements can reach a large portion of the population of whatever city they are in. We chose four major cities across the country: New York, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles. With this mix of cities, we will be able to reach all of the main regions of the US. In New York, Boston, and Chicago the ads will run at different times during the summer for people to buy a cold bottled iced tea. The ads in Los Angeles will run throughout the entire campaign since, due to the warm climate, the target market there will be more likely to buy Tazo’s bottled teas year round.



Total Circulation: 1,168,1382015: May, August, October2016: JanuaryAllure is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazine. It reaches our target market of 18-26 year olds. It has a very high circulation with an even larger reach. We plan on putting 4 pages in 4 different issues.

Total Circulation: 3,527,5412015: May, July-August, October, 2016: MarchPeople is one of the most popular magazines in the country. It is a celebrity and fashion magazine that is in a majority of doctors’ of-fices and waiting rooms in the country. This being such a popular magazine, we believe that it will associate our brand with a younger and more fun audience.

Total Circulation: 2,028,9982015: May-July, November2016: February, AprilReal Simple acts as a lifestyle guide that is targeted towards women who are working mothers. This is crucial for our market of women 26-34 because they are the ones who drink the most tea and would be most likely to buy Tazo’s bottled teas. We are will be featuring our ads in this magazine during the summer months to promote cooling off with a Tazo Iced Tea.

Total Circulation: 1,630,7412015: May, July-August, October2016: MarchShape is a very popular fitness and lifestyle magazine. As we stated with our online advertisement, we hope this magazine will associate Tazo’s line of bottled teas with a healthy and active lifestyle. Since this is the most influential of our magazines we have chosen to put 8 pages of ads in Shape throughout our campaign.










“Secret Ingredient” is the partnership that Tazo is creating with the Food Network, along with the sponsorship of an episode of its top reality based cooking show, “Chopped.” The show will feature one of Tazo’s bottled tea flavors as the secret ingredient that will be incorporated in the courses made by the competing chefs. After the episode has aired, the recipes will be featured in the most recent issue of the Food Network Magazine as well as on the network’s website.

Partnership with the Food Network: “Secret Ingredient”



To promote Tazo’s line of bottled teas on television and encourage our audience to buy the product.

Partnering with the Food Network will help us spread awareness about Tazo’s line of bottled iced tea. The fact that chefs are purchasing it reiter-ates the quality and taste, while using it as an ingredient in a Food Network Magazine recipe will motivate people to buy the tea to make the meal. This strategy also puts the product on television, which is a major media platform that has not yet been implemented in the campaign.


“My Tazo Journey” Instagram Contest

To promote the portability of the Tazo bottled tea while gaining followers for the brand’s Instagram account to increase their social media impact.

Using this social media platform is a free way to gain publicity for Tazo’s bottled tea while also driving sales. It allows people to inter-act with the brand and feel more of a con-nection with Tazo. Not only will the contest increase Tazo’s social media presence, it will also generate positive word-of-mouth for the brand.



The “My Tazo Journey” Instagram contest is a competition to see who can send in the best picture of how they enjoy their bottled Tazo Tea. People can share their moments with Tazo by tagging the company’s Instagram account and including #mytazojourney in the caption. Those who submit the top three pictures will win a dinner that has been personally prepared for them by one of the judges of the hit Food Network show, “Chopped.”


Point-of-purchase display and coupon

The in-store display will be placed at the end of aisles in supermarkets around the country. The cutout will be of a bottle of Tazo that has been rounded in a half-cir-cle shape in order to make it appear more three-di-mensional. Each display will have coupons attached to it for people to tear off as they walk by. The coupons will be a “buy one get one free” discount for people to use when they purchase their Tazo bottled iced teas.

Objective: Increase sales of Tazo’s bottled iced teas.

The point-of-purchase display will help drive up Tazo’s sales by creating top of mind awareness as people are doing their food shopping. The large display will catch people’s attention, while the coupons attached to it will persuade customers to actually buy the product. This is a great way to bump up the sales of Tazo’s bottled iced teas.






Millennial Creative had three main objectives for this campaign: to increase Tazo’s sales by 7%, increase convic-tion by 50%, and comprehension by 70%. The graphs and chart below show our predictions of how the sales, conviction, and comprehension will increase each month.


Tazo’s integrated marketing communications is definitely somewhat lacking. In gener-al, they need to increase their social media presence, as well as their product dis-tribution. Tazo’s Twitter mainly consists of retweets, they almost never post anything original. Creating their own tweets would make them appear to be a much more personable brand, creating a friendlier and more positive rapport with their con-sumers. They also need to have their product sold in more stores. As of now, their products, specifically the line of bottled teas, are not sold at many retailers. When Tazo’s bottled teas are sold in stores their flavor selection is very sparse. We also firmly believe Tazo would benefit from capitalizing on bulk packaging. If consumers enjoy a product, they will want to buy it in larger volumes rather than individually. If Tazo Bottled Tea was sold in four or six packs, regular Tazo Tea buyers will most likely take advantage of buying in bulk. Finally, we suggest that Tazo distributes to colleges. While many schools sell Snapple, Arizona and Pure Leaf iced tea, Tazo is typically not available on university campuses. College students are always on the go, and would definitely feel like they are benefiting from buying a bottled version of their favorite flavors of Tazo Tea.







MEET THE TEAMLIZZY ROSENBERG is a full-time Connecticut resident, but is currently pursuing an Integrated Marketing Communications degree at Ithaca College, with a minor in writing. Though she is new to the work scene, Lizzy seeks to make creative and resourceful contributions to Millennial Creative Aside from planning, buying and creating pretty ads, she is an active member of IC’s chapter of the American Advertising Federation, Park Advenue, a team player on Ithaca College’s women’s Ultimate Frisbee team and an avid writer for off-beat on-campus publication, Buzzsaw Magazine. Lizzy finds her Zen by hitting up the gym and pumping some iron.

JACOB MANN, a sophomore at Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications, is an integrat-ed marketing communications major with a minor in politics. This summer, Jacob will be interning in New York City at Michael Moore’s Casting Agency where he will assist in casting directors, set design-ers, and casting directors to films, television shows, and plays. His past experience in advertising and public relations includes interning at Nickelodeon two summers ago, where he helped create adver-tisements for Paramount and Nickelodeon films. Jacob finds his zen while spending time with friends.

LAURA EPIFANO is an Integrated Marketing Communications major at the Ithaca College Park School of communications, with a minor in psychology. Her past internships have been at FFT Model Management in New York City and Stuntman PR. She plans to participate in the Disney College Internship program during the fall of her senior year. After graduation, she plans on moving to New York City to pursue a career in advertising. Laura’s passion is traveling, and she hopes to be able to someday take a trip around the world.

ALORA SHERBERT is an Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca College with a minor in psychology. Her past internships were with the Hangar Theatre and Cayuga Radio Group in Ithaca, NY as well as being an on-campus Rent the Runway Rep. On campus she is involved with Rent the Runway, and the Fitness Center, specifically with the Marketing Team. After graduation she is not sure where she will end up she would like to work in the field of entertainment marketing focusing on movie marketing. Alora’s passions are the arts, being a singer and actress for many years the arts are what she loves.

JULIA KOHN is an Integrated Marketing Communications major at the Ithaca College Park School of communications, with a minor in communication management & design. Her passion rests within the creative department of an advertising agency. After graduation, she plans on moving to Boston to pursue her career. Julia’s passion is hiking, and she hopes to be able to someday hike around the world.
