What is UX? Where user experience begins and ends

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What is UX?Thoughts on where user experience begins and ends.


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100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands


It doesn’t take long in any tech related conversation before the acronyms begin to flow, because they’re a convenient way to express complex phrases in fewer syllables.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands


Sometimes the acronyms we adopt don’t mean much when broken down (‘wi-fi’ anyone?), but that’s OK if they’ve taken on a single, accepted definition.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Other times we adopt terms that evolve from their original context without taking on a single definition, and this is the case with ‘UX’ as a shorthand for ‘user experience’.



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Apart from issues with lay-person pronunciation (“You’re what? An ‘ucks’ designer?”)



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The problem with ‘UX’ is that it has become a buzzword, a convenient catch-all for a set of issues that UX teams are commonly asked to deal with.



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

We frequently hear ‘UX’ substituted for usability (“we need some UX testing”), user-centred design (“UX process”), wireframes (“when can I see the UX?”).



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Replacing ‘UX’ with ‘user experience’ in these examples doesn’t work.



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The idea that the experience of a product or service is affected by more than usability and wireframes is lost, and with it the opportunity to really understand and improve it.



100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

‘User experience’ is defined within an ISO standard, which fits much better with our understanding of the term.

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

‘ISO 9241-210 Human-centred design processes for interactive systems’ defines user experience as ‘a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service’.

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

It goes on to add:

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

‘User experience includes all the users’ emotions, beliefs, preferences, perceptions, physical and psychological responses, behaviours and accomplishments that occur before, during and after use’.

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

It’s clear from this definition that user experience is affected by a multitude of factors beyond the common ‘UX’ wrapper.

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

To illustrate just how broad that goes, let’s consider a movie streaming service as an example. Outside of design, influencing factors for the service’s user experience might include:

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Expectations: How does the service compare with the user’s pre-conceptions set by internal forces like marketing, advertising, price and brand identity, but also external forces like word of mouth and experience of competitor services?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Technology: Can the technology deliver what’s expected of the service? Is the streaming quality great on the user’s 60” TV?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Is their connection up to it?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Is it even available on their platform?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Do outages and bugs affect the service?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Content: Is the content what the user wants? Does it have the latest blockbusters and that 80s sci-fi B-movie they’ve been recommended?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Or, is it hampered by licensing restrictions?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

What about the interface content - are the descriptions useful and the movie stills recognisable?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Does advertising get in the way of accessing the service?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Customer service: Do they resolve the problem within minutes, outside office hours?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Or, are reps over stretched, under-trained and hard to contact?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Context of use: Is the user trying to use this service in difficult circumstances, or in a way it was never intended for?

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Maybe they want to use it to watch films on a smartphone with a cracked screen in bright light over a 3G connection.

What should UX actually mean?


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

User experience is everywhere

None of these factors fall under the perceived ‘UX’ discipline, some of them are not even within the control of the business, but they are obviously part of the user experience.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

So, we have a discrepancy between what the UX team is expected to achieve (to define and manage user experience) and their actual remit (to define how users interact with the digital interface).

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

In order to achieve user experience greatness, every team needs to consider how their decisions affect the user’s experience of the product.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Not just the obvious, direct implications for the current screen or process, but subtle effects elsewhere.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

What expectations does this set?

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

And how is this experience affected by the user expectations set elsewhere?

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Going back to our fictional movie streaming service, let’s say for example that the product team want to introduce HD streaming.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The technology team choose a new streaming supplier in order to offer HD. The user experience team re-design the interface to allow users to filter for HD movies.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The marketing team run a campaign to tell customers about this new addition to the service, and how much it will improve their movie experience. Every team has done their best to meet their objectives.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands


User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

One of our users, Maggie, sees the HD campaign. She’s been happily using the service for a few months, but her expectations have now changed.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

As the HD service is new, not many titles are available and Maggie is a little disappointed.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

What’s more, the media player looks different and doesn’t have keyboard controls.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Maggie is clearly having a worse experience despite the service being improved in real terms.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Several things caused this:

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The marketing campaign met its objectives in attracting customers to the new HD service, but didn’t manage expectations around bandwidth and content availability.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The UX team designed the search interface for anticipating a large catalogue of HD films, but it looks underwhelming with the small launch selection.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The additional technology needed to switch back to a low quality stream wasn’t anticipated.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Maggie was reliant on a feature of the old player that the tech team didn’t know was important when they chose a new supplier.

User experience is everywhere


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

Decisions will always affect user experience in unexpected ways.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

UX designers are often the first to notice and raise potential user experience problems, and to suggest solutions - we are problem solvers at heart.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

However, this doesn’t mean that bad user experiences are caused by bad design, nor that clever design is always the solution.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

User experience is something that every team should consider and take responsibility for.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

In many ways it’s impossible to be a user experience designer. UX teams commonly tackle interaction design, visual design, information architecture, usability and user research.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

They are only able to influence user experience as far as it relates to the digital interface.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

The role of UX

‘UX’ as a term is probably not going away (no matter how much we’d like it to), but it’s good to remind ourselves now and again that it means more than ‘wireframes’.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

Thinking about embarking on a digital product design piece? Talk to us about how an effect user experience strategy can help to make it a success.


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

+44 (0) 203 7738175 hello@100shapes.com


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UX & design for broadcast and media brands


100 Shapes — UX & design for broadcast and media brands

For more advice and inspiration on effective UX & Design strategies visit: 100shapes.com/blog
