Pre and post workout nutrition 2


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Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

Nature Knows Best

• When it comes to overall good nutrition there is one simple rule– If God made it, eat it. If man made it, avoid it.– A good rule to follow is 80-90% natural– Ideally 100% of our diet would be natural foods:• Grass fed meats, free range chicken, wild caught fish,

game animals• Fruits• Veggies• Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa

Health vs. Dis-ease

• In today’s world, it can be a challenge but the pay off is huge: Our Health!

• Disease is just a name for a state of 'lack' in the body. A lack of health is the only way a disease can manifest, treating the disease only deals with the result of the problem, not the problem itself.

• 54% of our society is on 2 or more prescription drugs and 90%+ take over the counter medications

• The average American takes 11 prescriptions per year.• "Health is measured in the number of steps you take at a

time not the number of pills.”

Energy and Nourishment

• Stop thinking of your food intake only in terms of calories.

• Food can be broken down into basically two categories:– Energy (calories from fat, carbohydrates and

protein) – Nourishment (the nutrient density of the food;

vitamins and minerals contents).

Nourishment First

• It’s the nourishment aspect of your meal that contains the vitamins and minerals needed for the thousands of metabolic reactions occurring in the body.

• But, you also need the “energy” portion of this equation so that your cells have the fuel to drive these metabolic reactions.


Choose at least 2 fruits and vegetables per meal. This can be a combo of 1 fruit and 1 vegetable or 2

vegetables. You can choose more vegetables for the meal if you

like but your biggest meals need to include at least 2 servings from the fruit/vegetable category.

Try to mix it up! Don’t eat the same fruits and vegetables all the time.

Get a total of 7+ vegetables and fruits per day

What is food?Egg salad

Protein, fat, b-vitaminsRaw veggies

Fiber, complex carbs, vits and mins, antioxidants Slices of whole grain bread

use fresh, quality olive oil (add salt, pepper, garlic or garlic powder and other spices for a great bread dip!

Fibers, b-vits, minerals, good fats Fruit

Fiber, vits and mins, antioxidants• You must re-train to look at food as a fuel & nourishment

source not emotional gratification

Foods are a mixture of many components

Keep in mind; foods do not contain ONLY calcium or ONLY carbohydrate or ONLY protein.

However, individual foods are typically known for the largest % of energy or nourishment that it provides.

For example, when we say “nuts are a great source of quality fats”, we are communicating that they contain a large % of fat per volume. However, nuts are a good source of protein as well. So, you can use nuts to boost the protein or fat content of

your meal.

Pre-Game meal 2-3 hours prior to event

• Complex carbs, fats and a small amount of protein will do the trick.

• Sweet potatoes, brown rice, olive oil, almond butter, flax oil, walnuts, almonds and eggs are all easy to digest and can give you more sustained energy for the day.

Pre-Game/ Event meal

• Eat a little bit of fruit, such as an apple, plum, pear, citrus fruit (not juice) or berries. – They're great right before a game or workout, as

they give you a small glucose spike without the massive plummet

Long Distance Runners

• Although many experts have advised athletes to load up on carbs before a long-distance event, fact is, burning sugar is not what happens over long distances. – After a short period of time, particularly at slower

paces, your body is burning fats. • Therefore, rather than loading up on carbs, more

long distance runners are loading up on fats and small amounts of proteins prior to racing, with no more carbs than the body can easily store anyway.


• Replace expended carbohydrate stores– If you have exercised longer than 1 hour you used

up much of your carb-based energy stores• Consume quality carbs w/ a high glycemic index:

potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, bananas, apples, oranges, raisins

Recovery, cont

Re-hydrate: depending on duration of event and sweat expenditure consider electrolyte replacement: water, glucose, sodium, fruit (remember the homemade sports drink?). Check out the Hammer Nutrition line.You need to be properly hydrated to build muscle.

Protein- Once our carb stores have been depleted by exercise, our body breaks down protein in muscles for energy. A quality protein like lean meats: chicken, turkey, egg, whey products (especially if you are considering protein drinks)


• Reduce the acidity level of body fluids– During exercise body fluids shift toward an acidic state.– As we age, our blood and body fluids become increasingly

acidic– To decrease acidity in our body, the body will rob nutrients

(calcium, magnesium, nitrogen) from bones, joints, muscles and hormones (common cause of osteoporosis, arthritis, hormonal imbalances and more)

– Eating plenty of fruits and veggies (preferably raw) are natural acid reducers

Are You Hydrating Enough?

• Remember: halfyour body weight inounces of water per day.


An athlete must have protein with every meal25-35% of the meal needs to be of a protein source. Plant based sources: beans, seeds, nut, sprouts, and

quinoaAnimal based sources: fish, eggs, chicken, turkey

and possibly small amounts of red meat if OK’d by your nutritionist. If you have a normal serum ferritin and normal serum

iron, then 4-6oz of red meat should be OK for you to consume on a weekly basis.

The Protein Source Counts• Focus on good quality protein and not the processed

protein bars, drinks, and powders. Hammer Nutrition for quality sports/recovery drinks.

• Most desirable proteins: meats (like chicken, fish, turkey and even red meat), eggs, beans, seeds, nuts, sprouts, quinoa, nut butters (ie. peanut butter [not Jiffy or processed sugar-added peanut butter but pure peanut butter], cashew butter, almond butter).Least desirable proteins: processed soy, processed dairy, pork, processed luncheon meats (those that contain “nitrates” or “nitrites”).

How much protein in gramsReduced calorie diets and fasting lowers thyroid

function. You need more protein for active endurance

sports and strength sports!!!! CURRENT RDA 0.4 gm/lb of body wt RECREATION ATH 0.5-0.75 COMPETITIVE ATH 0.6-0.9 GROWING TEENAGE ATH 0.8-0.9 ADULT BUILDING MUSCLE 0.7-0.9 ENDURANCE 0.6-0.7

How much is too much protein?

Research on strength athletes indicates that at a daily protein consumption of 2.4 g/kg BW (1.2g/lb), amino acid oxidation (muscle breakdown) ↑ and no further protein synthesis (muscle building) occurs.

Consuming more protein than is needed can ↑ risk for dehydration.

As the amount of protein consumed goes up, the degree of hydration progressively goes down even in elite athletes.

Protein- some need more than others

• Protein requirements of novice strength athletes to maintain nitrogen balance appear to be at the higher end of the range (1.7 g/kg BW) (~.8g/lb) compared to that of elite strength athletes.

• Muscle is about 75% water and 22% protein by weight. Muscle building requires adequate hydration.

.7grams x 150 lb= 105 gram/day

• 2 eggs = 13 gm (~7gm each)• 6 oz of chicken = 22gm• 2 oz almonds = 12gm• ½ cup Hummus = 10gm• 6 oz sirloin = 45gm• Egg Protein drink = 26 gm

• Total = 116 gm for the day


This is your main energy source. It’s the primary fuel that your cells prefer.

Depending on your activity level and diabetic status, we recommend 40-60%.

Carbohydrates come from many food sources but when thinking in terms of a side dish of carbohydrates, we are implying mashed potatoes, sweet potato, pasta, brown rice, whole grain bread, or couscous.

Your fruits and veggies are also a good source of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate Source counts If you are low on energy or tend to “burn out” during your

workouts, you may not be consuming enough quality carbohydrates. Or you are consuming too many high glycemic foods before workout

Needless to say, skipping breakfast is a big “no, no”. Most desirable carbohydrates sources: whole grain breads, whole

grain pastas (including egg noodles), and brown rice, whole vegetables, whole fruits

Least desirable carbohydrates: anything made with white sugar and/or white flour, fruit juice, high fructose corn syrup, chips, french fries, pop

Just gotta have pizza every once in awhile? Try ordering a simple cheese pizza or veggie pizza. Avoid the “meat” pizza’s as they are loaded with salt and nitrates and

add huge amounts of non-nutritive calories.

Veggies w/ Lowest carb content• 1- Vegetables: Fresh or Frozen • Asparagus* Avocado Bean sprouts• Beans, string Beet greens Broccoli• Brussels Sprouts Cabbage* Carrots• Cauliflower* Celery Chard, Swiss• Collards Cucumber Dandelion Greens• Eggplant Endive Kale• Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce• Mushrooms Mustard Greens Okra• Onions Parsley Peppers, any• Pimento Pumpkin Radishes• Rutabagas Sauerkraut* Spinach• Squash Tomatoes Turnips• Water Cress• *Have these only once or twice per week if you have been directed to do so as a result of a low thyroid.

Veggies w/ higher Carb content• Category 2- Vegetables: Fresh or Frozen (higher carbohydrate content) For a

change, twice weekly, you can choose one vegetable from this list.• Artichokes Beans, dried Beans, kidney• Beans, Lima Corn Hominy• Parsnips Peas, green Potato, sweet• Potato, white Rice Yams

• Category 2- Fruits: Fresh or Frozen (Less Desirable Fruit with higher carbohydrate content)

• Apple Apricots Betty Lou Smackers Blackberries Cranberries Currants Grapes Gooseberries Grapefruit Guava Melons Lemons Limes Oranges Papayas Peaches Plums Raspberries Tangerines


Athletes should NOT be on a low fat diet! there should always be some source of fat in your meal.

Fat contains many nutrients such as A, D, E, and K and is required to absorb certain nutrients like CoQ10.

Your meal should contain anywhere from 15-25% fat. If your meal contains animal proteins, then there will be

some fat consumed from the meat. Other quality sources of fat to consider are raw olive oil

(use it to dip your whole grain bread in! Yum!), coconut butter (cook with it, spread on corn on the cob, spread on whole grain bread or crackers), avocados, seeds and nuts

Fat source counts!

To obtain a sufficient energy intake, fat consumption should not be eliminated from the diet.

Most desirable fat sources: nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut oil, fish, nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, etc)

Least desirable fat sources: anything with trans fat (AKA: hydrogenated fat), interesterified fat or Olestra. Bacon, sausage, etc. These will put undesirable body weight on faster than

anything. It is recommended the female athlete eliminate these from

her diet.

Good Fat

• Fat aids in digestion and absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K and hundreds of beneficial carotenoids, like lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin found in fruits and vegetables.

• Recent studies show that eating salads with fat-free salad dressing may inhibit your body from absorbing beneficial nutrients

Food with Good Fats• Fish• Avocados / Guacomole Dip• Nuts: Cashews, Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, Brazil

Nuts (raw and unsalted are preferred)• Don’t forget about nut butters: Cashew, Almond, and

Peanut. • Oils: Grape Seed, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil • Reduce vegetables oils like canola oil, cottonseed oil– They promote heart disease, inflammation and also

increase the production of bad cholesterols. – Too many Omega 6’s…not enough Omega 3’s

Hydrogenated Fats• Research has shown they ↑ the LDL cholesterol, ↓ the

HDL cholesterol and thus, ↑ the risk of coronary heart disease.

• Interfere with metabolic absorption efficiencies and tend to congregate (collect) at adipose (fat) tissue sites.

• ↑ C-Reactive Protein and muscle breakdown• They are difficult to excrete from the body and are a low

quality energy source. – It takes 1 month to break down half of the normal fats

consumed.– It takes 3 months to metabolize half of the trans-fats


Trans Fats

• 80% of trans fats in your diet come from processed foods, fast foods, snack foods and desserts.

• O grams trans fats/serving does not mean no trans fats. Often it is a product that is all trans fats but the serving size is so small the amount of trans fats is less than 1 gram/serving

Preventing Injuries: SSSPEACH• Sleep (8 hours of rest per night)• Stretch!

– Pre- and Post- activity (Warm-ups and Cool-Downs are ESSENTIAL!!!)• Supplement• Protein

– Carb/Protein recovery meal/drink within 45 min of event– Adequate total protein

• Eat whole foods– Nourishment

• Avoid sugar and junk foods• Chiropractic• Hydrate


• Focus on body composition and performance rather than total body weight.

• Eliminate low, nutrient dense foods containing refined or processed ingredients, artificial preservatives, colors and sweeteners.

• Eat foods in their most natural state.– Increase consumption of raw, whole fruits and vegetables.– Make sure 25% of your meal is from a protein source.– Do not cut your fat consumption below 20%.– Maintain a carbohydrate consumption at 55-60%


• Eliminate proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the “least desirable list”.

• Follow a grazing pattern menu plan.• Stay hydrated.– If you struggle with undesirable weight gain, eliminate

sports drinks, soda and juice. Drink only water.• Supplement your diet – Get your status assessed to determine need. – Have a yearly serum iron and ferritin performed

Caffeine Connection

• Caffeine ↑ the urinary excretion of Ca, Mg, Na & Cl for at least 3 hrs after consumption

• Interferes w/ the absorption of Vitamin D

• Where is caffeine?– Energy drinks, over the counter pain medications, ice

cream, hot cocoa, chocolate candy, coffee drinks and soda pop Mt Dew has 71mg in 12oz

Can you get optimal nutrition from your food?

USDA nutrient data from 1975 and 1997

Average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables have declined 27%

Iron levels have dropped 37%

Vitamin A levels dropped 21%

Vitamin C levels dropped 30%

British nutrient data from 1930 and 1980

– Average calcium content declined 19%

– Iron, 22%– Potassium 14% in the 20

vegetables compared


– The body uses certain b-vitamins to make CoQ10.• naturally occurring substance required by all the cells of

the body with particularly high concentrations in the heart and liver.

What about Creatine?

• Creatine is an amino acid of which 50% (in our bodies) is made from other amino acids in the liver, kidney and pancreas, while the other 50% is ingested through the foods we eat.

• Wild game is considered to be the richest source of creatine, but lean red meat and fish (particularly herring, salmon, and tuna) are also good sources.

Creatine Side Effects• Side effects of Creatine supplementation include:

weight gain, muscle cramps, muscle strains and pulls, stomach upset, diarrhea, dizziness, high blood pressure, liver dysfunction, and kidney damage.

• The weight gain is thought to be due primarily to water retention.

• Creatine should not be used by anyone who already has problems with kidney function, high blood pressure, or liver disease.

• Taking creatine supplements may prevent the body from making its own natural stores.

• The long-term consequences of this are not known.

Creatine Side Effects• Many weight lifters and body builders have abnormal liver

enzymes, creatine kinase and inflammatory markers in their bloodwork.

• Liver enzymes (SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT)• Inflammatory markers

– CRP: c-reactive protein– ESR: erythrocyte sed rate

• CK (creatine kinase) values indicate muscle tissue breakdown.– These values will be elevated with regular exercise routines but not

nearly to the degree as seen with Creatine use. • Can the body become stronger without added Creatine?

– Without a doubt, many top level athletes reach their pinnacle by optimizing their nutritional foundation from a broad and thorough standpoint.

– Not to mention Creatine is banned in NCAA athletes.

What about a one-a-day?

• One-per-day MVMs usually do not provide sufficient amounts of many nutrients such as vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

• Because one-per-day formulas typically do not contain even the minimum recommended amounts of some of the nutrients listed here, multiples requiring several capsules or tablets per day are preferable.

• Simple biochemistry explains you can only absorb a limited amount of certain vitamins and minerals at one sitting.

• With three- to six-per-day multiples, intake should be spread out at two or three meals each day, instead of taking them all at one sitting.

Multi-vitamin/ Mineral (MVM)

• MVM’s have been shown to increase strength, race times, improve recovery, decrease infections and injuries and improve feelings of well being.

• Studies indicate a high potency MVM is best suited for the athlete.

• MVM’s at or near the RDA have shown no benefit.


• Vitamin C minimum 1000-3000mg/day • Vitamin E minimum 200-400IU/day – d-alpha tocopherol (not dl-alpha tocopherol)– OR mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols

• Exercise causes tissue injury which leads to free radical formation.

• Poor recovery from this tissue injury results in more traumatic sports injuries.

• Vitamin C and E have been shown to reduce the free radical damage induced by exercise


• Many athletes don’t even consume 66% of the RDA. • Between 60-65% of Mg in the human body is found in

bone. • Mg that does not exist as part of bone, is mainly found

within muscle• This mineral is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions• ↑ loss of Mg from the body is seen during and after

exercise. – Basically , the more anaerobic the exercise the ↑ the movement

of Mg from the plasma into the erythrocytes.

– This is why athletes may have a ↑ Mg requirement

Vitamin D

• ↓vitamin D reduces muscle power, force, velocity and jump height in adolescent girls– Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,

February 2009• The study adds to an ever-growing body of

science supporting the correlation of adequate vitamin D levels and osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Rome wasn’t built in a day

• If you can't transform your unhealthy diet overnight, don't despair. Most people can't. Start implementing some of these ideas, even just one at a time. Every change you make will be one step in the right direction.

Why are we still hungry after eating?

• Are you eating the right kind of foods?– Processed foods are often very filling (bread,

french fries, chips,etc.). – Why? Because they are filled with junk that our

bodies were not designed to process and so they process slower through our digestive system than whole foods.

• Our bodies were not designed to handle high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, hydrogenated oils, MSG (aka monosodium glutamate), modified corn starch, autolyzed yeast extract, etc.

• When we eat these foods it takes much longer to process them.

Why am I hungry after eating?

• When eating whole foods our bodies are able to process these foods more quickly because the enzymes and saliva were designed for these foods.

• If eating whole foods, make sure you are eating a balanced diet: ½- 2/3 of plate should be fruits and veggies, some small protein, complex carb (quinoa, brown rice, corn, potato (sweet is better) and healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts or nut butters)

What’s a serving size?

• Serving size varies depending on the type of food.

• Protein- think a deck of cards (4oz)• Fat- about 1 teaspoon • Veggies- ½ cup unless green leafy which is 1

cup• Fruits- vary widely (usually ½ cup. If dried fruit

it is much less)

Quick and easy snack ideas

• Cut up apples (try them w/ peanut butter, carrots, or jicama

• Celery w/ peanut butter (look for one that is just peanuts and salt)

• Handful of almonds or walnuts (high in calories if you eat too many but good source of Omega 3’s)

• Hard boiled egg• Banana, mini bell peppers

Eliot’s snack•

- This was a great start to the day at camp in montana:

Eternal Warrior Basic Power Cake2 cups flour3 cups oatmeal (cooked for a moist cake, uncooked for the dry version)2 teaspoons baking soda2 eggs2 cups milk1 cup honeyMix the ingredients altogether and then add any of your favorite fixings and mix again until blended. Some ideas for the fixings include shredded carrots, raisins, chopped apples, walnuts, almonds, pineapple, peaches, or you might sneak in a few chocolate chips for a sweet treat! Spray a sheet pan (16X12) with a baking spray, pour your batter into it, and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.ENJOY!

US Food Pyramid


• Netflix has some great health related documentaries– Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead– Food, Inc.– King Corn– Food Matters
