Analytical predictions for a natural spacing within dyke swarms


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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279

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Analytical predictions for a natural spacing within dyke swarms

Andrew P. Bunger a,b,n, Thierry Menand c,d,e, Alexander Cruden f, Xi Zhang b, Henry Halls g

a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 710 Benedum Hall, 3700 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USAb CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Melbourne, Australiac Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand, Franced CNRS, UMR 6524, LMV, Clermont-Ferrand, Francee IRD, R 163, LMV, Clermont-Ferrand, Francef School of Geosciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australiag Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 10 December 2012Received in revised form9 May 2013Accepted 25 May 2013

Editor: Y. Ricard

between the dykes. And yet, the existence of a natural spacing is at the heart of why dykes grow

Available online 28 June 2013

Keywords:dyke swarmsdyke spacingfluid-driven crackshydraulic fractures

1X/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V.

esponding author at: Department of Civil andity of Pittsburgh, 710 Benedum Hall, 3701, USA. Tel.: +1 412 624 9875.ail address: (A.P. Bunger).

a b s t r a c t

Dykes often grow next to other dykes, evidenced by the widespread occurrence of dyke swarms thatcomprise many closely spaced dykes. In giant dyke swarms, dykes are observed to maintain a finitespacing from their neighbors that is tens to hundreds of times smaller than their length. To date,mechanical models have not been able to clarify whether there exists an optimum or natural spacing

in swarms in the first place. Here we present and examine a mechanical model for the horizontalpropagation of multiple, closely spaced blade-like dykes in order to find energetically optimal dykespacings associated with both constant pressure and constant influx magma sources. We show that theconstant pressure source leads to an optimal spacing that is equal to the height of the blade-like dykes.We also show that the constant influx source leads to two candidates for an optimal spacing, one whichis expected to be around 0.3 times the dyke height and the other which is expected to be around2.5 times the dyke height. Comparison with measurements from dyke swarms in Iceland and Canadalends initial support to our predictions, and we conclude that dyke swarms are indeed expected to have anatural spacing between first generation dykes and that this spacing scales with, and is on the order of,the height of the blade-like dykes that comprise the swarm.

& 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Dykes represent the dominant mode of magma transportthrough the Earth's lithosphere, and one striking feature is thatthey often occur as swarms made of several hundreds of indivi-dual, sub-parallel dykes originating from apparently a singlesource region. At the smallest scale, volcanic dyke systems origi-nate from individual magma chambers, such as the Koolau dykecomplex, Oahu, in Hawaii (Walker, 1986), the Spanish Peaks, Colorado(Odé, 1957), and the dyke swarms of Iceland (Gudmundsson, 1983;Paquet et al., 2007). At a larger scale, sheeted dyke complexesform an integral part of the crustal structure at mid-ocean ridges.At the largest scale, one finds giant mafic dyke swarms (Fig. 1)that extend over hundreds to several thousands of kilometersin length (Ernst and Baragar, 1992). These giant structures arefound not only on Earth, where they are often associated with

ll rights reserved.

Environmental Engineering,0 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh,

continental breakup and flood basalts, but also on Mars andVenus (Halls and Fahrig, 1987; Ernst et al., 2001). The width ofthese swarms is assumed to reflect the lateral extent of theirfeeding source, usually thought to be mantle plumes (e.g. Ernstet al., 2001).

Yet, in spite of their ubiquity, dyke swarms have been studiedrather descriptively. As a result, field data that could inform aboutthe mechanics and dynamics of dyke swarms remain scarce. Thecrustal dilation that is induced or accommodated by a swarmis sometimes recorded at different locations within that swarm(e.g. Walker, 1986; Hou et al., 2010), but most field studies recordonly the strike and dip of the dykes, along with their length andthickness distributions. Length distributions seem to be power-law(e.g. Paquet et al., 2007, and references therein), whereas thicknessdistributions have been variously described as power-law (e.g.Gudmundsson, 1995), negative-exponential or log-normal (e.g.Jolly and Sanderson, 1995; Jolly et al., 1998).

Comparatively, data on dyke spacing are rarely reported. Jollyand Sanderson (1995) demonstrate log-normal distribution of thedyke spacing within the Mull Swarm, Scotland, and from this inferthe existence of characteristic length scale that is best described by

Fig. 1. The 1270 Ma giant Mackenzie mafic dyke swarm in the northwestern Canadian Shield (after LeCheminant and Heaman, 1989) (used with permission), whose dykesextend over more than 2000 km with an average thickness of 30 m (Fahrig, 1987).

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279 271

the median or geometric mean of the spacing. In a similar study,Jolly et al. (1998) examine the geometry of clastic dykes in theSacramento Valley, California. In this case the authors interpretthe dyke spacing to follow a power-law distribution, althoughit should be noted that their discrimination between power-lawand log-normal behavior seems that it was not carried outformally but rather relied on visual assessment and is thereforeprone to misinterpretation (e.g. Clauset et al., 2009). Hence, thelimited available data provide sufficient motivation to pursuemodel-derived insight into whether or not a characteristic lengthscale related to dyke spacing is expected to exist, and if so, whatare its physical origins and significance.

The mechanics of dyke propagation and prediction of spacingbetween cracks in rocks have both received significant attentionover the past few decades. On the one hand, the growth of a singledyke has been analyzed in a variety of combinations of geometryand boundary conditions (e.g. Lister, 1990; Mériaux and Jaupart,1998; Roper and Lister, 2005; Taisne and Jaupart, 2009; Taisneet al., 2011). On the other hand, both analytical (e.g. Hobbs, 1967)and numerical (e.g. Narr and Suppe, 1991; Bai and Pollard, 2000;

Olson, 2004) approaches have been applied for the purpose ofpredicting the spacing between opening mode cracks in layeredrocks. But, while there has been a number of mainly industry-driven contributions aimed at understanding crack patterns anddriving pressure associated with the growth of multiple hydraulicfractures (e.g. Germanovich et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 2007; Olson,2008; Jin and Johnson, 2008; Olson and Dahi-Taleghani, 2009;Zhang et al., 2011; Roussel and Sharma, 2011; Bunger et al., 2012;Vermylen and Zoback, 2011; Weng et al., 2011), the issue ofoptimal spacing between fluid-driven cracks for geometries andboundary conditions that are relevant to dyke propagation has notbeen addressed.

In this paper we ask whether there is evidence from mechan-ical analysis that dyke swarms should form with a particular inter-dyke spacing. This question is at the heart of the issue of whydykes should form swarms at all. If mechanical models predicta natural spacing that tends to zero or infinity, then it remainsfundamentally unclear why there is a widespread morphologywherein many distinct dykes maintain a finite separation over tensto thousands of kilometers of growth.

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279272

Whether mechanical analysis can identify a finite characteristicspacing for dyke swarms is not apparent at the outset. There is atemptation to view the problem in terms of fracture mechanicsalone. But if we do this, we immediately discover the well-knownfact that closely spaced pressurized cracks exert compressivestresses on each other that reduce the stress intensity that drivesthe fracturing process (e.g. Benthem and Koiter, 1973). Viewed thisway, it is unclear how dykes in a swarm can grow to be a hundredtimes longer than the spacing between them.

One potential resolution to this issue is to suggest that thedykes must form sequentially, with one dyke propagating after thenext, to eventually form the observed dyke swarm morphologies.It seems reasonable that this should be a part of the answer.However, crosscutting relationships observed in the field indicatethat contemporaneous as well as successive dyke emplacementcan be observed within the same swarm (Burchardt et al., 2011).Moreover, the analysis of Bunger (2013) shows that multiple,simultaneously growing fluid-driven cracks can propagate to alength that is much greater than their separation provided that thefluid driving them is sufficiently viscous — which is to say thatthe energy dissipated in viscous flow greatly exceeds the energydissipated through breakage of the rock — and provided that theirgrowth in height is constrained so that they are much longer thanthey are high and hence grow in the well-known blade-likegeometry (e.g. Perkins and Kern, 1961; Nordgren, 1972; Rubinand Pollard, 1987; Lister, 1990; Adachi and Peirce, 2008). Here weexamine the mechanical evidence for a natural or optimal spacingwithin dyke swarms by extending the method that has beenpreviously developed by Bunger (2013) in order to account forboth the asymptotic limits of widely and closely spaced swarms ofblade-shaped dykes under both constant pressure and constantinflux source conditions.

2. Dyke propagation model

We consider a model for an array of equally spaced blade-likedykes that are propagating horizontally through brittle host rock,as sketched in Fig. 2. This model is justified for large dyke swarmsthat grow to be many times greater in length than the thickness ofthe crust. Examples include the Mackenzie swarm, the Matachewanswarm, the Grenville swarm, and the Abitibi swarm, all in Canada,the Yakust swarm in Siberia, and the Central Atlantic recon-structed swarm (Ernst et al., 1995, and references therein).

For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the swarm ischaracterized by a single spacing h between adjacent dykes(Fig. 2), and we investigate how this spacing h affects the propa-gation of the dykes. In this regard, we neglect the details of thesource geometry and the radial propagation of dykes near thesource and instead focus on the parallel propagation in a regime

Fig. 2. Sketch of the model geometry, showing two members of an infinite array ofblade-like dykes.

that is taken to persist after an early time, source geometrydominated period of growth. Subject to this geometric limitation,details of dyke initiation and early growth wherein the dykelength R is not substantially greater than the height H will notbe considered. Practically, the model is valid when R is at least 3–5times greater than H (Adachi and Peirce, 2008). When this is thecase, it is valid to assume (Nordgren, 1972) that (1) fluid flow to beunidirectional and along the x direction in Fig. 2, that is, parallel tothe direction of dyke propagation and (2) pressure to be uniformwithin each vertical y−z planar cross section of the hydraulicfracture with the pressure and thickness related according to alocal, plane strain condition. The elasticity relation between netpressure (p¼ pf−so for minimum in situ stress so and total magmapressure pf) and thickness (w) along center line of the dyke (y¼0)is thus given by

wðx; tÞ ¼ α1Hpðx; tÞ−sI

E′; ð1Þ

where E′¼ E=ð1−ν2Þ for Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio ν,and sI is the compressive stress exerted on the dyke by itsneighbors, which is approximated for the widely spaced caseH⪡h⪡R as (Benthem and Koiter, 1973; Bunger, 2013)

sI ¼ p3H2

8h2ð1þ Oðh=HÞ−2Þ; ð2Þ

where the classical “Big O” notation is used to indicate the limitingbehavior of the series. Similarly for the closely spaced caseh⪡H⪡R (Supplementary Section 1) the interaction stress is approxi-mated by

sI ¼ p 1−4hH

þ Oðh=HÞ3� �

: ð3Þ

Also, α1ðH=hÞ is a factor that accounts for interaction, where

α1ðH=hÞ∼2; H=h⪡10:35; H=h⪢1


where the large spacing limit ðH=h⪡1Þ is readily available from thesolution for a single, pressurized crack in plane strain (Sneddon,1946), and the small spacing ðH=h⪢1Þ limit is determined numeri-cally, as detailed in Supplementary Section 2.

Assuming that the magma is incompressible, fluid continuity,which comprises the second governing equation, is given by(Nordgren, 1972)


þ ∂q∂x

¼ 0; ð4Þ

where qðx; tÞ is the volume rate of flow through a cross section,once again w is the opening along y¼0, and α2ðH=hÞ is a factor thatbehaves like


4; H=h⪡1

1; H=h⪢1


with the large spacing limit ðH=h⪡1Þ arising from the area of anelliptical cross section ðπwH=4Þ and the small spacing ðH=h⪢1Þlimit coinciding with a rectangular cross-section, which is taken asan approximation of the cross section of the dyke in this case, asdemonstrated in Supplementary Section 2.

The third governing equation is the Poiseuille equation relatingthe fluid flux to the fluid pressure gradient. This equation resultsfrom solution of the Navier–Stokes equations for laminar flow ofa Newtonian fluid subjected to no-slip boundary conditions at theboundaries of the channel and where the thickness of the flowchannel is much less than its length. The result is (Nordgren, 1972)



; ð5Þ

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279 273

where μ′¼ 12μ and μ is the dynamic viscosity of the magma, and


; H=h⪡1

1; H=h⪢1


where the large spacing limit ðH=h⪡1Þ arises from integrating theflux over an elliptical cross section and the small spacing ðH=h⪢1Þlimit arises from integrating the flux over an approximatelyrectangular cross section. It should be noted, however, that inthe present work we are concerned with orders of magnitude sothat what is important are not the precise values of α1; α2;α3, butrather that we have confirmed these to be order one.

The leading edge of the dyke requires a condition governing itspropagation. However, one of the well-known deficiencies of theapproach of Perkins and Kern (1961) and Nordgren (1972) tomodel blade-like hydraulic fractures is that the stresses are notwell-defined in the near-tip region, therefore precluding a well-defined propagation condition. A recent asymptotic analysis of thefull elasticity equation by Adachi and Peirce (2008) provides a wayforward, however, a fluid-driven blade-like crack model has yet tobe developed. But the lack of such a model is not important for ouranalysis provided that we assume that the energy dissipated byflow of the viscous fluid is much larger than the energy that isdissipated by rock fracture (after e.g. Lister, 1990; Lister and Kerr,1991). It follows that if we are in viscosity dominated conditions,the scaling and energy relations that are subsequently derived willnot depend on this moving boundary condition at the dyke tip.

Finally, assuming that the behavior for R⪢H (long blade-likedykes) does not depend on the details of the initial conditions,these can be neglected for now. The system of equations is thuscompleted by homogeneous boundary conditions on the thicknessand magma flux at the leading edge

x¼ R : w¼ 0; q¼ 0; ð6Þand the magma source condition, which is discussed in thefollowing section.

3. Magma source condition

The source is idealized as a time varying volume of magma(V(t)) that is characterized by a compressibility Cm that describesthe change in pressure associated with a given change in storedmagma volume. The source is overpressurized relative to theminimum component of the in situ stress so by a time-dependentamount

poðtÞ ¼ poð0Þ þVrðtÞ−VdðtÞVð0ÞCm

: ð7Þ

Hence, poð0Þ and Vð0Þ are the source overpressure and volume atthe start of dyke growth and Vd and Vr are the total volumeinjected into dykes and added to the source region throughrecharge processes, respectively. Giant dyke swarms are usuallythought to be fed by mantle plumes (Ernst et al., 2001), and so therecharge processes envisaged here would be the supply of magmafrom the tail to the head of these mantle plumes.

The total volume is thus given by VðtÞ ¼ Vð0Þ þ VrðtÞ−VdðtÞ.Letting Q ðtÞ ¼ qð0; tÞ be the volumetric flow rate out of the sourceand into the dykes, and Qr(t) be the recharge rate of the sourceregion, we have

poðtÞ ¼ poð0Þ þ1


Z t

0ðQr−Q Þ dt: ð8Þ

This description of the source leads naturally to the considera-tion of two limiting cases. The first is for an infinitely large andcompressible source, where we are left with a constant pressure


x¼ 0 : p¼ p0 ¼ poð0Þ; Vð0ÞCm-∞: ð9ÞObviously, for Qr≠Q , this boundary condition is associated withtime being sufficiently small so that the second term on the righthand side of Eq. (8) vanishes relative to p0.

On the other hand, the small, incompressible source limit ismost clearly represented by differentiating Eq. (8) with respect totime to obtain

Q ¼ Qr−Vð0ÞCmdpoðtÞdt

; ð10Þ

where it is clear, then, that the source boundary condition is

x¼ 0 : q¼Qr ; Vð0ÞCm-0; ð11Þwhich is a condition of constant influx if we further assumeQrðtÞ ¼Qo, a constant. Furthermore, it is apparent from Eq. (10)that the constant influx condition is associated with large time ifdpo=dt decays with time – for example if po∼tb for bo1.

We note, however, that dyke flow rates Q are usually severalorders of magnitude greater than their source recharge rates Qr.For instance, studies of long-term magma supply rate at Kilauea,Hawaii (Swanson, 1972) and Krafla, Iceland (Johnsen et al., 1980)give Qr∼1−5 m3 s−1. Estimates of dyke flow velocities are in therange 0:1–1 m s−1 (Brandsdóttir and Einarsson, 1979; Peltier et al.,2007; Ayele et al., 2009; White et al., 2011), which would amountto average volumetric flow rates Q∼102−104 m3 s−1 for horizon-tally propagating dykes that are 1 m wide and 1–10 km high.This range of values reflects the requirement that dykes need topropagate fast enough through the Earth's crust to avoid death bysolidification: continued magma flow in dykes requires a mini-mum dyke width hence magma flow rate for the advective supplyof heat by flowing magma to be able to offset the heat conductedaway by the colder host rocks (Bruce and Huppert, 1989; Petfordet al., 1993). This range of values agrees with the volumetricflow rates estimated for the 1783–1785 Laki eruption in Iceland(100–9000 m3 s−1, Thordarson and Self, 1993), the magmaticactivity in Hawaii in the 1970s (1–700 m3 s−1, Wright and Tilling,1980; Duffield et al., 1982), the September 1984 eruption of Krafla,Iceland (10–103 m3 s−1, Tryggvason, 1986), or the 2003 magmaticactivity at Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island (10–700 m3 s−1,Peltier et al., 2007). Some of these volumetric-flow-rate estimatesare eruption rates and are observed to decline with time, whereasdyke intrusions might involve more constant rates (e.g. Peltieret al., 2007; Traversa et al., 2010). Moreover, one could argue thatvolumetric flow rates Q for giant dyke swarms would be evengreater than these reported values due to the larger averagethickness of their dykes. This being the case, Q would have to bederived mainly from the stored volume, hence the infinitely largeand compressible source, Eq. (9), is probably applicable to many, ifnot most, dyke swarms.

4. Energy considerations

For a compressible magma source, the elastic strain energy ðEÞis increased by the work done on the magma source by therecharge (Wr) and work done on the source by the in situ stress(Wso), and it is decreased by the work done by the magma sourceon the array of dykes (Wdf). Energy conservation thus requires

_E ¼ _Wr þ _Wso− _Wdf ; ð12Þwhere the overdot indicates the time derivative and, followingLecampion and Detournay (2007), it is easy to show that _Wr ¼Qrpf ,_Wdf ¼ Qpf , and _Wso ¼ soðQ−QrÞ. Hence_E ¼ ðQr−Q Þp: ð13Þ

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279274

For the infinitely compressible source, that is, when p¼ p0 at the inletaccording to Eq. (9), maximizing the rate of decrease in stored elasticenergy in the magma source corresponds to maximizing Q (when Qr isa constant). The first of two energy conjectures, then, is that dykesystems associated with infinitely compressible sources will energeti-cally favor configurations that maximize − _E ; and therefore, the growthgeometry that maximizes themagma influx rate to the dykes Qwill beconsidered advantageous. Moreover, if Qr⪡Q , as indicated by fielddata, we have − _E∼Qp so that it makes sense to focus on quantifyingwhat we will call the “net dyke propagation work rate”, _Wd ¼Qp.

On the other hand, for an incompressible source, fluid canneither be stored nor be mobilized from storage, hence Q ¼Qr

(Eq. (11)). So, it is obvious that _E≡0 and therefore we cannotconsider the change in strain energy of the source as we did whenit was compressible. In this case, we follow Bunger (2013) andconsider the rate of work done on the dykes _Wdf ¼Qpf . Thesecond energy conjecture is that dyke swarms associated withincompressible sources will energetically favor configurations thatminimize _Wdf ; and therefore, the growth geometry that mini-mizes the pressure required to drive growth at a fixed rate ofinflux ðQ ðtÞ ¼QoÞ will be considered advantageous. Furthermore,when the in situ stress so is a constant, the minimum of_Wdf coincides with the minimum of _Wd ¼Qp, so that once againit is sensible to focus on quantifying the dyke propagation workrate, _Wd.

Ongoing studies are required to better understand the condi-tions under which these conjectures are valid. When the overallgeometry of a dyke swarm is relatively simple, it seems reason-able. However, when the dyke patterns become more complicated,the energy conjectures may not always hold. For example, mine-through mapping of hydraulic fracture growth through rockmasses that contain natural fractures has shown that the hydraulicfracture path can offset as it grows through some of the disconti-nuities so that the final fracture is not planar, but rather follows astair-like morphology (Jeffrey et al., 2009). The available 2Dmodeling (Jeffrey et al., 2009) shows that these offsets lead to anincrease in the wellbore pressure relative to the case of planargrowth for a given injection rate. This implies that the patternof hydraulic fracture growth does not always result in a finalconfiguration that would be predicted from global equilibriumenergy considerations. Instead, the morphology, or pattern ofhydraulic fractures, appears to be determined by local interactionlaws that determine the evolution of the system to attain a finalconfiguration that cannot in general be predicted from simplyconsidering global, equilibrium energy minimization.

These caveats aside, it is prudent to investigate a relativelysimple dyke swarm geometry as a starting point from which wecan understand if, in fact, the mathematical model implies theexistence of an energetically optimal spacing between the dykesand to determine how this spacing depends on the nature of thesource.

5. Approximating the energy rate

We consider a uniform array of blade-like dykes originatingfrom the same source and maintaining a constant spacing andequal lengths as they grow. In the absence of a fully coupled modelthat accounts for all of the mechanical interactions among thedykes, a straightforward method for estimating the “input power”_Wd based on scaling relationships can be used. Following Bunger(2013), the input power required to propagate a swarm of Ngrowing dykes can be expressed as

_Wd ¼ ∑N

i ¼ 1

_WðiÞ; _W

ðiÞ ¼ _UðiÞ− _W

ðiÞI þ DðiÞ

c þ DðiÞf : ð14Þ

Which is to say that the input power to each dyke increases thestrain energy in the host rock _U

ðiÞthat overcomes the work that is

done on that dyke by the stresses induced by the others _WðiÞI , or is

dissipated either through rock fracture DðiÞc or viscous flow of the

magma DðiÞf . Recalling that our consideration is limited here to

viscosity dominated hydraulic fractures, we only consider caseswherein DðiÞ

c ⪡DðiÞf . Hence, the contribution of DðiÞ

c to Eq. (14) canbe neglected for the present study (see Bunger, 2013 for a morethorough discussion).

For the case of a uniform array of dykes that is at the onset ofinteraction such that h⪢H, Bunger (2013) shows that


; _WðiÞI ≈−



h2 þ OðH=hÞ4 !


DðiÞf ≈


1þ H2

h2þ OðH=hÞ4

!; ð15Þ

where L, P, and X are characteristic quantities that estimate thedyke length, the magma over pressure, and the dyke thickness,respectively. The form of Eq. (15), then, clearly shows that _W

ðiÞI is

negligible as h=H-∞, that is, for very widely spaced dykes, and itsimportance is greater for smaller dyke spacing. Before movingon to obtain L; P;Xf g from the governing equations, let us alsopresent the approximations for the terms in Eq. (14) for the case ofclosely spaced dykes ðh⪡HÞ


; _WðiÞI ≈−


1þ hHþ Oðh=HÞ2

� �;

DðiÞf ≈


1þ hHþ Oðh=HÞ2

� �: ð16Þ

The governing equations (Eqs. (1)–(11)) directly lead to appro-priate expressions for L, P, and X. A useful technique (afterDetournay, 2004) is to substitute

w¼ XΩ; p¼ PΠ; R¼ Lγ; ð17Þwhereupon the objective becomes to define X; P; Lf g such that thedimensionless quantities Ω;Π; γ

� �are all of order one ðOð1ÞÞ. For

example, in the case of an infinitely compressible source withwidely spaced dykes, the inlet boundary condition (Eq. (9)) tellsus that Π ¼Oð1Þ if we take P ¼ p0. Then, substituting into theelasticity equation (Eq. (1)), we can ensure that OðΩÞ ¼ OðΠÞ (andhence Ω¼ Oð1Þ) by taking X ¼HP=E′. Finally, the characteristicdyke length is obtained by first substituting the Poiseuille equa-tion (Eq. (5)) into the continuity equation (Eq. (4)) along withaforementioned values of P and X. The characteristic length L isthen chosen so that the two terms of the continuity equation areguaranteed to be of the same order, which is to set the group ofparameters that appears after the substitution to one. The result isL¼Hp3=20 t1=2=ðE′μ′1=2Þ.

The procedure can be repeated for each of the four limitingregimes that come from the widely and closely spaced limits forinfinitely compressible and incompressible sources, respectively.This scaling procedure is both straightforward and it has beendiscussed at length in a number of prior contributions (see Detournay,2004 for a review), hence the details are omitted. The resultingcharacteristic quantities are summarized in Table 1. Substitutingthese quantities into the appropriate choice of Eqs. (15) or (16)and summing up according to Eq. (14) provides a rapid way ofestimating the total input power required to sustain the growth ofa swarm of dykes.

6. Constant pressure limit

For the constant inlet pressure limiting case the applicableenergy conjecture is that the dyke configuration that maximizes

Table 1Scaling factors that estimate the dyke thickness X, magma net pressure P, and dykelength L for the four limiting regimes, where the q¼Qo , h⪢H case comes fromNordgren (1972).

Source condition Spacing X P L

p¼ p0 h⪢H Hp0E′

p0 Hp3=20 t1=2


p¼ p0 h⪡H hp0E′

p0 hp3=20 t1=2


q¼Qo h⪢H Q2i μ′tE′H


i μ′t



i t4



q¼Qo h⪡H hQ2i μ′t



i μ′t



i t4



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 30













Fig. 3. Normalized input power _Wd to the dyke swarm for the case of constantpressure at the source, where the numerical label indicates the number of termsretained in the asymptotic series.

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279 275

the rate of work done by the magma source on the dyke swarmwill be energetically advantageous (Section 4). By this statement,searching for an optimum spacing between the dykes is synon-ymous with searching for a spacing that maximizes _Wd (Eq. (14)).

Because we are limiting consideration to a uniform array ofdykes, the summation in Eq. (14) can be expressed simply as_Wd ¼N _W

ðiÞ, where _W

ðiÞis the input power required to propagate

one dyke in the array. Furthermore, it is not physically reasonableto let the width of the swarm grow unconstrained as would bethe case if h and N were both unconstrained. Rather, natural dykeswarms are usually observed to cover a zone of some finite width(Halls and Fahrig, 1987; Ernst et al., 2001; Paquet et al., 2007). Forexample, this finite width, Z, can be considered to be on the orderof the lateral extent of the magmatic source feeding the swarm.This being the case, the swarm width Z, the number of dykes N,and their spacing h are related as h¼ Z=ðN−1Þ, which for N⪢1 canbe approximated as h≈Z=N, so that _Wd≈ðZ=hÞ _W

ðiÞ. Taking the

approximations from Eq. (15) and characteristic quantities fromTable 1, the input power for the widely spaced ðh⪢HÞ regime is

_Wd≈H3p7=20 Z

hE′2μ′1=2t1=2ð1þ OðH=hÞ2Þ: ð18Þ

On the other hand, for the closely spaced ðh⪡HÞ regime, theapproximations from Eq. (16) lead to

_Wd≈hHp7=20 Z

E′2μ′1=2t1=2ð1þ Oðh=HÞÞ: ð19Þ

These two expressions hold a number of important insightsregarding the behavior of the problem under consideration. Firstly,we can see that _Wd decreases with time for a fixed initial numberof dykes N0. This is an intriguing result because it means that atsome time it will be advantageous, that is, in the sense of causingan increase in _Wd, to initiate new dykes in the spaces between theinitial dykes. And after some time with these two generationsof dykes growing, it could become advantageous again to initiatea third generation of dykes growing in the spaces between theexisting dykes.

It is important to realize, then, that field observations, espe-cially in the vicinity of the source, can be expected to show adyke spacing that is less than the predictions from our analysis.Also, calculations of median or mean dyke spacings across anentire swarm will be smaller than what is predicted here. So, tosummarize (1) the subsequent analysis in this paper provides anestimate of the spacing between dykes in the first generation and(2) the dependence of _Wd on t as shown in Eqs. (18) and (19)suggests that subsequent generations can be expected to formleading to hierarchical sets of dykes within the swarm. Clearlya simulator of dyke swarm growth that is able to capture this

complex behavior, and especially the point at which the systemprefers to initiate new, infilling dykes rather than to continuegrowing the original array of dykes, would be a highly valuabletool for further investigation of this anticipated phenomenon.

It is also useful to identify a characteristic work rate ð _W n

dÞ thatemerges when h≈H and which is given by


d ¼H2p7=20 Z

E′2μ′1=2t1=2: ð20Þ

Recalling that _Wd≈p0Q , we can therefore estimate the total rate ofinflux to the swarm from the magma source when h≈H as

Q≈H2p5=20 Z

E′2μ′1=2t1=2; h≈H: ð21Þ

By integrating Qwith respect to time we can obtain an estimateof the volume of the swarm, V, given by

V≈H2p5=20 Zt1=2

E′2μ′1=2; h≈H: ð22Þ

Note that the factor of 2 that arises from the integration of Q hasbeen dropped because it is spurious in light of the fact that thesequantities are intended to estimate order of magnitude, not toprovide precise predictions.

Most importantly, though, Eqs. (18) and (19) provide insightinto the dependence of _Wd on the spacing h. As a visual approach,we have normalized both expressions by _W


d (Eq. (20)) and plottedthe resulting normalized input power as a function of h=H in Fig. 3.This result, and indeed direct inspection of Eqs. (18) and (19),shows that _Wd increases with decreasing h for h⪢H and decreasesfor decreasing h for h⪡H, with suggestion of a sharp peak at h≈H.Therefore, we conclude that a dyke swarm that is driven by aconstant pressure source will have an optimum (first generation)dyke spacing of h≈H.

7. Constant influx limit

For the constant influx limiting case the applicable energyconjecture is that the dyke configuration that minimizes therate of work done by the magma source on the dyke swarmwill be energetically advantageous (Section 4). By this statement,searching for an optimum spacing between the dykes is synon-ymous with searching for a spacing that minimizes _Wd (Eq. (14)).Also, we recall that the constant influx limit is probably not as

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 40











Fig. 4. Normalized input power _Wd to the dyke swarm for the case of constantinflux from the source, where the numerical label indicates the number of termsretained in the asymptotic series.

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279276

widely applicable to dyke swarms as the constant pressure limit(Section 3).

Nonetheless, for the limiting case of constant total influx Qo

that is partitioned equally among all of the dykes, the approxima-tions from Eq. (15) and characteristic quantities from Table 1 leadto an estimate for the input power for the widely spaced ðh⪢HÞregime as





ð1þ OðH=hÞ2Þ: ð23Þ

On the other hand, for the closely spaced ðh⪡HÞ regime, theapproximations from Eq. (16) lead to





ð1þ Oðh=HÞÞ: ð24Þ

In both cases the leading order behavior of the input power isgiven by _Wd≈QoP, where P is given by Table 1. And so we see thatP, and hence _Wd, increases with time. Recalling that the energyconjecture for the constant influx case is that the system will favorconfigurations that minimize _Wd, this increasing behavior withtime once again opens the possibility that subsequent generationsof dykes could be initiated in the spaces between theprimary dykes.

As in the case of the constant pressure source, the mostinteresting implication of Eqs. (23) and (24) has to do with thespacing that optimizes (in this case minimizes) _Wd. And herewe have a somewhat more complicated situation than for theconstant pressure source. By introducing and normalizing by acharacteristic power


d ¼E′4μ′Q7




; ð25Þ

it is apparent that for the constant pressure source, the leadingorder term of the widely spaced approximation (Eq. (18)) goes likeH/h with subsequent terms going like ðh=HÞ1−2n for n¼ 1;2;….Which is to say that the leading order term and all subsequentcorrection terms show that _Wd increases with decreasing h/H. Theconverse is true for the closely spaced approximation (Eq. (19)),with the important point being that the leading order term and allsubsequent correction terms in the series indicate that _Wd

decreases with decreasing h. This shows that both expansionscan be pushed all the way to h¼H without a change in the sign ofthe derivative of _Wd with respect to h/H.

The behavior of both series is fundamentally different for theconstant influx limiting case. Starting with the widely spacedapproximation (Eq. (23)), we see that the leading order term of theseries goes like ðh=HÞ2=5. But the next term in the series goes likeðh=HÞ−8=5 with subsequent terms going like ðh=HÞð−10nþ2Þ=5 forn¼ 2;3;…. So, the leading order term indicates that _Wd decreases(which is considered advantageous in this case) with decreasingh/H for h⪢H. However, as h-H the subsequent terms in the seriesbecome important and will at some point change the sign ofd _Wd=dðh=HÞ. The situation is similar for the closely spacedapproximation (Eq. (24)), so that we also expect the sign ofd _Wd=dðh=HÞ to change in the range 0oh=Ho1.

Fig. 4 shows the behavior of both the widely and closely spacedapproximations of _Wd (Eqs. (23) and (24)), normalized by thecharacteristic power _W


d. Four curves are graphed for eachapproximation. These are labeled with a number that indicatesthe number of terms (M þ 1) retained in the series _Wd= _W



n ¼ 0ðh=HÞð−10nþ2Þ=5 corresponding to Eq. (23), or the series_Wd= _W


d≈∑Mn ¼ 0ðh=HÞð5n−2Þ=5 corresponding to Eq. (24). As per the

relevant energy conjecture (Section 4), in this case, we are lookingfor minima rather than maxima in these curves and, as expected,

we observe two local minima, one in the range 0oh=Ho1 andthe other for h=H41.

It is important to be clear that Fig. 4 represents an approxima-tion to the behavior of _Wd. From it we can see clearly that themodel predicts two local minima and we can be confident thatthey will be Oð1Þ and in the ranges 0oh=Ho1 and h=H41.However, we neither precisely predict the values of h/H thatminimize _Wd nor can we be sure which of the local minima willbe the global minimum. This is because the actual large and smallh/H expansions embodied in Eqs. (23) and (24) have the form_Wd= _W


d≈∑Mn ¼ 0anðh=HÞð−10nþ2Þ=5 and _Wd= _W


d≈∑Mn ¼ 0bnðh=HÞð5n−2Þ=5,

respectively, where an and bn are Oð1Þ quantities that must bedetermined from a solution to the governing equations (Eqs. (1)–(11)) that enables computation of the energy integrals defined byBunger (2013) (for example see Supplementary Section 3). Herewe have simply taken an¼1 and bn¼1. In this coarse approxima-tion, the widely spaced local minimum appears as the globalminimum, and its location is h=H¼ 2 for the two term series and itmoves towards h=H≈2:5 when many terms are included in theseries. On the other hand, the location of the closely spaced localminimum is h=H ¼ 2=3 for the two term series and it movestowards h=H≈0:3 when many terms are included in the series.

The striking conclusion is that there exist two local minimain the input power _Wd, both of which could represent optimalspacings for dyke growth under conditions of constant influx(if indeed the constant influx condition is relevant to some fieldcases). Further analysis is required to pinpoint the locations of theminima, but we roughly expect them to be around h=H≈2:5 andh=H≈0:3. Further analysis is also required to determine which ofthese is the global minimum.

8. Field comparisons

Our model predicts the optimal first-generation dyke-spacingthat dyke swarms will tend to develop. By “first-generation” wemean the spacing of the first set of dykes that grows into thehost rock. These will naturally arrest at some point and additionaldykes will fill in between them. However, we expect from thismodel, based on the constant pressure inlet conditions (as arguedin Section 3), that the first-generation will be the thickest dykesand these will have a spacing that is commensurate with the dykeheight H. The model provides also an estimate of how the volumeof the swarm will increase with time (Eq. (22)). Both predictionscan be tested against field observations.

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279 277

8.1. Iceland

We first devote our attention to the magmatic activity that tookplace at Krafla in the late 1970s, and to the Tertiary Alftafjördurdyke swarm in eastern Iceland.

According to Sigurdsson (1987), the Krafla rifting episodeinvolved the repeated horizontal injection of fairly similar dykes,whose height ranged between 2 and 5 km (with an average of2.8 km) and which propagated at an average velocity of 0.5 m/sover distances of 10–30 km from a magmatic source with anestimated overpressure of about 10 MPa. The total volume ofmagma that was evacuated from the magma chamber during thewhole event has been estimated to be 1–2 km3 (Sigurdsson, 1987).

Eq. (22) provides an estimate of a dyke-swarm volume as afunction of time. Conversely, we can use this equation to estimatethe time required to emplace a swarm of a particular volume.Taking the average values provided by Sigurdsson (1987) alongwith a dyke swarm width of 10 km, values for Young's modulusE¼ 10 GPa and Poisson's ratio ν¼ 0:25, and assuming a magmaviscosity of 100 Pa s, Eq. (22) predicts an injection duration for a1-km3 dyke swarm of about 7 h. This is in the same order ofmagnitude as the duration of dyke injections at Krafla, which wasestimated to last about 25 h based on the monitoring of theirseismic activity (Sigurdsson, 1987).

Paquet et al. (2007) studied the Tertiary Alftafjördur dykeswarm in Eastern Iceland where they measured the dyke-thick-ness distribution within the swarm at two different locations.They observed a clustering of dykes with a characteristic spacingof 1.5–2.5 km, which seems to have been determined visually.Additionally, a Fast Fourier Transform analysis gives a mode of2.5 km. Importantly, these spacing values are reported to corre-spond to the distribution of the thickest dykes, which wouldreflect the first generation of dykes and hence those we expect tobe consistent with our model. If one takes the average dike heightgiven by Sigurdsson (1987) at Krafla of 2.8 km as representative ofhorizontally propagating dykes throughout Iceland, then the studyof Paquet et al. (2007) suggests that the Tertiary Alftafjördur dykeswarm developed a characteristic dyke-spacing comparable to theaverage height of its dykes, as suggested by our model.

8.2. Canada

In crustal-scale giant radiating dyke swarms (Halls and Fahrig,1987) it is reasonable to assume that individual dykes traversethe entire thickness of the crust (H≈30–40 km) or a significantportion of the crust. Here we focus on constraining the spacing offirst-generation dykes in the 1270 Ma Mackenzie (Fig. 1) and the2470–2450 Ma Matachewan dyke swarms, Canada.

Dykes in the Mackenzie swarm converge towards a commonorigin, attributed to the head of the mantle plume that suppliedmagma to the dykes, north of Coppermine in the Canadian Arcticarchipelago (Fig. 1). The swarm radiates across the northern halfof the Canadian Shield with a fan angle close to the origin of 1001,covering an area of 2.1�106 km2 and extending up to 2400 kmalong strike (Ernst and Buchan, 2001). In more distal southeasternparts of the swarm, 41000 km from the origin, the dyke pattern ismore linear and attributed to a transition from propagation withina radial plume-related stress regime to a regional stress regime(Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Hou et al., 2010). Magnetic fabricanalysis indicates a second transition from vertical to horizontalmagma flow regimes occurring 500–600 km from the swarmcenter, probably associated with the outer boundary of the plumehead (Ernst and Baragar, 1992). Mackenzie dykes range in thick-ness from 1 m to 150 m, with a mean of 30 m (Fahrig, 1987). Themean thickness increases from ∼18 m, 400 km from the swarm

center to ∼33 m more than 600 km out (Baragar et al., 1996).Likewise, the mean spacing between dykes increases from ∼6:7 kmabout 500 km from the swarm center to ∼25 km approximately2100 km to the southeast in northwestern Ontario (Hou et al.,2010). A recent compilation of Proterozoic intrusions in northwestOntario confirms the mean spacing of distal Mackenzie dykes to be27 km with a range from 7.8 to 93 km (Stott and Josey, 2009).However, spacing between the most continuous dykes is typicallybetween 35 and 65 km.

The systematic outward increase in both mean dyke thicknessand spacing from the swarm center can be explained by acorresponding decrease in the number of second- and higher-generation dykes. We therefore suggest that the thickness andspacing of Mackenzie dykes at the distal fringes of the swarm innorthwestern Ontario are characteristic of the first-generationdykes. Assuming the dykes propagated horizontally over a heightapproximately equal to the thickness of the crust then h≈H, inagreement with the model prediction under the constant pressureinlet condition.

The 2490–2450 Ma Matachawan dyke swarm of central Ontariois well characterized by aeromagnetic mapping, and paleomag-netic, geochemical, geochronological and petrologic studies (Westand Ernst, 1991; Bates and Halls, 1991; Halls et al., 1994; Percivalet al., 1994; Phinney and Halls, 2001). The Matachewan swarmfans northwards from a center located in Lake Huron and coversan area of 250,000 km2 (Halls et al., 1994). Dykes can be traced formore than 1000 km northwards from the center across a fan angleof ∼451 and they occur in three sub-swarms now offset anduplifted differentially by the ca. 2000 Ma Kapuskasing structure(West and Ernst, 1991). Geothermobarometric analysis indicatesthat the dykes exposed at the surface today were emplaced atpaleodepths of 10–21 km (Percival et al., 1994). A study of dykegeochemistry concluded that their petrogenesis was a two-stageprocess involving lower-crustal fractionation and assimilationof plume head-derived melts, followed by later compositionalmodification in mid-crustal, 15–20 km deep magma chambers(Phinney and Halls, 2001). This contrasts with the Mackenzie dyke swarm, which appears to have been extracted directly from aplume head, and suggests that propagation of the Matachewandykes may have been confined to the top 20–25 km of crust.

The average width of Matachewan dykes outside of theKapuskasing zone is 10–20 m, but there is a strong tendency fordykes to become fewer in number and thicker moving away fromthe swarm center (Bates and Halls, 1991; Halls et al., 1994).For example, towards the northern end of the M2 sub-swarm,440% of dykes have widths in the range 25–55 m, whereas inthe southern part of the same sub-swarm only ∼20% of dykesare wider than 25 m (Halls et al., 1994). Based on aeromagneticinterpretation by West and Ernst (1991), the mean spacingbetween Matachewan dykes ∼500 km north of the swarm centerin all three sub swarms is 4.272.4 km. However, this is likelysampling second- and high-order dykes. Moving out to the distalfringes of the swarm, the spacing between continuous dykes withthe strongest magnetic anomalies is 19–32 km in the northernpart of the M2 sub-swarm and between 12.4 and 16.5 km in thenorthwest part of the M3 sub-swarm. As noted by Halls et al.(1994), there is a correlation between the widest dykes and thestrongest magnetic anomalies, hence we consider this to be areasonable estimate of the spacing between first-generation dykesin the Matachewan swarm. If the interpretation that these dykespropagated within the mid- to upper-crust is correct, then thisobservation is consistent with the predicted h≈H relationship. Thelower spacing in the western M3 swarm may indicate a slightlyshallower source magma chamber than the M2 swarm and acorrespondingly lower height of dyke propagation within theupper crust.

A.P. Bunger et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375 (2013) 270–279278

9. Conclusions

Analysis of the work rates associated with driving dykeswarms, coupled with scaling analysis that gives rise to estimatesof the dyke pressure, thickness, and length, allows us to search foran optimal dyke spacing. To this point it has been a mystery, froma mechanical perspective, as to why multiple dykes would grow inclose, but apparently not too close, proximity to one another, thusforming the morphology described as a dyke swarm. Now we cansee that, in fact, the mechanical model for a uniform array ofhorizontally propagating blade-like dykes implies that an inter-mediate spacing, on the order of the height of the dykes them-selves, is energetically optimal. Moreover, we have found that theoptimal spacing depends on the nature of the magma sourcecondition, with the constant pressure source condition giving riseto an optimal spacing of h≈H, while the constant magma influxsource condition gives rise to two candidates, one near h≈2:5H andthe other near h≈0:3H, the former of which tentatively appears asthe global minimum based on a coarse analysis.

We have also shown that in the case of the constant pressuresource, the total flow rate of magma into the dyke swarmdecreases with time. Similarly, for the case of constant influx fromthe source, the pressure required to propagate the dyke swarmincreases with time. Both of these behaviors suggest that at somepoint the system will prefer to initiate new generations of dykesrather than continuing to propagate only the primary generation.Hence, we anticipate that the dyke spacing will actually be moredense than what is predicted by the optimal spacing, especially inthe vicinity of the source.

Dyke swarms in both Iceland and Canada demonstrate spacingbetween the thickest dykes, which we interpret to be the firstgeneration of growth and which is the set of dykes to which ourmodel is applicable, that scales with and is of the same order asthe dyke height. Hence, these comparisons with field data lendpreliminary support to our analysis.


Support for A.B. and X.Z. has been provided by the Common-wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)through its Petroleum and Geothermal Research Innovative ScienceFunds. This is Laboratory of Excellence ClerVolc contribution no. 61.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found inthe online version at


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