Comparison of three-dimensional visualization techniques for depicting the scala vestibuli and scala...


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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 20:1197–1206, August 1999

Comparison of Three-Dimensional VisualizationTechniques for Depicting the Scala Vestibuli and

Scala Tympani of the Cochlea by UsingHigh-Resolution MR Imaging

Paul Hans, Andrew J. Grant, Roger D. Laitt, Richard T. Ramsden, Andrea Kassner, and Alan Jackson

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cochlear implantation requires introduction of a stimu-lating electrode array into the scala vestibuli or scala tympani. Although these structures canbe separately identified on many high-resolution scans, it is often difficult to ascertain whetherthese channels are patent throughout their length. The aim of this study was to determinewhether an optimized combination of an imaging protocol and a visualization technique allowsroutine 3D rendering of the scala vestibuli and scala tympani.

METHODS: A submillimeter T2 fast spin-echo imaging sequence was designed to optimizethe performance of 3D visualization methods. The spatial resolution was determined experi-mentally using primary images and 3D surface and volume renderings from eight healthysubjects. These data were used to develop the imaging sequence and to compare the qualityand signal-to-noise dependency of four data visualization algorithms: maximum intensity pro-jection, ray casting with transparent voxels, ray casting with opaque voxels, and isosurfacerendering. The ability of these methods to produce 3D renderings of the scala tympani andscala vestibuli was also examined. The imaging technique was used in five patients with sen-sorineural deafness.

RESULTS: Visualization techniques produced optimal results in combination with an isotro-pic volume imaging sequence. Clinicians preferred the isosurface-rendered images to other 3Dvisualizations. Both isosurface and ray casting displayed the scala vestibuli and scala tympanithroughout their length. Abnormalities were shown in three patients, and in one of these, afocal occlusion of the scala tympani was confirmed at surgery.

CONCLUSION: Three-dimensional images of the scala vestibuli and scala tympani can beroutinely produced. The combination of an MR sequence optimized for use with isosurfacerendering or ray-casting algorithms can produce 3D images with greater spatial resolution andanatomic detail than has been possible previously.

MR imaging is increasingly used in the examina-tion of patients with sensorineural hearing loss (1).

Received July 31, 1998; accepted after revision March 10,1999.

From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, StopfordMedical School (P.H., A.J.) and the Manchester VisualisationCentre, Manchester Computing (A.J.G.), University of Man-chester, UK; the Departments of Neuroradiology (R.D.L.) andOtolaryngology (R.T.R.), Central Manchester HealthcareTrust, UK; and Philips Medical Systems, Hammersmith, Lon-don (A.K.).

This study forms part of the European Commission project:NOVICE (Network Oriented Visualisation in a Clinical Envi-ronment, ESPRIT Contract No: EP26342) and was also sup-ported in part by Philips Medical Systems UK Ltd.

Address reprint requests to Professor A. Jackson, Depart-ment of Diagnostic Radiology, Stopford Medical School, Ox-ford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PT UK.

q American Society of Neuroradiology

The popularity of the investigation initially resultedfrom the exquisite sensitivity of contrast-enhancedT1-weighted MR imaging in the demonstration ofacoustic neuroma. Recent improvements in MRmethodology have led several workers to examinethe feasibility of submillimeter high-resolution T2-weighted imaging of the inner ear and internal au-ditory meatus (2). Many of these studies have beendirected toward the detection of small intracanali-cular acoustic neuromas without the need for con-trast enhancement. Several groups have also estab-lished the ability of high-resolution T2-weightedimaging to show the endolymph and perilymphcavities of the inner ear itself (1, 3–8).

The use of T2-weighted imaging offers the op-portunity for diagnosis and preoperative assessmentof patients with congenital or acquired vestibulo-cochlear disease. This is of particular relevance inthe planning of cochlear implantation, in which de-

AJNR: 20, August 19991198 HANS

Table 1: Imaging parameters used in all high-resolution T2-weighted images

Scan type 3D fast spin-echo

TR (ms)Rectangular field of viewHalf-Fourier samplingRepetitionsImaging MatrixEcho train profileReconstruction matrixSection thicknessIntersection gap

500080%Yes1256 3 256Linear512 3 5120.5 mm20.25 mm

tailed preoperative assessment of cochlear mor-phology is important. One previous report has ex-amined the usefulness of MR imaging in measuringthe transverse diameter of the cochlear nerve,which is known to correspond closely to the re-maining number of spiral ganglion cells in thecochlea itself (9). While this approach may reducethe instance of unsuccessful implantations in earswith severe denervation, the success of implanta-tion also depends on the presence of a patent coch-lear fluid channel for electrode insertion.

The anatomy of the cochlea has recently beenelegantly reviewed in this Journal (10). It is acoiled structure of 2¾ turns containing three par-allel fluid canals, an outer scala vestibuli (ascend-ing spiral), an inner scala tympani (descending spi-ral), and the central, smaller, cochlear duct (scalamedia). Electrode implantation is usually per-formed by insertion of an electrode array into thescala tympani or scala vestibuli (2). This processmay be complicated or prevented by malformationof the cochlea or by fibrotic or osseous obstructionof one or both fluid channels. Obstruction is par-ticularly common as a sequela to meningitis or la-byrinthitis, in which the occlusion may be due tofibrosis or to the formation of ectopic bone thatmay obliterate the fluid-filled channels necessaryfor implant insertions.

Cochlear imaging with spiral CT produces im-ages of the bony labyrinth that are of extremelyhigh spatial resolution (2) but that may fail to showfibrotic occlusions (11). The use of MR imagingmay increase the specificity with which such fi-brotic occlusions are demonstrated but involves aprocedure for which the patient may require seda-tion or even a general anesthetic (2). Furthermore,most surgeons are unwilling to completely replaceCT with MR imaging, so that the patient wouldrequire both. The use of MR imaging can thereforebe justified only if it proves capable of providingdiagnostic information that is superior to that ob-tained with CT. It is this consideration, combinedwith cost, that has prevented MR imaging from be-coming a routine investigation in the planning ofcochlear implantation.

T2-weighted MR sequences produce images inwhich the scala vestibuli and scala tympani can bedistinguished separately, at least in the region ofthe basal turn. This ability to distinguish the coch-lear fluid cavities may represent one specific ad-vantage of MR imaging in the planning of cochlearimplantation. Despite this, to our knowledge, all 3Drenderings of cochlear MR images that have ap-peared in the literature incorrectly depict the coch-lea as a single fluid structure (1, 4–8, 12, 13). Webelieve that this reflects both the imaging protocolsand the visualization techniques used to produce3D renderings. In many cases, the requirement forhigh in-plane resolution combined with acceptablesignal-to-noise (S/N) ratios has led to the use ofhighly nonisotropic voxels. This would be expectedto adversely affect the performance of 3D render-

ing techniques, which may in fact be relatively in-sensitive to otherwise unacceptable levels of imagenoise. In addition, many methods of 3D visualiza-tion are available, some of which may be more ap-propriate for use in this type of application. At abasic level, 3D visualization methods are dividedinto surface-rendering and volume-rendering class-es. Surface-rendering techniques identify 3D con-tour lines on the basis of image intensity and usethese to define the surface of a 3D object, whichcan then be viewed. Volume-rendering methods usethe data from many or all the pixels in a volumeto produce a 3D rendering. This technique may bethought of as viewing the shadow of a partiallytransparent object in which the relative opacities ofthe contents and the direction of the illuminationmay be controlled.

The aim of this study was to determine whetheran optimized combination of an MR imaging pro-tocol and a data visualization technique is capableof routinely rendering as separate structures thescala vestibuli and scala tympani for preoperativeplanning of cochlear implantation.


Imaging Studies

Imaging was performed in eight healthy volunteers (fourwomen and four men) aged 20 to 27 years. All images wereacquired on a 1.5-T Philips Medical Systems ACS NT scan-ner. The petrous bone was localized using T1-weighted lo-calizer images in all three cardinal planes. The position ofthe vestibule and cochlea was then identified using a seriesof 3-mm-thick coronal T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE) im-ages (TR/TE 5 3000/150, echo train length [ETL] 5 128).All localization images were obtained with the use of a headcoil.

Imaging of the inner ear was performed with a 3-inch-di-ameter flexible circular surface coil positioned over the exter-nal auditory meatus by means of a flexible-arm coil holder. Aseries of T2-weighted volume acquisitions was obtained. Com-mon imaging parameters are shown in Table 1. The effect ofvarying the ETL was investigated in volunteers 1 and 2. Therestrictions on TE and field of view (FOV) of increasing theETL are given in Table 2. After completing this study, theeffect of varying the voxel volume was investigated in theremaining six subjects (volunteers 3–8) using a fixed ETL of45. The effective voxel sizes used in this experiment are shownin Table 3. The image data from the six volunteers formed the

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Table 2: Range of echo train lengths used in the study

Field of View(mm) Echo Train Length TE (ms)






Table 3: Fields of view and other imaging parameters used in thestudy

Field ofView (mm) Matrix

Voxel Size(mm) TE (ms)

Scan Duration(min)












Note.—The bottom row illustrates the sequence used in clinicalpractice. Reduction of imaging time was achieved by halving the ac-quisition matrix and the field of view. This provided adequate coverageof the inner ear, and wraparound artifact was avoided by the imageintensity falloff resulting from the use of a surface coil.

basis for all assessments of image quality and comparisons ofvisualization techniques.

Data Visualization

Visualization Techniques.—Images were transferred to anindependent workstation (Sun Microsystems, SPARC 20) anddata visualization was performed using the Application Visu-alization System (AVS 5, AVS/Uniras, Copenhagen, Denmark)software package. Data were prepared by interactive croppingof the image volume to include only the inner ear structuresin order to reduce the processing time required to the minimumpossible in each case. Volume visualization was performed us-ing the following four methods: 1) the maximum intensity pro-jection (MIP) algorithm, 2) the ray-casting technique with vox-el opacity adjusted to allow transparency of the data block, 3)the ray-casting technique with opaque voxels to produce a sur-face rendering, and 4) the isosurface rendering technique usingLorenson’s marching cubes algorithm (14).

To enable direct comparison of the visualization techniques,3D images of the cochlea were produced from each data setfrom volunteers 3 through 8 (n 5 36). All visualization tech-niques were used to produce a standard projection to show theinner ear structures. Standardized threshold values of 65% ofpeak vestibular endolymph signal intensity were selected formethods 3 and 4 (vide infra).

Measurements and Statistics

Effect of Voxel Size on Image Quality.—The inherent imagecontrast on the primary images was calculated objectively foreach scan. Measurements of signal intensity were made fol-lowing transfer of images to a viewing console (Easy Vision,Philips Medical Systems). Measurements of pixel intensity(mean and SD) were taken from the vestibule and from anadjacent area of bone using a standard circular 50-pixel regionof interest. Image contrast (C) was calculated as

C 5 (Vest/sdvest) / (Bone/sdbone)

where C 5 image contrast, Vest 5 mean pixel intensity fromthe vestibule, sdvest 5 SD of pixel intensities from the vesti-bule, bone 5 mean pixel intensity from bone, and sdbone 5SD of pixel intensities from bone.

In addition, two experienced neuroradiologists assessed allprimary images and reconstructions from volunteers 3 through8. Image quality was scored on a simple subjective scale as 15 nondiagnostic, 2 5 poor, 3 5 acceptable, 4 5 good, and 55 excellent.

Scores for primary images were assessed from hard copiestaken from each scan protocol (Table 3) in the six volunteersat the level of the cochlear modiolus. Scores for volume vi-sualization images were assigned for each rendering techniquefor each data set from the standard previously prepared pro-jection viewed on the workstation console.

Interobserver agreement was assessed using Cohen’s k sta-tistic with weighted estimations of k. Subjective scores be-tween groups were compared using Fisher’s exact test for con-tingency tables (15).

Comparison of Visualization Techniques.—Following initialscoring and comparison of the visualizations at different voxelsizes, the optimally rendered images from each technique werecompared using the same scoring system. Images were ex-amined on a workstation and users were allowed to rotate therenderings in three dimensions but not to perform any otherinteractions. Users were asked to assess the quality of eachrendering in terms of anatomic detail and overall quality andto rank the four visualizations (methods 1 through 4) for eachpatient (1 5 best, 4 5 worst). To assess the acceptability ofthese images, the comparison was performed by a large groupof 15 physicians (five consultant and six trainee radiologists,and two consultant and two trainee otolaryngologists) who hadnot previously seen any of the rendered images. All the ob-servers had experience in examining images of the inner earon CT scans, and four had experience in viewing MR images.

Determination of Threshold Values.—The optimal methodfor objective determination of threshold values for visualiza-tion methods 3 and 4 was also assessed using data from vol-unteers 3 through 8. The intensity threshold values were basedon measurements of the signal intensity of vestibular endo-lymph from the primary images. A series of threshold valueswas calculated using each of two techniques: 1) The firstthreshold series was calculated using the measurements of themean and SD of the vestibular endolymph signal intensity; arange of standard threshold values was then calculated startingat the mean value plus 1 SD and progressively increasing byhalf of 1 SD. 2) The second threshold series was calculated asa proportion of the peak vestibular endolymph signal intensitycalculated from a single region of interest placed over the ves-tibule on a central image. The range of threshold values ex-tended from 50% to 80% of the peak value in 5% increments.Comparisons of isosurface renderings from each of the six datasets in each of six volunteers (n 5 36 studies) at given thresh-olds were used to assess the reproducibility of these twothresholding techniques.

Visualization of Cochlear Fluid Cavities.—Separate visual-ization of the cochlear fluid cavities was attempted using allfour visualization techniques. Decreases in voxel opacity usingmethod 2 and increases in the surface threshold using methods3 and 4 were used to reduce the contribution of peripheral,partial-volume-averaged pixels to the 3D display. The qualityof these visualizations was judged subjectively by two of theauthors. Assessment of image quality was based on the abilityto see both the scala vestibuli and scala tympani throughouttheir length and on the evenness of reduction of the visualizedstructures as the parameters (opacity or threshold) wereadjusted.

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FIG 1. Histogram of the subjective primary image quality scores(left axis) at varying fields of view. The line plot represented onthe right axis shows the mean value for calculated image contrastfrom six normal data sets.

FIG 2. Samples of primary images from ahealthy volunteer obtained using FOVs of60 mm (left ) and 130 mm (right). Note theimprovement in S/N ratio with the largerFOV and the separate demonstration ofthe scala vestibuli (long arrow) and scalatympani (short arrow) in the basal turn ofthe cochlea.

Patient Studies

Imaging in five patients undergoing assessment for cochlearimplantation was used to test the feasibility of applying theimaging protocol in clinical cases. The group consisted of threeboys and two girls, aged 2 to 8 years. All patients had becomedeaf as a sequela to meningitis. Imaging sequences were ob-tained with the parameters described above and an FOV of130 mm. For clinical use, the acquisition matrix was reducedto 128 in the phase-encoding direction to reduce image acqui-sition time (Table 3). Using this sequence, imaging time was3 minutes 47 seconds per ear. All five patients also were ex-amined with CT using a high-resolution spiral technique (FOV,250 mm2; matrix, 320 mm2; section thickness, 2 mm; pitch,21 mm; reconstruction thickness, 1 mm; keV, 120; mA, 170).CT scans and primary MR images were reviewed indepen-dently by two consultant neuroradiologists.


Primary ImagesInterobserver agreement for subjective image

assessment was good to excellent in all cases (k.72 to .91). Comparison of images with variableETL revealed both decreased image contrast and

unacceptable image blurring with ETLs in excessof 45.

Varying the effective voxel size by manipulatingthe FOV resulted in maximal image contrast witha pixel size of 0.51 mm2 (FOV, 130 mm) (Figs 1and 2). Subjective assessment of these imagesshowed a significantly higher score for images witha pixel size of 0.39 mm2 (FOV, 100 mm; P , .01)(Fig 1). Visual comparison of these images re-vealed a slight subjective improvement in the de-piction of the internal cochlear structures on imagesobtained with an FOV of 100 mm as comparedwith those obtained with an FOV of 130 mm. Thisincrease in spatial resolution appeared to make theimages more acceptable to the reporting radiolo-gist, despite the lower inherent S/N ratio.


Effect of Voxel Size on Image Quality.—Visual-izations produced by the MIP algorithm showedconsistently good scores at an FOV greater than 80mm. Below this, images became nondiagnostic. Asthe FOV dropped below 80 mm, inner ear struc-tures became indistinguishable from background(Figs 3A and 4).

Visualizations produced by the ray-casting tech-nique with transparent voxels (method 2) showed lit-tle deterioration as the contrast-to-noise ratio de-creased. These visualizations were considered goodwith an FOV of 80 mm, although no rendering couldbe obtained with smaller FOVs (Figs 3B and 4).

Visualizations produced by the ray-casting tech-nique with opaque voxels (method 3) were scoredlower than other visualizations at all FOVs (Figs3C and 4). The reason for this is unclear, althoughthese renderings do show a rather marked bandingeffect on curved surfaces (Figs 4 and 5).

Visualizations produced by using the isosurfacealgorithm (method 4) were good to excellent onimages with a high contrast-to-noise ratio (FOVgreater than 100 mm) but showed quite marked

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FIG 3. Histograms show the effect of changing FOV size on the subjective image quality scores for each visualization technique:method 1, MIP (A); method 2, ray casting with transparent voxels (B); method 3, ray casting with opaque voxels (C); and method 4,isosurface rendering (D). Scores are the average of six image sets, each scored by two observers.

quality reduction at FOVs below this level (Figs3D and 4).

Comparison of Visualization Techniques.—Acomparison of the optimal quality renderings fromeach technique showed little difference in the sub-jective image quality scores among the four visu-alization techniques (method 1, 4.2; method 2, 4.8;method 3, 4.7; and method 4, 5.0). Thesedifferences were not statistically significant. De-spite this, there was a clear preference for the iso-surface-rendered images (method 4: mean rank,1.3; P , .001) when users were asked to rank thevisualization techniques. The transparent voxel ray-casting technique (method 2) and the opaque ray-casting technique (method 3) received similar rat-ings (mean rank, 2.6 and 2.8, respectively). TheMIP technique (method 1) was most commonly rat-ed lowest (mean rank, 3.7). Examples of the opti-mal volume visualization results with the four tech-niques are shown in Figure 5.

Determination of Threshold Values.—The com-parison of methods for determination of isosurfacethreshold values showed no consistency amongrenderings when the threshold was calculated from

the mean and SD of the vestibular endolymph. Useof the peak value within the endolymph as a ref-erence led to reproducible rendering across the pa-tient group. With a threshold value of 65% of peak,the surface anatomy of the inner ear was clearlydepicted (Fig 5), while increases to 75% and 80%produced reproducible images of the cochlear fluidcavities along their length.

Visualization of Cochlear Fluid Cavities.—Cochlear fluid channels could not be distinguishedon MIP visualizations in any case. Attempts to de-pict cochlear fluid channels by using manipulationof opacity values with the volume-rendering tech-nique (ray casting, method 3) were also unsuccess-ful, and no image was considered clearly to showseparate internal cochlear structures. Decreasingthe opacity of fluid-containing voxels in the ray-casting algorithm used for method 2 did allow sep-arate visualization of the scala vestibuli and scalatympani, as illustrated in Figure 6. The effect ofincreasing the isosurface extraction value with anisosurface-rendering algorithm is shown in Figure7. Gradual increases in the extraction value led toincreasing demarcation of the two major cochlear

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FIG 4. The effect of increasing S/N ratio on each of the four visualization techniques. Images labeled A (left column) are renderingsfrom studies obtained with an FOV of 60 mm, images labeled B (middle column) are from studies obtained with an FOV of 100 mm,and images labeled C (right column) are from studies obtained with an FOV of 130 mm. Row 1 were rendered using method 1 (MIP),row 2 using method 2 (ray casting with transparent voxels), row 3 using method 3 (ray casting with opaque voxels), and row 4 withmethod 4 (isosurface rendering). The images show rapid degradation of visualization obtained with methods 1 and 4, as FOV and S/Nratio are reduced. Method 2 continues to produce excellent renderings at an FOV of 100 mm, with no apparent degradation as comparedwith images acquired at 130 mm.

fluid channels. The use of endolymph values takenfrom a region of interest within the vestibule showstwo fluid channels to be clearly visible at 75% and85% of the peak signal intensity from vestibularendolymph (Fig 7C and D). Further elevation ofthe threshold value (.85%) produced artifactualobstructions in the scala vestibuli. This finding wastypical for data sets from all six volunteers.

Patient StudiesFindings on CT and primary MR studies were

considered normal in four of five cases. In the fifth,some abnormality was noted in the region of the

distal cochlear turns on MR images but not on CTscans. MR reconstruction quality was excellent inall five clinical cases. Isosurface renderings pro-duced results directly comparable to those seen inhealthy volunteers. Primary image quality wasslightly improved, reflecting the smaller head sizeand closer positioning of the surface coil in thispediatric group. The cochlear fluid channels ap-peared irregular in all cases as compared with nor-mal. In one case, a localized occlusion of the scalatympani was demonstrated (Fig 8), which was sub-sequently confirmed at surgery. Other casesshowed no obstacle to electrode implantation, al-though a small island of abnormal tissue between

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FIG 5. The results of the optimal combi-nation of imaging and visualization tech-nique in a single healthy subject (5000/250; FOV, 130 mm2; matrix, 2562). Allrenderings were derived from the sameimage data set.

A, Method 1: MIP.B, Method 2: ray casting with transpar-

ent voxels.C, Method 3: ray casting with opaque

voxels.D, Method 4: isosurface rendering (white

arrow indicates the posterior semicircularcanal; solid black arrow, the lateral semi-circular canal; open arrow, the basal turnof the cochlea).

FIG 6. The effect of decreasing voxel opacity (right to left ) using ray tracing. The images are volume renderings of the same normaldata set using method 2 (ray casting with transparent voxels). The opacity values of the voxels have been progressively decreasedfrom left to right in order to demonstrate more internal details of the cochlea. The scala vestibuli and scala tympani are clearly seen inthe middle and right-hand images, although their margins are rather poorly defined.

the scala vestibuli and scala tympani was seen inone case (Fig 9A) and severe deformation of thetip of the distal turn of the cochlea was seen inanother (Fig 9B).

DiscussionPrevious MR studies have produced submilli-

meter-resolution MR images of the inner ear usinggradient-echo (16, 17) or FSE (4–6, 12, 18, 19)techniques. The theoretical benefits of thin-section

gradient-echo images are outweighed by the com-plications of magnetic susceptibility–related signalloss due to the multiple fluid/bone interfaces seenwithin the petrous bone. These artifacts limit spatialresolution and decrease the available S/N ratio.They are particularly prominent in the region of theinternal auditory canal, where small soft-tissuestructures interface with surrounding bone and air(20, 21). These artifacts can be reduced to someextent by modification of the gradient-echo se-quence (3D Fourier transformation constructive in-

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FIG 7. The effect of increasing the isosurface threshold with isosurface rendering (left to right). The images are isosurface renderingsof the same normal data set. As the images pass from right to left, progressively higher threshold values have been applied to extractthe isosurface. The isosurface in B corresponds to 65% of the peak signal intensity in the vestibule and is the value used for standard-izations of isosurface renderings in the current study. Other renderings were obtained at 55% (A), 75% (B), and 85% (C). The scalavestibuli and scale tympani are clearly and separately depicted throughout their length in C and D.

terference in steady state [FT-CISS]). This has beenshown to provide high-quality images of inner eardisease (17, 22, 23) and has been suggested as astandard sequence for the imaging of the inner ear.Other workers (4–6, 12, 18, 19) have described theuse of high-resolution FSE sequences for imagingof the inner ear. FSE techniques allow the fillingof multiple lines of k-space during a single TR,resulting in a significant reduction in overall ac-quisition time. The use of multiple closely spaced1808 refocusing pulses diminishes magnetic sus-ceptibility effects, reducing susceptibility artifacts,and resulting in maintenance of true T2 contrastrather than the T2* contrast characteristics of gra-dient-echo methods.

In developing our imaging protocol we attempt-ed to obtain the maximal possible spatial resolutionat acceptable S/N ratios for 3D visualization. Theuse of a dual-surface receiver coil system providesan inherently higher S/N ratio than standard headcoils (24), and signal falloff outside the surface-coilFOV prevents significant wraparound artifacts.Since imaging was directed entirely at the inner ear,resolution was increased by reducing the FOVwhile using a fixed matrix size (256 3 256). Asection thickness of 0.5 mm was selected in orderto allow the production of approximately isotropicvoxels within the range of the study. A comparisonof our imaging sequences revealed optimal S/N ra-tio and image quality within a voxel size of 0.513 0.51 3 0.5 mm. The use of overcontiguous sec-tion acquisition (section gap, 20.25 mm) and datareconstruction with a 512 3 512 matrix resulted inan effective pixel size of 0.25 3 0.25 3 0.25 mmin the final data set. This compares favorably withprevious studies done with gradient-echo (3) andFSE (1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 25) sequences, in which theminimum effective section thickness was 0.7 to 1.0mm and in-section resolution was 0.4 to 0.66 mm.

The combination of surface-coil acquisition, anETL of 45, and a TR of 5000 meant that a 30-section acquisition could be performed in 7 minutes35 seconds (5000/250; FOV, 130 mm2; matrix,2562). Reduction of the FOV and of the matrix by50% reduces scan time to 3 minutes 47 secondswith no significant reduction in image quality(5000/250; FOV, 65 mm2; matrix, 1282). This tech-nique produces excellent subjective image qualitydespite the presence of higher noise levels thanseen in images produced by other investigativegroups (1, 5, 8).

The production of high-resolution data sets suchas those described here can complicate the inter-pretation of complex anatomy from 2D sections.This has led several researchers to attempt 3D vi-sualization of the volume data using an MIP tech-nique (1, 3, 5, 8, 13). As this study shows, the MIPalgorithm, although widely available on commer-cial image analysis workstations and familiar tomost radiologists because of its use in CT and MRangiography, suffers from a number of significantdisadvantages in displaying more complex datasets.

Volume visualization algorithms can be broadlyclassified as belonging to either the surface-render-ing or volume-rendering category. With volume-rendering techniques (methods 1, 2, and 3), thevoxels are projected onto the final image plane.One of the simplest direct techniques is MIP. Thevalue for each pixel in the MIP algorithm is cal-culated by compositing all voxels lying along a lineperpendicular to the image plane. The pixel withthe highest composite value is used to derive amaximum intensity, which is mapped to white withall lesser value pixels mapped to lower points onthe gray scale. Although this approach is attractiveand computationally inexpensive, the MIP algo-rithm has a number of significant disadvantages

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FIG 8. A and B, Normal (A) and abnormal(B) cochlea are shown for comparison.The scala tympani (arrow, B) is occludedas a sequela of meningitis.

FIG 9. A and B, Two patients with abnor-malities of the cochlea, caused by menin-gitis. Neither of the abnormalities was con-sidered a contraindication to implantation,which was successfully conducted in bothcases.

A, Patient with an occlusion of the ter-minal portion of the cochlea (arrow).

B, Patient with an abnormality just distalto the basal turn (arrow). Since CT findingswere normal, this is assumed to representa fibrotic narrowing of the cochlear fluidchannels.

(26). The major problem for the visualization of 3Dobjects stems from the fact that the gray scale isautomatically derived from the composite pixel val-ues. This means that thinner areas of a structurewill automatically be mapped in darker shades.More important, small fluctuations in surface mor-phology may be insufficient to cause any change inthe 3D representation, especially when they occurin pixels with large overall composite values. Sim-ilarly, the decrease in gray scale values at the edgeof curved structures, such as the cochlea itself,gives rise to apparent blurring, which is subjective-ly unattractive. Ray-casting techniques were devel-oped to address some of the problems of the MIPapproach. Selecting opacity values on the basis ofimage intensity enables fine tuning of the tech-nique, from the demonstration of all voxels in thevolume (method 2) to the identification of isoin-tensity surfaces (method 3) (27). This makes theproduction of 3D images of the cochlear perilymphchannels straightforward, although objective stan-dardization of the images among patients presentsconsiderable problems. In addition, the techniqueis relatively slow, since it is usually implementedvia software rather than hardware.

Surface-rendering techniques use voxel intensi-ties to define 3D isocontours, which outline theboundaries of the object. These boundaries are thenrepresented as solid surfaces for viewing (method4). The position of the surface within the 3D vol-ume sample is determined by selection of a thresh-old value or isosurface. The marching cubes tech-

nique used here (14) is a simple and elegantapproach to creating 3D isosurfaces. The algorithmrelies on internal look-up tables for polygon gen-eration, which makes it highly efficient. Isosurface-rendered models of the cochlea can be generatedand rotated in real time on conventional PC sys-tems or low-end workstations.

The intrinsic interpolation that takes place in thegeneration of the isocontour surface produces asmooth rendering that is highly sensitive to varia-tions in surface topography and that can be manip-ulated to show internal structures, such as the scalatympani and scala vestibuli. The disadvantage ofthe technique is that it is relatively sensitive to im-age noise, which can distort the generated isosur-face. More important, since the model is opaque,areas of the 3D rendering may be obscured by theCSF surface of the posterior fossa or by fluid col-lections within the air cells of the petrous temporalbone. Because of the speed of the reconstruction,this can often be overcome either by increasedcropping of the image or by rotation to obtain thedesired view.

In the present study, both the ray-casting and iso-surface approaches allowed separate demonstrationof the scala vestibuli and scala tympani throughouttheir length. The higher computational speed andsubjective preference for isosurface images haveled us to adopt this technique for routine use in ourcenter. While the purpose of the study was to ex-amine the feasibility of producing visualizations ofthe fluid channels within the cochlea, we did not

AJNR: 20, August 19991206 HANS

assess the clinical utility of these imaging tech-niques. In the five patients we studied, image andvisualization quality was high and abnormalitieswere depicted in three cases. However, surgicalconfirmation of the MR findings was available inonly one of the five cases, and CT failed to showabnormalities in any. It is clear that extensive clin-ical studies are required before MR imaging isadopted for routine investigation of cochlear ab-normalities. We believe that these studies shouldspecifically address the assessment of cochlear pa-tency by using techniques such as the one we havedescribed.

The production of high-quality 3D renderings ofthis type is dependent on a combination of optimalimaging and postprocessing techniques. The im-aging parameters described herein are easily ac-commodated on most current-generation high-fieldMR scanning systems so that the production of ad-equate primary images should pose no significantproblems. The postprocessing stage is also critical,and software selection is important. The currenttechnique was developed with the use of standardalgorithms implemented by means of a standard,commercial visualization software package (Appli-cation Visualisation System). Since the data setsare small, the procedure is largely memory-depen-dent, and we have been able to produce real-timeisosurface renderings on a variety of hardware plat-forms, ranging from a Silicon Graphics Octaneworkstation to a 300-MHz PC with 128 MB ofRAM. Our attempts to duplicate these renderingtechniques on a variety of commercially availablemedical image analysis workstations have beenlargely unsuccessful. We believe this is the resultof variations in the implementation of the surface-rendering algorithms; however, these details are notavailable for most commercial systems.

ConclusionThe use of a submillimeter high-resolution T2-

weighted FSE technique can produce high-qualityimages of the fluid channels within the cochlea.Images covering the entire inner ear structure canbe obtained in an acceptable time period. Volume-visualization techniques can significantly aid the in-terpretation of these images, and the isosurface andray-casting techniques provide clinical data that areclearly superior to that obtained with traditionalMIP algorithms.

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