Identification of extracable growth factors from small intestinal submucosa


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Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 67:478491 (1997)

Identification of Extractable Growth Factors From Small Intestinal Submucosa

Sherry L Voytik-Harbin,' Andrew 0. Brightman, Meredith R. Kraine, Beverly Waisner, and Stephen F. Badylak

Hillenbrand Biomedical Engineering Center, Purdue University, West Laiayene, Indiana 47907

Abstract When implanted as a biomaterial for tissue replacement, selected submucosal layers of porcine small intestine induce site-specific tissue remodeling. Small intestinal submucosa (SIS), as isolated, is primarily an acellular extracellular matrix mater~al. In an attempt to discover the components of small intestinal submucosa which are able to induce this tissue remodeling, the material was extracted and extracts were tested for the ability to stimulate Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts to synthesize DNA and proliferate. Each oi the iour different extracts of small intestinal submucosa had measurablecell-stimulating activity when analyzed in both a whole cell proliferation assay (alamarBlue dye reduction) and a DNA synthesis assay (['HI-thymidine incorporation). Proteins extracted from SIS with 2 M urea induced activity profiles in the two assays which were very similar to the activity profiles of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) in the assays. As well, the changes in cell morphology in response to the extracted proteins mimicked the changes induced by FGF-2. Neutralization experiments with specific antibodies to this growth factor confirmed the presence of FGF-2 and indicated that it was responsible for 60% o i the fibroblast-stimulating activity of the urea extract o i small intestinal submucosa. Western blot analvsis with a monoclonal antibody specific for FGF-2 detected a reactive doublet at approximately 19 kDa and further confirmed the presence o i FGF-2. Cell stimulat~ng activity o i proteins extracted irom SIS with 4 M guanidine was neutralized by an antibody specific ior transforming growth factor P CTCFB). Changes in the morphology o i the fibroblasts exposed to this extract were nearly identical to changes induced by TGFB. Although no reactive protein band was detected at 25 kDa in nonreduced western blot analysis, several bands were reactive at higher molecular weight. The identity of this TGFf3-related component of small intestinal submucosa is unknown. Identification of FGF-2 and TGFp-related activities in SIS, two growth tactors known to significantly affect critical processes o i tissue development and difierentiation, provides the opportunity to further elucidate the mechanisms by which this extracellu- larmatrix biomaterial modulates wound healing and tissueremodeling. J. Cell. Biochem. 67:478491,1997. Q 1997wik+~. ~nc

Key words: growth iactors; biomaterial; cell proliferation; extracellular matrix; tissue repair

The process o f t issue regeneration, as op- injury can be enhanced by the imp lanta t ion o f posed to scar formation, in response to tissue various biomaterials [Bell, 1995; Langer e t al.,

19951. The emerging field o f tissue engineering has focused o n the development o f na tu ra l l y

Abbreviations: ECL, enhanced chemiluminescense; ECM and/or synthetic materials for tissue

extraceuularmanix; EGE grodh factor,FGFd7 replacement o r augmentation of wound repair basic fibroblast growth factor, GF, growth factor, GFU. factor units; m, horse~&h pemidase; NNCS, [Hubbell, 19951. The submucosa along with the

neonatal calf serum: PDGF, platelet denved growth factor, adjacent connective tissue layer o f 1 'an PVDF, polyvinylidene difluoride; SIS, small intestinal sub mucosa; TGF, aansforming growth factor. Contract grant sponsor: Purdue University Research Foun- dation: Conuact grant number: 'T'RASK; Contract grant sponsor: NEk Contract grant number: tID 31425 Meredith R graiae's current address is Dept. of Miaobiol- ogy and Immunology, Universiq of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC 27599. *Correspondence to: Sherry L Voytik-Harbin. Hillenbrand Biomedical w e e m Center. Purdue UniveRity, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Received 28 January 1997; Revised 4 August 1997; Ac- cepted 8 August 1997

smal l intestine has proven to be an excellent na tu ra l biomaterial for wound repair and tis- sue regeneration [Badylak, 19931.

Smal l intest inal submucosa (SIS), cons id ing p r imar i l y o f extracel lular m a t r i x material (ECM), is prepared by mechanically removing selected portions o f the mucosa and the exter- nal muscle layers and then lys ing resident cells w i t h hypotonic washes. Numerous studies have shown that this biomaterial is capable o f mduc- ing host tissue proliferation, remodeling, and

o 1997 wiley-Liss, Inc.

Growth Factors Extracted From SIS 479

regeneration of tissue structures following im- plantation in a number of in vivo mimenvimn- ments including lower urinary tract m a p p e t al., 19941, body wall Prevel et al., 19951, ten- don [Badylak et d., 19951, Ligament [Aiken et al., 19941, blood vessels [Lantz et al., 19931, and bone [Voytik-Harbin, unpublished data]. Upon implantation, cellular infiltration and rapid neo- vascularization are observed and the SIS extra- cellular matrix material is remodeled into host replacement tissue with site-spedc structural and functional properties [Badylak, 19931.

The normal process of tissue repair, whether regenerative or scar-forming, is characterized by a complex, multicomponent cascade of degra- dative and biosynthetic processes orchestrated by underlying cell-cell and cell-ECM interac- tions [Howell, 19961. These processes involve andlor are directed by a variety of cell types, including monocyte~macrophages, fibroblasts and capillary endothelial cells. Secreted, circu- lating, and exmacellular matrix-bound growth factors (GF) work in concert to regulate cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation throughout the repair process. PDGF, EGF, TGFa, TGFP, and FGF-2 Pierce et al., 1991; Schultz et al., 1991; Marikovsky et al., 1993; ten Dijke and Iwata, 1989; Werner et al., 1992; Greenhalgh et al., 19901 are just a few in an ever increasing list.

The events of tissue repair are srmilar to those of tissue development whch occurs dur- ing embryonic and fetal growth and are like- wise mediated through interactions between cells, extracellular matrix molecules, and GF. Direct interactions between extracellular ma- trix components and cells are known to mediate such processes as migration, proliferation, and ditferentiation during development [Roskelly et al., 19951. However, the role of the extracellular matrix in tissue repair has been less well- studied IYannas, 1994; Reddi, 1994; Hellman e t al., 19941. Studies of developmental processes have demonstrated that GF can regulate the synthesis and deposition of extracellular ma- trix components and in turn, these synthesized ECM components regulate the availability and activity of the GF. Thus it is likely that GF, in conjunction with the ECM, play a critical role

nents. The tissue was extracted with four differ- ent aqueous solvents and the extracts were evaluated for their effects on Swiss 3T3 fibro- blasts. TFPo in rim assays were used in parallel for the detection of factors capable of stimulat- ing either whole cell proliferation or DNA syn- thesis. Specific antibodies directed against FGF-2 and TGFP were used to identify the major fibroblast-stimulating factors extract- able from SIS. This represents the first demon- stration of GF isolated from the submucosal tissue of the intestine.


alamarBlue mas obtained h m Alamar Biosci- ence Inc. (Sacramento, CAI. [3Hl-thymidine (64.0 Ciimmol) and enhanced chemilumines- cence (ECL) reagents were purchased from &- ersham Life Science Inc (Arlington Heights, IL). Bovine recombinant FGF-2 was purchased from Boehringer-Mannheim Biochemicals (In- dianapolis, IN). Purified porcine PDGF, recom- binant human EGF, porcine TGFPl and P!2, pan-specific TGFP-neutralizing antibody and FGF-2-neutralizing antibody were purchased from R&D Systems (Minneapolist MN). Recom- binant human TGFP3 standard was from Cal- biochem (Cambridge, MA). P d e d recombi- nant human FGF-2 and monoclonal antibody to FGF-2 were generously provided by .Dr. Brad Olwin, Purdue University.


Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts were obtained from American Typeculture CoIlecrion (Rock- ville, MD). Cells were propagated in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 4.5 g/l glucose, 2 mM glutamine, 1.5 g/l NaHC03, 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 ug/ml streptomycin, and 10% neonatal calf serum (NNCS). Medium components and serum were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Cells were grown in 75 cm2 culture flasks and maintained in a humidified atmosphere of 5 8 C02 at 37°C. Subcultures were established every 3-4 days to prevent cells from exceeding 75% confluency. Cells representing limited passage numbers 9-13 were used for all assays.

in the remodeling processes of &sue repair. To identify those growth factors which could

Small Intestinal Submucosa - -

be responsible for SIS-induced tissue regenera- Small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was pre- - tion, we have extracted *s biomaterial and pared from porcine intestine obtained from a

have conducted initial analyses of the c o m p local meat processing plant. Intestine was


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. . 480 Voytik-Harbin et al.

rinsed free of contents, everted, and the superfi- alamarBlue Assav cial layers of the mucosa were removed by me- chanical delamination. The tissue was reverted to its original orientation and the external muscle layer removed. The prepared SIS tube was split open longitudinally and rinsed exten- sively in water m lyse any cells associated with the matrix and m eliminate cell degradation products. Immediately after rinsing, SIS was frozen in liquid nitmgen and stored at -80°C. Frozen tissue was sliced inm 1 cm cubes, pulver- ized under liquid nitrogen with an industrial blender, and stored at -80°C prior m use.

alamarBlue is a metabolic (redox) indicator dye reduced by reactions of normal cellular metabolism and provides an indirect measure of viable cell number. This assay has been re- cently described Woytik-Harbin et al., 19971 and is presented here in brief. 200 pl of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts (8.000 cellslml) in DMEM con- taining 18 NNCS were seeded into 96-well plates. After incubation for 24 h. standards and test substances were added to each well (50 $1. Following incubation for an additional 72 h, each well was examined microscopically to ob-

Extract Preparation

Extraction buffers used for these studies in- cluded 4 M guanidine, 2 M urea, 2 M MgC12, and 2 M PiaC1. each prepared in 50 m M Tris- HCl, pH 7.4. SIS powder was suspended in extraction buffers (25% w/v) containing prote- ase inhibitors (phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride, N-ethylmaleimide, and benzamidine each at 1 mM) and vigorously stirred for 24 h at 4°C. The extraction mixcure was then centrifuged at 12,000g for 30 min at 4°C and the supernatant collected. The insoluble material was washed briefly in the extraction buffer, centrifuged, and the wash combined with the origrnal superna- tant. The supernatant was dialyzed extensively in Spectrapor tubing ( W C O 3500, Spectrum Medical Industries, Houston. TX) against 30 volumes of deionized water (nine changes over 72 h). The dialysate was centrifuged at 12,000g to remove any insoluble material and the super- natant either was used immediately or lyophi- lized for long-term storage.

Guanidine expact of bovine bone was pre- pared using the same procedure as for SIS except that 10 mM EDTA was included in the ewaction buffer. The starting tissue was demin- eralized bone pawder made from fresh bovine tibia as described [Ogawa and Seyedin, 19911.

Partial Purification of a TGFP-Related Protein

Lyophilized guanidine extract of SIS was dis- solved in 4 M ,panidinefhs pH 7.8, and pro- teins were loaded and separated on a 2.5 x 48 cm column of Sephacryl S300H.R Pharmacia Biotech, Gaithersburg, MD) at a flow of 0.6 d m i n and 9 ml fractions were collected in dconized tubes Fractions with anti-TGFp neu- tralizable activitp were pooled, dialysed against water and lyophilized.

serve viability, number, and morpholo& of the cells. The medium was removed and fresh me- dium containing 1% NNCS and 10% alamar- Blue was added to each well. After 18-20 h, dye reduction was monitored spectrofluorometri- cally using a LS-SOB Luminescence Spectrom- eter (Perkin-Elmer, Oak Brook, IL) with excita- tion and emission wavelengths of 560 nm and 590 nm, respectively. All samples were assayed in triplicate. Background fluorescence measure- ments were determined from wells containing dye reagent in culture medium but no cells. The mean and standard deviation for all fluores- cence measurements were calculated and subse- quently corrected for background. One growth factor unit, GFU, was defined as half of the m-al response to senun above unstimu- lated background.

PHI-Thymidine Incorporation Assay

Mitogenic activity was quantitated by mea- suring incorporation of PHI-thwym.idine during DNA synthesis. 200 pl of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts (14,000 ceWml) in DMEM containing 10% NNCS were seeded into 96-well plates. The cells were grown to confluency (approximately 72 h) in a 5% C02 incubator a t 37°C. at which time the medium was changed to DMEM con- taining 2 8 NNCS. Following incubation for 24 hours, standards or test substances (50 pl) were added to each well. ARer an additional 24 h incubation, 1 pCi of PHI-thymidine in 20 pl PBS, pH 7.4, was added to each well. Four h later, the medium was removed and the cells were treated with 0.1% trypsin (100 pl) by incubation at 37OC for at least 10 min. The cells were harvested onto glass fiber Elters using a 290 PHD Cell Harvester (Cambridge Technol- ogy Inc., Watertown, MA), washed repeatedly with water, and then rinsed with 70% ethanol.

Growth Factors Extracted From SIS i

The filters were air dried and placed in 5 ml EcoLite (ICN, Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA) liquid scin-t for radioactivity determi- nation using a 1900TR Liquid Scintillation Ana- lyzer (Packard, Downers Grove, IL). All stan- dards and test substances were assayed in triplicate and the mean and standard devia- tions calculated. One GFU was defined as half of the maximal response to serum above un- stimulated background.

I Neutralization With Specific Antibodies

Dose-response curves for TGFP1, FGF-2, PDGF, EGF, and SIS extracts were generated in both Pa-thymidine and alamarBlue assays. A concentration of each factor or extract which was near the top of the linear response in the assays was used for neutralization studies. Ex- tracts-and p d e d GFs were incubated for 1 h a t 37°C in the absence and presence of s p d c neutralizing antibodies at antibody concentra- tions ranging from 0.5 pg/ml to 200 d m l . Control assays with antibody alone were tested a t all relevant concentrations with no effects on either assay. Bioactivity of the neutrdized samples was then analyzed in both the [3Hl- thymidine and aiamarBlue assays.

lrnrnunodetection of FCF-2 and TCF &Related Protein

Extracts or fractions were mixed with sample buffer and separated on 4-20% gradient or 16.5% SDS-PAGE. The proteins were trans- ferred to PVDF paper in 10 mM CAPS buffer, 10% methanol, 1.3 mM SDS in a wet transfer system a t 500 mAfor 3 to 4 h at 4°C. Blots were blocked with 5% dry milk, 0.05% Tween-20 in PBS for 2 h at room temperature or overnight a t 4°C. Pnmary antibodies were diluted in anti- body buffer [1% BSA, 0.05% Tween-20 in PBSI and were incubated with the blots for 2 h a t 37°C. The blots were washed with 0.05% Tween-20 in PBS. Secondary antibodies coupled to peroxidase (HELP) were diluted in antibody buffer and incubated with blots for 1 h a t room temperature. After final washing, the blots were incubated with ECL reagents and exposed to hyperfilm-ECL as directed by the manufac- - turer. (Amersham Life Science Inc.). Specific dilutions for antibodies are described in the

L = - figure legends. I

RESULTS Growth Factor Activity Extracted From Small

Intestinal Subrnucosa

Several chaotropic aqueous solvents were se- lected to extract potential GF from SIS. Extrac- tion of powdered SIS tissue with high concentra- tions of guanidine, urea, NaC1, or MgC12 under neutral buffer conditions was effective in remov- ing GF activity. Dose-response curves compar- ing purchased GFs or the different extracts in two in vitro bioassays demonstrated the utility of multiple assays and multiple extractions. The two assays provided distinct and comple- mentary information. The more traditional mi- togen assay ( [3Hl -thymidine incorporation) mea- sured the stimulation of DNA synthesis of a confluent, quiescent monolayer of fibroblasts. In complement, the whole cell proliferation as- say (alamarBlue dye reduction) measured indi- rectly the increase in cell number from a low density, quiescent population of fibroblasts. Both bioassays were standardized using neonatal calf serum in standard curves and results were expressed as relative growth factor units, GFL' (Fig. 1).

The responses of several commercially avail- able GFs were evaluated and each GF gave a characteristic profile of activity in the two as- says (Fig. 2). However, a general trend ofhigher stimulation of DNA synthesis than whole cell proliferation relative to the serum standards was seen for these purified GFs. Porcine TGFBl stimulated a moderate increase in both DNA synthesis and whole cell proliferation of f i b m blasts over a broad range of TGFp1 concentra- tions (Fig. 2A). PDGF induced a high level of DNAsynthesis with little or no detectable whole cell proliferation (Fig. 2C). Purilied EGF showed a dose-dependent increase in both DNA synthe- sis and whole cell proliferation of fibroblasts with maximal stimulation at 5 ng/ml in both assays (Fig. 2D). FGF-2 was unique among the GF tested in that its effect upon fibroblasts produced negative values in the alamarBlue assay while inducing a high level of stimulation of DNAsynthesis (Fig. 2B). In both assays with FGF-2, most cells were rounded-up and had a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio characteristic of highly stimulated cells which are unable u, complete the cell cycle. This state of the cells apparently decreases the cellular metabolism necessary for the alamarBlue dye reduction

482 Voytik-Harbin et al.

-0.9 I I I I -1 0 5 10 15 20 25

Serum Concentration, %

Fig. 1. Comparison of effeco of serum on 3T3 fibroblasts in two growth factor assavs. Neonatal calf serum standards were

L. ~ ~ - - ~ ~ , - .- -.- - - ~ - - ~ - - -- --

tested in (A) alamarBlue assay for whole cell proliferation (0) and (6) [3H)-thymidine incorporation assay for DNA synthesis (0). Raw data units are fluorescence (A = 5901 for aiamarBlue assay and cprn/well ( x I O - ~ ) for ['HI-thymidine On the right axis the data are expressed as relative growth factor units (CFU) and the conversion equation is given. Each set oi data points is the mean r 5.0. oi triplicate samples from a single representa- tive experiment.

and results in values less than the baseline recorded for the unstimulated (quiesceht) fibro- blasts.

The GF activity of the four extracts also was analyzed in dose response curves in the two bioassaps.(Fig. 3). The activity of the guanidine extract increased with increasing dose up to 100 u g h 1 in the alamarBlue assay The same extract stimulated a n increase in the PHI-

thymidine assay which was maximal a t 200 pg/ml. The 4 M guanidine extract was unique among the extracts in its ability to generate positive values in both assays. The urea extract of SIS produced dramatically different results. Activity of h e urea extract increased with in- creasing dose to maximum G R J values be- tween 4 and 5 at 400 u g h 1 in the tritiated thymidine assay. h contrast, the same extract gave negative GFLT values in the alamarBlue assay. As =as observed with FGF-2, the dose response curves in these two assays were nearly mirror ima~es . The cellular response to the MgClz and NaCl extracts was similar to the response seen mth the urea extract (Fig. 3). The MgC12 and NaCl extracts were less stimula- tory than the urea extract, yet were active at a ten-fold lower dose range of 1 to 10 &ml. Total dry weight -yields (4 to 7 mg/g powdered SIS) or total protein yields (2 to 4 mg/g powder) were not sigmfw.antly different for these four water- soluble extracts (Table I). Protein content of the extracts typically represented 50-70% of the extract dry weight. Extraction periods longer than 24 h and repeat extractions were tested in an attempt u, increase yields. However, little or no additional activity was extractable after the initial 24 h exuaction and wash (data not shown).

Identification of FCF-2 as an Extractable Component of SIS

The strong similarity beimeen the GF activ- ity and cell morphology induced by proteins extracted from SIS with 2 M urea and the activity and morphology induced by puritied FGF-2 suggested that FGF-2 might be a pre- dominant GF component of this extract. This hypothesis mas tested by incubating the extract with increasing amounts of a neutralizing poly- clonal antibody specific for FGF-2. A dose- dependent neutralization of GF activity of the urea extract indicated that FGF-2 was present and accounted for more than 60% of the GF activity of this extract as measured in the W- thymidine incorporation assay (Fig. 4).

Neutralization of the activity of the urea ex- tract of SIS with antibody to FGF-2 was appar- ent also in the changes in morphology of the fibroblast cells (Fig. 5). Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts were cultured in the presence of the extract or purchased GF whch had been incubated either

Growth Factors Extracted From SIS

Q) 3 - m L z m - (If

3- LL (3

m y 7 0 F

0 0 0 0 0 /


PDGF, ng/mL

a, - 6 .G

73 - 5 -g


-4 5 a

-3 a, C,

(If -2 -3 -- L

-1 C,

3- -0 LL

- -1 (3

EGF, ng/mL

Fw 2. Responses to purified growth factors in the b i ~ s a y s . The responses of 3-0 fibroblasts to several purified GFs were detewnined by measuring whole cell proliferation (alamarBlue assay, e, left axis) and DNA vthesis (['HI-thymidine assay, 0, right axis). Commercially available porcine TGFBl (A), bovine FCF-2 (B), porcine PDGF (0, and human ECF (0) were t d owr a range of concenaatiw known to be efkaive with fibroblasts.

484 Voytik-Harbin et al.

1 - 4 Guanidine Extract -

-0.25 I . , . . . , . I , , ' I -1 1 10 100 500

Protein, pg I mL

I MgC12 Extract

6 Urea Extract -

-5 - a, C -4 .- z - -3 E )r

- 5 m - a,

-1 .- z C . - - .. -0

-0.5 b , , I , , , -3

1 10 100 500

Protein, pg I mL

1.5 6 NaCl Extract

Protein, pg I mL Protein, pg I mL F+ 3. Comparison of the efkco of SLS -US on fibroblasts in the two growth factor assays. Dose-response curves for exnacts of SIS in alamarBlue assay (a) and [)HI-thymidine *say (0) indicate the differences in range and activity of the various extracts. The same preparations of extracts were used in both assays.

with neutralizing antibody or PBS alone. Corn- mic ratio and a more rounded appearance (Fig: pared to either 20% serum (Fig. 5A) or the no 5C). The cells incubated with urea extract had serum (Fig. 5B) control, the response of the an appearance similar to those incubated with fibroblasts to p d e d FGF-2 was quite distinc- - p d e d FGF-2 (Fig. 5E). Neutralization of tive showing an increased nuclear to cytoplas- FGF-2 with anti-FGF-2 blocked the change in

Growth Factors Extracted From SIS 485

TABLE L Total Yields of Extracts of Pomine SIS

E k z a c t i o n Total dry weight Total protein

mglg powder mglg powder 4 M Guanidine 5.1 2 0.5 3.1 = 0.95 2 M Urea 3.7 2 2 2 2.4 2 1.2 2 M MgC12 6.9 = 3.0 3.95 I 0.95 2 M NaCl 7.7 2 3.7 3.75 = 0.75

0 0.5 1 10 100 500

Anti FGF-2 , ug/ml Fig. 4. Neutralization of activity with a growth factor specific antibody. Neutralization of FGF-2 activity of standard FGF-2 (A) and of 2 M urea extract of SIS (0) in f3H1-thyrnidine assay. Dam are the average of two experiments. Values for 100% control activities (no antibody) were 3.55 = 0.03 GFU at 1 ng/ml FCF-2 and 4.96 = 0.05 CFU at 0.2 rng/rnl urea extract.

the cell morphology such that the cells ap- peared quiescent (Fig. 5D). Incubation of the urea extract with anti-FGF-2 also altered the cell morphology from that normally induced by urea extract (Fig. 5F). The appearance of the fibroblasts was that of a stimulated cell popula- tion, but unlike the appearance of the cells with serum.

The presence of FGF-2 in the urea extract of SIS was confirmed further in Western blot analysis (Fig. 6). A monoclonal antibody specific for FGF-2 was used to probe for the protein in the extract after separation on SDS-PAGE. A doublet of reactive bands was reproducibly de- tected a t approximately 19 kDa in the urea extract.

Identification of a TCFf3-Related Protein as an Extractable Component of SiS

The extracts of SIS were screened for TGFp activity with a neumalizrng antibody spedic for all the TGFp isoforms (B 1, p 1.2, P2. P3, p5). GF activity was neutralized in the extract made with 4 M guanidine. The result of incubating the extract with increasing amounzs of anti- body was a decreasing activity which eventu- ally reached a minimum in the negative values in the alamarBlue assay (Fig. 7).

The cells incubated with guanidine extract (Fig. 8E) had an appearance very s d a r to those incubated with the purified TGFPl (Fig. 8C), but were more numerous and more ex- tended. The response of the 3T3 fibroblasts to TGFpl was more subtle than the response to FGF-2, yet still evident, especially a t the low cell densities of the alamarBlue assay. Cells were more flattened and spread-out compared to the serum stimulated (Fig. 8A) or quiescent cells (Fig. 8B). In addition, the TGFPl treated cells appeared less well attached to the culture dish than those cultured in the presence of the guanidine extract. Incubation of TGFpl with anti-TGFp prior to addition to quiescent cells prevented the change in morphology of the cells (compare Fig. 8D with C). Incubation of guani- dine extract with anti-TGFP altered the mor- phology of the cells (Fig. 8F) compare to those treated with guanidine extract alone. However, the cells still appeared to have a H e r e n t mor- phology than quiescent cells with many of cells taking on an elongated, spindle-shaped appear- ance.

An afl6nity-purified preparation of the same polyclonal antibody, reactive against TGFP1, p1.2, P2. P3, and P5, was used to probe for TGFp in the guanidine extract (Fig. 9). No protein band was detected a t 25 kDa, a molecu- lar weight corresponding to that of the non- reduced purified TGFP1, p2, and 83 standards. However, higher molecular weight protein bands of the guamdine extract were reactive with thls antibody. These bands were also de- tected in a partially purified k c t i o n of the guanidine extract. Guanidine extract of demin- eralized bone powder, a known source of TGFP, yielded an identifiable 25 kDa protein band along with several higher molecular weight bands. No bands were detected in the controls with secondary antibody only (data not shown).

Voytik-Harbin et al.

Rg.5. Changes In iibroblast morphology In response to FGF-2 or urea extract o i SIS. Cells were plated and treated as described ror 13Hl-thvm~d~ne assav and then i~xed. stalned, and photographed. Cells grown In the presence of (A) 20?! serum or (6) 0.1 myml BSNPBS were used ior comparison controls. Cells were treated wlth. (0 FGF-2 at 1 ngfrnl, (D) FGF-2 Incubated wlth anrl-FGF-2 ar 0.1 mqml. (El urea extracr o i SIS at 0.2 mglml, or (F) urea emact incubated with am-FGF-2 at 0.1 myml.

DISCUSSION extracts revealed a significant amount of grawth

Events of the remodeling response induced by SIS closely approximate those of fetal wound healing and embryogenesis in that appropriate tissue structure and function are restored with minimal scar formation. These inductive prop- erties suggest that SIS is not merely an inert attracelluiar matrix scaffold but rather that this biomaterial provides "instrucrive" signals that d i m the host cell response. One aspen of this signaling might be related to the presence of growth factors. This present analysis of SIS

factor activity present in SIS. Growth factors have been identiiied in gastrointestinal tissues previously. Nice and coworkers [I9911 isolated a N-terminally extended form of FGF-2 &om the cellular layers of porcine colonic mncosa Likewise, TGFa and urogastrone EGF were found to be present in human gastrointestinal mucosa. albeit at sigdicantly lesser quantities [Cartlidge and Elder, 19901. The present study is the first demonstration of growth h r s associated with the connective tissue (extracel-

Growth Factors Extracted From SiS 487

Fig 6. lmmunodetectlon of FCF-2 in extracted proteins of SIS. Urea-extracted protelns oi SIS (U) were separated on 16.5% SDS-PACE (100 pg/lane) and elemo-blotted to W D F paper. Detection o i FCF-2 was with a monoclonal antibody to FCF-2 (1:10,000). Purified human recombinant FCF-2 (25 ng) was used as a standard (Fl and is marked with an arrow at its molecular weight of 18 kDa.

lular matrix) portion of the small intestine, more specifically the submucosal layers.

Further characterization of the bioactivity within SIS extracts revealed the presence of FGF-2 and a TGFP-related component. Al- though maximal neutralization with anti-FGF-2 demonstrated that this GF was responsible for the majority of the measurable activity of the urea extract, considerable GF activity remained. Currently, we are determining if any other known GFs are responsible for this activity. Likewise, residual activity was observed when the TGFp-related activity of the guanidine ex- tract was completely neutralized. The negative values observed after TGFp neutralization (in the alamarBlue assay) suggested the presence of FGF-2 activity which might have been previ- ously masked by the TGFp-related activity. However, dual neutralization of the guanidine extract with antibodies to both TGFP and FGF-2 revealed the FGF-2 was not responsible for the residual activity (data not shown). The pres- ence of an inhibitory molecule (e.g., Decorin) which was masked by the TGFP stirnulatory activity in thLs complex extract appears .. likely Wamaguchi et al., 19901.

Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of a protein with a molecular weight in the

-200 0.5 1 1 0 100 500

Anti TGFB, ug/ml Fig. 7. Neutralization oi activity with a growth iactor specific antibody. Neutralization oi TCFf3 activity oi standard TCFf3l (A) and of4 M guanidineextract oi SIS (e) in alamaralue assay. Data are the average o i replicated experiments CTCFf31. n = 1; guanidine extract, n = 3). Values ior 100% controls {no anti- body) were 0.23 = 0.01 CFU at 20 pg/ml TCFBl and 0.1 5 = 0.05 CFU at 40 pqml guan~dine extract.

range consistent with previously identified FGF-2. The slightly larger form of FGF-2 might be a differentially expressed form as seen with porcine Nice et al., 19911, guinea pig [Mosca- telli et al., 19871, and human hepatoma b t s et al., 19891 tissues. N-terniinal sequence analy- sis is necessary to determine homology of this protein to previously identified forms of FGF-2.

The polyclonal antibody used to detect TGFB recognized several protein bands in guanidine extract of SIS at molecular weights consider- ably higher than observed for p d e d TGFP standards (25 kDa) or extract of bone. It is not clear which, if any, of these proteins are respon- sible for the TGFP-related activiq of guanidine e x ~ a c t of SIS. That one of the previously re- ported isoforms of TGFP is present in the guani- dine extract of SIS, but a t a level below detec- tion by the Western blot, is still a possibility. However, initial separation of proteins of the guanidine extract of SIS with gel liltration matography, based on a protocol for isolating TGFP Wamaguchi et al., 19901, also did not reveal a 25 kD band, but did demonstrate that the antibody-reactive -her mol. wt. proteins stay with the TGFP neutralizable activity

Voytik-Harbin et al.

Fig. 8. Changes in fibroblast rnorpnologv in response to TCFPl or guaniaine extract of SIS. Cells were plated and treated as described for alarnarBlue assav and then tixed. stained. and photographed. Cells grown in the presence o i (A) 20% serum or (B) 0.1 rnyml BSNPBS were used tor comparison controls. Cells were treated with. (0 TCFBl at 20 pglml, (El guanidine extract oiSlS at 40 pg/rni, (D) TCFP1 ~ncubated with anti-TCFB at 0.1 rng/ml or (R guanidine exnact incubated with anti-TCFO1 at 0.1 rnprni.

through one step of purification. Determination of whether SIS contains a very low level of one of the known isoforms of TGFp, a yet unidentified form of TGF$ or a novel TGFp-like GF requires further purification and characterization.

I t is s i m c a n t that the cwo growth factors thus far implicated as being active in extrams of SIS, FGF-2, and a TGFP-related protein. have been shown to play significant roles in h e mechanisms underlying tissue remodeling and

wound healing. FGF molecules stimulate the proliferation of most of the major cell types involved in wound healing, including vascular endothelial cells, fibroblasts. smooth muscle cells, osteoblasts and chondmcytes. One of the most strilnng properties of FGF-2 is its ability to stimulate the proliferation and migration of capillary endothelial cells and all other events associated with angiogenesis. FGF-2 is depen- dent on binding to heparan sulfate, a gly-

Growth Factors Extracted From 515 489

Fig. 9. lmmunodetection of TCFB-related protein in extract oi .. . SIS. TCFB standards (81-1 0 ng. 82-20 ng, P3-20 ng), guani-

dine extracts o i bovine bone (8-40 ug) and porcine SIS 6-1 60 pg), and an active iraction (SP-200 ug), paniallv purified from guanidine extract of SIS bv column chromatography (see Mate- rials and Methods), were separated on t2046 SDS-PACE and electroblotted to WDF Detection o i TCFP was with an afinity purified pan-speciiic polvclonal antibody to TCFB (1: 1,000). Secondary antibodv coupled to HRP was at 1 :15.000.

cosaminoglycan, for high &ty binding to its receptor [Rapraeger et al., 1994: lWao et al., 19951. Analysis of tissues for FGF-2 often re- veals this factor bound to heparan sulfate pro- teoglycans associated with extracellular matrix and cell surfaces [Aviezer et al., 1994; Brown et al., 19951. The binding of FGF-2 w i h ECM might regulate the activity of FGF by acting as a potential storage' and release site and by potentiating its effects on target cell receptors Bashkin et al., 1989: Flaumenhaft et al., 1989; Rapraeger et aL, 19941.

On the other hand, TGFP is perhaps the most potent stimulator of chemotaxis known, stimu- lating the migration of monocytes, lympho- cytes, neutropbils, and fibroblasts in femtomo- lar concentration range. In addition, the effects of TGFB on extracellular matrix are more com- plex and more profound than those of any other growth factor and are central to its effect of inc~easing the maturation and strength of wounds and of pathologic matrix accumulation characteristic of fibrotic disease b b e r t s and Sporn, 19961. TGFB regulates the transcription of a wide spectrum of matrix proteins including collagen, fibronectin, and glycoaminoglycans, matrixdegrading proteases, and their inhibi- tors, yielding a net increase in matrix protein

accumulation [Quaglino et al.. 1990; Wahl et al., 19931. TGFB has been identified previously in ECM of tissues other than intestine. For example, TGFB has been shown to be stored in bone matrix [Ogawa et al.. 19921 through an association with decorin, a proteoglpcan compo- nent of emacellular matrix [Takeuchi et al., 19941. Binding to decorin has been shown to regulate the bioacri~ty of TGFp Eamaguchi et al., 19901. In other studies, TGFp has been co-localized with decorin to the ECM of various developing tissues Lysiak et al.. 19951. Re- cently, a latent form of TGFP was found associ- ated with latent TGFP binding protein in the ECM of fibroblast and bone cell cultures rraipale et al., 1994; Dallas et al., 19951.

What role do these specific growth factors play in the inducdve properties of SIS? SIS induces a rapid cellular Infiltrate w i h hours of its implantation and stimulates an early neovascularization. However, it is uncertain as to the contribution of the SIS-derived GFs ver- sus those GFs derived &om host cells and tis- sue. We are presently conducting studies to answer this question.

Preliminary biochemical analysis lHodde et al., 19961 indicates that the composition of SIS is similar to that of other extracellular matrix structures, which consist of a complex array of collagens, proteoglpcans, glycosaminoglycans, and glycoproteins. Therefore, unlike most mate- rials used for tissue engineering, this biomate- rial more closely approximates the complexiv of natural tissue composition and architecture and thereby provides a s d o l d conducive to necessary molecular and cell signaling. An ini- tial understanding of the composition of active factors present in this biomaterial is critical to the investigation of the molecular signals being exchanged between the implant material and the host tissue. As well, the idenhfication of FGF-2 and a TGFp-related component in ex- t r a m of SIS is a significant step toward under- standing the mechanisms behind the nwel prop erties of SIS as a wound healing agent and tissue regenerative biomaterial.

We are grateful to Debra Klich for excellent technical assistance with cell culture assays, a Dr. Brad Olwin for the grR of FGF-2 and mu- body to FGF-2, and to Dr. J. Paul Robinson and the Purdue University Cycomev Laboratory Staff for ,generously shanng their space and e q u i p

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ment with us. This work was supported by a TRASK grant from Purdue UniversiQ Research Foundation and grant HI331425 h m the NIH.


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