Paleoflood events recorded by speleothems in caves


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EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMSEarth Surf. Process. Landforms (2014)Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Published online in Wiley Online Library( DOI: 10.1002/esp.3543

Paleoflood events recorded by speleothems in cavesFernando Gázquez,1,2* José María Calaforra,2 Paolo Forti,3 Heather Stoll,4 Bassam Ghaleb5 and Antonio Delgado-Huertas61 Unidad Asociada UVA-CSIC al Centro de Astrobiología, University of Valladolid, Parque Tecnológico Boecillo, 47151, Valladolid, Spain2 Water Resources and Environmental Geology Research Group, Department of Biology and Geology-University of Almería,Ctra. Sacramento s/n, La Cañada de San Urbano, 04120, Almería, Spain

3 Italian Institute of Speleology, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna,Via Zamboni, 67, 40126, Bologna, Italy

4 Department of Geology, University of Oviedo, Arias de Velasco s/n., 30005, Oviedo, Spain5 Centre de Recherche en Géochimie et Géodynamique (GÉOTOP-UQAM)-McGill University, Montreal, Canada6 Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Camino del Jueves s/n, 18100, Armilla, Granad, Spain

Received 10 July 2013; Revised 20 January 2014; Accepted 27 January 2014

*Correspondence to: Fernando Gázquez, Unidad Asociada UVA-CSIC al Centro de Astrobiología, University of Valladolid, Parque Tecnológico Boecillo, 47151,Valladolid, Spain. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: Speleothems are usually composed of thin layers of calcite (or aragonite). However, cemented detrital materialsinterlayered between laminae of speleothemic carbonate have been also observed in many caves. Flowstones comprisingdiscontinuous carbonate layers form due to flowing water films, while flood events introduce fluviokarstic sediments in caves that,on occasion, are recorded as clayey layers inside flowstones and stalagmites. This record provides a potential means of understand-ing the frequency of palaeofloods using cave records. In this work, we investigate the origin of this type of detrital deposit in El SoplaoCave (Northern Spain). The age of the lowest aragonite layer of a flowstone reveals that the earliest flood period occurred before500 ka, though most of the flowstone formed between 422 +69/-43 ka and 400 +66/-42 ka. This suggests that the cave wasperiodically affected by palaeoflood events that introduced detrital sediments from the surface as a result of occasional extremerainfall events, especially at around 400 ka. The mineralogical data enable an evolutionary model for this flowstone to be generatedbased on the alternation of flood events with laminar flows and carbonate layers precipitation that can be extrapolated to other cavesin which detrital sediments inside speleothems have been found. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: paleofloods; aragonite speleothems; flowstone; cave sediments; El Soplao Cave


Cave deposits (both clastic and chemical) provide evidence ofgeological processes and climatic trends that are not preservedat the surface in most karst regions (Ford and Williams, 2007).In particular, clastic sediments fromcaves have supplied valuableinformation about the evolution of karstic systems and geomor-phological processes (Bull, 1981; Springer and Kite, 1997;Klimchouk and Andrejchuk, 2002; Quinif et al., 2006; Liskeret al., 2010; Zupan Hajna et al, 2010; Martini, 2011) andpalaeoclimatic events (e.g. Schmidt, 1982; Brook andNickmann,1996; Gospodarič, 1998; Šroubek et al., 2001; Sasowsky, 2007;White, 2007). In addition, clastic sediments have been used toreconstruct the history of archaeological and palaeontologicalsites (Murray, 1957; Karkanas et al., 2000; Farrand, 2001). Recentstudies have demonstrated the importance of the role of sedimentin transporting contaminants (Mahler et al., 1999; Vesper andWhite, 2003; Vesper et al., 2003) and microorganisms (Mahleret al., 2000) in karst systems.Clastic cave sediments can be subdivided into two categories

(White, 2007) with respect to their origin: autochthonous andallochthonous. Autochthonous clastic sediments are derivedlocally within the cave from weathering of the bedrock, or frombreakdown, whereas allochthonous clastic sediments are

transported into the cave fromoutside. Sediment influx into cavesoccurs through solutionally-widened fractures of the host rock orvia shafts and sinkholes in the karst. The nature of the injectedmaterial depends on the rock types in the vicinity of the cave,and is usually a mixture from all these sources.

The cave entrances can act as a trap where sediments areunaffected by surface erosion. However, once inside the cave,sediments are transported as suspended load or bedload,depending on the particle size and the velocity of the streamflow (Ford and Williams, 2007). When sediments derive fromflood events, the coarse fraction of the load frequently appearson the bed of streams inside the caves, while fine-grainedmaterials (clays and silts) usually form the top part of thesedimentary sequence and are deposited when the energy ofthe flow decreases (Bosch and White, 2004; Van Gundy andWhite, 2009). In places, clayey sediments can coat the cavewalls and ceiling, suggesting that cave passages were oncetotally filled with muddy sediments.

Magnetostratigraphy has been the most common method fordating clastic sediments from caves (Schmidt, 1982; Sasowskyet al., 1995; Šroubek et al., 2001; Chess et al., 2010; ZupanHajna et al., 2010). As long as the sedimentary sequence hasnot been altered, the magnetic grains maintain the orientationaccording to the Earth’s magnetic field at the moment of their


deposition. Over the past decade, new techniques like OSLdating (optically stimulated luminescence) have been appliedto cave sediments (Sanna et al., 2010), providing the absolutedate when the sediments were trapped in the cave. On theother hand, the ages of cave sediments have also beendetermined from radiocative decay of cosmogenic 26-Al and10-Be (Granger et al., 2001; Stock et al., 2005). In addition tothese three above-mentioned dating methods, cave sedimentscan also be chronologically constrained by means of dating ofburied terrestrial shells (Molokov, 2001), charcoal, wood andbone collagen (Boaretto et al., 2009; De Waele et al., 2009).The presence of detrital materials interbedded between

chemically precipitated speleothems has been reported insome caves (Dorale et al., 1992; Sasowsky et al., 2007; Stöllet al., 2008; Dasgupta et al., 2010; Pickering et al., 2010;Ballesteros et al., 2012). However, few cases describe clasticmaterials intercalated with subhorizontal aragonite layerswhereby a flowstone is formed due to the degassing (andevaporation) of a water lamina flowing over a surface. Datingthe carbonate layers of the speleothem that are sandwichedbetween clastic materials is an alternative to direct dating ofdetrital sediments (Pickering et al., 2010; Sanna et al., 2010;Ballesteros et al., 2012).The current article deals with evidence of paleoflood events

in caves, as recorded by speleothems, in particular through thestudy of flowstones recently discovered in El Soplao Cave(Northern Spain), which are composed of aragonite laminaeinterlayered between successive thin strata of cemented siltand clay. The geochronology of four carbonate layers wasdetermined using the U-Th dating method. These data, togetherwith the mineralogical observations enabled the evolution ofthis flowstone to be reconstructed and allowed us to identifythe flood periods when detrital materials were injected intothe cave. Our work shows how dating carbonate layers ofspeleothems is an accurate method for determining periods inwhich caves were affected by paleoflood events, whichrepresents an alternative to direct dating of detrital sediments.

Description of the Study Area

Geological setting

El Soplao Cave (43°17´45, 42"N - 4°25´45, 76"W) is located inthe Sierra de Arnero, in the Escudo de Cabuérniga mountainrange (Cantabria, Northern Spain). The Sierra de Arneromountain chain runs parallel to the Cantabrian Coast, betweenthe Bustriguado and Nansa valleys (municipal districts ofValdáliga, Rionansa and Herrerías) (Figure 1(A)). This naturalcavity was discovered accidently in the early-nineteenthcentury as a result of mining activity in La Florida mine(Carcavilla and Durán, 2011).The cave is developed in the Reocín Formation, shallow

platform carbonate rocks of Early Cretaceous (Aptian) age thatis inclined 40° N. There is considerable metallogenic interestin the region due to the large patches of dolomitizationassociated with sulphide deposits that are the result of risinghydrothermal fluids in the carbonates (Quesada et al., 2005;López-Cilla et al., 2009; López-Horgue et al., 2009). In fact,important deposits of lead and zinc sulphides occur in theFlorida Mine and in the El Soplao Cave itself, appearing aspre-existing patches of mineralization that were intersected bythe cave (Tornos and Velasco, 2011). Tectonic efforts in thisarea are shown by a fault system that runs parallel to the Sierrade Arnedo mountains and is inclined 50° SE (Jiménez-Sánchezet al., 2011).

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From a hydrogeological point of view, the ReocínFormation comprises a carbonate sequence 300m thick onaverage that is significantly karstified and fractured due totectonic efforts, which in the El Soplao area gave rise to LaFlorida aquifer (Meléndez-Asensio and Rodríguez-González,2011). The mining activities carried out in the Florida minesince 1900 produced considerable modifications in thehydrogeological regime of the aquifer. In fact, several springsplaced a few metres below the cave level dried as a result ofthe drainage of the carbonate formation, in contrast to severalartificial artesian pits arising from the mining exploration.

Recent hydrogeological studies reveal that 21 natural springsplus six artificial upwellings supply water to the Nansa Riverand the Bustriagudo Spring, with flow rates ranging from 10to 120 L/s depending on the time of year (Meléndez-Asensioand Rodríguez-González, 2011). The present-day water tablelevel in the El Soplao setting is inferred to be at around150–200ma.s.l, coinciding with the altitude of these mainsprings, while the base level is given by the bed of the NansaRiver, 100ma.s.l.

Description of El Soplao Cave

The cave entrance lies 540ma.s.l. and its passages extend over17 km, with around 200m variation in altitude. The total lengthof the cave, including the mining galleries, is approximately20 km (Figure 1(B) and (C)). An artificial cave mouth excavatedparallel to the Isidra gallery serves as entrance for tourist visits.In addition, there are two natural cave entrances: Torca Anchaand Torca Juñosa, by which access is difficult. Preliminarystudies inside and outside the cave suggest other entrancesmay exist, influencing the microclimate dynamics and caveenvironment.

The main passage of the cave is a low-gradient canyon,~2 km long, developed along the strike of the beds (Fig. 1(C)).It represents a relict “ideal water table” cave segment (Fordand Williams, 2007), formed when the water table was~400m higher than it is today. The cave morphology iscontrolled by a fault running E–W, inclined 50° SE (Jiménez-Sánchez et al., 2011) and its passages are oriented followingthis fault, with a secondary axis running NE–SW. The fault’sdisplacement controlled the evolution of the cave morphology,and very probably the direction of the vadose water flows in thepast. In fact, the external geomorphology of the mountainsrange in which the cave is developed could differ considerablyfrom its current aspect. Today, the main cave passages de-scribe a horizontal plane that is inclined 1.5° to the eastand the most elevated cave passages lie at 545m a.s.l, co-inciding with the Galería Gorda Chamber, practically atthe same level as the natural cave entrances (Figure 1(C)).However, the altitude of the entrance sinkholes was proba-bly higher in the past, and was gradually reduced due toerosion and denudation mechanisms, as well as tectonicefforts. Consequently, a part of the detrital sedimentsproduced in this area were introduced by water flows intothe cave, in which were stored. Recent speleological explo-rations revealed that the deepest part of the cave lies justbeneath these natural entrances, at a depth of 150m belowthe surface (450m a.s.l). At present, there are no permanentstreams flowing in the cave and water flows are limited todripping water from speleothems.

The cave presents much evidence of subaqueous speleogenesis,such as corrosion cupolas and phreatic tubes, whose floors weresubsequently eroded by a stream under vadose conditions, asrevealed by the presence of several stalagmite pavements atdifferent elevations (Figure 2(B)). Up to three “banquettes” or floor

Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2014)

Sierra Arnedo 36

Permo-Triassic bed

Aptian dolostone

Cenomanian limestone

Cenomanian sand and clay

Albian sand and clay

Albian calcarenite

Lower Cretaceous SandstoneAptian sandstone

Aptian dolostone


El Soplao Cave


100 m

La Florida mine

4º27’00” W 4º24’30”W




Upper Cretaceous marl

StreamPb-Zn Mine

Main cave axes

Los Italianos



La coliflorArtificial entrance

El Bosque

Los Fantasmas
























250 m




Opera Chamber

El puente

Figure 1. (A) Location and geological setting of El Soplao Cave. Cartography modified from Suárez et al. (1972). (B) Plan view of part of the upperlevel of the cave; (C) cross- section of the cave. The main cave axes and the natural entrances have been represented. The circle shows the location ofthe flowstone studied. Topography courtesy of El Soplao S.L and cross-section modified from Rossi et al. (2010). This figure is available in colouronline at


levels have been observed in some passages (Jiménez-Sánchezet al., 2011) and there is also evidence of palaeoflood events thatintroduced fine-grained sediments into the cave. Flood level marksevidenced by silt lines on earlier carbonate speleothems(Figure 2(E), (G) and (H)), mud deposits on the cave floor(Figure 2(A)) and layered detrital deposits in several cavepassages (Figure 2(A)) suggest that flood events have occurredquite recently in El Soplao Cave.El Soplao Cave was opened as a show cave in 2005.

Spectacular helictites, anthodites and huge speleothemsare the most relevant aesthetic features of this mineshow-cave. Other unusual speleothems have also beendescribed in this cave, including the dark amberinespeleothems whose colour is related to lixiviates from acarbonaceous stratum located above this speleothemformation (Gázquez et al., 2012), black ferromanganesecrusts (Gázquez et al., 2011) and ferromanganese stromat-olites (Rossi et al., 2010).

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The current cave temperature ranges between 9 and 13 °C,depending on the mean annual temperature outside the cave,while its relative humidity is usually around 80–100%. TheCO2 concentration in air is around 440–600ppm, dependingon the number of visitors per day (Calaforra et al., 2011).


Sample description and sampling methods

The sample analysed consisted of a fragment of carbonateflowstone, weighing about 3 kg, collected from the Pasillo delos Cubos (also called ‘Contessa Passage’) of El Soplao Cave(Figure 1(B), (C)). The speleothem is a horizontal stalagmitepavement up to 20 cm thick that is suspended 30 cm abovethe cave floor (Figure 2(A)).

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Figure 2. (A) Aragonite flowstone including detrital layers in the Pasillo de los Cubos of the El Soplao Cave. The red frame indicates the location where thesample was taken. (B) Hanging flowstone in the Organ Chamber, 200m away from Pasillo de los Cubos. (C) Clayey sediments exposed on the ferromanga-nese crust on the ceiling of the Italianos Gallery. (D) Muddy deposits on the carbonate stalactites of the Campamento Gallery, suggesting palaeoflood events.However, white stalactites have grown after this event, indicating that the flood was not recent. (E) Hanging stalagmite pavement (the False Floor). (F) and (G)Flood marks on carbonate speleothems in the Campamento Gallery. This figure is available in colour online at


The sample was cut using a rock-cutting machine along itsmain growth axis. Subsequently, the cut surface was manuallypolished and a high-resolution image of its cross-section wasscanned. Mineralogical analyses were performed by X-raydiffraction (XRD), using the methodology described byGázquez et al. (2011). Four powdered samples from the whitercarbonate layers were collected for U-Th dating using a Dremeldrill with a 0.8mm diameter bit. Sampling was done at thelower part of the flowstone (SPL-00), and at 30mm (SPL-30),60mm (SPL-60) and 67mm (SPL-67) from the speleothem base,following the horizontal aragonite layers.

U-Th dating

U/Th dating was carried out at the GEOTOP research centre ofthe University du Quebec in Montreal. Subsamples of 0.5 g ofcarbonate (n = 4) were weighed and transferred to 250mLTeflon beakers, into which weighed amounts of a mixed233U-236U-229Th spike had been placed and evaporated.Actinides (Th and U fractions) were selectively retained andsubsequently eluted using 0.2mL U-Teva (Eichrom) resinvolume, following the method described in Hillaire-Marcelet al. (1996). The U and Th fractions were deposited on a Refilament between two layers of graphite and measured using aTriton Plus mass spectrometer (TIMS) equipped with a

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retardation potential quadrupole (RPQ). Mass fractionation forU was corrected by the double spike of 236U/233U (1.1322),while mass fractionation for Th was considered negligible withrespect to analytical error. The overall analytical reproducibil-ity, as estimated from replicate measurements of standards,was generally better than 0.5% for U concentration and234U/238U ratios, and ranged from 0.5% to 1% for 230Th/234Uratios (2σ error range).

The presence of the non-authigenic 230Th in the carbonatesamples was negligible as indicated by the high 230Th/232Th(up to 5200), thus no correction for detrital contaminationwas required. U-Th ages were calculated from the isotopicratios 235U/236U, 235U/234U, 236U/234U, 232Th/229Th and229Th/230Th using ISOPLOT/Ex version 2.0 software(Ludwig, 1999).


The carbonate flowstone is 20 cm thick, including whitearagonite layers. In addition, up to 11 cemented detrital layers,varying from several microns to centimetres in thickness, wereidentified (Figure 3). There were two further dark layers at theupper part of the speleothem, interlayered with clayey andcarbonate layers. An incipient stalagmite was presented inthe middle of the stratigraphic sequence. The flowstone

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Figure 3. Sample of flowstone from the Pasillo de los Cubos. Fourpowdered samples were taken for U-Th dating (SPL-00, SPL-30, SPL-60and SPL-67). This figure is available in colour online at


occurs on a 30 cm thick stratum of non-consolidated sedi-ments that was partially eroded by a stream in more recenttimes (Figure 2(A)). Observations on a polished thin sectionof the speleothem did not reveal dissolutional or corrosionof carbonate layers to have occurred after precipitation(Gázquez, 2012).U-Th dating of the flowstone revealed that this speleothem

grew during a period beginning more than 500 ka. SampleSPL-00 is in secular equilibrium for the U-Th system assuggested by the ratio 230Th/234U≈ 1, thus exceeding thedating limit of the U-Th method (≈ 500 ka).Before 500 ka, a 30 cm-thick layer of sediments beneath the

earliest carbonate layer was deposited. In places, these detritalsediments were removed by more recent stream flows, leavingthe flowstone hanging above the cave floor (Figure 2(A)).Subsequent deposition of layers of aragonite ‘fossilized’ thesefirst detrital sediments. Further floods occurred before 500 ka,as suggested by a 2.5 cm thick layer of cemented detritalmaterials. The ages of the further aragonite layers analysed,SPL-30 and SPL-60, were 422 +69/-43 ka and 400 +66/-42 ka,respectively. Hiatuses represented by thin detrital layers canbe observed intercalated with the aragonite layers, in additionto a 1 cm high stalagmite which was ‘fossilized’ by furtheraragonite laminae (Figure 3).In the top part of the flowstone, several thin dark layers of

polymetallic oxyhydroxides were observed, previouslycharacterized by Gázquez et al. (2011). Above the Fe–Mn–Zndeposits a further aragonite layer was found, which dates to32.7 ± 0.4 ka (Table I) constraining the age of the latter.Regarding age uncertainties, relatively high uranium

concentrations in the aragonite layer (18–47 ppm), meant thatthe dating error was less than 1.2% for the youngest sample(SPL-67). However, dating errors up to +16/-10% were obtainedfor the oldest aragonite layers (SPL-30 and SPL-60), the ages of

Table I. Uranium concentration, measured U and Th activity ratios and ag

Sample ID Distance from base (mm) 238U (ppb) 234U/238U

SPL-00 1 47,490±161 1.129± 0005SPL-30 30 34,578±206 1.148± 0.001SPL-60 60 41,315±285 1.111 ±0.012SPL-67 67 18,211± 60 1.136± 0.004

*The age of sample SPL-00 was beyond the threshold of the U-Th method.

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which are close to the upper dating limit of the U-Th datingmethod. Additionally, relatively low contamination due to detritalthorium is suggested by 230Th/232Th ratios that exceeded 500 inthe oldest samples and up to 5200 in the youngest aragonite layers.Since 230Th/232Th ratios were higher than 100, no correction fornon-authigenic thorium was needed (Kaufman et al., 1998),because of the low concentration of detrital thorium.


The flowstones found in El Soplao Cave are an example ofcomplex speleothems consisting of alternating layers ofcarbonate and cemented detrital materials, similar to othersdescribed in a variety of caves (Dorale et al., 1992; Sasowskyet al., 2007; Stöll et al., 2008; Dasgupta et al., 2010; Pickeringet al., 2010; Ballesteros et al., 2012). In the upper part of the ElSoplao’s flowstone, up to 11 layers of clay and silt cemented ina calcite matrix are sandwiched between aragonite layersin just a 7 cm section, followed by several polymetallicoxyhydroxide layers in the upper part of the speleothem.

The U-Th dating of four aragonite layers allows confirmationthat the flowstone started growing more than 500 ka ago as thebasal aragonite lamina is in secular equilibrium in terms of theU-Th system. This fact is consistent with data reported inprevious studies by Rossi et al. (2010) in which stalagmitesaround 1Ma old (983 ka, 896 ka, 1016 ka, 1024 ka and1075 ka with errors of ± 245 ka obtained by U-Pb dating) werefound in other parts of the cave, so suggesting that speleothemprecipitation in El Soplao cave has occurred at least since theMiddle Pleistocene. On the other hand, recent work hasidentified stalagmites of Holocene age in El Bosque Gallery,near the Pasillo de los Cubos, whose growth extends to thepresent day (Carcavilla et al., 2011). Consequently, it can bepostulated that speleothems, both dripstones and flowstones,have precipitated intermittently in El Soplao Cave over the pastmillion years at least. In addition to vadose stages when drip-stones and flowstones were generated, there is ample evidencethat the cave was partially flooded on repeated occasions.

In fact, before the vadose stage when aragonite laminaebegan to precipitate in the Pasillo de los Cubos, the cave floorwas already covered by a thick layer of fluviokarstic sediments,which underlie the flowstone (Figure 4(A)). The granulometry ofthese sediments corresponds to silts and clays (20–200μm),while granulometric gradation has not been observed alongthe stratigraphic sequence. According to the classification ofcave sediments facies proposed by Bosch and White (2004),these materials correspond to the ‘slackwater facies’, character-ized by fine- and medium-grained sediments. Slackwater faciesare thin layers of fine-grained silt and clay, usually depositedfrom muddy water, as also described in other caves (Chesset al., 2010; Van Hengstum et al., 2011). They are often foundin blind side passages, pockets, and other niches in caves thatare unlikely to be reached by flowing water. Rising floodwatersfill all available voids, which are then ponded during someperiods. While the passage is filled with water, suspended

es of subsamples from the flowstone of Pasillo de los Cubos

230Th/232Th 230Th/234U Age (yr) σ+ (yr) σ – (yr)

459±6 1.058±0.010 > 500.000* - -5188±57 1.027±0.010 421.847 69.835 42.8864593±47 1.011± 0.011 400.315 66.331 41.9751155±13 0.261±0.002 32.671 369 367

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Figure 4. Genesis of the aragonite flowstone in the Pasillo de los Cubos. (A) Aragonite precipitation under vadose conditions. (B) Floods events injectoxygenated water (Eh>0) under a turbulent regime (Re>4000) into the cave. (C) Detrital sedimentation and cementation. (D) Aragonite laminaeprecipitate under vamoose conditions and dripping onto the flowstone causes stalagmite formation. (E) Fossilization of stalagmites under new aragonitelayers. (F) Metal mobilization (Fe2+ and Mn2+) under phreatic conditions (Eh>0). (G) Fe–Mn oxides precipitation under oxygenated condition. (H)Precipitation of new aragonite layers under subaerial conditions. (Note: Reynolds number is only an estimate for referring to the energy of the médium.)This figure is available in colour online at


sediments have time to settle down and form a stratified deposit(Bosch and White, 2004).These kinds of sediments are usually injected into the cave

by a water flow coming from outside. In the case of El Soplaocave, sediments entered through the natural cave entrances(Figure 1(C)), which in the past were probably at higher altitudeand more elevated than the current cave passages, favouringwater and sediment flows into the cave. In fact, the cave’sevolution has been controlled by an active fault that surely

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modified the relative altitude of the cave passage with respectto the main cave entrances in the past.

In the Pasillo de los Cubos, the layers of detrital sedimentswere covered by aragonite layers (Figure 4(A)). Aragoniteprecipitation occurred mainly around 400 ka. During thisperiod, the cave was under vadose conditions and water filmsbegan to flow over the detrital sediments deposited in earlierperiods. CO2 degassing (and probably evaporation) of thesolution resulted in precipitation of calcium carbonate as

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aragonite, a common mineral in dolomite caves like El Soplao.The precipitation of aragonite as flowstone speleothems,however, is not a frequent occurrence (Hill and Forti, 1997),although other cases have recently been described elsewhere(Caddeo et al., 2011). Precipitation of CaCO3 as aragonite isfrequently favoured by a high Mg/Ca ratio in the water, asituation in which calcite precipitation is inhibited (Frisiaet al., 2002).Up to 11 flood events alternating with ‘quiet’ periods of

carbonate precipitation were repeated between 422 +69/-43 kaand 400 +66/-42 ka in El Soplao Cave. The cave was floodedby muddy water that introduced sediments into the cave(Figure 4(B)). When the inflow of water declined, waterremained temporally trapped in depressions in the cave assubterranean lakes where suspended clay and silt settled down.CO2 degassing of pounded water resulted in supersaturation incalcium carbonate, thus a matrix of calcite was precipitated thatcemented the silty and clayey materials (Figure 4(C)).It is likely that the Mg/Ca of this underground water pool was

lower than that of the water film flowing on the flowstone inprevious stages, as a result of paleoflood events. This wasconditioned by the limited contact time between the water flowand dolomitic host rock during paleofloods. In such situationsof low Mg/Ca ratio in the water, the precipitation of calcitenucleation was favoured on aragonite (Frisia et al., 2002).There is no evidence of dissolution or corrosion of the carbon-ate layers at microscopic scale (Gázquez, 2012). This indicatesthat the water floods – subsaturated in calcite – were in contactfor a short time with aragonite layers precipitated in previousstages. Otherwise, the earlier aragonite laminae would havebeen corroded by the subsaturated pounded water. In addition,energy flow was low enough for sediment load deposition.When the stagnant water disappeared due to evaporation or

more probably infiltration to deeper levels in the karst, a furtherwater film flowed over the cemented detrital sediments, sorenewing the conditions for aragonite precipitation. Duringsome phases of aragonite precipitation, contributions of waterto the flowstone were not exclusively from sheet flows but alsocame from dripwater from the cave ceiling impacting thespeleothem surface. In this situation, aragonite stalagmitesformed on the calcareous pavement (Figure 4(D)). When thedripping slowed, a water film traversing the flowstone wasagain dominant over dripwater from the ceiling. Thus,emergent stalagmites that had begun to grow on the flowstonewere fossilized inside new deposits of aragonite (Figure 4(E)).Subaerial periods, in which aragonite was precipitated wererepeatedly interrupted by flood events, when detrital sedimentswere introduced into the cave, as revealed by the presence ofthin brownish layers interbedded in the aragonite lamina upto the 6.6 cm level of the flowstone (Figure 3). Regarding theuncertainties of the U/Th age of this relatively oldspeleoothems, we can only assert that sediments wereintroduced into the cave due to extreme rainfall events thattook place between MIS 11 and MIS 9. This period comprisedmajor paleoclimatic changes, including two interglacials andone glacial stage. Therefore, it is not possible to attribute theoccurrence of paleofloods in El Soplao Cave to specificclimatic conditions but to extreme rainfall events, whichoccurred repeatedly in an unknown climatic framework.Bluish-black layers appear in the upper strata of the

flowstone which EDX analysis (Gázquez et al., 2011; Gázquez,2012) revealed to be oxides of Fe–Mn–Zn, similar to thosefound in ferromanganese crusts near the Campamento Gallery(Gázquez et al., 2011). The precipitation of these metal oxidesin the El Soplao Cave is related to the mobilization of metals(Fe, Mn and Zn) from the host rock probably under phreaticanaerobic conditions (Figure 4(F)) and their subsequent

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precipitation on the walls and floors of the cave as oxides whenthe water table fell and conditions were again oxygenic(Figure 4(G)). In particular, the ferromanganese layers appearon clayey sediment covering the ceiling of the CampamentoGallery (Figure 2(C)).

The existence of this black crust indicates that the water tablewas present at that cave level in the past. Oxidation of Mn andFe could be mediated by microorganisms (as suggested by thepresence of fossil bacteria inside ferromanganese stromatolitesrecently discovered in this cave by Rossi et al., 2010). Althoughthe dark layers observed in the upper strata of the flowstoneare younger than 358 ka, precipitation of ferromanganeseoxyhydroxides occurred in El Soplao Cave also before 1MaBP (the age of the stromatolite studied by Rossi et al., 2010)and these are crowned by carbonate stalagmites with agesaround 900–1000 ka. This suggests that El Soplao Cave hasremained hydrodynamically active, with alternating vadoseand phreatic/epiphreatic periods for at least the past 1Ma.

After the period of metal oxide deposition in the Pasillo delos Cubos, conditions for aragonite precipitation were renewedand new carbonate laminae were precipitated, in this casefossilizing the dark layers. Conditions could be phreatic/epiphreatic until at least 33 ka, when a further layer ofaragonite was precipitated, as recorded in the flowstone(Figure 4(H)). In the period between 358 and 33 ka the evolu-tion of the speleothem is uncertain. Most probably, precipita-tion of carbonate layers alternated with flood events thatdeposited additional clastic sediments. However, thesematerials could have been eroded and remobilized byturbulent flows, thus removing some of the paleoclimaticinformation recorded in the speleothem. This hypothesis isstrongly supported by evidence of stream erosion in the cavenotches in the lower parts of the cave walls and hangingflowstones (Jiménez-Sánchez et al., 2011), similar to theflowstone studied in the current work. Suspended flowstonesappear in several locations in the cave, as in the OrganChamber (Sala del Órgano) (Figure 2(B)). In the False FloorChamber (Figure 2(F)) a stalagmite pavement is suspended3m above the cave floor as a result of the erosion of a thickdeposit of detrital sediments below it.

Finally, muddy coatings frequently cover older speleothemsand the cave walls. For instance, in the Campamento Gallerythe height of the mud lamina is easily identified on olderspeleothems (Figure 2(E), (G) and (H)), although the absenceof mud coatings on younger speleothems (Figure 2(E) and (H))suggests that flood events did not occur in recent periods.

Conclusions andpaleoenvironmental implications

Detrital sediments are introduced into caves due to extremerainfall events, and then are mobilized or stored dependingon the particle size, the velocity of the stream flow and thecharacteristics of the cave passages. If after paleofloods ‘quite’vadose conditions take place for a long period, fluviokarsticsediments can be covered by chemically precipitated sedi-ments in the form of flowstones or stalagmites. In some cases,speleothemic carbonate layers prevent older detrital sedimentsfrom being eroded by further energetic water flows.

In the present study we have demonstrated that datingcarbonate layers deposited over detrital sediments representsan alternative to direct dating of clayey materials. In particular,a flowstone comprising aragonite and cemented detrital layersfrom El Soplao Cave (Cantabria, northern Spain) was datedusing the U/Th method, revealing that this speleothem wasintermittently formed during the Quaternary, and sedimentsintroduced into the cave mainly around 491–358 ka.

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Remarkably, this flowstone represents one of the few sedimen-tary records of the period comprised between MIS 11 andMIS 9 discovered in the Cantabrian Mountains to date (Villaet al., 2013), in particular by studying cave sediments, andif so it might yield valuable paleoclimate information.Further geochemical analyses, including stable isotopes and

trace element analysis together with a more precise geochro-nology of detrital sediments in caves, could provide moredetails about the climatic framework in which subterraneouspaleofloods took place, not only in El Soplao Cave but also inother cavities where detrital materials interlayered betweenlaminae of speleothemic carbonate have been found.

Acknowledgements—We are grateful to the management of El SoplaoS.L. for providing access to the cave and allowing us to use theirfacilities. Sarah Steines is also thanked for revising the English.Financial support was made available through the ‘PALEOGYP’International Collaboration Project (CGL2006-01707/BTE Ministry ofScience and Innovation. Spain), the Spanish Science Grant AP-2007-02799, funds of the Water Resources and EnvironmentalGeology Research Group (University of Almería) and the Project“RLS Exomars Science” (AYA2011-30291-C02-02; funded by theMinistry of Science and Innovation, Spain and FEDER funds of EU).Finally, the authors appreciate the suggestions made by Professors JoDe Waele and S.N. Lane, as well as two anonymous reviewers, whichhelped to improve the original manuscript.

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