Resource Extraction – Mining of Iron Ore Project Title


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Project Fact Sheet

Project Type : Resource Extraction – Mining of Iron Ore Project Title : Iron Ore Mining Project Project Site : Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan Proponent : Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation

(OAMDC) Address : Km 53 South Maharlika Highway, Tulo Calamba, Laguna

Company Type : Stock Corporation Date of Incorporation : 18 April 2006 President : James Ong Business Interest : Mining Mining Permit : Mining Lease Contract Permitted Area : 442.4818 hectares Mining Permit No. : MRD-509 Issued to : Oro Development Corporation Date Issued : December 6, 1988 Contract Term : 25 years and maybe extended for another term Confining Geo Coordinates : 15

003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude

OAMDC Mining Rights : Mine Operating Agreements Date : September 6, 2006 Commodity : Iron ECC Applied Area : 442.4818 hectares Host Rocks : Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks Mode of Formation : Contact Metasomatic Grade : Averages at 62% Estimated Specific Gravity : ~ 4.7 Initial Resource Estimate : 1,924,802 cubic meters based on exposed bodies Average Tonnage : Approximately 5,652,879 metric tons Annual Ore Production : 600,000 MT

Life of Mine : 9.4 years more or less Ore-Waste Ratio : 1:4 average Mining Method : Surface Mining – “cut and fill” Work Schedule : 3 shifts per day during operations Manpower : Development: ~200 workers Operations: ~400 workers Project Specific EIA Process : The EIA process follows the EMB’s prescribed

system such as identification of the stakeholders, identification of process and technology that will adversely impact the environment, determination of primary and secondary impact areas, characterization of baseline conditions, identification and assessment of project impacts, mitigation or enhancement of such impacts, and recommendations on monitoring plan, social development program and IEC.

Baseline profile : Underlain largely by diorite and partly by limestone

and metarocks, the minable areas are heavily vegetated by secondary forest growths, lush understory composed generally of shrubs and grasses. Some wildlife species had been noted. Rainfall is distributed throughout the southwest monsoon season with concentration in the month of August. Drained directly by Biak na Bato River, sediments are transported into the major drainage system called Pampanga River and finally to Manila Bay. Groundwater is abundant in the limestone and even in the altered diorite aquifer or pyroclastics. Communities are located outside of the active mining areas and even of the claim area. They are in a way not directly affected by the proposed mining operations such that no resettlement will be done.

Key impacts : Production of mining and crushing wastes,

accelerated erosion, siltation of riverbeds, murkying of surface waters, alteration of aquifers, removal of vegetation and consequently the habitats of wildlife, displacement of wildlife, air pollution especially by particulates affecting existing communities, and changes in traditional and moral values.

Key env’l mgt m’sures and monit plans : Slope stabilization measures to prevent erosion –

actual monitoring of slope stability in cutslopes and stockpiles. Use of sabo dams, siltation ponds and silt curtain to prevent siltation – monitoring of water quality in perennial or intermittent streams. Progressive rehabilitation of mined-out areas focusing on revegetation - institutional monitoring as required by law. Regulated removal of existing vegetation and reconstruction of habitats during rehabilitation. Water spraying of roadways used by hauling trucks – periodic air quality monitoring. Encourage regular religious gatherings and fellowship activities – management to monitor and participate.

Project Location : Shown below is the location of the project and in the

next page, the access route from Brgy. Akle in San Ildefonso and the proposed operational area inside the mining claim.

Project Site

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 Brief Project Description The proposed project involves the extraction of iron ore by Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation (OAMDC) from a portion of the 442-hectare mining claim of Oro Development Corporation (ODECO). This mining claim is covered by a Mining Lease Contract denominated as MRD-509. OAMDC acquired its rights over the area as a mining operator based on the Mines Operating Agreement (MOA) signed by representatives of this company and that of ODECO on September 6, 2006. Said MOA gives OAMDC the right to operate 397 hectares out of the 442-hectare claim of the ODECO. The mining operation is exclusively confined to iron ores. ODECO has also entered into operating agreements with five (5) others but OAMDC was also able to acquire their rights of the latter including that of the Royal Piccanto area containing 20 hectares. Thus, the ECC application will cover the entire claim of 442 hectares. The project site is confined by geographic coordinates 15

003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude and

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude. It is administratively located in Brgy. Camachin, Doña

Remedios Trinidad (DRT), Bulacan. From Manila, the site can be reached through a well-paved road up to the San Ildefonso municipality, then through a combination of paved and dirt road to Brgy. Akle in San Ildefonso and finally through a former logging road to the mine site. Total travel time from Manila is approximately three (3) hours. The claim is host to an iron ore deposit with a potential resource of 5.6 million metric tons more or less. This is based on estimates by previous workers and the geological assessment made recently by the OAMDC. The deposit is contact metasomatic and hosted by metasediments and metavolcanics rocks. . Ore extraction will primarily be done through open cut method (shall be referred to here as “cut and fill” method). Bulldozers, backhoes, payloaders, and breakers will be used in the process. The “cut and fill” method simply involves the excavation of the slopes (cut) to expose the ore deposits, extract the same for breakage or stockpiling, and backfilling of the waste materials (largely soil) on areas already cut. Large ore boulders will be broken into sizes that could facilitate handling and mechanical breakers will be used for such activity. For massive in-situ deposit, blasting will be used when necessary. Payloading to hauling trucks will follow suit. Handpicking may be utilized for collecting floats. A sizeable manpower will be employed for such activity. Crushing of ore to fines of about 10 mm in diameter will also be done. The finished products will be shipped directly abroad through the Manila South Harbor facilities. The company intends to produce 600,000 metric tons of crushed or lumped ore per year. Life of mine will be about 9.4 years if this output is sustained.

Location of the proposed project

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 08 1210 10



0 1 2 kms



Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

1210 06


Project Location Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan

Confining Coordinates

15003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude

Area 442 hectares


The country’s economy needs a lift and mining is one among the large industries that can substantially boost the economic condition of the country. Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation, even in a small way, can contribute to this process.

Project Phases: Pre-development Development Phase Operations Phase Abandonment Phase

This phase is dedicated largely to activities like detailed geological exploration, acquisition of permits and clearances from concerned government agencies and local government units and bidding out of civil works that will be undertaken during the development stage. The development phase is preparatory to actual operations. The major activities during this phase include topographic mapping of mining and industrial areas, detailed geological assessment of delineated deposits, road rehabilitation and construction, installation of crushers, construction of civil structures and support facilities, installation of machineries and equipment, construction of siltation ponds and sabo dams, and opening of benches. Included in this phase are clearing and stripping of mineable areas, stockpiling of the overburden for future use, benching and surface mining, crushing of ore to desired sizes, and hauling of crushed or lump ore to pier. Washing may also be employed during rainy season where the ore may be soiled by while stockpiling. Rehabilitation of mined-out areas will follow suit and this involves the backfilling of benches with previously stockpiled overburden, conditioning of soil, revegetation and nurturing of seedlings until these are fully capable of sustaining life. The minesite will be abandoned after the deposits had been exhausted, possibly after 9.4 years or more. An Environmental Site Assessment shall be conducted in the area to find out if contamination attributed to the mining operation, is present in soil, water and air. Proponent will see to it that rehabilitation is completely done before abandonment.

Process and technology

Mining will be carried through simple extraction using surface mining specifically, through “cut and fill” method. Advance of quarry face will be done through benching. The slope is cut, the ore is extracted, the mined area is rehabilitated, and the benches re-vegetated. Crushing may either be done using stationary or mobile jaw and cone crushers with built-in layered screens. The desired diameter is 10 mm but this could change depending on the preference of the buyer.

Product and production capacity

The product is iron. The company intends to produce 600,000 metric tons of crushed or lump ore per year. Resource estimate is 5,652,879 metric tons.

Major waste stream

Mining wastes and tailings are the major solid wastes that are produced from clearing, mining and crushing operations. The project can generate about 13.5 million m

3 wastes (1:4 ore waste ratio) composed

almost exclusively of soil and crushed rocks that represent the overburden and host of the deposit.

Manpower The mining operation will employ 400 workers directly and indirectly

through different contractual arrangements with other companies.

Project Cost ~P 500,000,000.0

Project Duration and Schedule

Will start on a small-scale operation per ECC issued by the EMB regional office for a 20-hectare area and full blast operation as soon as the ECC for the large scale is issued. Development: 1 year Operation: 9.4 years Abandonment: 1 year

2.0 Brief Summary of Project‘s EIA Process The EIA process started with a letter-request for ECC processing from the ECC consultant Geo Environmental Consultancy Inc. to EMB Central Office received on October 2006. This was subsequently followed by activities which are chronologically listed below:

a. Conduct of public consultation at the Camachin Elementary School in Brgy.

Camachin, DRT, Bulacan on 25 November 2006. This included presentation of project, initial environmental characterization, and some impacts and mitigations. Open forum followed suit and concerns on dust, water, geohazards, employment and how soon can the mining start took center stage. No opposition to the project was however raised during the process.

b. Scoping and preparation of the Procedural Screening Checklist on 06 November

2006 at EIA Conference Rm., EMB Bldg., DENR.

c. Secondary data gathering for the period January – June 2007 in Metro Manila and Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan.

d. Field surveys for primary data collection were conducted within the period October 2006 – March 2007 covering the modules on land, water, air and people

e. Preparation of this Draft EIS based on the checklist agreed upon by all parties concerned.

f. The ECC application was shelved after screening of EIS was done due to legal complexities but is now revived after final decision by the court and the turning down by Malacanang of the previous DENR Secretary’s memorandum favoring the other party of the dispute.

g. Reformatting of EIS according the new system requirements per DAO 30-03 and adopting the new checklist for mining projects.

The EIA Team is composed of the following:

Name Expertise Study Period

Study Area EIA method Public


Edgardo S. David

Geology, Hydrology and Meteorology

October – November 2006

Mining claims, Peripheries, and hauling routes

Literature search; geological mapping; hydrogeological mapping; measurements; air and water sampling and analyses

Public Consultation, Interviews

Joseph Lalo

Sociology, Anthropology, Community Development

November 2006

Brgy. DRT

Secondary data collection, focus group discussion, interviews and

Public Consultation, FGDs, and Interviews


Dr. Jaime Namocatcat

Terrestrial biology

December 2006

Mining claims, drainage systems,

Field surveys using transect, quadrat, and cruising methods for terrestrial and aquatic biology

Public Consultation, Interviews

Engr. Jethro Hipe

Environmental Risk Assessment

November 2006

Data search Interviews

Area of Study


0 1 2 kms

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

3.0 Summary of Baseline Characterization Except for the Mely block which has already undergone extraction, the environment in the mining claim area is still in its semi-pristine condition and can easily meet the environmental standards set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) except for some specific parameters. Tabulated below are the key findings:

Environment Key Findings


Portion of the Mely block is already denuded because of the extraction done by the previous operator. Erosion in disturbed slopes is quite extensive causing siltation at the headwaters of Biak na Bato River although siltation ponds are already in place. Mass movements though relatively small had already occurred. Underlying the area is a thick deposit of soil which is a residual product of altered diorite and metarocks. The extracted area had been stripped of its vegetation but those unaffected by mining are still heavily vegetated with secondary forest growths and lush understory composed of shrubs and grasses. Diversity of wildlife is appreciable. The mining area may be subjected to strong earthquakes because of its closeness to two generators such as the Marikina Fault and the very active Philippine Fault located east of the claim.


The mining area is largely drained by tributaries of Biak-na-Bato River whose upper reaches drain the Mely block. These are perennial creeks that receive baseflows from their respective watersheds and discharges from springs emanating from the limestone and pyroclastic aquifers. During the operation of the previous mining operator, turbid waters reached the downstream segment of the river prompting protests from several communities of San Miguel town. Groundwater in limestone and pyroclastics aquifer systems is quite prolific as shown by the heavy discharges of the above creeks even during the relatively dry periods of the year. The groundwater in the claim area is not however directly used by communities.


The mining area is situated within a Type 1 climate which is characterized by two (2) pronounced seasons, dry from December to April and wet for the rest of the year. Maximum rain period is in the months of May to November with August as the rainiest month. During this wet period, the area is exposed to the southwest monsoon, a regional wind pattern laden with rainclouds and is the dominant factor why rains come at this time of the year. Within the project site, air quality is at present still clean because of the cessation of operation by the previous operator but along the proposed hauling route where vehicles abound, concentration of particulates are abnormally high because of dusty road. Lifting of dusts on unpaved roadways normally happens as vehicles pass through especially if these are moving at higher speeds. Tricycles have heavy emissions due to the mixture of 2T oil in their gasoline fuel. Noises are generated by vehicles only and limited along the highway.


Some of the residents in the barangay are engaged in farming, kaingin, fishing, trading of forest products and livestock raising but a greater majority of the working population are not employed. Mining operation is hoped by many to provide direct employment or indirect income-generating livelihoods to the residents of Brgy. Camachin.

4.0 Summary of Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan A matrix of the Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan is presented in the next page. Some impacts are temporary like dust generation, others are permanent like removal of vegetation, but could be reversible by religiously applying the rehabilitation scheme.

Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Development and Operation


Generation of mining and mechanical processing wastes

Unavoidable but waste w ill be used eventually for rehabilitation.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land Accelerated and excessive erosion

Reduce angle of repose of stockpiles, protect base of stockpiles, reduce slopes of cutslopes, bench the extracted areas, distribute surface runoff, compact loosen soil, etc.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Removal of soil

Unavoidable and permanent since soil will be shipped out as ore. Safeguard soil in the overburden for reuse (see above).

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation


Solid waste generation

Use 3 Rs and segregate at source level. Residuals to the municipal landfill disposal

OAMDC to coordinate with

concerned LGU offices.

Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Occurrence of mass- wasting processes

To avoid occurrences of mass wasting, there should be no steep slopes in stockpiles or cutslopes, no dumping of soil in gullies, benching of working areas is a must, compaction of filled areas, and stockpiling of loose materials.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation

Land Removal of vegetation

Unavoidable. Progressive rehabilitation/revegetation shall be done in mined-out areas. Donation of seedlings as replacement for cut trees will be initiated.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation

Land Displacement of terrestrial fauna

Allow gradual displacement by slowing down operation in fauna populated areas. Rehabilitation of mined-out areas to


Integrated in the cost of operation


Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

reconstruct destroyed habitats.

Operation Water Siltation of streambeds

Construction of a Siltation Control System to include series of sabo dams in gullies, series of siltation ponds before the confluence of gullies and creeks, and at least two layers of geomembranes at the outfalls.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water

Deterioration of water quality in terms of TSS and heavy metals

Same as above. The system is expected to protect ground and surface waters.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water Loss of groundwater resource

Prevent disturbing the aquifer particularly the spring. Also the recharge zone should not be disturbed.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air Dust generation

Frequent water spraying of hauling roads will prevent lifting of dust. Use of uniformly graded base course in road surfacing to suppress dust generated along hauling roads. Workers must use dust mask always to prevent inhaling these particulates.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air

Increased amount of NOx and SOx

Engines should always be kept in tip-top conditions. If available, use of catalytic converter is encouraged.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation Air Noise generation Engines should be equipped with appropriate mufflers.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation People

Resource competition between migrant workers and local residents

OAMDC to provide barracks for its workers, a water supply system for the community and the minesite, medical services, and others.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Operation People

Increased in safety and health risks from geohazards and dusts inhalation

Mitigating measures cited in the land module for mass wasting and air module for dust generation also apply to this module. IEC on these risks will also be initiated by the company.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Non-assimilation of diverse culture

Initiate social gathering to promote interactions that would lead to harmonious relationships among peoples of different regions.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Proliferation of vices

The company will encourage prayer meetings and sports development and competitions to divert attention of workers from the places of vices.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Statement on SDP Framework

The company will establish a self-sustaining system that will provide assistance to the

community on a long term basis. Such system will follow the tenet of teaching the

beneficiaries how to fish rather than giving them the fish outright. Programs to uplift their

economic conditions shall be established and maintained throughout the life of the mine.

This will focus on community-based livelihood projects that promote environmental

protection for some and sutainable use of forest products for the others. Likewise, safety

and well-being of company workers and residents of the barangays shall be a primordial

concern and shall not be compromised.

Statement on IEC Framework

The Information, Education and Communication framework will be based on the

transparency of the company on information about the mining operations that may affect

the lives and properties of residents in the nearby communities. The stakeholders

especially those who will be directly affected by the mining operations will be adequately

informed. An open policy in terms of information dissemination shall be adopted by the

company to make sure that the stakeholders’ lives and properties will be amply protected.

The IEC program will use different methods or media to relay information to the intended

groups like comics, radio, posters, letters, meetings and consultations.

ERP Policy

An Emergency Response Program shall be formulated complete with organization,

resources, documentation, consultations, and actual drills. This program will consider

several hazards like earthquakes, typhoons, mass movements, fires, and epidemics as

sources of large-scale risks. This will be handled by the safety and health unit and shall

receive its own specific budget during the operation of the mine.

Abandonment Policy

The company will conduct an Environmental Site Assessment to determine if

contamination is present before abandonment and if so, institute a rehabilitation procedure

to clean up the areas affected. Rehabilitation of mined out areas shall be completed before

the company leaves the site. Damages cause by mining shall also be compensated and

repaired if possible.

5.0 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan The constitution of Multi-Partite Monitoring Team or the public participation framework will be based on those sectors that are highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of the mining operations. For instance, the upper reaches of the Biak-na-Bato River could be heavily silted if haphazard mining is done. The stream may also become extremely turbid that communities downstream may not be able to use it. This will need rehabilitation and may require a substantial amount of money to implement. The composition of the MMT therefore shall include sectoral and political (Purok level) representations aside from the normal constitution of the said committee. Meanwhile, a matrix of the Environmental Monitoring Plan is presented in the succeeding pages for greater appreciation. Included in one of the columns is the Emergency Guarantee Fund that will assure the public of immediate rehabilitation should anything adverse happens in the area particularly the communities. 6.0 EMF and EGF Commitments OAMDC has pledged P 1,000,000.00 for the Emergency Guarantee Fund or Environmental Monitoring Fund and leaves to the MMT the determination of the amount needed for monitoring. This estimate for the EGF is based on a worst case scenario wherein the Biak-na-Bato River is heavily silted and becomes too murky such that the source of livelihood of farmers and even household water supplies in the downstream communities are adversely affected. This should be the costliest rehabilitation and compensation package that the company may encounter. The company understands however that when the EGF Committee determines that the above amount is not enough, then the company is willing to put up the additional. Furthermore, the company shall replenish the fund immediately after some amount had been withdrawn for the purposes that it serves.

Environmental Monitoring Program

Key Environmental Aspects per Project Phase

Potential Impacts per Env’l Sector

Parameter to be Monitored

Sampling and Measurement Plan Lead Person

Annual Estimated

Cost Method Frequency Location

Development and Operation Phases

Environmental Aspect 1 Surface Water:

Siltation TSS Gravimetric Quarterly

Sampling Locations shown in Figure 4.25

MEPEO 9,800.00

Environmental Aspect 2

Surface and Ground Waters:

Water Quality

Fecal Coliform

Oil and Grease

Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr

+6, As


Gravimetric- Petroleum Ether Extraction

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


Sampling Locations shown in Figures 4.25 and 4.29

MEPEO 45,600.00

Environmental Aspect 3 Air:

Air Quality TSP Gravimetric Quarterly

Stations 1, 2, 3 in Figure 4.34

MEPEO 15,000

Environmental Aspect 4 Air:

Air Quality



Colometric, Greiss Saltzman


Semi-annually Stations 1, 2, 3 in Figure 4.34

MEPEO 36,000.00

Project Location : Shown below is the location of the project and in the

next page, the access route from Brgy. Akle in San Ildefonso and the proposed operational area inside the mining claim.

Project Site

Area of Study


0 1 2 kms

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim


53 South Maharlika Highway, Tulo, Calamba, Laguna




CONSULTANCY, INC. 1044 Carola St., Sampaloc, Manila Telefax: 732-3502 Cell Phone: 0920-910-0232

November 2010


Iron Ore Mining Project Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan

Final Report

November 17, 2010


Environment Management Bureau, DENR DENR Compound, Visayas Ave. Diliman, Quezon City

Dear Dir. Cuna:

We are pleased to submit herewith the copies of the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of Ore Asia Mining Development Corporation’s Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan. The Additional Information required by the EIARC members is herewith attached.

Although the area has undergone legal complexities, the Office of the President finally released its decision on who is the rightful operator of the ODECO area. The decision is final and executory.

(Annex “P”). We earnestly hope that we have fully complied with your requirements and will find the attached

documents in proper order so that the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) of the project may be issued at the soonest possible time. If there is a need to clarify anything about the project, please feel free to contact us through the above address or phone numbers.

Thank you very much and our warm regards.

Truly yours,




CONSULTANCY, INC. 1044 Carola St., Sampaloc, Manila Land Phone: 732-3502 Cell Phone: 0920-9100-232

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan ii

Project Fact Sheet

Project Type : Resource Extraction – Mining of Iron Ore

Project Title : Iron Ore Mining Project

Project Site : Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan Proponent : Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation

(OAMDC) Address : Km 53 South Maharlika Highway, Tulo

Calamba, Laguna

Company Type : Stock Corporation

Date of Incorporation : 18 April 2006

President : James Ong Business Interest : Mining

Mining Permit : Mining Lease Contract

Permitted Area : 442.4818 hectares Mining Permit No. : MRD-509

Issued to : Oro Development Corporation

Date Issued : December 6, 1988 Contract Term : 25 years and maybe extended for another term

Confining Geo Coordinates : 15

003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude

OAMDC Mining Rights : Mine Operating Agreements

Date : September 6, 2006 Commodity : Iron

ECC Applied Area : 442.4818 hectares

Host Rocks : Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks Mode of Formation : Contact Metasomatic

Grade : Averages at 62%

Estimated Specific Gravity : ~ 4.7 Initial Resource Estimate : 1,924,802 cubic meters based on exposed bodies

Average Tonnage : Approximately 5,652,879 metric tons

Annual Ore Production : 600,000 MT

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan iii

Life of Mine : 9.4 years more or less

Ore-Waste Ratio : 1:4 average

Mining Method : Surface Mining – “cut and fill” Work Schedule : 3 shifts per day during operations

Manpower : Development: ~200 workers Operations: ~400 workers

Project Specific EIA Process : The EIA process follows the EMB’s prescribed

system such as identification of the stakeholders,

identification of process and technology that will adversely impact the environment, determination of primary and secondary impact areas, characterization

of baseline conditions, identification and assessment of project impacts, mitigation or enhancement of such impacts, and recommendations on monitoring plan,

social development program and IEC. Baseline profile : Underlain largely by diorite and partly by limestone

and metarocks, the minable areas are heavily vegetated by secondary forest growths, lush understory composed generally of shrubs and

grasses. Some wildlife species had been noted. Rainfall is distributed throughout the southwest monsoon season with concentration in the month of

August. Drained directly by Biak na Bato River, sediments are transported into the major drainage system called Pampanga River and finally to Manila

Bay. Groundwater is abundant in the limestone and even in the altered diorite aquifer or pyroclastics. Communities are located outside of the active mining

areas and even of the claim area. They are in a way not directly affected by the proposed mining operations such that no resettlement will be done.

Key impacts : Production of mining and crushing wastes,

accelerated erosion, siltation of riverbeds, murkying

of surface waters, alteration of aquifers, removal of vegetation and consequently the habitats of wildlife, displacement of wildlife, air pollution especially by

particulates affecting existing communities, and changes in traditional and moral values.

Key env’l mgt m’sures and monit plans : Slope stabilization measures to prevent erosion – actual monitoring of slope stability in cutslopes and stockpiles. Use of sabo dams, siltation ponds and silt

curtain to prevent siltation – monitoring of water quality in perennial or intermittent streams. Progressive rehabilitation of mined-out areas focusing

on revegetation - institutional monitoring as required by law. Regulated removal of existing vegetation and reconstruction of habitats during rehabilitation. Water

spraying of roadways used by hauling trucks – periodic air quality monitoring. Encourage regular religious gatherings and fellowship activities –

management to monitor and participate.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan iv

Project Location : Shown below is the location of the project and in the

next page, the access route from Brgy. Akle in San Ildefonso and the proposed operational area inside the mining claim.

Location of the proposed project

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan v

Present access road from Akle to the main iron deposit inside the mining claim




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim


Municipal Hall 121o06

’ 121o10

’ 121o08





To S



nso Mining Claim

MRD -509

Initial Area of Operation

Approximate Alignment

of Access Road

0 1 2 kms

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan vi

Table of Contents

Project Fact Sheet ii Table of Contents vi List of Figures xi List of Tables xii List of Photos xiii Annexes xiv 1.0 Brief Project Description xv 2.0 Brief Summary of Project‘s EIA Process xviii 3.0 Summary of Baseline Characterization xx 4.0 Summary of Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan xx 5.0 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan xxiv 6.0 EMF and EGF Commitments xxiv 1. BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION 1 1.1 Project Name 1 1.2 Project Location 1 1.3 Nature of Project 1 1.4 Threshold Limits 1 1.5 Project Proponent 1 1.6 EIS Preparer 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT’S EIA PROCESS 2 2.1 EIA Terms of Reference (TOR) 2 2.2 The EIA Team 2 2.3 Inclusive Periods of Study 2 2.4 EIA Study Area 3 2.5 EIA Methodology 3 2.6 Public Participation 4 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 5 3.1 Project Location and Accessibility 5 3.2 Project Rationale 9 3.3 Project Alternatives 9 3.4 Project Phases 9 3.4.1 Pre-Development Phase 9 Property Acquisition 9 Mining Lease Contract 9 Mines Operating Agreement 9 Acquisition of Clearances 10 Topographic Mapping 10 Geological Assessment 10 3.4.2 Development Phase 18 Activities 18 Road rehabilitation 18 Mine access road construction 18 Installation of crushing plant 18 Construction of campsite structures 18 Installation of conveyor system 18 Construction of siltation ponds 18 Preparation of waste dump 18 Construction of explosive magazine 18 Development of initial benches 19 Manpower Requirement 19 Development Schedule 19 Development Equipment 19 Development Materials 19 3.4.3 Operational Phase 21 Removal of Overburden 21 Extraction of ore 21 Breaking of ore 21 Crushing of Ore 24

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan vii Production Capacity 27 Hauling of Ore 28 Manpower Requirement 28 Water Requirement 28 3.6.4 Abandonment Phase 28 4. BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, IMPACT ASSESSMENT

AND MITIGATION 29 4.1 The Land 29 4.1.1 Baseline Environmental Conditions 29 Methodology 29 Geology 29 Quaternary Alluvium (Qal) 29 Guadalupe Formation (GF) 29 Tartaro Formation (TF) 29 Lambak Shale (LS) 30 Madlum Formation (MF) 30 Angat Formation (AF) 30 Bayabas Formation 30 Antipolo Diorite 30 Barenas-Baito Formation (BB) 30 Angat Ophiolite (AO) 31 Stratigraphy 31 Structures 31 Geomorphological Setting 34 Alluvial Plain (AP) 34 Denudational Hills (DH) 34 Mountainous Region (MR) 34 Pedology 36 Soil Classification 36 Soil and Sediment Quality 36 Geohazards 37 Seismic Hazards 37 Ground Movement 37 Ground Rupture 37 Volcanic Hazards 41 Mt. Pinatubo Volcano 41 Taal Volcano 41 Mt. Banahaw Volcano 42 Mass Movements 45 Creep 45 Slump 45 Slide 46 Accelerated Erosion 46 Land Use 48 Terrestrial Ecology 50 Approach and Methodology 50 Ecological Profiling 50 Field Sampling Methods 50 Mapping of Vegetation 50 Point-Center-Quarter Method (PCQM) 50 Belt Transect 51 100% Inventory of Trees 51 Wildlife Sampling 52 Aquatic sampling 53 Ecological Measurement 54 Description of Baseline Conditions 54 Area Background 54 Description of Study Area 56 Recent Dendrological Surveys 57 Previous Dendrological Surveys 58

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan viii Northeast Transect 58 Angat Watershed Boundary Transect 58 Logging Road Transect 59 Northwestern Boundary Transect 59 Community Agroforestry Transect 60 Prevailing Ecological Conditions 61 Dendrological Surveys 61 Mario Claim 63 Mely Claim 68 Northeast Transect 71 Angat Watershed Boundary 73 Logging Road 75 Northwest Boundary 77 Agroforestry Areas 79 Non-Wood (Minor) Forest Products 81 Wildlife Survey 81 Bats 81 Avifauna 82 Herpetofauna and Non-Volant Mammals 83 Aquatic organisms 83 Conservation Value 83 Generation of mining and mechanical processing waste 89 Accelerated erosion in mining areas 89 Removal of Soil 89 Solid waste generation 89 Occurrence of mass-wasting processes 89 Removal of vegetation 90 Displacement of terrestrial fauna 90 4.1.3 Mitigating measures 90 Accelerated and excessive erosion 90 Removal of soil 90 Solid waste generation 90 Occurrence of mass wasting processes 91 Removal of Vegetation 91 Displacement of Terrestrial Fauna 91 4.2 The Water 92 4.2.1 Baseline Environmental Conditions 92 Surface Water Hydrology and Water Quality 92 Surface water hydrology 92 The Biak-na-Bato River Watershed 92 Estimated Monthly Stream flow of Biak na Bato River 92 Principles and Formulas 92 Applications and Estimates 93 Water Use 94 Flooding Contribution 94 Surface Water Quality 98 Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality 101 Aquifer Identification 101 Limestone Aquifer 101 Pyroclastics Aquifer 101 Groundwater level and flow direction 101 Recharge, Storage and Discharge 101 Water Demand and Supply 102 Groundwater quality 104 4.2.2 Impacts Assessment on Water 107 Siltation of streambeds 107 Deterioration of water quality 107 Loss of groundwater resource 108 4.2.3 Proposed Mitigation Measures 108 Siltation of streambeds 108

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan ix Deterioration of water quality 108 Loss of groundwater resource 108 4.3 The Air 111 4.3.1 Climate 111 4.3.2 Cyclone Frequency 111 4.3.3 Climate Elements 111 Rainfall 111 Temperature 111 Winds 114 Air Quality 114 Noise Quality 117 4.3.2 Impact Assessment 118 Dust generation 118 Increased amount of NOx and SOx 118 Noise generation 118 4.3.3 Mitigating Measures 119 Dust generation 119 Increased amount of NOx and SOx 119 Noise generation 119 4.4 The People 120 4.4.1 Methodology 120 4.4.2 Baseline Information 120 Socio-economic profile 120 Doña Remedios Trinidad 120 Population 120 Income 121 Ethnicity 121 Health and Sanitation 121 Education 122 Barangay Camachin 123 Eco-Tourism and Historical Attractions 124 Transportation 124 Demographic Profile 124 Ethnicity 125 Livelihood 125 Market 126 Education 126 Health and Sanitation 126 Religion 126 Leisure 127 Governance 127 Household Perception Survey 127 Conduct of the Survey 130 Respondents’ Profile 134 Survey Results 134 Highlights during the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in Centro and

Sitio II, Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan held on December 2, 2006. 136 Second Level Scoping, Dona Remedios, DRT, Bulacan, November 25,

2006 137 Third Level Scoping or 2

nd Public Consultation, Dona Remedios, DRT,

Bulacan, October 10, 2010 140 Historical and Archaeological Sites 142 4.4.3 Impacts Assessed 143 Generation of Substantial Employment 143 Creation of livelihood 143 Additional revenues for the local governments 143 Resource competition 143 Increased in safety and health risks 143 Proliferation of vices 143 Non-assimilation of diverse culture 143

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan x

4.4.4 Proposed Mitigation Measures 144 Resource competition 144 Increased in safety and health risks 144 Non-assimilation of diverse culture 144 Proliferation of vices 144 5. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT 145 5.1 General 145 5.1.1 Rationale/Background 145 5.1.2 Information relating to the operator 145 5.1.3 Information leading to the scope of analysis employed 145 5.2 Description of Possible Major Accident Scenarios 146 5.3 Description of the Methodology, Data, and Analysis in Assessing Risk 147 5.4 Information relating to every hazardous substance or situation present in

the mining area 148 5.5 Information leading to the consequences of major accidents, the

probability of its occurrence, and an estimation of the risk 149 5.6 Discussion of the Consequence Results 150 5.6 Information relating to the safety management system for the mining

area 150 5.7 Recommendations 151 6. IMPACT AREAS 152 6.1 Direct Impact Areas 152 6.2 Indirect Impact Areas 152 7. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 154 7.1 Adverse Impacts 154 7.1.1 Manner and cost of implementation 154 Generation of mining and mechanical processing wastes 154 Accelerated and excessive erosion 154 Removal of soil 154 Solid wastes generation 154 Occurrence of mass-wasting processes 155 Removal of vegetation 155 Displacement of terrestrial fauna 155 Siltation of streambeds 155 Deterioration of surface water quality 155 Loss of groundwater resource 155 Dust generation 155 Increased concentration of NOx and SOx 155 Noise generation 155 Resource competition 156 Increase safety and health risks 156 Non-assimilation of diverse culture 156 Proliferation of vices 156 7.1.2. Matrix of Environmental Management Plan 156 7.2 Positive Impacts 156 7.3 Social Development Program 160 7.4 Environmental and Occupational Health Management Plan 165 7.4.1 Environmental and occupational health policies 165 7.4.3 Disaster/Emergency management program 165 7.4.4 Environmental health risk recording and reporting system 165 7.5 Environmental Health Monitoring 165 7.6 Development Plan for the Indigenous People (MTPDP-IP) 166 7.6.1 Objectives and Rationale 166 7.6.2 Indicative Social Development Plan 166 7.7 Information, Education and Communication Plan 169 7.8 Emergency Response Policy and Generic Guidelines 169 7.9 Abandonment/Decommissioning/Rehabilitation Plan 169 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 173 8.1 Self Monitoring Plan 173 8.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework 173

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xi


9.1 Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation 176 10. LIST OF REFERENCES 178

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Location of the proposed project relative to Manila ............................................. 5 Figure 3.2 Geographic location of the mining claim as plotted on a 1:50,000-scale

NAMRIA topographic map ................................................................................ 6 Figure 3.3 Access road from Akle to the proposed operational area .................................... 7 Figure 3.4 Consolidated survey plan of the 442-hectare ODECO mining claim

showing the location of the main iron ore deposit ..............................................13 Figure 3.5 Local geologic map showing the mining claim and the main iron deposit ............14 Figure 3.6 Site geologic map showing the ore deposit at the Mely-1 block. .........................15 Figure 3.7 Geological profile at the different sections of the ore deposits ............................17 Figure 3.8 Proposed site development plan of the mining claim .........................................20 Figure 3.9 Proposed cut and fill method to be used in mining the iron ore deposits .............22 Figure 3.10 Mining development concept for the iron ore mining deposit ..............................23 Figure 3.11 Flowchart of an aggregate crushing system that will basically be adopted

by the company. Inset is a layout of equipment of a crushing system similar to the company’s concept. ....................................................................27

Figure 4.1 Geologic map of Bulacan province. ..................................................................32 Figure 4.2 Stratigraphy of Bulacan province and explanation of symbols presented

in the previous geologic map ...........................................................................33 Figure 4.3 General geomorphologic map showing the project site ......................................35 Figure 4.4 Tectonic elements of northern Luzon and epicenters of major

earthquakes ...................................................................................................38 Figure 4.5 The Valley Fault System (Phivolcs, 1999).........................................................39 Figure 4.6 Earthquake zonation map of the Philippines .....................................................40 Figure 4.7 Distribution of active and inactive volcanoes in Luzon (Phivolcs____) ................43 Figure 4.8 Aerial distribution of tephra during the major eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on

July 15, 1991 (NASA, 1991) ............................................................................44 Figure 4.9 Distribution of fall in the Philippines and Southeast Asia after the eruption

of Mt. Pinatubo volcano ...................................................................................44 Figure 4.10 Creeping in a low-angled slope ........................................................................45 Figure 4.11 Slumping in step-wise fashion..........................................................................46 Figure 4.12 A form of slide that involves rocks and soil........................................................46 Figure 4.13 Composite map of DRT, Bulacan (DENR-III GIS, 2010) ....................................48 Figure 4.14 Protected areas near the mining claim area including Angat Watershed

Reservation, Biak-na-Bato National Park and Biak-na-Bato Mineral Reservation ....................................................................................................49

Figure 4.15 Location and orientation of floristic and wildli fe surveys .....................................51 Figure 4.16 Map of Doña Remedios Trinidad showing mining claim area .............................56 Figure 4.17 Location of the mining claim relative to Mt. Silad and CBFMA overlaid on

a general slope map .......................................................................................57 Figure 4.18 Families of trees documented in the mining claim .............................................61 Figure 4.19 Relative density of trees documented in the Mario claim ....................................64 Figure 4.20 Importance values of trees documented in the Mario claim ................................64 Figure 4.21 Relative density of trees documented in the Mario claim ....................................68 Figure 4.22 Importance values of trees documented in the Mario claim ................................68 Figure 4.23 The major drainage system in the area.............................................................95 Figure 4.24 The headwaters of Biak na Bato River at the mine site ......................................96 Figure 4.25 Location map of surface water samples ............................................................98 Figure 4.26 Ground water map of Bulacan ....................................................................... 102 Figure 4.27 Aquifers at the project site ............................................................................. 103 Figure 4.28 Idealized groundwater condition in the limestone aquifer ................................. 103 Figure 4.29 Location map of groundwater samples ........................................................... 105 Figure 4.30 Proposed arrangement of siltation ponds........................................................ 109

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xii

Figure 4.31 Idealized locations of sabo dams ................................................................... 110 Figure 4.32 Climate Map of the Philippines....................................................................... 113 Figure 4.33 Cyclone Map of the Philippines ...................................................................... 113 Figure 4.34 Location map of the different ambient air quality sampling stations ................... 115 Figure 5.1 Schematic flow diagram of the Risk Assessment Process ............................... 145 Figure 5.2 Pathways of exposure ................................................................................... 149 Figure 5.3 Graph of D versus ANFO Stored.................................................................... 150 Figure 6.1 Direct and indirect impact areas ..................................................................... 153 Figure 9.1 Proposed Table of Organization of OAMDC ................................................... 177

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Important issues raised by the EIARC members and the stakeholders ................ 2 Table 2.2 The EIA Team members and their assigned module .......................................... 2 Table 2.3 Inclusive dates and weather conditions during the studies .................................. 3 Table 2.4 Coverage of various studies ............................................................................. 3 Table 2.5 Methods used during field surveys .................................................................... 3 Table 2.6 Stages in the EIA process where the public participated ..................................... 4 Table 3.1 Result of laboratory analyses of selected ore samples ......................................11 Table 3.2 Schedule of activities during the development phase .........................................19 Table 3.3 Schedule of a 5-year iron ore production in metric tons .....................................27 Table 3.4 Number of trips of hauling trucks per day and per 50,000-ton shipment ..............28 Table 3.5 Water demand of crusher ................................................................................28 Table 4.1 Results of laboratory analyses of soil and sediment samples in mg/kg ...............36 Table 4.2 List of trees documented in the mining claim .....................................................62 Table 4.3 Inventory of trees in the Mario claim using the census method ...........................65 Table 4.4 Composition of trees in the Mely claim using the PCQM Method ........................69 Table 4.5 Composition of trees in the northeast portion of the mining claim .......................71 Table 4.6. Summary of the inventory of trees within the 9-hectare mining project of

Matatag Mining Corporation in Sitio Bakal, Barangay Camachin, Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan (Dicolen and Opague, 2004) .................................73

Table 4.7 Composition of trees along Angat Watershed-southwest boundary ....................74 Table 4.8. Composition of trees along a belt transect in right side of logging road to

the north ........................................................................................................75 Table 4.9 Composition of trees along a belt transect (right) in the northwestern

portion of the mining claim area to the north .....................................................77 Table 4.10 Composition of trees along a left belt transect in the northwestern portion

of the mining claim area to the north ................................................................78 Table 4.11 Composition of trees along a left belt transect in the middle part of the

mining claim area along agroforestry areas ......................................................79 Table 4.12. Composition of trees along a right belt transect in the middle part of the

mining claim along agroforestry areas to the north ............................................80 Table 4.13 Bats collected in two stations in the Mining Claim ..............................................81 Table 4.14 Partial list of avifauna surveyed in the mining site..............................................82 Table 4.15. List of flora and fauna in the mining claim area with high conservation

value..............................................................................................................83 Table 4.16 IUCN categories and criteria for critically endangered, endangered and

vulnerable species (IUCN, 2003) .....................................................................85 Table 4.17 Curve Numbers for Antecedent Soil Moisture Condition II (SCS, 1984) ..............93 Table 4.18 Adjustments to runoff curve number (CN) for dry or wet antecedent

moisture conditions .........................................................................................94 Table 4.19 Calculated monthly discharge at the headwaters of Biak-na-Bato River in

cubic meters ...................................................................................................94 Table 4.20 Laboratory results of surface water samples .....................................................99 Table 4.21 Results of laboratory analyses of ground water samples.................................. 104 Table 4.22 Climatological normals recorded at the Science Garden Synoptic Station,

Diliman, QC (PAGASA 2000)......................................................................... 112 Table 4.23 Climatological extremes recorded at the Science Garden Synoptic

Station, Diliman, QC ..................................................................................... 112 Table 4.24 Public Storm Signals for tropical cyclones....................................................... 114

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xiii

Table 4.25 Location and conditions of the ambient air quality and noise sampling stations ........................................................................................................ 116

Table 4.26 Results of laboratory analyses and DENR standards....................................... 116 Table 4.27 Summary of noise readings (dBA).................................................................. 117 Table 4.28 Noise levels (in dBA) emanating from different construction equipment

and measured from different distances ........................................................... 118 Table 4.29 Permissible exposure for occupational noise levels ......................................... 119 Table 4.30 Total Population, Household Population, and Total Number of

Households of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2000 ............................................... 120 Table 4.31 Leading Causes of Morbidity for All Ages in Doña Remedios Trinidad,

2003 and in the past five years ...................................................................... 121 Table 4.32 Leading Causes of Mortality for All Ages in Doña Remedios Trinidad,

2003 and in the past five years ...................................................................... 122 Table 4.33 Health Facilities in Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003 ......................................... 122 Table 4.34 Total Elementary Enrolment in Doña Remedios Trinidad, SY 2002-03 ............. 123 Table 4.35 Total High School Enrolment in Doña Remedios Trinidad, SY 2002-03 ............ 123 Table 4.36 Day-care Centers in Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003 ....................................... 123 Table 4.37 Population Increase of Barangay Camachin, 1970-2003 ................................. 125 Table 5.1 Emission Factors for ANFO Detonations ........................................................ 147 Table 5.2 Physical and chemical properties of ANFO ..................................................... 148 Table 5.3 Details on the stability and reactivity of ANFO................................................. 148 Table 7.1 Environmental Management Plan .................................................................. 157 Table 7.2 Social Development Plan .............................................................................. 162 Table 7.3 Indicative Social Development and Institutional Plan for the Dumagats of

Camachin, DRT, Bulacan .............................................................................. 167 Table 7.4 Indicative Information, Education and Communication Plan ............................. 170 Table 8.1 Suggested composition and responsibilities of the Multi-partite

Monitoring Team........................................................................................... 173 Table 8.2 Environmental Monitoring Program. ............................................................... 175

List of Photos

Photo 3.1 The project site at the midslopes of the Sierra Madre Mountains ......................... 8 Photo 3.2 Panoramic view of the topography and access road leading to the project

site ................................................................................................................. 8 Photo 3.3 Configuration of the site after the mining operations of the previous

operator .........................................................................................................11 Photo 3.4 The iron ore samples representing the massive (top) and layered

(bottom) ones .................................................................................................12 Photo 3.5 The in situ iron ore deposits (top and bottom) showing some weathered

portions ..........................................................................................................12 Photo 3.6 Floats of iron ore (top) removed by dozing and stockpiled by individuals

(bottom) .........................................................................................................12 Photo 3.7 Primary crusher of this type is proposed for the mining operat ions .....................25 Photo 3.8 Post-primary crusher of this type is also contemplated to be used ......................25 Photo 3.9 Layers of screens can be built within the crushers .............................................26 Photo 3.10 The final or shipping product will look like this ...................................................26 Photo 4.1 Gullying of the disturbed areas inside the Mely block.........................................47 Photo 4.2 A closer view of one of the gullies ....................................................................47 Photo 4.3 Mist net used to capture bats and birds ............................................................52 Photo 4.4 Native traps (silo)............................................................................................53 Photo 4.5 Quadrat for sampling benthic organisms in streams and creeks .........................53 Photo 4.6 Left – Lauan and other dipterocarps overlying iron ore bodies in Sitio

Bakal; Right – forest cover in Sitio Bakal ..........................................................58 Photo 4.7 Parang vegetation in the northeast boundary of the mining claim .......................58 Photo 4.8 Left - forest strip in the southeastern part of the mining claim; Right –

interior of the forest .........................................................................................59

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xiv

Photo 4.9 Left – remnant forest pocket in the northwestern portion; Right – Mt. Silad as seen from the northwestern boundary showing denuded areas

to the far left ...................................................................................................59 Photo 4.10 Left – cogonal areas in the northwestern portion; Right – denuded areas

surrounding the northwestern boundary of the mining claim ...............................60 Photo 4.11 Left – kaingin in the middle part of the mining claim; Right – one of

several active pugon in the mining claim for charcoal making ............................60 Photo 4.12 Other kaingin areas in the mining claim ............................................................60 Photo 4.13 Boulders along the headwaters of Biak-na-Bato River bed.................................97 Photo 4.14 Silted channel at the upper reaches of the Biak-na-Bato River particularly

at the mining area ...........................................................................................97 Photo 4.15 Measuring the discharge of BnB River at the project site ................................. 100 Photo 4.16 Taking water samples from BnB River for analysis .......................................... 100 Photo 4.17 A strong spring from a limestone body ........................................................... 105 Photo 4.18 Measuring the discharge of a limestone spring ............................................... 106 Photo 4.19 Measuring the discharge of a spring from the pyroclastics aquifer .................... 106 Photo 4.20 Taking samples from the pyroclastics spring ................................................... 107 Photo 4.21 Anthropologist Nestor Castro interviewing a Dumagat fisherman in 2004 .......... 128 Photo 4.22 Anthropologist Joseph Lalo in a random verification interview in 2006. ............. 128 Photo 4.23 House-to-house conduct of the perception survey ........................................... 129 Photo 4.24 Focused Group Discussion with stakeholders at Sitio II ................................... 129 Photo 4.25 Typical row of houses along Camachin’s barangay road .................................. 130 Photo 4.26 Sta. Cruz Chapel in Sitio Centro, Brgy. Camachin ........................................... 130 Photo 4.27 Iláng ng Carmelo Retreat House in Sitio Centro .............................................. 131 Photo 4.28 Children help in pruning mahogany cuttings before they are planted in

nurseries. ..................................................................................................... 131 Photo 4.29 The selling of mahogany seedlings is an important source of income for

Camachin residents. ..................................................................................... 132 Photo 4.30 A backyard kiln for charcoal-making. .............................................................. 132 Photo 4.31 Charcoal produced by some resident in the barangay ..................................... 133 Photo 4.32 The two fishermen show off their fish catch from Umiray River. ........................ 133 Photo 4.33 Playing basketball is an important leisure activity among Camachin

youth............................................................................................................ 134 Photo 4.34 Images of the First Public Consultation proceedings ....................................... 139 Photo 4.35 Images of the the Second Public Consultation or 3

rd Level Scoping.................. 141


Annex “A” OAMDC SEC Registration Annex “B” Letter Request and Mining Project Checklist Annex “C” Curriculum Vitae of Preparers

Annex “D” Statements of Accountability Annex “E” Mining Lease Contract Annex “F” Mine Operating Agreements

Annex “G” Barangay Clearance and Certificate of Environmental Management Relations Record

Annex “H” Maps of Protected Areas

Annex “I” Laboratory Results of Water Samples Annex “J” Air Quality Sampling and Analysis/Noise Sampling Annex “K” Perception Survey Documents

Annex “L” Public Consultation Documentation Annex “M” PEMAPS Annex “N” Site Development Plan

Annex “O” ECC of 20-hectare area within the claim Annex “P” Summary of Case and Final Decision of Malacańang

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xv


1.0 Brief Project Description

The proposed project involves the extraction of iron ore by Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation (OAMDC) from a portion of the 442-hectare mining claim of Oro Development Corporation (ODECO). This mining claim is covered by a Mining Lease Contract denominated as

MRD-509. OAMDC acquired its rights over the area as a mining operator based on the Mines Operating Agreement (MOA) signed by representatives of this company and that of ODECO on September 6, 2006. Said MOA gives OAMDC the right to operate 397 hectares out of the 442-

hectare claim of the ODECO. The mining operation is exclusively confined to iron ores. ODECO has also entered into operating agreements with five (5) others but OAMDC was also able to acquire their rights of the latter including that of the Royal Piccanto area containing 20 hectares.

Thus, the ECC application will cover the entire claim of 442 hectares. The project site is confined by geographic coordinates 15

003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude and

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude. It is administratively located in Brgy. Camachin, Doña

Remedios Trinidad (DRT), Bulacan.

From Manila, the site can be reached through a well-paved road up to the San Ildefonso municipality, then through a combination of paved and dirt road to Brgy. Akle in San Ildefonso and finally through a former logging road to the mine site. Total travel time from Manila is

approximately three (3) hours. The claim is host to an iron ore deposit with a potential resource of 5.6 million metric tons more

or less. This is based on estimates by previous workers and the geological assessment made recently by the OAMDC. The deposit is contact metasomatic and hosted by metasediments and metavolcanics rocks.

. Ore extraction will primarily be done through open cut method (shall be referred to here as “cut and fill” method). Bulldozers, backhoes, payloaders, and breakers will be used in the process.

The “cut and fill” method simply involves the excavation of the slopes (cut) to expose the ore deposits, extract the same for breakage or stockpiling, and backfilling of the waste materials (largely soil) on areas already cut. Large ore boulders will be broken into sizes that could facilitate

handling and mechanical breakers will be used for such activity. For massive in-situ deposit, blasting will be used when necessary. Payloading to hauling trucks will follow suit. Handpicking may be utilized for collecting floats. A sizeable manpower will be employed for such activity.

Crushing of ore to fines of about 10 mm in diameter will also be done. The finished products will be shipped directly abroad through the Manila South Harbor facilities.

The company intends to produce 600,000 metric tons of crushed or lumped ore per year. Life of mine will be about 9.4 years if this output is sustained.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xvi

Location of the proposed project

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 08 1210 10



0 1 2 kms



Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

1210 06

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xvii


Project Location Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan



15003’30” – 15

005’00” north latitude

121008’00” – 121

009’00” east longitude

Area 442 hectares


The country’s economy needs a lift and mining is one among the large industries that can substantially boost the economic condition of the country. Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation, even in a small

way, can contribute to this process.

Project Phases: Pre-development

Development Phase

Operations Phase

Abandonment Phase

This phase is dedicated largely to activities like detailed geological exploration, acquisition of permits and clearances from concerned

government agencies and local government units and bidding out of civil works that will be undertaken during the development stage.

The development phase is preparatory to actual operations. The major activities during this phase include topographic mapping of mining and industrial areas, detailed geological assessment of delineated deposits,

road rehabilitation and construction, installation of crushers, construction of civil structures and support facilities, installation of machineries and equipment, construction of siltation ponds and sabo

dams, and opening of benches. Included in this phase are clearing and stripping of mineable areas,

stockpiling of the overburden for future use, benching and surface mining, crushing of ore to desired sizes, and hauling of crushed or lump ore to pier. Washing may also be employed during rainy season where

the ore may be soiled by while stockpiling. Rehabilitation of mined-out areas will follow suit and this involves the backfilling of benches with previously stockpiled overburden, conditioning of soil, revegetation and

nurturing of seedlings until these are fully capable of sustaining life. The minesite will be abandoned after the deposits had been exhausted,

possibly after 9.4 years or more. An Environmental Site Assessment shall be conducted in the area to find out if contamination attributed to the mining operation, is present in soil, water and air. Proponent will

see to it that rehabilitation is completely done before abandonment.

Process and


Mining will be carried through simple extraction using surface mining specifically, through “cut and fill” method. Advance of quarry face will

be done through benching. The slope is cut, the ore is extracted, the mined area is rehabilitated, and the benches re-vegetated.

Crushing may either be done using stationary or mobile jaw and cone crushers with built-in layered screens. The desired diameter is 10 mm but this could change depending on the preference of the buyer.

Product and production capacity

The product is iron. The company intends to produce 600,000 metric tons of crushed or lump ore per year. Resource estimate is 5,652,879 metric tons.

Major waste stream

Mining wastes and tailings are the major solid wastes that are produced from clearing, mining and crushing operations. The project can generate about 13.5 million m

3 wastes (1:4 ore waste ratio) composed

almost exclusively of soil and crushed rocks that represent the overburden and host of the deposit.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xviii

Manpower The mining operation will employ 400 workers directly and indirectly through different contractual arrangements with other companies.

Project Cost

~P 500,000,000.0

Project Duration and Schedule

Will start on a small-scale operation per ECC issued by the EMB regional office for a 20-hectare area and full blast operation as soon as

the ECC for the large scale is issued. Development: 1 year Operation: 9.4 years

Abandonment: 1 year

2.0 Brief Summary of Project‘s EIA Process

The EIA process started with a letter-request for ECC processing from the ECC consultant Geo Environmental Consultancy Inc. to EMB Central Office received on October 2006. This was

subsequently followed by activities which are chronologically listed below: a. Conduct of public consultation at the Camachin Elementary School in Brgy.

Camachin, DRT, Bulacan on 25 November 2006. This included presentation of project, initial environmental characterization, and some impacts and mitigations. Open forum followed suit and concerns on dust, water, geohazards, employment and

how soon can the mining start took center stage. No opposition to the project was however raised during the process.

b. Scoping and preparation of the Procedural Screening Checklist on 06 November 2006 at EIA Conference Rm., EMB Bldg., DENR.

c. Secondary data gathering for the period January – June 2007 in Metro Manila and Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan.

d. Field surveys for primary data collection were conducted within the period October 2006 – March 2007 covering the modules on land, water, air and people

e. Preparation of this Draft EIS based on the checklist agreed upon by all parties concerned.

f. The ECC application was shelved after screening of EIS was done due to legal complexities but is now revived after final decision by the court and the turning down by Malacanang of the previous DENR Secretary’s memorandum favoring the other

party of the dispute.

g. Reformatting of EIS according the new system requirements per DAO 30-03 and

adopting the new checklist for mining projects. The EIA Team is composed of the following:

Name Expertise Study

Period Study Area EIA method



Edgardo S. David

Geology, Hydrology

and Meteorology

October –

November 2006

Mining claims,

Peripheries, and hauling routes

Literature search; geological mapping; hydrogeological

mapping; measurements; air and water sampling

and analyses


Consultation, Interviews

Joseph Lalo Sociology, Anthropology,

November 2006

Brgy. DRT Secondary data collection, focus

Public Consultation,

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xix

Community Development

group discussion, interviews and consultations

FGDs, and Interviews

Dr. Jaime






Mining claims,

drainage systems,

Field surveys using

transect, quadrat, and cruising methods for terrestrial and aquatic


Public Consultation, Interviews

Engr. Jethro


Environmental Risk Assessment


2006 Data search Interviews

Area of Study


0 1 2 kms

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xx

3.0 Summary of Baseline Characterization

Except for the Mely block which has already undergone extraction, the environment in the mining claim area is still in its semi-pristine condition and can easily meet the environmental standards set by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) except for some specific

parameters. Tabulated below are the key findings:

Environment Key Findings


Portion of the Mely block is already denuded because of the extraction done

by the previous operator. Erosion in disturbed slopes is quite extensive causing siltation at the headwaters of Biak na Bato River although siltation ponds are already in place. Mass movements though relatively small had

already occurred. Underlying the area is a thick deposit of soil which is a residual product of altered diorite and metarocks. The extracted area had been stripped of its vegetation but those unaffected by mining are still heavily

vegetated with secondary forest growths and lush understory composed of shrubs and grasses. Diversity of wildlife is appreciable. The mining area may be subjected to strong earthquakes because of its closeness to two

generators such as the Marikina Fault and the very active Philippine Fault located east of the claim.


The mining area is largely drained by tributaries of Biak-na-Bato River whose

upper reaches drain the Mely block. These are perennial creeks that receive baseflows from their respective watersheds and discharges from springs emanating from the limestone and pyroclastic aquifers. During the operation

of the previous mining operator, turbid waters reached the downstream segment of the river prompting protests from several communities of San Miguel town. Groundwater in limestone and pyroclastics aquifer systems is

quite prolific as shown by the heavy discharges of the above creeks even during the relatively dry periods of the year. The groundwater in the claim area is not however directly used by communities.


The mining area is situated within a Type 1 climate which is characterized by two (2) pronounced seasons, dry from December to April and wet for the rest of the year. Maximum rain period is in the months of May to November with

August as the rainiest month. During this wet period, the area is exposed to the southwest monsoon, a regional wind pattern laden with rainclouds and is the dominant factor why rains come at this time of the year. Within the

project site, air quality is at present still clean because of the cessation of operation by the previous operator but along the proposed hauling route where vehicles abound, concentration of particulates are abnormally high

because of dusty road. Lifting of dusts on unpaved roadways normally happens as vehicles pass through especially if these are moving at higher speeds. Tricycles have heavy emissions due to the mixture of 2T oil in their

gasoline fuel. Noises are generated by vehicles only and limited along the highway.


Some of the residents in the barangay are engaged in farming, kaingin,

fishing, trading of forest products and livestock raising but a greater majority of the working population are not employed. Mining operation is hoped by many to provide direct employment or indirect income-generating livelihoods

to the residents of Brgy. Camachin.

4.0 Summary of Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan

A matrix of the Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan is presented in the next page. Some impacts are temporary like dust generation, others are permanent like removal of vegetation, but could be reversible by religiously applying the rehabilitation scheme.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxi

Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Development and Operation


Generation of mining and mechanical processing wastes

Unavoidable but waste w ill be used eventually for rehabilitation.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land Accelerated and excessive erosion

Reduce angle of repose of stockpiles, protect base of stockpiles, reduce slopes of cutslopes, bench the extracted areas, distribute surface runoff, compact loosen soil, etc.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Removal of soil

Unavoidable and permanent since soil will be shipped out as ore. Safeguard soil in the overburden for reuse (see above).

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation


Solid waste generation

Use 3 Rs and segregate at source level. Residuals to the municipal landfill disposal

OAMDC to coordinate with

concerned LGU offices.

Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Occurrence of mass- wasting processes

To avoid occurrences of mass wasting, there should be no steep slopes in stockpiles or cutslopes, no dumping of soil in gullies, benching of working areas is a must, compaction of filled areas, and stockpiling of loose materials.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation

Land Removal of vegetation

Unavoidable. Progressive rehabilitation/revegetation shall be done in mined-out areas. Donation of seedlings as replacement for cut trees will be initiated.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation

Land Displacement of terrestrial fauna

Allow gradual displacement by slowing down operation in fauna populated areas. Rehabilitation of mined-out areas to


Integrated in the cost of operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxii

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

reconstruct destroyed habitats.

Operation Water Siltation of streambeds

Construction of a Siltation Control System to include series of sabo dams in gullies, series of siltation ponds before the confluence of gullies and creeks, and at least two layers of geomembranes at the outfalls.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water

Deterioration of water quality in terms of TSS and heavy metals

Same as above. The system is expected to protect ground and surface waters.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water Loss of groundwater resource

Prevent disturbing the aquifer particularly the spring. Also the recharge zone should not be disturbed.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air Dust generation

Frequent water spraying of hauling roads will prevent lifting of dust. Use of uniformly graded base course in road surfacing to suppress dust generated along hauling roads. Workers must use dust mask always to prevent inhaling these particulates.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air

Increased amount of NOx and SOx

Engines should always be kept in tip-top conditions. If available, use of catalytic converter is encouraged.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation Air Noise generation Engines should be equipped with appropriate mufflers.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation People

Resource competition between migrant workers and local residents

OAMDC to provide barracks for its workers, a water supply system for the community and the minesite, medical services, and others.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxiii

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Operation People

Increased in safety and health risks from geohazards and dusts inhalation

Mitigating measures cited in the land module for mass wasting and air module for dust generation also apply to this module. IEC on these risks will also be initiated by the company.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Non-assimilation of diverse culture

Initiate social gathering to promote interactions that would lead to harmonious relationships among peoples of different regions.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Proliferation of vices

The company will encourage prayer meetings and sports development and competitions to divert attention of workers from the places of vices.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxiv

Statement on SDP Framework

The company will establish a self-sustaining system that will provide assistance to the community on a long term basis. Such system will follow the tenet of teaching the beneficiaries how to fish rather than giving them the fish outright. Programs to uplift their economic conditions shall be

established and maintained throughout the life of the mine. This will focus on community-based livelihood projects that promote environmental protection for some and sutainable use of forest products for the others. Likewise, safety and well-being of company workers and residents of the

barangays shall be a primordial concern and shall not be compromised. Statement on IEC Framework

The Information, Education and Communication framework will be based on the transparency of the company on information about the mining operations that may affect the lives and properties of

residents in the nearby communities. The stakeholders especially those who will be directly affected by the mining operations will be adequately informed. An open policy in terms of information dissemination shall be adopted by the company to make sure that the stakeholders’

lives and properties will be amply protected. The IEC program will use different methods or media to relay information to the intended groups like comics, radio, posters, letters, meetings and consultations.

ERP Policy

An Emergency Response Program shall be formulated complete with organization, resources, documentation, consultations, and actual drills. This program will consider several hazards like earthquakes, typhoons, mass movements, fires, and epidemics as sources of large-scale risks.

This will be handled by the safety and health unit and shall receive its own specific budget during the operation of the mine.

Abandonment Policy The company will conduct an Environmental Site Assessment to determine if contamination is

present before abandonment and if so, institute a rehabilitation procedure to clean up the areas affected. Rehabilitation of mined out areas shall be completed before the company leaves the site. Damages cause by mining shall also be compensated and repaired if possible.

5.0 Summary of Environmental Monitoring Plan

The constitution of Multi-Partite Monitoring Team or the public participation framework will be based on those sectors that are highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of the mining operations. For instance, the upper reaches of the Biak-na-Bato River could be heavily silted if haphazard

mining is done. The stream may also become extremely turbid that communities downstream may not be able to use it. This will need rehabilitation and may require a substantial amount of money to implement. The composition of the MMT therefore shall include sectoral and political (Purok

level) representations aside from the normal constitution of the said committee. Meanwhile, a matrix of the Environmental Monitoring Plan is presented in the succeeding pages for greater appreciation. Included in one of the columns is the Emergency Guarantee Fund that will assure

the public of immediate rehabilitation should anything adverse happens in the area particularly the communities.

6.0 EMF and EGF Commitments OAMDC has pledged P 1,000,000.00 for the Emergency Guarantee Fund or Environmental

Monitoring Fund and leaves to the MMT the determination of the amount needed for monitoring. This estimate for the EGF is based on a worst case scenario wherein the Biak-na-Bato River is heavily silted and becomes too murky such that the source of livelihood of farmers and even

household water supplies in the downstream communities are adversely affected. This should be the costliest rehabilitation and compensation package that the company may encounter. The

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxv

company understands however that when the EGF Committee determines that the above amount

is not enough, then the company is willing to put up the additional. Furthermore, the company shall replenish the fund immediately after some amount had been withdrawn for the purposes that it serves.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan xxvi

Environmental Monitoring Program

Key Environmental Aspects per Project Phase

Potential Impacts per Env’l Sector

Parameter to be Monitored

Sampling and Measurement Plan Lead Person

Annual Estimated

Cost Method Frequency Location

Development and Operation Phases

Environmental Aspect 1 Surface Water:

Siltation TSS Gravimetric Quarterly


Locations shown in Figure 4.25

MEPEO 9,800.00

Environmental Aspect 2

Surface and Ground Waters:

Water Quality

Fecal Coliform

Oil and Grease

Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr

+6, As

Alpha9221E Gravimetric-

Petroleum Ether Extraction

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


Sampling Locations

shown in Figures 4.25 and 4.29

MEPEO 45,600.00

Environmental Aspect 3 Air:

Air Quality TSP Gravimetric Quarterly

Stations 1, 2, 3

in Figure 4.34 MEPEO 15,000

Environmental Aspect 4 Air:

Air Quality



Colometric, Greiss Saltzman


Semi-annually Stations 1, 2, 3 in Figure 4.34

MEPEO 36,000.00

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 1


1.1 Project Name


1.2 Project Location

Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 1.3 Nature of Project

Resource extraction – Iron ore will be mined from the area

1.4 Threshold Limits

The company intends to produce shippable iron ore at a rate of 600,000 metric

tons annually. 1.5 Project Proponent

Ore Asia Mining and Development Corporation Km 53 South Maharlika Highway, Tulo, Calamba, Laguna

(Please see Annex “A” for SEC registration.)

Contact Person: MR. JAMES ONG, President

President Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation 363-0727 ∙ 365-2097 ∙ 365-3750

365-3864 ∙ 413-7530-34 ∙ 365-3795 Fax: 363-0731

1.6 EIS Preparer

Geo Environmental Consultancy, Inc.

1046 Carole St., Sample, Manila FAX/Phone: (02) 732-3502; (02)487-5151 Cell phone: 0920-9100232

Contact Person:


(Note: For the location of the proposed project please see Figure 3.1.)

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 2


2.1 EIA Terms of Reference (TOR)

The Terms of Reference used in this study is detailed in the Mining Project Checklist (Annex “B”). and THE highlights of the Public Consultation. This document presents the important issues raised by the review panel and the stakeholders. Following are some of the more significant


Table 2.1 Important issues raised by the EIARC members and the stakeholders

Issues How EIA addressed the issue

Dispersion of dust into the community

Wind direction in the mining area was analyzed to help predict

the general dispersion of dusts. Samples of air were taken by Teem Inc. and analyzed for TSP, SOx, and NOx.

Adverse effect to groundwater resource

Aquifers were identified and delineated laterally and measures were presented to prevent soil from entering into sinkholes that

serve as recharge areas of the limestone aquifer.

Siltation of creeks

Waterways were identified including the creeks that emanate from the mining area. The tributaries of these creeks will be utilized for the siting of some of the sabo dams and siltation


Deterioration of water quality including ground and surface waters

Surface and ground waters were sampled and analyzed for TSS, Coliform, BOD, color, turbidity, Oil and Grease, and toxic heavy elements like Pb, Cr

+6, As, Hg, and Cd.

Hiring of local workers The proponent has already committed to hire workers from within

the two barangays.

2.2 The EIA Team

The EIA Team is composed of four (4) experts handling different modules. The team is headed by Mr. Edgardo S. David, President of the Geo Environmental Consultancy, Inc., the ECC consultant. Their CVs are presented in Annex “C” and Statements of Accountability in Annex “D”.

Table 2.2 The EIA Team members and their assigned module

Name Expertise Modules Assigned

Edgardo S. David, MSc

Geology, Hydrology and

Environmental Science Project Management

Land, Water and Air modules including Project Description

Joseph Lalo, MA Sociology, Anthropology,

Community Development People

Jaime Namocatcat, PhD Terrestrial biology Biology/Ecology

Jethro Hipe, MSc Risk Assessment Environmental Risk Management

2.3 Inclusive Periods of Study

The following table presents the inclusive dates of the study and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of the surveys:

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 3

Table 2.3 Inclusive dates and weather conditions during the studies

Module Inclusive dates Climate/Weather

Geology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology and


November 2006 July 2004

Relatively drier months characterized by daily sunny to cloudy conditions with

occasional rainshowers

Terrestrial and Aquatic Biology

December 2006 June 2004

Relatively drier months characterized by daily sunny to cloudy conditions with

occasional rainshowers

People Module November 2006

May 2004

Relatively drier months characterized by daily sunny to cloudy conditions with occasional rainshowers

2.4 EIA Study Area

The study area includes the proposed mining area, the peripheries, the drainage systems, the communities and the hauling route. The coverage is tabulated below:

Table 2.4 Coverage of various studies

Module Coverage

Geology, Hydrology,

Hydrogeology and Meteorology

Entire MPSA area, peripheries of claim, drainage systems in the proposed mining area, and hauling route

from the mine site to the intersection of the San Ildefonso-Akle Road and the Maharlika Highway.

Terrestrial and Aquatic Biology MPSA area and the streams therein

People Module The communities within the barangays hosting the

MPSA area.

2.5 EIA Methodology

Each field of study uses different method in collecting primary data from the field but utiliz ing similar technique for secondary data collection, i.e., literature search. Tabulated below are the different methods adopted by corresponding fields of study:

Table 2.5 Methods used during field surveys

Module Coverage

Geology Geological mapping using GPS, geologic compass, and 1:50,000-scale topographic and geologic map; soil profiling from road cuts and mine openings, and soil sampling and analyses for toxic elements.


Delineation of streams and watershed boundaries on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps, discharge measurement using flotation method, direct measurement of channel dimensions using 50-meter tape,

geographic location using GPS, water quality sampling and analyses.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 4

Module Coverage


Rapid hydrogeological mapping to determine the different aquifers in

the area, inventory of springs, discharge measurement of springs using flotation method, sampling of groundwater and analyses for various parameters.

Meteorology Largely secondary data gathered from existing literature, air quality sampling and analysis by Teem Inc.

Terrestrial Biology

Vegetation mapping using 1:50,000-scale topographic map and GPS, interpretation and vegetation data using the GIS software Arc Info, quadrat sampling for flora and transect for fauna; fauna were recorded

from the transect lines used in floral surveys, birds were identified using binoculars and field guides.

Aquatic Biology Freshwater fauna were identified from cruising methods; fishes were

sampled using scoop net.

People Module Public consultation, focus group discussion, interviews and random surveys.

2.6 Public Participation The following table summarizes the events that involved the participation of the public.

Table 2.6 Stages in the EIA process where the public participated

EIA Stage Date Sector Issues raised Committed Action Public


(Scoping) Public Consultation

25 November 2006

All Stakeholders

NIPAS area, Community-based forestry, Presence of small-scale miners, Inform stakeholders about MPSA, Clarify mining process, Siltation,

The questions were answered during the consultation itself while concerns had been addressed in the EIS.

Mining in the area is widely accepted by residents but many have apprehensions on the adverse impacts cited here.

(EIA Study Proper) Interview with community and tribal leaders

Novemebr 2006

Camachin Brgy. Chairman

Livelihood programs for the communities. Employment in the OAMDC’s mining operations. Preservation of culture

These concerns will be addressed in the EIA study especially in the Social Development Program.

There is a legitimate apprehension on the part of the IPs regarding the FPIC. The agreed conditions are committed by the proponent.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 5


3.1 Project Location and Accessibility The project site is confined by geographic coordinates 15

0 03’ 30” – 15

0 05’ 00” north latitude and


08’ 00” – 1210

09’ 00” east longitude (Figure 3.1). It is administratively located in Brgy. Camachin, Doña Remedios Trinidad (DRT), Bulacan. Straddling on the midslopes of the Sierra Madre Mountains (Photo 3.1) the project site is situated 15 aerial kilometers northeast of the DRT

town proper. From Manila, the site can be reached through a well-paved road up to the San Ildefonso

municipality (Figure 3.2) and then through a combination of paved and dirt road to Akle and finally through a former logging road (Figure 3.3 and Photo 3.2) to the mine site. Total travel time from Manila varies from three to four hours.

Figure 3.1 Location of the proposed project relative to Manila

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 6

Figure 3.2 Geographic location of the mining claim as plotted on a 1:50,000-scale NAMRIA topographic map

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10

Project Site




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

Iron Deposit

0 1 2 kms

0 1 2 kms

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 7

Figure 3.3 Access road from Akle to the proposed operational area


Municipal Hall 121o06

’ 121o10

’ 121o08





To S



nso Approximate Alignment

of Access Road




Contour Line

Access Road

Mining Claim

Area of


0 1 2 kms

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 8

Photo 3.1 The project site at the midslopes of the Sierra Madre Mountains

Photo 3.2 Panoramic view of the topography and access road leading to the project site

Access Road

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 9

3.2 Project Rationale

The former President of the Philippines in her earlier pronouncements, endorsed the revitalization of the mining industry as it is currently suffering from major losses due to many factors including environmental. The proponent finds it significant to contribute in this trust no matter how small it

would be as long as it can help reinvigorate the mining industry and the country’s economy, in general.

The iron mining sector in this country has long been forgotten. Not one among the several mines in the country operates until recently. With the coming of Mainland Chinese investors in the country, the search for iron ore became frenetic. This is due to the large demand for iron in China

alone. This could be the best time for the iron mines to be resurrected and hopefully help the revitalization of the mining industry in this country.

3.3 Project Alternatives Aside from crushing, the management has not considered the processing of iron ore in the mining

site or anywhere in the country. The grade of iron ore is good enough for shipment sans the complexity of milling and smelting. If investments will come from the buyers however, the management is keeping its options open and may consider post mining processing operation to

provide more jobs to the local populace. In terms of mining area, the proposed project has already obtained an MPSA and therefore no

option for the proponent to relocate. 3.4 Project Phases

The project has four (4) phases namely pre-development phase, development phase, operational phase, and abandonment phase. These are discussed separately below:

3.4.1 Pre-Development Phase

This phase is dedicated mostly to activities like property acquisition, procurement of legal documents, topographic mapping, and geological assessment. Property Acquisition Mining Lease Contract

The property is leased by ODECO from the Philippine government by virtue of a Mining Lease Contract (MLC) issued by the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences Bureau on December 6, 1988

(Figure 3.4). The mining rights over the area has a term of 25 years and renewable for another 25 years. Thus, the permit will still expire on December 6, 2013 and extendible up to December 5, 2038. Please see Annex “E” for a photocopy of said document. Mines Operating Agreement

OAMDC acquired its rights over the area as a mining operator based on the Mines Operating Agreement (MOA) signed by representatives of this company and that of ODECO on September 6, 2006 (Annex “F”). Said MOA gives the right to OAMDC to operate 397 hectares out of the 442-

hectare claim of the ODECO. The mining operation is exclusively confined to iron ores. ODECO has also entered into operating agreement with five (5) others but OAMDC was also able to acquire their rights including that of the Royal Piccanto area containing 20 hectares (Figure 3.5)

through MOAs (Annex “F”).

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 10 Acquisition of Clearances

Barangay Clearance. The barangay government of Camachin, allows the implementation of the project and expressed the same through a Barangay Clearance dated September 21, 2006 (Annex “G”). The council likewise endorsed the project through a resolution Kapasyahan Blg. 20)

dated August 31, 2006. The company was also issued a Certificate of Environmental Management and Community

Relations Record by MGB-3 (Annex “G”). Topographic Mapping

Relocation and topographic mapping had already been done. Relocation mapping covered the entire mining claim while topographic mapping included the Mely-1 area only. Please take note

that the iron ore deposit is almost wholly confined in this block. Geological Assessment

Aside from the existing reports of a German geologist, OAMDC conducted its own geological assessment after the former operator in the area extracted a substantial amount of iron ore from

the same site. This study was intended to determine the quantity and quality of the ore deposits that are covered by the agreements.

The iron ore deposit is confined within the Mely block of the mining claim and properly delineated by previous studies and the recent one (Photo 3.3 and Figure 3.4).

The area is underlain by Bayabas Formation that is essentially composed of metasediments and metavolcanics (Figure 3.5). The intrusion of a huge diorite body (Antipolo Diorite) in the area made possible the formation of the deposit along the diorite contact with the host metarocks.

From the delineated ore body, the study was able to determine an estimated iron ore resource of about 5.65 million metric tons based largely on the geological projection of in situ deposits. This

deposit is located within the Mely block of the mining claim. The quality of ore is impressive, i.e., the grade ranges from 51.16 – 68.89 % Fe with the upper limits dominating (Table 3.1). Photos 3.4 to 3.6 show the iron deposit of the area.

Figure 3.6 illustrates the delineated ore bodies composed of in situ and floats. The floats are remnants of fragmented or colluvial deposits that were mined by the previous operator.

Figure 3.8 on the other hand, presents the profile of these deposit types. Both extend for tens of meters only from the surface and do not continue beyond that. The in-situ deposits are estimated

to be about 50 meters thick and the floats are much shallower. Even with the small dimension of the ore body, the deposit is still economically viable because of

the high prices of iron in the world market, the ease by which the ore can be extracted from the ground and the simple crushing involved in processing the ore. The operation may last for more than 9.4 years and the ROI is attainable in a very short period of time.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 11

Photo 3.3 Configuration of the site after the mining operations of the previous operator

Table 3.1 Result of laboratory analyses of selected ore samples

Sample Code and No.

Location %Fe %S %SiO2 %Al2O3

OA-3 Piccanto 68.90 0.005 1.08 0.18 OA-5 Piccanto 65.47 0.268 1.00 1.04

OA-8 Piccanto 62.49 0.005 3.72 1.19 OA-9 Piccanto 64.53 1.137 4.55 1.48 OA-10 Piccanto 68.51 0.121 0.44 1.26

OA-11 OAMDC 55.84 0.200 8.53 1.62 OA-14 OAMDC 62.60 0.070 10.50 2.61 OA-15 Piccanto 54.24 0.079 6.21 0.64

OA-16 OAMDC 64.39 0.033 3.48 2.91 OA-18 OAMDC 66.98 0.258 1.72 1.26 OA-20 OAMDC 67.01 0.677 2.12 1.45

OA-22 OAMDC 66.20 0.027 3.95 0.12 OA-23 OAMDC 51.16 0.260 26.39 1.12 OA-24 OAMDC 67.24 0.073 2.85 0.42

OA-25 OAMDC 57.26 1.540 13.71 0.49 OA-26 OAMDC 66.64 0.071 3.14 0.83 OA-27 OAMDC 63.30 2.253 4.99 2.14

OA-22B OAMDC 68.89 0.005 0.95 1.04

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 12

Photo 3.4 The iron ore samples

representing the massive (top) and layered (bottom) ones

Photo 3.5 The in situ iron ore deposits

(top and bottom) showing some weathered portions

Photo 3.6 Floats of iron ore (top)

removed by dozing and stockpiled by individuals (bottom)

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 13

Figure 3.4 Consolidated survey plan of the 442-hectare ODECO mining claim showing the location of the

main iron ore deposit


0 225m 450 m



Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

Main Deposit

In-situ (Red) Colluv ial (Orange)

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 14

Figure 3.5 Local geologic map showing the mining claim and the main iron deposit


0 1 2 kms



Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

150 05

150 04

150 03

150 02

150 06

1210 08 1210 10 1210 06

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 15

Figure 3.6 Site geologic map showing the ore deposit at the Mely-1 block.


0 0

5’ 00”


0 0

4’ 3


1210 08’ 30” 1210 09’ 00”

Ore Asia Camp

0 200 400 m


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 16

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 17

Figure 3.7 Geological profile at the different sections of the ore deposits




EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 18

3.4.2 Development Phase

This phase involves the rehabilitation of the hauling road (barangay road), construction of mine access road, construction of field office and workers’ dormitories, installation of crusher and conveyor line, construction of siltation ponds and preparation of waste dump, construction of

explosive magazine, and development of initial benches. The development plan for the mining site is presented in Figure 3.9. Activities Road rehabilitation

As of this time, the existing barangay road leading to the site is usable and only needs minimal grading and widening. The existing road used by the former operator will not be used eventually

by OAMDC because another barangay road with lesser grade is being eyed at present. Mine access road construction

This includes access to the different outcrops, to the camps, stockpiles, crusher, different drillhole locations, and others. Installation of crushing plant

The crushing plant which includes primary, secondary and tertiary setups, will be installed near the confluence of Horno Creek and Rio Balaong River which is downslope of the mining area. Construction of campsite structures The structures include the field office, dorm for laborers, and utilities such as water and power

supply systems. This will be sited near the crushing plant downslope of the mining area and along the river channel. Installation of conveyor system This is an option for the proponent. The conveyor system will connect the mining area to the

crushing area which is located downslope. This is intended to reduce the use of trucks during the rainy season when it would be difficult to utilize them. Construction of siltation ponds Two ponds will be built in separate areas, one is in the mining area and the other is in the crushing

area. The former will settle sediments coming from the runoff at the mining area during the rainy season. The latter will catch the effluents from the crushing plant which are then recirculated to supply continuously the washing needs of the crusher. There is already an existing pond in the

area which was installed after the previous operator left. Preparation of waste dump

One waste dump will be prepared. It will be located in a depression near the initial working area. The dump will serve as a temporary structure to accommodate initial cut materials before they are

filled back to the voids left by ore extraction. Construction of explosive magazine

This is only an option. The magazine will be built from a containerized van that will be armored with concrete as prescribed by the Firearms and Explosives Unit of the PNP. It will also be buried

in the ground within a small valley with two parallel ridges acting as barriers in case of accidental

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 19

explosion. When security does not allow storage of explosive in the mining area, these will be delivered during the blasting schedule only. Development of initial benches

Initial benches in areas where there are massive outcrops, will be developed at this stage. The benches will probably be carved at the topmost portion of the proposed mining area or a little bit lower depending on the access available. Manpower Requirement

The entire development phase needs at least 100-120 laborers at any one time. Workers that will be employed include equipment operators, carpenters, masons, finishing workers, unskilled laborers, plumbers, and office workers. Since the jobs will not be contracted out, it will be the

administration who will decide on the hiring of workers. Hiring of workers from within the local populace will be prioritized. Development Schedule The proponent intends to finish the development within four (4) months after the Environmental

Compliance Certificate (ECC) had been procured. Many of the activities listed above will be done simultaneously such that each activity is scheduled to be finished within this time frame (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 Schedule of activities during the development phase

Activity No. of Weeks









Road rehabilitation 4

Mine access road construction 4

Installation of crushing plant 3

Construction of campsite structures 4

Installation of conveyor system 4

Construction of siltation ponds 4

Preparation of waste dump 4

Construction of explosive



Development of initial benches 4 Development Equipment

Equipment to be used are drilling rig, dump trucks, backhoes, payloaders, dozers, generator, water pumps and others. Development Materials Construction materials are containerized vans, cement, aggregates, base course, sand and gravel,

soil, wood, steel, electrical materials, plumbing materials, sanitary materials.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 20

Figure 3.8 Proposed site development plan of the mining claim

892 meters

920 m























Legend Main Deposit

Office and Dormitory Siltation Pond Explosive Magazine

Crusher Major Extraction Area Conveyor Line

Waste Dump Mine Road


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 21

3.4.3 Operational Phase

The mining operation is quite simple and the facilities are easy to maintain. The operations will adopt the “cut and fill” method wherein the mine wastes are returned back to the mined out area. Listed below are some important activities involved in the operational phase of the proposed

project: Removal of Overburden

Soil or overburden that covers the deposit will be removed by bulldozers (cutting) and placed initially in a predetermined site or waste dump for stockpiling. This will later be used in filling the

mined-out areas. This process will aim to expose the ore deposits for eventual extraction. Slope cutting will adopt the benching method in order that slopes are protected from collapse and at the same time, facilitate the mining of the deposit. Cutting will completely remove the vegetation. Extraction of ore

Ore extraction will be primarily done through open cast using a modified “cut and fill” met hod (Figure 3.10). The term “cut and fill method” is normally used in underground mining wherein the mining waste materials are placed in voids left by previous extractions. The purpose is to reduce

the cost of operation and at the same time, prevent bar-downs in those tunneled sections and therefore enhance the safety of underground mining operations.

The term is introduced here, i.e., in surface mining, to refer to the same concept wherein the overburden removed will be placed back into the voids left by the extracted ore. This means that the mining waste will not be dumped somewhere else but within the mined-out areas themselves.

Thus, the “cut and fill” method simply involves the excavation of slopes (cut) to expose the ore deposits, extract the ore, and place the waste materials (largely soil) on areas already cut (fill).

Mining will proceed from the northern end of the deposit going southward and from the topmost elevation going downslope. This will be done by benching the slope to avoid instability and make the operations much easier to carry out. A maximum of 12 benches will be constructed

throughout the life of the mine. The dimensions of these benches vary slightly depending on the configuration of the slope in actual ground but it should have a typical berm width of about 10 meters, a back slope height of 3 meters and a general slope ratio of 1:1 if possible. The same

design will be adopted throughout the deposit. Figure 3.11 illustrates how the benching shall be done and where the benches will be located.

Massive in situ deposit will be blasted when necessary to facilitate extraction and meet the projected daily ore production. The proponent will adopt an efficient controlled blasting method to maximize extraction of ore while making sure that safety is not compromised. An appropriate

blasting design shall be formulated based on actual ground conditions but this should not substantially vary from a typical blasting design of cement companies in limestone quarrying.

For floats with manageable sizes, these will be handpicked utilizing miners belonging to the CBFM associations. Each individual shall gather his handpicked floats into stockpile that will eventually be collected by trucks. These miners will be paid according to their produce on contractual

arrangement. A sizeable manpower will be employed for such activity. Breaking of ore

Although some of the ore are in small sizes and can directly be fed to the primary crusher, others are too large enough for easy handling and crushing. These large pieces shall be broken using a

metal break ball or hydraulic or pneumatic concrete breakers. In some cases, blasting will be used to fragmentalize extraordinary large and extremely hard boulders. The desired sizes should not exceed 6 inches in diameter for feeding to the hopper. The broken ores are then placed into

hauling trucks using payloaders and delivered into the conveyor for delivery to the crusher.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 22

Figure 3.9 Proposed cut and fill method to be used in mining the iron ore deposits

Pre-mining Topography

Post Mining Topography

Soil Ph








n o






EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 23

Figure 3.10 Mining development concept for the iron ore mining deposit

Section AA’


Natural Grade Line

Ist 6 months


6 months





Metav olcanics



EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 24 Crushing of Ore

Crushing will be done in three stages, i.e., primary (first stage), secondary (second stage), and tertiary (third stage). Figure 3.11 presents a crusher set up for an aggregate production which is similar to the one the proponent is planning to use.

Primary crushing is done using a jaw crusher (Photo 3.7) consisting of a heavy metal plate which moves backward and forward against a fixed plate (these are the "jaws"). It is fed via a chute and

vibrating feeder. The base of the feeder is made of steel "grizzly" bars and it is here that the first screening operation is actually done.

The output from the primary crusher is conveyed onto the primary stockpile from which the secondary crusher (Photo 3.8) is fed. The larger sized ores pass through to the final crushing stages where they are fed through a series of cone crushers and screens. The output from the

final cone crushers is conveyed to a screen house where large multiple deck screens sort the crushed ore.

Secondary and tertiary crushers are generally gyratory, or cone rushers. Ore is fed at the top

and crushed product falls out from the bottom of the cone. Each stage of crushing produces

progressively smaller sized stones. Screening is carried out at various stages in the crushing process. Screens are basically box frames into which sheets of screen meshes of the required apertures are inserted, clamped and tensioned. Screens are usually "multi-deck", i.e., two or more

screen meshes are stacked vertically within the screen frame. Screens are made to vibrate by a rotating transverse shaft.

The crushed ore passes through screens (Photo 3.9) until the desired fines are achieved. Typical screened sizes are 40mm, 20mm, and 10mm. A final screen may still be mounted in a screen

house over large bins or hoppers into which supposed 10 mm fines will pass through. This will make sure that no grits larger than 10 mm will be mixed into the final product (Photo 3.10). The hoppers are raised on legs so that trucks can drive under them to be loaded. Material is continually drawn from the storage bins either by dump truck or conveyor, to storage stockpiles.

Washing will be done during the rainy season when the ore fragments are soiled during their extraction from the mining area. The amount of water needed to wash one cubic meter of ore is also one cubic meter. During the dry season, washing may no longer be necessary because the ores extracted at this time of the year are expected to be clean.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 25

Photo 3.7 Primary crusher of this type is proposed for the mining operations

Photo 3.8 Post-primary crusher of this type is also contemplated to be used

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 26

Photo 3.9 Layers of screens can be built within the crushers

Photo 3.10 The final or shipping product will look like this

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 27

Figure 3.11 Flowchart of an aggregate crushing system that will basically be adopted by the company. Inset is a layout of equipment of a crushing system similar to the company’s concept. Production Capacity

Based on the estimated resource of 5.67 million metric tons, the production shall follow the following schedule:

Table 3.3 Schedule of a 5-year iron ore production in metric tons

Period Daily Production Monthly Production Annual



6 months 833 25,000 300,000


6 months 834 25,000 300,000 2

nd year 1,667 50,000 600,000


year 1,667 50,000 600,000


year 1,667 50,000 600,000 5

th year 1,667 50,000 600,000

Total 3,000,000

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 28 Hauling of Ore

Dump trucks with capacities of at least 12 metric tons will be used to haul the iron ore from the crusher to the stockpile near Akle through the barangay road identified earlier. The number of trips is presented in Table 3-4 below. Hauling from the stockpile area to the South Harbor will be

done using long trucks with capacities of not less than 20 MT. The number of trips is also presented in the same table.

Table 3.4 Number of trips of hauling trucks per day and per 50,000-ton shipment

Period Number of trips

(Crusher to Stockpile) Number of trips/shipment* (Stockpile to So. Harbor)


6 months 56 2,500 2

nd 6 months 83 2,500


year 139 2,500 3

rd year 139 2,500


year 139 2,500


year 139 2,500

Note: The total number of trips is dependent on how many shipments are made during a certain period of time. Manpower Requirement

The mining operation will directly employ 400 workers and indirectly and 100 workers from the different contractual arrangements with other companies Water Requirement

Crushing will be the largest user of water when ore are washed during the rainy season (Table 3.5). This is not however true during the dry season when washing is no longer needed. Aside from the crushing demand, another 114 m

3 of water is needed daily for domestic use.

Table 3.5 Water demand of crusher

Period Daily Water Demand (m3)


6 months 0


6 months 177


year 177


year 177


year 177


year 177

3.6.4 Abandonment Phase The minesite will be abandoned after the iron ore deposit had been exhausted, possibly after thirty

five (35) years. Proponent will see to it that rehabilitation as defined in the mining scheme, had been completely done before abandonment. During abandonment, all structures will be removed from the site unless requested by the claimowner or by the local government unit, to be retained.

All wastes and spoils from mining shall be disposed of properly. The newly planted trees shall be nurtured until they acclimatized and survive the young age. All slopes that may seem unstable shall be stabilized and erodible soils amply protected.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 29


4.1 The Land

4.1.1 Baseline Environmental Conditions Methodology

Study methodology largely employed secondary data collection from different sources in the private and public sectors including actual studies done in the area by previous workers. Actual

geological mapping was also conducted within the blocks where the iron ores are located. Following information was obtained from the above methods: Geology Based on the geological map presented in Figure 4.1 of this report, nine (9) geological formations

were identified by previous workers in the province of Bulacan and these are, from young to old, Quaternary Alluvium, Guadalupe Formation, Tartaro Formation, Lambak Shale, Madlum Formation, Angat Formation, Bayabas Formation, Antipolo Diorite, Barenas-Baito Formation, and

Angat Ophiolite. These are discussed below. Quaternary Alluvium (Qal)

These are sedimentary deposits covering the underlying rocks in the lowland areas more particularly along floodplains of recent and ancient river channels. They consist of unconsolidated

or very poorly consolidated and unsorted silts, sands, pebbles, cobbles, and small boulders of older rock types. Guadalupe Formation (GF) The Pleistocene Guadalupe Formation has two (2) members, the upper Diliman Tuff and the

underlying Alat Conglomerate. The formation is widespread and quite dominant occupying a large area around Laguna de Bay and extends as far as Nueva Ecija in the north. The upper member is typified by the geologic section in Guadalupe, Makati City. It consists practically of thin to medium

beds of fine-grained vitric tuffs. Volcanic breccias are sparingly intercalated with some lamellae of fine- to medium-grained sandstones. Andesitic to basaltic flows are also common. The thickness is also appreciable reaching to as much as 2,000 meters (MGB, 1981). Alat

Conglomerate is a sequence of massive conglomerate, deeply weathered silty mudstone, and tuffaceous sandstone. The poorly sorted conglomerate, the most predominant rock type, consists of well-rounded pebbles and small boulders of the underlying igneous, sedimentary and

metamorphic rocks cemented by a coarse-grained, calcareous, sandy matrix. Interbedded sandstone is massive to poorly bedded, fine to medium grained, loosely cemented and friable. Mudstone, the least predominant rock type, is soft, sticky, and thin to medium bedded and

tuffaceous (MGB, 1981). Tartaro Formation (TF)

The Pliocene Tartaro Formation is about 150 meters in thickness. Tartaro is a flat-bedded sequence of silty mudstone and clayey sandstone which is characteristically massive or very

obscurely bedded, soft and highly calcareous. The mudstone which comprises the greater bulk of the formation, is composed of clay minerals with lesser amounts of silty constituents of vitreous quartz and feldspar particles, mica flakes and mafic detrita. The sandstone at the base and top of

the section are unstratified, poorly consolidated, loosely cemented, friable and medium- to coarse-grained to locally conglomeratic. Subangular fragments of feldspar and quartz constitute the primary components: mafic minerals, mica flakes, broken fossil fragments and other calcareous

debris are present in lesser quantities. Interstitial calcite and clay constitute the binding materials. Conglomeratic portions are at the base. Constituent pebbles are mostly subrounded basalt, andesite, diorite and limestone set in a calcareous fine-to medium-grained sandy matrix.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 30 Lambak Shale (LS)

The Late Miocene Lambak Shale consists of a sequence of hard, massive to very poorly bedded, tuffaceous sandy shale and massive, poorly sorted, well consolidated, medium to coarse and

locally conglomeratic arkosic sandstone. The coarser components are chiefly of subangular to subrounded crystals of feldspar and quartz set in a clayey, tuffaceous but calcareous matrix. The basal conglomerate part contains pebbles and cobbles of volcanic rocks and diorite which are

fairly cemented by a coarse tuffaceous material (MGB, 1981). It extends from Angat River in Norzagaray to San Jose del Monte City. Madlum Formation (MF) The Middle Miocene Madlum Formation is composed of three (3) members, the lower Madlum

Clastics, the middle Alagao Volcanics, and the upper Buenacop Limestone. Madlum Clastics is a thick sequence of thin- to thick-bedded sandstone and silty shale with occasional limy sandstone interbeds and minor amounts of conglomerate beds at the base (GMR, 1981). The Alagao

Volcanics is composed of agglomerates, tuffs, argillites, indurated graywackes, and andesite flows. The Buenacop Limestone is composed of cream to buff, fairly fossiliferous, massive or obscurely bedded upper part and thin to medium bedded lower part. The upper part is made up of

reef-building organisms with occasional andesitic fragments and volcanic detrita scattered all over the section. The lower part is crystalline, arenaceous, slightly tuffaceous and with numerous fragments of volcanic rocks and detrital mafic mineral crystals giving it fine to coarse

conglomeratic appearance. Angat Formation (AF)

Based on MGB’s (1981) description, the formation is made up of two lithologic facies, limestone facies and clastic facies. The limestone facies consists of an upper biohermal phase and a lower

bedded reef-flank continuity. The biohermal portion is white to buff, occasionally gray to pink, cavernous, partly crystalline and consists essentially of skeletal remains of reef-building organisms with abundant fragments of various molluscan shells and bryozoan stems cemented by finer

materials. The lower bedded part is dominantly calcareous rock detrita and fine slime with interbedded, finely siliceous layers. The clastic facies on the other hand, comprises the minor portion of the formation and consists of thin beds of calcareous shale and clayey sandstone with

occasional lenses of sandy limestone. The whole sequence interfingers with the lower part of the upper limestone facies. Molluscan shells, coral stems, and thin laminae of carbonaceous materials are scattered within the sequence. The formation is dated Early to early Middle Miocene as

suggested by a large foraminera Lepidocyclina and Austrotrillina howchini. Bayabas Formation

This formation has extensive bedded sequence of highly indurated sandstone, shale, chert and pyroclastics mainly agglomerate and welded tuff, and volcanic flows predominantly amygdaloidal

basalt with associated minor andesite pillows sometimes framed by chert materials. Based on the MGB-3 geologic map, the project site is located on this formation. Antipolo Diorite This is composed of stocks and dikes of medium to coarse-grained quartz diorite and diorite. The

intrusion of this body was the source of heat that produced the iron ore deposits. Barenas-Baito Formation (BB)

The Cretaceous to Late Eocene Barenas-Baito Formation was named for the rocks in Barenas and Baito creeks. It is composed of spilitic and basic to intermediate volcanic flows and

agglomerates with intercalated metasedimentary rocks. This consists of interbedded thin- to medium-bedded, varicolored, hard sandstone, siltstone, argillite, chert and local lenses of conglomerate.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 31 Angat Ophiolite (AO)

The belt extends along the western edge of the Southern Sierra Madre from Antipolo City in Rizal to Angat in Bulacan. The ophiolite is composed of massive gabbro and ultramafic rocks in Angat

and Bulacan. Sheeted diabase dike complex, are pillow basalt exposed in Marikina. In Antipolo, spilites, turbiditic green-brown siliceous arenites and lutites are exposed, gray mudstones and limestone of Late Cretaceous age. Stratigraphy

The geologic section in Figure 4.2 shows the stratigraphic profile of Bulacan province. The thrusted Cretaceous Angat Ophiolite is the oldest rock formation followed by the Barenas-Baito Formation which is dated Cretaceous to Late Eocene. Overlying this is the Late Eocene to early

Miocene Bayabas Formation. Antipolo Diorite intruded the Bayabas formation at the start of Early Miocene. The Angat Formation rests unconformably upon the Bayabas formation and unconformably upon the Antipolo Diorite. The Middle Miocene Madlum Formation conformably

overlies the Angat Limestone. The late Miocene Lambak shale overlaps the Middle Miocene Buenacop Limestone and lies unconformably over the Madlum Formation. The Pliocene to Pleistocene Tartaro Formation lies unconformably over the Lambak Shale while the Guadalupe

Formation lies unconformably over the Tartaro Formation. Structures

A thrust fault trending north and dipping west was mapped along the eastern part of the Bulacan province. This geologic structure is a contact between the Angat Ophiolite and the Bayabas

Formation (Figure 4.1).

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 32

Figure 4.1 Geologic map of Bulacan province.

Source: MGB

Legend Quaternary Alluvium

Guadalupe Formation

Lambak Shale

Madlum Formation

Angat Formation

Antipolo Diorite

Bayabas Formation

Angat Ophiolite

Barinas-Baito Formation

Note: Pls see next page for











EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 33

Figure 4.2 Stratigraphy of Bulacan province and explanation of symbols

presented in the previous geologic map

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 34 Geomorphological Setting

Three (3) major geomorphic units were identified area and reflected in Figure 4.3. These are discussed below: Alluvial Plain (AP) The broad alluvial plain comprises the valley floors and flood plains occupying the southeastern

section of the map in Figure 4.3. The broadness of the unit is perceived to have been formed from the deposition of sediments through the shifting river channels in the geologic past. The alluvials were mainly formed by the deposition and accumulation of unsorted and unconsolidated clay, silt,

sand, pebbles and even cobbles. The grains are generally rounded and composed of different lithologies. Soil of the clayey type is well formed and derived from these transported sediments and weathering of old alluvial deposits. Slope of the unit is between 0-3% and elevation ranges

from 1-10 meters. Denudational Hills (DH)

Occupying a large segment of the applied area, this unit includes areas with a crest below 500 meters above sea level. These areas were folded or warped and uplifted through tectonic

movements. Areas underlain by sedimentary rocks are usually strongly folded and severely dissected. Those with high relief have steeper slopes and those with low relief have smoother slopes. Those that are subjected to minor folds show smoother slopes. Volcanic hills also include

low and high relief areas. The former is below 100 meters in elevation and have gentle slopes while the latter are described by higher elevations that range from 11 to 500 meters amsl and slopes that are steeper. Mountainous Region (MR)

These are areas on elevations greater than 500 meters amsl and distributed at the northern section of the map in Figure 4.3. Like hills, these are formed by subsequent upliftment due to tectonic stresses. Their slopes range from steep to very steep severely dissected. Soil texture is

clay and with moderate depth. Erosion and small landslides are prevalent in these areas. The project site is located on this unit.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 35

Figure 4.3 General geomorphologic map showing the project site

150 05”

150 00”

150 10”


10” 1210

05” 1210

00” 1210


Project Site AP DH MR


Alluvial Plains

Denudational Hills

Mountainous Region




EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 36 Pedology Soil Classification The soils in the applied area are generally categorized into two (2) groups. These are the

residual soil and the transported soil. Embracing the denudational hills and mountainous region, the residual soil covers a larger area

compared to the other. It is composed of the weathering products of different rock units situated in elevated portions of the mapped area. Soils here come largely from sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Texture ranges from medium to coarse and generally silty to gravelly. Based on the

vegetative cover, this type of soil is capable of nourishing variable cash crops including rice and some tubers. It has supported a growth of forest trees before although large vegetated areas are long gone due to logging. There are remnants of trees left in the area but these are mostly

clustered in riparian zones and peaks of high mountains where access for loggers is difficult. Occupying a minor portion of the mapped area, the transported soil is located in level to nearly

level areas in riparian zones and devoted mainly to agricultural crop cultivation. Soil here is largely transported and formed through the deposition of major streams. Generally, the lowlands possessed a clay type of soil with the alluvial plains and river terraces having medium to fine

texture soils. Rice production predominates over the area although root crops and fruits are occasionally observed.

Since this portion of the municipality does not host any industries that tend to emit or discharge materials that are pollutive, no soil contamination is expected. Soil and Sediment Quality The fertility of soil in the project site seems to be high since it is cable of supporting prolific growths

of trees and underbrush as shown by the pictures presented earlier. In terms of environmental quality, the soil and sediments carry appreciable amounts of toxic substances like arsenic, cadmium and even mercury of which the first two are persistent in the two samples analyzed.

Though arsenic is present in both the soil and sediments, the concentration is below the reference or target value of the Dutch Standards of 29 mg/kg. The cadmium background is quite high at 3.3 and 2.5 mg/kg for soil and sediment, respectively while the Dutch Standard is 0.8 mg/kg. This

substance is believed to be in its natural state and was not introduced in the area.

Table 4.1 Results of laboratory analyses of soil and sediment samples in mg/kg


Soil Sediment

OSL-1 mg/kg Dutch

Reference value

Dutch Intervention




Dutch Reference


Dutch Intervention



ND 100 380 ND 100 380

Hg 0.50 0.3 10 ND 0.3 10

As 5.6 29 55 8.3 29 55

Cd 2.5 0.8 12 3.3 0.8 12

Pb ND 85 530 ND 85 530

Fe 160,500 - - 156,300 - -

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 37 Geohazards Seismic Hazards The Philippines is a tectonically active island arc system with many earthquake generators such as

subduction zones, active faults, and active volcanoes. Around the project site or within a 150-km radius, the earthquake generators are the Valley Fault System (VFS), Philippine Fault (PFZ), the Manila Trench (MT), the East Luzon Trench (ELT), the Lubang Fault (LF), and the Casiguran Fault

(CF) (Figure 4.4). Some or most of these generators are capable of delivering earthquakes with magnitude greater than 7 and therefore are potential sources of disasters. History tells us that Magnitude 7.8 earthquakes had already occurred in the past including the November 1645

earthquake that leveled the Manila Cathedral to the ground (Daligdig & Besana, 1993). The closest of the earthquake generators is the VFS (Figure 4.5). It is located 4.0 kilometers southeast of the project site. VFS is a two-faultline system determined by Phivolcs to be active (Daligdig,

J.A., et. al., 1997). Hazard that may be brought about by earthquakes in the project site is ground vibration. Ground

vibration can produce distortions on the ground and cause the tilting or collapse of structures built on it. But the lithology in the area is made up of metarocks that are hardened by appreciable metamorphism and should prove its proven its resiliency with major earthquakes. However the

weathered portions that are devoid of trees may give in to mass movements. Other hazards like liquefaction and dynamic settlement are not expected at the site. Ground Movement The project site may be subjected to significant ground movements if a major earthquake occurs

within the nearest segment of either the West Valley Fault (WVF) or the Philippine Fault. These movement may be measured in terms of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) with a unit of g. Using the deterministic approach of Tanaka and Fukushima (1990), the PGA is computed to be 0.33 g

assuming a distance of 4 kilometers from the nearest segment of the WVF (Figure 4.5), foundation material is rock, and magnitude is 7.5. Such acceleration can result to appreciable damage to structures if founded in loose sediments or intensely-fractured or weathered rocks or soils on

steeply sloping grounds. Such ground conditions are now present at the project site after the extraction activities of the previous operator. Figure 4.6 illustrates the seismic zonation map of the Philippnnes wherein the area is exposed to an Intensity V earthquakes , quite appreciable indeed. Ground Rupture

Ground rupture is not expected at the site since no splays of the West Valley Fault are perceived to pass through the area based on the projections from Figure 4.5.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 38

Source: Philvolcs (1991)

Figure 4.4 Tectonic elements of northern Luzon and epicenters of major earthquakes

N 16 N



EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 39

Figure 4.5 The Valley Fault System (Phivolcs, 1999)

Project Site



EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 40

Figure 4.6 Earthquake zonation map of the Philippines

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 41 Volcanic Hazards

The vulnerability of an area to volcanic eruptions or volcanic hazards in particular depends on its proximity to an active volcano. Geographically, the nearest active volcanoes that may affect the project site are Taal Volcano (63 kms) in Taal, Batangas; Mt Banahaw Volcano in Tayabas,

Quezon (73 kms); and Mt. Pinatubo (98 kms) in Botolan, Zambales (Figure 4.7). Mt. Pinatubo Volcano

Mt. Pinatubo is about 140 aerial kilometers northwest of the project site. It is located in the tri -boundary of Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales provinces and approximately centered by

geographic coordinates 15.14°N - 120.35°'E (Figures 4.7). Its cone has an elevation of 1,745 meters above sea level prior to the June 15, 1991 eruption. The elevation now is 1,445 meters amsl. The caldera is 2 kilometers in diameter and 600 to 800 meters deep of which a lake has

now formed. This is a dacite volcano. There were two (2) recorded eruptions of the volcano. The first eruption was in 1380 which was

determined through carbon dating and the last was of course the recent which was on June 1991. No account of the first eruption was recorded but the immensity of the eruption is well preserved in the thick pyroclastic deposits surrounding the slopes of the volcano. The 14-16 June 1991 second

eruption was calderagenic wherein it blew the top of Mt. Pinatubo and formed a summit caldera. The eruption was Plinian and characterized by extremely violent explosions, sustained unloading of earth materials, subsidence and collapse. The diameter of the mushrooming cloud extends

from Mindoro to Ilocos Sur (Figure 4.8) and the eruption column was more than 20 kms. The accompanying hazards during the second eruption were pyroclastic flows, airfall tephra,

earthquakes, collapse or subsidence of volcanic, and secondary are lahars and flooding. The event was considered as the century’s biggest volcanic eruption. Ashfall covered large portion of the country and parts of the Southeast Asian region (Figure 4.9). Thus the area can be affected

by ashfall though negligible. Taal Volcano

Taal Volcano is an island volcano nestled in the calm waters of Taal Lake in Batangas (Figure 4.7). It is considered as the smallest but violent volcano in the world. The volcano island is

approximately centered by geographic coordinates 140 00.1’ north latitude and 120

0 59.6’ east

longitude. It encompasses an area of 23 km2 with a highest elevation of 311 meters above sea

level. Phivolcs identified 35 cones and 47 craters in the island. Olivine basalt is the dominant

rock. The main crater has a diameter of 1.9 kms and presently hosting a lake which is usually described as a lake within a lake. Taal Caldera which is host to the much larger Taal Lake has a diameter of 25 kms and was formed between 140,000 to 5,380 years before present time.

Taal is the most active volcanic center in the Southern Tagalog Volcanic Field (STVF), a region immediately south of the Metro Manila area. It is often dubbed as a killer volcano because of the

frequency, suddenness and violence of its previous eruptions. Tagged as a decade volcano, many of its eruptions had repeatedly caused disastrous lost of human lives and destruction of property. Thirty three (33) eruptions of the volcano were recorded from 1572 to 1977, twelve of

these occurred in the main crater. The other major eruptive vents are the Binintiang Malaki, Binintiang Munti, Pirapiraso, Off Calauit, and Mt. Tabaro. Four of the eruptions were considered major ones and these happened in the years 1749, 1754, 1911, and 1965.

The 1749 short-lived eruption produced 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 meters of pyroclastic materials and killing an undetermined number of people in the process. It devastated the volcano island and

lakeshore areas. This eruption occurred at the main crater. The 1754 Plinian eruption (Torres, 1989) was characterized by violent activity that affected the

entire region. The volume of ejecta was estimated at 150,000,000 cubic meters. The eruption that occurred at the main crater was dominated by scoria materials. Tephra deposition was generally directed to the southwest with the volcano island experiencing a 200-centimeter scoria

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 42

deposit and diminishing outward. This eruption which lasted for 6 months, destroyed the towns of Sala, Lipa, Tanauan, and Talisay and caused the relocation of these towns to their present sites.

Sala became a barangay of Tanauan. The biggest eruption was recorded in 1911. The base surge completely devastated the whole

volcano island and killed 1,300 people and wounded 800 others. The eruption produced a 15-km column and sent ashes to as far as Metro Manila. The eruption center was likewise the main crater. The volume of ejecta produced approximates to 80,000,000 cubic meters. It blanketed an

area of about 230 sq. km. With this magnitude, the project site can be affected. The 1965 eruption killed 180 people and displaced 55,000 residents from the volcano island and

nearby settlements surrounding Taal Lake. Eruption column was 15 to 20 kms and the volume of ejecta was estimated at 40,000,000 cubic meters spread over an area of 60 sq. km. having an average of 25-cm thick tephra deposit. Mt. Banahaw Volcano

Mt. Banahaw is about 73 aerial kilometers southeast of the project site. It is located near the boundary of Quezon and Laguna provinces and approximately centered by geographic coordinates 14°04.0'N - 121°29.0'E (Figures 4.7). Its cone has an elevation of 2,158 meters

above mean sea level. The crater is 210 meters deep and breached at its southern rim. This is an andesite volcano.

There were four (4) recorded eruptions of the volcano. The first eruption was in 1730 and the last was on 1909 (?). The 1730 eruption burst open the crater rim. On January 12, 1743, it was reported that the volcano erupted again pouring out water and big rocks similar to 1730. Similar

volcanic event was reported in 1843, more than a century later. The town of Sariaya which was located farther to the west was moved to the present location after

many of the inhabitants’ houses were destroyed in 1730 eruption. The reported hazards during these eruptions were merely avalanches. Avalanches of boulder of

rocks and mud were produced by the breaking of natural dams formed at the outlet of the crater. In 1909, newspapers reported another eruption of Mt. Banahaw. It was however found out that the avalanches along the natural drainage channels of the volcano, were merely caused by the

breaching of a natural dam which was formed from a previous landslide, and liberated the accumulated water that subsequently brought with it rocks and other debris.

There is no known account of ash deposition of Mt. Banahaw reaching similar radius with that of either the Taal or Mt. Pinatubo volcano. However, the massive pyroclastic deposits within its slopes recorded the extent of its violent eruptions. These pyroclastics were deposited through

combine fluvial and aerial processes. The project site could also be affected by ashfall should a major eruption occur in Mt. Banahaw.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 43

Figure 4.7 Distribution of active and inactive volcanoes in Luzon (Phivolcs____)

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 44

Figure 4.8 Aerial distribution of tephra during the major eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on July 15, 1991 (NASA, 1991)

Figure 4.9 Distribution of fall in the Philippines and Southeast Asia after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo volcano

Source: Paladio-Melosantos, et al (199_)

Mt. Pinatubo Project Site

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 45 Mass Movements

Four (4) types of mass movements may occur in the area assuming that the development will be extensive for slope stabilization measures to be implemented prior to the wet season. These are debris or landslides, slump, and creep. The triggering mechanism for all the three is heavy rainfall

although the third may continue after a rainfall event. But for the movements to occur, the following factors must be present:

1. Slopes must be covered by loose materials 2. Gravity forces them to move downslopes 3. That force should be greater than the friction holding them together

4. Friction is reduced through external intervention especially water 5. Angle of repose is overcome. Creep Creep is a slow movement of earth mass, normally made up of soil over a more rigid underlay,

along a low-grade slope (Figure 4.10). Several factors control the rate of creep such water absorption and content of the materials, steepness of slope, type of earth materials, and vegetation. Creep can progress into slide when the materials are extremely s aturated. The

mining area can experience this phenomenon especially when the friction angles in surficial deposits are overcome by earth moving activities.

Figure 4.10 Creeping in a low-angled slope Slump

Slump is form of slide that allows a block of materials to move downslope in a rotational manner as differentiated from debris or landslides (Figure 4.11). This phenomenon can also happen when support from the footslopes are removed haphazardly causing blocks of loose materials to move

downslopes. The movement is illustrated in the figure below:

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 46

Figure 4.11 Slumping in step-wise fashion Slide

Debris slide refers to a movement in which a mass of earth materials moves downslope in a rapid fashion (Figure 4.12). During rainy season, loose materials along slopes at the site can be fully

saturated as to render them fluid thereby allowing to flow unhampered downslope. The movement is graphically described below:

Figure 4.12 A form of slide that involves rocks and soil Accelerated Erosion

Erosion is the process by which surficial materials are washed down the slopes by surface runoff. Based on actual observation of the areas that are not yet developed, only a few spots are

experiencing significant erosion. However, when earth movements are already ongoing, soil becomes exposed to surface runoff and easily carried down the natural drainage courses. Uncontrolled development often results to massive erosion. It generally starts from rilling and

develops into gullying then landslide and ultimately to debris or mudflow. This condition exists at the site (Photos 4.1 and 4.2)

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 47

Photo 4.1 Gullying of the disturbed areas inside the Mely block

Photo 4.2 A closer view of one of the gullies

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 48 Land Use

The area had been classified as mining area by the Municipality of DRT in recognition of the mining permit issued by the national government agency, Mines and Geosciences Bureau over the land. On protected areas, the mining claim is very close to the Angat Watershed although

runoff from the mining operational area is not directed to the dammed water of Angat River but to the opposite side of the watershed divide going to Biak-na-Bato River and eventually to Balaong River. At a distance and northwest of the project site lies the Biak-na-Bato National Park and

Biak-na-Bato Mineral Reserve Figure 4.13 below shows a composite map showing the land use, protected areas, and tenurial instruments among others. Figure 4.14 meanwhile presents a closer look at the boundary of Angat Watershed and the mining claim. This will be further verified during

the conversion of the claim from TLA to MPSA which is now ongoing. The distance separating the area of operation from the Angat Watershed Reservation boundary is more or less, 1.5 kms. Annex “H” presents the delineated protected areas mentioned above.

Figure 4.13 Composite map of DRT, Bulacan (DENR-III GIS, 2010)

Mining Claim

Area of Operation

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 49

Figure 4.14 Protected areas near the mining claim area including Angat Watershed

Reservation, Biak-na-Bato National Park and Biak-na-Bato Mineral Reservation

Sources: Angat Watershed: DENR-III

Mineral Reservation: MGB-III National Park: DENR-III


0 5 10 kms

150 05”

150 00”

140 55”

150 10”

150 15”

1210 15” 1210 00” 1210 10” 1210 05”

BiaknaBato Min’l Res

BiaknaBato Nat’l Park

Angat Watershed Reservation



Contour Line

Access Road

Mining Claim

Area of




EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 50 Terrestrial Ecology

This module presents the ecological impact assessment of the iron ore mining project of Ore Asia Development Corporation in Barangay Camachin, Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan to determine whether the mining claim and its surrounding areas support valuable plant and animal

communities that will be potentially impacted by the extraction of iron ores. Field studies were conducted on December 2-5, 2006 focusing on remnant tree stands of the

mining claim at the northwestern side to complement previous biodiversity studies on the same site last June 2-17, 2004 under Matatag Mining Corporation, the previous operator who was also the client of this preparer though the preparation of the EIS then was abandoned by the MMC

management. These studies provided direct assessment of the conservation value of the forest community based on ecological criteria such as species diversity, rarity, and endemism (Biggs et al., 1999). Specifically, these studies sought to:

1. Inventory the composition of tree stands, wildlife, and non-wood forest products; 2. Assess conservation value of the species recorded using IUCN and CITES criteria;

3. Identify and assess the ecological impacts of the iron ore mining project and propose mitigation measures; Approach and Methodology Ecological Profiling

The study will generally adopt the ecological profiling method using the following tools:

1. Vegetation analysis of forest and grassland communities within the mining claim and contiguous areas;

2. Enumeration of species of avifauna, herpetofauna, and volant and non-volant mammals;

3. Over-all assessment of the conservation value of the flora and fauna documented in the mining site. Field Sampling Methods Mapping of Vegetation

Habitat types were identified by ground ocular surveys and marked using a Global Positioning System, plotted on MapInfo

® Professional. Point-Center-Quarter Method (PCQM)

Point Center Quarter Method was conducted at Sitio Bakal and along Angat watershed boundary, involving a directional transect of at least 1.0 Km, with points set at either 5-m 10-m or 20-m intervals. At each point-interval, the four trees nearest to the central point were recorded and the

circumference-at-breast-height (CBH) measured. The CBH, distance of the tree from the central point of the Cartesian grid (NW, NE, SE or SW) and local name were recorded for each tree. Figure 4.15 describes the location and orientation of transect and wildlife surveys.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 51

Figure 4.15 Location and orientation of floristic and

wildlife surveys Belt Transect Tree stands along the old logging road were sampled using a continuous belt transect method,

where a belt quadrat measuring 5m x 20 m was established. Trees were identified and counted every 20 m. Frequency, CBH, and density for each species were measured.

In the northwest and middle portion of the mining claim, the belt quadrat measured 10 m x 20 m. Only frequency and density for each species were noted since trees generally had a DBH of below 10 in. 100% Inventory of Trees

Tree stands in the Mario claim with a CBH of at least 18 in. that directly overlie some iron ore deposits and where iron ores are abundant, were inventoried to assess its timber value.


Wildlife Survey Location

Floral Transect Survey


0 5 10 kms



Contour Line

Access Road

Mining Claim

Area of


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 52 Wildlife Sampling

Bats were sampled by mist-netting (Photo 4.3) for three nights using 4 m x 10 m, 36 mm mesh size nets for a total of twelve net-nights. Nets were set up near fruiting Ficus trees, in ridge tops and flyways. The age and sex of bats were determined and external measurements taken prior to

identification using the key to Philippine bats (Ingle and Heaney, 1992). After documentation, bats were revitalized with sugar solution and released back into the wild. Mist nets were also used to sample birds.

Birds were surveyed using the modified transect method (Bibby et al., 1992), where birds encountered along a transect line were recorded, but not the distance between the birds and the

observer. Birds were identified using local names by acoustic calls and visual appearance and with the aid of field guides (Rabor, 1977, 1986; Kennedy et al., 2000; Fisher and Hicks, 2000; Strange, 2000)

Frogs and lizards were sampled using the cruising method. Areas were thoroughly searched in search of frogs and lizards. All captured species of herpetofauna were subjected to morphometrics

(snout-vent length, SVL for amphibians), and snout-vent length, tail length (SVL) and total length (TL for reptiles). Identification of herpetofauna was based on Alcala (1986) and Alcala and Brown (1998).

For large mammals, survey techniques were by direct sightings, capture by use of native traps (Photo 4.4), and detection of footprints and droppings. The native traps were also effective in

capturing wild fowls, ground birds, and monitor lizards. Except for a juvenile macaque, the native traps were not able to trap other non-volant mammals. All captured animals were released after documentation.

Photo 4.3 Mist net used to capture bats and birds

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 53

Photo 4.4 Native traps (silo) Aquatic sampling

Benthic organisms in creeks and streams were sampled using the quadrat method (Photo 4.5). A 1.0 m

2 quadrat was laid out in random and the benthic organisms within the quadrat were

identified and counted.

Photo 4.5 Quadrat for sampling benthic

organisms in streams and creeks

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 54 Ecological Measurement

Relative measures of species density, frequency, and coverage were calculated using the following formulas (Brower, 1989):

Relative species density (RDi) is the number of individuals (Di) of a given species (ni) as a

proportion of the total number of individuals of all species (ni),


Di RDi

Frequency (f) is the chance of finding a given species within a sample, fi = ji/ki, where fi is the frequency of species i, ji is the number of quadrats in which species i occurs, and k is the total number of quadrats taken. Relative frequency is then the frequency of a given species ( fi) as a

proportion of the sum of the frequencies for all species (fi),


fi Rfi

Coverage was based on the basal area of trees using the formula:


)( 2nceCircumfereBasalArea

Importance value (IV) was determined from the sum of the relative measures of frequency,

coverage, and density. The importance value gives an over-all estimate of the influence or importance of a plant species in a community (Brower, 1989):

IVi = Rfi + RCi IVi = Rfi + RDi + RCi

Species diversity was computed using Simpson’s index of diversity, where a value close to 1.0 is considered highly diverse.




niniDs Description of Baseline Conditions Area Background

Doña Remedios Trinidad (DRT) comprises some 932.97 Km

2, about one-third of the province of

Bulacan along the northeastern part, bounded to the north by Nueva Ecija, Quezon province to the

east, and by the municipalities of San Miguel, San Ildefonso, San Rafael, Angat, and Norzagaray, Bulacan along its western-southern boundary (Figure 4.15). Doña Remedios Trinidad is an upland municipality encompassing 8 barangays and 70 sitios. About 2/3 of its land claims lies on steep

gradients, and about half is covered by forest reserves. Additional geophysical information on Doña Remedios Trinidad (DRT) is reported elsewhere (CSLUP, 2001).

Barangay Camachin, composed of nine sitios (Numero Dos, Dayap, Gugo, Bakal, Base Camp, Kalawang, Santol, Maputi, and Talagyo) is located 22 Km away from the Municipal Hall located in

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 55

Barangay Pulong Sampalok (Figure 4.15). Sitio Bakal and its vicinity is where the major iron resources are located, portions of which had been mined-out by the previous operator.

The lowland dipterocarp forests of Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan are probably one of few remaining forest communities closest to the greater Manila area. Typical of upland communities in

the country, these forests are no exception to slash-and-burn agriculture and small-scale illegal logging. Exacerbating forest degradation is the pervasive practice of charcoal making – some residents cut down forest trees, not sparing the small ones and process them into wood charcoal.

Due to lack of alternative and sustainable livelihood programs, charcoal making for years has gradually denuded its forested lands. This came to a halt when the previous claimant began its

mining operations, but charcoal-making resumed again when extraction activities stopped. Mineral resources like clay, silica, marble deposits, limestone, and iron ores also abound in Doña

Remedios Trinidad. These resources could be exploited to develop and uplift the socio-economic conditions of the upland communities through the provision of jobs and sustainable, alternative livelihood projects. Ideally, these projects are expected to wean the communities from heavy

dependence on forest resources. The proposed iron ore-mining project by OAMDC encroaches an area with considerable forest

cover dominated by dipterocarps, particularly in Sitio Bakal. Anecdotal reports suggest that iron ore extraction dates back to the time of Japanese occupation. “Camote mining” has been going on for years, destroying some areas of the forest. Sitio Bakal and its vicinity were part of a logging

concession that extracted timber until the late 80s. Apparently, the primary forest cover was obliterated and replaced by Lauan-malagiso-baltikan dominated secondary forests at the northern side of Sitio Bakal.

Extraction of mineral deposits generally subjects the forest ecosystem and the contiguous ecological units to serious ecological impacts associated with removal of vegetation. However,

within the framework of ecologically sustainable development, these impacts can be mitigated and affected areas can be rehabilitated through an environmental remediation and impact management plan.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 56

Figure 4.16 Map of Doña Remedios Trinidad showing mining claim area Description of Study Area

Figure 4.16 shows the location of the mining claim area relative to Mt. Silad on the northeastern portion, the Angat River Watershed in the southwestern boundary, and the nursery (CBFMA) in the southwestern part. Figure 4.17 describes the location and orientation of vegetation and wildlife

surveys in the 442-hectare mining claim.

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 57

Figure 4.17 Location of the mining claim relative to Mt. Silad and CBFMA overlaid on a general slope map

Note: 100% slope is equivalent to 45O. Recent Dendrological Surveys 100% inventory of tree stands in the Mario Claim focused on trees with a CBH of at least 18 in. In

the areas recently surveyed, Mario appeared to have the largest CBHs surveyed dominated by malagiso in some areas and yakal in others. Some dipterocarps surveyed in Mario are premium species and have very high timber value.



0 1 2 km



Contour Line

Access Road

Mining Claim

Area of


5-25% Slope

25-60% Slope

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 58

Tree stands of the Mely claim are few with smaller CBHs and were broken by grassland communities, resulting from localized, interior logging activities. Trees were surveyed by Point -

Center-Quarter Method Previous Dendrological Surveys Northeast Transect

Survey of tree stands in the northeast portion in Sitio Bakal followed a directional point -center quarter transect, approximately 2.0 Km in length, with points spaced every 10 m. Trees were generally dominated by white Lauan (Shorea contorta) and other dipterocarps (Photo 4.6).

Understory vegetation is dominated by saplings of trees among a relatively thick leaf litter, with sparse distribution of yantok (Calamus sp.) and pandan (Pandanus sp.). The northeast boundary is characterized by open space (parang) with suffrutescent herb and shrub-dominated vegetation

such as Lantana camara, Chromolaena odorata, Calopogonium muconoides, Sachharum spontaneum, and Imperata cylindrical (Photo 4.7).

Photo 4.6 Left – Lauan and other dipterocarps overlying iron ore bodies in Sitio Bakal; Right – forest cover in Sitio Bakal

Photo 4.7 Parang vegetation in the northeast boundary of the mining claim Angat Watershed Boundary Transect Transect surveys covered approximately 2.7 Km in length along ridge tops bordering the Angat

watershed to the southeast, dominated by makabingaw and white Lauan. Understory vegetation is dense, dominated by pandan, yantok, erect palms (Pinanga sp.) and tree ferns (Cyathea sp.). The CBH of most trees surveyed was smaller compared to trees in Sitio Bakal (Photo 4.8). There were

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 59

several abandoned pugon for charcoal making. Almaciga, a protected species was encountered in this site. Accordingly, stands of almaciga used to be abundant in this area.

Photo 4.8 Left - forest strip in the southeastern part of the mining claim; Right – interior

of the forest Logging Road Transect

Tree stands on the right side of the logging road to the north were surveyed using the belt transect method. The logging road is interrupted by cogonal areas resulting from previous clearing.

Considerable forest cover was evident on the way to Sitio Bakal. Northwestern Boundary Transect

The area is entirely cogonal with residual forest patches remaining in steep gullies (Photos 4.9 and 4.10). Tree stands are dominated by pioneer species such as tibig and hawili. According to a local

guide, the area is covered by a stewardship contract with DENR.

Photo 4.9 Left – remnant forest pocket in the northwestern portion; Right – Mt. Silad as

seen from the northwestern boundary showing denuded areas to the far left

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 60

Photo 4.10 Left – cogonal areas in the northwestern portion; Right – denuded areas surrounding the northwestern boundary of the mining claim Community Agroforestry Transect Surveys covered the middle part of the mining claim from the checkpoint area down to agroforestry

areas. The area was steep and a considerable portion has been logged for charcoal making (Photos 4.11 and 4.12). A clearing along a steep slope was discovered to haul the logs down the pugon. The transect meandered through parang and agricultural areas planted with coffee,

banana, langka, mango, and other fruit trees.

Photo 4.11 Left – kaingin in the middle part of the mining claim; Right – one of several active pugon in the mining claim for charcoal making

Photo 4.12 Other kaingin areas in the mining claim

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 61 Prevailing Ecological Conditions

Four habitat types are recognized in the study area – parang vegetation, a Lauan-malagiso-bagtikan-dominated secondary forest in Sitio Bakal, a regrowth or regeneration zone along the Angat watershed, and a mixed agricultural area that intergrades with the parang vegetation

(Figure 4.18). Gross estimates of the areal coverages of the various habitat types suggest that the secondary forest concentrated near the northeastern portion covers about 45% of the mining claim and the regrowth zone about 30%. The parang vegetation and mixed agricultural area cover 15%

and 10%, respectively, of the mining claim. In terms of habitat quality, the secondary forest is a premium habitat for wildlife, typically for the

canopy fliers like the Bucerus hydrocorax (kalaw), birds, and mammals restricted to forest habitat. The dipterocarp forest is in fact a kalaw corridor extending to the regrowth area and the adjoining forests of the Angat watershed and Mt. Silad. Kalaw calls were frequently heard in the Lauan-

bagkikan forest and the regrowth zone. Disturbances within Sitio Bakal are kaingin for cash crops like corn and rice, charcoal-making, and clearings for “camote” mining.

The understorey vegetation in the secondary forest is dominated by saplings of trees growing on a relatively thick leaf litter. The forest floor is generally devoid of herbaceous vegetation, except for occasional growth of ferns, orchids, pandan, and rattan. The circumference of most tree trunks,

however, is higher than 40 in, with some Lauan, kupang, and balete trees exhibiting CBH greater than 100 in. In the regrowth zone, the CBH of most trees ranged between 15-20 in, but has a dense understorey vegetation dominated by several species of pandan, rattan, tree ferns, and

erect palms (Pinanga sp.). The regrowth zone is also an important bird site. The parang areas are dominated by pioneer species typical of transitional seres like tibig, hawili,

and Macaranga sp. interspersed among dense growth of cogon, talahib, and sili -silihan (Chromolaena odorata). The agricultural areas are planted with coffee, jackfruit, Musa sp., corn, rice, and other cash crops. Exotic species of plants noted in the site are mahogany, gmelina, and

ipil. The nursery area adjoining the southwestern part of the mining claim was planted with mahogany in the 70s and is now an important source of mahogany seedlings, providing alternative livelihood to the community. The presence of several vulnerable, endangered, and critically

endangered flora and fauna in the mining claim area suggests that biodiversity conservation should be a primary concern of the iron mining project. Dendrological Surveys A total of 109 species of trees, distributed among 36 families were identified within the mining

claim using a combination of belt transect, census, and point -center quarter methods, representing about 27% of the 123 known families of trees in Philippine islands (Rojo, 1999).

Figure 4.18 Families of trees documented in the mining claim

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 62

The mine site is dominated by Dipterocarpaceae (13%.) and Moraceae (11%), followed by Mimosaceae (7%), Fabaceae (5%), Myrtaceae (5%), and Sapindaceae (5%) (Figure 4.19). The

rest of the species recorded represented either one or two families. Table 4.2 lists the families of trees documented in the mining claim.

Table 4.2 List of trees documented in the mining claim

Family Scientific Name Common Name

Anacardiaceae Semecarpus cuneiformis Ligas

Mangifera indica Manga

Mangifera altissima Pahutan

Apocynaceae Alstonia scholaris Dita

Wrightia laniti Laniti

Araliaceae Polyscias nodusa Malapapaya

Araucariaceae Agathis philippinensis Almaciga

Bombacaceae Salmalia malabarica Malabulak

Burseraceae Canarium luzonicum Malapili

Canarium sp. 1 Palasahingin

Canarium sp. 2 Piling gubat

Canarium sp. 3 Sahing

Caesalpiniaceae Afzelia rhomboidea Tindalo

Combretaceae Terminalia microcarpa Kalumpit

Terminalia sp. Kalumpit gubat

Terminalia citrine Pahubo

Dilleniaceae Dillenia philippinensis Katmon

Dillenia luzoniensis Malakatmon

Dipterocarpaceae Shorea almon Almon

Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Apitong

Parashorea malaanonan Baltikan

Shorea guiso Giso

Shorea polita Malaanonang

Shorea plagata Malagiso

Hopea acuminata Manggachapoy

Shorea palosapis Mayapis

Pterocarpus indicus Narra

Anisoptera thurifera Palosapis

Shorea negrosensis Red Lauan

Shorea polysperma Tangile

Shorea sp. Tangileng Gatasan

Shorea contorta White Lauan

Shorea astylosa Yakal

Ebenaceae Diospyrus philosanthera Bulong-eta

Diospyrus discolor Kamagong

Euphorbiaceae Antidesma ghaesembilla Binayuyu

Macaranga tanarius Binunga

Aleurites moluccana Lumbang

Macaranga grandiflora Takip asin

Fabaceae Ormosia calavensis Bahay

Erythrina orientalis Dapdap

Gliricidia sepium Kakawate

Albizia sp. Malasampaloc

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 63

Family Scientific Name Common Name

Albizia saponaria Malatuko

Fagaceae Castanea mollissima Kastanyas

Lithocarpus caudatifolius Makabingaw

Guttiferae Garcinia binucao Binukaw

Calophyllum blancoi Bitanghol

Garcinia venulosa Gatasan

Cratoxylum blancoi Guyong-guyong

Lauraceae cinnamomum mercadoi Kalingag

Alseodaphne malabonga Malabunga

Neolitsea vidalii Pusopuso

Lecythidaceae Petersianthus quadrialatus Toog

Leeaceae Leea philippinensis Kalyantang

Lythraceae Lagerstroemia speciosa Banaba

Melastomaceae Memecyclon ovatum Kulis

Meliaceae Toona kalantas Kalantas

Aglaia luzoniensis Lansones gubat

Sandoricum vidalii Malasantol

Sandoricum koetjape Santol

Mimosaceae Samanea saman Acacia

Albizia procera Ananapla

Paraserianthes falcataria Falcata

Leucaena glauca Ipil

Park ia timoriana Kupang

Albizia lebbekoides Malaganit

Albizia philippinensis Unik

Moraceae Ficus sp. Aga

Artocarpus blancoi Antipolo

Artocarpus ovata Anubing

Ficus ulmifolia Asis

Ficus balete Balete

Ficus minahassae Hagimit

Ficus septica Hawili

Broussonetia luzonica Himbabao

Ficus congesta Malatibig

Artocarpus heterophylla Nangka

Ficus variegata Tangisang bayawak

Ficus nota Tibig

Ficus sp. Tibig maliit

Myristicaceae Myristica philipensis Mabolong gubat

Syzygium sp. Makopang gubat

Tristaniopsis decorticata Malabayabas

Syzygium sp. Malamakopa

Syzygium sp. Malaruhat

Decaspermum blancoi Pulang balat Mario Claim

A total of 1992 individual trees representing 78 species and 30 families were counted in the Mario site of the mining claim, largely dominated by malagiso and yakal with relative species density of

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 64

25.85% and 10.4%, respectively (Figure 4.19). Top five importance values (Figure 4.20) indicate that malagiso (107.09) is a keystone species, followed by yakal (17.86), bagtik an (6.12),

malaanonang (4.79), and tangile (3.86), all dipterocarps. Full listing of trees in the Marion claim is shown in Table 4.3.

Figure 4.19 Relative density of trees documented in the Mario claim

Figure 4.20 Importance values of trees documented in the Mario claim

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 65

Table 4.3 Inventory of trees in the Mario claim using the census method

Common Name Total No. of



CBH (m)

Total Basal

Area (m2)

Total Height


Relative Species

Density (RSD)

Relative Basal

Area (m2)



Malagiso 515 675.16 36275.28 5809.49 25.8534 81.2367 107.0901

Yakal 207 204.75 3336.15 2008.02 10.3916 7.4712 17.8627 Bagtikan 76 113.79 1030.44 909.52 3.8153 2.3076 6.1229 Malaanonang 81 63.86 324.49 369.42 4.0663 0.7267 4.7929

Tangile 64 60.27 289.11 494.08 3.2129 0.6474 3.8603 Giso 60 68.58 374.28 715.67 3.0120 0.8382 3.8502 Malasantol 57 55.65 246.46 467.87 2.8614 0.5519 3.4134

Makabingaw 56 55.14 241.98 377.34 2.8112 0.5419 3.3532 Kupang 35 90.40 650.32 438.61 1.7570 1.4564 3.2134 Malaruhat 49 53.47 227.50 428.24 2.4598 0.5095 2.9693

Alopay 52 41.22 135.24 381.30 2.6104 0.3029 2.9133 Red Lauan 38 56.87 257.38 438.30 1.9076 0.5764 2.4840 Pahutan 40 46.76 174.01 445.01 2.0080 0.3897 2.3977

Palosapis 38 35.48 100.20 322.48 1.9076 0.2244 2.1320 Malabunga 36 32.56 84.38 361.19 1.8072 0.1890 1.9962 Pulang Balat 31 33.91 91.50 252.68 1.5562 0.2049 1.7611

Guyongguyong 29 29.34 68.49 237.44 1.4558 0.1534 1.6092 Malapapaya 28 28.80 66.02 281.33 1.4056 0.1479 1.5535 Kulis 27 19.71 30.92 195.38 1.3554 0.0692 1.4247

Apitong 27 19.41 29.97 257.86 1.3554 0.0671 1.4225 Aga 24 27.66 60.89 139.60 1.2048 0.1364 1.3412 White Lauan 24 25.02 49.81 251.46 1.2048 0.1116 1.3164

Malaikmo 21 15.62 19.42 133.81 1.0542 0.0435 1.0977 Kurusan 21 13.74 15.03 161.54 1.0542 0.0337 1.0879 Bolong eta 18 18.75 27.96 150.27 0.9036 0.0626 0.9662

Malasahing 18 15.42 18.92 146.91 0.9036 0.0424 0.9460 Binuang 17 21.69 37.44 140.21 0.8534 0.0839 0.9373 Tangisang Bayawak 17 17.75 25.09 115.82 0.8534 0.0562 0.9096

Pahobo 16 23.22 42.89 213.36 0.8032 0.0961 0.8993 Dungon 15 18.31 26.69 153.92 0.7530 0.0598 0.8128 Palasahingin 15 14.61 16.97 13.72 0.7530 0.0380 0.7910

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 66

Common Name Total No. of Individuals

Total CBH (m)

Total Basal Area (m


Total Height (m)

Relative Species

Density (RSD)

Relative Basal

Area (m2)

Importance Value

Balite 12 26.16 54.47 142.95 0.6024 0.1220 0.7244 Antipolo 13 10.36 8.55 132.59 0.6526 0.0191 0.6717 Lansones Gubat 12 9.53 7.22 86.26 0.6024 0.0162 0.6186

Suriki 11 13.21 13.88 124.36 0.5522 0.0311 0.5833 Mayapis 10 14.91 17.69 113.69 0.5020 0.0396 0.5416 Almon 10 11.79 11.05 131.06 0.5020 0.0248 0.5268

Santol 10 10.49 8.76 49.38 0.5020 0.0196 0.5216 Mandurugo 10 9.75 7.57 86.26 0.5020 0.0170 0.5190 Bahai 9 12.52 12.48 79.25 0.4518 0.0279 0.4798

Tibig maliit 9 6.50 3.36 42.98 0.4518 0.0075 0.4593 Bitanghol 8 9.98 7.93 72.24 0.4016 0.0178 0.4194 Malakamyas 8 8.13 5.26 50.29 0.4016 0.0118 0.4134

Katmon 8 5.11 2.07 49.68 0.4016 0.0046 0.4063 red mayapis 7 15.62 19.42 108.81 0.3514 0.0435 0.3949 kalumpit 7 14.66 17.09 90.83 0.3514 0.0383 0.3897

kalantas 7 13.00 13.46 89.92 0.3514 0.0301 0.3815 Balakat 7 12.07 11.58 81.69 0.3514 0.0259 0.3773 Anubing 7 8.36 5.56 52.73 0.3514 0.0124 0.3639

Tambaliwis 7 5.72 2.60 77.72 0.3514 0.0058 0.3572 Acacia 6 13.97 15.53 40.23 0.3012 0.0348 0.3360 manggachappui 6 9.25 6.80 94.18 0.3012 0.0152 0.3164

Kastanyas 5 6.81 3.69 55.17 0.2510 0.0083 0.2593 Malaasis 5 6.30 3.16 29.57 0.2510 0.0071 0.2581 Tibig malaki 5 4.45 1.57 21.34 0.2510 0.0035 0.2545

Toog 4 11.79 11.05 47.24 0.2008 0.0248 0.2256 Banaba 4 5.23 2.18 36.58 0.2008 0.0049 0.2057 Dita 3 3.30 0.87 35.05 0.1506 0.0019 0.1525

Malasampaloc 3 2.46 0.48 17.68 0.1506 0.0011 0.1517 Malasambong 3 2.41 0.46 16.76 0.1506 0.0010 0.1516 Mabolong gubat 2 3.45 0.95 24.69 0.1004 0.0021 0.1025

Bangkal 2 1.32 0.14 9.14 0.1004 0.0003 0.1007 Pusopuso 2 1.32 0.14 18.29 0.1004 0.0003 0.1007 Laniti 2 1.30 0.13 16.76 0.1004 0.0003 0.1007

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 67

Common Name Total No. of Individuals

Total CBH (m)

Total Basal Area (m


Total Height (m)

Relative Species

Density (RSD)

Relative Basal

Area (m2)

Importance Value

Malatuko 2 1.27 0.13 10.67 0.1004 0.0003 0.1007 Asis 2 1.14 0.10 11.58 0.1004 0.0002 0.1006 Kamagong 1 2.03 0.33 12.19 0.0502 0.0007 0.0509

Betis 1 1.88 0.28 12.19 0.0502 0.0006 0.0508 Himbabao 1 1.52 0.18 9.14 0.0502 0.0004 0.0506 Malabiwas 1 1.12 0.10 12.19 0.0502 0.0002 0.0504

Malabokbok 1 0.86 0.06 6.40 0.0502 0.0001 0.0503 Hanadyung 1 0.84 0.06 6.10 0.0502 0.0001 0.0503 Tindalo 1 0.79 0.05 5.49 0.0502 0.0001 0.0503

Ligas 1 0.61 0.03 3.66 0.0502 0.0001 0.0503 Binayuyo 1 0.53 0.02 3.05 0.0502 0.0001 0.0503 Salab 1 0.48 0.02 4.57 0.0502 0.0000 0.0502

Aneng 1 0.46 0.02 6.10 0.0502 0.0000 0.0502 Hawili 1 0.43 0.01 4.57 0.0502 0.0000 0.0502

TOTAL 1,992 2,302.11 44,653.79 19,045.12 100.0000 100.0000 200.0000

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 68 Mely Claim

In the Mely claim, only 406 individual trees were counted using the Point Center Quarter Method, of which 65 species in 28 families were identified. Species density was dominated by Malagiso with a relative density of 13.05%, compared to Binuang (29%), Aga (7.39%), kurusan

(7.14%), and white Lauan (3.20%) (Figure 4.21). The highest importance value was noted for malagiso (59.49), followed by binuang (23.96), aga (22.7), white Lauan (19.79), and kurusan (18.56) (Figure 4.22). Full listing of trees in the Marion claim is shown in Table 4.4.

Figure 4.21 Relative density of trees documented in the Mario claim

Figure 4.22 Importance values of trees documented in the Mario claim

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 69

Table 4.4 Composition of trees in the Mely claim using the PCQM Method

Common Name

Density Freq CBH (m) Basal Area

PPD (m) Height (m) RD RF RBA IV

Malagiso 53 33.90 43.69 151.88 169.5 574.85 13.05 10.81 35.62 59.49

Binuang 29 21.19 23.22 42.89 100.5 344.42 7.14 6.76 10.06 23.96

Aga 30 16.95 23.04 42.23 112.7 215.49 7.39 5.41 9.90 22.70

White Lauan 13 11.02 26.47 55.74 103.7 267.00 3.20 3.51 13.07 19.79

Kurusan 29 21.19 15.80 19.86 116 253.59 7.14 6.76 4.65 18.56

Alopay 25 16.95 14.78 17.39 81 175.86 6.16 5.41 4.07 15.64

Giso 14 11.86 11.94 11.34 52.5 159.10 3.45 3.78 2.66 9.89

Malapapaya 13 11.02 12.14 11.73 42.5 140.51 3.20 3.51 2.75 9.47

Yakal 10 8.47 14.15 15.92 28 94.48 2.46 2.70 3.73 8.90

Makabingaw 13 11.02 10.77 9.23 37.5 92.354 3.20 3.51 2.16 8.88

Guyong-guyong 13 11.02 8.41 5.62 49.5 138.68 3.20 3.51 1.31 8.03

Red Lauan 9 7.63 10.92 9.49 29 94.48 2.22 2.43 2.22 6.88

Pulang Balat 9 7.63 6.63 3.49 23 63.09 2.22 2.43 0.82 5.47

Malaanonang 9 7.63 6.02 2.88 35 64.00 2.22 2.43 0.67 5.33

Apitong 7 5.93 4.85 1.87 24 64.92 1.72 1.89 0.43 4.06

Asis 7 5.93 3.68 1.07 27 41.14 1.72 1.89 0.25 3.87

Malasantol 6 5.08 6.02 2.88 19 70.10 1.48 1.62 0.67 3.78

Malabunga 5 4.24 6.50 3.36 19 65.53 1.23 1.35 0.78 3.37

Mala-asis 6 5.08 3.66 1.06 18 39.01 1.48 1.62 0.24 3.35

Kulis 6 5.08 3.45 0.95 14.5 41.45 1.48 1.62 0.22 3.32

Malasambong 6 5.08 2.72 0.58 24 33.83 1.48 1.62 0.13 3.24

Palosapis 5 4.24 4.27 1.44 14 57.91 1.23 1.35 0.33 2.92

Pahobo 5 4.24 3.58 1.02 22 55.47 1.23 1.35 0.23 2.82

Mandurugo 5 4.24 0.38 0.01 0.5 3.04 1.23 1.35 0.00 2.59

Bolong eta 4 3.39 3.33 0.88 13 38.40 0.99 1.08 0.20 2.27

Tibig maliit 4 3.39 2.59 0.53 17 23.77 0.99 1.08 0.12 2.19

Malaruhat 4 3.39 2.31 0.42 12.5 35.052 0.99 1.08 0.09 2.17

Lansones gubat 4 3.39 2.24 0.39 14 32.00 0.99 1.08 0.09 2.16

Tibig 4 3.39 1.98 0.31 6 24.99 0.99 1.08 0.07 2.14

Santol 4 3.39 1.78 0.25 7.7 19.81 0.99 1.08 0.05 2.13

Malasahingin 3 2.54 5.41 2.32 12 27.43 0.74 0.81 0.54 2.10

Bagtikan 3 2.54 2.92 0.67 10 30.48 0.74 0.81 0.15 1.71

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 70

Common Name

Density Freq CBH (m) Basal Area

PPD (m) Height (m) RD RF RBA IV

Dungun 3 2.54 2.74 0.59 12 33.83 0.74 0.81 0.14 1.69

Malaikmo 3 2.54 1.32 0.13 8 16.76 0.74 0.81 0.03 1.58

Balete 2 1.69 5.33 2.26 12 12.80 0.49 0.54 0.53 1.56

Kalantas 2 1.69 2.03 0.32 4 21.33 0.49 0.54 0.07 1.11

Banaba 2 1.69 1.73 0.23 8 10.66 0.49 0.54 0.05 1.09

Antipolo 2 1.69 1.57 0.19 10 21.33 0.49 0.54 0.04 1.08

Anubing 2 1.69 1.52 0.18 4 17.67 0.49 0.54 0.04 1.08

Takip asin 2 1.69 1.40 0.15 7 16.76 0.49 0.54 0.03 1.07

Suriki 2 1.69 1.27 0.12 6 12.19 0.49 0.54 0.03 1.06

Himbabao 2 1.69 1.24 0.12 8 10.66 0.49 0.54 0.02 1.06

Malatuko 2 1.69 1.22 0.11 9.5 10.36 0.49 0.54 0.02 1.06

Puso-puso 2 1.69 1.14 0.10 6 16.76 0.49 0.54 0.02 1.06

Dita 2 1.69 0.91 0.06 8 16.76 0.49 0.54 0.01 1.05

Aneng 2 1.69 0.86 0.05 1 12.19 0.49 0.54 0.01 1.05

Mayapis 1 0.85 2.79 0.62 5 24.38 0.25 0.27 0.14 0.66

Tangileng Gatasan 1 0.85 2.74 0.59 9 28.95 0.25 0.27 0.14 0.66

Kastanyas 1 0.85 1.27 0.12 2 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.03 0.55

Tangisang Bayawak 1 0.85 1.02 0.08 3 12.19 0.25 0.27 0.01 0.54

Salab 1 0.85 0.76 0.04 4 12.19 0.25 0.27 0.01 0.53

Katmon 1 0.85 0.74 0.04 2 4.57 0.25 0.27 0.01 0.53

Kupang 1 0.85 0.64 0.03 5 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Manggang Paho? 1 0.85 0.64 0.03 3 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Tangile 1 0.85 0.64 0.03 4 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Hawili 1 0.85 0.58 0.02 2 5.48 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Tambaliwis 1 0.85 0.51 0.02 4 5.48 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Tibig malaki 1 0.85 0.51 0.02 2 4.57 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Bunga-bungahan 1 0.85 0.48 0.01 4 10.66 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Mala as-is 1 0.85 0.46 0.01 5 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Narra 1 0.85 0.46 0.01 6 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Bitanghol 1 0.85 0.41 0.01 1 6.09 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Malabiwas 1 0.85 0.38 0.01 5 9.14 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Putting Kahoy 1 0.85 0.36 0.01 5 5.48 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

Bangkal 1 0.85 0.23 0.00 2 3.04 0.25 0.27 0.00 0.52

TOTAL 406 313.56 329.54 426.3 1431.15 3781.34 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 71 Northeast Transect

Along the northeast transect (Table 4.5), 705 individuals were counted, representing 71 species, dominated by white Lauan (Shorea contorta), with 224 individuals and an importance value of 90.51, followed by yakal (Shorea gisok ), with an importance value of 14.54, and red Lauan

(Shorea negrosensis), and guijo (Shorea guiso), with importance values of 11.09 and 11.07, respectively, all under Dipterocarpaceae. Species diversity calculation revealed a Simpson’s value of 0.88

In a parallel inventory (census) of trees confined within the 9-hectare area of Sitio Bakal, a total of 25 species, representing 13 families were identified excluding miscellaneous species (Table 4.6)

(Dicolen and Opague, 2004). Species density was dominated by dipterocarps, typically Lauan and bagtikan followed by tangile, red Lauan, yakal, palosapis, and mayapis.

Table 4.5 Composition of trees in the northeast portion of the mining claim

Common name Species Density

Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency


1. White Lauan 224 84.28 66.00 31.77 38.65 20.09 90.51

2. Yakal 29 13.12 14.50 4.11 6.02 4.41 14.54

3. Red Lauan 8 12.41 14.00 1.13 5.69 4.26 11.09

4. Giso 28 6.18 14.00 3.97 2.83 4.26 11.07

5. Malasantol 25 5.04 13.00 3.55 2.31 3.96 9.82

6. Makabingaw 28 3.40 14.00 3.97 1.56 4.26 9.79

7. Balete 15 10.17 7.50 2.13 4.66 2.28 9.07

8. Bulong eta 19 5.98 9.50 2.70 2.74 2.89 8.33

9. Tibig 21 1.37 10.50 2.98 0.63 3.20 6.80

10. Malaruhat 16 4.07 8.00 2.27 1.87 2.44 6.57

11. Aga 15 2.76 7.50 2.13 1.26 2.28 5.68

12. Tangile 13 2.99 6.50 1.84 1.37 1.98 5.19

13. Sahing 11 3.83 5.50 1.56 1.76 1.67 4.99

14. Pahutan 12 2.20 6.00 1.70 1.01 1.83 4.54

15. Pusopuso 1 0.04 14.00 0.14 0.02 4.26 4.42

16. Malaganit 12 5.08 1.00 1.70 2.33 0.30 4.34

17. Mayapis 10 2.98 5.00 1.42 1.37 1.52 4.31

18. Dungon 8 4.24 4.00 1.13 1.94 1.22 4.30

19. Katmon 9 3.00 4.00 1.28 1.38 1.22 3.87

20. Malagiso 12 0.66 6.00 1.70 0.30 1.83 3.83

21. Kupang 8 3.10 4.00 1.13 1.42 1.22 3.78

22. Haginit 11 0.97 5.50 1.56 0.44 1.67 3.68

23. Kalumpit 10 1.46 5.00 1.42 0.67 1.52 3.61

24. Piling gubat 8 2.08 4.00 1.13 0.95 1.22 3.31

25. Alopay 9 1.35 4.50 1.28 0.62 1.37 3.27

26. Nato 6 2.67 3.50 0.85 1.22 1.07 3.14

27. Guyongguyong 8 1.40 4.00 1.13 0.64 1.22 2.99

28. Tukyan 4 4.59 1.00 0.57 2.11 0.30 2.98

29. Apitong 7 1.36 3.50 0.99 0.62 1.07 2.68

30. Malaikmo 4 0.52 5.50 0.57 0.24 1.67 2.48

31. Pahubo 5 1.99 2.50 0.71 0.91 0.76 2.38

32. Kurusan 7 0.61 3.50 0.99 0.28 1.07 2.34

33. Manggatchapuy 5 1.63 2.50 0.71 0.75 0.76 2.22

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 72

Common name Species Density

Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency


34. Binunga 4 3.23 0.50 0.57 1.48 0.15 2.20

35. Hanudyong 6 0.76 3.00 0.85 0.35 0.91 2.11

36. Malasahing 4 1.81 2.00 0.57 0.83 0.61 2.01

37. Tangisang bayawak 6 0.41 3.00 0.85 0.19 0.91 1.95

38. Makopang gubat 5 0.59 2.50 0.71 0.27 0.76 1.74

39. Mabolong gubat 5 0.67 2.00 0.71 0.31 0.61 1.63

40. Balingbing gubat 4 0.93 2.00 0.57 0.43 0.61 1.60

41. Gatasan 4 0.90 2.00 0.57 0.41 0.61 1.59

42. Malaanunang 4 0.45 2.00 0.57 0.21 0.61 1.38

43. Pulangbalat 3 1.05 1.50 0.43 0.48 0.46 1.37

44. Kalantas 3 1.02 1.50 0.43 0.47 0.46 1.35

45. Malakamyas 4 0.38 2.00 0.57 0.17 0.61 1.35

46. Malapapaya 4 0.26 2.00 0.57 0.12 0.61 1.29

47. Almon 3 0.96 1.00 0.43 0.44 0.30 1.17

48. Betis 2 1.12 1.00 0.28 0.51 0.30 1.10

49. Mala asis 3 0.47 1.50 0.43 0.21 0.46 1.10

50. Palosapis 3 0.48 1.50 0.43 0.22 0.46 1.10

51. Ligas 3 0.40 1.50 0.43 0.18 0.46 1.07

52. Toog 2 0.20 2.00 0.28 0.09 0.61 0.98

53. Lansones gubat 3 0.19 1.50 0.43 0.09 0.46 0.97

54. Binuwang 1 0.17 2.00 0.14 0.08 0.61 0.83

55. Malatibig 1 1.16 0.50 0.14 0.53 0.15 0.82

56. Bitanghol 2 0.44 1.00 0.28 0.20 0.30 0.79

57. Dita 2 0.26 1.00 0.28 0.12 0.30 0.71

58. Suriki 2 0.23 1.00 0.28 0.11 0.30 0.69

59. Malabayabas 1 0.03 1.50 0.14 0.01 0.46 0.61

60. Malabulac 2 0.26 0.50 0.28 0.12 0.15 0.55

61. Bagtikan 1 0.34 0.50 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.45

62. Bangkal 1 0.32 0.50 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.44

63. Kamagong 1 0.33 0.50 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.44

64. Kulis 1 0.22 0.50 0.14 0.10 0.15 0.39

65. Tambaliwis 1 0.18 0.50 0.14 0.08 0.15 0.38

66. Asis 1 0.13 0.50 0.14 0.06 0.15 0.35

67. Antipolo 1 0.06 0.50 0.14 0.03 0.15 0.32

68. Falcata 1 0.05 0.50 0.14 0.02 0.15 0.32

69. Aning 1 0.03 0.50 0.14 0.01 0.15 0.31

70. Mulawin 1 0.04 0.50 0.14 0.02 0.15 0.31

71. Malasambong 1 0.02 0.50 0.14 0.01 0.15 0.30

Total 705 218.06 328.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 73

Table 4.6. Summary of the inventory of trees within the 9-hectare mining project of Matatag Mining Corporation in Sitio Bakal, Barangay Camachin, Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan (Dicolen and Opague, 2004)

Common Name Scientific Name Species Density

Timber Volume (m


Bagtikan Parashorea malaanonan (DIPT.) 493 62.098

White Lauan Shorea contorta (DIP.) 446 54.820

Tangile Shorea polysperma (DIP.) 319 38.550

Red Lauan Shorea negrosensis (DIP.) 207 25.323

Yakal Shorea astylosa (DIP.) 219 24.679

Palosapis Anisoptera thurifera (DIP.) 214 24.314

Mayapis Shorea Palosapis (DIP.) 211 24.258

Kupang Park ia Timoriana (MIM.) 178 22.611

Binuang Octomeles Sumatrana (DAT.) 188 19.213

Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus (DIP.) 155 16.715

Tibig Ficus nota (MOR.) 231 14.355

Katmon Dillenia philippinensis (DILL.) 126 11.382

Malaguijo Shorea plagata (DIP.) 91 10.617

Ipil-ipil Leucaena leucocephala (MIM.) 98 5.596

Palosanto Triplaris cumingiana (POLY.) 37 3.477

Tiaong Shorea ovata (DIP.) 27 3.428

Tindalo Afzelia rhomboidea (CAESAL.) 18 2.534

Kakawate Gliricidia sepium (FAB.) 30 2.231

Guijo Shorea guiso (DIP.) 12 1.424

Amugis Koordersiodendron pinnatum (ANAC.) 14 1.216

Kalantas Toona calantas (MELIAC.) 3 0.319

Akleng Parang Albizia procera (MIM.) 2 0.212

Anabiong Trema orientalis (ULM.) 2 0.141

Malakamias Ailanthus triphysa (SIM.) 1 0.080

Binayuyo Antidesma ghaesembilla (EUPH.) 1 0.067

Miscellaneous - 328 62.067

Total 3,651 431.728 Angat Watershed Boundary

Transect surveys along the Angat watershed-southeast boundary recorded a total of 538 individuals, representing 51 species, dominated by Makabingaw with 120 individuals and an importance value of 89.3, followed by Lauan with 84 individuals and an importance value of 45.20

(Table 4.7). Other dominant species include nato (Palaquium luzoniense), kastanyas, pulang balat, Mayapis (Shorea squamata) and red Lauan (Shorea negrosensis). Species diversity was calculated to be 0.89, not a far value from that of Sitio Bakal.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 74

Table 4.7 Composition of trees along Angat Watershed-southwest boundary

Common Name Species Density

Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency

Importance Value

1. Makabingaw 120 8.523965 88.89 22.30 15.20 22.30 59.81

2. Lauan 84 7.825156 62.22 15.61 13.96 15.61 45.18

3. Nato 55 7.321907 40.74 10.22 13.06 10.22 33.50

4. Kastanyas 49 3.879771 36.30 9.11 6.92 9.11 25.14

5. Pulang Balat 23 3.814259 17.04 4.28 6.80 4.28 15.35

6. Mayapis 26 2.998392 19.26 4.83 5.35 4.83 15.01

7. Red Lauan 16 4.139199 11.85 2.97 7.38 2.97 13.33

8. Malaruhat 18 2.260564 13.33 3.35 4.03 3.35 10.72

9. Aga 18 1.838486 13.33 3.35 3.28 3.35 9.97

10. Malagiso 14 2.331723 10.37 2.60 4.16 2.60 9.36

11. Balete 7 2.152953 5.19 1.30 3.84 1.30 6.44

12. Malaikmo 13 0.783522 9.63 2.42 1.40 2.42 6.23

13. Yakal 8 0.943913 5.93 1.49 1.68 1.49 4.66

14. Tangile 7 0.824338 5.19 1.30 1.47 1.30 4.07

15. Malabayabas 7 0.801645 5.19 1.30 1.43 1.30 4.03

16. Kulis 8 0.316725 5.93 1.49 0.56 1.49 3.54

17. Malaganit 2 1.241488 1.48 0.37 2.21 0.37 2.96

18. Malakamyas 6 0.188937 4.44 1.12 0.34 1.12 2.57

19. Almon 3 0.575230 2.22 0.56 1.03 0.56 2.14

20. Malasantol 4 0.138725 2.96 0.74 0.25 0.74 1.73

21. Pahutan 3 0.283302 2.22 0.56 0.51 0.56 1.62

22. Palosapis 2 0.493956 1.48 0.37 0.88 0.37 1.62

23. Tibig 3 0.273239 2.22 0.56 0.49 0.56 1.60

24. Malaanonang 3 0.148890 2.22 0.56 0.27 0.56 1.38

25. Apitong 3 0.127635 2.22 0.56 0.23 0.56 1.34

26. Bitanghol 3 0.115724 2.22 0.56 0.21 0.56 1.32

27. Makopang Gubat 2 0.116494 1.48 0.37 0.21 0.37 0.95

28. Malapapaya 2 0.116083 1.48 0.37 0.21 0.37 0.95

29. Giso 2 0.098781 1.48 0.37 0.18 0.37 0.92

30. Bulong Eta 2 0.083635 1.48 0.37 0.15 0.37 0.89

31. Lansones Gubat 2 0.083635 1.48 0.37 0.15 0.37 0.89

32. Malabiwas 2 0.068849 1.48 0.37 0.12 0.37 0.87

33. Asis 2 0.067411 1.48 0.37 0.12 0.37 0.86

34. Toog 2 0.059351 1.48 0.37 0.11 0.37 0.85

35. Kupang 1 0.184829 0.74 0.19 0.33 0.19 0.70

36. Pahubo 1 0.161007 0.74 0.19 0.29 0.19 0.66

37. Kalumpit 1 0.133539 0.74 0.19 0.24 0.19 0.61

38. Ligas 1 0.082146 0.74 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.52

39. Sahing 1 0.070286 0.74 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.50

40. Tokyan 1 0.070286 0.74 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.50

41. Bahay 1 0.052574 0.74 0.19 0.09 0.19 0.47

42. Mabulong Gubat 1 0.052574 0.74 0.19 0.09 0.19 0.47

43. Alupay 1 0.037428 0.74 0.19 0.07 0.19 0.44

44. Suriki 1 0.037428 0.74 0.19 0.07 0.19 0.44

45. Tangisang Bayawak 1 0.037428 0.74 0.19 0.07 0.19 0.44

46. Malabulak 1 0.034707 0.74 0.19 0.06 0.19 0.43

47. Kalingag 1 0.020537 0.74 0.19 0.04 0.19 0.41

48. Malakatmon 1 0.020537 0.74 0.19 0.04 0.19 0.41

49. Puso Puso 1 0.020537 0.74 0.19 0.04 0.19 0.41

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 75

Common Name Species Density

Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency

Importance Value

50. Kurusan 1 0.011552 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.19 0.39

51. Salab 1 0.005134 0.74 0.19 0.01 0.19 0.38

Total 538 56.07041 398.52 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00

Total no. of points = 135 Average distance between points = 20 m Approximate length of transect = 2700 m

Total point-to-plant distance = 1682 m RDe = Relative Density, RDo = Relative Dominance, RF = Relative Frequency IV = Importance Value = RDE + Rdo + RF Logging Road

The belt transect along the right side of the logging road to the north is dominated by aga (Ficus sp.), Lauan, makabingaw, balite, kurusan, guyonguyong, malaanunang, and yakal with importance values of 36.74, 33.65, 15.79, 15.52, 10.85, 8.25, 7.76, and 7.50, respectively (Table 4.8). A total

of 477 individuals were noted in this site, representing 75 species. Simpson’s value is 0.95 suggesting high diversity.

Table 4.8. Composition of trees along a belt transect in right side of logging road to the north

Common Name Density Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency


1. Aga 65 7.18 70.18 13.66 13.85 9.28 36.78

2. Lauan 54 7.37 61.40 11.34 14.22 8.12 33.69

3. Makabingaw 24 2.70 42.11 5.04 5.21 5.57 15.82

4. Balite 13 5.10 22.81 2.73 9.84 3.02 15.58

5. Kuruskurasan 22 0.60 38.60 4.62 1.16 5.10 10.88

6. Guyonguyong 17 0.42 29.82 3.57 0.82 3.94 8.33

7. Malaanunang 15 0.76 26.32 3.15 1.47 3.48 8.10

8. Yakal 14 0.69 24.56 2.94 1.33 3.25 7.52

9. Asis 13 0.47 22.81 2.73 0.90 3.02 6.65

10. Malasantol 12 0.65 21.05 2.52 1.25 2.78 6.56

11. Malaruhat 9 1.20 15.79 1.89 2.32 2.09 6.30

12. Nato 7 1.66 12.28 1.47 3.21 1.62 6.30

13. Mabolong gubat 6 1.69 10.53 1.26 3.26 1.39 5.92

14. Malasambong 11 0.46 19.30 2.31 0.89 2.55 5.76

15. Malagiso 9 0.70 15.79 1.89 1.36 2.09 5.34

16. Dungon 3 2.02 5.26 0.63 3.89 0.70 5.22

17. Pusopuso 10 0.38 17.54 2.10 0.74 2.32 5.16

18. Tibig 10 0.29 17.54 2.10 0.56 2.32 4.98

19. Alupay 9 0.48 15.79 1.89 0.92 2.09 4.90

20. Kastanyas 8 0.60 12.28 1.68 1.17 1.62 4.47

21. Kupang 2 1.75 3.51 0.42 3.37 0.46 4.25

22. Mala as-is 7 0.57 12.28 1.47 1.10 1.62 4.20

23. Akasya 1 1.85 1.75 0.21 3.58 0.23 4.02

24. Giso 8 0.23 14.04 1.68 0.44 1.86 3.98

25. Apitong 7 0.41 12.28 1.47 0.79 1.62 3.89

26. Binuang 3 1.32 5.26 0.63 2.55 0.70 3.88

27. Malamahogany 5 0.81 8.77 1.05 1.57 1.16 3.78

28. Kalumpit 4 1.04 7.02 0.84 2.00 0.93 3.77

29. Malabulak 4 0.90 7.02 0.84 1.73 0.93 3.50

30. Palosapis 4 0.79 7.02 0.84 1.53 0.93 3.30

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 76

Common Name Density Total Basal Area (m


Frequency Relative Density

Relative Coverage

Relative Frequency


31. Bulong eta 6 0.16 10.53 1.26 0.30 1.39 2.95

32. Salab 6 0.10 10.53 1.26 0.19 1.39 2.84

33. Tangile 3 0.58 5.26 0.63 1.12 0.70 2.45

34. Pulang balat 3 0.56 5.26 0.63 1.07 0.70 2.40

35. Binunga 5 0.09 8.77 1.05 0.18 1.16 2.39

36. Hawili 5 0.06 8.77 1.05 0.11 1.16 2.32

37. Makopang gubat 3 0.42 5.26 0.63 0.81 0.70 2.14

38. Suriki 4 0.18 7.02 0.84 0.35 0.93 2.11

39. Malapapaya 4 0.17 7.02 0.84 0.33 0.93 2.10

40. Almon 2 0.54 3.51 0.42 1.04 0.46 1.92

41. Malakamyas 1 0.75 1.75 0.21 1.45 0.23 1.89

42. Hanadyung 4 0.05 7.02 0.84 0.09 0.93 1.86

43. Lansones gubat 3 0.20 5.26 0.63 0.38 0.70 1.71

44. Santol 3 0.17 5.26 0.63 0.33 0.70 1.66

45. Malaganit 2 0.39 3.51 0.42 0.74 0.46 1.63

46. Ananapla 2 0.37 3.51 0.42 0.72 0.46 1.61

47. Sahing 2 0.36 3.51 0.42 0.69 0.46 1.57

48. Malabiwas 3 0.08 5.26 0.63 0.15 0.70 1.47

49. Malaikmo 3 0.06 5.26 0.63 0.12 0.70 1.44

50. Narra 3 0.04 5.26 0.63 0.08 0.70 1.41

51. Aning 3 0.03 5.26 0.63 0.07 0.70 1.39

52. Tuog 2 0.16 3.51 0.42 0.31 0.46 1.19

53. Haginit 2 0.15 3.51 0.42 0.30 0.46 1.18

54. Kalingag 2 0.03 3.51 0.42 0.06 0.46 0.95

55. Anubing 2 0.02 3.51 0.42 0.04 0.46 0.93

56. Lumbang 2 0.02 3.51 0.42 0.04 0.46 0.93

57. Kulis parang 2 0.02 3.51 0.42 0.04 0.46 0.92

58. Bitanghol 1 0.16 1.75 0.21 0.30 0.23 0.74

59. Pahobo 1 0.13 1.75 0.21 0.26 0.23 0.70

60. Mayapis 1 0.12 1.75 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.67

61. Kulis 1 0.10 1.75 0.21 0.20 0.23 0.64

62. Katmon 1 0.09 1.75 0.21 0.17 0.23 0.62

63. Bangkal 1 0.08 1.75 0.21 0.16 0.23 0.60

64. Malabocado 1 0.05 1.75 0.21 0.09 0.23 0.53

65. Tindalo 1 0.05 1.75 0.21 0.09 0.23 0.53

66. Antipolo 1 0.04 1.75 0.21 0.07 0.23 0.51

67. Ligas 1 0.04 1.75 0.21 0.07 0.23 0.51

68. Bahay 1 0.02 1.75 0.21 0.04 0.23 0.48

69. Pahutan 1 0.02 1.75 0.21 0.04 0.23 0.48

70. Tambaliwis 1 0.02 1.75 0.21 0.04 0.23 0.48

71. Himbabao 1 0.01 1.75 0.21 0.02 0.23 0.46

72. Kaliantang 1 0.01 1.75 0.21 0.02 0.23 0.46

73. Rambutan 1 0.01 1.75 0.21 0.02 0.23 0.46

74. Takip asin 1 0.01 1.75 0.21 0.02 0.23 0.46

75. Tangisang bayawak 1 0.01 1.75 0.21 0.02 0.23 0.46

Total 476 51.84 756.14 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 77 Northwest Boundary

In the left and right belt transect surveys in the northwest boundary (Tables 4.9 and 4.10), about 41 species were noted, dominated by pioneer species such as Ficus septica, Ficus nota, and

Macaranga tanarius. Mahogany (Swietenia sp.), an exotic reforestation species is abundant in this site along with mango and other fruit trees, as the site is covered by a stewardship agreement. Gmelina arborea, another exotic species was noted in this site. In the left transect that cut across a

steeper slope, kulis, yakal, other native trees, and several palms, particularly yantok purag and pugahan were noted. Teak (Tectona grandis), another reforestation species was encountered near the logging road.

Table 4.9 Composition of trees along a belt transect (right) in the northwestern portion of the mining claim area to the north

Common name Density Frequency Relative



Frequency IV

1. Hawili 199 0.88 15.06 7.76 22.82

2. Mahogany 198 0.78 14.99 6.90 21.89

3. Kulis 131 0.59 9.92 5.17 15.09

4. Tibig 115 0.39 8.71 3.45 12.15

5. Yakal 80 0.35 6.06 3.10 9.16

6. Purag 80 0.43 6.05 3.79 9.85

7. Binunga 50 0.49 3.79 4.31 8.10

8. Malasambong 47 0.41 3.56 3.62 7.18

9. Salab 43 0.39 3.26 3.45 6.70

10. Guyong guyong 40 0.29 3.03 2.59 5.61

11. Kurusan 23 0.20 1.74 1.72 3.47

12. Takip asin 19 0.35 1.44 3.10 4.54

13. Banaba 18 0.35 1.36 3.10 4.47

14. Hanadyong 16 0.31 1.21 2.76 3.97

15. Makabingaw 15 0.29 1.14 2.59 3.72

16. Lumbang 14 0.27 1.06 2.41 3.47

17. Pulang balat 14 0.27 1.06 2.41 3.47

18. Alagao 12 0.24 0.91 2.07 2.98

19. Teak 12 0.24 0.91 2.07 2.98

20. Mangga 11 0.22 0.83 1.90 2.73

21. Tangisang bayawak 11 0.22 0.83 1.90 2.73

22. Aga 10 0.20 0.76 1.72 2.48

23. Kape 10 0.20 0.76 1.72 2.48

24. Langka 15 0.30 1.13 2.58 3.72

25. Malaanonang 9 0.18 0.68 1.55 2.23

26. Kalingag 8 0.16 0.61 1.38 1.98

27. Pusopuso 8 0.16 0.61 1.38 1.98

28. Giho 7 0.14 0.53 1.21 1.74

29. Ipil 7 0.14 0.53 1.21 1.74

30. Kalyantang 7 0.14 0.53 1.21 1.74

31. Bitanghol 6 0.12 0.45 1.03 1.49

32. Pugahan 6 0.12 0.45 1.03 1.49

33. Suriki 6 0.12 0.45 1.03 1.49

34. Bolong eta 5 0.10 0.38 0.86 1.24

35. Kuru-kurusan 5 0.10 0.38 0.86 1.24

36. Malapapaya 5 0.10 0.38 0.86 1.24

37. Asis 10 0.20 0.76 1.72 2.48

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 78

Common name Density Frequency Relative Density

Relative Frequency


38. Balete 4 0.08 0.30 0.69 0.99

39. Malaikmo 4 0.08 0.30 0.69 0.99

40. Malakamyas 4 0.08 0.30 0.69 0.99

41. Tangile 4 0.08 0.30 0.69 0.99

42. Anubing 3 0.06 0.23 0.52 0.74

43. Dahon uway 3 0.06 0.23 0.52 0.74

44. Santol 3 0.06 0.23 0.52 0.74

45. Yantok 3 0.06 0.23 0.52 0.74

46. Bangkal 2 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.50

47. Gmelina 2 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.50

48. Himbabao 2 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.50

49. Malabiwas 2 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.50

50. Abokado 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

51. Alopay 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

52. Bayag toro 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

53. Dapdap 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

54. Dita 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

55. Dungon 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

56. Kastanyas 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

57. Laniti 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

58. Ligas 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

59. Mabolong gubat 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

60. Malaganit 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

61. Narra 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

62. Pandan 1 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.25

Total 1321 11.37 100.00 100.00 200.00

Table 4.10 Composition of trees along a left belt transect in the northwestern portion of the

mining claim area to the north

Common name Scientific Name Density Frequency RD RF IV

1. Hawili Ficus septica 172 0.86 25.86 10.12 35.99

2. Tibig Ficus nota 145 0.79 21.80 9.31 31.12

3. Mahogany Swietenia sp. 135 0.76 20.30 8.91 29.21

4. Binunga Macaranga tanarius 33 0.52 4.96 6.07 11.04

5. Ipil Leucaena leucocephala 33 0.52 4.96 6.07 11.04

6. Alagao Premna odorata 14 0.48 2.11 5.67 7.77

7. Mangga Mangifera indica 14 0.48 2.11 5.67 7.77

8. Takip asin Macaranga grandifolia 12 0.41 1.80 4.86 6.66

9. Gmelina Gmelina arborea 11 0.38 1.65 4.45 6.11

10. Banaba Lagerstroemia speciosa 10 0.34 1.50 4.04 5.56

11. Malasambong Vernonia vidalii 8 0.28 1.20 3.24 4.44

12. Asis 7 0.24 1.05 2.83 3.89

13. Abokado Persea americana 6 0.21 0.90 2.43 3.33

14. Alopay 5 0.17 0.75 2.02 2.78

15. Dangle 5 0.17 0.75 2.02 2.78

16. Guyong guyong Cratoxylum ovatum 5 0.17 0.75 2.02 2.78

17. Langka Artocarpus heterophyllus 5 0.17 0.75 2.02 2.78

18. Lumbang Aleurites moluccana 5 0.17 0.75 2.02 2.78

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 79

Common name Scientific Name Density Frequency RD RF IV

19. Purag Calamus sp. 4 0.14 0.60 1.62 2.22

20. Dungon Heritierra sylvatica 3 0.10 0.45 1.21 1.67

21. Kalyantang Leea philippinensis 3 0.10 0.45 1.21 1.67

22. Kastanyas 3 0.10 0.45 1.21 1.67

23. Kulis Memecyclon ovatum 3 0.10 0.45 1.21 1.67

24. Pugahan Karyota sp. 3 0.10 0.45 1.21 1.67

25. Aga Ficus sp. 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

26. Alupay 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

27. Himbabao Broussonetia luzonica 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

28. Kurusan 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

29. Malabiwas 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

30. Malaikmo Celtis philippinensis 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

31. Santol Sandoricum koetjape 2 0.07 0.30 0.81 1.11

32. Balete Ficus balete 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

33. Dita Alstonia scholaris 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

34. Guiso Shorea guiso 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

35. Hanadyong Trema orientalis 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

36. Mabolong gubat 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

37. Narra Pterocarpus indicus 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

38. Salab Trigonachras cuspidata 1 0.03 0.15 0.40 0.56

Total 665 8.52 100.00 100.00 200.00 Agroforestry Areas Survey in the middle part of the mining claim cut across agricultural areas planted with coffee,

mango, bananas, and other cash crops. About 41 species of native plants were encountered in this area, dominated by rattan, Ficus nota, white Lauan, and Ficus septica (Tables 4.11 and 4.12).

Table 4.11 Composition of trees along a left belt transect in the middle part of the mining claim area along agroforestry areas

Common name Scientific Name Density Relative

Density (%)

Yantok Calamus sp. 57 16.72

Tibig Ficus nota 53 15.54

White Lauan Shorea contorta 44 12.90

Hawili Ficus septica 20 5.87

Malaikmo Celtis philippinensis 15 4.40

Bulong eta Diospyrus philosanthera 14 4.11

Malaruhat Syzygium sp. 13 3.81

Aga Ficus sp. 12 3.52

Salab Trigonachras cuspidate 12 3.52

Ipil Leucaena leucocephala 11 3.23

Mabolong gubat 10 2.93

Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus 9 2.64

Santol Sandoricum koetjape 9 2.64

Binunga Macaranga tanarius 8 2.35

Kulis Memecyclon ovatum 5 1.47

Makabingaw 5 1.47

Pugahan Karyota sp. 5 1.47

Yakal Shorea astylosa 5 1.47

Malasahing 4 1.17

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 80

Common name Scientific Name Density Relative

Density (%)

Sahing Canarium sp. 4 1.17

Asis 3 0.88

Guyongguyong Cratoxylum blancoi 3 0.88

Pulang balat 3 0.88

Mala asis 2 0.59

Malapapaya Polyscias nodusa 2 0.59

Malasambong Vernonia vidalii 2 0.59

Pusopuso Neolitsea vidalii 2 0.59

Alopay 1 0.29

Aneng 1 0.29

Ficus sp. Ficus sp. 1 0.29

Giho Shorea guiso 1 0.29

Kalumpit gubat 1 0.29

Kalyantang Leea philippinensis 1 0.29

Laniti Wrightia pubescens 1 0.29

Malakamyas Ailanthus triphyssa 1 0.29

Rambutan Nepehelium ramboutan-ake 1 0.29

Total 341 100.00

Table 4.12. Composition of trees along a right belt transect in the middle part of the

mining claim along agroforestry areas to the north

Common name Scientific Name Density Relative

Density (%)

White Lauan Shorea contorta 42 16.34

Purag Calamus sp. 28 10.89

Tibig Ficus nota 23 8.95

Ipil Leucaena leucocephala 19 7.39

Kalyantang Leea philippinensis 16 6.23

Mabolong gubat 10 3.89

Kulis Memecyclon ovatum 9 3.50

Hawili Ficus septica 8 3.11

Yantok Calamus sp. 8 3.11

Alopay 7 2.72

Aga Ficus sp. 5 1.95

Lansones gubat Reinwardtiodendron humile 5 1.95

Takip asin Macaranga grandifolia 5 1.95

Mala asis 4 1.56

Pahutan Mangifera altissima 4 1.56

Pusopuso Neolitsea vidalii 4 1.56

Suriki 4 1.56

Antipolo Artocarpus blancoi 3 1.17

Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus 3 1.17

Bulong eta Diospyrus philosanthera 3 1.17

Kurusan 3 1.17

Mala ikmo Celtis philippinensis 3 1.17

Salab Trigonachras cuspidate 3 1.17

Yantok palasan Calamus sp. 3 1.17

Bahay Ormosia calavensis 2 0.78

Binunga Macaranga tanarius 2 0.78

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 81

Common name Scientific Name Density Relative

Density (%)

Dahon uway Calamus sp. 2 0.78

Dungon Heritierra sylvatica 2 0.78

Guyongguyong Cratoxylum blancoi 2 0.78

Hanadyong Trema orientalis 2 0.78

Kalantas Toona kalantas 2 0.78

Kalumpit Terminalia microcarpa 2 0.78

Ligas Semecarpus cuneiformis 2 0.78

Malaruhat Syzygium sp. 2 0.78

Pahobo 2 0.78

Pugahan Karyota sp. 2 0.78

Yakal Shorea astylosa 2 0.78

Balete Ficus balete 1 0.39

Belukaw Gaecinia binucao 1 0.39

Kalingag Cinnamomum mercadoi 1 0.39

Kapekapehan Canthium dicoccum 1 0.39

Kastanyas 1 0.39

Makabingaw 1 0.39

Malaanonang Shorea polita 1 0.39

Pandan Pandan sp. 1 0.39

Tangisang bayawak Ficus variegata 1 0.39

Total 257 100.00 Non-Wood (Minor) Forest Products Minor forest products refer to all other forest products except timber, pulpwood, and chipwood.

Rattan, decorative palms (Pinanga sp.), vines, flowering plants, orchids, ferns, and pandan were abundant in the regrowth zone. About 6 species of pandan were noted, the larger species known as bangkuwang, liana and Pandanus odoratissima. Several species of rattan (Calamus sp.) were

also noted, locally known as yantok purag, dahon uway, yantok palasan, kilay matsing, yantok talipokpok, yantok tabangag, and yantok palanok. Wildlife Survey Bats

A total of 101 bats representing two families (Pteropodidae, Vespertilionidae) were caught in two stations at the mining claim, representing 7 species of fruit bats, Cynopterus brachyotis, Eonycteris

spelaea, Haplonycteris fischeri, Macroglossus minimimus, Ptenochirus jagori, Pteropus Leucotis , and Rousettus amplexicaudatus, and one vespertilionid, Miniopterus australis (Table 4.13). Both stations were dominated by Cynopterus brachyotis and Ptenochirus jagori, with combined relative

abundance of 84% and 91%, respectively. C. brachyotis and P. jagori are included in the CITES list of regulated wildlife (Catibog-Sinha, 1991), although both bats are fairly common in lowland areas (Ingle, 1991). In CITES 2003, these bats were delisted.

Table 4.13 Bats collected in two stations in the Mining Claim


Station I Station II

No. of Individuals

Relative Abundance (%)

No of Individuals

Relative Abundance (%)


Cynopterus brachyotis 19 52.78 22 30.99

Eonycteris spelaea 0 0 2 2.82

Haplonycteris fischeri 0 0 1 1.41

Macroglossus minimus 0 0 2 2.82

Ptenochirus jagori 13 36.11 39 54.93

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 82

Pteropus Leucotis 1 2.78 0 0.00

Rousettus amplexicaudatus 2 5.56 5 7.04


Miniopterus australis 1 0 0

Total 36 100 71 100 Avifauna The dominant avifaunal species in the project site are pulangga (Hypsipetes philippinus), talande,

bobotok, kulasisi (Loriculus philippensis), Richard’s pipit, talimanok, and bato-batong berde (Table 4.14). Additional species trapped by either mist-netting or native traps were Luzon bleeding heart (Gallicolumba luzonica), Pycnonotus urostictus, Dicaeum australe, Cisticola exilis, and Dicrurus

balicassius. A total of 45 species of avifauna were recorded in the study site. The presence of tarictic hornbill and kalaw suggests that the 442-ha mining claim, particularly on the northeastern front is an important bird site.

Table 4.14 Partial list of avifauna surveyed in the mining site

Common Name Scientific Name No. of Individuals

Survey I Survey II Survey III

Pulangga Hypsipetes philippinus 56 23 Talande 24 33 Bobotok Bolbopsittacus lunulatus 20 8 17

Kulasisi Loriculus philippensis 16 10 13 Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaesseelandiae 28 10 Talimanok 17 7 6 Batobatong berde 9 20

Kuling 27 Luklak Pycnonotus goaivier 8 19 Batobatong tulog Phapitreron leucotis 7 19

Pawelek 26 Kalaw Bucerus hydrocorax 18 2 Maria Kapra Rhipidura sp. 10 4

Tarictic Penelopedes panini 2 12 pugong gubat Turnix ocellata 4 4 4 Labuyo Gallus gallus 2 9

Uwakuwakan 11 Kangkahol 9 Pipit parang Nectarinia jugularis 9

Limbas Falco peregrinus 4 4 Sabukot Centropus sp. 4 4 Buwabo 1 6

Pipit bulek 7 Tuturiok Megalurus palustris 7 Batadlawe 6

Kokok 3 2 Bakaw Ixobrychus sinenis 2 1 Batobatong sili Chalcophaps indica 2 1

Ibon bait 3 Kamumuwag 1 2 Lawin Haliastur indus 3

Tarat 3 Uwak Corvus enca 3 Kandarapa Caprimulgus sp. 2

Kilyawan Oriolus chinensis 2 King fisher Halcyon sp. 2 Kuraktaw 2 0

Pipit Ule 2

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 83

Common Name Scientific Name No. of Individuals

Survey I Survey II Survey III

Tikling Gallirallus striatus 2 Tuturyuk Megalurus palustris 7

Timpapalakol Dendrocopus maculatus 2 Herpetofauna and Non-Volant Mammals

Anuran surveys collected 19 individuals, representing 4 species, dominated by palakang tagalog (Rana magna) with 16 individuals, followed by palakang saging (Rhacophorus everetti), palakang

neneng (Platymantis sp.), and Kaloula picta. Herpetofauna observed in the area were Mabuya multifasciata, Mabuya multicarina, and Varanus salvator (bayawak). Considered a meat delicacy, Varanus salvator is a favorite target of hunting and trapping activities, along with wild pigs (Sus

sp.) and macaques. In one bird transect, a group of 14 monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) was spotted along the Angat watershed. A juvenile macaque was trapped using the native trap (silo) and released after documentation. Anecdotal reports claim the presence of alamid and musang.

Wildlife data collected in this inventory represent partial data. Aquatic organisms

Benthic aquatic organisms were represented by only two species, suso and kuhol. In CSLUP (2001), aquatic organisms found in rivers, streams, and creeks of Doña Remedios Trinidad are

ayungin, biya, carpa, dalag, eels, freshwater crab (Paratelphusa sp.), gurami, shrimp (Leander sp.), and susuwi (Hemirhampus sp.) Conservation Value Several species of fauna recorded in the study site are considered to be of high conservation

value (Table 4.15) as defined by DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 1991-48, essentially based from IUCN and CITES criteria. Under CITES 2003, some of the species (i.e. bats) were delisted and fauna noted in the site that fall under Appendix II are Gallicolumba luzonica, Bucerus

hydrocorax, Penelopides, panini, Macaca fascicularis, and Pteropus leucotis. Under IUCN 2003, only Penelopides panini is considered an endangered species, while Gallicolumba luzonica, Bucerus hydrocorax, and Macaca fascicularis are considered Low Risk/Not Threatened (Table

4.16). Gallicolumba luzonica, Bucerus hydrocorax, and Penelopides panini were previously categorized as such in Collar et al. (1999).

Results of the dendrological surveys revealed a higher proportion of flora considered vulnerable and critically endangered (IUCN, 2003). Vulnerable species include Agathis philippinensis, Madhuca betis, Diospyrus discolor, Tristaniopsis decorticata, Sandoricum vidalii, Neolitsea vidalii,

Afzelia rhomboidea, Artocarpus blancoi, Cinnamomum mercadoi, Dillenia philippinensis, Pterocarpus indicus, Palaquium luzoniense, and Mangifera altissima, while the critically endangered species are Shorea almon, Parashorea malaanunan, Shorea guiso, Shorea contorta,

Anisoptera thurifera, Shorea negrosensis, Shorea polysperma, Shorea astylosa, Dipterocarpus grandiflorus, and Hopea acuminata. Both the vulnerable and critically endangered species constitute about 24% of the partial list of trees identified in the study site. DAO 78-87 and DENR

Act No. 3752 prohibit or regulate the cutting of tindalo and other premium trees. Table 4.15. List of flora and fauna in the mining claim area with high conservation value

Common Name Scientific Name References

DAO 91-48 CITES 2003 IUCN 2003


Brahminy kite Haliastur indus CITES (II) Luzon bleeding heart pigeon

Gallicolumba luzonica



Philippine hanging parakeet

Loriculus philippensis


Tarictic hornbill Penelopides


CITES (II) CITES (II) EN A1cd+2cd,

B1+2abcde, C1+2a

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 84

Common Name Scientific Name References

DAO 91-48 CITES 2003 IUCN 2003

Rufous hornbill Bucerus hydrocorax



Pygmy woodpecker Dendrocopocus



Philippine macaque Macaca fascicularis


Dawn bat Eonycteris spelaea


Long-tongued fruit





Dog-faced fruit bat Cynopterus brachyotis


Short-nosed fruit bat

Ptenochirus jagori CITES (II)

Geoffroy’s rousette





Monitor lizard Varanus salvator CITES (I) CITES II White-mottled bat Pteropus leucotis CITES (II)

Flora Almon Shorea almon CR A1cd

Bagtikan Parashorea malaanunan

CR A1cd

Gisok Shorea guiso CR A1cd

White lauan Shorea contorta CR A1cd Palosapis Anisoptera

thurifera CR A1cd

Red lauan Shorea negrosensis

CR A1cd

Tanguile Shorea


CR A1cd

Yakal Shorea astylosa CR A1cd Apitong Dipterocarpus


CR A1cd + 2cd

Manggachapui Hopea acuminata CR A1cd+B1+2c Kalantas Toona calantas DD

Almaciga Agathis philippinensis

VU A1cd

Betis Madhuca betis VU A1cd

Kamagong Diospyrus discolor VU A1cd Malabayabas Tristaniopsis

decorticata VU A1cd

Malasantol Sandoricum vidalii VU A1cd Puso-puso Neolitsea vidalii VU A1cd Takip asin Macaranga


VU A1cd

Tindalo Afzelia rhomboidea

VU A1cd

Antipolo Artocarpus blancoi VU A1d Kalingag Cinnamomum

mercadoi VU A1d

Katmon Dillenia philippinensis

VU A1d

Narra Pterocarpus


VU A1d

Nato Palaquium luzoniense

VU A1d

Pahutan Mangifera altissima

VU A1d

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 85

Common Name Scientific Name References

DAO 91-48 CITES 2003 IUCN 2003

Tree fern Cyathea sp. CITES II

CITES Appendix (I) - trade of species and subspecies of wildlife listed under this Appendix is stric tly prohibited except for educational, scientific or research and study purposes; (II) - trade of species and subspecies of wildlife listed under this Appendix is strictly regulated; (III) - populations of species and subspecies of wildlife listed under this Appendix highly need local protection set under national policies as determined by the country's CITES Management Authority.

IUCN - LR = Low Risk, VU = Vulnerable, EN = Endangered, CR = Critically Endangered

Table 4.16 IUCN categories and criteria for critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable species (IUCN, 2003)

(IV) The categories EXTINCT (EX) - A taxon is Extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last

individual has died. EXTINCT IN THE WILD (EW) - A taxon is Extinct in the wild when it is known only to

survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population (or populations) well outside the past range. A taxon is presumed extinct in the wild when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal, annual),

throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame appropriate to the taxon's life cycle and life form.

CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (CR) - A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future, as defined by any of the criteria (A to E) as described below.

ENDANGERED (EN) - A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, as defined by any of the criteria (A to E) as described below.

VULNERABLE (VU) - A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, as

defined by any of the criteria (A to E) as described below. LOWER RISK (LR) - A taxon is Lower Risk when it has been evaluated, does not satisfy

the criteria for any of the categories Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable. Taxa included in the Lower Risk category can be separated into three subcategories: Conservation Dependent (cd). Taxa which are the focus of a continuing taxon-specific

or habitat-specific conservation programme targeted towards the taxon in question, the cessation of which would result in the taxon qualifying for one of the threatened categories above within a period of five years.

NEAR THREATENED (NT). Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but which are close to qualifying for Vulnerable.

LEAST CONCERN (LC). Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent or Near Threatened.

DATA DEFICIENT (DD) A taxon is Data Deficient when there is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction based on its distribution

and/or population status. A taxon in this category may be well studied, and its biology well known, but appropriate data on abundance and/or distribution is lacking. Data Deficient is therefore not a category of threat or Lower Risk. Listing of taxa in this category indicates

that more information is required and acknowledges the possibility that future research will show that threatened classification is appropriate. It is important to make positive use of whatever data are available. In many cases great care should be exercised in choosing

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 86

between DD and threatened status. If the range of a taxon is suspected to be relatively circumscribed, if a considerable period of time has elapsed since the last record of the

taxon, threatened status may well be justified. NOT EVALUATED (NE) A taxon is Not Evaluated when it is has not yet been assessed

against the criteria.

(V) The criteria for Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable


A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) Observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 80% over the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of the


a) direct observation

b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon

c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat

d) actual or potential levels of exploitation

e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants, competitors

or parasites.

2) A reduction of at least 80%, projected or suspected to be met within the next 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of (b), (c), (d) or

(e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be less than 100 km2 or area of occupancy

estimated to be less than 10 km2, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at only a single location.

2) Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat

d) number of locations or subpopulations

e) number of mature individuals

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) number of locations or subpopulations

d) number of mature individuals

C) Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 25% within three years or one generation, whichever is longer or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature individuals and population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than 50

mature individuals)

b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation

D) Population estimated to number less than 50 mature individuals.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 50% within 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 87


A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) An observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 50% over the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of the following:

a) direct observation

b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon

c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat

d) actual or potential levels of exploitation

e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants, competitors or parasites.

2) A reduction of at least 50%, projected or suspected to be met within the next 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of (b), (c), (d), or (e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be less than 5000 km2 or area of occupancy estimated to

be less than 500 km2, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at no more than five locations.

2) Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat

d) number of locations or subpopulations

e) number of mature individuals

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) number of locations or subpopulations

d) number of mature individuals

C) Population estimated to number less than 2500 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 20% within five years or two generations, whichever is longer, or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature individuals and population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than 250

mature individuals)

b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation.

D) Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 20% within 20 years or five generations, whichever is the longer.

VULNERABLE (VU) A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of

extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) An observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 20% over the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of the following:

a) direct observation

b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 88

c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat

d) actual or potential levels of exploitation

e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants, competitors or parasites.

2) A reduction of at least 20%, projected or suspected to be met within the next ten years or three

generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and specifying) any of (b), (c), (d) or (e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be less than 20,000 km2 or area of occupancy estimated to

be less than 2000 km2, and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at no more than ten locations.

2) Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat

d) number of locations or subpopulations

e) number of mature individuals

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence

b) area of occupancy

c) number of locations or subpopulations

d) number of mature individuals

C) Population estimated to number less than 10,000 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 10% within 10 years or three generations, whichever is longer, or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature individuals and

population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than 1000 mature individuals)

b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation

D) Population very small or restricted in the form of either of the following:

1) Population estimated to number less than 1000 mature individuals.

2) Population is characterized by an acute restriction in its area of occupancy (typically less than 100 km

2) or in the number of locations (typically less than five). Such a taxon would thus be prone to

the effects of human activities (or stochastic events whose impact is increased by human

activities) within a very short period of time in an unforeseeable future, and is thus capable of becoming Critically Endangered or even Extinct in a very short period.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 10% within

100 years.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 89

4.1.2 Impacts Assessed on Land Generation of mining and mechanical processing waste

During extraction, overburden and host materials of ore will be removed. This is composed largely

of soil with some fragmented rocks and plant remains. The method of mining is opencast were the slopes will be cut and benched. During the cutting of slopes, ground materials will be systematically loosened by bulldozers or even by blasting for picking up and hauling to a

temporary stockpiling area or permanently dumped in depressed areas. The amount of waste to be generated is estimated at 4 times greater than the ore. Accelerated erosion in mining areas Since the ground will be excavated or quarried, soils wil l be exposed to the mercy of natural

elements. The slopes with exposed soils can easily collapse when saturated with water and can easily be eroded. And as mentioned above, a large volume of soil is expected to be removed to give way to the extraction of ore. These materials when not properly managed will be exposed to

overland flow and can be carried down easily to gullies and eventually to rivers. During heavy downpours, rilling and gullying can happen in stockpiled soils and with enough overland flow, massive erosion can be triggered especially if the slopes so favor. Micro mass wasting like sl ides

and slumps can also induce massive erosion and shall be anticipated. Removal of Soil

The iron ore is overlain with soil. To expose these ores, the soil overburden is systematically removed and stockpiled in areas where they can be protected from massive erosion. Although the

disturbed soil maybe lacking of the normal nutrients needed to support a lush vegetation or even agricultural crop, the quality can naturally improve through time or through human intervention. Solid waste generation Solid wastes will include cut vegetation, construction spoils, disposed spare parts of equipment,

and domestic wastes. Cut vegetation in areas where clearing is done will be substantial and include grasses, bushes and even trees. Spoils from construction materials include cut steel, wood, concrete, etc. Domestic wastes that may be generated by employees and laborers of the

project include plastics, paper, tin cans, bottles, laboratory wastes, etc. Sources of domestic solid wastes are office, dormitory, mess hall, backyard, business center, restaurants, motor pool, and others. Occurrence of mass-wasting processes

Creep. Gravity-induced creeping of loose materials in stockpiles and in cut areas with moderate slopes can happen. Although this phenomenon does not pose a threat to workers or communities because of the slow speed it generates, it can eventually progress into landslides when saturated.

And that is where the risks develop. Seismic-induced mass slides. Strong earthquakes can also exert tremendous stress on steeply

cut slopes and stockpiles and cause them to collapse. Such event can further develop into landslide when the wasted mass is exposed to excessive rains.

Water-induced landslides. During sustained heavy downpour, steeply cut slopes and waste stockpiles could be washed down after these materials attain a condition of oversaturation. With friction angle overcome, pull of gravity in effect, and with water lubricating the materials, landslides

could happen at the minesite, either in active or inactive areas. Although these are not expected to affect the community in the barangay, the ensuing mud or debris flows can eventually endanger houses near the stream channels where the flows are expected to pass through. The life of

workers in the minesite may however directly put to risk during such events when they are caught by such slides.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 90 Removal of vegetation

Vegetation in the mining area is scheduled to be scraped away during the removal of overburden leaving none but soil or rock. Within the areas blocked for mining, vegetation that will be removed is mostly composed of secondary forest growths, bushes, and understory species which are

ubiquitous in the area and saplings could easily be gathered. Effective vegetative cover in mineralized areas will be lost permanently during the development and operation stages of the project. Displacement of terrestrial fauna

With vegetative cover gone, habitat for terrestrial fauna is also eliminated and will therefore displace if not outright kill the animals during a massive mining operation. Because the animals spotted in the mining area are considered to be of high conservation values, the ecological effect

of such undertaking would be significant as the animals will be forced to leave their present habitat and find their niches somewhere else. Likewise, massive removal of vegetation will put weight to those whose foods are sourced from the vegetation growing only in this type soil. This will affect

the food chain. This impact is more pronounced during the operations than it is during the development. The displacement could be abrupt if mining will be done simultaneously over a large area.

4.1.3 Mitigating measures Generation of mining mechanical processing waste The generation of voluminous amount of mine waste is a direct consequence of extracting ore

from the ground and therefore could not be prevented. However, the waste or basically the removed soil will largely be returned to the excavated area for rehabilitation purposes. Thus, it is important to safeguard it from massive erosion using measures detailed in the following section.

This problem is therefore temporary. In the end, the mining waste which is largely composed of soil will cover the benches of the mined-out areas. Eventually this soil will be planted to trees or cash crops depending on the preference of the community who may take over the management of

the mined-out areas after abandonment. Accelerated and excessive erosion

Erosion in mining areas will come from cut slopes, excavation walls and bottoms, stockpiles, working benches, and hauling routes. These are therefore the area that needs to be secured from

the onslaught of overland flows especially produced by heavy downpours. The measures to be taken includes but not limited to the reduction of slopes for cut areas and stockpiles, construction of retaining structures on the base of stockpiles to contain eroded materials, removal of soils from

benches and hauling routes for proper stockpiling, and soils in excavation floors must be contained through appropriate retention measures. In addition, bench mining must be done in a gradual manner so that handling of wastes will be easy. If removed soil is placed in permanent areas,

compaction shall be done as soon as these materials are dumped or filled. Removal of soil

This impact is permanent and not mitigatable. However, the removed soil will be stockpiled in a safe place to be used later in rehabilitating the mined-out areas. Thus not much will be lost to

natural elements. The profile may be affected as soil layers will interchange and reduce the original fertility but through time the soil will be enriched naturally. Solid waste generation Segregation of solid wastes into three (3) groups: recyclables/reusables, biodegradables and

disposables. Construction spoils will be placed in a pre-designated area before these are collected and disposed of in the appropriate dumpsite or landfill the town or barangay government is using. For domestic wastes such as those coming from the quarters of laborers, offices, and

temporary carinderias, garbage cans will be provided. For materials that can be recycled, these will be given to persons who will be interested in selling them. Those that can be reused will be

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 91

given to laborers who might take interest in bringing these materials home. On reparable spare parts of equipment, these will be placed in a storage bin for future repair. But for final disposal, a

garbage bin will be provided the motor pool and ultimately sent to the municipal or barangay landfill. Occurrence of mass wasting processes Creep. Soils that are removed from the ground shall not be dumped hapzardly in gullies and other

areas where they can easily be washed out by overland flow and surface runoff. Ground disturbance must be done in a gradual manner so as not to allow loose materials to be scattered all around. Advances will refrain from producing steep slopes in stockpiles and in cut slopes.

These slopes will be stabilized by benching instead. Compaction shall be done as soon as these materials are permanently dumped or filled on depressed or rehabilitated areas

Seismic-induced slides. Stockpiles and cut slopes should always be protected from disturbance brought about seismic movements. It is important to reduce the slope or angle of repose to at least 30

0 or lower so as not to endanger the mass from collapsing during earthquakes and expose

the loose materials to subsequent downpours that may cause massive erosion. Water-induced landslides. Mitigating measure is similar to what is cited in the preceding section.

They key is to reduce the angle of repose of stockpiles and cutslopes (other factors like rainfall and gravity are beyond intervention anyway). In addition, volume of stockpile should be regulated, i.e., large stockpiles should be avoided. Cut lopes should be benched appropriately. Removal of Vegetation

The proponent intends to revegetate the mined-out area with trees. The proponent will establish its own nursery and initially reforested some areas including those not directly affected by mining operations. Should trees be removed from the extraction areas, these will be replaced by a

number of seedlings that the DENR will later determine. The seedlings will be planted in denuded areas near the mine site for a start but when a parcel has been fully mined-out, it will be immediately rehabilitated and prepared for revegetation using fast-growing species. The

community will be involved in this process since its residents will be commissioned by the company to nurture the newly planted trees until they become self sustaining. Displacement of Terrestrial Fauna The dislocation of terrestrial fauna cannot be mitigated but slowing down of operation will allow

mobile animals to transfer and adjust gradually to nearby habitats. There are other similar habitats in the area that would remain untouched while mining operation is going on in the OAMDC’s properties. On the other hand, the rehabilitation of mined-out areas will rebuild the habitats lost

during mining and the same kind of animals is expected to populate this place through time.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 92

4.2 The Water

4.2.1 Baseline Environmental Conditions Surface Water Hydrology and Water Quality Methodology

The receiving body of water in the proposed mining area was determined from NAMRIA’s 1:50,000-scale map and from a reconnaissance survey of the immediate vicinities of the site. Environmental quality of surface water was established by analyses of toxic heavy metals and

other chemical and biological parameters. Surface water hydrology

The mining claim is located near the watershed divide of two major river systems, the Angat River and the Biak-na-Bato River. It is however exclusively situated in the upper region of the Biak -na-

Bato River watershed. There are other tributaries that connect to other separate drainage systems but these are not affected by the proposed mining operations. In the same manner, the Angat River watershed where the Angat Dam is located is not also affected because this is located

at the other side of the watershed divide. The Biak-na-Bato River Watershed

Biak-na-Bato River is the major system that drains the delineated mineable part of the MLC-permitted area. The main channel emanates from the central portion of the Mely block, runs

northwestward downslope of the iron ore deposit and continues downstream to Biak-na-Bato National Park and finally to Pampanga River (Figure 4.23). The main channel is two (2) km long within the project site, has an elevation difference of 400 m from the headwater (700 m amsl) of

the main channel to the northeastern corner of the claim (300 m alms), and a gradient of 0.2 which is moderately sloping. The river’s headwater is perennial due largely to the springs emanating from the limestone body. Stream discharge was measured at 0.060 m

3/s or 60 lps.

The river’s watershed occupies the northernmost section of the claim and has an area of about 350 hectares (Figure 4.24). Characterized by an irregular shape but roughly circular, the

watershed is mountainous or steeply sloping. Except for the disturbed areas, vegetation is relatively dense in the mining claim wherein secondary forest growths proliferate. Massive erosion is noted in recently disturbed areas of the mining claim and in adjacent properties where mining

has also taken place. The main channel is subjected to dynamic stormflows as evidenced by boulders spread over the

riverbed (Photo 4.13). It is already heavily silted due to the mining disturbance made on headwater’s watershed (Photo 4.14). Estimated Monthly Stream flow of Biak na Bato River Presented below is an extract and adoption from the book Environmental Hydrology edited by

Ward and Elliot (1995). Principles and Formulas

Where there is no streamflow information for analysis, several runoff estimates have been developed for ungauged drainage systems. Rainfall excess (volume of runoff) can be determined

by using infiltration equations, one of which is the most commonly applied method developed by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS, 1972). In this approach infiltration losses are combined with surface storage by the relationship:


2/ (P-la+S)

where Q is the accumulated runoff or rainfall excess in inches, P is the rainfall depth in inches, and S is a parameter given by:

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 93


where CN is known as the curve number. The term Ia is the initial abstractions in inches and includes surface-storage, interception, and infiltration prior to runoff and is commonly

approximated as 0.2S. By substitution, the equation becomes:


The SCS curve number is a function of the ability of soils to infiltrate water, land use, and soil water conditions at the start of a rainfall event. The U.S. SCS has divided soils into four hydrologic

soil groups and are assigned curve numbers for corresponding land use. Prior to estimating rainfall excess for a rain event, the curve numbers should be adjusted based on the season and 5-day antecedent precipitation or Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions (AMC). Applications and Estimates

Applying the principles above and using the average monthly rainfall values at the Quezon City Synoptic Station, monthly surface runoff will be estimated here in a conservative manner. Soil and land use investigations showed that the area is generally underlain by clayey soils (Soil Group B in

Table 4.17) and has good forest cover (Row 12 in Table 4.17). CN under this category is equivalent to 74. It is located in a Type I climate where there are two pronounced seasons, wet from May to November and dry for the rest of the year. Antecedent soil moisture conditions AMC I

(May to November) and AMC Ill (December to April) will therefore be applied in adjusting for the curve numbers. For these conditions, curve numbers CN = 54.0 for AMC I and CN = 89.5 for AMC III were selected for the project catchments (Table 4.18).

The estimated monthly discharge for the Biak na Bato River’s headwater section is presented in Table 4.19. The negative figures from January to April tell us that no runoff is available during this

period and the soil is actually deficient in moisture content that is equal to these figures. It is only during the wet period that the river receives runoff from this watershed. Although the river receives no runoff during the dry period, there are baseflows and spring water that make this

segment of the river perennial.

Table 4.17 Curve Numbers for Antecedent Soil Moisture Condition II (SCS, 1984)

Land Use Description Hydrologic Soil Group


Commercial, row houses and townhouses 80 85 90 95 Fallow, poor condition 77 86 91 94 Cultivated with conventional tillage 72 81 88 91

Cultivated with conservation tillage 62 71 78 81 Lawns, poor condition 58 74 82 86 Lawns, good condition 39 61 74 80

Pasture or range, poor condition 68 79 86 89 Pasture or range, good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow 30 58 71 78

Pavement and roofs 100 66 77 89 Woods or forest thin stand, poor cover 45 55 70 85 Woods or forest, good cover 25 74 82 87

Farmsteads 59 83 88 81 Residential 1/4 acre lot, poor condition 73 75 86 92 Residential 1/4 acre lot, good condition 61 80 80 100

Residential 1/2 acre lot, poor condition 67 70 84 83 Residential 1/2 acre lot, good condition 53 77 77 77 Residential 2 acre lot, poor condition 63 66 90 86

Residential 2 acre lot, good condition 47 84 90 91 Roads 74 85 91 87

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 94

Table 4.18 Adjustments to runoff curve number (CN) for dry or wet

antecedent moisture conditions

Curve Number for

Condition II

Factors to convert curve number for AMC II to AMC I or AMC III

AMC I (dry) AMC III (wet)

10 0.40 2.22

20 0.45 1.85 30 0.50 1.67 40 0.55 1.50

50 0.62 1.40 60 0.67 1.30 70 0.73 1.21

80 0.79 1.14 90 0.87 1.07

100 1.00 1.00

Table 4.19 Calculated monthly discharge at the headwaters of Biak-na-Bato River in cubic meters

Month P (mm) P (in) CN S R (in) R (mm) WS Area Q(m3)

Jan 19.5 0.77 54.0 8.52 (0.25) (6.26) 3,240,000 (20,288)

Feb 8.9 0.35 54.0 8.52 (0.38) (9.59) 3,240,000 (31,056)

Mar 22.9 0.90 54.0 8.52 (0.21) (5.27) 3,240,000 (17,080)

Apr 35.1 1.38 54.0 8.52 (0.08) (1.99) 3,240,000 (6,435)

May 160.4 6.32 54.0 8.52 0.70 17.84 3,240,000 57,801

Jun 311.6 12.28 89.5 1.17 1.82 46.26 3,240,000 149,867

Jul 503.5 19.84 89.5 1.17 1.89 47.90 3,240,000 155,180

Aug 526.8 20.76 89.5 1.17 1.89 48.02 3,240,000 155,573

Sep 391.7 15.43 89.5 1.17 1.86 47.12 3,240,000 152,681

Oct 312 12.29 89.5 1.17 1.82 46.26 3,240,000 149,884

Nov 155.5 6.13 89.5 1.17 1.67 42.33 3,240,000 137,157

Dec 83.9 3.31 54.0 8.52 0.32 8.03 3,240,000 26,033

Legend: P - Monthly mean precipitation R - Available Runoff

CN - Curve number WS - Watershed S - 1000/CN-10 Q - Discharge in cubic meters Water Use

The mining site is far from populated communities and surface water in this area is not used by residents in the barangay but some people whose livelihoods are mountain-based, the river water was occasionally used for bathing and even drinking purposes prior to the ore extraction by the

previous operator. Flooding Contribution

The disturbance at the mining sites will in a way contribute to flooding in the downstream segment of the river maybe up to Biak-na-Bato National Park. In terms of floodwater contribution it would

be minimal since the mining area occupies only a small portion of the watershed of B iak na Bato River. In terms of sediment load however, the contribution could be substantial should no mitigating measures be implemented to arrest the projected accelerated erosion.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 95

Figure 4.23 The major drainage system in the area

Project Site

Surface Flow Direction

Biak-na-Bato River

San Miguel River

Pampanga River

Balaong River

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 96

Figure 4.24 The headwaters of Biak na Bato River at the mine site

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10

Mining Claim


Uppermost Biak-na-Bato



Area for


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 97

Photo 4.13 Boulders along the headwaters of Biak-na-Bato

River bed

Photo 4.14 Silted channel at the upper reaches of the Biak-na-

Bato River particularly at the mining area

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 98 Surface Water Quality

To determine the quality of surface water in the area, several samples were collected at different times (Figure 4.25) and sent to CRL Laboratory for analyses. All samples collected (Photos 4.15 and 4.16) in at least 5 stations yielded results that are within the DENR standards Class “D”. This

is true for all parameters used in the laboratory analyses except coliform. The parameters used were BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, Turbidity, Oil and grease, Surfactants, Phosphates, Iron, coliform, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium and hexavalent chromium (Table 4.20). These parameters can

also be used for monitoring. Annex “I” presents photocopies of the laboratory results. Although the results of the analyses suggested a generally clean system, the river becomes murky

during the rainy season because of the voluminous amount of soil disturbed by the previous operator in the area.

Figure 4.25 Location map of surface water samples

150 06

150 04

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10

Mining Claim

Uppermost Biak-na-Bato River





Arayat River BNB River

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 99

Table 4.20 Laboratory results of surface water samples

Parameter Unit Standard

Class D OSW-1 OA-1 OA-2





Color PCU 20

Turbidity NTU 1.6

BOD5 mg/L 10(15) 2 <2 <2

TSS mg/L B 4.0 4 <4

TDS mg/L 146 249 307

Oil/Grease mg/L 5 1.5 <0.20 <2.0

Phosphate mg/L - <0.05 <0.05

MBAS mg/L - <0.20 <2.0

Total Coli MPN/100 mL 1.6 x 103 9,000 1,600


mg/L .05 <0.0090 ND ND

Hg mg/L .002 <0.0001 ND ND

As mg/L .05 <0.0050 0.53 0.47

Cd mg/L .01 <0.0030 ND 1.6

Fe mg/L 0.03 127,000 132,000

Pb mg/L .05 <0.01 ND ND

S mg/L 6,780 8,000

a/ No abnormal discoloration from unnatural causes.

b/ Not more than 60 mg/L increase.

c/ Do not apply if natural background is higher in concentration. The latter will prevail and will be used as baseline.

ND - Not Detected.

TSS - Total Suspended Solids

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 100

Photo 4.15 Measuring the discharge of BnB River at the project


Photo 4.16 Taking water samples from BnB River for analysis

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 101 Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality Methodology

Groundwater data were obtained from literature published by the National Water Regulatory Board (NWRB) and from actual field survey conducted in the area. Spring discharges were measured using flotation method. Spring waters were sampled and brought to the CRL Laboratory in Clark

Air Base Economic Zone for analyses. Groundwater Condition in Camachin

Based on the groundwater map prepared by NWRB (Figure 4.26), the barangay of Camachin including the mining area, is classified as difficult area which means that sourcing of water is not

easy because of the inherent impermeability of the underlying rock formation. Based on field surveys however, substantial spring water may be sourced from at least two different aquifers in the mining area. Aquifer Identification

Aquifer refers to a layer of rock or sediment that contains enough accessible water to be of interest to humans. It must be porous and permeable to allow storage and movement of groundwater. Based on geologic formations identified in the locality, two (2) types of aquifer are recognized and

these are the limestone aquifer and the pyroclastics aquifer (Figure 4.27). The actual lateral distribution of these aquifers was not determined due to time constraint but projection was attempted and shown in the same figure cited above. Limestone Aquifer

The limestone aquifer is a major groundwater source. It is partly located inside the MPSA area but the larger portion may extend further to the slopes of Mt. Silad. The limestone body occupies a large area where sinkholes are fairly distributed. Elevation difference from the highest portion of

the karst topography to the spring below is about 300 meters, i.e., 800 m to 500 m asml. The limestone aquifer is characterized by enlarged fractures and voids (Figure 4.28) that allow

entry of water from nearby gullies through multiple sinkholes, store the same in the large voids below the sinkholes and regulate the outflow through several springs (Photo 4.17 and 4.18).

The sinkholes are located outside the extraction area and should not be endangered of being filled up or clogged by loose soils during heavy downpours when excessive erosion is induced. Pyroclastics Aquifer The pyroclastics aquifer in the area is off the northeastern corner of the claim. Lithology is

typically composed of tuff that is highly weathered and covers the older formations of metasediments and metavolcanics. These materials were deposited through aerial means and remobilized by alluvial processes. The aquifer occupies a sizeable area although the vertical

extent is limited. A strong spring also emanates from this rock formation (Photo 4.19 and 4.20). The high calcium carbonate content of the water indicates that this aquifer is hydraulically

connected to the limestone body. Groundwater level and flow direction

Groundwater levels in the two (2) aquifers could not be established during the survey. Groundwater from both aquifers flows to the direction of BnB River (Figure 4.27). Recharge, Storage and Discharge

The recharge area for the limestone aquifer is largely located outside of the mining area and extends to the slopes of Mt. Silad. Surface water is collected by gullies and funneled into the

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 102

sinkholes of the limestone body. The water is then stored in the enlarged voids of the limestone body and discharged in controlled fashion through constricted fractures as springs.

Groundwater in pyroclastics are recharged directly by rainfall and also by gullies, then stored in the pore spaces of the pyroclastic materials, and eventually discharged as baseflows or springs to the

BnB River or its tributaries. Water Demand and Supply

The main source of potable and domestic water supply for the future mining operations is groundwater. This can be sourced from the above-mentioned aquifers notably from the

Limestone Aquifer. At present, springs had been roughly developed to supply the drinking needs of workers at the mine site. Future drinking needs of the operations should be somewhere in the vicinity of 20 m


Figure 4.26 Ground water map of Bulacan

Source: NWRC (1982)

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 103

Figure 4.27 Aquifers at the project site

Figure 4.28 Idealized groundwater condition in the limestone aquifer

Groundwater Flow

Limestone body

(Groundwater Storage) Void



Rainfall body


150 06

150 04

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10

Mining Claim



Limestone Aquifer

Groundwater flow direction

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 104 Groundwater quality

Water samples were collected from the two springs that drain the limestone and pyroclastics aquifers (Photos 4.17 and 4.18) and sent to the CRL Laboratory for analyses (Annex “I”). And based on the results (Table 4.21), the water here is not safe for drinking because of the presence

of oil and grease even though all parameters including toxic heavy metals are within the DOH standards. The presence of oil and grease is a quite a mystery since the water comes out as spring and should not be affected by anthropogenic activities. The oil and grease might have

come from contaminated glass bottles used to store the water samples. Notable among these results are the values for hardness and TDS. The high value of TDS in the

pyroclastics aquifer (OGW-2) suggests that the aquifer is hydraulically connected to the limestone aquifer and might be fed exclusively by it.

The waters from both springs are quite hard due to the presence of calcium carbonate. Laundry soap would not produce as much suds in this type of water compared to a typical water that contains less CaCO3. When heated or boiled, this type of water will leave white scales in the

bottom of kettles. When used in bathing, it gives one a limy feeling when rinsing soap suds. It is generally safe for drinking however if oil/grease is not present.

Table 4.21 Results of laboratory analyses of ground water samples

Parameter Unit DOH Standard



Color PCU 5 15 15

Turbidity NTU 5 0.40 0.40

TSS mg/L 4.0 3.0

TDS mg/L 500 226 214

Oil/Grease mg/L 1.8 1.4

Total Coliform MPN/100mL 16 >16


mg/L 0.05 <0.009 <0.009

Hg mg/L 0.001 <0.0001 <0.0001

As mg/L 0.01 <0.005 <0.005

Cd mg/L 0.003 <0.003 <0.003

Fe mg/L 1 0.12 0.007

Pb MPN/100mL 0.01 <0.01 <0.01

*Below DLR

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 105

Figure 4.29 Location map of groundwater samples

Photo 4.17 A strong spring from a limestone body

150 06

150 04

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10

Mining Claim



Limestone Aquifer



EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 106

Photo 4.18 Measuring the discharge of a limestone spring

Photo 4.19 Measuring the discharge of a spring from the pyroclastics aquifer

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 107

Photo 4.20 Taking samples from the pyroclastics spring

4.2.2 Impacts Assessment on Water Siltation of streambeds

The consequence of accelerated and excessive erosion is siltation of streambeds either that of a creek or a river. Soils are dumped by surface runoff to natural drainages. Depending on the grain

size of the sediments involved, soils will be deposited in the different segments of the receiving body of water. Very fine sediments can reach the coastal areas during flooding events. The larger ones of course will be retained in short distances from the point source. If erosion cannot be

controlled, the effect will be progressive siltation. This means that as mining expands over the years, siltation will also continue in a progressive manner. It is anticipated that siltation will occur in the Biak-na-Bato River and its tributaries in the headwaters. Deterioration of water quality

Deterioration of water quality will be basically in terms of physical, biological and possibly chemical and will be effected by the mining operation and crushing process. The physical parameters that will be affected are turbidity, color, and total suspended solid or TSS. The physical deterioration of

the receiving bodies of water is expressed basically by the concentration of the TSS. These fine particles are the clay components of the soils disturb in the mining area. Clay is the largest in terms of volume, thus extensive murkying of the drainage systems is inevitable.

On the biological side, coliform content of the streams, particularly fecal, can increase substantially because of the influx of residents in the mining community. BOD is also expected to increase as

more domestic effluents drain into the drainage system. It is during the operation that this problem will worsen.

On the chemical side, oil and grease concentration may increase if haphazardly disposed. Surfactants may also find its way in streams. This come from laundry soap that will be used by mine workers. Some toxic heavy metals may be released from the excavation of soil and may

include mercury, lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium and arsenic. Groundwater may also be affected when human excreta and oil and grease find their way into the

recharge zones of the aquifers.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 108 Loss of groundwater resource

Loss of groundwater resource may happen if the stored water in limestone and pyroclastic aquifers are accidentally opened by excavation and water is released inadvertently. If the discharge through these openings becomes higher than the recharge then the aquifer can be depleted

substantially until it will be lost eventually. On the other hand, the limestone aquifer may lose its recharge area when mine wastes are haphazardly dumped into sinkholes that are functioning as inlets for surface flows. Once clogged or sealed, water will no longer enter the voids that serve as

the storage tanks of the limestone body and hence no replenishment will take place. As a consequence the storage tanks will dry up.

4.2.3 Proposed Mitigation Measures Siltation of streambeds

This can be prevented first and foremost by controlling erosion at source. This has been discussed under the land module. For emphasis, loose materials should be stockpiled in areas

where erosion control measures can easily be applied. Angle of repose for all stockpiles should be low, i.e., not more than 30

0 and should not be huge in order that massive slides can be

avoided. Cut slopes should not be steep, i.e., beyond its friction angle and preferably benched.

Once these measures are implemented, accelerated and massive erosion can be avoided. If possible, sediments should not be allowed to reach the creeks, much more the river. They must

be controlled right from where they are coming from, i.e., from the extraction areas. A Siltation Control System is recommended. This is composed of a series of sabo dams and a series of siltation ponds with geomembranes at the outfalls. The system should be emplaced prior to

extensive extraction and onset of a rainy period. Concept design for the construction of siltation pond and sabo dams are presented in Figures 4.30 and 4.31. Deterioration of water quality Deterioration of water quality will be profoundly expressed by the predicted higher concentration of

TSS. High TSS amounts can affect the potability of groundwater, the domestic and agricultural uses of creek waters and the inhabitability of river waters. To reduce the effects of TSS the Siltation Control System mentioned above should be implemented. However the erosion control

measures cited in the Land Module should be a primordial concern. The silt curtain incorporation in the system can protect the creek and river waters from the intrusion of fine sediments and therefore preserve the ecosystems already existing.

On other parameters, 3-chambered septic tanks should be installed in the barracks or dormitory and other facilities. Encourage use of environment-friendly laundry soap. Oil and grease should

be collected and disposed of properly, to a waste treater if possible or to buyers of used oil. At the crushing plant, recycling of water should be done to economize on water use and make

sure that heavy metals will not go to the natural drainage. All runoff from the minesite should pass through the Siltation Control System so that sediments with heavy metals in them can be precipitated, Waste dumps should be structurally stable even during earthquakes. The design

should use the PGA value obtain from the nearest segment of the Philippine Fault. Loss of groundwater resource

Since the limestone body and the pyroclastics are not hosts to the iron ore deposit, the effect of mining should be minimal. But along contact, accidents may happen. To maintain this condition,

activities that supplement the mining operation should be veered away from these rock units especially from the existing springs. The recharge sinkholes in the limestone aquifer should be amply protected so that no soils will seal their inlets and prevent entry of surface water that will

replenish the groundwater stored in it.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 109

Figure 4.30 Proposed arrangement of siltation ponds

Mining Area

Primary Sedimentation


Secondary Sedimentation


Flocculation and Final






Silt Dump (Low-lying area)

Pebble, sand, silt and coarse-

grained clay

Medium-grained clay



Clear Water

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 110

Figure 4.31 Idealized locations of sabo dams

Mining Area



Sabo Dam

Siltation Control System


Control System

Flow Direction

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 111

4.3 The Air

Study methods include collecting secondary meteorological data from Philippine Astronomical Geophysical and Seismological Administration’s (PAGASA) Science Garden Synoptic Station in Diliman, Quezon City. Primary data on air quality parameters and noise levels were measured

from different community receptors and from the mining area itself were operation will be taking place. Following information were gathered from these methods:

4.3.1 Climate Climate in the Philippines is classified according to rainfall distribution using the Modified Coronas.

The subject area is situated within a Type 1 climate (PAGASA, 1992) which is characterized by two (2) pronounced seasons, dry from December to April and wet for the rest of the year (Figure 4.32). Maximum rain period is in the months of May to November with August as the rainiest

month. Table 4.22 shows the mean monthly rainfall that fits exactly this description. During this wet period, the area is exposed to the southwest monsoon, a regional wind pattern laden with rainclouds and is the dominant factor why rains come at this time of the year. Cyclones in most

cases exacerbate the rainy season as rainfall becomes intense. The presence of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) where warm and cold air meets, also contributes to the increase in rainfall depth.

4.3.2 Cyclone Frequency

Based on PAGASA’s cyclone frequency classification, the project area lies within the geographical zone number 4 (Figure 4.33). This zone experiences cyclone passage at a rate of 5 times in 3 years. Cyclones passing over this area usually come from the Pacific Ocean where genesis takes

place but on occasions, they originate from the South China Sea. Typhoons in general are the biggest single contributor of abnormal rainfalls that oftentimes lead to unusual flooding.

4.3.3 Climate Elements Rainfall

Because it is the nearest, the synoptic station in the Science Garden, Diliman, Quezon City was used in assessing the rainfall data in the area. It is also located in the same climate type where

the project is sited and has an extensive record dating back to 1971 without data gaps. Data here can represent closely the rainfall characteristics of the proposed project site. Table 4.23 lists the extreme rainfall depths recorded for a 24-hr observation in the last 38 years. In some instances, a

daily extreme surpasses that of the monthly mean. Nine (9) out of 12 extremes coincided with the passage of a cyclone. Though some of the cyclones were not close enough, they could have sucked the southwest monsoon clouds that precipitated upon hitting land. It is heaviest in the

month of August at 526.8 mm normal and lightest at 8.9 mm in February. The total annual rainfall of the area is 2,531.8 mm as recorded at the Science garden Synoptic Station in Diliman, Quezon City. The three (3) most extreme 24-hr. monthly rainfall values meanwhile, are 223.0 mm (15

August 1979), 276.5 mm (01 September 1970) and 334.5 mm (07 June 1967). Temperature

Temperature in the area has a maximum monthly average range of 30.3 – 34.9

0C and a minimum

average range of 20.4 – 24.4 0C (Table 4.22). March, April, and May are the months that

registered high temperature values suggesting of a warm weather condition. A cold period runs through December, January, and February when temperature values are low. On temperature extremes, the warmest recorded was in 14 May 1987 at 38.5

0C while the coldest was in 01 March

1963 at 14.9 0C (Table 4.23).

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 112

Table 4.22 Climatological normals recorded at the Science Garden Synoptic Station, Diliman, QC (PAGASA 2000).

Month Rainfall, mm Temperature,

0C Percent Wind No. of days with

Amt. Rdngs Max Min Mean Humidity Dir Spd Thunder Lightning

Jan 19.5 4 30.4 20.4 25.4 76.0 NE 1 0 0

Feb 8.9 2 31.6 20.6 26.1 70.0 NE 1 0 0

Mar 22.9 3 33.2 21.6 27.4 67.0 SE 2 1 1

Apr 35.1 4 34.9 23.3 29.1 65.0 SE 2 4 4

May 160.4 12 34.6 24.4 29.5 71.0 SE 2 14 13

Jun 311.6 18 32.9 24.3 28.6 79.0 SW 2 17 13

Jul 503.5 22 31.6 23.9 27.8 83.0 SW 2 19 13

Aug 526.8 24 31.1 23.9 27.5 84.0 SW 2 17 9

Sep 391.7 22 31.5 23.7 27.6 84.0 SW 1 18 12

Oct 312.0 19 31.3 23.2 27.3 83.0 N 1 11 9

Nov 155.5 14 31.1 22.4 26.7 80.0 N 1 5 2

Dec 83.9 9 30.3 21.3 25.8 79.0 N 1 1 0

Annual 2531.8 153

32.1 22.8 27.4

77.0 SW 2 107 76

Table 4.23 Climatological extremes recorded at the Science Garden Synoptic Station, Diliman, QC

Month Temperature,

0C G’test Dly RF, mm Highest Wind Speed

High Date Low Date Amount Date Speed Direction Date

Jan 34.7 17-98 15.5 27-87 55.8 16-88 24 ESE 17-72

Feb 35.6 24-67 15.1 04-87 30.7 12-74 22 SSE 02-92

Mar 36.8 26-83 14.9 01-63 44.8 15-89 26 S 16-92

Apr 38.0 25-98 17.2 05-63 47.2 16-79 26 SSE 07-92

May 38.5 14-87 17.8 03-62 166.0 20-96 40 N 10-92

Jun 38.0 02-93 18.1 27-61 334.5 07-67 37 SW 25-72

Jul 36.2 20-98 17.7 23-61 218.0 31-72 36 NNW 09-77

Aug 35.8 10-62 17.8 23-64 223.0 15-79 32 N 22-00

Sep 35.4 04-88 20.0 08-64 276.5 01-70 30 SSW 20-92

Oct 35.0 20-89 18.6 31-67 209.3 18-75 30 SE 11-89

Nov 34.3 06-00 15.6 12-62 169.9 20-66 50 NNW 03-95

Dec 34.7 15-97 15.1 13-88 87.2 22-94 22 SE 22-97

Annual 38.5 05-14-87 14.9 03-01-63 334.5 06-07-67 50 NNW 11-02-95

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 113

Figure 4.32 Climate Map of the Philippines

Source: PAGASA, 1992

Figure 4.33 Cyclone Map of the Philippines

Source: PAGASA, 1992


Type 1 - Dry from December to May and w et for the rest of the year.

Type 2 - No dry season but w ith very pronounced maximum rain period in Dec. to Jan.

Type 3 - No pronounced maximum rain

period w ith short dry season lasting for 1 to 3 months.

Type 4 - Rainfall is more or less distributed

evenly throughout the year.

Project Site


5 cyclones in 2 years

1 cyclone per year

5 cyclones in 3 years

3 cyclones in 3 years

Project Site

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 114 Winds

Strong winds are a natural hazard. They can be dangerous even in urban areas because of flying debris and toppling of weak structures. In rural areas where houses may be built with inferior materials, they could be devastating. Table 4.23 shows the extreme winds recorded at the same

synoptic station. Strong winds are usually associated with typhoons but this is not always the case. The extremes recorded from January to July were not produced by any typhoon. However, the values are high enough for them to be classified under typhoon signal numbers 2 and 3 (Table

4.24). All the extremes recorded after July coincided with the occurrences of typhoons though most centers did not pass the synoptic station. November extreme may be considered as a direct effect of a typhoon because the center passed through Central Luzon. Again most of these

extremes could have been caused by local thunderstorms. Thus, the effects of local thunderstorm may be as grave as that of a typhoon except for the area coverage. Another source of strong winds are tornadoes. Recent occurrences as reported by media, were powerful enough to unroof

or even totally damage houses made of inferior materials.

Table 4.24 Public Storm Signals for tropical cyclones.

Wind Speed

Signal Number Kilometers Per Hour (kph)

Meters Per Second (mps)

1 30-60 8-17 2 60-100 17-28 3 100-185 28-51

4 >185 >51

Source: PAGASA, 2000. Air Quality Barangay Camachin in this part of DRT does not host industries that emit substantial pollutants

into the air. Generally, this area may be considered pristine in terms of air quality standards, it being located in a rural area where industrial development has not taken place yet. The area is basically founded on agriculture that is not modernized. The sources of air pollutants are vehicles

plying the roads. But even then, the frequency of vehicular traffic is very light and the airshed is quite large for the dispersion of pollutants, thus, reducing their concentrations to acceptable levels. By the way, the project site is generally located within the Central Luzon airshed.

Ambient air quality sampling was done from different stations including the site itself routes where receptor communities were identified and these include the barangay proper, the Akle community

and the road intersection in Sapang Putol, San Ildefonso proper (Figure 4.34). The mine site and Brgy Camachin proper were sampled on September 24, 2004 while Barangay Akle proper and Barangay Sapang Putol in San Indefonso were sampled on December 6, 2006.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 115

Figure 4.34 Location map of the different ambient air quality sampling stations

Air samples collected from these stations were analyzed for Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide

(NO2), and Total Suspended Particulates (TSP). The location and conditions of the sampling stations are described in Table 4.25 while the results of laboratory analyses are tabulated in Table 4.26 below (Annex “J”).

150 05”

150 00”

140 55”

150 10”

150 15”

1210 00” 1210 10” 1210 05”

Station 2 Brgy Camachin

Station 3 Brgy Akle

Station 4 Brgy Sapang Putol

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 116

Table 4.25 Location and conditions of the ambient air quality and noise sampling stations

Sta Location Sampling Date

and Time





Wind Speed

& Direction

1 Near the bunk house at mining site.

From Sept 23, 2004 (3:00 PM)

To Sept. 24, 2004

(3:00 PM)

24 Sunny/Fair

Light to moderate SE and NW


Brgy Camachin Proper 10 m south of the Brgy. Hall along the rough

barangay road.

Sep 24, 2004

(3:30 – 4:30 PM)

1 Sunny/Fair

Light to moderate


3 Near Barangay Hall of Brgy. Akle along the rough municipal road

Dec 13, 2006

2:30 – 3:30 pm 1 Cloudy

Light to moderate

4 Sapang Putol 10 meters opposite the well-paved

National Highway

Dec 13, 2006 4:30-5:30

1 Cloudy

Light to moderate

Table 4.26 Results of laboratory analyses and DENR standards

Sta. Parameter Unit Value DENR

Standard* Remarks


SO2 μg/nm3 Nil 180 Passed

NO2 μg/nm3 0.333 150 Passed

TSP μg/nm3 44,100 230 Failed


SO2 μg/nm3 Nil 340 Passed

NO2 μg/nm3 0.0932 260 Passed

TSP μg/nm3 31,200 300 Failed


SO2 μg/nm3 Nil 180 Passed

NO2 μg/nm3 9 150 Passed

TSP μg/nm3 66 230 Passed


SO2 μg/nm3 Nil 340 Passed

NO2 μg/nm3 51 260 Passed

TSP μg/nm3 462 300 Failed

Note: Station 1: 24-hour Ambient Air Sampling Stations 2, 3 & 4: 1-hr Ambient Air Sampling

*National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Source Specific Air Pollutants from Industrial Sources / Operations (Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 8749).

Based on the laboratory analyses of the air quality samples only the TSP values taken from three (3) stations exceeded the DENR standards. SO2 and NO2 in all stations passed the standards

(Table 4.26). TSP at Station 1 which is located at the mine site, registered an exceptionally high

value of 44,100 μg/Nm3. This is attributed to the ongoing operations undertaken by Matatag

Mining Corporation (MMC) at the time the sample was taken. Fugitive dust from the earth-moving activities of the mining operations and from the exhausts of passing hauling trucks made up the

particulates intercepted in the air by the sampler. At Station 2 in Brgy. Camachin proper, a very high value of TSP at 31,200 μg/nm

3 was also recorded. The sources of TSP are fugitive dusts

from the dirt road lifted by the passing hauling trucks from the mining operation of MMC and from

the exhausts of the trucks themselves. At the road intersection in Sapang Putol, TSP value also exceeded the DENR standards even after the MMC operations ceased. Particulates from transport vehicles passing the national road and the intersecting provincial road were the sources

and these include the tricycles that oftentimes emit heavy smoke. The sampling site was close to the terminal of tricycles.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 117 Noise Quality

Noise is an unwanted sound and within the site and its immediate surroundings, no noise sources were observed. Those that are produced by chirping birds and other animals, may be considered

simply as sound.

Based on the results of the noise level readings (Annex “J”), all stations (Figure 4.34) registered

values that are within the allowable noise level criteria for hearing loss prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States of America. That criterion is 105 dBA for a one-hour duration per day of exposure, the same length of time adopted for the

measurement of ambient noise in the field. The highest reading obtained from the six (6) stations is only 73.74 dBA (Table 4.27) and therefore should not pose danger to the hearing senses of the general public.

Table 4.27 Summary of noise readings (dBA)

Sta. Location Duration

Date Period Time

Min (dBA)

Max (dBA)

Mean (dBA)

Median (dBA)



Bunk House at

the Mine Site


hours Sept 23,


Morning 0700-

0705 40.10 43.90 41.37 41.30 65.00

Noon 1200-1205

51.50 53.80 52.61 52.70 70.00

Evening 2000-2005

50.30 65.00 52.81 51.65 65.00

Nighttime 2400-

2405 41.70 44.20 42.98 43.00 60.00



extraction area

1 hour Sept 23,


Daytime 0920-0925

52.60 63.80 54.02 53.70 70.00*

2 Brgy

Camachin proper

1 hour Sept 23,

2004 Daytime


1705 42.70 64.80 50.75 49.55 55.00**

3 Brgy Hall, Akle, San


1 hour

Dec. 13, 2006

Daytime 1555-1557

49.50 70.10 56.08 54.55 55



Checkpoint along San Ildefonso-

Akle Road

1 hour Dec. 13,


Daytime 1548-

1550 43.90 77.90 56.13 54.60 55


Brgy. Sapang

Putol, San


1 hour Dec. 13,


Daytime 1735-1737

65.70 82.50 73.74 73.55 55

Note: Additional Stations: 1a and 3a * DENR Daytime Noise Standard used is based on Class C. (Light Industrial) area.

** The applied DENR limit is Class A (residential) area at Daytime.

Except for Station 4, the results of the measurements show that the noise levels in all stations met

the DENR Standards. Sources of noise at Station 4 are passing vehicles but tricycles are a major source because these do not usually use mufflers or silencers and they were on wait near the sampling site.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 118

4.3.2 Impact Assessment Dust generation

Dust can be generated during the extraction and hauling of ore but more pronounced in the latter. With increased activity particularly from hauling trucks, uncemented roads can yield so much dust that can be hazardous to residents living along such roads. This is expected at the centers of both

barangays where hauling trucks may occasionally pass through although this segment of the national road is not part of the hauling route. It is being used for support activities though. Dusts are heavily experienced along the hauling route from the different stockpiles of the extraction

areas down to the plant and also to the highway. In mining areas meanwhile, dusts can be generated by excavation and movements of heavy equipment including hauling trucks. Fugitive dusts can create an environment that is not only annoying to workers but a potential health risk as

well. Workers here will be continuously exposed to particulates that are possibly contaminated with certain amount of heavy metals. Increased amount of NOx and SOx Aside from dust, NOx and SOx can also be generated from mining equipment and hauling trucks.

The concentration will actually depend on how frenetic the operation could proceed and how the heavy equipment congregate. Where there is continuous production and traffic volume is high, the concentration can be significant at close distances. This is adversarial to the workers’ health and

needs to be addressed appropriately. Even residents living along the highway where support activities necessitates the use of a number of trucks, are also exposed to such pollutants although this is minimal due to a low traffic volume. Noise generation

Noise levels within the project site may increase substantially because of the introduction of different construction equipment. The sources of noise are bulldozers, pay loaders, backhoes, graders, hauling trucks, generators, etc. Table 4.28 shows the noise levels observed from various

equipment at different distances. Table 4.29 on the other hand, shows the permissible noise exposures times for occupational noise levels. The human ear can tolerate as much as 140 dB before experiencing pain (Rau and Wooten, 1980). Looking at both tables, all noises emanating

from the listed sources can be well tolerated. But continuous exposure could be a nuisance to laborers and employees working close to the source of noise. Noise from mining and hauling in the MPSA area however will not affect the community because of the distance separating the two

areas. Activities in the westernmost part of the MPSA area may however affect the barangay proper.

Table 4.28 Noise levels (in dBA) emanating from different construction equipment and measured from different distances

Construction Equipment

Distance from Construction Equipment (meters) 30 60 120 240

Backhoes 65-87 59-81 53-75 47-69 Compactors 66 60 54 48 Bulldozers 72-89 66-83 60-77 54-71 Graders 62-65 61-63 59-60 57-58 Loaders 66-75 60-69 54-63 48-57 Trucks 62-75 56-69 50-63 44-47 Concrete mixers 69-82 63-76 57-70 51-64 Concrete pumps 76 70 64 58 Tractors 72-89 66-83 60-77 54-71 Generators 66-76 60-70 54-64 48-58 Pumps 64-84 56-78 50-72 44-66 Vibrators 62-65 61-63 59-60 57-58

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 119

Table 4.29 Permissible exposure for occupational noise levels

Maximum Duration per Day (hrs) Sound Level


8 90

6 92 4 95 2 100

1 105 ½ 110

¼ or less 115

4.3.3 Mitigating Measures Dust generation The most effective way of controlling the lifting and suspension of dusts or particulates is to water

spray them thereby making them heavy for wind to carry. There must be a good number of spray or sprinkler trucks that will cover the hauling route. Frequency of spraying is dependent on the activity in the area and the weather conditions. When ship loading is occasioned on a dry period,

heavy traffic volume is expected and hence, dust generation will be extensive. In this case, spraying of roads will be frequent that a good number of water trucks will be needed. It is important that the hauling route should always be wet throughout the duration of the hauling

activity. Road surfacing using uniformly graded base course can further reduce the amount of dust that can be lifted by hauling trucks. On the other hand, miners, drivers and other personnel involved in mining and hauling should be required to use dust masks to prevent inhalation of dust that can possibly contain heavy metals.

It is recommended that the company obtain samples from the dusts along the hauling routes where the community is located. The samples should be brought to a DENR-accredited laboratory

and have these analyzed for heavy metals. Regular monitoring should then follow if these had been detected. Increased amount of NOx and SOx All equipment shall operate in tip-top condition. A self-monitoring system should be adopted by

the company to make sure that the equipment used by contractors are not pollutive. The EMB-3 can be contacted for this purpose. Those equipment that fails the tests should not be allowed to operate until the engines had been tuned up and their emissions met the standards set by DENR. Noise generation

All engine-ran equipment will be equipped with efficient mufflers to reduce the levels of noise emanating from their exhausts. Those operators exposed to the noises of their equipment should be required to use ear mufflers.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 120

4.4 The People

4.4.1 Methodology Information on socio-economic-cultural characters of the municipality were obtained largely from

the Socio Economic Profile of DRT, Bulacan while those for the barangay were acquired from actual survey. Perception survey, focus group discussions and interviews were utilized to determine the opinion of the residents in the area about mining.

4.4.2 Baseline Information Socio-economic profile Doña Remedios Trinidad

The host municipality of the proposed Iron Ore Mining Project is DRT in the Province of Bulacan.

The Municipality of Doña Remedios Trinidad was created on 13 September 1977 by virtue of Presidential Decree 1196 in honor of the late mother of the then First Lady, Imelda Romualdez Marcos. It was formed by carving out Barangays Pulong Sampaloc and Camachile from the

Municipality of Angat, Barangays Bayabas and Kabayunan from the Municipality of Norzagaray, and Barangays Talbak, Camachin, and Kalawakan from the Municipality of San Miguel to comprise the new municipality.

Doña Remedios Trinidad is the biggest municipality in Bulacan in terms of land area, amounting to a total of 93,297.97 hectares. 65 percent of this total area is considered as reserve areas,

consisting of 43,728 hectares of the Angat Watershed Reservation, 9,032 hectares of the Bulacan Forest Reserve, 5,695 hectares of the San Miguel Forest Reserve, and 2,114 hectares of the Biak -na-Bato National Park. The remaining 35 percent of the total land area consists of alienable and

disposable land. Population

While Doña Remedios Trinidad is the biggest municipality in Bulacan in terms of land area, it is the smallest in terms of population, contributing only to 0.61 percent of the province’s total population.

As of the latest official census, the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, there is a total of 2,808 households in the municipality with a total population of 13,636. Thus, Doña Remedios Trinidad has a very low population density at one person for every 6.84 hectares of land.

The municipality has eight (8) barangays, namely: Bayabas, Camachile, Camachin, Kabayunan, Kalawakan, Pulong Sampaloc, Sapang Bulak, and Talbak. Barangay Sapang Bulak is the newest

barangay, having been formed only on 29 December 1991 from portions of Barangay Camachile. Barangay Kalawakan has the biggest population, at 3,057, while Barangay Camachin has the smallest population, at 629. Table 4.30 below lists down the total population, household

population, and total number of households of Doña Remedios Trinidad: Table 4.30 Total Population, Household Population, and Total Number of Households of

Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2000

Name of Barangay Total Population Household Population Total Number of Households

Bayabas 1,216 1,216 232 Camachile 2,442 2,442 488 Camachin 629 629 131

Kabayunan 1,321 1,321 301 Kalawakan 3,057 3,057 644 Pulong Sampaloc 2,061 2,000 411

Sapang Bulak 1,780 1,775 361 Talbak 1,130 1,130 240

TOTAL 13,636 13,570 2,808

Source: National Statistics Office, Census of Population and Housing, 2000.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 121

Doña Remedios Trinidad has a very young population. In 1995, 53.12 percent of the population is less than 20 years old. Residents of Doña Remedios Trinidad are also more likely to marry and raise a family. In 1995, 59.12 percent of the municipality’s population aged ten years and over had

been ever married while only 40.88 percent were single. Income

As of 2002, Doña Remedios Trinidad has an annual revenue of P 52,480,350.13. This is a 35 percent increase from its 2001 revenue of P 38,990,273.93. There is only one bank in the

municipality, i.e. the Rural Bank of Doña Remedios Trinidad, which is based in Brgy. Pulong Sampaloc. The municipality has one public market, i.e. the Pamilihang Bayan ng Doña Remedios Trinidad. There are thirteen (13) stalls in the said market. Ethnicity

As of 1995, 81.96 percent of the residents of Doña Remedios Trinidad are Tagalogs. The remaining 18.04 percent are mainly migrants coming from different regions of the country. Based on our discussions with Mr. Philip Yambao of NCIP Region III, there are indigenous people living

in the area since time immemorial particularly remotados who had already assimilated to the mainstream. Health and Sanitation As of 2003, the ten leading causes of mortality in the municipality are the following: acute

respiratory infection (ARI), diarrhea, wounds (all types), hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, vitamin A deficiency, arthritis , and diabetes melitus. Table 4.31 shows the leading causes of morbidity in Doña Remedios Trinidad in 2003 and in the past five years.

Table 4.31 Leading Causes of Morbidity for All Ages in Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003 and in the past five years


2003 Past 5 Years Number of Cases Rate Number of Cases Rate

Acute respiratory infection 723 46.34 6,994 100.00

Diarrhea 528 33.84 1,592 22.76 Wounds 507 32.49 832 11.89 Hypertension 443 28.39 1,087 15.54

Bronchitis 313 20.06 1,097 15.58 Pneumonia 142 9.10 307 4.00 Urinary tract infection 110 7.05 261 3.73

Vitamin A deficiency 85 5.44 685 9.79 Arthritis 72 4.61 883 12.62 Diabetes 55 3.52 71 1.01

Source: Municipal Health Office of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003.

On the other hand, the ten leading causes of mortality in the municipality in 2003 were cancer (all

types), hypertensive vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), coronary artery diseases, broncho-pneumonia, gunshot wounds, hacking, cardio-respiratory arrest, myocardial infection, and stab wounds. It must be noted that ARI and diarrhea have been

consistently the top two leading causes of morbidity in the municipality in the past five years. Table 4.32 shows the ten leading causes of mortality in the municipality in 2003 and in the past five years.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 122

Table 4.32 Leading Causes of Mortality for All Ages in Doña Remedios Trinidad,

2003 and in the past five years

Cause of Death

2003 Past 5 Years

Number of Cases Rate Number of Cases Rate

Cancer 6 3.84 15 2.14 Hypertensive vascular

disease 4 2.56 21 3.00

Coronary obstructive pulmonary disease

4 2.56 9 1.28

Coronary artery diseases 2 1.28 37 5.29 Broncho-pneumonia 2 1.28 1 0.14 Gunshot wounds 2 1.28 6 0.85

Hacking 2 1.28 0 0.00 Cardio-respiratory arrest 2 1.28 9 1.28 Myocardial infection 1 0.64 0 0.00

Stab wound 1 0.64 3 0.42

Source: Municipal Health Office of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003.

In terms of health facilities, there is one Rural Health Unit (RHU) and seven (7) barangay health stations in Doña Remedios Trinidad. Headed by Dr. Ma. Rodelia Q. Vardeleon, the RHU is based in Pulong Sampaloc. Except for Bayabas, there is a barangay health station for all of the

barangays. Table 4.33 shows the list of health facilities in the municipality.

Table 4.33 Health Facilities in Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003

Name of Facility Location In-Charge

Rural Health Unit Pulong Sampaloc Dr. Ma. Rodelia Q. Vardeleon Camachile Health Center Camachile Elvira Cruz

Camachin Health Center Camachin Josephine Saplala Kabayunan Health Center Kabayunan Marissa San Gabriel Kalawakan Health Center Kalawakan Elvira Cruz

Pulong Sampaloc Health Center Pulong Sampaloc Eudocia Gonzales Sapang Bulak Health Center Sapang Bulak Rosalina Paulino Talbak Health Center Talbak Gemma V. Angeles

Source: Municipal Profile of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003. Based on the 2003 records of the Municipal Health Office (MHO), 93.14 percent of the households

in the municipality have access to safe drinking water while 6.85 percent have doubtful water service.

With regards to toilet facilities, 48.23 percent of households in 2003 have sanitary toilets, 38.33 percent have unsanitary toilets, while 12.85 percent have no toilets at all. Education As of 1995, 85.89 percent of the municipality’s population five years old and over have been to

school. The majority (63.16 percent), however, only reached the elementary level. There are nine (9) public elementary schools and three (3) public high schools in Doña Remedios

Trinidad. There is neither tertiary school nor private schools in the municipality. As of School Year 2002-03, the municipality had 2,146 elementary students and 346 high school students. Table 4.34 shows the total enrolment rate in the municipal elementary schools while Table 4.35 shows

the total enrolment rate in the municipal high schools as of School Year 2002-03.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 123

Table 4.34 Total Elementary Enrolment in Doña Remedios Trinidad, SY 2002-03

Name of School Number of Students School Principal

Bayabas Elementary School 275 Nenita Cruz Baras Bakal Primary School 45 Rolando de Guzman

Camachile Elementary School 486 Tirso Pascual Camachin Primary School 47 Andres Ferriol Kabayunan Primary School 91 Ruth Cruz

Kalawakan Elementary School 472 Ricardo Maquiling Pulong Sampaloc Elementary School 295 Rolando de Guzman Sapang Bulak Elementary School 230 Guillermo Flores

Talbak Elementary School 205 Ronald Cruz

Source: Municipal Profile of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003.

Table 4.35 Total High School Enrolment in Doña Remedios Trinidad, SY 2002-03

Name of School Number of Students Name of Principal

Doña Remedios Trinidad High School 112 Evangelina Cristobal

Sapang Bulak Extension High School 154 Gemimi Santos Talbak Extension High School 80 Dolores Vicente

Source: Municipal Profile of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003.

Aside from the aforementioned primary and secondary schools, the municipality has nineteen (19)

day-care centers with a total number of 391 children enrolled in these centers. There is one day -care worker assigned for each of the day-care center. Table 4.36 shows the distribution of these day-care centers by barangay and the number of children enrolled in these centers.

Table 4.36 Day-care Centers in Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003

Name of Barangay Number of Day-care


Number of Day-care


Number of children


Bayabas 2 2 37 Camachile 2 2 59

Camachin 2 2 36 Kabayunan 1 1 14 Kalawakan 3 3 58

Pulong Sampaloc 3 3 57 Sapang Bulak 4 4 92 Talbak 2 2 38

Source: Municipal Profile of Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003. Barangay Camachin Brgy. Camachin is the host barangay of the proposed Iron Ore Mining Project. The said barangay

has a total land area of 22,163.76 hectares of 23.76 percent of the total land area of the municipality. Camachin is classified as a rural barangay.

The barangay has nine (9) sitios, namely Bakal, Basecamp, Butarero, Catmon, Centro (Barangay Proper), Dos, Gugo, Herusalem (also referred to as Kalawang), and Pag-asa. Since the sitio is not an official politico-administrative unit, the boundaries of each sitio are not well-defined. Sitio

Dos and Centro are the most populated areas of the barangay. Next to these are sitios Butarero and Catmon. On the other hand, Sitio Gugo has only three households. Sitio Bakal, located on and nearby Mt. Silad and where the project site is found, remains uninhabited.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 124

A 12-member Philippine Army (PA) detachment is located at Sitio Basecamp. The said sitio is located on Mount Lumot, where a guerrilla memorial marker is erected. Relay stations of PT&T

and Bayantel are also found in Basecamp. The Atlas kin group makes up the residents of Sitio Catmon. Isidro Atlas, a 60-year old

kainginero, founded the first household in Sitio Catmon in 1962. All of Catmon residents are his consanguineal and affinal relatives. Eco-Tourism and Historical Attractions One important geological landmark in the barangay is Mount Lumot, where a World War II

memorial monument has been established under the auspices of General Alejo Santos. Residents call the structure as “Kandila” as it is shaped like a candle and lights up at night. Mount Lumot served as the launching ground of anti-Japanese activities in Bulacan during the War by

guerrilla forces led by Alejo Santos. There is one limestone cave in Sitio Bakal. The cave, which has two entrances, is found

approximately 500 meters from the dirt road. The place is a favorite picnic and dating area of Camachin youth. Stalactites and stalagmites are found inside the cave. The cave has a good potential of being a spelunking site for visiting tourists. Transportation

Camachin can be reached from San Ildefonso, Bulacan through an earth road that formerly served as a logging road in the 1940s. A public utility jeepney departs at the San Ildefonso Public Market every 7:00 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, passes through Brgy. Akle, until it reaches Sitio Dos of

Brgy. Camachin. The jeepney then continues its journey, passing through Butarero until it reaches Sitio Centro by 2:00-3:00 in the afternoon. A roundtrip fare costs P100 per passenger. An additional amount of P30 is charged from the passenger for every sack of baggage (e.g. a sack of

rice). There is no public transportation that goes all the way to Sitio Bakal. One has to hike five

kilometers through the dirt road from Sitio Centro to be able to reach Sitio Bakal. Demographic Profile

Camachin is the smallest barangay of Doña Remedios Trinidad in terms of population. As of 2000, there were only 161 households in the barangay with a total population of 629. The

population density of the barangay – one person for every 137.66 hectares – is smaller than that of the population density of the entire municipality.

It was only in the past three years did Camachin’s population increased rapidly. In 2003, the number of households increased to 189 while the total population reached 922. This reflects a high population growth of 46.58 percent in a span of three years. During this same period, there

was also an increase in the household size. The figure’s increase could also be attributed due to the augmentation of migrants to work in the previous mining site under the administration of Matatag Corporation. In 2000, there were only 3.9 persons per household while in 2003, there

were 4.88 persons. The latter figure, however, is more or less the same with the provincial average household size of 4.8 persons. Table 4.37 shows the fluctuating population of Camachin from 1970 until 2003.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 125

Table 4.37 Population Increase of Barangay Camachin, 1970-2003

Year Total Population Household Population Total Number of


1970 365 365 NA

1975 365 365 71 1980 554 554 106 1990 427 427 104

1995 598 598 139 2000 629 629 161 2003 922 922 189

Sources: National Census and Statistics Office, Census of Population of Housing, 1970-80; National Statistics Office,

Census of Population and Housing, 1990-2000; Barangay Profile of Camachin, Doña Remedios Trinidad, 2003.

There are more males than females in the barangay. This has been the trend since 1975, at least,

until the present. As of 2003, there were 490 males and 432 females. Ethnicity

Brgy. Camachin is dominantly Tagalog in composition. Even migrants into the area come from other Tagalog-speaking areas, such as the nearby Municipality of San Miguel or as far as Cavite

Province. Umiray Dumagats visit the barangay every now and then mainly to work as seasonal guides for

Camachin hunters or fishers. These Dumagats come all the way from Brgy. Umiray at the border of Dingalan, Aurora and General Nakar, Quezon. These are the Dumagats that still retain their culture and tradition. There are also some groups that have assimilated with the mainstream and

recognized by the NCIP as IPs as long as they have at least 0.1 percent of IP blood in their veins. Livelihood

The barangay’s labor force comprises 43 percent of the total population. As of 2003, 285 barangay residents were gainfully employed while 114 were unemployed. This is a high

unemployment rate of 28.6 percent of the total labor force. Approximately 1,500 hectares of the barangay is devoted to agriculture, more specifically

vegetable and fruit tree production. Among the crops that are cultivated are taro, papaya, banana, and coffee. Multi-cropping within the same plot is a common practice among the residents. Farms are dependent on rainfall for irrigation.

Mahogany seedlings are grown in the barangay nursery or in backyard plots. These seedlings are sold to outside buyers at PhP 3.00 per piece. At present, this has become also a priority project

of Barangay Camachin’s Women’s Organization (BCWO). Charcoal making is an important backyard industry of many households in the barangay. It is

common to find makeshift kilns just beside the house to produce charcoal. Cacao trees cultivated in backyard plots are usually used to produce charcoal. Some would gather bamboo shoots for commercial as well as for domestic use. There is a barangay ordinance prohibiting the cutting

down of trees outside one’s homelot for charcoal production. Middlemen coming from Angat, Bulacan come to Camachin every now and then to purchase charcoal at P60.00 to P75.00 per sack.

Fishing and hunting of wildlife are supplementary sources of food. Many residents own air rifles to shoot down birds, such as tik ling (buff-banded rail) and batu-bato (wild pigeon). Animals, such as

the labuyo (wild chicken), paruot (cloud rat), unggoy (monkey), musang (civet cat), bayawak (monitor lizard), baboy-damo (wild boar), usa (deer), ahas-kalabaw (a type of snake), and ulupong

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(cobra) are trapped during the rainy season. The meat from these animals is mainly for household consumption.

To fish, Camachin residents hire Dumagat guides to bring them to fishing grounds in the recesses of the mountains. One favorite fishing area is the Maputi River found in the La Mesa watershed

area of Mount Balangkas in Norzagaray, Bulacan. The area can be reached by 18 hours hike from Camachin. Commonly caught there are karpa (carp) bulig (mudfish), hito (catfish), biya (goby), palaka (frog), and taraple (crablet). Hito is sold at P70 per kilogram while big bulig are sold

at P100 per kilogram. Very few residents engage in animal husbandry. Among the animals raised are horses, goats,

and carabaos. Market

Brgy. Camachin has no public market. Barangay residents have to go to Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso to purchase goods from the flea market there. There are, however, a few sari-sari stores in Sitio

Dos and Sitio Centro. Education

There is only one school in the barangay, namely the Camachin Elementary School. The said school has a two-classroom schoolhouse. However, only one classroom is utilized as of the

moment because there is only one teacher, Mr. Andres S. Ferriol, Jr. As of School Year 2002-03, there were 47 pupils in the said school. These pupils are currently in Grades II, III, and VI. Because there is only one teacher, classes are multi-grade in character.

Since there is no secondary school, high school students have to go to Brgy. Talbac, Doña Remedios Trinidad or Brgy. Akle for their classes. Those in the tertiary school have to pursue their

studies elsewhere. There are 23 out-of-school youth in the barangay. Aside from the primary school, Camachin has two day-care centers with a total enrollment of 36

pre-school children. Mrs. Vilma Caraig is in-charge of the day-care centers. Health and Sanitation

There is one barangay health station in the village, the Camachin Health Center. The barangay has four (4) barangay health workers, namely Margarita Valmocina, Imelda Fajardo, Remedios

Demesa, and Marjorie Valdez. The midwife assigned to the barangay visits Camachin from the town center every Wednesdays.

There is no data on the common causes of morbidity and mortality in the barangay. Barangay residents claim that in the past, typhoid fever has been a common concern in the area. However, there are no recent cases of typhoid in the barangay. Barangay residents also do not recall of any

incidents of malaria, if there are, this should be an isolated case. Almost all houses in the barangay have access to water pipelines coming from mountain springs.

Antipolo-type toilets are common in the area. Religion

In terms of religious affiliation, majority of the barangay residents are Roman Catholics. There is one Roman Catholic chapel in the barangay and this is located within the plaza of Sitio Centro.

This chapel is devoted to the Holy Cross (Sta. Cruz). However, there is no priest stationed in the barangay. Rev. Fr. Johann Sebastian, the parish priest of Brgy. Pinaod, San Ildefonso, goes Camachin once a week to offer mass. The barangay fiesta is commemorated every 5

th of May.

Aside from the chapel, the Diocese of Malolos maintains a retreat house in Sitio Centro – the Iláng ng Carmelo Prayer House.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 127

Next to Roman Catholics, there are a significant number of residents belonging to the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC). There is, however, no local INC chapel in the area. INC members still have to go to

Brgy. Akle, San Ildefonso to attend a religious service. A few residents are Seventh-Day Adventists. They do not have a church or chapel in the

barangay though. Leisure

Playing basketball in the barangay open court is a popular leisure activity among the youth of Camachin.

Playing cards and drinking beer or liquor is a pastime activity among adults. There is, however, a barangay ordinance prohibiting sari-sari stores from selling liquor. This is to prevent wanton

drunkenness in the area. Thus, barangay residents have to purchase liquor from Akle and have to consume these within the confines of their homes. Governance Among the public facilities found in the barangay center (i.e. Sitio Sentro) are the two-story

Barangay Hall, the Barangay Tanod headquarters, a multipurpose hall converted into a day -care center, and a basketball court. The ground floor of the Barangay Hall serves as the office of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) while the second floor serves as the Sangguniang Barangay (SB)

office. The Sangguniang Barangay meetings are held every second and last Friday of the month. The

General Assembly of the barangay that should attended by almost all barangay residents, is only convened when necessary.

The internal revenue allocation that the barangay received from the municipality was P346,837 in 2001 and P406,153 in 2002. Aside from this amount, approximately P200,000 is received quarterly from the National Power Corporation (NPC) as percentage share for hosting the Ipo-

Angat Dam. Despite hosting the Ipo-Angat Dam, however, there is still no electricity in the barangay. There is

one barangay generator but this is only used during special occasions and it is only capable of serving a few households.

The barangay has an 18-member Barangay Tanod that receives allowances from the barangay government. The Katarungang Pambarangay is made of a 12-member committee.

Among the people’s organizations found in the barangay are the Samahang Pangkaunlaran ng Camachin, Samahan ng Kababaihan (SNK), and the Camachin Multipurpose Cooperative. The latter, however, is inactive at the moment due to lack of funds for its projects. Household Perception Survey

On December 2, 2006, a verification process was also conducted in order to verify the data of community’s acceptance to mining project data using the same survey instrument. Random key informant interviews (KI) and focused group discussions (FGDs) were also applied in Centro and

Sitio II to facilitate open ended discussions regarding the project’s issues and conc erns (Annex “K” and Photos 4.30 to 4.33).

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 128

Photo 4.21 Anthropologist Nestor Castro interviewing a Dumagat fisherman in 2004

Photo 4.22 Anthropologist Joseph Lalo in a random verification

interview in 2006.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 129

Photo 4.23 House-to-house conduct of the perception survey

Photo 4.24 Focused Group Discussion with stakeholders at Sitio II

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 130 Conduct of the Survey

Simple random sampling was utilized in the selection of the households to be covered by t he survey. 45 percent of the total number of households of the barangay was targeted as the sample.

A one-page survey instrument, written in Tagalog, was utilized. A three-person survey team administered the asking of the questions.

Only two days were allotted for the actual conduct of the survey because extending the number of days will increase the probability of contamination of the results as people begin to share with one another their responses to the questionnaire.

During the verification process, previously interviewed respondents were randomly asked similar questions using the same survey instrument to validate existing and current data. In the same

way, respondents were also invited into small group in the conduct FGD. During the field survey several images captured the lifestyle of the locals as shown in Photos 4.21

to 4.29.

Photo 4.25 Typical row of houses along Camachin’s barangay road

Photo 4.26 Sta. Cruz Chapel in Sitio Centro, Brgy. Camachin

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 131

Photo 4.27 Iláng ng Carmelo Retreat House in Sitio Centro

Photo 4.28 Children help in pruning mahogany cuttings before they are

planted in nurseries.

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Photo 4.29 The selling of mahogany seedlings is an important source of income for Camachin residents.

Photo 4.30 A backyard kiln for charcoal-making.

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Photo 4.31 Charcoal produced by some resident in the barangay

Photo 4.32 The two fishermen show off their fish catch from Umiray River.

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Photo 4.33 Playing basketball is an important leisure activity among Camachin youth. Respondents’ Profile A total number of 76 household representatives were covered by the survey. This is equivalent to

45 percent of the total number of households based on the 2002 unofficial census of the barangay and 58 percent of the total number of households based on the 2000 official government census.

In terms of sitio representation, 51.3 percent of the respondents came from Sitio Dos, the biggest sitio in Brgy. Camachin. 32.9 percent of the respondents were from Sitio Centro, the settlement that is nearest the proposed project site. 13.2 percent are from Catmon while 1.3 percent each is

from Butarero and Pag-asa. Of the total number of respondents, 67.1 percent are males while 32.9 percent are females. 61.8

percent are household heads while 38.2 percent are other household members. In terms of marital status, 85.5 percent of the respondents are married, 10.5 percent are single, while the remaining 4.0 percent are either separated or widowed.

It is interesting to note that 46.0 percent of the respondents said that they are currentl y unemployed. Meanwhile, 14.5 percent are engaged in agriculture either as farmers, swiddeners,

or tree growers. 13.2 percent are in the trucking industry whether as drivers or as helpers. The remaining 26.3 percent are involved in other endeavors, such as sari-sari vendors, charcoal makers, household helpers, security guards, teachers, blue-collar workers, government

employees, and students. Survey Results

Majority (94.7 percent) of the respondents are aware about the proposed Iron Ore Mining Project in DRT. Only a few (5.3 percent) are unaware of the project.

All (100.0 percent) of those who are aware of the proposed project are supportive of the said project. Employment was seen as the number one positive impact of the project, as mentioned by

94.7 percent of those who were aware of the project. The other top ranking perceived positive impacts of the project are the improvement of the road network within the barangay (cited by 15.3 percent), the project proponent’s assistance to barangay development (cited by 13.9 percent), and

the electrification of the barangay (cited by 8.3 percent). The other positive impacts cited are the prevention of charcoal making, increase in retail sales (e.g. in sari-sari stores), education benefits (e.g. construction of school buildings and provision of scholarships), prevention of out -migration,

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 135

increase in the payment of taxes, and the spill-over development effects on neighboring barangays.

When asked about possible adverse impacts of the project, 64.9 percent said that they believe that the project will not have any adverse effects on the environment. 15.3 percent, however, were

concerned about possible forest destruction. Other fears raised by the respondents were possible adverse effects on the people’s health (cited by 9.7 percent), water pollution or contamination (cited by 8.3 percent), landslides (cited by 5.6 percent), road degradation due to traffic of delivery

trucks (cited by 5.6 percent), occupational safety, peace and order problems, boundary disputes, flooding, and the fact that not everyone in the community will be provided with employment.

As recommendations to the project proponent, the respondents suggested the following:

1. Provision of priority hiring to barangay residents (cited by 43.5 percent of the total

number of respondents); 2. Electrification of the barangay (cited by 18.4 percent); 3. Establishment of environmental projects, such as reforestation (10.5 percent);

4. Institution of educational support, e.g. school teachers, school buildings, scholarships (9.2 percent);

5. Good community relations;

6. Assistance to barangay projects; 7. Institution of livelihood projects; 8. Conduct of medical missions and other health-related activities;

9. Improvement of water pipelines; 10. Provision of capital lending; 11. Providing high wages to its employees;

12. Provision of insurance and other benefits to its employees; 13. Equipping its workers with adequate tools; 14. Paying of barangay taxes;

15. Undertaking of occasional entertainment activities for the barangay, e.g. parties; and

16. Taking care of the Biak-na-Bato Reservation.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 136 Highlights during the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in Centro and Sitio

II, Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan held on December 2, 2006.

Mining operation in the past has positively given them employment. Each day, a worker

would receive at least PhP 200-300 per day depending on the worker’s position or output. The operation has given them opportunity to live more decently. They were able to buy goods and appliances.

Even women were able to financially benefit thru “pulot” system- by picking up iron stones and gathering them near the site. They sell it in kilos to the company for immediate cash return.

The company should provide alternative livelihood programs that will involve also the women’s group. So that, wives, especially with several children could help their husbands

augment their economic needs.

For two (2) years with Matatag Mining, it has helped to stop or at least slowed down

charcoal making activity thereby lessened illegal cutting of trees in the remaining forest reserve.

Because of the previous mining operation (Matatag), people have had regular access to transportation. Road maintenance has also become a visible activity. In fact, the current bridge connecting the Centro to other sitios became possible because of the operation.

Most men have become productive as consequent to mining. Hence, insurgency and crime have significantly decreased.

Livelihood programs such as Mahogany seedling nursery made possible. Though, marketing is problem, the company usually buys their products for tree planting rehabilitation near the mining site.

Scholarship option to the youth sector who are deprived of education due to lack of financial capability.

Mining should be environmentally responsible to avoid siltation.

Access to roads to the barangay should at least be rehabilitated. This will make trading

easier to San Ildefonso, Bulacan.

Provision for micro financing to small entrepreneur’s start -up a sari-sari store in order to cater to the needs of the workers.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 137 Second Level Scoping, Dona Remedios, DRT, Bulacan, November

25, 2006 Highlights of the public consultation (Please see images of the proceedings in Photo 4.34 and

Annex “L” for documentation.

1. The vice mayor of DRT expressed his full support of the future reopening of the Iron

Mining Project thru its new promising company Ore Asia Incorporated. 2. The immediate economic benefits such as employment to meet its daily household

needs are a welcome development.

3. During the EIS study, the research team should consider to determine scientifically the effects of iron mining to its physical environment.

4. The study would lead to the resolution of environmental problems and issues

concerns raised by the community. The following are excerpts from the questions raised by the audience during the open forum and

the response of Ore Asia Mining and Development Corporation’s representative in the person of Mr. Jet Cabrera.

1. Should the iron mine reopens, how would it help the local barangay’s economy?

The primary concern of the company is to hire and employ qualified local residents in

order to sustain the number of required labor force during its operation. On the onset, the company is committed to assist the community through its social development programs.

2. Would the company employ local barangay community members? Is it possible to

accommodate everybody?

The company will try to accommodate the working population of DRT. As much as possible work force shall be maximized to sustain employment in the barangay.

Others shall be part of the alternative livelihood program to be offered by the company after a series of consultation with the people.

Sub-contractors shall likewise generate employment to have room for others to meet both ends during the life span of its mining development. There will be daily, bi -monthly required labor force receiving minimum wage to all workers.

3. In the future mining operation, would the company pay its minimum wage provided by

the law?

At present, those who have been employed by the Ore Asia receive the minimum compensation. Nobody is under-paid. PhP 200/day pay was illegal practice by

Matatag Corporation as per DOLE’s mandate. It will ensure, however, that Matatag’s unjust compensation will not happen to its future operation of Ore Asia. The right amount minimum wage should be at least Php250/day.

4. Could the disaster that happened in Dingalan, Aurora be avoided?

Responsible mining will be practiced. The study is made in order to avoid and mitigate the impact to our environment as a result of natural disaster.

5. There must be an appropriate labor system and good relationship between the proponent and community members during the mining operation.

The company shall be open to all constructive criticisms. People are encouraged to send their comments, good or bad in order to improve its working relationship between the company, contractors and among stakeholders. During the planning

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 138

stage, people oriented concerns shall be addressed and shall guarantee changes for the common good.

6. When will the Ore Asia Mining Development Corp. operate?

The company has yet to get the ECC document from the DENR as well as other permits and clearances from appropriate government agencies before it can operate.

7. Women’s local organization would like to request for support to current alternative livelihood such as community-based seedling farm and marketing of its products. Moreover, the organization would like also to solicit funds for its upcoming Christmas


The company is open to support livelihood programs thru training and marketing

activities. It will also assist the community to determine what relevant livelihood that is good for the community is. Requests should be coursed thru the Company personnel.

8. How will you maintain Peace and Order in the community?

At present, there is relative peace and order in the surrounding. Peace is necessary towards a successful business climate. Where there is peace, everybody could actively work and earn a living without reservation and in the absence of fear.

However, during untoward situation or when problem arises, the Philippine Military soldiers are there to give you security aid.

9. Point of clarification regarding the present status of Matatag Company and Ore Asia Mining & Development Corp;

MOA with Matatag Company has been cancelled. Hence, Matatag holds no longer any right to operate. Moreover, DENR has conferred the decision that the rightful company to develop the ore development prospect is Ore Asia Inc. who is also the

sole operator of its present CBMO. Ore Asia has a mining lease pending the approval of its ECC by DENR.

10. Who is the authorized agency to accept job applicants of Ore Asia Company? Can we apply thru barangay captain?

The company is still in the process of studying the system of hiring to be implemented prior to operation. There is no clear decision yet on how many number will be employed. Hiring shall only commence when the right time has come, but

only upon the issuance of ECC and pertinent mining permits from government institutions.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 139

Photo 4.34 Images of the First Public Consultation proceedings

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 140 Third Level Scoping or 2nd

Public Consultation, Dona Remedios, DRT, Bulacan, October 10, 2010

Highlights of the 2

nd Public Consultation (Please see images of the proceedings in Photo 4.35 and

Annex “L” for documentation.

1. The consultation was held in a peaceful environment where exchanges of ideas were

pursued in a professional manner.

2. DRT Mayor Ronaldo T. Flores graced the affair with his presence and guided the

attendees to a meaningful discourse by giving the inspirational talk.

3. The Bgy. Camachin Chairman Roberto Sembrano welcomed everyone who attended

the consultation and encouraged them to ask questions in the open forum.

4. The affair was also attended by management and staff of Ore Asia Mining and

Development Corp. and Oro Development Corp.

5. Majority of the attendees if not all, supports the mining endeavor and actually waiting

for its opening.

6. Significant questions and answers are the following:

a. From MENRO, DRT: Who is going to rehabilitate the area if the company suddenly stops operating?

The Company and the EIS preparer informed the audience that it will be OAMDC who will answer for it. Rehabilitation is progressive such that they don’t have to wait for exhaustion of the deposit before initiating rehabilitation


b. From an NCIP representative: IPs are present in the barangay contrary to the

findings of the EIS. Although the previous survey did not find tribes living in the area, it was

mentioned that the place is frequented by such IP. NCIP representative in the consultation however, maintained that some residents in the barangay are remnants of Dumagats, meaning they have the blood of this tribe in their veins.

c. From NPC: Verify if the claim overlaps the Angat Watershed Reservation? And

if the mining operation stops, there is danger of some workers build their

residence in the area and may encroach the reservation while doing illegal logging.

The claim does not overlap the watershed but almost abuts it. MGB-3 assured the NPC that the operator will submit a final rehabilitation and decommissioning plan that will also tackle this problem.

d. From an association of truckers in the area: Request that all government

agencies involved in the processing of papers of Ore Asia should help each other

so that opening of the mines is facilitated.

Ore Asia expresses thanks.

7. The good mayor gave the closing remarks and enjoined everyone to be watchful in

protecting their environment while the mining company operates.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 141

Photo 4.35 Images of the Second Public Consultation or 3rd

Level Scoping

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 142 Social Acceptability

In the process of conducting the socio-economic and perception survey, social acceptability was measured. Apparently, majority of the total respondents in the Primary Impact Area and Direct Impact Area (DRT) highly favored based on the respondents’ awareness about the proposed Iron

Ore Mining Project in DRT at (94.7 percent). The fundamental reason for its endorsement is basically employment and potential livelihood development as a result of the project. Historical and Archaeological Sites Based on ocular visits, it was found out that there are no archaeological sites in the project site.

The limestone cave in Sitio Bakal is found approximately 200 meters outside of the mining claim. However, an archaeological inspection of the cave was still conducted by an Anthropologist in June 26, 2004. The inspection proved the absence of archaeological materials. The entrances to

the cave are too steep and there are no flat spaces on the mouth of the caves. On the other hand, the inner caverns are too dark. These characteristics inhibited early hominids from selecting the said caves as habitation sites, whether permanently or temporarily. The floor of the cave show

high human disturbance in recent years, with the presence of broken gin bottles, candy wrappers, plastic spoons, cigarette cases, and other trash. There are no surface finds of potsherds or flakes. There are no petroglyphs on the cave walls. Moreover, the two caves have never been identified

as archaeological sites in H. Otley Beyer’s Outline Review of Philippine Archaeology by Islands and Provinces (1947), although the place is near the historical site of Biak-na-Bato Caves in the nearby town of San Miguel.

On the other hand, Mount Lumot is very far from the project site and is in fact protected by a military detachment atop the peak. Thus, the Project will not have any adverse impact on the

historical site. On the contrary, the improvement of the barangay road due to the Project will enable local tourists to have an easier access to the historical site.

Although, further research in the future if deemed relevant should be done in case there will be reports during the operation. It cannot be ascertained at the moment that judging from the mountain’s features and slopes where the proposed site for exploration and development would

lead to any of archaeological significance. The study had to rely almost solely on intelligent intuition to establish the probability of the locale

as site of archaeological or cultural significance that may be put at risk should industrial development evolve. In case there will be archaeological finds in the future, the National Museum’s Archaeological finds procedure shall be applied.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 143

4.4.3 Impacts Assessed Generation of Substantial Employment Residents from within or from the surrounding barangays will have the opportunity to enjoy

temporary employment. It may not be a lifetime opportunity but it will s ignificantly help the families of those who will benefit from it. The operational phase can employ about 400 workers and therefore help a maximum of 400 families. If one family has an average number of 5, then this will

redound to 2,000 persons being benefited. This is a positive impact. Creation of livelihood

One of the offshoots of the mining operation is downstream commerce. The project creates various opportunities for retailing, services, buy and sell, fishing, planting and others. The basic

needs of the community will now grow and these needs must be met. This is where the law of supply and demand comes in. Enterprising residents of the barangay can therefore look at the actual needs of the workers and their dependents so that they can prepare what appropriate

investment response will they adopt to earn them some income. Additional revenues for the local governments

The company’s operation is subject to excise tax wherein a portion of the gross income is allotted to the LGUs and divided into percentages for the Provincial Government, the Municipal

Government, and the Barangay Government. The community is also entitled to additional benefits that are covered by 1% of the mining and milling cost. Resource competition Where skills are not available in the locality, the company or its contractors will be forced to bring

in skilled personnel. A substantial number maybe required and these people are what this document refers to as transients. Although their residency is temporary, they nevertheless have needs similar to that of the permanent residents in the area. They will compete for food, shelter,

power, water and other resources that are available to the local community. Such additional needs will therefore exert pressure to the resources of the community. Increased in safety and health risks If mitigation fails to reduce the adverse effects of mining to the community then it will be the

residents who will suffer in the end. And this will be in the form of safety and health hazards. The community may be endangered by mudflows, flooding, and possibly slides particularly at the barangay proper if mitigating measures are not put in place. Dusts containing some amount of

heavy metals from the ore may reach the community and possibly affect the health of residents in the area and also the workers in the mine. Proliferation of vices With available money at hand, proliferation of vices that tends to undermine the morality of the

people in the barangay, is expected. Videoke bars, clubs, gambling places, prostitution, and others can rise in due time when workers in the minesite could be attracted to such offering and indulge in activities that may destroy family values. Furthermore, drinking may resul t to the

commission of crimes if not properly handled. It is anticipated therefore that social problems may arise as an aftermath of a fluid local economy. Non-assimilation of diverse culture

The in-migrants will be coming from different regions whose culture may be different from those of

the local communities. Through interaction, cultural adjustments may naturally follow but not always. This may take time and sometimes fraught with disenchantment, a condition that breeds animosity and eventually violence. This is normally expressed during drinking sessions.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 144

4.4.4 Proposed Mitigation Measures Resource competition The company will provide some of the basic needs of the workers to make sure that they would

not compete with the locals. Barracks for instance will be constructed within the mining site to provide them with their housing needs and not compete for space with the local residents. Water will also be provided by the company. Services like medical, social, etc. will also be offered by the

company to the workers and local residents too. On food, the workers will buy their own possibly from local providers. Power can be provided by the company through generators . Increased in safety and health risks The mitigating measures presented in the preceding Land Module would be enough to ensure the

safety of residents in the community and also the miners. Continuing study of geohazards should be conducted. Prevent generation of dust as earlier discussed. Water spraying of the roads shall continue when necessary. Wearing of dust masks will also be required by company policy to

further protect the workers from inhaling dusts. Proper safety measures shall be observed during blasting. Non-assimilation of diverse culture To help the in-migrant workers assimilate with the culture of the local communities, the company

will initiate social gatherings where interaction with the local folks will be enhanced. This will be studied by the community relations officer of the company in order for her to come up with ideal social functions, sports competition, etc. that will promote adaptation to the local folks’ way of life. Proliferation of vices

This is quite difficult to control since businesses of this nature are regulated by the local government. The company will however encourage prayer meetings and other related activities that will prevent the workers from going to places of vices and instead go to places of worship.

Arrangement will be done with local religious groups to work up a strategy that will keep their values from degenerating. Sports development and competition will also be part of the social program of the company.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 145


5.1 General 5.1.1 Rationale/Background

This Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is conducted as a part of the Environmental Impact Statement requirement for the proposed IRON ORE MINING PROJECT of Ore Asia Mining &

Development Corporation (OAMDC). The ERA will focus on the consequences should accidental detonation of the stored ANFO explosives occur during the operational phase of the plant. A physical model will be used to estimate the extent of the consequence envelope. The ERA

Report will follow the format prescribed in the Revised Procedural Manual (RPM) of DAO2003-30. 5.1.2 Information relating to the operator

5.1.3 Information leading to the scope of analysis employed

Annex 2-7e of the RPM of DAO2003-30 provides the guide in determining the level of coverage for projects handling, storing, and using hazardous substances and mixtures. The degree of ERA preparation is provided by the following level of coverage:

Level 1: Preparation of an Emergency/Contingency Plan

Level 2: Preparation of an Emergency/Contingency Plan and ERA Report

A table is provided for the explosive, flammable, toxic, and oxidizing substances in terms of annual tonnages for Levels 1 and 2.

The identified hazardous substance of the proposed project is ammonium nitrate-fuel oil (ANFO) explosives, emulsion-type explosives, and blasting caps and other blasting accessories. At this

point it was assumed that the proponent will be storing, handling, and using ANFO that will meet the Level 2 threshold.

Generally, risk assessment identifies and assesses the potential risks to human health and safety. It is also intended to assess the proposed safety management schemes that would minimize if not eliminate such hazards and risks. Figure 5.1 shows the ERA process.

Figure 5.1 Schematic flow diagram of the Risk Assessment Process

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 146

Hazard identification is the first step in the risk assessment process. It involves the identification of

all possible events or processes that could lead to disastrous or fatal incidents. It also entails defining the inherent and potential hazards of the substances or materials used, as well as process hazards with potential to adversely affect project personnel, the public, and the

environment. Consequence analysis is the second step, involving the estimation and/or assessment of the

effects or results of an incident. It uses models beginning with release rates calculations, dispersion and physical effects.

Frequency analysis is the third step and may be defined as the estimation of the likelihood of occurrence of the identified hazard.

Risk is the product function of the frequency and consequence analyses.

Risk assessment is defined as the examination, analysis, evaluation, and estimation of an adverse or undesirable event occurring in a given project area which could cause unacceptable impacts or results, expressed as fatalities per million per year.

Risk management encompasses the risk assessment process. It is the term applied to a logical and systematic method of identifying, analyzing, assessing, treating, monitoring and

communicating risks associated with any activity, function or process in a manner that would enable one to minimize losses and maximize opportunities.

Environmental impacts described in the EIS are thought of as risks with a high probability of occurrence which needs mitigation (ADB, 1991). While the EIS may identify these impacts qualitatively, risk assessment attempts to quantify the consequence and probabilistic element of

these impacts.

There are two kinds of risk: (a) chemical risk defined as risk from exposure to the toxic nature of

materials, and (b) physical risk defined as risk from extreme conditions as a consequence of the flammable, toxic, or explosive nature of the substance. For this case, the ERA will focus on the consequence if the following hazards occur:

Chemical Consequence

The consequence with exposure to ANFO without detonation.

Physical Consequence

The consequence (physical and health effects) when ANFO explosives are accidentally or prematurely detonated.

This report will summarize and present the results of the consequence modeling done using worst -case accident scenarios. The frequency analysis will not be considered due to lack of local historical data. Using default frequency values from risk manuals will not give meaningful

frequency values because these were based on data from other countries. 5.2 Description of Possible Major Accident Scenarios

Blasting Operations

Blasting using ANFO explosives is an integral part of how OAMDC extrac ts iron ore. Blasting can be done by conventional drill–blast–clean method using either the long hole drilling or the shrinkage stoping method depending on the ore characteristics. The following are the significant

hazards associated with blasting:

a) Injury and death resulting from the blasting procedure; from the hole drilling, explosive

application, setup of blasting cords and primers, to the explosion itself; b) Resulting dust and gas generation from the explosive application to detonation; c) Vibration from the explosion; and

d) Flying rock debris resulting from the explosion.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 147

Explosive Storage and Handling

The explosives and blasting caps/fuses will be stored in a magazine located about 420 meters WNW of the office and dormitory, the nearest sensitive receptor. The following are the hazards

that may rise from this activity:

a.) Explosive theft or pilferage;

b.) Premature detonation of blasting caps and cords during handling and transport; and c.) Exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) inside the magazine.

5.3 Description of the Methodology, Data, and Analysis in Assessing Risk The consequence parameter is the distance to 1 psi overpressure which is defined as the distance

from the center of the detonation to a point where the blast overpressure is one pound per square inch. A one-psi overpressure is reported to cause shattering of glass windows and partial demolition of houses. Skin laceration from flying glass also is reported. This endpoint was chosen

for the consequence analysis because of the potential for serious injuries to people and property that might result from an explosion.

The TNT-based equivalency method was used to estimate the affected area for the accidental detonation of the stored explosive stocks of OAMDC. The distance from the center of the explosion is calculated using the formula


17 efx TWED (Eq. 1)

where D = distance to one psi overpressure, m

Ex = explosion efficiency, % W f = amount of explosive in storage, kg Te = TNT equivalency, dimensionless

17 = constant It is assumed that the entire amount of explosives stored at any instance will be detonated as the

worse-case scenario. In real time however, explosion will guarantee detonation of ALL stored explosives as the initial blast of a certain amount may knock off some of the stored explosives far from the initial explosion site. The overpressure distance will be computed for different amounts

ANFO explosive stored at the magazine. Gaseous Emissions

Emissions from blasting or ANFO explosions are influenced by many factors such as explosive composition, product expansion, priming method, charge length, and confinement. The USEPA

has the following estimates when using ANFO with 5.8-8% fuel oil during blasting (Table 5.1). This does not include the volume of particulates that is suspended from the ground after the blast.

Table 5.1 Emission Factors for ANFO Detonations

Gas Emission Factor (kg/Mg)

Carbon Monoxide 34

Nitrogen Oxides 8

SO2 1

Methane ND

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 148

5.4 Information relating to every hazardous substance or situation present in the mining area

Identification of the Hazardous Substances

The hazardous substance that poses significant risk at the mine site is the ammonium nitrate-fuel oil (ANFO) explosive.

Physical and Chemical Properties of the Identified Hazardous Substance Table 5.2 shows the typical physical and chemical properties of the listed hazardous substances.

Table 5.2 Physical and chemical properties of ANFO

Property ANFO

CAS number 6484-52-2 (AN) 68476-34-6 (FO)

Physical state Off-white to pink or black in color

Odor Fuel oil odor

pH No data

Molecular weight Variable

Flash Point, oC 51.67

Auto-ignition Temp., oC n/a

Flammable Limits, %

Upper Lower


Boiling Point, oC 140 (AN)

Vapor Density (Air=1) 2.0 (Fuel Oil)

Specific Gravity 0.75-0.95

Solubility in water Very soluble (AN)

Vapor Pressure, mm Hg <5@ 23.890C

Freezing point, oC No data

Melting point, oC 87.8-121 (AN)

Stability and Reactivity Information The following Table 5.3 summarizes the stability and reactivity data of ANFO:

Table 5.3 Details on the stability and reactivity of ANFO

Parameter Details


Stable under normal conditions. May explode when subjected to fire, supersonic shock or high-energy

projectile impact, especially when confined or in large quantities.

Conditions to avoid: Keep away from heat, flame, ignition sources, and strong shock

Incompatibilities: Corrosives (strong acids and strong bases or alkalis).

Hazardous decomposition

products: Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NO


Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur.

Description of the Hazards Imposed by the Substances

The description of the hazards imposed by the substances will be discussed by its chemical and physical consequences.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 149

There is no available data on the health consequence of exposure to ANFO from the American

Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

The hazards associated with storage, handling, and use of ANFO are blast overpressure and generation of detonation gaseous by-products.

Pathway evaluation considers the routes by which persons could be exposed to the identified hazards (Figure 5.2). Associated with this is the degree to which the hazards can be directly related to human safety. The following schema represents the pathway for this activity:

Figure 5.2 Pathways of exposure

Description of the Potential Sources of Major Accidents

The identification of potential sources of accidents in a facility can be accurately done when it is already in operation and the exact amounts of ANFO explosives are already known. The possible

physical risks may occur in the following areas: (a) explosive magazine, (b) loading area, (c) transport route, and (d) mine blasting area.

5.5 Information leading to the consequences of major accidents, the probability of its occurrence, and an estimation of the risk

1. Discussion of the Probability of Occurrence of the Potential Accident Scenarios

The probability of occurrence of the hazards mentioned is not considered because of lack of sufficient historical data regarding ANFO accidents in the country for mining.

2. Presentation of Consequence Analysis Results 1-psi Overpressure Distance (D)

The distance D was calculated for different amount of stored ANFO at the magazine. A graph was generated and a trend equation was derived by curve-fitting. The equation can be used to estimate

the distance D using a specific weight of ANFO. Figure 5.3 shows the graph.

Magazine Blasting Transport



Physical Damage

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 150

Figure 5.3 Graph of D versus ANFO Stored

5.6 Discussion of the Consequence Results

ANFO blast overpressures The nearest structure from the ANFO storage magazine is the office and dormitory at an

approximate distance of 420 meters. Using this distance as the D, the equivalent ANFO detonated would be about 30 MT. Reducing the overpressure distance by one-half means reducing the stored ANFO to about 4 MT.

ANFO gas generation

Studies have been made regarding gas generation from ANFO detonation. These studies used ANFO with composition ranging from 1 to 10 percent fuel oil. Result showed that the carbon monoxide production increased while oxides of nitrogen production decreased with an increase in

fuel oil content. Further, the studies indicated that water contamination of the ANFO has little effect on carbon monoxide production, but causes significant increases in oxides of nitrogen production (Rowland & Mainiero, ___).

The effect of confinement in combination of exposure to water was also studied using various mixtures of ANFO and results showed that the production of oxides of nitrogen increased with low

confinement of the detonating explosive and with exposure of the explosive to water. Carbon monoxide is the by-product which is generated in large quantities during ANFO detonation.

However, it poses insignificant danger when the explosion occurs aboveground. 5.6 Information relating to the safety management system for the mining area

Ore Asia Mining & Development Corporation (OAMDC) is committed to ensure that the operation of its proposed mining project is hazard-free as possible and the factors leading to an

accident are minimized if not totally eliminated. To achieve this, the company will formulate and implement the following protocols during the operational phase:

Emergency Response Procedures Manual

Plant Security and Management Manual

Crises Management Manual

Health Risk Assessment Manual

Road Transport Safety Management System Manual

Material Safety Data Sheet Database

Distance to 1-psi Overpressure













0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Distance, m






d, kg Equation:




EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 151

Blasting Accident Reports and Procedures

Procedures on Handling and Use of Explosives

5.7 Recommendations Three strategies for risk management are recommended by the World Bank (1988):

Reduction of the consequences or effect distances – may be achieved through reduction of inventories of the hazardous material, modification of

process or storage conditions, outright elimination of the hazardous material from the process, or improvement of shut-down mechanism or secondary containment;

Reduction of the probability of release of the hazardous materials;

Reduction of impacts – measures are undertaken to lessen the impacts in case the accident happens.

If accurate and practical results are desired, actual ANFO storage data, e.g., size of the magazine, amount of ANFO stored, transported, and used in blasting, should be used, which means doing the ERA upon project operation. The results of the actual ERA will be critical is the fine-tuning of

safety and emergency plans. It is recommended that the following will be subjected to an ERA upon project operation:

Chemical handling, transport, and storage systems in relation to (a) evaporating pools from accidental release resulting to toxic vapor clouds, (b) pool fire thermal radiation and generation of gases, and (c) tank fire resulting

to thermal radiation and generation of gases.

Storage magazine configurations like barriers and separation distances;

Explosive routing and transport; and

Exposure effects of chemical to the surrounding biological, water, air, and land

resources. It is recommended that the applicable prescriptions of the Ammunition and Explosives Safety

Standards by the US Department of Defense and Chapter 296-52 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) be applied for storage, transport, and use of explosives at the mill complex. One of its prescriptions are the used of barricades defined as “effectively screening a

building containing explosives by means of natural or artificial barrier from a magazine, another building, a railway, or highway”. An artificial barricade means a barricade of such height that a straight line from the top of any sidewall of the building containing explosives to the eave line of

any magazine or other building or to a point twelve feet above the center of a railway or highway shall pass through such barrier, an artificial mound or properly riveted wall of earth with a minimum thickness of three feet. On the other hand, a natural barricade means any natural hill, mound, wall,

or barrier composed of earth, rock, or other solid material at least three feet thick.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 152


The impact areas are classified into two (2), direct impact areas and indirect impact areas. Both are delineated Figure 6.1.

6.1 Direct Impact Areas The direct impact areas are those directly affected by extraction and hauling of ore from mining

areas to Akle (Figure 6.1). In the extraction of ore, the areas to be affected are the Mely Block but could possibly extend to the entire claim once new iron ore deposits are discovered. The hauling route is considered direct impact zone primarily because of dust generation. This is limited to Akle

only since the next segment is largely cemented. Impacts considered in the delineation of the direct impact zones are dust generation, mass

wasting processes, accelerated and excessive erosion, siltation at the upper reaches of the natural drainages, loss of groundwater resources, soil removal, generation of mining waste, removal of vegetation, displacement of terrestrial fauna, deterioration of surface and groundwater water

quality, increased amount of NOx and SOx at the extraction area and hauling routes, increased in health risk from inhalation of dust that may contain heavy metals at the extraction and hauling areas and noise generation.

6.2 Indirect Impact Areas

The indirect impact areas are those affected by siltation or turbidity in the waters of Biak na Bato River down to the municipality of San Miguel (Figure 6.1).

The impacts considered under this classification are siltation at the lower reaches of Biak na Bato River, siltation of the upper reaches of this river, deterioration of the quality of surface water, damage to some aquatic ecosystems, dust generation and increased amount of NOx and SOx

along the hauling route where clusters of houses are located, and noise generation.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 153

Figure 6.1 Direct and indirect impact areas

150 06

150 04

150 02

1210 06 1210 08 1210 10


Indirect Impact Area

Direct Impact Area




Contour Line

Rough Road

Mining Claim

0 1 2 kms

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 154


7.1 Adverse Impacts

In Chapter 4, all the environmental impacts during development stage have been presented

including those that are irreversible and positive. The impacts are classified into several components like those on land, water, air and human, to wit:

1. Generation of mining and mechanical processing waste 2. Accelerated and excessive erosion

3. Removal of soil 4. Solid wastes generation 5. Occurrence of mass-wasting processes

6. Removal of vegetation 7. Displacement of terrestrial fauna 8. Siltation of streambeds

9. Deterioration of water quality 10. Loss of groundwater resource 11. Dust generation

12. Increased concentration of NOx and SOx 13. Noise generation 14. Resource competition

15. Increase in safety and health risks 16. Non-assimilation of diverse culture 17. Proliferation of vices

7.1.1 Manner and cost of implementation Generation of mining and mechanical processing wastes The generated wastes are scheduled to be backfilled to the mined-out areas. While on stockpile,

these materials will be secured from excessive erosion to avoid silting the nearby streambeds. Such measures will be implemented by the company with cost integrated to the mining operations. This EIS and the forthcoming ECC will guarantee the implementation of these

measures. Accelerated and excessive erosion

All mining and mechanical processing waste will be stockpiled in secured places and safe from the onslaught of heavy rains. The mitigating measures are benching for the cutslopes, low angle of

repose for stockpiles, and other appropriate slope stabilizing measures. These measures will be implemented by the company and the cost is integrated in the operational expense. This EIS and the forthcoming ECC will guarantee the implementation of these measures. Removal of soil

As cited above, the soil will be stockpiled for the rehabilitation of mined-out areas in the future. Reserving the soil for the intended progressive rehabilitation will be part and parcel of the mining operation and therefore its budget is integrated in the operational cost. The company will

implement this and the EIS and ECC will guarantee its implementation. Solid wastes generation

The system will be integrated with the Solid Waste Management System of the barangay most particularly the disposal of the wastes. It will be implemented at the start of the development

works and throughout the duration of mining operations. Cost is likewise integrated in the operational expense. This EIS and the forthcoming ECC will also guarantee the implementation of these measures.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 155 Occurrence of mass-wasting processes

The processes have to be prevented from happening because these can put to risks the lives of the miners and the properties of the company aside from damming the nearby creeks and silting

the Biak na Bato River. OAMDC will implement and MGB should monitor. Cost of implementing the preventive measures is also incorporated in the general operational cost. Removal of vegetation This is unavoidable but vegetation can be replaced through time via the rehabilitation scheme that

will be implemented by the company. This shall be monitored by EMB, MGB and MMT. Cost is likewise integrated in the operation expense. The details of the rehabilitation including the replacement of trees felled during operations will be included in the Environmental Protection and

Enhancement Program to be submitted to MGB. The company commits to replace such trees as required by law. Displacement of terrestrial fauna The same scheme as above will be implemented. Siltation of streambeds

Preventing or mitigating accelerated erosion will also mitigate siltation. Establishing a Siltation Control System will further mitigate the siltation problem of Biak na Bato River. A supplementary budget of about PHP 1,000,000 may be needed for the construction of additional siltation ponds.

Cost of maintenance meanwhile will be charged to the operational cost. This EIS and the forthcoming ECC will likewise guarantee the implementation of these measures. EGF on the other hand, will also guarantee rehabilitation in case of contingencies. Deterioration of surface water quality

For the physical changes that may happen in the receiving body of water, the Siltation Control System (SCS) will also mitigate these. For domestic effluents, 3-chambered septic tanks should solve the problem of biological pollution. The manner and cost of implementation for the SCS

were already presented. EMB, MGB and MMT shall monitor. This EIS and the forthcoming ECC will likewise guarantee the implementation of these measures. Loss of groundwater resource The technique is just to avoid disturbing the springs and the recharge areas and make it a

company regulation. Signs will be put up to make sure everybody adheres to this. Company implements and cost is minimal. Dust generation Water spraying the hauling roads and some parts of the mine site will be implemented at the start

of the project and shall be sustained. This is part of the operation of the company and shall not require added cost. EMB, MMT will monitor. The EIS and ECC will guarantee the implementation of this measure. Increased concentration of NOx and SOx

The same arrangement as above will apply. Noise generation

Mufflers of trucks and equipment are a must. The company will see to it that all engine-run equipment and vehicles will have that. Normally when a new equipment or vehicle is purchased, it

has already a built-in muffler.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 156 Resource competition

The company will establish its own water distribution system, power supply system, medical services, food services and other facilities for its workers to avoid competing with the needs of the residents of the nearby community. The cost is included in the initial outlay of the company.

OAMDC implements and this EIS and future ECC guarantee the implementation. Increase safety and health risks

The company will implement a ZERO ACCIDENT policy by introducing strictly safety regulations that will protect the workers from accidents. Vaccinations will also be introduced and first aid kits

always ready for the workers to use in case of injuries. Other medical problems shall be avoided by implementing proper mitigating measures as cited in the preceding items. Risks from geohazards will be prevented by establishing structures in safe ground. These are normal

requirements for a mining company and therefore the cost has been integrated into the operational cost. OADMC implements and MGB and MMT monitors. Non-assimilation of diverse culture Interaction programs intended for the company’s transient workers and residents of the host

community shall be initiated. The company will take the lead role. Cost is also chargeable to the general operational appropriation. Proliferation of vices Diversionary activities will be created to focus the attention of workers from vices to productive

endeavors. Company initiates with no cost for the workers. 7.1.2. Matrix of Environmental Management Plan

A matrix is presented in Table 7.1.

7.2 Positive Impacts The company intends to further enhance the positive impacts of the mining operations by

introducing livelihood projects, sponsor scholarship programs, support education, help promote health care, and others.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 157

Table 7.1 Environmental Management Plan

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Development and Operation


Generation of mining and mechanical processing wastes

Unavoidable but waste will be used eventually for rehabilitation.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land Accelerated and excessive erosion

Reduce angle of repose of stockpiles, protect base of stockpiles, reduce slopes of cutslopes, bench the extracted areas, distribute surface runoff, compact loosen soil, etc.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Removal of soil

Unavoidable and permanent since soil will be shipped out as ore. Safeguard soil in the overburden for reuse (see above).

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation


Solid waste generation

Use 3 Rs and segregate at source level. Residuals to the municipal landfill disposal

OAMDC to coordinate with

concerned LGU offices.

Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Land

Occurrence of mass- wasting processes

To avoid occurrences of mass wasting, there should be no steep slopes in stockpiles or cutslopes, no dumping of soil in gullies, benching of working areas is a must, compaction of filled areas, and stockpiling of loose materials.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Operation

Land Removal of vegetation

Unavoidable. Progressive rehabilitation/revegetation shall be done in mined-out areas. Donation of seedlings as replacement for cut trees will be initiated.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Development and Land Displacement of Allow gradual displacement by slowing down OAMDC, EMB, Integrated in the EIS, ECC

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 158

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

Operation terrestrial fauna operation in fauna populated areas. Rehabilitation of mined-out areas to reconstruct destroyed habitats.

MGB cost of operation

Operation Water Siltation of streambeds

Construction of a Siltation Control System to include series of sabo dams in gullies, series of siltation ponds before the confluence of gullies and creeks, and at least two layers of geomembranes at the outfalls.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water

Deterioration of water quality in terms of TSS and heavy metals

Same as above. The system is expected to protect ground and surface waters.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Water Loss of groundwater resource

Prevent disturbing the aquifer particularly the spring. Also the recharge zone should not be disturbed.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air Dust generation

Frequent water spraying of hauling roads will prevent lifting of dust. Use of uniformly graded base course in road surfacing to suppress dust generated along hauling roads. Workers must use dust mask always to prevent inhaling these particulates.


Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation Air

Increased amount of NOx and SOx

Engines should always be kept in tip-top conditions. If available, use of catalytic converter is encouraged.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation Air Noise generation Engines should be equipped with appropriate mufflers.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation or contractors expense


Operation People Resource competition

OAMDC to provide barracks for its workers, a water supply system for the community and

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 159

Project Phase/ Environmental


Environmental Component to be

Affected Potential Impact

Options for Prevention or Mitigation or Enhancement

Responsible Entity

Cost Guarantees/

Financial Arrangement

between migrant workers and local residents

the minesite, medical services, and others.

Operation People

Increased in safety and health risks from geohazards and dusts inhalation

Mitigating measures cited in the land module for mass wasting and air module for dust generation also apply to this module. IEC on these risks will also be initiated by the company.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Non-assimilation of diverse culture

Initiate social gathering to promote interactions that would lead to harmonious relationships among peoples of different regions.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


Operation People Proliferation of vices

The company will encourage prayer meetings and sports development and competitions to divert attention of workers from the places of vices.

OAMDC Integrated in the cost of operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 160

7.3 Social Development Program

The creation of a Social Development Plan (SDP) seeks to deal with the persons ’ issues and concerns identified during second level scoping meeting and mitigating measures that will be affected by the project. The SDP was formulated through a participatory workshop or consultation and or FGD.

Among the participants are representatives of the project proponent, villagers, cooperatives, municipal and barangay officials, and other stakeholders.

The social development plan includes the proposed interventions of the project proponent in favor of the various stakeholders of the project. As an element of its commitment to social responsibility, the proponent aims to allow the stakeholders, especially the affected inhabitants as partners of

development. The proponent shall try to alleviate the low standard of living of residents through programs that will harness their productive potentials to be productive members of society.

From pre-construction to abandonment, the Project will be implementing a Social Development Program (SDP) with the following major features:

1. Priority employment to residents of the host community. Assuming that the skill required by the Project can be provided by various local sources, the priority of hiring should be, in decreasing order:

Residents of Barangay Camachin;

Residents of the other seven barangays of Doña Remedios Trinidad; and

Residents of other municipalities of Bulacan.

2. Inclusion of Project policies on labor in contractors’ contracts. The Project’s policies on worker

salaries and benefits will be included as conditions of engagement of the contractors. The

Project proponents shall regularly monitor compliance by the contractors with these conditions.

3. Alternative means of livelihood. In recognition of the limited life of the Project and to prevent

the sole dependence of the residents on the Project, alternative means of livelihood for the residents must be developed. These are but not limited to; seedling bank development, hog raising, candle making, handicrafts, etc. They must be in place prior to the decommissioning of

the Project.

The Project proponents will collaborate with various government agencies, such as the local

government unit, DSWD, DA, DENR, MGB, and DOH for the preparation of the SDMP. An SDMP is defined by DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-99 as:

“…Comprehensive five-year plan of the Contractor/Permit Holder/Lessee authorized to conduct actual mining and milling operations towards the sustained improvement in the living standards of the host and neighboring communities by

creating responsible, self-reliant, and resource-based communities capable of developing, implementing, and managing community development programs, projects, and activities in a manner consistent with the principle of people


4. Project skills training for the prioritized residents. This will ensure that the residents benefit

directly from the Project.

5. Access to health services and water sanitation.

Cheaper or reasonable medicines

Regular medical missions

Provision of a health center or clinic

6. Education.

Provision of school building for Elementary and High school levels

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 161

Scholarship grants to the youth.

7. Values formation. The Project will change the lives of its employees and their families. To most of them, the Project will provide a bigger disposable income. Money may bring a lot of basic necessities and also vices within reach.

If a man succumbs to vices, the peace and stability of his family will be threatened. The resulting conditions will be worse than before. To prevent this, the employees and their families

will be counseled on the true values of life, such as the family, education, savings, and fidelity. They will be warned on what pitfalls to avoid to make sure that their money is spent wisely.

8. Monitoring of service delivery systems. Because of the improved socio-economic conditions brought about by the Project, there will be an influx of people to the area. These migrants will require health, water, housing, and other services. The service delivery systems in the area

have to be monitored jointly by the local government and the proponents. Weaknesses in the system need to be strengthened through link-up with the concerned government and non-government organizations.

9. Comprehensive and deliberate environmental and safety management program. This is

needed to avoid impacting the water resources, livelihood, and health of the residents.

10. Regular public information and consultation program. This will keep the residents informed of

the major developments of the Project. It is also a good opportunity for the residents to raise

their issues or concerns. The environmental and social commitments of the Project may be reviewed and the accomplishments evaluated. The proponents and the community may work out corrective actions jointly.

Table 7.2 summarizes the Social Development Plan for the Iron Mining Project.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 162

Table 7.2 Social Development Plan


Responsible Community Member /


Government Agency/ Non-government Agency and


(indicate specific services)

Implementor Indicative Timeline Source of fund


Land purchase Barangay Chairman

Project affected

land owners

LGU Municipal Assessor based on cadastral surveys

OAMDC Legal Officer

Preconstruction OAMDC


Gender Responsive Livelihood / and Credit Facilities (Men,

Women, Youth & elderly) women handicraft

skills high value crops for


Employment job priority skills training for

qualified workers

Association Chairperson

Qualified Project Affected Men, Women, Youth &


LGU Municipal Planning Office

MSWD: SEA –K Kaunlaran

livelihood projects

TESDA/TLRC Skills training in handicraft

and technical mechanic, driving


Technical training farming methods

Organize FARMC

Provide seed/ seedlings

Provide production training for high value crops

OAMDC Community Relations


Pre-construction Construction Operation



Health and Safety Renovation of Brgy.

Health Center

Health services potable water supplemental

Barangay Kagawad for Health

MHO Provide Health services Provide potable water

Provide supplemental feeding to malnourshed children

OAMDC Community Relations


Pre-construction Construction Operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 163


Responsible Community

Member / Beneficiary

Government Agency/ Non-government Agency and

Services (indicate specific services)

Implementor Indicative Timeline Source of fund

feeding to

malnourished children

assistance to Senior

Citizens and Persons with disability

Provide assistance to

Senior Citizens and Persons with disability

Barangay Disaster

Management Training


Education and


Scholarchip for qualified students

Nonformal education

Maintenance of Culture and Sports school activities


Kagawad for Education

Barangay schools


Setting-up of scholarship program for qualified students

Literacy programs & Non-formal education


Community Relations Officer


Construction Operation




Environment and Sanitation


Brgy. Solid Waste Management Plan

water sealed toilets

Barangay Kagawad for



Formulate training in Solid

Waste Management R.A. 9003

Reforestation (tree planting)

Establishment of forest nurseries

Environmental monitoring-training


Health programs

Provide water sealed toilets

OAMDC Community

Relations Officer

Pre-construction Construction



6 Peace and order - Barangay Tanods to

Barangay Kagawad for


Capacitate & Strengthen

OAMDC Chief Security Officer

Pre-construction Construction


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 164


Responsible Community

Member / Beneficiary

Government Agency/ Non-government Agency and

Services (indicate specific services)

Implementor Indicative Timeline Source of fund

maintain peace & order Peace and order

Barangay tanods in peace




Spiritual Barangay

Assigned Catholic Priest, Pastor of

different denomination

Parish Priest



Community Relations Officer

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 165

7.4 Environmental and Occupational Health Management Plan

The proponent shall be fully committed to institute the following measures to protect and promote workers’ health and the community within the project area. The proponent shall likewise adhere to

DOLE’s occupational health and safety procedure prior to construction and operation in the mine site.

7.4.1 Environmental and occupational health policies

The proponent shall formulate/establish its company’s vision statement, policies, business principles and other corporate documents pertaining to environment, health and safety duly signed by its highest

official. The company would set-up an organization that would oversee the implementation of these policies, establish safety, health and environmental targets and performance indicators to include monitoring and audit results in its annual assessment reports.

7.4.2 Environmental and occupational health organization, resources, manpower

training and documentation

The proponent shall establish safety, health and environmental organization to be lead by appropriately trained personnel. The organization shall likewise establish procedures and guidelines and set up

safety, health and environmental standards and good working practices that must be adhered to by all workers and personnel of the plant/facility.

7.4.3 Disaster/Emergency management program The proponent shall put/develop disaster management program in coordination with the local

government representatives. The program shall include development of first -aid and medical emergency plan, the installation of medical clinic within the project site, mechanisms for referrals and utilization of local health units and hospitals in the event of disasters, preparation of disaster management plan and a

health risk communication plan for the affected communities. 7.4.4 Environmental health risk recording and reporting system

The proponent through the safety, health and environmental organization shall develop and implement recording and reporting system for results of monitoring, conduct consultative meet ings with

stakeholders in resolving issues and conflicts regarding safety, health and environment. 7.5 Environmental Health Monitoring

The proponent shall develop monitoring program for implementation regarding the major hazards generated by the operation of the plant/facility. These include the following:

Annual monitoring of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the area as well as the health condition of its workers and personnel.

Regular monitoring of water supply sources which is considered as route of exposure to the community.

Strict compliance with the standard of DOLE’s occupational health and safety procedures particularly for workers directly engaged in handling and collection of toxic and hazardous wastes/substances.

The proponent would conduct detailed health risk assessment five years after the commencement of the project.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 166

7.6 Development Plan for the Indigenous People (MTPDP-IP)

7.6.1 Objectives and Rationale

This IPDP operationalize the Government’s MTIP-DP following the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 (Republic Act 8371), the cornerstone of national policy on indigenous peoples. The IPRA concretizes the constitutional mandate to recognize, protect and promote the rights of indigenous

peoples within the context of national unity and development, specially their rights to their ancestral lands and domain, to the preservation and development of their cultures, traditions and institutions, and to their human rights and freedoms as mandated in the 1987 Constitution.

It is a plan drafted to address the issues of IPs, in cooperation with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) as the institution that facilitates the planning and implementation of

programs in coordination with the Local Government . The importance of the IPs/ICCs protection and development is recognized by the National Government such that it enshrined its commitment in the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan for 2001 – 2004, Chapter 13 – Protecting Vulnerable

Groups - Assistance to specific vulnerable groups - of which the Dumagats of DRT is one. The government in coordination with the Local government and Ore Asia Mining and Development Corporation’s would have to provide economic opportunities to uplift majority of them from poverty. The

implementation of the Social Development Plan shall thus be guided according to the MTIP -DP as follows.

7.6.2 Indicative Social Development Plan The Indigenous People's Indicative Social Development and Institutional Plan for the Dumagats of Brgy

Camachin, DRT, Bulacan, has obtained a precondition for the proponent to follow (Table 7.3).

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 167

Table 7.3 Indicative Social Development and Institutional Plan for the Dumagats of Camachin, DRT, Bulacan

# Concern Responsible Community Member / Beneficiary

Government Agency/ Non-

government Agency and Services (indicate specific services)

Implementor Indicative Timeline Source of fund


Gender Responsive - FPIC Livelihood and

Credit Facilities (Men,

Women, Youth & elderly) -

- weaving of rattan &

pandan handicrafts - backyard livestock &

vegetable production

- establishment and management of company canteen

FPIC Employment Opportunities

- mechanics, drivers & other technical jobs

Dumagat Chieftain & Council of

Elders IP Affected Men,

Women, Youth &


NCIP - coordinate MSWD


facilities TESDA/TLRC

- Technical training for

drivers, mechanics & other technical jobs

- Training for new

handicraft designs DA - Training for livestock &

vegetable production

OAMDC lead implementor coordinated by

Community Relations Officer

Pre-construction OAMDC FPIC Ph 50,000

Construction 1% IPSDFUND

Operation 1% IPSDF Php

150,000.00 fund for the establishment

of company canteen


Health and Safety

- Health services - Disaster Management

Dumagat Datu &

Council of Elders Barangay Kagawad

for Health

NCIP coordinating

MHO - Assign health worker

- Provide medical supplies

- Barangay Disaster

Management training

OAMDC lead

implementor coordinated by Community

Relations Officer



Ph 18,000

Construction 1% IPSDFUND

Operation 1% IPSDFUND


Education and Recreation

School Building


Dumagat Datu & Council of Elders

Barangay Kagawad for Education

NCIP coordinating DepEd

- Basic Non- formal

Education for the adult & elderly - Formal education for


OAMDC lead implementor coordinated by

Community Relations Officer

Pre-construction Construction Operation


4. Environment and Sanitation - Provision of Water Spring

Dumagat Datu & Council of

NCIP coordinating MPDO/ ENRO

OAMDC lead implementor

Pre-construction Construction


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 168

# Concern Responsible Community

Member / Beneficiary

Government Agency/ Non-government Agency and

Services (indicate specific services)

Implementor Indicative Timeline Source of fund

Development Prog.

- Promote reforestration program

- Solid Waste Management


Barangay Kagawad for Environment

- contextual training of

solid waste management MHO

- training in sanitary


coordinated by

Community Relations Officer



Peace and order - ICC rights and interest


Dumagat Datu & Council of


Barangay Kagawad

for Peace and order

LGU- - Municipal NCIP monitors

the implementation of Sec. 9 & 10 of the FPIC


- coordinates with Municipal NCIP

OAMDC lead implementor

coordinated by Community Relations

Officer & Chief Security Officer

Pre-construction Construction





- protection of ICC culture

Dumagat Datu , &


Municipal NCIP monitors

the implementation of Sec.10 of the FPIC

OAMDC lead

implementor coordinated by Community

Relations Officer


Construction Operation


EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 169

7.7 Information, Education and Communication Plan

The Information, Education, and Communication Plan of the company shall focus on the project information dissemination, predicted impacts of mining activities to the environment particularly to

the people and their inherent resources, the benefits that the community and the people may derived from such operation, and the cost and benefit analysis of the mining operations in regards to environmental protection, and the future of local folks after the abandonment of the project.

Table 7.4 presents the IEC Plan for the project. 7.8 Emergency Response Policy and Generic Guidelines

The company will create a Task Force to study and implement emergency responses with an end in view of making sure that no lives will be lost, injuries lessened and damage to properties

minimized or even prevented. Guidelines will be formulated on how to react to each of the hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, typhoons and fires. Areas will be designated as evacuation or treatment centers. Groupings will be organized - each of which will be assigned

a pre-identified supervising staff. Paramedics will be trained adequately particularly in the evacuation and treatment procedures. Coordination with local government units will be systematized. Resources will be identified as early as possible so as to optimize their uses.

Trainings will be done on regular basis for key personnel. Drills will also be initiated to actualize the system and procedures designed for emergency or even disaster responses.

7.9 Abandonment/Decommissioning/Rehabilitation Plan The minesite will be abandoned after the ore deposits had been exhausted. An Environmental

Site Assessment shall be conducted in the area to find out if contamination is present in soil and water. Proponent will see to it that rehabilitation had been completely done before abandonment. During abandonment, all structures will be removed from the site unless requested by the

residents in the area or by the local government unit, to be retained. All wastes and spoils from mining shall be disposed of properly. The newly planted trees shall be nurtured until they acclimatized and survive the young age. All slopes that may seem unstable shall be stabilized

and erodible soils amply protected. The MGB requirement for rehabilitation and development shall not be taken up at this level since

this is purely an MGB concern. This is governed by the Mining Act of 1995 in which a detailed decommissioning plan is to be submitted to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau prior to abandonment.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 170

Table 7.4 Indicative Information, Education and Communication Plan







Barangay Camachin, DRT, Bulacan.

Full Information about:

The EIA process Mining Law The operation of l

Mining The remuneration

for identified land areas to be used by the mining

operation including the tax regime

The consequential

impacts on the

residents of the community

And the benefits of

the Project on their Socio-cultural/economic

and bio-physical environment of the affected residents

as they address

Before project implementation

During project


1. Primer/ Brochure (print media) This strategy is effective in explaining in detail the

subject matter, done in a simplified manner and in the language of the people. This strategy likewise, uses illustrations to further clarify the processes

that are to be done. A. The EIA process illustrated and simplified in the

language of the affected community. B. The Mining Project:

This shall contain: Mining Act of 1995

Mining Laws and Regulations The project description, a graphic illustration

about the process of mining operation and the

mitigating measures The major mining activities, Benefits from mining including the tax regime

The Structural, supporting and non-structural measures (SDP) for the successful implementation of the project.

location map that indicates the exact location of the major activities,

Answers to questions frequently asked about the

project. The identified impacts and mitigations written in


On the Health and Safety measures related to

1. Barangay Broadcast using Sound System

2. Municipal & Barangay

Information Officers

(Gabay Sa Mamayan Action Center)

3. Elementary and High School Students

4. Barangay Committee on Education and Culture

5. Sangguniang

Kabataan Barangay


Community Relations Officer

PhP 1M

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 171





the major issues

of: air and water Pollution using Information,

Communication and Information

the Construction and Operation of the Project

On Solid Waste Management R.A.9003 On the correct behavior in relation to the project On the residents who will be affected by the

mining activities showing their right to complain for violations of ECC conditionalities.

2. Consultations (These are face to face encounters where participants and facilitators of knowledge and skills develop strategies to respond to the

needs of the communities in the context of what is appropriate for their capabilities and resources)

Using the interpersonal approach of OAMDC

Community Relations maintain regular consultations with the barangay for an open dialogue on the issues, problems and concerns

related to the implementation and sustainability of the project. (Multi-partite Monitoring Team)

Group focus discussion for those identified land

owners( including the IPs) regarding their rights and responsibilities in relation to land purchase

Group discussion of the sectoral groups which

will be affected in the mining activities, the legal processes with the application of priority job placement, and other benefits

Workshops on Solid Waste Management and Preparation of IEC materials

3. Posters and Wall Comics

A graphic illustration of information on “ What is

Ore?” and the rationale of the project in the

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 172





context of their experiences in relation to mining

Community-Based Solid Waste Management and information about R.A.9003

4. School Dramatization about the project Capitalizing on the positive impacts of mining. A

simplified explanation about Community-based Solid Waste Management

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 173

8. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Based on a memorandum of agreement forged by MGB with EMB, both agencies will conduct the

monitoring activities for this mining project. In the proponent’s end, an Environmental Management Unit (EMU) or its equivalent shall be

created to implement the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) detailed in this report and in the ECC.

8.1 Self Monitoring Plan This system is proponent-driven, thus, the strategy is dependent on how the proponent prioritizes

the aspects requiring attention. The main basis in the Project Environmental and Audit Prioritization Scheme (PEMAPS) as presented in Annex “M”.

The monitoring program will be based basically on the quarterly self monitoring system being implemented by the Environmental Management Bureau although the Multi Partite Monitoring Team can decide some innovations or amendments as the situation dictates.

The major impacts that needed special attention include erosion, slope stability, siltation, dust generation, turbidity of surface waters, and water quality. But others as cited in the Impacts

Management Plan also need to be monitored. Some of these can be measured but others need special studies.

Based on the memorandum of agreement forged by MGB with EMB, both agencies will conduct the monitoring activities for this mining project.

In the proponent’s end, an Environmental Management Unit (EMU) or Mining Environment Protection and Enhancement Officer (MEPEO) or its equivalent shall be created to implement the Impact Management Plan (IMP) detailed in this report and in the ECC.

8.2 Multi-Sectoral Monitoring Framework

The company is amenable to inviting stakeholders to be members of the Multi -Partite Monitoring Team. It actually encourages groups from the community to nominate their representatives and these include the IPs, women, the youth, senior citizens, fisher folks, livestock raisers, farmers,

teachers, and LGU officials. A general committee will be established composed of these representatives.

Table 8.1 Suggested composition and responsibilities of the Multi-partite Monitoring Team

Likely Members or Representatives

Basis for Priority Selection

MMT Role Scope of

Responsibilities and Activities

EQPL Approach

OAMDC Proponent and mining operator

Fund provider

Provide administrative support for the committee

Institute all mitigating measures to applicable standards

EMB-RO, DENR EIA System Implementor

Lead Agency Chair, presides over the committee

Provides institutional standards

MGB-RO, DENR Implementor of mining law

Co-Lead Agency

Co-chair the committee

Provides legal bases activities of MMT

PENRO-DENR Other related regulations

Alternate to EMB-RO

Assume chair in the absence of EMB-RO

Similar to EMB-RO

LGs Policy makers and administrators

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, monitors geohazards, water supply protection, rehabilitation,

Formulate monitoring scheme for assigned aspects

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 174

Likely Members or Representatives

Basis for Priority Selection

MMT Role Scope of

Responsibilities and Activities

EQPL Approach


IPs Has ancestral claim over the area

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on erosion monitoring

Maintain slope requirement for cutslopes and stockpiles

Women Empower the value shaper of society

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on dust and geohazards monitoring

Maintain ample watering of dust sources; Inspect areas where slides may occur

The Youth The future of the community

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on vice control monitoring

Make sure that the activities initiated by the company will successfully divert attention of workers from vices

Senior Citizens Beckon of the community

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on dust and vice control monitoring

Similar to a related function above

Farmers Family and community providers

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on water supply protection monitoring

Similar to a related function above

Teachers Educators and counselors

Sectoral Representative

Committee member, focus on vice control monitoring

Similar to a related function above

Since this is an EMB controlled system, the company shall adhere to whatever policy and guidelines the committee may adopt and impose on it. OAMDC shall however suggest priority areas to be monitored as contained in this EIS document foremost of which are the erosion of

cutslopes and stockpiles, siltation of creeks, particulates in sensitive receptor areas, performance of siltation ponds and sabo dams plus the silt curtain, ongoing ore extraction and progress of rehabilitation.

The company also assumes the responsibility of shouldering the monitoring expenses by way of establishing a fund as required by law.

As a guide, an environmental monitoring program is presented in Table 10.1.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 175

Table 8.2 Environmental Monitoring Program.

Key Environmental Aspects per Project Phase

Potential Impacts per Env’l Sector

Parameter to be Monitored

Sampling and Measurement Plan Lead Person

Annual Estimated

Cost Method Frequency Location

Development and Operation Phases

Environmental Aspect 1 Surface Water:

Siltation TSS Gravimetric Quarterly


Locations shown in Figure 4.25

MEPEO 9,800.00

Environmental Aspect 2

Surface and Ground Waters:

Water Quality

Fecal Coliform

Oil and Grease

Hg, Pb, Cd,


, As


Gravimetric- Petroleum Ether Extraction

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


Sampling Locations

shown in Figures 4.25 and 4.29

MEPEO 45,600.00

Environmental Aspect 3 Air:

Air Quality TSP Gravimetric Quarterly

Stations 1, 2, 3

in Figure 4.34 MEPEO 15,000

Environmental Aspect 4 Air:

Air Quality



Colometric, Greiss Saltzman


Semi-annually Stations 1, 2, 3 in Figure 4.34

MEPEO 36,000.00

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 176


OAMDC commits an Environmental Guarantee Fund or Mine Rehabilitation Fund amounting to P 1,000,000 intended to rehabilitate components of the environment and compensate damage to

properties adversely affected by the operations of the mine. This estimate is based on a worst case scenario wherein Biak na Bato River will be silted and the

surface water becomes too murky such that the source of livelihood of fishermen in the barangay is severely damaged. This should be the costliest rehabilitation and compensation package that the company may encounter. The company understands however that when the EGF Committee

determines that the above amount is not enough, then the company is willing to put up the additional. Furthermore, the company shall replenish the fund immediately after some amount had been withdrawn for the purposes that it serves.

The company will also allocate fund for monitoring purposes to be done by the Multi -Partite Monitoring Team and replenish the same when exhausted. The amount will be dependent on how

much the MMT Committee will agree. Conversion of EGF and EMF to applicable funding requirement by MGB shall be governed by the

Memorandum of Agreement between MGB and EMB and shall not be considered here. 9.1 Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation

In OAMDC’s Table of Organization, the MEPEO or Environment Department (ED) takes center stage in the implementation of environmental programs of the company or the Environmental

Management Plan presented in this report. The manager here reports directly to the Vice President. The Table of Organization OAMDC in Figure 9.1 reflects the level of the MEPEO or EDM in the hierarchy.

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 177

Figure 9.1 Proposed Table of Organization of OAMDC

Office of the Vice President

Mining Department

Environment Department

Safety & Health


Administrative Department

Finance Department

Exploration Section



Planning Section

Mining Section

Office of the


Board of


Envt’l Quality


Mine Rehab


Ent’l Research


Com Relations Section



Health & Sanit


Task Force

Emer Resp











Internal Audit


Assay Section

EIS: Iron Ore Mining Project in Brgy. Camachin, DRT, Bulacan 178


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Annex “A”

OAMDC SEC Registration

Annex “B”

Letter Request and

Mining Project Checklist

Annex “C”

Curriculum Vitae of Preparers

Annex “D”

Statements of Accountability


This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the IRON ORE MINING PROJECT are accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge, and that an objective and thorough assessment of the Project was undertaken in accordance with the

dictates of professional and reasonable judgment. Should I learn of any information, which would make the EPRMP inaccurate, I shall immediately bring the said information to the attention of DENR-EMB.

I hereby certify that no DENR-EMB personnel were directly involved in the preparation of this EPRMP document other than to provide procedural and technical advice consistent with the guidelines in the

DAO 03-30 Revised Procedural Manual. I hereby bind myself to answer any penalty that may be imposed arising from any misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this EPRMP document.

In witness whereof, I hereby set my hand this 8

th day of November 2010 at Quezon City.

JAMES ONG President Ore Asia Mining & Dev’t. Corporation

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of ____________ 2010, affiant exhibiting

his/her Community Tax Certificate No. ___________________ issued at ______________________ on __________________________.

Notary Public

Doc. No. :

Page No. : Book No.:

Series of 2010


This is to certify that all the information and commitments in this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the IRON ORE MINING PROJECT are accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge,

and that an objective and thorough assessment of the Project was undertaken in accordance with the dictates of professional and reasonable judgment. Should WE learn of any information, which would make EPRMP inaccurate, WE shall immediately bring the said information to the attention of DENR-

EMB. WE hereby certify that no DENR-EMB personnel were directly involved in the preparation of this

EPRMP document other than to provide procedural and technical advice consistent with the guidelines in the DAO 03-30 Revised Procedural Manual.

WE hereby bind ourselves to answer any penalty that may be imposed arising from any misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this EPRMP document.

In witness whereof, WE hereby set my hand this 8th

day of November 2010 at Manila City.

Name Expertise Signature

1. Mr. Edgardo S. David Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology

2. Mr. Joseph Lalo Sociology, Anthropology, Com. Dev.

3. Dr. James Namocatcat Terrestrial, Aquatic Marine Biology

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of ____________ 2010, affiant exhibiting their Community Tax Certificates No. ___________________ issued at ______________________

on __________________________.

Name CTC Number Place of Issue Date of Issue

1. Mr. Edgardo S. David

2. Mr. Joseph Lalo

3. Dr. James Namocatcat

Notary Public

Doc. No. : Page No. : Book No.:

Series of 2010

Annex “E”

Mining Lease Contract (MRD-509)

Annex “F”

Mine Operating Agreements

Annex “G”

Barangay Clearance

Certificate of Environmental Management Relations Record

Annex “H”

Maps of Protected Areas

Annex “I”

Laboratory Results of Water Samples

Annex “J”

Air Quality Sampling and Analysis

Noise Sampling

Annex “K”

Perception Survey Documents

Annex “L”

Public Consultation Documentation

Annex “M”


Annex “N”

Site Development Plan

Annex “O”

ECC of 20-Hectare Area Within the Claim

Annex “P”

Summary of Case and Final Decision of
