Will 'Kuya' still be boss of his house? - Lopez Holdings


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February 2006

To celebrate this change, subscribers who upgrade to SkyCable Goldfrom now until Feb. 28, 2006 will enjoy waived upgrade fee plus thechance to win one of five appliance packages to be raffled off. See page 2.

Pagtatapos ng‘MGB’ walangbahid-pulitika ...p.2

Will ’Kuya’ still beboss of his house?

Turn to page 6


Pacquiao fightgarners

59.2% ratingin Mega Manila

2005 LAAwinners ...p.8

‘PBB Celebrity Edition’starts Feb. 4

TWELVE total strangers cooped up for at least a hundred daysin a house rigged with more than two dozen cameras, with nooutside contact except for the occasional visitor, and a voicecommanding the occupants what to do, how to do it and whenis an unlikely formula for a multimedia hit.

In fact, many were skeptical when the concept of “PinoyBig Brother” or “PBB” was first revealed. Who would want towatch a bunch of average Joes and Janes—a.k.a. “house-mates"—veg out in an air-conditioned house with a pool?How challenging is that?

But by the time the “PBB” Big Winner was chosen after111 days, it was clear that the Big Winner was not actually the13 twentysomethings that the show catapulted to instant fame,not spunky new multimillionaire Jennivev “Nene” Tamayonor new It Boy Sam Milby, but ABS-CBN.Celebs mix it up starting Feb. 4

Savvy marketing and merchandising, controversy (in-cluding allegations of rigging leveled by a so-called youthgroup), a hummable Pinoy pride theme song coupled witha patented dance routine, and thousands of rabid followersmade for a potent brew that spelled ratings success for ABS-CBN.

It thus made sense for the Kapamilya network to cap-italize on the popularity of “PBB” by immediatelyputting together a “Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edi-tion,” which will run for 42 days starting February 4.This time, Kuya will watch over a crew of familiarfaces—local celebrities.

At the time of the Lopez Link interview, “PBB” businessunit head Linggit Tan said the list of hopefuls had alreadybeen narrowed down to about 30. A final interview was still to

be conducted together with Endemol executives before the fi-nal 12 was selected.

“It has to be mixed, you cannot just get everybody,” Tanexplained. “Dapat may pinanggalingan, may sikat, may dat-ing sikat, rising stars. Dapat iba-iba because they can learn somuch from one another. Maganda yung dynamics.”Housemates with a purpose

Tan shared that they looked for po-tential housemates with inspiring sto-ries. “It doesn’t necessarily meanartista. We have athletes, models,p e o p l e w o r k i n g b e h i n d t h e

2 LOPEZLINK February 2006

ABS-CBN statementon ’MGB’ cancellationABS-CBN categorically denies thatthe weekly current affairs program“Magandang Gabi , Bayan” or“MGB” was pulled off the air be-cause of Vice President Noli de Cas-tro’s support for the administration.The move to cancel the show was

a programming decision, not a polit-ical one. First, Magandang Gabi,Bayan was not quickly pulled off theair. There were negotiations that wenton for months prior to the network’sdecision.Secondly, “MGB” is Noli de Cas-

tro, and without him, it is a shadow ofits former self. The network’s man-agement decided to retire the title aswell because it is so identified withhim. Also, it is time to come up withfresh ideas for that coveted prime-time slot.Finally, the paradigm behind the

report is insulting because it presup-poses that ABS-CBN’s managementmakes decisions in the newsroom be-cause of the alleged vested interestsof the network’s owners.ABS-CBN emphasizes that its

News and Current AffairsGroup (NCAG) has no vest-ed interests in the outcomeof political events. TheNCAG reports those eventsbut does not take part in anyway. The track record of thenetwork’s NCAG head,Maria Ressa, shows what isbeing institutionalized inABS-CBN: Excellent jour-nalism grounded by a strongCode of Ethics.

Pagtatapos ng ‘MGB’walang bahid-pulitikaHINDI pulitika ang dahilan ngpagtatapos ng programang “Mag-andang Gabi, Bayan” (MGB) napinasimulan ni Bise PresidenteNoli de Castro, pahayag ni MariaRessa, hepe ng Integrated Newsand Current Affairs ng ABS-CBN , s a i s a ng p an ay am s aDZMM. Ayon kay Ressa, nagta-pos ang kontrata ng programa atdesisyon din ng pamunuan nghimpilan na pumili ng bagongtema ng programang kapalit ng“MGB.”Narito ang bahagi ng panayam:Bakit naalis ang programa ni

Kabayan Noli de Castro na 18taon nang umeere?Ang “Magandang Gabi, Bayan”

ay really, si Noli de Castro and inmy view, without Noli de Castro,“MGB” really is the shadow of itsformer self. So, it’s a matter oftime before our network comes upwith fresher ideas, better program-ming ideas for that coveted prime-time slot.It was more management deci-

sion, as in really our managementcommittee, the News mancomdecision, my decision to look atthe entire Current Affairs pro-gramming, see if this is the rightmix for us, and when I came inlast June [2005] I said this is it.It’s time to change and I thinkthat’s the right move for our net-work.

So, ito ay matagal na na planoat ang gusto ng management aymagkaroon ng programa na hin-di masyadong nakadepende sa

personality ni Vice President?Dapat lang, kasi ngayon hindi

na siya broadcast journalist, bisepresidente na siya.Dapat talagang we should also

minimize that, there are times that“MGB” is so identified with himso we decided it’s time to retireeven the name.The other factor that played into

this is that he was the top networkanchor for ABS-CBN, and so eventhough it’s been months in theplanning, it was also months in ne-gotiation so that we can do this in asensitive way.

Maaaring paniwalaan na angABS-CBN ay nagdesisyon ngganito dahil tumanggi si Kaba-yang Noli na gamitin ang pro-grama para atakehin ang ad-ministrasyon?Sa akin, medyo nakakatawa yan

at saka medyo insulting sa akinmismo at sa mga journalist natin. Ifeel like, by putting a political spinon it, that’s a spin and that’s an in-terpretation and that comes fromsomeone with vested interest.When I came in as the head of

News and Current Affairs last June,we began discussions because I feelthat it is the right move, not just forCurrent Affairs but also for theNews; it is time for ABS-CBN tomove on beyond Noli de Castro, toidentify and to allow other male an-chors to develop.

Yun bang Bayan Productionsmag-stay pa rin sa ABS-CBN?Anybody can do co-production

or can be a block timer with ABS-

CBN. That relationship is there,but as you know we have a verystrong Code of Ethics and in theCode of Ethics we are trying to al-so minimize any potential conflictof interest.

Mayroong pang-Sabadongprograma si Kabayan sa DZMM.Aalisin din ba o mananatili ito?I think one of these few things, I

think at least within the organiza-tion of radio, as you know it’s un-der Peter Musngi and his decisionsare really his to make.Ang importante ditong mala-

man, hindi si Gabby Lopez ito.Desisyon ito ng managers ngNews; what we are doing is what isright for News.Wala naman akong pakialam in

terms of the way political eventsplay out in the country, why shouldwe care about that? We cover re-gardless of what happens.

To read the full interview,please log on to www.abs-cbn-news.com/storypage.aspx?Sto-ryId=27093

Deportation casevs Ressa junkedTHEBureau of Immigration threw out a depor-tation case against ABS-CBN News and Cur-rent Affairs headMaria Ressa filed by a formerABS-CBN contractual employee after provingthat Ressa was a natural born Filipino.“She reacquired her Filipino citizenship

on Dec. 14, 2004. I looked at her documentsand saw that the dual citizenship of MariaRessa is in order,” Immigration commission-er Alipio Fernandez said in an interview.He said natural born Filipinos may restore

their citizenship under Republic Act 9225,which was passed on August 29, 2003.“[Ressa is] like any of us, we are working

as Filipinos…We don’t need [to issue] a per-mit to work because all your rights and priv-ileges as a Filipino are observed upon acqui-sition of dual citizenship,” he added.

He said the bureau will not pursue the casefiled by Lita Montilla, a contractual employ-ee of ABS-CBN International Broadcast Ser-vice Group.ABS-CBN scored the case, saying it was a

“clear issue of harassment.”“The departure of Lita Montilla from

ABS-CBN is only part of the process of up-grading newsroom operations which beganlast year,” the company said in a statement.“Ressa is one of the few Filipinos who has

made a mark in international broadcasting,running CNN’s Southeast Asia coverage for17 years.“With her at the helm, we aim to bridge the

gap between local and international practices tobring the highest standards of ethics and broad-cast journalism to the Philippines.”

Meralco dismisses taxallegation charge, saysit does not owe P85.3BMERALCO has dismissed newspaperreports about an alleged tax complaintfiled before the Bureau of Internal Rev-enue (BIR) as “totally baseless.”It has also not received a copy of the

complaint filed by a certain Danilo Li-haylihay, the company said.“We do not owe the BIR P85.3 bil-

lion as alleged by the complainant. Wehave been religiously complying withour tax obligations and records to thiseffect will bear us out,” said Meralcospokesman and VP for corporate com-munication Elpi Cuna Jr.Cuna said that it appears that Lihayli-

hay was referring to the Value AddedTax (VAT). However, since the VATtook effect only on November 1, 2005,purchases by Meralco from Napocorprior to this date are not subject to VAT.Hence, the alleged P14 billion due togovernment for Meralco’s purchase of147.8 billion worth of electricity fromNapocor is baseless.It follows that the other items in the

complaint, such as fraud penalty, latepayment and interest payment from1995 to 2005, also have no factual orlegal basis, Cuna pointed out.“Anyone can file a complaint, but

what is paramount is if there is a basisfor such a complaint. As far as Meralcois concerned, there is absolutely none.We view this as a case of harassment to

destroy the image of Meralco beforethe public. We are ready to face Li-haylihay before any government agen-cy with jurisdiction over the matter,”Cuna said. (Meralco Corporate Com-munication)

Presyo ngshares ng FirstGen itinakda naITINAKDA sa P47 kada share ang presyo ngFirst Gen Corp. para sa maiden offering nito saPeb. 10, matapos ang international road shownito.Makakalikom ng P8.5 billion ang First Gen

mula sa pagbenta ng 180.9 million na bagongshares. Samantala, kinansela ng kumpanya angsecondary offering, o ang pagbenta ng bahaging shares ng existing shareholders.Ayon sa pamunuan ng First Gen, ang bahagi

ng proceeds mula sa IPO ay gagamitin parapondohan ang mga pinaplanong projects ngFirst Gen. Ang investing public ay magkaka-roon ng 25.5 hanggang 33.7 percent ownershipsa kumpanya bunsod ng IPO, na siyang unangIPO sa Southeast Asia ngayong taon.

3LOPEZLINK February 2006

All you want under

ONE Perfect SkyYour three cable TV brands are now together under onename: SkyCable

As these brands transform into one strong and unitedbrand, subscribers can continue to expect:

•Powerhouse programming with channels not availableon other cable providers—Cinemax, Cinema One, ANC,Solar Sports, Lifestyle Network, Animax, MYX. Plusthree new channels to watch—Hero, Crime/Suspenseand ETC 2nd Avenue

•Reliable 24 hour customer service at 631-0000

Upgrade to SkyCable Gold now! To celebrate the newSkyCable, all SkyCable Silver subscribers are invited toupgrade to SkyCable Gold to enjoy five additionalchannels: Cinemax, Disney, Hallmark, Discovery andAnimal Planet

In addition to these 5 channels, all subscribers whoupgrade to SkyCable Gold until February 28, 2006 willenjoy waived Upgrade Fee of P350 plus the chance to win1 of 5 appliance packages to be raffled off!*

The new SkyCable has everything you need and want. There is noreason to look anywhere else. Be a part of the bigger and betterSkyCable today!

(*DTI Permit Number 4080. Series of 2005. Please see flyers for more details.)

Meralco to confer Gawad Haydee Yorac in March

SkyCable gives away30 TVs in 30 daysSKYCABLE is giving away 30 TV sets in 30 days tonew SkyCable Gold and SkyCable Silver subscriberswho sign up until Feb. 17, 2006, through its “WowowTV” promo.

The winners of the free 21-inch flat screen TVs areannounced daily on “Wowowee.”

“We want to give our subscribers excellent value formoney as SkyCable provides them with first-rate cableprogramming,” said marketing head Malou Esparra-go.

New subscribers who pay the P1,000 installationfee and one month advance are qualified to join“Wowow TV.” Subscribers who avail of advance payschemes get more chances of winning.

For more information, call the SkyCable hotline at631-0000 now. (Arlene Torres)

Cash, trip to Disneyland up for grabsin Bl@st prize barrageBL@ST offers users a chance to win instant prizes in its promo dubbed “Bl@stPrize Barrage Online.” At stake are P100,000 in cash, a laptop computer or atrip to Hong Kong Disneyland for two. Thousands of other exciting conso-lation prizes are also up for grabs.

Participating cards are the Bl@st Internet card, which offers 20 hoursof surfing for P100; and the Bl@st Tantra gaming card, which offers sev-en days unlimited gaming time for P150.

The promo is open to all Metro Manila residents who are Bl@st users,and whose first log in falls between Nov. 16, 2005 March 17, 2006. (JedMarcaida)

Customized biz solutions from BTelCUSTOMIZING a DSL service to fit one’s business is easy with Bayan-Tel DSL NetSelect, another data service innovation from BayanTel.

With BayanTel DSL NetSelect, the customer can match his DSL pack-age with the demands of his business.

Initially offered in Metro Manila areas with existing BayanTel land-line and DSL facilities, BayanTel DSL NetSelect is available specificallyfor new business DSL subscriptions, specifically NETBasic(P2,999/month), NETValue (as low as P4,950/month), NETPremium (aslow as P14,999/month) and NETPro (as low as P5,999/month).

All packages come with perks, such as increased email space and webspace. Customers can also increase their email and web space for as lowas P49 monthly.

For details and applications, call 449-3293 or 449-307, log on towww.bayantel.com.ph or visit the nearest BayanCenter. (Dave Buenviaje)

Buy and sell via cell phone!

It’s raining prizes on BayanTel customers!It’s raining prizes and perks starting this month as BayanTel unveils its latest promos for loyal customers:

Best value on long distance servicesPROVINCIAL BayanTel customers experience the best value ever onlong distance services—the Afford@call reduced IDD rate promo forprepaid card users and the Bayan Tipid IDD Plan 50 promo for postpaidsubscribers.

Prepaid card users need only to purchase the Afford@call special editioncards worth P30, P100 or P300 to avail of the discounted IDD rate of $0.15per minute.

Current postpaid subscribers pay an additional monthly fee of P50 ontop of their monthly recurring rate to enjoy a super-discounted IDD rateof $0.10 per minute to top destinations—for a whopping 75% off the reg-ular IDD rate!

This promo is open to customers in Bicol, Eastern Visayas, Iloilo,North Mindanao and South Mindanao. For more details, see posters orcall 181 or 171 from any BayanTel landline. (Maristel Angeles)

Affordacall’s ’One, Two, Treats’ deal

You can buy and sell stuff from MySky throughyour mobile now—simplytext DEAL to 2366. MySkyis SkyCable’s one-stop“FYI” channel. Don’t missit on Channel 26!

Every purchase of specially designed Affordacall cards entitles users toavail of free GlaxoSmithKline medicines in the first quarter of the year.Customers can avail of two Zantax tablets or two Ambrolex OD capsulesfor P100 cards and four Zantax tablets with two Ambrolex OD capsulesfor P300 cards. The medicines may be claimed at Watsons drugstores inMetro Manila. (Ricky Semilla Jr.)

‘Max Talk, Max Surf’ with PhoneMaxSubscribers can now maximize the voice and Internet capabilities oftheir BayanTel phone line with BayanTel PhoneMax.

PhoneMax gives the full benefits of power-packed landline ser-vice—caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, three-way calling andspeed dialing—and unlimited dial-up Internet access for P799.

For inquiries on how to avail of this exciting landline offer, call 436-2399.

Visit the nearest BayanCenter for additional information on these excitingBayanTel promos. (R. Semilla Jr.)

MERALCO, in cooperation with theUniversity of the Philippines, willconfer the first Gawad Haydee Yoracfor Outstanding Public Service inMarch 2006, Yorac’s birth month.

The Gawad Haydee Yorac is anannual search for leaders and publicservants who possess attributes worthemulating and who have effectivelyserved and governed their con-stituents. The award perpetuates thememory of the former PresidentialCommission on Good Government

(PCGG) chair and RamonMagsaysayawardee Haydee Yorac and her out-standing accomplishments.

The awardee must have a t-tributes, ethics and life examplesthat guide his/her daily manifesta-tions of service and leadership. Inthe process, he/she consistently car-ries out his/her commitments andduties, accomplishing deeds that re-flect the inner foundation of integri-ty, courage, selflessness and con-science.

It is open to any Filipino citizen re-siding in the Philippines and must atleast be 40 years old at the time of nom-ination. He/shemust have distinguishedhimself/herself in public service, ex-hibiting courage and integrity in theface of overwhelming challenges.

The winner will receive a trophyand a cash gift of P200,000.

The first Gawad Haydee YoracAward will be conferred in March,and on Yorac’s birthday on March4th every year thereafter.

BayanTel pilotsWLL in 5 citiesBayanTel is set to pilot this February its wireless landlineservice in five cities nationwide, using the wireless localloop (WLL) technology that can anchor its entry into 3G.

The WLL service will allow a subscriber to make andreceive calls through mobile handsets using a seven-digitlandline number. These handsets could be linked with lap-tops or desktops, allowing the subscriber to access the In-ternet at broadband speed.

BayanTel will use CDMA2000 technology to offer thewireless landline service. The initial rollout will cover fivemajor cities in Metro Manila, Visayas and Mindanao.BayanTel invested P180 million in the first phase of therollout of its WLL network, which can be upgraded to 3Gby adding card equipment at minimal cost.

Bagong Mayniladboard, itinalaga

PINANGALANAN na ng gobyerno ang an-im na nominees nito sa board ng MayniladWater Services Inc. o MWSI.

Ang mga ito ay sina Oscar Garcia, nasiyang hihirangin na hepe kapag mabuo na angbagong board; dating Justice Perlita Tirona; atsina Gerardo Cabochan, Santiago GabionzaJr., Felipe Siapno at Rommel Macas Cancio.

Kabilang din si Maynilad presidentFiorello Estuar sa nominees ng gobyerno,samantalang ang French partners ng Mayni-lad, ang Suez Lyonnais, ay magkakaroon ng

apat na nominees na papangunahan niJacques Letondor.

Ayon sa government corporate counsel nasi Agnes Devanadera, ang pagtalaga ngbagong board members ay nangangahulu-gang napabilis ang rehabilitasyon ng kumpa-nya ng katumbas ng limang taon, na isang ad-vantage naman para sa gobyerno dahil mapa-pabilis din ang pag-reprivatize nito.

Klinaro ni Devanadera na hindi na mamu-muhunan ng bagong pondo ang gobyerno sareprivatization ng kumpanya.

Sky Cable is now

Home Cable and SunCable are now

4 LOPEZLINK February 2006

Call for entries: 2006Gold Quill Awards

“Reinventing CSR”Feb. 6-10, 2006, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.AIM Conference Center ManilaContact: Vanessa Soliva, 892-4011Organized by the Ramon V. del Rosario Sr. Center for Corporate Re-sponsibility of the Asian Institute of Management, the main thrusts of“Reinventing CSR” are strategy formulation and project implementationto help companies align the goals of sustainable development to businessperformance.

e-Services Philippines (ESP) 2006 Exhibition andConferenceFeb. 16-17, 2006EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong CityContacts: www.e-servicesphils.com or CITEM, 832-5044Bayantel sponsors the networking reception of ESP 2006 while PLDT andGlobeQUEST are copresenting the conference and exhibition.

“Gabi ng Parangal”Anvil AwardsFeb. 17, 2006, 6:30 p.m.Inter-Continental Manila, Makati CityContact: Sonia Tejada, 638-0010

Ateneo awards diplomas to Lopez Group HRsBy Elizabeth Canlas

TEN Human Resource (HR)profess iona ls f rom var iousLopez Group companies weregiven the first diplomas in HRDevelopment by Ateneo’s Cen-ter for Research and Develop-ment (CORD).

The HR diploma course, aflagship project of the LopezGroup’s HR Council led by Mer-

cedes Lopez-Vargas, aims tobuild the competencies of HRprofessionals through continuoustraining and education.

Those who received theirdiplomas were Ma. Rosario Suckand Janet Belir of Meralco; Ma.Amor Curaming and Flora Jordanof MMLDC; Isabel Cortez ofFPIC; Daisy Alvior of FPIP; Ma.Teresa Valin of Fedcor; and IleneEstrada, Rogelio V. Puno and

Elizabeth Canlas of First Hold-ings.

The diploma in HR Develop-ment is composed of three certifi-cate courses—Strategic Trainingand Development, OrganizationDevelopment, Talent and CareerManagement.

The HR Council plans to offercertificate courses in HR Plan-ning and Staffing as well as Em-ployee Relations and Well-Being

in 2006. HR practitioners whocomplete six courses will be con-ferred a Diploma in Strategic Hu-man Resource Management.

The first course for the year,Performance and Rewards Man-

agement, is tentatively scheduledfor March 2006. Interested HRpersonnel may contact ElizabethM. Canlas at 449-6114 or 631-3167, or Arturo Florentin at 632-8889.

HR Council repPinky Dioknoand AteneoCORD managingdirector Dr. Regi-na Hechanova(center) with thefirst batch of Ate-neo HRD gradu-ates (l-r): FloraJordan, TessValin, IsabelCortez, IleneEstrada, JajaBelir, BethCanlas, RosarioSuck, DaisyAlvior, AmorCuraming andRogelio Puno


In memoriamBroadcast iconErnie Baron, 65ABS-CBN regrets the demise of ourkapamilya Ernie Baron on January 23,2006. The passing of our beloved “KaErnie” brings great sorrow to theABS-CBN family.

Born on August 15, 1940, Ka Erniehad spent more than 40 years in the fieldof broadcasting. He started in the radioeducational program “Mga GintongKaalaman” as an announcer in 1965,and his stint in “TV Patrol” as weather-man made him a household name.

He educated millions of viewersthrough “Knowledge Power,” whichexplored the bizarre and the extraordi-nary, and brought to light thought-pro-voking facts and stories of humanfeats. He also anchored the long-run-ning informative radio show of thesame title over DZMM Radyo Patrol630 until the time of his death.

Ka Ernie was popular for probingthe wonders of natural herbal medicineand for inventions and discoveries likethe “cleansing diet,” “Ernyforms” ("En-ergy of Forms”) and “Baron Triangle.”

He reaped numerous honors fromaward-giving bodies, among them the“Natatanging Pilipino” award as

Broadcast Journalist of the Year byFilm Achievers Association in 2005and Star Award’s Best Educational TVProgram Host for “Knowledge Pow-er” in 2001; he was hailed as one ofABS-CBN’s 10 Most Interesting Per-sonalities in the same year.

An icon in the local science andbroadcast industries, Ka Ernie endearedhimself to the public as a credible radio-television personality, a Pinoy genius,and the country’s walking encyclopedia.

He is survived by his only daughterShirley and two grandchildren.

IN 2004, Meralco received theIn te rna t iona l Gold Qui l lAward for its “outstandingcommunication managementin handling issue managementof the Customer Refund forPhase I and II.”

The Gold Quill, an annualproject of the International As-sociation of Business Commu-nicators (IABC), is a mark ofglobal distinction and the high-est level of professional ac-knowledgment in businesscommunication.

In 2005, ABS-CBN Foun-dation Inc. (AFI) and Knowl-edge Channel Foundation Inc.(KCFI) received nat ionalrecognition from the IABC-Philippine chapter with the localGold Quill.

This year, will a Lopez Grouporganization once more make itto the list of outstanding commu-nications programs?

The Gold Quill Awards areopen to members and nonmem-bers of the IABC. Join strategists,managers, practitioners; corpo-rate, government, and not-for-profit communicators; agencyexecut ives ; photographers ;

graphic artists; creative con-ceptualists; tacticians and stu-dents to be part of the interna-tional best practices this annu-al competition represents. Dis-tinguish yourself and the workof your team!

Deadline for local entries isFriday, March 3. Gold Quillentry fee remains at P5,000.Entry forms are being sent out.Contact Art Cariaga at tele-phone numbers 750-5657 or810-1631 loc. 123, telefax7 5 1 - 3 2 0 5 o r e m a i l i n-fo@iabc.com.ph.

Deadline for internationalentries is on Thursday, Feb. 9.Entry fee is $200 for IABCmembers and $300 for non-

members.Please send international en-

tries to the appropriate catego-ry/regional coordinator for yourentry. For more information, visitwww.iabc.com.

Meralco’s Elpi Cuna and Ritzi Ronquil-lo receive the 2004 International GoldQuill award

5LOPEZLINK January 2006


Another look at the ‘PBB’ phenomenon

Don’t give up onPiolo and Juday

STUDIO 23 recently reaped moreplaudits for its award-winningshows, proving that its programlineup is not just for the ka-barka-da, but also for the whole fami-ly.

The Southeast Asian Foundationfor Children and Television(SEAFCTV) selected nine Studio23 programs for its “AnakTVSeal”list for 2005. The programs singledout for praise are “Breakfast Super-size,” “Y Speak Live,” “Sports TV,”“7th Heaven,” “Jimmy Neutron,”“Postman Pat,” “Gameplan” andthe ABS-CBN Foundation shows“Sineskwela” and “Math-Tinik.”

The “Anak TV Seal” is the

SEAFCTV’s guar-antee of good qual-ity family, child-sensitive content.I n a s e n s e , t h e“Anak TV Seal” isb e s t o w e d b ySEAFCTV stake-holders—parents,business and mediapeop l e , gove rn-ment, nongovern-ment organizations,the rel igious sector and theyouth—based on their artisticmerit, educational content andcultural relevance.

Meanwhile, “Lost,” “Amazing

Race” and “7th Heaven” werevoted most family-friendly at the7th Annual Family TelevisionAwards. “7th Heaven,” now on itsfinal year in the US, entered the

Family Television Awards Hall ofFame as well.

The Family Television Awardsare given out by the Family Friend-ly Programming Forum (FFPF) topromote the development of fami-ly-friendly television between 8and 10 p.m., when adults and chil-dren are most likely to watch TVtogether. (Amy Mosura)

‘PBB The Big Night’ nanguna sa TV ratings!AYON sa December 4-10 TV rat-ings ng AGB Nielsen Media Re-search gamit ang Mega Maniladatabase nito, nanguna sa ratingsang “Pinoy Big Brother (PBB)The Big Night” ng ABS-CBNBroadcasting Corp. Sa total indi-viduals, kumopo ng 23.2% na rat-ing ang “PBB” at 63.5% na audi-ence share noong Disyembre 10.Ito ay kumpara sa 22.2 TV rating

at 55.4% na audience share ngpumangalawang “Encantadia” ngGMA Network Inc.

Ibinibigay ng ratings ang av-erage number of viewers para sabawa’t minuto ng isang progra-ma. Ang isang rating point ay 1%ng populasyon na kasama sa sur-vey. Sa Mega Manila, mayroong17.2 milyon na individuals kayaang isang rating point ay tumu-

tugma sa 172,000 individuals.Ang audience share naman aynagkukumpara sa mga progra-mang magkakasabay ipinapal-abas.

Sa total households, umaatik-abong 40.9% ang rating ng “PBBThe Big Night” at 60.9% namanang audience share, kumpara sa“Encantadia” na nakakuha ng38.6% na rating at 52.9% na au-

dience share. May 2.7 millionhouseholds sa Mega Manila atang isang rating point ay katugmang 37,000 na kabahayan.

Samakatuwid, may 3.7 mily-ong tao sa Mega Manila o 1.5 mi-lyong households ang nanood ng“PBB The Big Night.” Ito na angp inakama taa s na ra t i ng nanakamit ng “PBB” sa maiklingkasaysayan nito.

A F T E R t w oyears of work-ing on separateprojects the Pio-lo Pascual-JudyA n n S a n t o steam-up is backwith Star Cine-ma’s openingsalvo for 2006,“Don’t Give UpOn Us.”

T h e f i l mstarts with thestory of Abby(Judy Ann) thecon t ro l f r eakwho likes to beon top of every-thing she does,inc luding thepreparation for her brotherand best friend Sabina’swedding. When the bridedisappears on her despedi-da de soltera, Abby goeson a wild goose chase thattakes her to Baguio; there,she meets Vince (Piolo),who admits his is the voiceon the tape.

Abby and Vince’s huntfor Sabina takes them toLa Trinidad, Banaue andSagada. By the time they

Studio 23 programs reaplocal, int’l accolades

AFTER spending 111 days in the spe-cially designed “Pinoy Big Brother”house in front of ABS-CBN, the low-keyand straight-talking Jennivev “Nene”Tamayo became the first “PBB” BigWinner, one of only a handful of femalewinners in the Dutch franchise thus far.

The Big Four—Nene, Jayson Gain-za of Batangas (312,258 votes/27.5%),

Cassandra Ponti of Davao (214,188votes/18.9%), and Uma Khouny of SanJuan (52,833 votes/4.7%)—were air-lifted to the Clark Expo in Pampangafor the star-studded Big Night.

Sarah Geronimo, Rachelle Ann Go,Mark Bautista, Jed Maddela, Salbakuta,Andrew E, Randy Santiago, SandaraPark, Joseph Bitangcol, Jericho Rosales,Heart Evangelista, Orange ’N’ Lemons,Lito Camo and the former housemateswere among those who entertained thehuge crowd that assembled for one oflocal television’s biggest events.The celebrity edition

The 24-year-old had earlier re-ceived a windfall from the viewers,who gave her an astounding 48.9 %share of the text votes. From “Kuya,”Nene’s reward came in the form of P1million in cash, a house and lot, appli-ances, a brand-new Nissan pickup andan ink refilling business, all amountingto some P6 million.

The other members of the Big Fourreceived their share of prizes, and likeall the other housemates, a shot at fameas Star Magic contract artists.

Season 2 of “Pinoy Big Brother,” saidto be a “celebrity” edition lasting for 60days, will start on Feb. 2006 yet, but localshowbiz stars are already jockeying to beincluded among the housemates; these in-clude Amy Perez, Eula Valdes, Jeni Her-

nandez and Rosanna Roces, said to be themost vocal wannabe.Explaining the Pinoy fascinationfor ‘PBB’

“PBB” director Lauren Dyogi onthe other hand, has stated that hisdream housemate is Rep. Francis Es-cudero, the charismatic oppositionspokesperson.

In an article that came out in Star-week magazine, Alma Anonas-Carpioasked several diehards to explain theirfascination for “PBB.”

Rose, a fishball vendor, said thatshe pointed out to her kids some exam-ples of good and bad behavior throughthe housemates’ actuations inside thehouse. Rommel, a college student,shared that the show allowed him totemporarily forget his problems; see-ing the housemates grapple with theweekly tasks and try to get along withone another helped him deal with hisown problems, he added.

Ad man Jasper’s observation: “Thisis a reality show where you do not seecliques conspiring against other play-ers. That, to me, is amazing and veryFilipino. There is pakikisama (commu-nity sharing of burdens), the house-mates adjust to each other and sort outtheir problems without resorting toconnivance. That is the greatest thing Iever saw in PBB.”

Can’t get enough “Pinoy Big Brother” factoids to dazzleyour friends with? Here’s something to add to yourarsenal:

Housemate• Rico Barrera

Evicted Day 21 (Sept. 10)• Chx Alcala

Evicted Day 63 (Oct. 22)• Jayson Gainza

Second Big Placer, with312,258 Votes

• Nene TamayoPBB Big Winner, with554,906 Votes (48.9%)

• Bob dela CruzForcedly evicted Day50 (Oct. 9)

• Say AlonzoEvicted Day 105 (Dec. 3)

• Cass PontiThird Big Placer, with214,188 Votes (18.9%)

• JB MagsaysayEvicted Day 35 (Sept. 24)

• Racquel ReyesEvicted Day 49 (Oct. 8)

• Uma KhounyFourth Big Placer, with52, 833 Votes (4.7%)

• Jenny SuicoEvicted Day 84 (Nov. 12)

• Franzen FajardoForcedly evicted Day 91(Nov. 19)

• Sam MilbyEvicted Day 77 (Nov. 5)














BirthplaceOlongapo City

Caloocan City

Batangas City



ParañaqueCityDavao City

La Union

Tanauan City




Ohio, USA

The ‘PBB’ housematesby the numbers

(Karen LaRosa)

find Sabina, Abby andVince have come to affecteach other both mentallyand emotionally.

The much-awai tedcomeback of the favoriteTV and movie tandem ofPiolo Pascual and JudyAnn Santos will surelymake a big bang this com-ing New Year. Don’t missStar Cinema’s New Yearoffering, coming to cine-mas on Jan. 8!

6 LOPEZLINK February 2006

Will Kuya still be boss of his house?from page 1

camera, stylists and makeup artists. They’renot all artista but kilala sila in their fields.”“There are more people that are probably

not as famous as some artistas but are signif-icant enough or are worthy to be in the ‘BigBrother House.’ Yung housemates laging maypurpose. We don’t select a person just becausehe or she is sikat, but because he can eithercontribute something inside the house or BigBrother can contribute something to that per-son,” director Lauren Dyogi, Tan’s co-busi-ness unit head, stressed.If the buzz is to be believed, though, the

next batch of housemates would include ac-tresses Rosanna “Osang” Roces and AmyPerez, sexpot Keanna Reeves, teen star/singerRoxie Barcelo, host-rapper Carlos Agassi andreporter Doris Bigornia.

though the old layout that hewed to the specsset by Endemol, the pool and the garden willstill be there. Structural changes to the housewill only be made when the second edition of“PBB” starts in August.The celebrity edition promises to be a more

fast-paced affair, with two housemates beingnominated and evicted every week.“Ibig sabihin, may nomination ka na, may

eviction kaagad. Mabilis na mabilis,” Tansaid.The business unit head added that she sees a

Kuya that is stricter because the celebrities arelikely to be more “pasaway.” (Osang, after all,is a bombshell in more ways than one).And, for the curious, yes, the same person

will voice Kuya; and no, his identity will notbe revealed.Hit or hype? Numbers tell the storyJust how much of a hit was “PBB”? Was it

all hype, or does ABS-CBN have numbers toback up their claims?According to Leah Gatdula, “PBB” mania

was real.“People across all ages and classes talked

about the show in the streets, in the hallways,in office elevators; the theme, ‘Pinoy Ako’ byOrange and Lemons, was—and still is—om-nipresent in FM radio stations; Star Records’‘Pinoy Ako’ compilation album carrying theshow’s theme turned gold after only twomonths in the market and double platinum byJanuary 2006,” Gatdula reported.Kibitzers opine that the show’s fate was

sealed when the MTRCB waded in and sus-pended “PBB” early on in its run. After that,“PBB” had nowhere to go but up, up andaway!The intensity of the Pinoy viewers’ affinity

for the original batch of housemates can beseen in the text votes. During the first twoeviction nights—where Rico Barrera and JB

Magsaysay became the initial fatalities“evictees,” respectively—a total of 1.2 miltext votes were said to have come in for thnominees up for eviction, edging out prevrecord holder Brazil.The “Big Night” numbers were even m

staggering: Uma Khouny received 52,votes, Cassandra Ponti 214,188 votes,Jayson Gainza 312,258 votes; they were4th, 3rd and 2nd Big Winners, respectivelAs for Nene Tamayo, she received alm

an extra half million bonanza from her follers—in the form of 554,906 votes, or 48.9%the total!

Where to, housemates?OF course, all eyes are on the 13 former housemates asthey try to carve a more permanent niche in the fickleshow biz industry. Direk Lauren Dyogi, too, keeps awatchful eye on his new wards.

So what’s up with Nene and company?“Nene’s with ’TV Patrol World’ and I think she’s doing

good in her regular segment. Lahat naman sila nag-a-adjust, they’re still finding their place in show business.Where exactly they will excel, we still have to find out. SiSam lang ang clear, he’s a heartthrob and a singer. Sayand Chx are regular hosts in ‘Wazzup Wazzup.’ Franzenand Jayson are into comedy, while Cass could be incomedy-sexy roles. Uma, hopefully, could go into host-ing,” Dyogi said.

Mix of old and newBefore they go into the house, the new

housemates will pick a local charity to whichthey will give part of the P1-million prizemoney.Viewers will see a “PBB House” whose in-

teriors have been changed drastically, al-

Scene-stealers (clockwise from top): Osang wantsto bring her antics to the “PBB” house; JB andSay found—and lost—love; direk Lauren leadsNene and Uma out of the house and into careersin showbiz; the pre-housemates “PBB” house

7LOPEZLINK February 2006

Linggit Tan and ‘Direk’ Lauren Dyogi:

‘‘PPBBBB sshhoowwss tthhee ppoowweerr ooff TTVV’’By Carla Paras-Sison

BUSINESS unit heads Linggit Tan andLaurenti Dyogi, the pair in charge ofABS-CBN’s hit reality show “Pinoy BigBrother” or “PBB,” believe the programdemonstrates the power of television asan agent of change, as well as affirms thenetwork’s singular confidence in the Fil-ipino who is moved to action by what hesees on the tube.“From experience, we have seen how

the show effects changes in the lives ofpeople. The show strikes a chord insideand brings out the good spirit (from ouraudiences). Heroes (and heroines)emerge, willing to help in any way they

actors and writers organized by UP pro-fessor Gigi Alfonso that produced thegag show “O Sige.” After a successfulrun on “O Sige,” he remembers being“rejected” by Tan when he applied atIBC Channel 13.Tan defended her decision, saying

IBC 13 was not exactly the best place tobe in at the time it was sequestered andthe labor situation was fluid. She ad-vised Dyogi to join ABS-CBN, where hebecame researcher and later associateproducer of the arts and culture showCafé Bravo. Then he became producerand later director of “Tatak Pilipino,”“Ang TV” and “ATBP.,” the ABS-CBNequivalent of “Sesame Street.”The biggest challenge now facing the

duo is how to make the next “PBB” evenbetter and more exciting than its firstseason.“Great pressure is on us. People are

waiting for the next season and we have

to meet their expectations,” said Tan.In addition, Dyogi pointed out, they

have to adapt the “Big Brother” fran-chise to local taste.“The Big Brother prototype abroad is

risqué. And if we copy everything fromthem, we will not pass MTRCB (Movieand Television Review and Classifica-tion Board) guidelines. It’s still a work inprogress and I believe the potential isthere and we can do a lot more with theshow. It’s a process of continuous learn-ing, we receive a lot of feedback andwork from there,” Dyogi said.Success will always have its critics

and when the black propaganda on thesupposed “fixing” of the “PBB” resultsmade its Internet rounds, Dyogi admit-ted being upset by the meanness of it all.Tan, however, was less affected, believ-ing it would be proven to be a lie.“Sanay na ako na may naninira. I’m

not affected by negative publicity any-more,” she declared.Tan and Dyogi ask PBB fans to keep

on watching and supporting the show,promising more quality programming.“PBB fans can trust that we will contin-ue to work hard to give them a show thatis entertaining and substantial, some-thing that is worth their valuable time,”promised Dyogi.As for Tan, she said she hopes that

“(viewers) will continue learning fromthe experiences of the housemates. If on-ly we learn and try to change ourselves,then baka umayos na ang Pilipinas.”

can,” said Tan who lists Claudine Barrettoas a donor, Alfie Lorenzo as a pledger andan unnamed computer store owner whooffered a PC to anybody who needs it.“It’s the bayanihan spirit at work, or

(to cynics) perhaps the gaya-gaya spir-it,” added Dyogi.Before “PBB,” Tan was handlingmostly

comedy shows for ABS-CBN, beginningwith “Home Along Da Riles” in 1992,“Abangan ang Susunod na Kabanata,”“Okidokidok,” and more recently, “GoingBulilit,” “OK, Fine” and “QuizonAvenue.”She also launched such loved programs as“Wansapanataym” and “Mga Anghel naWalang Langit.”Meanwhile, Dyogi was busy with di-

recting dramas and docu-dramas such as“Katapat,” with his first telenovela be-ing the John Lloyd-Bea starrer “Kay Ta-gal Kang Hinintay.”As a fresh UP Mass Communications

graduate, Dyogi was part of a group of

Kuya’s big bosses: Linggit Tan and LaurenDyogi with Endemol’s Anuska Ban and EdSharples during the groundbreaking for the“Pinoy Big Brother” house in 2005 (above);the business unit heads take five with thehardworking “PBB” crew and formerhousemates Rico, Racquel, Bob, Jenny andJB (left)

s, orllionhe allvious

more,833ande thely.mostlow-% of

Meanwhile, an estimated 3.99 millionviewers tuned in to the much-awaited “PBBThe Big Night” at the Clark Expo, Pampanga.The ratings of AGB Nielsen Media Researchfor the week ending Dec. 10—the day of thefinale—showed that “PBB” had an audienceshare of 63.5%, with the rival station’s fantasy“Etheria” a distant second with 55.4%.

One hundred and 11 days earlier, in August,the first episode of “PBB” established anotherrecord, this time as the highest-rating pilot inthe history of the Dutch franchise.“They’re so happy with us. We consult

them when the need arises, but happy sila saPhilippine production,” Dyogi said of Ende-mol. “Marami daw nangyari sa Pilipinas thatnormally happens in two or three seasons yetin other countries.”As for Dyogi, he realized the show was

making an impact when people started congre-gating and having their photos taken in front ofthe “PBB House” on Eugenio Lopez Drive,not to mention the countless write-ups and in-trigues.“There were also so many people asking for

T-shirts,” he added. (JGJ)

8 LOPEZLINK February 2006

NGAYONG buwan ng mga puso, pag-aralan natin angiba’t ibang klase ng sakit sa puso at ugat.

Ayon sa Department of Health, ang mga sakit sa pu-so at mga abnormality sa vascular system angdalawang karaniwang sanhi ng pagkamatay ng mgaPinoy. Ang cardiovascular disease ay grupo ng mgasakit na iniinda ng puso (cardio) at ng blood vessels(vascular).

Mga sakit sa pusoAng pangunahing sanhi ng atake sa puso ay ang Coro-

nary Artery Disease (CAD). Naapektuhan nito ang mga bloodvessels na nagpapadaloy ng dugo sa heart muscle.

Ang coronary heart disease ang pagkakasakit ng coronaryarteries o blood vessels na nagdadala ng dugo sa puso. Ang re-sulta? Pananakit ng dibdib o angina at heart attack!

Heart failure o congestive heart failure (CHF) naman angtawag sa kundisyon kung saan hindi na kaya ng puso na mag-pump ng tamang dami ng dugo sa iba’t ibang bahagi ngkatawan. Ang symptoms ng CHF ay shortness of breath, fa-tigue at fluid retention o pagmamanas.

Ang valvular heart disease ang pagkakasakit ng valves, nasiyang nagpapadaloy ng dugo sa tamang direksiyon. Mgaanomalya ang stenosis (pagsikip ng daluyan ng dugo), insuf-ficiency (pagkukulang ng dugo) at prolapse (hindi tamangpagsara ng valves).Vascular diseases

Halimbawa ng mga vascular diseases ay ang artherosclero-sis, kung saan ang mga taba sa katawan ay matatagpuan saartery walls; dahil dito tumitigas ang mga ito at nababawasanang pagdaloy ng dugo sa apektadong bahagi ng katawan.

Ang hypertension ay ang sobrang lakas ng pagbomba ngdugo sa blood vessels. Madalas itong tawaging “silent” illnessdahil kahit “high blood” na ang isang tao ay hindi pa niya itonararamdaman.

Ang aneurysm ay ang panghihina ng pader ng blood ves-sels. Maaari itong lumaki at pumutok sa paglipas ng panahon.Ang pagputok ng aneurysm ay nakamamatay.

Sa venous thrombosis, merong blood clot sa vein nanakakasagabal sa maayos na pagdaloy ng dugo. Maaari itongpumunta sa ibang bahagi ng katawan o magbahay sa ugat.


sakit sa pusoAt risk?

Don’t loseheart!

There are two new bloodtests that may help in thedetection of future cardiacrisk. The first involves thelevel of C-reactive protein(CRP), a marker of in-flammation. Persons withhigh CRP face an in-creased risk for heart at-tack, stroke, sudden deathand vascular disease.

The other is the PLAQtest. This measures thelevel of lipoprotein-asso-ciated phospholipase A2(Lp-PLA2), which, whenelevated, identif ies agreater risk for plaqueformation independent ofthe levels of either lipidsor CRP. Among the non-drug therapy ways to low-er these are weight loss,diet, exercise, not smok-ing and not worrying.

Alamin ang iba’t ibang klase ng

8 achievements, 1 individual win in ’05 LAA

ABS-CBN Foundation programs,hosts cited by SEAFCTVSIX ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. (AFI) educational and ac-quired television programs recently received a thumbs-upfrom the Southeast Asian Foundation for Children and Tele-vision (SEAFCTV) for their “child sensitive” content. ABS-CBN Channel 2’s “Art Jam,” “New Adventures of Madeline,”“Bear in the Big Blue House,” and “Silip: Sining saLipunan,” and Studio 23’s “Sineskwela” and “Math-tinik”were conferred the “Anak TV Seal,” while ABS-CBN hostsBernadette Sembrano, Christine Bersola-Babao and JuliusBabao were cited as celebrities worthy of emulation by theyoung. Photo shows (front row, l-r)Grace Torres-Panganiban,“Art Jam” associate producer; Bernadette Sembrano; MarivicReyes-Trinidad, AFI Acquired Programs associate producer;and Cielo Reyes, AFI CCM manager/"Math-tinik" executiveproducer; (back row, l-r) Epy Quizon, “Art Jam” host; Chris-tine Bersola-Babao; Tado, “Art Jam” host; Julius Babao; andLeng Raymundo, VP for Acquisition of ABS-CBN.

By Rene J. Mayol

THE Lopez Achievement Award pro-gram management proudly announcesthe winners of the 2005 LopezAchievement Award. Out of the 34nominations received for this cycle,eight team achievements and one in-dividual successfully made it throughthe screening and judging processes.

These winning achievements, inno particular order, are:Award for Corporate Image Building• Corporate Image Building for Mer-alco, by the Corporate Image Com-mittee, Meralco

• Communications Program Focus-ing on Toll Rate Management Plan,by the Management Team and the“Pasada” Team, Manila NorthTollways Corp.Award for Public Responsibility• “Sagip Kapamilya” by the "SagipKapamilya” Team, ABS-CBN

Broadcasting Corp. and ABS-CBNFoundation Inc. (AFI)

• Television Education for the Ad-vancement of Muslim Mindanao,by TEAM-Mindanao, KnowledgeChannel Foundation Inc. (KCFI)

• Asset From Waste, by the AssetFrom Waste Team, Maynilad Wa-ter Services Inc. (MWSI)Award for Operations Manage-ment and Customer Focus• NLEX Service: The Business of De-lighting Customers . . . From Day 1,by the Tollways Operation Start-UpTeam and Service Operations Team,Tollways Management Corp.Award for Customer Focus• “My First Lessons with Jollibee,”by My First Lessons with JollibeeTeam, Star RecordsAward for Business Management• Successful Entry into the OriginalEquipment Manufacturer (OEM) andIndirect Export Market, by the OEMAPC Product Team, Philec and FedcorAward for Business Management(Individual Award)• Innovative Leadership in TurningMaynilad into a Viable Company,Dr. Fiorello Estuar, Maynilad

The program management ex-tends its gratitude to the screeningcommittee members: Carla Sison,Alex Roque, Alwin Sta. Rosa, AmorAvendano, Angie Atanacio, ArtSomera, Bernard Sanchez, Bon Asis,Ed Carpio, Erwin Avante, Fanny Vil-lanueva, Gerry Domingo, John Rojo,Jojo de Jesus, Jojo Raule, Jun Cepe-da, Jun de Vera, Lito Garcia, LitoYanga, Lulu Abrillo, Marvi Marceli-no, Rey Laguda, Rica Somera, RicoBelmonte, Rina Sha, Roger de Guz-man , Ronn i e Sabe l l a and Va lAguilar; and to the judges: BeaverLopez, Boo Chanco, Dario Pagcali-wagan, Gina Go, Hector Dimacali,Pinky Diokno, Rod Salazar, RommelDuran and Tunde Fafunwa.

The awarding ceremonies will beheld at the Meralco Theater on Mar.8. The winners’ achievements willbe featured in the March LopezLink.

Tycoons get involved in ETVBy Jenie Catiis

SHIPPING mogul Endika Aboitiz, economistWashington Sycip and SM Shoemart presidentTessie Sy-Coson have joined ABS-CBN Founda-tion Inc. (AFI) managing director Gina Lopez onthe board of the E-Media Program, or Educationthrough Multimedia, the AFI’s flagship projectfor education.

The involvement of the tycoons goes beyondplanning inside the boardroom. Sycip, 80, him-self the product of a public elementary school, ispassionate about the educational television cam-paign. Aware of the benefits of implementingtelevision-assisted instruction in the classrooms,he has adopted 20 schools in Metro Manila and inMindanao. Recently, he attended a turnover cer-emony at a school in Payatas.

In the last three years, Aboitiz Transport Sys-tem has been involved in promoting ETV among

its employees and even its passengers. Educa-tional programs are aired at waiting areas in portsand on the vessels themselves.

Schools in the provinces where ATS has ma-jor operations have received ETV packages com-posed of a 21-inch colored TV, DVD player and108 volumes of ETV shows in DVD format. Thehardware is complemented by a series of teachertrainings by Dr. Milagros Ibe, dean of MiriamCollege Graduate School. To date, Aboitiz andATS have taken 20 schools under their wing.

As the number of SM Shoemart malls contin-ues to increase, so do the schools adopted by theSM Foundation. The opening of new SM branch-es are celebrated with teachers and pupils receiv-ing ETV packages at the activity centers, themost recent ones being of SM Batangas and SMSan Lazaro. Sy-Coson has adopted 60 schoolsthrough the SM Foundation.

When people invest in ETV, it is an invest-

ment made in favor of a community where chil-dren are made to feel that they deserve no less,that it is everybody’s business that they get bettergrades and perform better in school.

With the help of technology and great minds,the business of improving the quality of educa-tion shows a lot of promise in 2006.

Endika Aboitiz (left) and WashingtonSycip’s latest investments are in ETV

Dr. Fiorello Estuar is the loneLAA individual awardee

Sign-up for DZMMfun run still ongoingINAANYAYAHAN namin anglahat ng kapamilya na makiba-hagi sa adhikain ng DZMM namapanatiling mayabong angkaisa-isang gubat sa loob ngM e t r o M a n i l a n a s i y a n gpinagkukunan natin ng atingtubig sa araw-araw. Kaya magparehistro na sa DZMM otumawag sa mga telepono bilang 415-2272 loc. 5638,5674, 5629 at 5641.

Magkita-kita tayo sa Peb. 11 sa Quirino Grandstand,Luneta, 5:30 a.m. Sama-sama nating pangalagaan angating kapaligiran. Magparehistro na sa DZMM PublicService Center o sa Vasquez Madrigal Bldg., Annapolis,Greenhills, Lunes hanggang Biyernes, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

9LOPEZLINK February 2006

Ongoings@Lopez Memorial Museum

Feb. 15: DisasterPreparedness Seminar

Seminar fee: P2,500 (whole day)

The tsunami that devastated parts ofSouth Asia, the flood that affected NewOrleans and the earthquake that ravagedPakistan underscored the importance ofa disaster preparedness program.

A disaster preparedness seminar tobe conducted by Roberto Balarbar, ar-chitect Evelyn Esguerra of the NationalMuseum and Dr. Ana Labrador of theUP Vargas Museum aims to help partic-ipants assess, prepare for, and respondto natural and human-made threats; totake a proactive rather than reactiveapproach to disaster preparation withrespect to cultural property; and todraft emergency preparedness pro-grams for their institutions.

Registration is ongoing until Feb. 4.Fee is inclusive of lunch and handouts.Certificates will be given to those whocomplete the seminar.

Feb. 18: ‘Lost inCyberspace:

A New Perspective?’Lecture fee: P 120

Nowadays people are made to adoptor search for skills relating to computertechnologies and concepts. While thecognitive/linguistic term “articulation” re-lates to the concept of movement inspace, “perspective” is related to a morestatic view. Does immaterial articulationrelate to material space?

Lecturers Fatima Lasay and TrevorBatten will explore alternative articula-tions of space that consider cognitionand language as important elementsthat have been lost in cyberspace.

Lasay has presented her work inDenmark, India, the Netherlands, Sin-gapore and Taiwan. Now semi-retiredfrom teaching, she continues her artmaking and research, and has just writ-ten a chapter for a book about the vi-sual art collection of the Bangko Sen-tral ng Pilipinas.

Batten has been involved with com-puters in the visual arts since 1967 whenhe presented computer-generatedgraphic images as his final sculpture withprintmaking exam at Exeter College ofArt in Great Britain. He taught Media Artat the AKI School of Fine Art in Enschede,the Netherlands from 1988 to 1999.

The Lasay-Batten lecture comple-ments the exhibition “Juan Arellano:Drawing Space,” which is ongoing untilApril 2006.

Until April 2006:‘Sojourn’

Exhibit at the Rizaliana Gallery

Jose Rizal’s wide range of readingmaterials in various languages enabledhim to visit places and periods other-wise inaccessible. The exhibition “So-journ,” brought to fruition through thecooperation of First Philippine Hold-ings Corp., features the titles that thenational hero read, hisbibliographic cards,and translations oftwo of his novels,“Nol i Me Tangere”and “El Filibusteris-mo.”

Also featured inthe exhibition areseascapes and land-scapes by 19th cen-tury Filipino masterFelix Resurrecion Hi-dalgo.

New book: ‘DiscoveringManansala’


A wonderful new addition to thegrowing literature on Philippine visualarts and artist is the book “DiscoveringManansala.”

Published by the Friends of Man-ansala in cooperation with the MuseumFoundation of the Philippines Inc., TheEugenio Lopez Foundation Inc. and JudyAraneta-Roxas, the book provides infor-mation on the life of one of the country’sNational Artists for Visual Arts.

Author Isabel Nazareno is a gradu-ate of MA Art History from the Univer-sity of the Philippines and a member ofAng Ilustrador ng Kabataan (Ang I.n.K).

The book is available at leadingbookstores and at the Lopez MemorialMuseum for P600.

The Lopez Memorial Museum is atthe ground floor, Benpres Building, Ex-

change Road corner Meralco Avenue,Pasig City. Museumdays and hours areMondays-Saturdays,8 a.m.-5 p.m., exceptholidays. Entrancefees: P100 for adults;P80 for high schooland college students;and P60 for elemen-tary school students.For more information,call 631-2417 or emailpezseum@sk

Meralco memorabiliaelectrifies thousandsSINCE its inauguration in March 2003, theMeralco Museum has attracted guestsfrom such provinces as Cavite, Laguna,Batangas, Rizal, Quezon, Bulacan, Pam-panga, Nueva Ecija, Ilocos Norte, Pangasi-nan and even La Union and Isabela.

The Meralco Museum has a compre-hensive collection of information and pro-vides a unique visual experience with dis-plays of well-preserved Meralco objectsand equipment , whi le the MeralcoArchives preserves every material or doc-ument that has been part of or is significantto the company’s history.

Museum guests numbered 52,979 for amonthly average of 6,108 visitors in the

first nine months of 2005. School tours ac-counted for 86% of the total.

The museum’s curatorial consultant,Roberto M. Paterno, holds a Master of Artsdegree in History from Georgetown Uni-versity, Washington, DC, and a PhD de-gree in history with emphasis on ModernChina from Harvard University.

The Meralco Museum and Archives islocated at the ground floor, Technical Ser-vices Building, Meralco Center, OrtigasAvenue, Pasig City. Museum days andhours are Tuesdays-Saturdays, 9 a.m.-6p.m., except Sundays, Mondays and holi-days. Entrance is free. For more informa-tion, call 631-5575.

AEI’s new equipment helpsPinoys regain clear eyesightAsian Eye Institute (AEI) has teamed up with respectedproviders of diagnostics and Lasik treatment equipment, CarlZeiss Meditec and Bausch & Lomb, to bring to the Philip-pines the latest equipment that can safely treat common butdebilitating eye diseases.A new way of analyzing eye diseases

The StratusOCT provides direct cross sectional imagesof a patient’s retina, analyzing its macular thickness andthat of the retinal nerve fiber layer and the optic disc-im-ages never seen before.

The macula is where light is focused and vision is at itssharpest. With these new data, doctors can more accuratelydiagnose and manage a patient’s problem, be it glaucoma orretinal disease.Giving back the gift of clear eyesight

AEI’s roster of Lasik equipment now includes the newmicrokeratome, Zyoptix XP. Refractive surgeon Robert Ed-ward Ang explained that the XP cuts a flap on the front ofthe eye before the actual laser surgery. Compared with theprevious-generation Hansatome, the XP cuts a smootherflap with more precise thickness.

“With this kind of accuracy, you are less worried aboutcutting a thicker flap than necessary. The keratome maycreate a rough cut or, worse, damage the flap. When thathappens, you cannot proceed with the surgery.”

Another important piece of equipment is the laser itself.The Bausch & Lomb 217 Z100 Laser is one of the first 10machines in the world with Iris Recognition software,which enables it to detect changes in eye position and alignthe laser so that each laser shot is fired onto the correct lo-cation on the eye. In addition, the Z100’s “wavefront tech-nology” generates a customized treatment that is patterned

after the unique distortions of the eye of every patient.To know how these technological advancements can ben-

efit you or your loved ones, call 898-2020 or email eye-help@asianeyeinstitute.com. You may also log on towww.asianeyeinstitute.com. (Frances Bumanlag)

Feb. 11: ‘Perspectiveon Sculptures inPublic Spaces’

Lecture fee: P50 (MuseumFoundation members)/P100


The Lopez Memorial Museum, incooperation with the Museum Foun-dation of the Philippines Inc., presentsthe second of the series “Stories aboutPreserving Cultural Heritage” with alecture by Prof. Ma. Victoria Herrera ofthe UP Diliman Dept. of Art Studies.

Public art is normally commis-sioned for a site as a creative work toengage the viewer, to celebrate an im-age or message that relates to a com-munity or site.

Herrera will discuss issues that re-late to the production and care ofpublic art. She will look into why manyof these sculptures and monumentsare neglected and if these have losttheir significance to contemporary so-ciety.

Herrera’s most recent project wasthe exhibition “The Art of FrancescoMonti and Early 20th Century PublicSculptures in the Philippines.” She hascurated and co-curated exhibitionshere and abroad, presented papersboth locally and internationally onsuch subjects as managing culture, artpractices in the Philippines and Philip-pine artists.

10 LOPEZLINK February 2006

Balloons and blooms for Valentine’s DayTRAVEL

LOOKING for a unique yet romantic way to spend St.Valentine’s Day? Consider our two featured events forFebruary, which involve balloons and flowers. Load upthe car and we’re off to Pampanga and Baguio City for aDay of Hearts your sweetheart will never forget!Feb. 9-1210th Philippine Intl. Hot Air Balloon Fiesta(PIHABF)

Omni Aviation Complex, Clark Field, PampangaEntrance fee: P100

A balloon shaped like a giant puppy, plus more thantwo dozen other balloons, ushers in the Year of the Dogat the country’s biggest aviation sports event. Don’t bemisled by the name, though, as the PIHABF also fea-tures land-based events and activities.

Be at the launch site for the “fly-out” at 5 a.m. and the“fly-in” at 5 p.m. In between, there are exhibitions, con-tests, races and demonstrations galore. You could evengive your special someone the thrill of a lifetime andshell out a minimal amount for a balloon ride!

To get to Omni from Manila, take the North LuzonExpressway and exit at Dau. Make a left to AngelesCity, and then a right to Clark.

Jan. 30-March 1211th Panagbenga FestivalBaguio City

Nobody really needs a reason to hie off to the coun-try’s summer capital, but Valentine’s Day—not to men-tion the observance of one of Baguio’s most well knownfestivals—certainly makes a trip up North even moreenticing.

Think cool and foggy afternoons, flowers by thethousands, great music, romantic meals on SessionRoad….

The 11th edition of the Baguio Flower Festival bor-rows its name from the Kankanaey word meaning “aseason for blossoming.” You and your loved one are infor a myriad of cultural, sports, trade, musical, environ-mental and other activities until the festival’s end onMarch 12. For the updated lineup of activities, log on towww.baguio.gov.ph.

‘WWE RAWLive Tour’comeback

Wrestling fans, rejoice!A f t e r mo r e t h a n 10years, World WrestlingEntertainment returnswith the “RAW” brand atthe Araneta Coliseum inCubao, Quezon City onFeb. 24 and 25.

The tour will be head-lined by John Cena vsEdge vs Triple H in athree-way WWE titlematch with Mick Foley asspecial referee. Otherhighlights include tagteam specials, six-man tagmatches, a women’s titlematch and a lot more.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-decade event! Forinquiries and reserva-tions, contact 911-5555o r w w w . t i c k e t-net.com.ph

Love these ABS-CBN love teams!SPORTS

By Amy Mosura

WHAT do we love about love teams? Thechemistry. The talent. And that indefinablekilig factor from a leading team at the top oftheir game, making us fall in love with sto-ries of people falling in love.

Love teams form the backbone of ABS-CBN’s current and upcoming teleseryes.Whether it’s an old favorite or a new com-bination, there’s no question that romance isalive and well and in the air in ABS-CBN.Judy Ann Santos and Piolo Pascual

They haven’t shared a screen since “SaPuso Ko, Iingatan Ka” ended in 2003. In be-tween their first team-up in “Esperanza” andtheir hit films “Bakit Di Totohanin” and“ K a h i t

Isang Saglit,” fans have come to love thechemistry of Judy Ann Santos and PioloPascual.

While both are high-wattage stars in theirown right, fans maintain that they are betterwhen they’re together. Piolo and Judayproved them right with their love team’scomeback vehicle, “Don’t Give Up On Us.”With the movie grossing an estimated P16million nationwide on opening day, and witha projected gross of upwards of P100 mil-lion, it’s clear that thepublic has not hadenough of the Juday-Piolo love team.

ABS-CBN will tryto fill that demandvery soon, with thelaunch of the tele-s e r y e “Sa P i l i n gMo.” Under the guid-ance of Rory Quintosand Tr i n a Day r i t( w i t h t h e p i l o tepisode directed byJerry Lopez Sine-neng) , P io lo andJudy Ann stay trueto their dramaticroots in the story ofchildhood friendsw h o b e c o m elovers. Because of Jennifer’s devotion tothe blind Adrian, she is led to make a des-perate choice—a choice that wouldchange their lives forever.Jericho Rosales and Heart Evange-lista

How does one of the biggest epicproductions in TV history find its heart?“Panday” provides a surprising an-swer—by putting together two starswho were known for being in otherlove teams.

Now, as “Panday"’s cruelly separatedTristan and Eden, Jericho Rosales and HeartEvangelista prove that you can’t keep twofocused and determined actors down, witheach perfectly embodying the longing andlove that the two nearly-married charactersfeel for each other in the story.

The island-hopping production aims tospend at least part of the shooting schedulein Luzon and the Visayas. With the “Pan-day” staff determined to create unforget-

table sequences in front ofthe Philippines’ mostoverlooked vistas, work-ing one’s craft as an actorcan be a challenge. Espe-cially since the story re-quires them to create abelievable love storywhile only rarely shar-ing scenes with eachother.

Fans, however, are com-pletely sold on the newEcho-Heart love team, withInternet web pages andABS-CBN’s own email in-boxes full of praise for thetender chemistry the two ac-tors generate. And while nei-ther Echo nor Heart is speak-ing definitively about their

personal relationship, one thing remainsclear—when “Panday” returns this month,there will be more of that chemistry to satisfyfans.Kristine Hermosa and TJ Trinidad

With “Gulong ng Palad,” ABS-CBNsought to present what was, in essence, a 55-year-old story to a new audience. But it wasthe strong audience response and correspond-ing ratings that proved that ABS-CBN knewwhat it was doing when it remade anew theclassic soap opera for the small screen.

For the leads, ABS-CBN again chose to befaithful to the show’s history by casting a new-comer opposite an established star, a la RonaldCorveau and Marianne dela Riva. In this case,it was TJ Trinidad, formerly of “Krystala” and“Basta’t Kasama Kita,” who would be pairedwith Kristine Hermosa, star of “Pangako Sa’Yo” and “Sana’y Wala Nang Wakas.”

“When I auditioned for the role, I didn’trealize the magnitude of it, or what a big dealit was to people,” said TJ. “Based on thescreen test, it seems Kristine and I have goodchemistry.”

Kristine agreed with her new leadingman. “I feel lucky to be part of this classicteleserye, and it’s wonderful to be workingwith a gentleman like TJ.”

Audiences seem to have the same opin-ion, as “Gulong ng Palad"’s ratings gosteadily upwards in Mega Manila while win-ning Metro Manila’s numbers since the se-ries premiered.

11LOPEZLINK February 2006

CrosswordBINASAmo ba from cover to cover ang huling isyu ngLopez Link? Isa ka ba sa mga masugid na tagasubaybayng mga programa sa ABS-CBN, Studio 23 o ANC?

Patunayan na isa kang ganap na kapamilya sa pa-mamagitan ng pagkumpleto ng crossword puzzle na ito.

Answers to Jan. puzzle

ACROSS1. To be superior4. 2006: Year of the ---7. The element

einsteinium, for short8. Affirmative9. Chemical engineer10. Pinoy Big - - - - - - -,

the groundbreakingDutch franchise

13. Dog’s color14. No. 4 “Pinoy Big

Brother” Big Winner15. - - - - Peace Prize,

award conferred onGina Lopez inDecember

16. - - - - Lopez, ABS-CBN Foundation Inc.managing director

18. Return on rate base20. Light Rail Transit22. Black (Fr.)24. To compete26. Either27. Ante meridiem29. The letter N30. Public relations31. The region beyond the

solar system33. Oscar M. Lopez or

Manuel M. Lopez35. Meridian, abbr.36. - - - - - Santos-Concio,

ABS-CBN EVP37. Napoleon’s nickname39. Outdo40. Fun - - -, DZMM

fundraiser on Feb. 1141. “Extra Terrestrial”42. Environment, Safety

and Health43. Comptrollers’ Circle

activity on its 6th year44. Lopez Group chair, for


DOWN1. ERC precursor2. - - - Excel Awards,

IABC honors3. MWSI president Dr.


4. Derivation, abbr.5. Operating system6. Pinoy - - - - - Summit,

event organized byABS-CBN’sGovernment, Corp.Affairs and PR Group

8. 12 months9. - - - Drilon, ABS-CBN

broadcaster11. Return on investment12. Housemate, for short13. ABS-CBN telenovela15. Lopez - - - - -16. To present or donate17. North Luzon

Expressway, for short19. Not off21. Phil - - - - - , MWSI

VP23. “Amazing - - - -,”

Studio 23show voted one of themost family friendly

25. Progresses slowly28. Award of - - - - -,

conferred onDr. Estuar by theIABC

30. Portion or segment32. Amplifier, for short34. To chop into bits36. Commander of the

Order of the BritishEmpire, for short

37. The 13th letter of theGreek alphabet

38. What, Tag.40. Republic Act, for short41. The, Span.

DDDeee aaa rrr RRRooo sss iii eeeHappy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Doyou have anything special prepared foryour loved ones? If you’re still at a loss,check out our travel feature for somegreat ideas. As always, we’re glad tokeep you updated about some very im-portant Lopez Group milestones, such asthe LAA awarding ceremony, whichwe’ll fully chronicle in next month’sLopez Link. Some activities are also inthe pipeline in connection with the 105thbirth anniversary in July of Don Eugenio“Eñing” Lopez, the man who started itall.

But, in the meantime, let’s find outwhat’s on the minds of our colleagues inthe Group.

ooOooHi there, are there any updates on Maynilad? Is it still a partof the Lopez Group?—G.A.

According to Benpres president Angel S. Ong, the LopezGroup has exited Maynilad in compliance with the terms of theDebt Capital and Restructuring Agreement approved in 2005by the court. By virtue of proxies given by Benpres HoldingsCorp. in favor of the government, six new directors nominatedby the government were elected to the Maynilad board on Jan.9, 2006, replacing all Benpres representatives (See story onpage 3).

ooOooHas the Meralco-NPC issue been resolved? Bigla na lang kasisiya nawala sa mga dyaryo. How did management deal withit? Thanks!—Edwin

Heto ang pahayag ng Meralco: Kasalukuyang nakabinbin saEnergy Regulatory Commission (ERC) ang Settlement Agree-ment sa pagitan ng Meralco at Napocor. Taliwas sa mga balitangnaglabasan hinggil sa nasabing isyu, hindi totoo na nagkakaha-laga ng P 42 billion ang Settlement Agreement. Ayon sa Meralcosa ngayon ay naibaba na lamang sa mahigit kumulang na P14 bil-

lion mula sa orihinal na P20 billion ang halaga ng SettlementAgreement. Ang Settlement Agreement ay hindi isangpagkakautang kundi isang kasunduan sa pagitan ngdalawang kumpanya. Layon nito na magkaroon ng solusyonang naging problema o di-pagkakasundo sa 10 year Contractfor Sale of Electricity o CSE sa pagitan ng NPC at Meralco.Bago nabuo at ipinadala sa ERC, ang Settlement Agreementay nagdaan muna sa masusing “mediation proceedings.” Athabang nakabinbin pa ang pagpapatupad nito sa ERC,

walang obligasyon ang Meralco na simulan nangbayaran ang na-pagkasunduang halaga.

Ang mga maling balita na lumabas ay mukhang isang istrate-hiya lamang ng mga taong nagnanais sirain ang naturang kasun-duan para sa mga pansariling interes. Pinayuhan ng Meralco anglahat ng kinauukulan na kilatisin muna nang maigi ang mga bal-itang naglalayon lamang na sirain ang imahe ng kumpanya atmagbigay ng mga mapanlinlang na solusyon.

ooOooPinaalam na ba kung sino si “Big Brother”? Parehong bosespa rin ba maririnig namin sa Season 2?—Manny

“Pinoy Big Brother” business unit head Linggit Tan’s reply:“We cannot reveal who Big Brother is. It’s part of the mystery of‘Pinoy Big Brother,’ like Charlie of ‘Charlie’s Angels,’ up to nowwe do not know who he is.”

ooOooIf you have questions, comments, opinions, suggestions andreactions about anything and everything about the LopezGroup, please send them to Dear Rosie through fax no. 633-3520 or to DearRosie@benpres-holdings.com. Maramingsalamat sa inyong lahat!

IKAW ba yung tipo ng tao na kailangan may inspirasyonsa trabaho, as in…office romance? Well, narito ang ilangtips para hindi mainis ang mga kasamahan mo sa inyo ng“significant other” mo:1. Do not lie to your S.O. about things he/she can verifywith other officemates, such as overtime work.2. Do not kiss and tell. Restraint is a virtue in a placewhere everyone comes to know everything. If this advicecomes too late, take note of part 2: what goes aroundcomes around—so watch out, may araw ka rin!3. Don’t wear matching outfits to work. Kayo ba ay iden-tical twins? Kayo ba ay sasayaw?4. Do maintain the quality of your work—be the sameprofessional worker that you were before you got togetherwith your S.O. Or, if you are none of those things, now isthe time to start. Magbago ka na!5. Don’t forget that you have other officemates who maymiss you and want to eat lunch with you and/or your S.O.Malay mo, if your current romance doesn’t work out, oneof them might become your next S.O.; ito ay tinatawag na“investing in the future.”Happy Valentine’s!

andWhen workromancemixGet lucky in ’06!

LILLIAN Too, a former banker whoholds an MBA from the Harvard Busi-ness School, applied feng shui to manyaspects of her life. Now a fulltimemother and writer (she is said to be theworld’s best-selling writer on fengshui), Lillian offers these tips for allkinds of luck:• Do not have a water feature in thebedroom. Activating the presence ofwater leads to loss-loss of money andloss of relationships. Water featuresrefer to paintings with river, water-falls and lakes. They also refer toaquariums. Glasses of water by thebedside are fine.

• Place a three legged toad in your liv-ing room near the front door for mon-ey luck. The toad can face any direc-tion although with him facing thefront door suggests money coming in.Do not put the toad directly in frontof the main door.

• Trim your plants and trees regularly tomake sure they do not get so over-grown as to cut out the precious yangenergy of sunlight. When plants get toobig they create excessive yin energy.

• Hang a cut crystal ball on one of yourwindows. Choose a window that getsdirect sunlight. This brings in thesunshine in the form of bright bril-liant rainbow colors. This is excellentfor relationship luck and is particular-ly good in the SW corner.

• A garden in full bloom especially inthe East and Southeast brings goodhealth and lots of money luck. Makeyour plants grow sturdy and strongand benefit from all the precious en-ergy created.

• Let each member of your family eatfacing his/her best and most auspi-cious direction. The formula is alsoavailable in abbreviated version in<http://www.lillian-too.com/fstips_basics.php>.

• Design a water dragon in your gardento enjoy tremendous and seriouswealth luck. Then you will know thedifference between being merely richand being seriously wealthy!

Feng shuican also beactivatedto improvewealth,children’sluck, ac-quisition ofknowledge(exams etal.), recog-nition (ele-vations inrank andpromo-

tions), and fame. (Source:http://www.lillian-too.com/fstips.php)

12 LOPEZLINK February 2006

Editorial Advisory Board Boo Chanco / Danny GozoExecutive Editor Rosan CruzContributing EditorsCarla Paras-Sison (Benpres)Maite Bueno (Meralco)Estela de la Paz (First Gen)Leah Salterio (ABS-CBN)Jess Matubis (Maynilad)

Marlene N. Ochoa (MNTC)Rodrigo Montinola (BayanTel)Juno Chuidian (Beyond Cable)Joseph Uy (ABS-CBN Publishing)Vienn Tionglico (Rockwell)Frances Bumanlag (AEI)

Circulation Lucy Torres (Tel. 449-2468)Editorial and Layout IPI Creative Business Unit

LopezLink is published by Benpres

PR Group, 4/F Benpres Bldg.,

Ortigas, Pasig City

Telefax: 633-3520

For feedback, please email:


ROCKWELL’S Power Plant Mall willdraw out that “Valentine feeling”through various specials that you willsurely fall in love with.

See the North Court transformed in-to a lush garden until Feb. 14. Listen toenchanting melodies from several mu-sicians and drift into your own secretgarden. Sit on the park benches sprin-kled in the area with your special some-one and let the romantic atmosphere

captivate your hearts. Select magnifi-cent bouquets from flower carts teem-ing with blossoms or choose your fa-vorite floral scent from the perfumery.

On Valentine’s Day, be delighted by“flower girls” that will be strollingaround the mall and handing out flow-ers to couples. Who knows, you mightbe one of those who will receive treatsfrom our delightful flower girls.

Also on the day of hearts, enjoyfine food and great music at the LopezStrip where there will be a mini con-cert by Rockin’ Revival and SavorLatino in the evening.

So, if you want your February to bea really “hearty” happening, visit thePower Plant Mall and let love bloom.(Crystie Garcia)

at Manila'smost fashionable mall

Love in bloomMaayos na sidelineang direct sellingBy Norman Sison

NAGHAHANAP ka ba ng sideline? Subukan mo kaya angdirect selling?

Matapos ma-retrench noong 2003, pinasok ni “Loida” angdirect selling business habang nag-a-apply ng trabaho. Sa ha-lagang P700, nakakuha siya ng ilang produkto at catalog saSara Lee. Nagtinda siya sa mga dating ka-opisina at kasama-han sa building na pinapasukan. Bilang regular dealer, meronsiyang 25% discount sa lahat ng maibenta.

Sinundan niya ito ng franchise dealership sa Avon. Sa ha-lagang P500, nakakuha siya ng ilang produkto, catalogue atbusiness support documents. Dahil halos magkapareho angmga produkto ng Avon at Sara Lee, natuwa ang mga clientsdahil marami silang pagpipilian.

Idinagdag ni Loida ang Triumph upang mabigyan ng ad-ditional choices ang mga naghahanap ng underwear at lin-gerie. Sa halagang P750, meron nang produkto at catalog siLoida. Gayunpaman, 20% lamang ang discount niya sa Tri-umph products.

Nang lumaon ay nag-Tupperware rin si Loida. Dalawanglibo ang initial investment at 15% hanggang 18% ang dis-count. Pero dahil high quality at medyo mahal ang products,maganda ang tubo ni Loida sa bawa’t mabentang plato, baso,pitsel at food container.

Sa P250 naman, meron siyang unan at dalawang catalogng Dakki. Dahil lisensiyado ng Disney, paborito ng mga bataang mga disenyong ginagamit sa mga Dakki products. Nasa22% ang discount ni Loida bilang authorized agent.

Ang Sara Lee at Avon ay nagbibigay ng credit line; maaaringkumuha ng produkto worth P1,500 sa Sara Lee at P2,000 sa Avonangmga dealers at babayaran nila ito sa loob ng isang buwan. Paghindi nakabayad, hindi muna makakakuha ng bagong orders.Kung lampas sa credit limit ang mga order, kailangang mag-paluwal ng cash ang dealer at singilin na lamang sa customer.

Ang Triumph, Tupperware at Dakki ay strictly on cash ba-sis lamang. Kaya dapat may nakalaang puhunan ang mga di-rect sellers.

Ang Avon, Sara Lee, Tupperware at iba pa ay nagbibigaylamang ng incentives para mag-recruit ang dealer, pero in de-mand at madaling ibenta ang mga produkto.

Hindi naman maganda ang naging karanasan ni Loida sanetworking. Noong 2004, nag-invest siya ng P5,880 sa isangnetworking or multilevel marketing company. Nakakuha siyang leather bag, organizer, pouch at catalog.

Walang naibenta sa mga produkto si Loida. Kailangan kasi,para kumita, mag-recruit ka at bawa’t recruit ay magbabayadng P5,880, na mabigat para sa mga gustong mag-business.

Payo ni Loida, subukan muna ang direct selling. Sa maliitna halaga mula P250 hanggang P2,000, malalaman mo nakung may bibili sa iyo mula sa iyong mga kapitbahay at ka-opisina. Kung may competition ka na direct seller din, hu-manap ng ibang klase o brand ng mga produkto para maychoices ang inyong common market.

Happy ending ang kuwento ni Loida: dahil marami na angsuki, ipinagpatuloy niya ang direct selling kahit nakahanap nasiya ng regular na trabaho. Nadagdagan pa ang mga clientsniya sa bagong ka-opisina.

Para sa listahan at contact information ng mga lehitimongdirect selling companies, mag-log on sa website ng DirectSelling Association of the Philippines (www.dsap.ph), o tu-mawag sa 864-2673.

What’s new from ABS-CBNPublishing this Feb:All about frostings

Baking enthusiasts will welcome an exciting feature onmaking various kinds of icings in FOOD Magazine.

Pastry expert Dorothy Ferreria gives useful tips andfoolproof recipes for basic buttercream, basic whippedcream frosting, marshmallow frosting, cream cheese frost-ing, and chocolate silk icing. Also in the issue are new-trend silicone baking products, gadgets for microwavecooking and recipes for couples and singles.

Find love with ChalkChalk’s latest issue explores the laws of attrac-

tion—what guys wish you would wear, do, and say on adate; celebs’ dating secrets; and what to do to snag yourtype of guy. Also, find out how to pull off the season’s ro-mantic looks with makeup he’s sure to love. And get thescoop on the reel- and real-life romance of “Panday”stars Jericho Rosales and Heart Evangelista.

Get the newest issues of your favorite magazines atleading bookstores and magazine stands nationwide. Forsubscriptions, contact ABS-CBN Publishing Inc. at 924-4101 or 415-2272 locals 5656 or 5658 or Joena Cabreraat 415-2852 or 415-2671. (Joseph Uy)

ABS-CBN shows, talents honored inUST Students Choice AwardsABS-CBN Channel 2 was recently hon-ored by the University of Santo Tomasin the second USTV Students ChoiceAwards (USTV).

Among the awards garnered byABS-CBN are Students’ Choice ofNews Program for “TV Patrol World,”Students’ Choice of Public Affairs TalkShow Program for “Y-Speak Live!,”Students’ Choice of EntertainmentNews Show for “The Buzz,” Students’C h o i c e o f D r am a P r o g r am f o r“Maalaala Mo Kaya,” Students’Choice of Magazine Program for “F”and Students’ Choice of EducationalProgram for “Sineskwela.”

Kapamilya talents were also laudedby USTV. Korina Sanchez bagged theStudents’ Choice of Female BroadcastNews and Public Affairs Host and JohnLloyd Cruz was awarded Students’Choice of Actor in a Drama Series forhis role in the recently concluded “Ikawang Lahat sa Akin.”

The USTV aims to educate and trainthe Thomasian community in responsi-ble television viewing. Winners arejudged by a panel composed of students,faculty members and representativesfrom the administration of UST. (KarenLaRosa)

Sharon makesmega comeback

SHARON Cuneta has officially returned to the small screenas she held a birthday concert at the Aliw Theater recently.

The megastar treated Sharonians and kapamilya alike to asumptuous musical feast that featured many special guestsand production numbers.

Also, kapamilya in Dubai and Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain andAbu Dhabi trooped to the Dubai Aviation Club Stadium towitness the first-ever concert of the megastar in Dubai, pro-duced by ABS-CBN Middle East and TFC World Tours.

Tickets were declared sold out three months prior to theconcert date. Overseas workers longing for the sights andsounds of home filled the open-air concert venue, which hadan estimated 7,000 capacity.

Sharon’s whole family, including mom Elaine, Sen. KikoPangilinan, Frankie and youngest daughter Miel, came with herto Dubai. KCConcepcion, who flew in from Paris, was persuad-ed to sing “Ikaw” with her mom onstage. Special guest ErikSantos sang his signature songs and joined the megastar for twoduets, including the well-applauded “You Raise Me Up/ThePrayer,” dedicated to Sharon’s late father. (K. LaRosa)

Don’t forget to watch “My Mega Valentine,” Sharon Cune-ta’s pre-Valentine concert, at the Araneta Coliseum on Feb.12 at 8 p.m. For tickets and inquiries, please call Ticketnetat 911-5555 or Artist House at 817-4660 or 816-2496.