1. What was the important issue that resolved by the Civil War 2.What was one advantage the South...


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CIVIL WAR AND WEST ROUND 1. What was the important issue that resolved by the Civil War

2.What was one advantage the South had over the North in the Civil War

3.What century was the Civil War fought in?

4.What amendments were added to the Constitution as a result of the Civil War

5.What document freed slaves in rebelling states

6. Who won the Civil War

CW AND WEST (CONT) 6. How’d Lincoln die

7. Which animal did the existence of Native Americans on the plains depend upon

8. What areas of the US did the trans-continental railroad connect

9. List two major battle of the Civil War

10. In what battle did George Custer gets his troops massacred by Sioux Indians

11. What group was probably most upset by the Oklahoma land race?

12. What revolution happened in the US because of immigrants and resources, and scientists?

ROUND 2 1. What type of buildings were able to be built because of steel frames

2. what was the first thing the immigrants had to worry about when they landed on Ellis Island

3. 2nd wave immigrants were generally from which area in Europe?

4. Who wrote the poem of welcome and hope found on the foot of the Statue of Liberty

5. Who invented the lightbulb?

6. Who discovered oil in Titusville, PA

ROUND 2, CONT 7. What did Alexander Graham Bell invent

8. Who perfected the assembly line to make cars affordable?

9. The Wright brothers are famous for…

10. What is the term for a strong country taking over a weak country?

11. The explosion of this ship helped start the Spanish-American War

12. What lands did the US get control over as a result of the Spanish-American war?


Betting Round included

Do not shout out answers

Scoring – the honors system

When we go over answers, lets talk about them a bit and answer the age old question “why is this important”

Study over the weekend!

ROUND 11. owner of Standard Oil Company, criticized by Ida Tarbell

2. Foreign policy of Taft in the Carribean3.A telegram sent from the Germans to the Mexicans promising proposing an alliance during WWI

4. Nazi leaders were charged with “crimes against humanity”

5. FDR’s program to solve the great depression

6. WWI veterans in Washington DC 1932 seeking their payments for service

7.people who smuggled alcohol illegally during prohibition 8. One of the writers of the 1920s, wrote Great Gatsby 9. Famous British ship sunk by German U-boat in 1915, American passengers were also killed

10. Term used to describe the style of sensational newspaper writing and image creation during the Spanish American War

11. Teddy Roosevelt’s idea of fairness between labor and management

12. Phrased used by Oliver Wendell Holmes in the Schenk V. U.S. Case to explain why the free speech was limited during times of wa

ROUND 1 1. John D. Rockefeller

2. Dollar Diplomacy

3. Zimmerman Note

4. Nuremberg Trials

5. New Deal

6. Bonus Army

7. bootleggers

8. F. Scott Fitzgerald

9. The Lusitania

10. Yellow journalism

11. Square Deal

12. “clear and present danger”

I’ll also accept “can’t yell fire in a crowded theater”


1. Nickname used for progressive reformers who used graphic imagery to expose conditions needed for change

2. Teddy Roosevelt’s volunteer regiment that charged San Juan Hill

3. Added interpretation to the Monroe Doctrine that claims US right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere

4. Industrial philosophy used to justify laizzez-faire capitalism

5. New Deal program that hired young men aged 18-25 for a variety of construction and restoration projects

6. Term coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald to describe the 1920s

7. re-elected in 1916 and promised to “keep us out of WWI” 8.An allied turning point in Belgium, winter 1944-1945, defending the German offensive

9. “Trial of the century” about teaching Evolution, 1925 10. Two famous Italian anarchists who were charged and convicted for murder

11. Where the majority of “new” immigrants came from by 1900 12. New Deal program aimed at assisting people in their old age, insuring the unemployment, and relieving the burdens of widows and fatherless children.

RND 2 1. Muckrakers

2. Rough riders

3. Roosevelt Corollary

4. Social Darwinism

5. Civilian Conservation Corps

6. The Jazz Age

7. Woodrow Wilson

8. Battle of the Bulge

9. Scopes Trial (Monkey Trial)

10. Sacco and Vanzetti

11. Southern and Eastern Europe

12. Social Security Act

ROUND 3 1. TR’s Big Stick Diplomacy included the construction of a canal here

2. $2 billion project for the development and building of the Atomic Bomb

3. slang term (mocking a president) used for makeshift communities of homeless unemployed people during the early days of the Great Depression

4. laws that were designed to maintain racial segregation in the south in the years following the Civil War

5. the first “talkie” -movie with sound, 1927 6. this gave women the right to vote

7. foreign policy strategy used at Munich in 1938, later criticized by Churchill

8. the Jungle led directly to passage of this_______ 9.The Teapot Dome scandal occurred during his presidency 10. Wilson’s plan for resolving the territorial disputes that led to WWI as well as his vision of lasting peace to prevent future wars

11. This notorious nativist group resurged in popularity during the 1920s, mostly in response to European immigrants

12. aka “the draft” - provided manpower for US entry into WWI in 1917

1. Panama

2. Manhattan Project

3. Hoovervilles

4. Jim Crow Laws

5. The Jazz Singer

6. 19th Amendment

Round 3

RND 3 7. appeasement

8. Meat Inspection Act

9. Harding

10. 14 points

11. Ku Klux Klan

12. Selective Service Act

ROUND 4 1. term used to describe TR and Taft for going after monopolies 2. Activist in the 1920s who promoted black nationalism and “back-to-Africa”

3. “rags to riches” captain of the steel industry, promoter of “gospel of wealth”

4. Suffragist who took over NAWSA leadership after Susan B. Anthony

5. FDR’s weekly radio broadcasts designed to re-assurance American citizens during the GD

6. New Deal program designed to regulate the stock market and prevent fraudulent practices

7. US citizens of Japanese ancestry were sent to these kind of relocation camps during WWII

8. Tragedy in 1911 which killed 146 garment workers 9. the “three Rs” that the New Deal programs sought to address

10. in 1902, TR resolved a strike involving these kind of laborers

11. Famous 1938 Halloween radio mass hysteria directed by Orson Welles

12. What happened on October 29, 1929 (“Black Tuesday”)

ROUND 41. Trust-busting

2. Marcus Garvey

3. Andrew Carnegie

4. Carrie Chapman Catt

5. Fireside Chats

6. SEC (Securities Exchange Commission)

7. internment

8. Triangle-Shirtwaist Fire

9. relief, recovery, reform

10. Coal miners

11. War of the Worlds

12. Stock market crash

1. Supreme Allied Commander who gave the go-ahead for D-Day in 1944

2. Term used to describe the group of writers who were disillusioned after WWI

3. Early Civil Rights reformer who founded the Tuskegee Institute and pushed for a gradual approach

4. During both World Wars, US citizens were encouraged to grow there own produce on these

5. Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third party “Bull Moose candidate in this election

6. Working used in Plessy v. Ferguson to uphold segregation in public facilities

7. Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown from this pacific chain

of islands

8. New Deal program created to insure bank deposits

9. Most famous Harlem Renaissance writer, asked what happens to “a dream defered”

10. Alfred T. Mahan’s concept of "sea power" was based on the idea that countries with greater ________power will have greater worldwide impact

11. Its ultimate failure as a peacekeeping body led eventually to WWII. Though the US created it, we did not join

12. Largest and most ambitious New Deal program that employed employing millions of unemployed people to carry out construction projects and also employed many musicians, artists, and writers

1. Dwight Eisenhower

2. Lost Generation

3. Booker T. Washington

4. Victory gardens

5. 1912

6. “separate but equal”

Rnd 5

7. Hawaii


8. Langston Hughes

10. Naval (navy)

11. League of Nations

12. WPA

END OF PART I Add up total point so far


Part I bonus question category: national landmarks



2. 1909-1913

3. 1913-1921

4. 1921-1923

5. 1923-1929

6. 1929 -1933

7. 1933-1945

8. 1945-1953

WHICH PRESIDENT? (SOME MAY BE USED TWICE) 9. “Make the World Safe for Democracy” 10. “Return to Normalcy” 11.“The Only thing we have to fear is fear itself” 12. 1924 campaign – “keep cool with ______” 13. “arsenal of democracy” 14. Potsdam conference 15. Busted more trusts than TR 16. continued to give speech after being shot 17. believed in volunteerism to respond to GD 18. incapacitated by stroke during his final days
























23 “He who build a factory builds a temple, he who works there worships there”








END OF PART IIFINAL OVERALL QUESTION Add up total points from part II

Add to total points from part I

Wage from total so far

Category: Forgotten History


