第二部份 問 答 問 答 11/07,2007 11/07,2007 What, Where, When, Why, Who, Which, How, How...


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第二部份 問 答問 答 11/07,200711/07,2007What, Where, When,Why, Who, Which, How,How much….

1. What + 東西 / 事情 / 人物… .? What time (when) 、 what place(where) 、 What people(who) 、 What reason (why) 、 What method (How) 、 What size 、 What kind of 、 what color 、 what shape…. 針對 what 後面的 主詞選最合理最正確的選項 .

2. Where – 找到合理的地點或位置 , 注意時態、 主詞及動作

3. When 可指時代、世紀、年 / 月 / 日、星期幾、 幾點鐘 , 不可用一段時限 , 如六小時、五週 、十年等。 what time – 幾點幾分 , How long – 一段時間。

4. Why – 問的 是〝為什麼〞 , 則選已答出 〝理由 / 原因〞的選項優先 , 並注意 時態及理由的 合理性 . “Why don’t/doesn’t S+V….” 則並非要問 理由或原因 , 而是強烈建議 . 如 : Why don’t we just call it a day? ( 我看我們今天到此為止吧 ) “How come …” = “Why…”5. Who - 問的 是〝什麼人〞 , 則選身份及職稱 選項優先 .6. Who/Whose 的 問句 , 最可能的答案是合宜 人選的名字、 頭銜、或機關名稱 .

7. Which - 問的 是〝哪一個〞 , 以答出哪一個 人、事、物、地等合理的 選項為原則 .8. How – a. 問〝如何〞 , 則回答必須是〝方式〞 . b. 問〝怎麼樣〞 , 則回答必須是〝情況〞9. How much(many)…. 回答“數量”或“金額” How far …. 回答“一段距離” How long…. 回答“一段時間或長度” How often…. 回答“頻率” How fast…. 回答“速度有多快” How soon… 回答“要多久” ( 通常指未來 ) How well … 回答“程度有多好” How late… 回答“時間到何時”

10. How about…. a. How about + V-ing Q: How about going to a movie? A: Sure, why not./ Good idea/ Great. b. How about + 人 / 事 / 物 Q: How about a cigarette? A: Thanks, but no. Q: How about the girl over there? A: She’s not my cup of tea. C. How about if sb. do sth.? Q: How about if we take a break? A: I don’t think so.

11. What about…. 只有 “ what about+ 人 / 事 / 物的 結構 Q: What about our new boss? A: She is pretty serious. Q: What about my new shoes? A: I think they’re too old-fashioned.12. W/H 問句 , 不可用 Yes/No 回答

1.What did you want to ask me? A. My dad is coming today. B. You seem to have come down with a bad cold. C. Oh, man. I waited so long I forgot the question. D. My goodness! I think this day is incredibly long.2. How would you like to go to the new mall on Sunset Boulevard? A. Okay. Can I have oysters and clams in my salad? B. No, they didn’t build a new mall in that location. C. Nobody knows where Sonny is. He’s disappeared. D. Okay. I’ve been looking forward to shopping there.

3. When was the last time you went to the dentist’s office? A. I went to find you, but you had already gone. B. He gave me a promotion last week. C. I went last month, as a matter of fact. C. He has several new clients from California.

4. When did you get a raise at work? A. You really felt happy, didn’t you? B. It went into effect three weeks ago. C. It hasn’t been that long since I saw you last. D. You really should take a vacation.

5. Where is your sister now? A. She’s a nurse. B. She’s quite happy. C. She’s in London. D. She’s almost 18 years old.

6. How long have you had a cold? A. I take aspirin. B. At the doctor’s office. C. Twice a day. D. Since last Thursday.

7. Where’s Lucy? I don’t see her here. A. There she is. B. Here you are. C. It’s this way. D. It’s not too far from here.

8. How much is it for two of them? A. They’re seven dollars each. B. It’s free. C. If you buy ten you get one free. D. Our tuna sandwich costs two dollars and forty-nine cents.

9. How will you be paying for that today sir? A. By subway. B. Bu credit card. C. By the way. D. By myself.

10. How often do you go the gym, Steven? A. Yes, I do. B. As often as I can. C. One week-once. D. Not in the mornings.

11. Who were you talking to? A. In front of my house. B. My neighborhood. C. On my cell phone. D. My neighbor, Mr. Chen.

12. Hi, there. How’s it going? A. It’s going that way. B. Hi. Hello. C. I’m going to take a train. D. By bicycle.

13. Why don’t we go somewhere? A. That sounds very bad. B. It’s interesting. C. Because I bought a new coat. D. That sounds like a good idea.

14. When do you want to meet? A. How about at McDonalds? B. No, I don’t. C. Actually, I’m a vegetarian. D. How about right after work?

15. Who’s that boy that Gary is speaking with? A. That’s his niece. B. That’s his nephew. C. That’s his principal. D. That ‘s his grandfather.

16. How much are these bananas? A. They’re seventy-seven cents a kilogram. B. It’s free. C. It can go fifty kilometers an hour. D. That one is forty-nine cents a pound.

17. What size shirt do you wear? A. I’d like something in red. B. I usually take a large. C. I am wearing jeans today. D. I don’t like to wear shirts.

18. How do you feel about that? A. I’m fine, thanks. B. It feels a little soft. C. I think it’s a stupid idea. D. I haven’t felt it.

19. How far is it to the planetarium? A. You can get there by bus number 276. B. It’s just by the city library. C. Yes, it is very far from here. D. About twenty-five minutes by taxi.

20. How soon can you finish writing up the report? A. I can start writing it immediately. B. It’s going to be sixteen pages long. C. It’s going to be perfect; I guarantee you. D. By noon the day after tomorrow, at the latest.

21. How do you get ready for work every morning? A. I’m ready to go whenever you are. Let’s go. B. I’ve never been a morning person. C. I wash my face, shower, and then brush my teeth. D. I always work very hard at home.

22. What sort of fruits do they have at the market? A. They have apples and corn, just to name a few. B. They have peas and carrots, just to name a few. C. They have peaches and cream, just to name a few. D. They have grapes and oranges, just to name a few.

23. How fast can you type? A. With a computer keyboard. B. Twenty pages a time. C. With very few mistakes. D. About fifty words per minute.

24. How often do you get a medical check-up? A. I always go to that big city hospital to get one. B. I always check on medicine twice a month. C. Just next month, I suppose. D. Once a year, I suppose.

25. How late is that supermarket open on weekends? A. Till midnight. B. It opens five days a week. C. Supermarkets don’t open on weekends. D. It’s too late to open it.



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