© 2008 IBM Corporation Sales Training IBM SystemsGreen Energy Efficiency Rapid Assessment Scott...


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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Sales TrainingIBM SystemsGreen

Energy Efficiency Rapid AssessmentScott Barielle barielle@us.ibm.com STG Lab Services

2 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

The New Enterprise Data CenterAn evolutionary new model for efficient IT service delivery

Fragmented, inefficient islands of computing

Efficient, dynamic and responsive


Consolidation and Virtualization

Energy Efficiency

Business Resilience

and Security

Service Management

Information Infrastructure

NEDC Innovation Workshop IT Strategy Assessment and Roadmap definition

Green Attack Assessments

Power & Cooling Trends and Data Center Best Practices


Data Storage Footprint Review

Early stages – line up against best practices

Initiate discussion of energy efficiency gains from IT Systems

IT optimization analysis specific to storage environment

3 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services


What is the SystemsGreen assessment & who is it for?

What is the engagement process?

Sample input & output

4 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

What is the SystemsGreen assessment?

Demonstrate to a potential customer how many kilowatts (kW) and racks IBM systems can save them potentially with SystemsGreen.

Provides Reason of Call and basis for account teams and other IBM owners to discuss what IBM technologies and services can potentially save in energy and space.

Account team collects a small amount of data from the potential customer in guided questionnaire.

This is a cross brand, platform neutral service that addresses mainframe and storage in addition to common Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems.

There is typically far more energy efficiency potential improvement in the IT Systems than in the data center facilities.

5 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Who is SystemsGreen for?

Clients who are not using IBM technologies and services and would not be willing to provide substantial data or resources to perform a full energy or TCO/energy study.

Clients seeking fundamental information about potential benefits of IBM solutions and estimated impacts on IT systems energy usage.

An organization where we have “not been able to get into the door”, but is interested in discussing energy efficiency with IBM.

6 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

The business drivers of clients who are candidates for SystemsGreen

Has exhausted a data center or is approaching exhaustion.▬ “out of power” or “out of space”.

Is using co-location “co-lo” facilities to host servers and storage.

Client has regulatory or other energy efficiency conditions they need to comply with.

Client wants to simplify their environment.

Client needs basic insights into the potential opportunities to relieve pressure on energy usage.

7 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Key features of the SystemsGreen rapid assessment.

High level assessment of IT systems energy (power & cooling) usage and efficiency.▬ Report built in two business days.

▬ Deliverables include a six+ page report presented in a one hour teleconference.

Estimates metrics of existing systems wattage used and potential improvements with more efficient strategy and technologies.

Estimates kilowatt requirements by systems platforms, types, and categories.

Includes projected cost of electric per year and per server.

Predicts exhaustion point of existing data center facility with current strategy and technology choices.

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© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

How will SystemsGreen drive IBM revenue?

Helps build relationship with client.

Recommends specific IBM platforms &

▬ Shows potential energy and space savings

▬ Shows projected facility relief

Estimates kilowatt & space savings from technologies other than virtualization:

▬ U.S. high voltage

▬ Water cooling e.g. Rear Door Heat Exchanger

▬ Shared infrastructure

9 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Qualifying questions to determine if client may benefit from SystemsGreen

Is the client already virtualizing and consolidating, but still concerned with running out of power or space?

Is the client concerned with IT energy usage constraints or the energy usage growth rate of IT systems?

Can the client answer the following, choosing any combination from the three lists?

How many kilowatts do your systems use?

SystemsGreen estimates these to spark a discussion between you & client.












pick onepick one

pick one

10 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services


What is the SystemsGreen assessment & who is it for?

What is the engagement process?

Sample input & output

11 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

SystemsGreen engagement process

You interview client

Send to Sys- Green Team Analysis Report

Systems Counts Platforms Sizes & Ages

Facilities Capacities Square footage

Data From interview From other

assessment, if any SCON CDAT RACE Etc.

Turnaround 2 business


Energy estimates Current


Savings estimates kW & racks

Recommended Systems &


Guided input questionnaire provided.

Also send brief of client & account team status.

Deliverable is built

Energy effects of different strategy


Teleconference Client team

schedules Client team

attends in person SystemsGreen

team presents on teleconference

12 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Report turnaround is 2 business days once the required data is received and accepted by IBM.

Typical Elapsed Assessment Timeline (In Weeks)

Activities / Milestones 1 2 3 4

Nomination approved

Interview scheduled

Interview performed

Data sent to SystemsGreen team

Analysis and report built

Report presentation scheduled

Report presentation teleconference

Key Milestones

This chart shows typical and realistic time expectations. The turnaround of scheduling with the client generally determines how quickly this engagement can be finished.

Account team responsibility

SystemsGreen responsibility


13 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services


What is the SystemsGreen assessment & who is it for?

What is the engagement process?

Sample input & output

14 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Sample input template 1 of 2, used to guide account team in performing interview of client to gather data.

15 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Sample input template 2 of 2, used to guide account team in performing interview of client to gather data.

16 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Sample output report 1 of 3. Current energy usage estimates by platform.

17 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Sample output report 2 of 3. Projected facilities exhaustion point with current technology & strategy.

18 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Sample output report 3 of 3. Overall potential energy and space savings potential with IBM technology & strategy.

Facilities and Energy Current Targettotal rackU 1,561 395

total racks @ fill of 42U 37.2 9.4 costed ft² 800 203

systems kW 262.7 96.3 distribution kW 47.3 15.6

cooling kW 260.1 95.4 Total kW 570.0 207.3

Energy Efficiency ratio 2.7 : 1

compute per kW rating 2.2 6.0 IT systems efficiency 1.0 2.8

watts /system 638 246

elec cost /system /yr $436 $168








Current Target

systems kW distribution kW cooling kW

Sizing Current Targetsystem typetotal #cores 1,297 422

total #sockets 1,045 134 #Log.Systems 893 843

d #Phys.Systems 482.5 21.0peak utilization 78% 87%

total capacity RIP 548,882.1 305,882.1total usable RIP 57,514.4 57,514.4

average utilization 10% 19%

19 Sales Training | IBM SystemsGreen

© 2008 IBM CorporationSystems & Technology Group Lab Services

Call to Action

▬ Access Green Attack Sales Kit

▬ Listen to overall recorded training on play■ Training on client presentation■ Listen to OI training on each assessment

▬ Systems Green BP’s▬ Data Storage Footprint Review BP’s▬ Power & Cooling Trends & Best Practices BP’s

■ Schedule local Q&A telecon with SME

▬ Nominate client – submit form to brow@us.ibm.com■ Opportunity must be in Siebel

▬ GTS interlock - avoid overlapping sales initiatives

▬ Sandie Brow will schedule win room – determine opportunity and proper assessment

▬ Schedule Assessment
