- 6WeekSixPack · PDF file Day 2 Workouts Home Perform the Weight training of week 6 of the...


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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyrighted by Carvell Productions 2011 – 2021

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This 7 day system is designed to help you look your very best come your photo shoot day.

However if you feel you are not ready yet and need to lose a few more pounds then all you do

is continue with the exact same workout and diet plan you have been following up to now.

Then when you are ready you can do this 7 day routine before you do your photo shoot or want

to look at your very best for a special occasion.

Remember that this is not a 7 day weight loss system and won’t help you burn fat or lose

weight or any of that. This is a 7 day system that will enhance what you already have.

I also want you to make sure you are 100% fit and healthy before you start this 7 day routine

and if you feel bad at any stage you stop immediately. Also, remember, the information that I

will be sharing with you here, is done at your own risk! If you stick to what I am going to teach

you and you are 100% healthy then you will be ok and end up with your best body at the end of

the next 7 days! But if you push things and go to extremes and don’t follow what I tell you then

you will be walking on dangerous ground.

But as you can see from the week 5 and week 6 photo above, if you use this info correctly then

you can make dramatic changes and go from looking ok to looking DAM HOT in just 7 days.

So if you want to get ready for that photo shoot or just for a special

occasion like the first day at the beach then you will love this simple

but very effective 7 days system.

So if you are ready to look great, let’s get going!

Peter Carvell Peter Carvell Home Fitness Expert


Day 1



I would suggest you follow the weight training of week 6 of the 6WeekSixPack Xtreme Workout

program for the first 3 days of these 7 days but if that is too hard then just do any of the other

weeks’ weight training workouts. Also do slow morning cardio if you can.


The workouts for the first 3 days are going to be exactly the same as you have been doing for

the last 5 weeks.

So today I want you to do a normal day 1 weight training session (Back & Biceps) and your

morning cardio as you will find in System84, the second 6 weeks workout program


Your diet on day one is the same as it would have been on any other day one of the diet system

you have been following BUT I want you to start drinking 1 litre more water than you usually do

for the next two days. This means if you have been drinking about 3 litres of water per day I

want you to now drink 4 litres of water per day. Drinking this much water is absolutely

necessary so even if you haven’t been drinking a lot of water you must drink a lot of water for

the first part of this week. Later in this week I will want you to go up as high as 6 litres of water

per day but for the next two days just add 1 litre to whatever you have been drinking.


Day 2



Perform the Weight training of week 6 of the 6WeekSixPack Xtreme Workout program and slow

morning cardio if you can.


Today is also going to be exactly the same as in your previous weeks. You will be doing day two

of the weight training, chest and triceps and also low intensity cardio in the morning.


As far as your eating, it is still the same but you must start to drink more water, at least 3 litres.

I also want you to decrease or stop taking in any sodium/salt.

The rest is still the same but tomorrow things will start to change!

You can start to get a lot more protein ready for tomorrow and also a lot more water. Make

sure you are prepared!


Day 3



Perform the Weight training of week 6 of the 6WeekSixPack Xtreme Workout program and slow

morning cardio if you can.


Your workouts today are still the same as the previous weeks. You will be doing day 3, legs and

shoulders today and then also your low intensity cardio in the morning.


Ok let’s start the magic. From today until Friday you are only eating protein. NO CARBS!!! You

are going to do what we call de-carbing. You can have a salad or some veggies with 2 or 3 of

your meals but other than that you are just eating protein, if you can, make it chicken. So you

are literally just eating 5 to 6 meals per day that consists JUST of chicken and some veggies,

that’s it! Today I want you to start adding another litre of water. So if you usually drink 3 litres

of water per day I want you to be drinking around 4 litres today.

Remember no salt on your food for the rest of this week!


Day 4



Perform the Weight training of week 6 of the 6WeekSixPack Xtreme Workout program or any of

the other weeks’ weight training if you are feeling too weak and also slow morning cardio if you



Today and tomorrow you are going to do full body workouts to get the last bit of carbs out of

your body. Now I want you to do the following as far as your workouts are concerned:

Go into the gym and choose one exercise for each muscle group. Think what you used to do

when you did the full upper body and full lower body workouts. So you will choose one exercise

for your Back, Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Quadriceps ( Front of your leg ), Hamstrings (

Back of your leg ), and calves. Now I want you to take the one exercise you chose and do one

heavy set ( 5 to 7 reps ) and then immediately one light set ( 30 reps plus ). Do this for each

muscle and then you are done.

You can still do the morning cardio as well.


As far as eating you are still only eating protein. You are also taking in 2 more litres of water

than usual. This should be around 5 to 6 liters of water per day now.

Tomorrow we are going to start the carb up and it will also be your very, very last workout until

your photo shoot day.

Remember to ask me if you have any questions regarding what you should do!


Day 5



First thing in the morning I want you to go and do the Weight training of week 6 of the

6WeekSixPack Xtreme Workouts program or any of the other weeks’ weight training if you are

feeling too weak.


This morning you will start with a full body weight training session exactly like yesterday.


Ok so today we start to swap things around.

Straight after the morning workout I want you to eat 3 rice cakes with syrup/jam on them. Then

for every meal after that you are going to have your normal protein but you are going to have a

very good complex carb with it. Something like sweet potato works best. You will have this carb

with every single meal. So every 3 hours you will have a meal with protein and complex carbs,

all day long. I normally just eat chicken and sweet potato.

Also today you will start to cut your water by half. If yesterday you had 6 litres then today you

have just 3 litres.

There will be no more weight training workouts until the morning of the photo shoot so you

can just concentrate on eating correctly. You can if you like do a VERY slow cardio workout for

around 45 minutes tonight and also tomorrow morning but that is it, nothing else!

Remember you have to do everything I ask step by step otherwise this won’t work.


Day 6



Slow cardio if you want but otherwise no workouts


Slow cardio if you want but otherwise no workouts


Today you will once again cut your water in half. So if you had 3 litres yesterday you will have

just 1.5 litres today. Your eating plan stays exactly the same with a protein and complex carb

with every meal. From the first to the last meal you have protein and carbs. It will get harder as

you are drinking less water but you still have to eat so take it slow, chew your food properly and

don’t rush!

That’s it! 2 more days to go to the very end!!!!


Day 7



Slow cardio if you want but otherwise no workouts


Slow cardio if you want but otherwise no workouts


Ok, so today you are going to still do exactly what you did yesterday. No workouts ( you can do

a very slow cardio if you want), the same 5 to 6 high carb and protein meals and also another

cut of your water intake. I want you to drink no more than 1 litre of water today ( please

remember if you feel bad then start drinking some water right away and make sure you are ok

by going to your doctor before you even start this 7 day routine ).

Tomorrow I will tell you everything you need to know and do to make sure you look absolutely

stunning by the time of the photo shoot!


Day 8 – Photo-Shoot Day

Lets quickly look at all the info for the morning or day of your photo shoot.

What I am going to do is explain everything you need to do around 2 hours before the photo

shoot. I did mine exactly 2 hours from the moment I woke up so I am going to describe this as if

you will do the same but if you won’t be, then just start following the instructions below 2

hours before your shoot.

120 min’s before photo shoot: When you wake up have a glass of water right away ( from this first glass of water until the

photo shoot I just want you to sip on water when you need to, NO more drinking loads of

glasses of water just for the fun of it! ). Then you can have a meal that includes 2 or 3 whole

eggs and oatmeal and some natural peanut butter. This will help fill up your muscles.

Remember I want you to look ripped and pumped for the shoot.

60min’s before photo shoot: I want you to have 2 to 3 plain rice cakes with jam or honey. You could also have a small


30min’s before photo shoot: I want you to start pumping up your muscles with some weights. This will not be like a full

workout. I want you to take one exercise for your chest, shoulders, traps, biceps and triceps

and then do 3 sets of 15 to 25 reps for each exercise. I normally do bench press for my chest,

some lateral raises for shoulders, some bicep curls for my biceps, kickbacks for my triceps and

maybe some shrugs for traps.

Do not do any exercises for your abs or for any big muscle groups like your legs or back. It might

make you feel dizzy and doing ab exercises actually causes them not to pop and they will look


Photo shoot: Well now it’s time for all your hard work to pay off. Just relax and enjoy. You can do push-ups

during the shoot to keep your chest and arms pumped. Then all you have to do is look like a

million dollars and SHOW OFF that super-hot body!

That is it, well done!


Some Photos from my shoot:

After the Shoot You will be very dehydrated right now so don’t go and stuff your face with a lot of unhealthy

food right away. Rather start to drink water as soon as the shoot is done and then continue to

drink water for the next 2 hours. I would normally finish off like 2 litres in 2 hours. And then

after that go and have a nice cheat meal!

Don’t forget, tomorrow you are back on track with your workout and diet. If you do want to

take a break make it no longer than 2 days. You have worked hard for your body, don’t go and

throw it all away and pick up 10 pounds in the next 5 days again. Stay healthy and lean and

enjoy your life to the fullest!


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