最高温度: 89 ⁰ 最低温度: 67 ⁰ 2009 年六月十日 星期一 晴天


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最高温度: 89⁰

最低温度: 67⁰

2009 年六月十日星期一




1) Please see the pictures and answer the guided questions.

2) Please work in group and describe the scenic spot that you visited to your partner.

1) Please answer the guided questions.

2) Please work in pair and interview your partner about what means of transportation they usually take to go to his/her school.

Please do the survey to learn about your classmates’ opinions about transportation means, and then report the results to the class.

……… 喜欢坐…… . ,因为………。 …….. 不喜欢坐……, 因为………。

Please work in pair. One student is from Beijing, China, and the other student is from Washington D.C.. Introduce the scenic spots of your city to your partner. You might use the given sentence patterns.

北京是中国的首都 (shǒudū ). 北京有很多景点 , 故宫,……… ,………,………,

………. 我最喜欢……………,因为……… . 。  美国的首都是华盛顿。 华盛顿有很多景点,林肯纪念堂,……… ,…………. 我最喜欢……………,因为…… .. 。

Please describe your trip to your partner. Your descriptions should include the information about the date, weather, the name of city, the scenic spot that you visited, and the reasons why you like/

dislike it. 

Please introduce the scenic spots of Washington D.C to your Chinese teacher at Chinese corner and ask about the scenic spots of their hometowns.
