í í: ì ì a.m. Worship, Sanctuary This Week at Grace€¦ · í í: ì ì a.m. Worship,...


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Sermon Notes ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Epistle Reading Romans 6:1b-11 (preaching text)

Offertory It Is Well Bobby Oliver, Soloist

Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn 95

Gospel Hymn God Will Take Care of You Hymn 130

Gospel Lesson Matthew 10:24-32

Sermon “Everyday Faith” Rev. Jim Dennis

Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Affirmation of Faith Apostles’ Creed Hymn 881

Recessional Hymn Where He Leads Me Hymn 338

Sending Forth Please stand as you are able

Music used by permission: Church Copyright License No. 1133262

11:00 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary

June 25, 2017 We promise to uphold Grace United Methodist Church with our prayers, our presence,

our gifts, our service and our witness.

Our Prayers: Week of June 25 Birth/Adoption: Abigail Marie Deen, daughter of Michael & Sarah Deen, born on June 2, 2017 Prayer Request: Terri Glenn & family, Steed & Proctor families Trinity Hospital: Nancy Wright Walton Rehab: Lou Ann Sink Stevens Park Health & Rehabilitation: Betty Dollar

Our Presence: June 18 Worship: 432 Sunday School: 262

Our Gifts:

The Lord’s Treasury May Actuals


Expenses reflect payment made on 5/9 for the roof replacement in the Asbury Building in the amount of $68,413; full cost was included within the 2017 budget

Please note, we have also incurred an expense of $20,000 for the A/C unit replacement in the Asbury Building (1st half to be paid in June, 2nd half to be paid in July); full cost is not included within the 2017 budget OUR SERVICE: June 25, 2017 Acolytes: Paris Whitlock, Payne Whitlock Crucifer: Julia Smith Count Team: 6/26 Barry Whitney, Melonia Cameron, Christy Jones Offertory: David Parler 8:30 Layreader: Don Grogan 8:30 Greeter(s): Ray Griffin 11:00 Greeter(s): (Main) Cindy Parler (Ga. Avenue) Cathy Moseley Doorstep Visitation: Sandra Travis, MaryAnn Arnold LifeSong Refreshments: Family Foundation Sunday school class Flower Committee: June Kehr, Sharon Barnes

Calendar HIGHLIGHTS for the week of June 25

This Week at Grace

SUNDAY, June 25

YOUTH - BUS, PIEDMONT SALKEHATCHIE, Sat. June 24 - Saturday, July 1 8:45 and 11:00 AM BLAST, Asbury Bldg. lower level 9:45 AM Sunday School, Wesley Center, and Asbury Building 5:00 PM Audit Committee Meeting, Conference room


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Creative Drama Camp, Mon. - Fri., Wesley Center 6:30 PM Youth Worship Team Rehearsal, Wesley Center

TUESDAY, June 27

9:00 AM Summer Children’s Day Out, CDC Wing 7:00 PM History Committee Meeting, Wesley Center History room


10:00 AM GIFTS morning group, Youth Wing 1:00 PM Newsletter folding & labeling crew, Conference room 6:15 PM GIFTS Evening group, Wesley Center room C 6:15 PM Grace Worship Team Family Group, WC Parlor 7:00 Chancel Choir, Blitchington Music room 7:00 PM Worship Run-through, Wesley Center


9:00 AM Agape Pastoral Counseling. Lower level Wesley Center 11:30 AM Wisdom of the Ages, Conference room 6:00 PM Caring and Sharing, Lower Level Wesley Center

Grace United Methodist Church 639 Georgia Ave.| North Augusta | SC 29841


Celebrating Worship




MTD Actual




Total Revenues 96,419.04 557,864.58

Total Expenses 174,964.96 * 588,010.26 *

SUBTOTAL (78,545.92) (30,145.68)

Gathering to Worship God (The Gathering is a time when the congregation comes together for worship. It is a time of

an outward and visible gathering and a time of an inward and spiritual gathering)

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship Rev. Jim Dennis L: Happy are those who follow the ways of the Lord. P: God’s ways are just and merciful. L: Those who follow God’s ways are continually nourished in faith. P: In all that they do, they prosper. L: Come, let us open our hearts to God’s compassionate love. P: Let us celebrate God’s mercy and justice. AMEN.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer (Lord’s Prayer Hymnal 895) (a time will be provided to lift up prayer concerns)

Passing of the Peace

Hymn of Praise Sing with All the Saints in Glory Hymn 702

Proclaiming God’s Word

Scripture Lesson Romans 6:1b-11 Don Grogan

Sermon “Everyday Faith” Rev. Jim Dennis

Responding to God’s Word

Hymn of Response Amazing Grace Hymn 378

Affirmation of Faith

Prayer of Thanksgiving (a time will be provided to lift up praises and blessings)

Worship with Offering Doxology Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow Hymn 95

Going Forth to Serve (In response to the Word of God, we are prepared to be sent out of the Sanctuary and into the world

as active disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ)

Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Hymn of Sending Forth Love Lifted Me Worship & Song 3101

Sending Forth

Suzan Bledsoe, piano

ALTAR FLOWERS for June 25 The beautiful flowers on the altar are to the glory of God

and in loving memory of Daniel O’Neal

By John & Yvonne O’Neal

Praise and Worship

Welcome | Opening Prayer Rev. Tyler Strange

Freedom Song

Burning in My Soul


Meet and Greet Dismiss BLAST Dismissal of children ages 4K-2nd grade for “BLAST”


Whom Shall I Fear

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture Reading Romans 6:1b-11

Sermon “Everyday Faith” Rev. Jim Dennis

Responding to God’s Word

Communion Rev. Jim Dennis Let It Be Jesus

Apostle’s Creed Hymn 881 Rev. Tyler Strange

Sending Forth

Invitation to Christian Discipleship Rev. Tyler Strange Sending Forth Prayer

We Are Alive

Benediction Rev. Jim Dennis

Welcome to Grace United Methodist Church!

We encourage EVERYONE to please sign the attendance pad on your pew or seat.

We also would like to invite anyone who has a desire to join our church, to please indicate so on the attendance pad or

contact one of the ministers in the church office, 279-7525

A nursery is provided for infants through 4 year olds on the bottom floor of the Asbury Building.

830 Gathering, Sanctuary LifeSong Worship, Wesley Center

ALTAR FLOWERS for June 25 The beautiful flowers on the altar are to the glory of God

and in loving memory of Daniel O’Neal

By John & Yvonne O’Neal

Welcome and Announcements

Voluntary Susan Burgess

Chiming of the Trinity (Please stand when chiming begins)

Processional Hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Hymn 154

Call to Worship L: Happy are those who follow the ways of the Lord. P: God’s ways are just and merciful. L: Those who follow God’s ways are continually nourished in faith. P: In all that they do, they prosper. L: Come, let us open our hearts to God’s compassionate love. P: Let us celebrate God’s mercy and justice. AMEN.

Passing of the Peace (Congregation greets one another in the name of the Lord) Minister: The Peace of the Lord be always with you. People: And also with you

Prayer of Confession:

God of patience and mercy, we come to you, offering “lip service” to serving you, but when things get difficult; when we are called to do something which is hard for us, we shy away from the duty and the opportunity. We turn our back on service out of fear of failure. Forgive us, gracious Lord. Heal our fears and our weaknesses. Strengthen us and give us courage to truly be your disciples, not counting the rewards, but rejoicing in the work. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN.

Words of Assurance This day the Lord reaches out to you in healing love and compassion. Receive the blessings which God offers to you. Be healed and made whole. Be ready to serve. AMEN.

Prayers of the People: Minister: The Lord be with you People: And also with you Minister: Let us pray. (Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer)

Anthem God Eternal is My Refuge Chancel Choir

Children’s Sermon Rev. Jim Dennis

(Children ages 4K-2rd grade will dismiss for “BLAST” afterwards. Ms. Cameron will be available to walk the children over to class)

11:00 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary
