{ Biology Review Game The Super-Fun Game made by a Girl Too Lazy To Write Lesson Plans


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Biology Review Game

The Super-Fun Game made by a Girl Too Lazy To Write Lesson Plans

Why are cells small?

For the surface area-to-volume ratio. Cells need to be able to get rid of all their waste through the cell membrane. If it were huge, the volume would be too big and not all the waste would get out.

All cells have these 4 qualities

DNA Ribosomes Cytosol Cell Membrane

What do ribosomes do?

Create proteins through translation

What 2 qualities set the mitochondrion apart?

Has it’s own DNA Reproduces independent of the cell

What is the theory of endosymbiosis?

The theory that at one point the mitochondria was an independent bacteria that came into the cell and started making ATP for it

What is a haploid cell?

A cell that has only one copy of its DNA; used in reproduction

What is a diploid cell?

Has two copies of DNA; used in everything except reproduction

What happens during G1 phase of mitosis?

The cell grows

What happens during S phase in mitosis?

The DNA replicates itself.

What happens in G2 phase of mitosis?

The cell continues to grow

Most of a cell’s life is spent in which phase of mitosis?


What are the 4 biological molecules?

Proteins Lipids Carbohydrates Nucleic Acids

What is the main function of carbohydrates?

To provide energy

What is the fundamental carbohydrate and its chemical formula?

Glucose C6H12O6

What is the difference in energy provided by mono/disaccharides and polysaccharides?

Mono/di provide short-term energy Poly provide complex, long-term energy

How do humans get nitrogen?

Through food

What does DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Each monomer that makes up a strand of DNA is called a …


What is the structure of DNA?

Double helix

Which bases pairs bond with which?

Adenine-thymine Cytosine-guanine

What would the matching strand of DNA to CGGATC look like?


What is the purpose of helicase?

A protein that moves down DNA during the replication process, splitting the hydrogen bonds between base pairs

What enzyme is responsible for matching new base pairs to the old during DNA replication

DNA Polymerase

What are Okazaki fragments?

The segments of the lagging strand of DNA that are copied so that the DNA polymerase does not have to work backwards

What are the 3 types of RNA? (not just the abbreviations)

mRNA (messenger) tRNA (transfer) rRNA (ribosomal)

What is the purpose of transcription?

To transfer the information stored on your DNA into mRNA

What do you call the unit of DNA being transcribed?

The transcription unit

What is the name for the nitrogenous base sequence that codes for the start of transcription?

The promoter

What enzyme is responsible for transcribing DNA into mRNA?

RNA polymerase

The RNA polymerase matches nitrogenous bases to the DNA in order to form RNA. Where did these new bases come from?

They were floating around in the nucleus, were once introns

What triggers the RNA polymerase to stop transcribing and pull off?

A nitrogenous base sequence that codes for it, called the termination signal

What proteins are responsible for recognizing the start and end of unneeded mRNA bits that need to be removed?


What is the name of the structure that cuts out the unneeded mRNA?

The spliceosome

What is the name for the regions of mRNA that do not get removed?


What is the name for the regions of mRNA that get cut out?

Introns (or dem cocos)

What does the mRNA do after the introns are removed and the exons are spliced together?

The mRNA moves out of the nucleus and into a ribosome

How do ribosomes (rRNA) help with the process of translation?

They contain binding sites that allow the mRNA to interact with the tRNA

What does tRNA do?

Translates mRNA into a poly-peptide chain by matching the codons with their corresponding anticodons and dropping off an amino acid

How many codons are in the following mRNA sequence?


