Knepp. Choir Practice to Resume...


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MEMO August 2017




Summer: The Season of Rest. I can just hear it now: WHAT?! Me rest? All summer? With all I have to do? You’ve got to be kidding!

Look, I get it. With the kids out of school, the grass to be mowed and gardens cultivated, the warm-weather indoor and outdoor mainte-

nance projects that piled up over winter, the promised vacation trips to the mountains, seashores, resorts, amusement parks or distant fami-

lies, the soccer, softball, and Little Leagues, the seasonal employments, holiday picnics and parties, the Vacation Bible Schools and camps ga-

lore…Whew!...who has the time (or the energy!) to rest?

A summer rest may seem as whimsical as my title font, but it is as absolutely necessary as the punctuation: Rest... period. It may seem as

antiquated and quaint and unattainable as the idyllic retreats of yore, but at some level it probably still tugs at our hearts.

By far my fondest and favorite personal summer retreat memories have been of Ocean Grove, New Jersey, a seaside holiness camp meet-

ing site founded in 1867 by Reverend William B. Osborn, a Methodist preacher, who envisioned a community where spiritual and physical

health could be renewed. In keeping with those ideals, the famously Victorian village banned horse-drawn carriages, then automobiles, from

the streets on Sunday, as well as Sunday beach bathing, and the sale of liquors within a mile radius.

Brethren “caught the Spirit” in such measure that we held our Annual Conference on the grounds seven times between 1940 and 1968,

five of them in my lifetime. My family attended all three held during the 1960’s. While Dad was doing delegate duty, Mom and Kids—often

with friends seen only this one time each year—were basking on the beach, splashing in the waves, traipsing the boardwalk, visiting adjoining

Asbury Park, and on one occasion, taking an ocean cruise with other Junior Highers. Mealtimes at local eateries were leisurely and tables

shared with other Brethren. The pace was slow and the priority was fellowship. And every day was closed with evening worship as a family in

the breezy and impressive Grand Auditorium. Some said this was a taste of heaven on earth.

So . . . have I piqued your interest or tweaked your heartstrings with a longing for a genuine summer’s rest “...that times of refreshing may

come from the Lord”? (Acts 3:19 NIV) If so, then my work is done! If not, yours is just begun.

Think about this: Who had any more on his plate than Jesus? Satan to battle, example to set, disciples to choose, Gospel to preach, mira-

cles to perform, Truth to teach, people to heal, dead to raise, parables to explain, disciples to train, appointments to keep, a crucifixion to con-

template, a Church to build, a world to save, Heaven to gain.

And yet, in the middle of the head-long rush to his destiny, Jesus often retreated to a mountain, a garden, a wilderness, to rest and medi-

tate and pray. I’m convinced that those respites benefitted him, and those who needed him to be spiritually, physically, and mentally restored

and in peak condition for each stage of his ministry. If our Lord recognized the intrinsic value and profit of regular rest, why shouldn’t we? So,

relax! Rest! Banish tension, and enjoy a richer life.

From Pastor Eric’s Desk...

DATE August 6 August 13 August 20 August 27


(Before & After SS)

Lou Ann Kensinger Nancy Ewart Ike Wright Jim & Doris



(After Worship)

Bill & Karen


Kris Hoover Mardi Lesher Ellie Sollenberger











VAN DRIVER Bob Greenleaf, Jr.


Mike Greenleaf


Mike Greenleaf Keith Newlin




Preschool-Meg & Molly

K-2nd-Stacey K.

3rd-6th-Niki H.

Preschool-Meg & Molly

K-2nd-Stacey K.

3rd-6th-Niki H.

Preschool-Meg & Molly

K-2nd-Larissa C.

3rd-6th-Stacey K.

Preschool-Meg & Molly

K-2nd-Larissa C.

3rd-6th-Stacey K.

Serving Others...

August’s Food Pantry List

beverages, fruits, instant potatoes, pea-

nut butter, jelly, tomato sauces, pasta,

cleaning supplies


If you have a prayer request, please call one of the following

people to get it started:

Amy: 793-2422

(during office hours of 8:30am-3:00pm)

Chris Gojmerac: 932-1010

(weekday evenings after 3:00pm):

Doris Reighard: 932-0209

(weekends & holidays)

Chloe Brown’s New Address

Calvert Manor Healthcare Center

1881 Telegraph Rd.

Rising Sun, MD 21911

2nd- Bonnie Lundquist

5th- Alex Klotz

6th- Audrey Beach, Frank

Greenleaf, Debbie Zook

8th- Lucille Baker

9th- Jim Bosar

10th- Kathryn Blattenber-

ger, Ashley Greenleaf

11th-Carol Bradley

13th- Deb Gochnour

14th- John Showalter

15th- Dawn Hoover

17th- Ethel Martin

19th- Ike Wright

20th- Jessica Emerick,

Dona Kensinger

21st- Judy Clapper

26th- Sharon Ayers

27th-Ethan Lewis

29th- Floyd Mitchell

31st- Nancy Baker

3rd- Jeff & Joy Hoover

4th- Jason & Josette Rhykerd

Wayne & Diane Shatzer

8th- Ike & Janet Wright

10th- Don & Jo Johnson

Dave & Sarah Steele

14th- Ron & Lois Kensinger

Allan & Karen Yarnall

15th-Joe & Pat Hinish

19th- Ken & Diane Ake

21st-Floyd & Kathleen Mitchell

August Anniversaries

August Birthdays

Memorial COB Outreach

In June, a donation of $500 was given to

Love In Action International Ministries to

help local farmer Duane Biddle serve on a

mission team traveling to Guayaramerin, Bo-

livia in South America. The team’s mission is

to begin building a dairy processing plant

that will provide income and food for a

Christian orphanage. Please support this mis-

sion team in your prayers as they travel from

August 2nd-13th. They especially would

like us to pray for the following:

Souls to be saved.

Wisdom in the construction and ideas

to make this dairy processing plant suc-


For Jesus to be their hands and feet as

their team shows His love.

Protection, fair weather and health.


The Refugee Education Center was the

“Witness to the Host City” Annual Confer-

ence organization chosen by Memorial’s

Service & Evangelism team to receive a

$200 donation this year. The Refugee Educa-

tion Center’s mission is to support refugee

children and families to gain the necessary

skills for successful integration into the com-

munity through education support, youth de-

velopment services, and fostering cultural

knowledge and understanding. The REC has

a strong history of meeting the unique needs

of refugee students. A monetary donation

was given in lieu of collecting items this year

due to the fact that the delegates were flying

to the Annual Conference instead of driving.

If you have any question concerning these

donations, please see Penny Mountain or

Chris Knepp.

Choir Practice to Resume

Choir practice will resume on Wednesday, August

30th at 7pm. If you would like become part of our

choir “family”, please come join us at this re-

hearsal. All are welcome! Our first Sunday to sing

during the worship service will be September 3rd

and we’d love to have you with us.

Thank You’s...

Barb Kahley would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and pastoral visits during Tom’s hospital stay

and at home.

Miriam Hoover would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and visits from Pastor Eric and the dea-

cons while she was in the hospital and at Homewood.

Erik Graybill (Sara Beth Sager’s son-in-law) would like to thank everyone from Memorial for their continued


Penny Mountain would like to thank everyone for all the loving support she received during her recovery from

hip surgery. Know that your cards, love, concern, meals and prayers were greatly appreciated

Dona, George K. and Deidra would like to thank the church family for it’s love, support & prayers during the

transition of their husband & father, George E. Kensinger. It has been a very uplifting experience to know

there are others who feel their sorrow. They are very grateful and thankful for everything that everyone

has unselfishly done for them during this difficult time.

Sharon Ayers would like to give a sincere thank you for the care and concern shown to her during her back

surgery. A special thanks to Pastor Eric for traveling to Pittsburgh and for visits to her home. To those of you

who took the time to send cards, they were truly appreciated. An infection will require follow-up to Pittsburgh

on July 25th. Most importantly, thanks in advance for your prayers.

Hi Everyone,

This is my Fifth Message for the 2017 Giving. If you look at the Budgeted Giving Com-parison you will see that our Budget Giving for 2017 is $16,993.59 less than 2016. Our

Total Overall 2017 Giving is also less by $25,555.27 compared with 2016. Both of these giving figures are still early but as I said last month a disturbing trend has emerged. The trend is not good and some of our ministries will be in jeopardy later in the year. We need to come together as a church family by attending our worship services and support Pastor Eric.

The Deacon Assistance Fund is $105 less than the same time last year. This is a little better than my last message. The Deacons continue to need funds for assistance to those in the community that are less fortunate. It would be sad if we cannot handle all the requests received.

The Food Bank Donations are ahead of $330 at this time last year. We need to keep this trend in the coming months. The Martinsburg Food Bank is a very important community ministry.

The Heifer International Project Donations is another bright spot. We are ahead of last year by $348.20, but we still need $926 to meet our goal of $5,000 for an Ark.

The children in the 4th & 5th Sunday School Class are donating toward their own Heifer International Goal.

Heifer International is such a great way to globally help those less fortunate in other countries. It is not just a handout which often is wasted; it is a way to change a person, family and a whole village. You should read some of the heartwarming stories in the World Ark Publication that is available in the Church Narthex. Please continue to support this important outreach giving project. Thanks again to the contin-ued support from my anonymous donor toward this important global ministry.

There should be important information coming soon from Stiffler & McGraw, the architecture and engi-neering firm that we hired to conduct a feasibility study for the improvement of the church properties. Your input has been crucial to help them make their study more complete. Your continued input on the future needs of Memorial, as this process unfolds will be of even greater importance. Where do you think we should be 5 years from now?

Please keep the Pastoral Search Team in your prayers as they continue their search for a new pastor to guide us through even greater years for the Ministries and Congregation of the Memorial Church of the Brethren.

In a separate section of this Memo there will be a notice of a presentation by me on Hawks, Eagles & Falcons seen at the Jacks Mountain Hawk watch and much more about raptors.

May the love of Jesus continue to bless you and the ones you love.

Your Stewardship Voice

Darrell Smith

Stewardship Report as of July 16, 2017

Budget giving for the first 29 weeks of the last three years is as fol-lows:

2015 2016 2017

173,166.35 187,216.44 170,222.85

Total giving for the first 29 weeks of 2017 compared to 2016 is as follows:

2016 2017

Budget Giving 187,216.44 170,222.85

Building Fund 575.00 1,145.00

Deacon Fund 3,806.00 3,701.00

Memorial Fund 1,490.00 110.00

Food Bank 2,680.00 3,010.00

Missions 135.00 35.00

Youth Ministries 448.00 240.00

Credits 3,698.30 377.58

Backpack Program 10.00

One Great Hour of 925.00 577.00

Acorn Cove- 3,365.00

Projector Donation 4,400.00

NYC Fund 659.00 1,500.95

Brody Greenleaf Trip 1,305.00

Trooper Landon 845.00

Heifer Int.--Children 3,725.50 4,073.70

Souper Bowl 1,792.83 475.41

Other Miscellaneous 5,895.38 10,237.69

Total 222,116.45 196,561.18

From Your Steward...


With Sympathy…

Our sympathy goes out to Don & Joyce Bush on the passing of Don’s brother, Gary Bush who

passed away on June 26th.

Our sympathy goes out to the family of Mary Jane Isenberg who passed away on July 1st-Nick &

Erin, Josh & Cindy and their children, Brynlee & Drew and Jena.

Our sympathy goes out to Dona Kensinger and her family on the passing of George Kensinger who

passed away on July 6th.

Alan Musselman called the June 2017 Leader-

ship Team meeting to order at 7:30 PM. He

opened the meeting with devotions about

the need to set aside time for our faith.

The agenda for the meeting was approved

by consensus.

The minutes from the May 2017 Leadership

Team meeting were reviewed. The follow-

ing corrections were noted: (1) The date of

minutes should be May 9, 2017. (2) Under

the worship team report, the name “Jeff

Guyer” should appear as “Jeff Hoover”.

(3) In the Treasurers report, the word

“temporarily” should be added onto the last

sentence. The corrected minutes were ap-

proved by consensus.

Beth Longwell, on behalf of Blue Diamond,

provided a presentation on Camp Blue Dia-

mond’s capital campaign “Upon This Firm

Foundation”. She expressed camp’s appre-

ciation of Memorial’s support over the

years and particularly in its most recent gift

to kick off the capital campaign. She pro-

vided a brochure on the campaign and de-

scribed the goals and projects that are

planned as part of the campaign. She

shared a video that explained more about

the details of the project. After the video,

Beth answered questions and shared that

the camp already has gathered $480,000 in

pledges. She provided a form to Alan in the

event that the Leadership Team and con-

gregation feels led to make a contribution in

the coming year. She thanked the congre-

gation again for their support.

The team discussed including a yearly con-

tribution to the camp’s capital campaign in

the church budget for the next several

years. This possibility will be discussed

more during the budget process.

Carolyn Dean gave a report of the Facility

Team’s visit to Altoona First Church of

Christ in the Juniata section of Altoona.

The team was impressed by how similar the

needs of that congregation were to ours as

well as their programming. She said that it

was a valuable visit that was followed by

good discussion with the representatives

from Stiffler and McGraw.

There is no update from the Pastoral

Search Team.

For the Pastor’s report, Eric distributed a

written report. He noted that the volume of

hospital visitations have increased signifi-

cantly in the last month. He gave an update

on some of Memorial’s members who have

been experiencing health concerns and/or

crises. In response to a question by Penny

Mountain, Eric also announced that the

Martinsburg Ministerium will be sponsor-

ing a pool party this summer instead of a

block party. Details will be forthcoming.

Paul Longwell had no report for the Mod-

erator’s Report

Alan Musselman had no report for the

Leadership Team Chair’s Report.

For the Treasurer’s Report, Charlene

Lewis reported that the balance at First

National account is 187,264.23 as of May

31, 2017. She also reported that the $914.95

of funds from the Youth Endowment fund

have been moved to the Altoona First Sav-

ings Bank. Willington Funds in the amount

of $10,176.73, $41,109.76, and $152,233.01

were also moved to Altoona First Savings

Bank where they are earning a better inter-

est rate.

The Administrative Team report was at-

tached to the agenda. Carolyn added that,

as a follow-up to last meeting’s presentation

by Nikki Frederick, the team is preparing a

new format for sharing income and expen-

ditures information with the congregation.

Also at Nikki’s recommendation, an inven-

tory of the congregation’s assets is cur-

rently being compiled. The Administration

Team will be contacting some of the other

ministry teams to help with this project.

There was no report from the Congrega-

tional Life team. It was noted that there

are currently 46 out of 54 slots spoken for

on the Sight and Sound trip in November.

Upcoming events currently on the calendar

are an Altoona Curve game on July 14 and

an all-church picnic on July 19.

There was no report from the Discipleship

and Education team. Janet Clouse raised

the question of whether both The Quiet

Hour and The Upper Room devotionals.

The Quiet Hour from David C. Cook and

arrives every three months. The Upper

Room arrives every two months. This ques-

tion will be referred to the Discipleship and

Education team for a recommendation.

The Service and Evangelism Team report

was attached to the agenda. Penny Moun-

tain also reported that a focus on evangel-

ism will be started in the fall. Penny also

shared a letter from Duane Biddle who will

be serving on a mission trip to Bolivia to

construction a dairy processing plant to

provide food and income for an orphanage.

Duane is asking for prayers as well as con-

sideration of a contribution toward the ex-

penses of the trip. The Service and Evan-

gelism will make a contribution from the

community outreach fund and will report

back on the final amount to the Leadership

Team at the next meeting.

The report from the Worship Team was

attached to the agenda. On July 2, a video

of the Annual Conference message will be

presented during morning worship. The

Gideon’s will be providing the message on

August 13. The Leadership Team will need

to provide pulpit coverage on August 20.

For the July 2 Annual Conference service,

there will be a worship leader, congrega-

tional singing, and offering before the video

presentation. Ellie Sollenberger will coor-

dinate the planning of the worship service.

For the Spiritual Life team, Nancy Imes

announced that this Sunday, June 25 is

bread and cup Communion Sunday. Nancy

also shared that the deacons are planning to

be intentional in recognizing and affirming

children and youth in the congregation.

Nancy also reported that deacons have been

working with the leaders of the children’s

ministry to help facilitate visitation by the

children with shut-ins, residents of the Vil-

lage and Homewood, and other members of

the congregation on the deacon visitation


There was no old business

For new business, Alan reported that Pas-

tor Eric had some conversation with Tracy

Rabenstein from the Church of the Breth-

ren Congregational Support representative.

She is requesting a visit with the congrega-

tion. She would like to come and worship

with the congregation and is open to being

hosted by a Sunday School class, a luncheon

after worship, or some other format. Part

of her mission is to provide insight into the

core ministries of the denomination. Alan

will contact her to see if she is available for

pulpit supply on August 20.

Carolyn shared that there has been no re-

sponse to date for one or more individuals

to serve as a church “handyman”. The Ad-

ministrative Team may hire professionals

on an as-needed basis for small repair pro-

jects as they arise.

The Leadership Team shared joys and con-


The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 18,

2017 at 7:30PM.

Paul Longwell closed the meeting with


The meeting was adjourned at 9:48pm.

Minutes recorded by:

Paul Longwell

LT Minutes from June 20, 2017

Memorial Church of the Brethren

210 N. Wall St.

Martinsburg, PA 16662-1252

Phone: 814-793-2422

Fax: 814-793-3755



Web Manager E-mail:

Sunday Hours:

9:15am Children’s Sunday School

9:30am Adult Sunday School

10:30am Worship

Office Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8:30-12:00


Interim Pastor: Eric Fether

Admin. Asst.: Amy Bean


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Martinsburg PA

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Oct. 13th &


Maitland COB,


Pennies for Witness

The Pennies for Witness jar is on the welcome desk in the

narthex waiting to be filled with your loose change or pa-

per money-not just pennies. We will be giving what is col-

lected as an offering at the District Conference in October.

Pennies for Witness funds are used to support many differ-

ent ministries in our area, so please help us fill the jar!

LT Minutes from July 18, 2017 Call to Order: Alan Musselman called the meeting to order at


Devotions: Two devotions were read by Alan Musselman. The

second devotion focused on change and was from the book of

Matthew. Alan followed the devotions with prayer.

The agenda was approved by consensus with an addition of a

donation from the estate of Gladys Shaner added under New


The minutes for the June 20th meeting were reviewed. Minutes

were approved as written.

Facility Review: Carolyn Dean had nothing new to report.

Pastoral Search Team: Nothing new to report.

Pastor's Report: There was a written report submitted by Pastor

Eric. Eric reported that things have been going well. Pastor Eric

will be vacation August 12th through the 25th. Pastor Eric in-

quired as to who is responsible for advertising for special events

offered at Memorial. Discussion occurred with consensus feeling

as though that would fall under responsibilities of the Service and

Evangelism team.

Moderator's Report: Nothing to report.

Leadership Team Chair Report: No new report.

Treasurer's Report: Charlene Lewis reported June 1 to June

30th, balance at $195,995.53 at First National. Funds that were

previously in the Wilmington Fund at M&T -(Building account

$41,139.18, Memorial Fund $152,354.80, Youth fund $11,098.51)

were transferred to CDs at Altoona First.


Administration Team

Carolyn Dean has nothing new to report.

Congregational Life Team:

Written report submitted with small changes. All bus seats are

sold for Sight and Sound and a deposit was made to Raystown

Transit bus service. The Curve game had a good turnout. August

13th is Faith Night at the Curve: $7.50 for tickets with at $5 food

voucher. All church picnic is to be held 7/19/2017.

Discipleship and Education Team:

A list of Kids Club summer events was distributed to the team.

Wednesday night Kid's Club will begin September 13th. Sunday

School and Wednesday night teachers are needed. Youth events

are being planned - possible event next summer of hosting Bible

School in the Bronx with events for youth during the day and

teaching Bible School in the evening. A second option for youth

would possibly be a long weekend in the Bronx with spiritual

activities for the youth throughout the weekend in the Fall of

2018 or Spring of 2019.

Service and Evangelism Team:

A written report was submitted. Chris Knepp discussed the fund

drive for Camp Blue Diamond capital campaign. An additional

donation as a line item from the Service and Evangelism out-

reach budget could be proposed to be allotted for this campaign.

Worship Team:

Ellie Sollenberger reported that during Annual Conference, she

attended a session on Sunday school curriculum and a session on

what church boards should doing, including looking at the

budget and ensuring amounts are being given to programs as

designated on the budget, board members are congregational

and serve as lay-leaders, a good board keeps the mission at focus,

members work together and respect others' opinions, board

members should act responsibly, and be intentional about leader-

ship. Other characteristics for board members were shared by


Spiritual Life Team:

Nancy Imes reported that two funerals and viewings were held,

and the Bread and Cup communion was held. Janet Clouse spoke

about updating the membership listing for the church. Decisions

must be made as to how to reach out to non-active members. A

meeting is scheduled for July 31st.

Old Business:

Alan Musselman discussed budget building for each team. Alan

asked that each team have a tentative budget for the next meet-

ing - which is August 8th.

New Business:

Fall Forum is scheduled for Sunday, October 22nd immediately

following worship. All team written reports for Fall Forum are

to be submitted to Amy Bean by September 27th .

The estate of Gladys Shaner has bequeathed approximately

$53,000 to the church. Brethren relief will receive $5,400. The

remaining balance will temporarily be placed in the Memorial

Fund. Leadership team can come up with ideas for the use of the

money and present to the congregation at forum.

Joys and Concerns

Paul shared that the youth and their families activity at Ohiopyle

was a joy. Nancy Imes asked for prayer for her daughter who is

going through diagnostic testing.

Chris Knepp provided the closing prayer and adjourned the

meeting at 8:44pm.

Kid’s Club Events

August 2nd-Pool Party at the Gojmerac’s

from 5-8 pm. (Bradford Lane, R. Spring)

August 6th-Fishing Fun at the Dean’s

from 1:30-3:30 pm (1254 Millerstown

Rd., Martinsburg)

August 18th-Pool Party at the Millers

from 1-4 pm. (1989 Cove Lane)

August 20th- Reward breakfast for Sun-

day School Kids

September 13th-Wednesday Night Kids

Club & Youth Bible trivia starts back Not Getting Your MEMO Through


Well, if the title got your attention than you

may be one of the people who still think that

the MEMO should be coming to you via

email, but isn’t. No one is, and hasn’t for

awhile now.

About a year ago, an email was sent to those

of you who received the MEMO via email-

with a link to the MEMO which was put on

our new website. The email stated that that

would be the last time the link would be

given through an email. You were instructed

to check on the church’s website to read the

MEMO between the 3rd and the 4th Thurs-

day each month. It’s come to my attention

that some people didn’t read that and think

they aren’t getting the MEMO at all.

The MEMO can be found on our website, under NEWS/

EVENTS. Please call the church office if

you need further assistance

Backpack Blessings Service

On Sunday, August 20th, during the Worship

service, we will be having a “Blessing of the

Backpacks” for this upcoming school year.

Please have your student bring his/her

backpacks that morning so they can partici-


Sept. 4-8th

Lake Junaluska, NC

Bible 101 Class Meeting

On August 27th, a meeting will be

held in the Friendship Room to

determine the future of the Bible

101 class. Please plan to attend.

Time: TBA
