Core beliefs or principles held by a movement How are tenets passed down? Through stories and holy...


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Core beliefs or principles held by a movement How are tenets passed down? Through stories and holy books What is the holy book of Islam The Quran What are the tenets of Islam called? The Five Pillars There is no God but God; Muhammad is the Prophet of God Infused in all Islamic Culture 5 times every day 10 minute prayers Towards the Kaba shrine in Mecca Fixed tax on property (usually 2 %) Taxes go to poor and less fortunate 9 th month of the Islamic Calendar Abstention, reflection and purification from sunrise to sunset Encouraged to read entire Quran Every Muslim who is of sound body and mind is expected to travel to the holy sity of Mecca Do not consume alcohol Do not eat pork Do not gamble Do not believe in usury (charging interest on loans) Quran prohibits forced conversion Struggle not holy war Highest jihad working on oneself Religion of peace Muslimah Female Muslim Most reject notion of Islam as degrading and oppressive
