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St. John rhe Evangelist

St. J,,hn the Er.angelist. tli..tinguishecl as the ,,discipleryhorn Jesus lor.ed', and often

"rll",l i,., Englant{. as irrthe Greek,.. ..the [Jivine', ri.e. the Th""lr;.;;I. ;".'"(,alilean. lhe.un ,,f Zeheciee ard Sai,,,n.. ,,ili" ,,,.,*i.,,,{ St. Jarnes the Greater. another o{ the Apostles. Herras engaged in fishing rvith his father ancl Lrrother. Heand his brother w.ere r.alled t. be apostle. as ther. ,r,eremendiug their nets on the sea .f Galilee. .:;;; ;;;.;Jesus had called peter ancl Andre*. Our Lord garethenr the nick-nanre of Boanerge." .,.,,r". of thurrder...rrhether as a co,rnendatio, or ;"

""";;;; ,f s.me 'io-lence o{ terlperament tLur.r 9:54t is not c,lear. St..l,,hrr is said 1,., lrare heen tho , uung"=t "i ,,-r"


and outliveci the others" being ihe oilr" orr" rvho did notdie a nrartrr's death. In the gospel ,rir.t ir. $,r()te he re-lers to hinrself l.ith a proucl hurnilitl as ..the discipleu,hcun Jesus loved.,,",.,.1 i, i.,,t.u. iiur*ir. u,as one o{those *h. had a pri'ileged position. Or.'i..a had hinrpre-sent rr-ith Peter and Janres at His transfiguration anrl

1,1 lis aSoni in the garden: and He.fr"*"i-S, John other.tnstan(,es of kindness and affection abor,e the rest. srithat it nas nr_rt r.ithorrt human o""".iu, th-at his uxrtherasked the Lorcl that her trvt.r..rr,

"r,gir-_.lt th. uu.,,.,His right hancl and the otl.rel on His f"?, i,-r Ui. kingdonr..lohn l'as chosen with peter,. u" i*'ri" "ia, ur._l p..-pate f,,r-tlt. l3s1 "Llu1,,l_^ r.,._.^-. r r ,, er. and at that supper. he lean..l onr,,r Ircd\r rrr JaSUs. as r\:e see hirn so often ltir:tured. antlelir:iterl ir.,,,r Hi.r. at.St. peter,s r,.;,;;;;;*: rr_h, ir *asl.f.rl :1,.:1,

hetrar Hinr. r, i. i".,".111,'i"ri",.".1 rt,urue \\.r- Ilr:rt '.,,Il1a1.di-,.iple..r,h,, rra. krr,,rrrr lo llrr lrigirIr'iest air,i r'enr jn ,,itli J."us

", ,;. .,,;;; ,{ Caiphasiearinr >t. Peter. at the outer ,1,,,r..- Hl'nlnn. ,rI rh""lill,il:. .l I,] ,, rhe foor,rf rhe c,r.,ss,riJ,viu., anct rht,,,rrrrl .r.,.: rl \\(,nrelt. ait(l relcited tir.. .ul,lir,,_ ,.1,O,""t, (tllr , r the rrrrther ol his Retlee,,r".. .::iir;;;,rr. i;:irold tirr - n.' 'Behold thr nrother., Anr:l f.,,n, that hourthe dj. .r,.r r,rrk her-r. hls ,,r",.,. d;L;;;'r:als us ailblethr r . ...r.,1 He rec,or.rrmerrtls us all as su.i n, lhe l,r -ing , ar: His l)t()tlter: but arnongst th"""'u.l,rirtir" .,,,r*St. J,,,.: - iire fir.st_horn. l,,r hinr- alon" rl,". ,t gir en to1r,:.,,,...:.

. r 1 her as if she hacj been f,,-. ,r"lr.r, nrorher.

".,, _ ,

l.:, a: sut.h br. horrorirrg. _.en ing ancl assist.

_.1 ., ,I1 -


r\ .\r 1_tlrlure ue lear.n about hinr that rthen,trdr I :-_ .j Fr l,r.,,ught word that Chr.ist,s tonrh u.asoltet. -:r Ht. l,,rd.r g()ne. pcter uu.l 1," ran there inr,nredie - .: , i John- ',rh..,

,r". \ ounger and r.an iaster.-

arriied {irst. But he u,aitecl for St. peter to conle up.arrti lirlloxed hirn in: ,.ancl he sax, aJ believeil,, thatChrist n.as indeecl risen. A [sl. dar.s lut.. J".u. ,n"ni_iested Hinsel{ for the tbircl tirire. ;, il -.ea of Galilee"and rralked along the sh,,r.s 61r..11,,n1r,f'Sr. peter. ab.utthe sinceritr oI his l,,re. Eia\e'bi,,, .;;;;'.,f His Church.and fr_rretolcl his n,6111 1,1,1p1. St. petei seeing St. Johnrralking behirrcl him and heirrg solicitur. ,o. his friend.askecl Je,"us. ,.Lorcl. lhat shallihi. ,r*. i"i," And .f esus.eplied. "If I *.ill ha'e hi,r re,rain tiil I'.u.,,". rrhat is itto thee? Follorr, thr)u 1116.,, It is therefor.e not surprisingthat it rvas runroreci alnong the brethren that John shouli,lnot clie- a runlorrrhich he himself ,li.;;. of br point-ing out that C)ur Lord dicl ,ut .ur- il[*.hall not cl;e..,

{fter Christ,s Ascensiorr u.e {ind these sanre tu,o

Lll:*,"..g"1"g:1l to rhe Tenrple antl ,r.,i.""ulo,r.l, l,"ol_rng a cripl_,Ie. Ther ,r,"." i,rp.i.onecl" but ,=i";.J ;;rrith arr order no nrore to preach Christ. to nhich thev

i LJl'ilo,,;,",iil:"J ;:,1.,,1, *io l, n in :l f*: i_T, ;F.r rre cannor bur speak ,,f ,,.hut' .,; ;;r" seen anrlheard.-" tAcrs 4:19_20t T}ren ther. u"." ..rt bt the.llrer ap,,slles lrr (.unfit.ur tl,".r,,r".t. rri,.n ,n";;"",,;Philip hacl ,.raae in Sanraria. Wh";, .i,.';;;i :;,;':ri:Jerusalenr aft:r his crolversr.or_r he addressetl hinrsell toth.se uho ,.seemecl to be pillars". "iil';;rrr..h. cl.rieflr..larnes. peter ancl Johrr. ,"t,. ,,,_il.rire-i'nr. nrissi.narDong the Gentiles. ancl about that tirne Si. ;"f.,, assjsterlat the c.uncil which the aposiles h"LJ-;; j".r.ot",rI. p"r-

haPs. too. it *as soon after this ,h", j.;;-;f,'u"]".-url"ftir Asia llirror. N. tloubt h" ,r;.-;;;;,,,t at ti. .leurh,,1 th" Ble..crl Virgirr Var.r. rr t,",f.,.1

'if ,r,",,",r",rr,11,1,1

Je, u.u1"r,, ,,. ltph*u., St. Irenaeus sa.rs that he settlerlat the last-nanreti citr after thr ,r",,rr]j,,,,r",_,f SS. peter.a.ct Paut. but ho*, s,,,,n a1igr. ,;-,.';;;;;;".ihie r. relr"T-here is a tr.arlitr.o, that tlur.irrg t,-,",."i*lr'", llrrrritianhe *as taken tri Ror.e. *.}ere a, atter,pt ,,, ;rr, ;,illl i:lrl.,th *-as r.iracu [.uslr frustrared- --;;;r,;;;r,,

* as rh*la.l ,,l 1l1s l,'el\r. (,o,..u,.. , rr,,,,r ., .,-., ';'j,,r his r rueitr

",,J;""::ul,,ll i1'li,j'".t"_":,,,, _:;.:;i,;:::set utiou ,rI the Church. Regardless ,,i _ir.' .t,,1r,,.. g-."n,age and gentle lrearing. this ",,rU..., [J,r,,itio,, ,,nn-clerlneri hinr to a harlrar.ous f,r.,r, ,,f death. He rr as 1;roh-a,lrlr first sr.our.gecl. acc.ording io th" If ;;,ro,, ,,r.t,,,,,. o,,rltherr tlrrr*n int, a caulcl.u,, oi lru,tir,; ;li. \\,.e r.a,nrrd,ubt that St. J,,lr, exulter:i i,, tt.," tfr,rugirr'"i ,", i.g rl,rxrrhis Iife 1or the faith ancl .ejoinirg iii'rr".,.r' uhorrr heI,r'er:|

.().d ac.epred _his ,rhlati,;. ;;j

^;".orre se,sr<'r',rtnecl his desire. He conferred ,r, ii,rr'the nrerit of)lartr rri,,rrr. lrut susrrencle,.l th" up".utl,,rr'.f

''rf.r. 1irc. as

Ir. 1]r, f,,r'i.rer lr pr...,.r,".1 the t}r.ee .f.,;iar*r, f l.rn harnrirr the Babr lonian furnace. r l)rr_rr:l :J:l-10{) r l.[e

::",h]l* ,,r'l rra. , harrged into " ."f."J,;ng Lrurt,. so rharI),,p1i1ix,,. rrh,, errter.tainecl a sr.eat i,l"; ,,?,h" 1r,,*,". ,,I

r, cE 0\E Iil \l)JiEl) o\r: