D E M O T E D T H E I J L U S T R A T I O I O F O P I O ... Been Imleiillp vIm . Bit 1 -Yi .1 .1 i:i...


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. D E M O T E D t o T H E I J L U S T R A T I O I O F O P I O I T U A L I H T E B C O U R S E ,r n E A <■• 1 T A T I P N O P T II O U G H T I S T II E H E <H I f f i l M 0 0 F W 1 8 0 0 M

' ? A H T R I D C l r - N B B R I T T A N , P U B L I S H E R S A D S P R O P R I E T O R S , NO. 3 4 2 B R O A D W A Y — T E R M S , T W O D O L L A R S P E R A N N U M I N A D V A N C E ; S I N G L E C O P I E S , F I V E C E N T S .

V O L . I N ' . N O . I S . NKW YORK. SATURDAY, SEl’TKMISKU 1, 1855. WHOLE >'<>. 174.

£ » f \ * * f A l \ I mil T»wi5>" Uni wo are told, * \ son etaiitU furl

a lie .iirm tip lfs of M ature.f v j ' *■ » *w T. ,.!ui ruisos from the .n *l U d of your Saemr, the >

S P IR IT U A L I S M IN N A S H V I L L E , T E N N .Trtxm lbj> B>v J U lew*. U)

.Iliiv M. I ■ -,'nv, 1'r. B.'-w li; g and Will jn i I V , . r, K j.. exiled to <•- , ... • *.• , i v •tn'mti'.'c.v.ion r-v i f/w d iv> sir.

nil: ■ »i.iin»tL l» it mi ill tli. ;f,ai g»\o boJH! (UhI ||j infliitiic,

1 ili-.i Iiuul.dntc them if you; IrlgtH.,"'. i/.A.iif.-U'-VH wf llio |K

G.\cr All tine I S.-l a p.viU!i. iis c<>:itiV* n«ut i> iu tlio.-t* h-av.-us.

Nature's kviiUn|U» 'j plj .

d id # t-> those l.Uv-al• ti> Ibpuaiiour Wo claim tLal lay. They p„ L.U.ul in hand, a* the• i ability iuli f t . f v jdi tii''. nr. .it <4 faith i* glvofl t« bi. s# ni.vu Ult

r it- A ;;;lior L o n e ami the i-.imo. till' whole.

Mr- I ’crgU'-'a. add r ' c l t/. Mr. F ^ t/ r fra.ix h h f;” b r.II . fo - t - r , w' lS i !• • c-r.girai’. As, taken «3I .MV ill Mr.

- Mr-. F v nne uude-r «p:ri;us.’ ii/Itv-r.-.v;,t d i > b;-.d and ,nock ; Jiser ih iil tbe* nat ur.- and ton-' \..i di'O .-c b. « •_* le r ; y res,—.b—J ft«r b in.... \*. 1 .:*. w.i* r- gxrJ-..r] by the do- i.-r an J liii .. t 3

/-•- /.Muss t'•:t laws o f health anc1 bsppn ajf.

cvCioanicat 1 k i t f « /'• .reearekd a» j-r«-Ht\UV}£ cltaraC- j. . i : • " ' l l . ' - ' . .

a, : cLii-fly pcr-viml in their character, ar.J thtinf.ro wo.. • .. r- o rd ti ti. v. of a [•'tec tip .-ft tin*

•' f tR 'iiv . - : \ tb • u iiL a rv i f .u ;y • irc’.e ot relatives

■Ui« ill, INLY -X u'o.’i>,T. iv V.j : . ; . . l i T , 1 jy . i i :" - ,, Mr- Judge Ca'.Pon ami Mrs. M'-trsaa.l,

. 1 cv . v - ■ r I: i- _ - l.» :.n .vj-pointniMit. m ale a*, th.-tr- ■.* ■! a»;-l car...--: :? alien. witness our rr.ai.n-'r o f rcoeiv-

-Ur.-. Mr. C'lM-nj.i.p. Mts. F c r ^ . ' i , and Mr.- . .. • - Ti; y l i l l> v.e-1 l*.:l a f a r moments v. Si. :

y r c .- nv.r.- rn, Iran the entrArted. hau-, a- iMi.--.vi;.y.v unbroken gloom ba# buns; oi

r Still *Or :


ETarcs of ouf favb rs fornet be broken l y the vc-unioa of kiminul ar.J those

- - r. i ‘ i:i . ! _• l-i iriil tli.-iviic. that h i- fallen, like s.air lai.-btr pall, over the

. -, r, • . ; L .! t.-p. -f man' Is tbi? nhav ne ::ro most t..li;* 1 ,ai of : . . .1 I . jr.lt.-, the 1.-..A''Al.i. C c-f t i l Gi 'l'-

S 1. 7 . r.-> !'•: hot nil. i the - i"..-: - ' >•: ’be grave it- .- ; break t-. .. ’-t i-," ln th.- tri-'-r.r. • of tb<. . .1 tl’-.t Lamitnlty lb.it

... ru a to ih ■ CM:sc that at li t.. f.*rtb j .a the col.le.it v.-.v. k of a . . . • . . . . . - '

■ - •: t! A f’.v .• '--a- f it to an u-_ *;• •>: 1 tit hoj-c shall b-:j • : f i* :i of the ;.r,./iking m *rn shall allr, ’.o i traa aith tli? tri:*1 birthright of his f je*l!

The revchoeA from the vtolic era . pn sent era— Oiia^ure* all Bpoc** ami

contrre-t equally .4 -erv- icil'.'at*. with unerring

G «i ; where is ho not? li ei. -ring taper upon a

sir • -. i -. migl j rod i tr i*i; (’ .mt--' of thought ; /•<' man to the eternity

.' tb ti'y ; it= re "choc* ore the realization of maa’f

: of eight vr-th m'.iif tn- : tL*t speaks it intaitire

■ t in ! :- '-XI/:.-.;'. '• Ant ' liiuv'.-ir r . 'tdiliiviaj . A 0.7-

. ’ - />.iy i/.-rt'.'.-t. that

, ' : ; ' v.- fere :* rro=er.t a •t B r that

Psr r/-7 ’*':i : Wh-v. it |. . . . | cf a

| r V ; tii Ay rrlve up tho, r-.’A.* rx iv e-. or

J i sYU is to lta i* -- I * It- w.iy and all:

A G -’, i d - a l l BXjd-'.-. 3 . .: ■ * . ns mlkeard tl-*' h-.-rald= <-.'a i. d^bi-.-r i. 1- : ands a ^ o l ! : comi ‘ forth fro:. , ,'g-I-G -■ • 10 it u* !• > tha* r,~

th- L*-art.c> f r l e n 1- th* (kwn’ag of a •till 1.

ml!) n.i..; ■

Uat .-lib. Car.-', the hrigbunt nun:.'. ?t it! »n iluf eii.lonci*. Iirinff*1 a i ..i.-i.'..»tioa that iLANsb! el',' I .u g n B u t tin- remarkable ov i- .!i it - of L;- po-.T fa.lt- a-s li;-/ 4 . si upon u thuU-aa.I hills beneath t!.i

day- B e e n Im le i i l lp v Im . B it 1 -Yi .1 .1 i:i >:v. lie i3/rea < J the wldov-Y More, by wh.cb means be ile- I • a v - - it I-.:./ i f her bo to .vi 1 il.-h rtf her tfi-wh from the cruel la>U oi lb - op--t--v . '1 bin bioig-t man to eontemplali' hi# end. IK- should -t i i.l to his i.v n ihy an.I age. speaking for it Lai h- is ami what be

i hopes to In'.j ll.-ro nvdiiitii jvtus«>d in in>]>i, - iv* 'tioiuv, Mill fcvniej.

nil tli-extv tn a! senses lving «loscd, to bo recognising spiiittm' •v. i re.', tilosl to bis vision. Al’.er a f--\v minutes lie said ;

We have Cr.erul' b- re. near and dear, that wnnlil spc.vk. Ilero >lands oac of nrdiom hoight. Line coat, light hat, light vest, and whisker- .-..an i the fnce. sunken ore*, little tl *sh. He soys care, sympathy ami sorrow wr cki-i hi.# hopes, and be sDjk beneath the weight they bore. Lei Lis memory he rev,-red—not for his misdi-ed.i, tor they sleep IQ Ihc loan. They may have Me a riveted to his form in deiecritUou of tlm hatnajiity he b -p- : bat a higher thought and a nobler nature dwell here ao .v. Though th ' b!o-'* :-rai of spring may radiate hi# grave, he imbibes their nectar in unmitigated rorrow.

Here stands a woman, of medium height; expression full and florid ; hair combed back ; curls ; false sleeves to her dress; some kind of a bn .ist pin, dark and large. Would that I could il =er;bc her dress. She considered it an evening dress—a kind of brown, a leaf-fluwef upon It. We pre-em: h .r to have li n twen'y-cight or thirty year* of age. Rib­bon round the waist—blue or green. 1 can not see which.

“ Sister, lore, ramsatlvc ai*. W? ure one a., wo were tan ." What •he desires to say is more then I can utter.

11cro stands aa ng.-d fivihcr; he bears the bright emblem of hope to every fice Anu-rl.- v.i heart, lie rays: -Xo dc-d.ilingband coaid stretch r.oro:.s your b >:d:r when the protecting arm of honor and truth moved triumphantly over thL- happy people." Kindred ussiK i.itions bind him t*> ib I- spot, lie bus much to bear. Glad li-lings a tv,At I Fitting tiruv and opportunity must pr<>?nt thorns dvi». Then hi# protecting arm will be ontst.vtcb'1. though you think it still ia death. There i- liitng (the medium continued after a pansc) I «aat I can not get- parting word—some death roug—'om.-thing.

To a m.tttal quot;oa, as’; ; 1 o.■ I thongbt l-y Mr.- M.r be said he is r.oi h- re."

Another mau prwonL Lloi- lf; white hair t v tv dark ev cltuhe-:: eyes i lply : uuk in bis h- ad. peculiarly so. Good height, well proportioned : \ light, pale. -oravAhiug 1 iIc■: drab. Vest. Ho present# himself merely f<>r r- cogiiiti-ja. Ruth.-r p'easant expression ; a little stooped when ad­i t ->iug pi-r-vos t tom.; d f-.-ioa'y about a tooth. I think, p* reoptibli

I can not rl.l of ib • tail mandescribed above. U .- >1 / ir. 3 to g: ••nv a-‘amm;.', but he can cot <lo it now.

Then addre-v-t/.g Mr-. C.. he -ui'l t -Yon trquld not have it now."

I rig! -r dav—the renliza-

^ nr (bought, fbv.t I rta ’.b-- ,-'e t-J :h-' meridia-i of hi- L, 7 7 ;

men to iuv-

i a# tna;i *“s . but in snbmisgioD i! o f the great end ol th? public mind, and

i - i ever— thought r . jt in conformity to t h - and‘ enough to make man p,an'

nc-w light I’ To rreau

_ j t approved rr'lrm * of power reigb r. ell L • .'piritiwl na:ar-

. g ■- ■ r .n :.l . • ... Tormpul . . eat an tro fly in m n rh n I at .. It

’ . , i-, i b -b front th n -' .••!- of tire- the i-.j of a God that ‘ - _r , :. i i i i 11- I 'vI . A b-’-qn -itbed only to om- day and gene-

..T -l, ,j, ,. c i i - I c v • <-f hop- that point unerringly t- the great • -t light -.a 1 1 '■ P-'d - '■ that rc:tr. ‘ball live, think and net

|,-a.-> d . j and vensratton. I' stlvr.ce-i r.o fj.-tid voice of the f -r ih y r.re -•!! borr.e up',n ll: • zephyr# of the morning, as the . . | - g a o f a day that 1 in accrtirdance With f it con^

It propo «a that man -hall h-- free—think and act as a man. tb». rMponandli'.y is not one and the same, for th? paths we

arc now treading ’>• r • ar..nl- red through ag. = - f t unborn : but ..............bat ( more to t

In that link father God.j,r ,i:ht i Its b ; ,lJ -ar' ‘c ‘•'*T th'' d f t e d down trodden, perrerttd . .. . ■•-. Th - - I • ■ caab. t of no brighteribM Go I I 0 s r V- ‘u- :‘ l- h M riv‘ 1' 1 ll"? Ku real Cau-v that

pe jt forth.„ -re !•: t r h • f a fridtf./. evid. no* heyood the ordi-

it may he . .viJ. We will examine it , claims. Tb j,re H i> or it n u>>. This confines within ti.

L cepUon.*

ciry ftp/rt-ar-v- - - iM.1 f

t of Inllnitu Iv - !• lug—It# f il. t nc•*. I M-ial: phlliKophically .

•> KbK and’TIs nut f.-ar that l .j

tatfetma! o f though1 - f'-'.i.lLit:-M m a -T T ' i " i i . * » i '- of ■<*......rfiktpowsr. that LMCWsftl abroad o f vupi . . .

cbiuiooD humanity, lb o> - . r i .n l to nil. I recept in-

:» man—Ti? truth ; and before chann the mind with its odapt-

Christ. tb • purified evidence b'-ard from (he earliest dawn until ti

ior,tiiiou3 iulolcrunce ha? well nigh o'KsIpat'

i liut: of denmrcainn bet.: •eu the old and th< -tin a th-

k* ttuna up. ivttte* prA.tiv'-.

^eoarfr/-' rlrtklbrm S U u « . . i t . f c jw ' «>• ' J -1 1 «W « w t ..I a fc-o.l—tli— r I j li. > 0 ! n . - 1 »•*■> xnw Cfcig <>

il.r'.i.'li Hi,- |»ru[.L.-1. an.l ,t a t . ,11 IU .t c™M I" \ s ., „t. j ju Dothan, his prayer but bring' night to Li

Ki-.-b-.. Wfet-fi Id f.trth upon the fo r fl-Ida of Samaria, the same :vg-i?-ioV“r br -alii-- the same »ulJnvuce» that open to man’s vision I he rritlcaeoi (>f t;, u,v.* • u l ‘>-

_ . . ., |i, ... '4 Molli r L‘.irt!i r. fu-.-t10ruwit - ter w i l V, i.At J. .. thita i» god—the p. rfi cled et idcnce o: that humanity of which we boost, endow id Irons I v r<gal court ofelerm y- 1 - j - :

v’- j s - 1} l . l .■■■ fwti* life the <,vid',uv.' o

x‘I .' Dv-ii the King of Assyria Lor- a Christ la th 1; protective d'.-Vglop-

RKMAHK'3.I recojniz<?l the two g.-ntl-.-men described l i . 4 ab o vn. And: mt .1 nr'•.-•on and l*r . James K. Polk. I f I am not

mi-i i’c.i; in rcc.i^nitjon v. - will L tr from them a -iin . It ould i>; well to r member that M :C a tr o n wo» a favorite ac-

^uaintance o f both these disliu^uislie-l patriots, and that she .-herfehc-d their in -nv.ry with t!ie strength o f kindled love. Hon. Mr. Johnson was an ar lent admirer of th • former and friend of the l.« I ter. in o bo-e Cabinet he served with honortohim^cdfan.l acknow­ledge dbvnefift to the country. It was not strange, therefore, that our h-part. ,1 sLitesnseu should seek an oj»poitnnity of renewing th, ii

kindred associations An occasion tiiat dulled forth the interest of our visitors in the manifestations o f spiritual light arid its sub­lime piirpo/-;. W e wait for further developments, wlmn our mediums are willing again to exercise me?#age* from those who seem so anxious to comraunicato.

r.r.;i:Rvi. ri maiik-j.W e h -v dose th>, records of n single family, embracing the

short period o f t e j i,nu!h We could s.-leet other periods -• lualiy full jn details o f f.iet and privilege, and perhaps more .'UtLsTactorv in view of a philosophical pn - ntation o f emses and circumstance^. Our o l - oi h ; - not been lo excife Wank wonder, or to overburden th" m. '. a id crodulour; but i f we ran call forth the free and honest thought o f man who are grateful for the unspeakable bl- M ng of an exi.totic : sublimely and eter­nally related, wo know that t!i•: -•upc-rstilioua will b : ultimately cured of their errors, and the abuses of an unenlightened belief, at universal as the race o f man, will bo corrected. W o place our.'dves, not in the attitude o f a judge or censor of the works and BentitncnU of others, more or less highly favored than wo bat pr<»!c-« to give a faithful narrative ..f f r i i l u e r underr.ttin than exaggerating their attendant results. Too facts are a cartnin as our existence, let their explanation be what it may. Lite bubjeet is worthy o f the most profound treatment heaven continue our health and reason, we shall labor daily to secure to it the attention it warrants. To the respect which every mail owes to truth, wo commend our narrative, with it? antecedent published “ IJ;cord»,” believing that it will serve to help any who candidly real, to live, think and net for their own ■lav and generation— > strangely and so wonderfully visited from on high. J- »■ vaaocsoM,

• Ksibviltc, Teiin.C L I.tJ DV SPIRIT-PONVES.

*• JCiz iG',-” a m u latto girl, « . " d ten yoai

in g o f th is c ity , had been seriously di F r o m h o p own e ta tem e n t we learn, d she had receive 1 three vjo-

|,.„l W orn from tin r o r . . - * l w Ib m i rfw fc » l < M < « *

n b ic h b a d w di«abl«d W th a t . l i e could not - i t oroct, and could

..-.lie ’,y w.dk. This W.v? ? . !■ 'eded by a l-nlg attack .»! typhoid hii

.i-v. r, frv«n which ‘■he u .n eoulpU'l'-ly pr.iitr.it - 1, :md liy her phy- di' v> give n out In die. W e visited h r owner a? rt j,< igld.or and .I.ini, r friend, and by him wa* informed of her situation in a manner which revealed the de-pest nuxk-ty fur relief, and • to all painful i t - i> .ding# ns to iu impossibility. I Lo W/o* undcr?Kv. l Iv* greatly r-pp *e d t'» Spirituahiiri, and had soparat.-<1 him1 If from ( was nlnio l inip--* 'L l.- t.i ut.,- religiously, on account o f religion# JitVjrrtnc >. Ih* staled ih e-i'.- tnihout any r.fereni: to the hope o f relief, and a s k :l us, a visit.us, to g.. in and s ?•; the little suif-rer. W e went into h- rooin, not cv.-n thinking ,,f relief, but iu rely as a kiudly alien tlon to the r. -piest o f n f .rmcr and e;t- iin.-d friend. No soODC did Mr'. Ferguson place hof h inds upon the child, than she e i claim,•<), " Sho ought lo be cured.” Wo found her prtwlrate.; her skin parched wjih fever till it adhered to the bony frame tram vvlii, It t!ie fle-h had wasU'd almost entirely away. She was bent, and could lie in but one position. She gave every ap­pearance o f a case that rnu>t terminate ft tally in a day or two, arid I kn -tv that her kind master ao regard -1 her condition, lleiitg ii little deaf, he had nM heard Mr;. h\'» rem arks; and

' his igrtomneo of Spiritiiabsin and an unnatural opposi- ion to me, fanned daily by those who were willing to trespass

upon the credulity o f a deaf and aged man, I hesitated to repeat Hut ho seemed impressed from her countenance with some­

thing like hope, and urged me for an opinion as to her case, I tol.l him at last what Mrs. F . had said, and gave him a general itatenicnt a? to her power to relievo disease. He entreated her io undertake the case; anil with tears o f sympathy lor the con­dition o f the “ little p e t”— for such lie called her, and such she

is, being an orphan of a favorite servant, and raised almost by ids own kind hand— ho urged iu to proceed. W e did s o : re- uvived di'tin-'t impressions from our Spirit-companions as to her enough, whi nino, and the possibility of recovery. -Mrs. F. afterwards visited die child alone, and after the second manipulation tlie fever gave way; nn abscess of enormous size pointed outward from the abdomen, which in one week opened of itself, and discharged freely, when she was enabled to sit u p ; her back by the addi­tional manipulations was straightened, and in a few weeks from he day wc visited her she brought her gladdened master to see

us and report her recovery. She k now—three months having elapsed— in health ; and no p.-rson who marked her condition and the circumstances attending her recovery, can honestly doubt that she was restored by influences brought to bear through the medium.

A worthy physician, lo whom I related the state o f the patient after our first visit, said, “ Slio must d i e a n d expressed regret that we had undertaken it, as he was favorably disposed toward

] ftared we would only expose ourselves to the criticism of those already watching and waiting for an occasion to injure what of truth had been previously gained for the spread o f spir­itual knowledge. He, o f course, rejoiced with u ; in the success that confounded all opposed, while it convinced each who took lime and had the candor and impartiality to investigate the prt vious condition of the patient W e never visited this patient without physical evidences of Spirit-presence; and Mrs. F . always

him until tii " ■ r\ i.-o a t night vva. ' Mm.« *1 wo drill • U am! - i»im W.- di lI ■ -, acd so a rta n w.: - 1 1 !.< ml

S ' - ? - - b '.tl, tin t 1 l.'ft l. r in til,.,rarri’i/.', vm n-'. if L- i- ' rai l, it will n•>t I. ■ in - .irv f.ir von t-. i.' • -n. 1 a 1.*. id ; f -■:• 1 ! J»- '*

to all a I']’' ga-p'-ng hi; J.a 11- was Cold to all th i'V• v.. :- tromit'c i of Ids 1>ody ; the d-w >A •h atJi v. a* up n hi*n, and it : was

■c-vrfiizr- a pui-rt. ; 1loubl in h<-r t•: ((Hit..andhands, whi!-.:1k g.,.-•;-cI

imprc-sioti o f Ills 1fi.ini.


/ r.n .-li' -rt to rlerem aiu -d in

by lb.. P-/.V

, 1-- had

:>-f her] '■el*

Il r

-if i

ii'irt, a t ats 1 aft. r I

in the truth o i > 1

■ I V r- •- “

recognized the little sufferer’s mother, whom she accurately de^ -ribed, although she ha 1 died previous to her residence in Nash-

ri\ ant of John llard- . -.1 for five months

ville. Sh e often came t > her vision at our house, and gave Mrs. F . information ;n lo the condition of her child, and directed the limes o f most of her visits. This mother was the first negro we ha 1 met in onr Spirit-intcrcoursc; so that a discharge of human­itarian duty, in this case as itt every .-ther in our previous e \ j» rience, rewarded us with a new confirmation o f the hope o f the world.


Jun e 1 , 1 « 3 5 , I was called upon by the brother-in-law of Mr. J . II. Compton, a native of this county, and well-known to a large circle o f city and county acquaintances, to see him in his last moment-:. Ho had b on suffering for weeks from an erysip­elas aff. etion, which had been succeeded by typhoid fever. Ills brother, a young physician, and two others o f eminent reputation, had pronounced him dying, and his friends had gathered to bid the last farewell. 1 was sent for as a minister to off. r the ex­pected religious consolation. 1 found him to all appearance dying. 1 no regarded him, and sought only to soothe his last momenta. Th e thought of his relief by Spirit-power never en­tered my mind. After religions services, conducted with to inspire hope in the future in the hearts of his friends, rather than lo impress any .special thought upon one so low and so often unconscious, I left, exp. cling to hear of his death by morning. F iery member of bis family anticipated the termination of his earthly life that night. Upon returning to invchamber,fatigued in both body and mind, from a week o f incessant labor, 1 foibor. to speak o f h i . condition t<> Mrs. F. B u t we had scarcely retired lo the. quiet of our bed, when she said, “ Mr. Compton will not d ie ;’’ at hast, “ he need not,” she continued. I felt that li. statement was pre]>oiftftiv*H4; mid having to deliver two discourses on the morrow, for which I had not a moment’s preparation, I was indisposed to sta/o the particular of tho ease, and simply re­marked, “ lie is dead in.tv, 1 fear.” The night passed in refreshing sleep, and the morrow camo with another positive statement from Mr*. F. that he still lived and with proper cure could be re­stored. Living some distance from tho patient, and never having been requested to-visit hint for spiritual relief, I paid no further attention to his case till we arrived at church. There I learned ho was dying and had “ been dying ull night.” This statement seemed to confound Mrs. F., and she made no further reference to

nd ■7. Butohe • ii*?

person J Ii tirA cm .

cr after 1-e gn»t> fully c r j - 'f

On die next day im vL-it-J me, and ad A- dr.'.-fri*. ndf l>r. O raan in ? ;

j I.

lluriu-1 tr t-‘ - laiaated die l~c its folds all tbs'.

looked at him witli o id i , jm-nl or two took h •’ I o

a J.-.-iih-grr.-p. Su b was lh<{ mg b r liaod ih at one ,,f i,;. f. i. ,.q ] but >v r movi l ha-k bv th.* m dium.I dit’oii thirty mlnuW, he f-.-miug tu 1,, lung:-, and all tli.: lime, to all appearanee, m e - j . <•'!;<; vt-rydelicately inan'q-ul.iblal his hr- a.u an ] head, and r;d ] “ be » J !1

not die to-night,” and direrUd th*- utmost quiet Id; room. II*- did not d ie ; oil the contrary. L - b--;inie warm fr-.m that ho-a.-. while she |>a%'i: I, a-i it v.-. re, through 3 death ic-rr..?. and gave ic--, after our r-.tiir» home, the hit- r- sting particulars <-f h r f.- 'in'/', aw.l the assurances o f her hope in hU behalf. S i . , vi-i; I h.n: the next day, and the next, iu company with am/.h-r n.e-iium: and then persuaded Mr. Champion to visit him, who alY-mh-d L;m direct and p-rmnnent relief. And we have t!io pV.-i*are of no recording bis entire recovery. I hesitate not to say that v.<:• ini-.-; seen a dying man restored contrary (o every' opinion and appear­ance, and wc rejoice th at God has indeed visited his people-

I am particular io recording the circumstances o f this cose. r> il has been exaggerated by many .v:d denied by s^tac— the exag­geration of unihinking friends leading lo tbe denial o f tk-r-e v.h • knew nothing o f the case. It was reported that he w;.- .1. ad. and made ready for the grave, and then restored ; tin- troth is sirring.

rat ion in such a case would be alike uu- gratcful and profane, l ie w.ts dying, bu'.r.ot d--.i l. II- l:.-.-;s :> testify to all tho particulars, and I trust to vet rejoice in the l-'-.j- fit! assurances o f (he unmeasured care o f Him whos-; ways con­found, and if we will, elevate and happily our soul*.

IXADIUTY TO Cl'ttE Dl'T KOT TO COJIVORT.John Claiborne, son o f Col. II. L. Claiborne and Mrs. Liny

Claiborne, was bom into the Spirit-world, Jun e 3 0 , 1 8 5 0

in his tenth year. On the night of the 2 8 th June, he was taken ill, and lay down on the pavement near hi# fathers residence, ii.:iu unconscious state, for some two hours, when ire revived, and complaining slightly, was put to bed by the servant, his father and mother being absent. The servant, accustomed to hear him complain, supposed him simply fatigued, and made, no mention; o f his illness. The parents returned late at night, and uncon­scious of the condition o f the child, retired to bed. During the night the mother was awakened by footsteps apparently' coming out of her son’s room into her own chamber, when, looking up. h e distinctly recognized a figure dressed itt white, approaching jrtr bed-side. She ft-lt awed, and somewhat alarmed, when ii

disappeared. She could not divine its meaning, hot felt asittreb ■ t-enevole.-c jn - n: f r »•*.• _•-• i of tra <- .. .- ; it portended the death of some member o f h.-r family. N’vv- 'h'".-'- 1 J t> inwt.v,- -..-flt.rr — ■-Y-j-*-'morning she found her first-born in a very critical situation, threatened with congestion o f the brain. She s* nt immediately for Mrs. Fergu'on, both as an intimate friend and a Spiritual medium. She no sooner saiv the little sufferer than, falling on her knees in an entranced stale, she exclaimed: “ Fearful res­ponsibility I he w ill d ie ! Send for a physician I” This sh- repeated to the aunt. One of the best physicians of the city was brought in a few minutes, who pronounced his situation dan­gerously critical, l ie received every attention that lendcrnes- and skill could give; and under her manipulations was evidently saved from spasms, and made to appear so much better, that Li- fond father and myself were made to hope for his restoration Tho mother, however, and Mrs F , had none, sax e as the ir Icel­

and not their impressions from a high intelligence, swayed tho heart o f maternal and friendly yearning. W hen restored K consciousness, he would often say, “ M other! that man will take mo away I” “ he calls lor m e!” and a most heavenly' smil-- would play over his features. He could not bear Mrs. F. (-> 1> absent, and was always ealui under her hand, though subject, when she was absent, to all those violent struggles that usually attend affections o f tho brain. He died sweetly and calmly on ihe second day, a t eleven o’clock, the medium being permitted, interior! v, to see his angel attendants, to describe them, so that his relatives recognized them, and lo behold his happy reception into their guardian hands. Ills departure* to all was more .-is ai ascension o f a pure? spirit than a separation from those wh. would have given ihetr lives to rescue his from evil.

During the day and night following, in the room where In died, and his own little chamber, unmistakable eyidcnc.-s o Spirit-presence were given to liis father and mother, and several members of his family. A little brother companion, only seven years old, insisted that “ Johnny came to him in the night and said ho would send a letter to ma.” These are his words. The death of one so promising is always a severe trial (<> parental hearts; lmt amid the memory of unnumbered instances in which, as a minister o f religion, I have, sought to direct Ore hojw and comfort the hearts o f stricken mourners, I never met a scene where there was so much of spiritual assurance that well with the child.”

One week before, a medium o f the city, who had been sought by tho father of this little boy, in his investigations of Spiritual­ism. after giving him very astonishing evidence o f iu truth, appear-

d in deep distress, hut could not bo induced to toll its


k» the vitrl element.Proof, that we staad is conaecrion wl.a a higher a a l «

tiny I Do you waat the indentom tin* cstabtfafr b e jtn i • r ; l A . I'/. !.-• .-f - " .

brei.-t. y-.u w:tt ever fir.4 ibem.Tiio versxtilitj- of the bonua d'Nt I i* ir.IeUsi. -. Th/ r.

of eternity any give up it* J anJ sY’ l th • c.aind renuins unadaraed in the dlre-rsIOc-l treasure? of G-d’.- ( . .

. - ; . ■ r— ? thatrlM* its regal courts wish drap* t-f b t m r -^ar.li - vt I. •

Iv (it.iJ a I - - • r„,n - . . ; r ’* : ' . - ' • ••over the object allotted to her care. Tee-e lujuK.-io-a-* * .a s l* fail ?■ the fjeutio (i'.-w io noarish auJ ia.I/ -/•'> the i.Vcr-.i H.t: princely slat'* -n. 1 niieiy form be l-v-h- c ; - r :ii: - ' ; i I 1 :Vrow,,-, the aiiRihil&tor o f every o,, 0. ’ p .r i '- . /. : ai vr- j I.I a.l:-*-cmankind a.v! place him above luaidtr.i*.-- rjar, .- '

H’g.-V«or.i. «brt'--low-horn, v'o .t-’ " •• D -.s .: ■ r? compaoeai* *( hum in nii'ure.” we are told. Ih vdoped <hv.---.tr '— ralA.-aat. ia- d u l. of miay atlalnraent^J Ar? th-:-e ih - Icgiiir.ute eojoyments of power Tor are ttn'y aesanf lore a:,.] oit-rcy. prac A'.ag a a tied a i l

Are men nnbo. nl.fecl to sh ' {wwoneeptions

of those who live more lordly Tiler* are no exili/il di-n h/.v. i > - - r I “■: -a and illaminat# < r.o

it the ex .i-usc of ih? many—no i\ ir/...-red c -ndo. * beyond the aUWes •f men. Death, the SflnihiKn.r ofTim--. CjAailz.’** ih/ j--->:ir'.-al fore?*

<■/•.,« f>r/l c-.f 4..* i-'-'I--/ l-'Aia/na: valvular- i t .' apaaiedwith similar condition'. Do you re.a>t o f aior/ .i-v use ‘ I : i- a I-.tir- .- a to your coarc-cn: • a r l a s;i«g t > yo ir '-.l. v i? attract \ r - a - -tex nod sustatQs the curroiliag iafiner.c'* ul!':d to «:i l a a l por. . f; s th? by. aa preying up. a she x. rr vis of lie./: aad coaslag its recipient to the shades o f night. * * * *

Inequality. s,vrion.»l irrlrre-:. u-ury-.•! :ie - pref —are fb/-*e inb-vltvne •* from ff a re ;i1 X->* fr.*-: rroveHing influeoce that soar? n>t above the shir#t t me its kiod. and spread desolaiioa ia its train

These divU-oa; arise—where ; Here, within a ;ipi aled, as it wore, from God lo breath • a hell nr l».»t

man', vnotira over (by perversity: wex-p for tbe din presented by the ebronicled researches of the v - a * of onr time. These distinct-oa* p\r? plain. u:u! a-- -'

lake them more to. They came as the dew?’ to nourish acd invigorate the great piloting of' man

not in the silent watches o f the night, nor breath of the dead. ' * The 1 *l.- p a-.-t in t'.v -r .i-.'. ! ,<t th*

ral illu'io.i* of the only death walk forth la -'h" * p a day. and mth lit? shades o f ibr J.rk - -; np/ii!. l'-> : r- 1Y «u th/

sad sounds o f s dm l and comipted hum/::icy, l- h ' H e l l and Jle.iv.n as tho bcqtt:*-;* of vice and virtu *.

GuoKr. In what ’ In the allevialioa of your kind, that compose the stepping-stone lo virtue. (•> !•"' action. lYc glory in the peculiar condition? ot nx preeminently above their fellovn—.-billing tight

The dignity o f a true man lie* tvry low— i'e j'.r

i Em h. .\~l tho L.i; would ain-Ll-

d no c.'n'irin-n? l/opj id eicrni:;.-

x God I . c the iu.a'-rl.vi;

J-i th- prin/ipl?* Is. to here . .

anil generally Is. and co.!<.-.(U.-*atly N J. : -. in a phantasy, k dtoploys Uwlf exteriorly with -.'me. but no*, (he g neraiiiy m i.-ull idntds, though it i* quite e-omnn- dy jp;*r ri.tu<\. \\ heu we d.i.-.'L

ourselves o f ihi*c...J that time mid *•■.;*■* liivew.-v.- around us- thrn uiay the evidence that we are- born ofGoA t e perc ived. Not till tb, u shall mail 6c* mm in truth. But p - i-trale h-.ne tlh dv.- u a-:u lii'.t i* vvafied over your tinman kiud. and you will still find Uk* >mpr.s-;t»j these God-stvi-n faenlJie* that you ha*.e inherit, J . Mo utao e.iu I-- happy ia the realization of truth, win re- cireum-aui,-/ * . u up i iilu* mi isohxtioii. Mo variety so great but ilt.i: il m.u-,!.> in one in'/'.ay whole. No inh< rll.vnce -a bounded; no j.*y so gre-ii that i*' ivlvtreo proportions are not equally allied lo the Great Cause Ihat 'poke it into existence-

A few explanatory remark*: UTicn weighed down nitli can* and grief iutrude* up.-u the sacred re poscof the heart, wo think »o m- r ilit. U is the impress of duty we to il; it i? the chiding of paternal aflivtion ; il Is tho^L-opplng of wisdom to uouri-h the s>*j 1. I'nnvlrorao ga.'.-t* there may b e ; but in this heaven (the bre»sf>. prep.vriflg all to feel, think and act, while doubtless it viuy (>/ the tx-1 widoncc »>t h* | -* » '■ have, we find our renurd.

Site said sho knew, but was not allowed to make il known to J a few practical observations •’ Lei your niind be tree to -pclk- to ;wi


H \ K T H I l ) l i ! ' . \ \ I ) ii K i I r A N S S I M ) ( I ' I I A I - 1 * ‘ 1 l * ^ A H II

N E W Y O R K S A T U R D A Y , b i i ’ r . I , lb

SiKirvJG A N D S P E A K IN G A U T O M A T A .

Voleim.- II I ., of th<* T eleo i: vi-ii, « , pui-li-h- d :

hicli i f<..... teusibly, th it Sir M, I . : - . :

fc.io*o ru-d •ojai.'.xl by is b « U-.*t <i ■: 'One d^a.a*-: : ■ -

ft in ibii a Y< •■-- J -a Cak>a. ft* i V.^.Litu .

kid U:~-Tberw ;

S ■ . . ■

ed -;l c

W n * f w *i& » httdm and justice.t . .. • ' to ' j •• ; *•’ i - 1 ' • ‘

I, than U> vjaUaU1 mrc \f. d *Jaadcrs of can.-tr' ativ

3. trade of radicalvsBi; but tmeb } ily worst >UflKn re ore acUja-.- ••

C#J5« J rt-fonner*, mbn are loo cowardly Vo b;. the i ioam t . - f : . - ■ • :: - . • ■

" j men all 0»o re form/-** most

miitn-v ar<; i aiuO-i arid h

r produf 0, tl Will <*?<:•»■'-

• hull Hi'■ r l,i lov

•• n tb 'd o f . 'id .r . ull lb' UiiU.,,»Mii

1> A U T 11 l 1) (i E

f f .n r i o M t ir s o f M ie n u n i) ^ liiii(\ g .

A N D ii H i 'i’ T A S'*8 S l> II! l <T U A 1- T E 1. E © R A ■’ 11 *j (Original £ oniniunitolions.



‘•iIj i If K «IIIW)Matt

M«uif s|ml the

■ liu. \y to t.JHlUllf

limjieaU •he proprietor, R,

r of mankind... run („will hl« r.ry lA>iaAMt

undergo urn k r «1<’U i

vtiliar laud, to toxl ■ n>. In tin* r> -p el Mr U>r

Spirit pan*i it v i iiit r ii

» j it him to com • ID-- 1- >iv ? ?- .. .1 u- m , ....... . \ - 1)*. , ■|t d and In.Ital ,ut!» 1 . - * v‘. 1 • J mi* - ■ i i i e !•'•>> 1 It* u t'

&.*.*: *'i,«t to d», and «heam of grace'

t im ii ida V. re great thing to he /A»nt lH V comf '.-•■•I . f |- * !*. tin J till- 1 ;>*- - will ilnuhtt. *

• .h'*ultl r> in-iD'k-r l* tv ind li-uttum'

•• n*.<l (.Airui aga *n4 be lid Q..t

in Spiritual, rat, »:ul t\. I Dotba*. baring no be Vink U i*t »?> *d t&'tc t.

I 1 Of ■ •. «

,i t t f lit. ii arid h»i c .t lc. h Ip uj*«n c .fU -cUpKr ..f l. I'-trinUtiA e i. 1|, « v .| V r f •'<!. li .i. Li I* m.Ulul:. [ ..it'


.-.j» undervalued, at • Ms porccpUom

n which has n c m

: th unr*t« n iiI'aatinatLm be l« | » hagination to ctimplt it*

Mr. l>arnuut\i ir.tei>n recently .•mpl'-O him

plMMtl (!> i>rr uoxt-

t b ig '.

tl), ,

- oA.i itU ral f i | . . c i I ' m inttii tIn* immrl.clt*n» of Unman nature thau Mi. II , mid bit ft*r |)u> ill* id lb , 0.**'i appear U» h*v«f *u!l grotuulrd t lnliu*

it 11, , ' ii.i.t* r, in iiiltit; l>v tl> ■ iillupathK- Muiidaidi. Uariiuni ll,,* | id:, (ml*> . if tb- i i/ •■.< lixs Du f«Vfe. he jit *'!• In

, if At»y purl it* Bflt*ct.*d with » !<*■> <)t|ilMtl tlrereabonu, and Imvwi tin- im-

-«t iu Uic enure oi human p-rfccUliillljr, a Wide hl« h iart amt |mck l. a* ivj.p. ant ) to tb • mart benutnul lady who may be

, 1:, r cl , ji ■ - * >r public > .Ulbitiun ,tl lit. in i , no ift Oc tm o ib t> « '*b .i -hull t.t >k nc.il iu the ilivitii: ord t " f physical , the iolKiaing additional premium* will be given : ono of 1 .? ."it, one *tf $-.■*<•. one of $200, offl- o f $l.Xu. n s of SUM.) and one h indred of 41" t aeh Tb**-.- ladle- ctotntnl'ig tb p:? (ultima will b,t t.ugravc.1 Ami pul>)i>h>dln tbi' French

And «h n ‘m>*i il- turmoil.

lb... I DWled s.ith a 1

the lirlura 1‘h’rriug 1

sail (horns »?ry »> , i . . i 1

While (•)■* | Ami Ih In'«U|,H8U m*»« "

TU< *. tld "Tb? rain ?. llte -InrL j Aud my ot

ctry bid-.,? - 1 nrvharg"d hrarl *

‘•OGodl • I'crtnlt H May bury XI )> t;n - 1

,at tbir fri.-rj.il> l mcd. -q.Jy !«•(»*. stl 11- In iiu*r' y n ;•*)'


IJ IJkiTTA !>*,

m-ctttu.1,ltd J"')d

ed, orniit -I t

- try that til re shout 1 -t. m id tbit is a -owit - i!-ily. I deprecate any rbuld rec.'cni/e that

ir riJ :? iloa- aud rhanie- rc tbi- .r.r.ing. Thu

...1 of those first made. 1j in.lutl'sl in 'ha-, pan. t baud, at the satur tiim

r until of time and

.id It. ..rig. • ,, .harp. p i..

- t.ift r.illin" tid-

r partially ,■ fc far dl-lf

T ' . - i :•■I

f f l w

Ud j jtli.it

*r. My

It a tnatti r o f '!• ■ |*

t of tlioir own iniiul* *•«'' •Vhi! I t.lliort wlio wr»; • -nij.tl.- i ......... Ir ra n « tli'-i 'i

tit** matt r, t.rj'1 tlm •. !. )t>y.< •* fit li.u* f .inuiutii'

. p i.,..

A bright smt; 'll*' Tlmtt 1 fVr ha-l t in tv nipt wondm Momitl my ne< 1.

u n civil, glided t i itoo*', her fft!

and whtl-i.l'iii'id

h r.l* ar and full xtAt'-rnent . l, nnd J !<)• nil < It i tl. In 'tnor fu£U .

•Ml) p

y In at I leap"! with t-iptm".j". rtl «

’J it ,fx U rt fl r*

, j.r' j

* '-aua act known to the v.'p*?rter. aroec .od raid, that sum*A* ■ h.-1 .1 ih.» place, aud h c .:J th- oljoci of the mccliug-

: - • ; s'. .. d. i.bich tvx. tLit:iy !o give tittd receive uijVruut.o.si.‘-r II •a. j l id |o Cota- aadh .ar it pn rented by ihosoivb'a - t— *" it a :<tv : l.u: ; , - nr,.; ;!m* he catnc here a gentleman byF ■ R>bert«. r.< b- m« taf irjne*l. <*ecup'-.! the tnajerity of tliS? in a»J i ag v.ha; he cnald hare h- ini in .v nmaber of other place# it y.- - y. II- th-iuirlit Mr U. so much out of ih: ivny be augh: reply to ^ "L.-'a Lo di 1. In concluaSoa. be expresaed hta b. lief that then;' U

*1...; m b ; L-ar..d »; rh. . a: c ti apt. and h.n tor one. Wanted tb. bc-r r,:t;-,i. i ;a. > '; to l-.rten to the notf-onse or explodedt ofaor person, whether o- a tranced medium or not.

>■ IVacmsk r* mark d. that when he first became at^uaiuted with Spl- . ;U3. he bad the’ I I.a of almo.-t all thoiv who hare witnessed its

t * li • thought tb it when o.ic Iwcomea o Spirit, be necewuily Iic- .u i - I i than C'.tl himself; and, generally, they who have be. — » little n : ; . :i '.t..l with the subject have some pi collar view -r—i they 1k.-1.cvc lit: '..rsf {*.:? favor- lie related the case of a broker k_ oaUeouibg acquainted with the power of seeing clearly things LmU or future, exclaimed, •• \\ U_t a thing for V ilM n e t1. ' He |k«fht the tio.'r for all knowledge was opened. Bat he soon learn-d It- • - t" i J i ' , about as Utile change in a tn-vn'-. character, as -t -ppinj,' L:ac--ack lath- door would make ia his. If intolerant h.ri, into- fc-.v. th-rc: If inter. -1 d in nay particaUr knowledge here. Interested L a san ■ th.;- . If :h- be -o. h >w can we expect to derive from Sp.- |c3i" an] al-t.icic truth; V.V net- s-arily fall teck oa ourcsxtnon U.- n i r - on : and d what we l.arn from Spirit- will net ctacd that I r . it be ivjtcud.

'.nonet ECLU/GG. Ste. pro tent.

S P IR IT U A L IS T S ’ PIC-N IC.-day of l..-t -v -t.k a party of Spiritualist# redding ia this and

:j (Ho.-'ian ctt'.'s, tiyoyei a ocial picnic In a grove tome two or three i a west c: Flushing. L. I- The friends proceeded to the ground, by fcfiran..- L-landCity and the Fashing Eiilr-ad. iu three different de- pirr.—. . .-ne leaving at d o'cloc',:. another at 10, and another at 1,

Vi'j.ec all a-setabled upon the grmud. th-y numbered -<L^red. We obscTTcl that the Spiritual <j of Williainiborgt ■krrt public circle tu,iting in the Bowery, this city, were ma t nn- » r u ly r pres, a ted, i>ai lie party wa* by no mean? coaUncd to th x Ptday wa» as beautiful ns c>ald have be :i desired wti I .Lfer. BSither too coot nor v> '.varrn. au.l a gentle breeze playing araou;

kr»ic’jt - of the g u v • with a murmuring -ouml like sweet and fc.-y.jg «pirit-nmalc. All h-art* seemed light and joyour, a id each i ’ rat-v*-— Aore a smile of poaccfalne#* and fraternity. Between VI

at’ o'clock th: contcnta of t'ue well-filled baskets were spread upon •I Hb aa'1 upon the ground, and wort; dispatched with the zest of up-

je. . . ;har, .-avd by pare air and kindly jovial feelings.

S,.w it aay *-f our fair readers an* ambition* :*. !>-• seen wilb lh<- pliant." the living anat-cudi" ami jrimff.s, the -lutl> d K-ar* and bye*

,:*.. etc . ami the abrlli of the great -.-a turtle, they can have the oppor- uQiir.ouJ a- fair a chance of taking a premium for their personal K.iutv i) Dam, Nature sad I’. T. Itanium hive l>ei'ii pleaded to offer k m. We have n*>l a* yet o-ccrUiaod wbrth*r any Vmf* from tb,■'• ■re Utsiels are expected t*» compete for th • prize?.

T lit m ig rtu i Mother*.litig l" the Hoi:if Jouiha1. a lady who rc-ld-• lit San Ft-ftn-i-cn

having k v a invited to r.-tul in a M et to U* read at the anniversary cete­ra Una of the landing of the Pilgrim Path, r-. furniebed IW follow log ! i- highly seasoned, but we like it prt tty will :Th, i-tUrim l»tti«s I.'--—-.Is* »Vb*i WvJ ID** ........ Iw tn .ooipan-tu »nt. ilnicfim iu.,:h,r* J It n in i Her trul It.nu,-. f asd rtM, and -irta**-? w l d r —f.»-• th v .I Bit ih - .tt.tori'inwe jitemn m.-de-m, itx < had not only Ut>« itktarr. trai ttv; tad the filer Im fatb, r* alas owl yet thrir names srf wn«r nirr.,:^ t. ivt:.. r».-r fcearJ id tbr piicTlia ttw-thsr. ? Who ,-u*r gave a dinmf In bono ’ it., a . tVJ» ev,-r wmw -one**, driaka toad*, and makea r|t«-chi» In rtcollfcUou c

it.. n> * Thi* It juflvteney on if- jar-, of th,, men I* beyond <mdim«rc. ono wool -.ualtv n|t|*w ttat New Kmrfawd t.vJ b«* n r..|m.ir d t>« men, and poatrrtly pmvldrd

f -r t.j i-i* ..-.i u. 1 I r«.».d(i»v! Mu’* Mr-. IKlnamtiaiit lunieeredlo Intlnuatothat tiler,- w,)ti..v .,. the C.IM-; that l!.... 'Ia)-ilu«ercver brought Bovllnll bill (Ociiaer-1» u. - Atlantic. I i-utv* jwti. my Jiar Wenl*. that I am perfectly di-gusted w-itlt the r- if- inc-il of the men. They appropriate ercmtlpg to Uu.m«;lvc*, even -Mlcnunt of a ColuD}, and Ibo peopling • f n whole Conuxn.nl- I did bupe llicro one prfn^Uitr they would have to wmnm. We have submitted quiully to their rrnti. . J tn »U|ierscdlng u* Iu many tiiiorfa—w<- will not tarocly aubaili to h* depri ») this pnT.trgo: wo will not ourwlv., bo doludol Into tin* bilief that Now I land »-* tclih ,1 an.I fw .p'. J cuiirolv hy pilgriin foihcra. How could they have been fitboCK tf there hail b«<a no noth ail And 1 hope, dear captain, that I I corded n convincUiK yon tl,at jou will Uj lending yourself to an act of Injustice to­il vrd it* ti you do noi propow; tor your load—The pilgrim Mothv).True hove t> Corui.ijiolltnii.

Moore the poet did i.ot much respect wetartan and natloiml distiuc- :ion*. aud ind -ed v.v may say at much of most poet* and of all lovers, should on • join the Kuow-Nothings. the fir*t foreign object that• - - d the elemL-DU of Wuuty and sublimity m’ght cause him lo forget

hi- country, and although be might resist all the ugly alien, themselvesthe vindication of his principles, rrrn one of their fairest daughti

might subdue hi** resentment and lend him captive away. Moore indi- ■ccisely whnt the remit would lie, ia the following expressive

My tij-l ilariitig again. Tb

Tbrilb d my heart willWhile a triumph >1 sod

am of m> youth.Olid truth.

•tr mg.-, and c.vjuisito delight:n pur" HpirlU and bright.

On odorous br.-t Z- - i-«s unOed ah And this t r u th • hufilen. •!"’ 'b-m •• Thanks, (bonks to the Fatin' With another, the troubL-j <d

'f th' ir song: mure ii release

irth-ljr- have ce.v. d-

t lia t [jrivcliom/; : to the « . t\ i al

, v.UUib) r-atov:

• V n

. 'J . I f i

. i ’If •

MARRIED.Tuesday, August 21-t. by the liev. Dr. Hawk*. J.'.;it_» Hatrr

Au kx. M, I).. aud Fasxt, daughter of the lote Jnntr * Porter, F--<t. of Albany,

lx this city, August 22d, by the Rev. 1). T. Taylor, Me. M’ju .iah E. u entix:-: and Miss A.xxk Wmoht


And now. dwelling ever 'tul.l light, pv,c* and lore. Drinking deep from the fountain of wisdom above, With the friend* of my heart, thus, no longer forlorn. I thank the,. O God! that 1 ever tv a- bora.

U w


i-.Lng tl».v. what L:v-f o f Iruili, ur.'l ,

,Y .■ t, .to.* c-impatty "pootaneously drew together in a k:. ind r j' tral m dluxn. -vtu b.-gaa to be influenced in various It. bat not, however so definitely at to give any formal address *. L ;• • » tiin: an event tu-.k place which doserresjspccial notice, iir. fc.‘La. of William*burgh. while und--r the influ-tnc-; of what purjiorltd [i.,. ^ [-, 1 *0.1 Spirit, was reqn> *•. -■1 to examine a laly (Mr*. Van W .,, L o t j -c strung- r. from Washington city, ami ? .• If he could iliscovci

E p ic a l difficulty under which she was laboring He placed bus hand %. her head, and moving ll downward until it came to her left elbow, » , •• >■!. «.]>, ' and c.Quui-nc d making jias’iefl over it. The

S .lU,\ but friends who were uo the ground, declared that in consc- L of a ■■■li '. a1 t ick of cry-.p .lx . Id the arm (deep scar* of which" |i .. .till exhibited) the flexor mu-ck bad become so contracted that y Lad not b“ h 0 ,'!“ t0 UTaighusn out the fort.arm 1>. yond the position

’ i right angle, for the last lour monlha. After some five minutes' ». r ilatiou by -Mr. Larkin, Uio utumle wa» perkctly relaxed, and the v.-o .I'l sfraiglitvn bur ana and u*c it nn freely a? site could the

i a .".except that I he .-trefig'b was not vet fully restored. (We learned i F^afrirnd of the lady, on Sunday lasl, that the cur.- remained per- ' -- up to that time-)

v,e »iwr to- sc occurrence#, an effort was Uia«lo to bring the mect- •..nfior- perfect order for the purpose of listening to such ud-

.E_.Lt hr ;• H v.-.-t*. however, voted by a large majority ■••'kiSoritt a/ul mcliuius take the matter n holly into their

j the audience should keep themselves as passive a*■Uf Afcreom-; serettming, laughing, and oth r eccentric manitista-

w »cry w 11 calculated toleove a favorable impression upon tb< ’--hof *il <r skeptics «r bellev.-rs, the Spirits gave a very good and r*vduW»*idrow tiiro igb Mi : Gibson : and ?ub.-equcntly Mr. Coles, Mr.

«>i H u Willi im ii i ru brought under influence, and recited si dr..m.!. which liitened to with great interest.

1‘iltynx ( o'clock die company returned, each with a mind stored . ' 'dewTA wta-iri'.* o f a day pleasurably and profitably spent.i tndentaad ilut another excursion has been projected, but we

- * ' <! I ir.-.t'l that any definite arrungemont* have yet been made.

, !-.!!• '• ' L.p tl-y Mi•' M. A l,.,M

vtHt.U.Q .T

tt Vi at two o cl"

board of managers for the Ragged purpose holding n meeting at the

W.T Wei t Sixteenth street, to dispose of the CmU‘1' -" 'r Ui‘' Wr held iu aid of tbut school; all the ». '!• 'J douutjota ri,,|0ctUsd l0 ,<(J j)rtHOnlou Thursday

N. 0 . lilts yTON. SfC.

-cbait I n l tbe br .ic uihtici, who ti,'!"’ bv niy itil*.In ttc Ci2*e i f mankin'J. If our cronl* t

ibvl I give up toe IruSkl l h»*e vallnxl S .li ir.t-ct.If he ksoel not tx-f.*rc the san,; attar with met

From Uic brnrtte girl of my < ml -b.it! I fly.To '« k vitQcivlurvvIsc a more orto>Jex Ids* !

.V. : yeruk lit Kuril, « ! t o Jwr lial try,TnttX, rtor, 9T /«*r. I j a jm miirJ liki tli> "

’lying over tile Water*.The Boston Aderrtiscr state* that a working engineer by the

John Ros#. residing in Montreal, haa addressed a letter to the Mayor of upon the subject ot a recent invention of an extraordinary char- lie claim.} to have discovered n new motive power which will

waft a ship a»Tos* the Atlantic ocean in three days ; and further, if bole were bored in the bottom, the vessel would float with equal safety and freedom. In order to complete a working model, which is wholly independent of steam, he asks the as.-:istanc» of fifteen hundred dollars from so:.-1,- geutl'-mon's pocket. No progress, says Mr. Ro-s, has been made ia that direction (the wa) to keep pace with the movement? over railroads on the lauds, but thi? desideratum will Certainly lx. pl'isbc-d and demon-trated in his great discovery.TUt Arc licit Rack Cavrm.

Tbe Lake Saperior Journal ha* the following deteription o f a natural curiosity, about which many exaggernt.-d stories have been set afloat. The nee mat is from a -urveyor who visited i t ;. *- Tl*-: Afcl*.-i It-i- i f U ic Suj*r,if is « u » n billuxi! by tbraction ol’ lb? water In l*i. uat-tunc r.-cK, relink *>n a belt of cu&^oia rate. 1.,-inm; face* tb? lake l>> tl.: siofUt, aa.) ;,rv- unarcb •>, ?in^u!.ir r?;uliri.y and great tK-.iUly. 1.1 ill ab-ll- ouuu mun> *ir 1?.» perfect na cth- r side. The arch doe* not «prini{ tiiiiacil’.a'?!)'

Irr, ti ll tt -r.d> upon a wail sbjrbtly bv.Urcd fr.m a vrrtlcal line. Ttiu Iniurinr :> a mugalfkcnt saloon, tt.rel)- rv«niblini) iu f.,rm nn timui.il•>* th*

opvoiog lii too 1'Lvv ni the Magi*. It i- a )K)W?rfut can-rn r-.r n-vi-rticraU'.n* «f -ouud. bjih ftoin ivltbuiilanj wilbin.

|L* liunr aiu propnntiiui bavo not b?. n fairly repn muted by travelers. The cave I* r c ib itigh t.# hold and hide completely a brig, with nil tier nits set and topgallant-*

fljln.*. Ily ineaiuremenl tlm width ot to" water line l< IU, Itsdeaplli XIU feet. It* •iglil apjicira lo be equal in Its w idtli, but writer* who ought to be reliable have made Kimowbut less."

IniDcalutliig Midi Wit.The Rev. Sydney Smith, who lived some time at Edinburgh, used to

ray: " i t require: a surgical operation to get n joke well into l he Scotch understanding. Their only idea of wit, or rather that inferior variety of this electric talent which prevails occasionally in the north, and whkh, under the name of irut, i* ao infinitely dUtreasing to people of good taste. is laughing immoderately at stated interval*. They arc fo Imbued with metaphysics that they even make love metaphysically. I

j overheard a young lady of my acquaintance, at a dance in Edinburgh, exclaim, in a eaddrn pause of the mu«ic, ‘ M'hat you sny. ray lord, is very Into of love iu the attract, but—' here the fiddler* begun fiddling furioarly, and the rest was lost."On* Noble Dri-il.

Louis Napoleon did u good thing recently. A. M. Learner, u school- mast*, r, wa* sentenced iu 1817 to hard lnlmr for arson and tuwttvdnntion. Alter seven years’ confinement he was proved to Ik* entirely Innocent. A fortniglit ago the Court of Ar .'izch formally “ discharged” him from Hie accusation aud its effects, and the Emperor now appoints him to nn honorable and lucrative office under the Ministry of Public Works, order in some degree lo repair the ruin canned by u fatal judicial error.’ —Life Illmtratrd.Fichte ou I,lfc ami Deuth.

All death In Nature is birth ; and precisely in dying the NtibUination of life uppear* most cuii*picuou». There in no dealh-liriugiug principle in Nature, for Nature i* ouly life Uiroughout. Not duulli kills, hut only llie more living life which ir. hidden behind the old liegitts and unfolds Itself. Death and birth tire only the struggle of life with Itself, lo mani­fest itself in ever more transfigured form, more like itself.Five Jlrn over Nlngnrn Fall*.

'Mi Uiniilii) Init II.? tii'ii gut lute a tkillal lb? 8u*|im*luU IWi*lg«, piolii->l out Into tb? ilrcnin, broke on? of tboir our*, wbon Uio boat boenmo uniiiaaaj{«ablo mu! tlwy ni! carrli-d over thi Full* and inupdfed In the ftarful wblrljiuot below.

Wb find the above announcement lit the Attn Covenant, published In Chicago. As the Suspension Bridge is a mile or more Mow the Falls, w arc at a loss lo conjecture how that skiff nail those men were enrrie over the great cataract.

In a lute speech, Lucy Stone raid, •• We know there Is cotton in the curs of men. LA us look for hope In the bosoms of women.” May you not Hud cotton where you look for hope, Lucy V’

than ‘'nu

11 And whlthot nntv. in) truitnt,O, whttour t. ml (by IW! t li»I tin* rlghl, few day* ngn,Tb) »<?p* to watch, tby pUee How lnv*> I f'lrf'-llvl Ibu rial"ItoM thi") lurgut me In a new

Ox the morning of August 17th. at Newark, N. J ., E wwaiid Rarl Mooue, Eon of Philip I). and i'hebe II. Moore, left the clay-form fi bright home in the Spirit-world, ago 4 years, 9 month* and 17 day?.Although he possessed » well-developed physical body, having enjoyedexcellent health up to the time of his lab- sickness, vet hi? inti ri"i- or j tj,a l ^ j 5 t]^ ^est molted. Au-i .spiritual nature was exceedingly active, and, unlike other children, he i would seek to withdraw from the sportB and recreations of the earth- life, and enjoy tbe communion and companionship ot his Spirit-friends.

itch occasions, which were very frequent, a joyful smile played upon hi* countenance, evincing the great delight !te had in tbe bright vision* which beamed upon lorn from the Spirit-laud. It Is a great con­solation to his parents, and the largo circle - who knew him but lo

to know that he was welcomed in the realms of light and joy by loved oue* whose acquaintance bo had formed—and also to

know, that he will ever be nigh us in our journey through life, inspiring us with truth, hope, aud love.

Newark, N. J ., 1855. . m.

*UgHl*. this StltiJ.-CLI am willing that stud* fit* o f nnUf/-. tM Li r intArior "xm-ri* nee in thu matter, and J (ru i - , , % • r’ wl)-r« will f.-ilow my example nr)*! giv«

interior fu e ls arid phn.oinfTUI o f till -•1 jdiih^ophcr-. may Lav*; the proj* r *Jat; U[>»; id study."litat }r»y*.lx>mo;ry i» a fix* <1 *, nty iwn interior •-x;

ice and that of oilier p»ycbomet«f» will testify-; aud I i; that pyfhoin.-ters ;.w the l-'-'t wttne-v^ t» the fact* of p y d

try. I have made over two lntiidr*A j/sycbomotricsl examination- , it liin the last four/nonthe, and I have not fail d once. Th*"-.-.A.iUitDutjoDa, it *- proper Vs Kjnark, bate U*en m ad' t>y tn - f .r J,

tin* *ol*.- purptiw of ii*\ ---tigatitig the subject, by :it jiheffoni' tin mt they <r dired in my own j .r on. * ^

The* ftr>l jx/tnl to which I wish to call attention i- tin**; ; 'fThe conclusions to which the j':y«-homcter arrit*.- are not for- j. h;-

tunnie guesses, or the result o f vague aud dim ideas floating in | tVj-t his mind. i^ubj

On the contrary, they ai*i nil lo'jintl deductions rig id ly draw n ; fron t f ix ed data .

T i" : will appear by n stntomeot o f the interior nn/J i/n-n:, pro- j cr-s of psvcUotnetrizi&g

I will ndnte, for illustration, tny own jut*--rior «-vj»i-ri‘-n* e (whih- ciigaged In psycliotnetriziiig a letter, I b- gin l*y closing my i eyes ; this is done lor the purpose of excluding the external trorld J and lo render the required state of mental abstraction, concen-1 trntion, and pa*sivcity more perfect. I place the letter upon the center o f (he forehead *, this i- done because experience has shown j

moments the impres-. sion5 begin to com e: the strongest trait? of characb r in the writer of the letter being fitM. presented. ! th-.* erring r o L-- - rar I.

These impressions are at first pltyxicul im j r.'.-iot-?. Thi- ii & ■ , rokvtae tsat L -- -point to which I wish to call particular attention. I>;t us sop- ; 1,1 ‘" l(?>e that the three prominent traits of the person whos^ letter i* i ~ c . ,,being psychometrized are— 1st. Kinnn<-«. 2d. Seif-eftevui. r tj. j " * * * * "Combativeness. How is the jvsychoinc-ter im; r - d with the-c P S Y C H O M E T R Y AND C O N F E R E N C E D IS C U S S IO N .

.. I r

Dzmorr. .It: ;

D O A N G E L S H O V E R O ’E R T H IS E A R T H ?

Do ftoibfn) guard e Iknd smile i. smile o f :

When otic gCfiid a.;t

i th is :

A OBiRTtBaa wag once defined love to bo nothlug u sane doslro to pay a woman’s board."

OCR EDDIE.Eddie, tbou'st gone, and left ns all lonely ;

We tni«s thy dear form at morn. noon, and ovc ;IVe hear thy dear voice in each soft passing zephyr.

W f mis* thee, loved one—for thy dear presence grieve.Ye#, cherished one! thou'st parsed from our vision—

Failed at morn, our bright blooming flower;But Jesus has gathered thee soft to his l osom.

Thy beauty renewed, for eternity's hour.

Thou'st left the rude world, its trial--, and sorrow*.Aud gone to thy home, with the fair infant throng ;

Thou vvandercst awhile, through life’s gloomy passage,But our Father in love bade thee tarry not long.

Closed the bright eye with love ever beaming,Sealed the dear life of soft infant tones,

Parted, alas 1 through long painful hours.By low plaintive cries and anguish-wrung moans.

But hushed every plaint, each pulse wildly throbbing—Each straggle of pain—each low-sobbing breath—

Cool the pale brow, late so heated mid glowing,While the still lovely casket in broken liy death.

Yet not dead, our Eddie! bright Spirit of heaved,Thou Hvest more perfect, more holy, more pure,

Where joy* never pall, where hopes are ne'er blighted,Where parting's not known-whore meetings endure.

Then rise weeping oues from the grave of your darting.See! smiling in heaven your now angcl-boy;

Give back smile for smile, and let no failing tear-drop Cast even a shade on his newly-found joy.

x.Ox the 20th inot., after a short illnv.-. , brother J ohn Reuse, a writing

and tipping medium o f a high order, ill the twenty-first year of his age. lie leaves a circle of endeared associate* behind him who will ever ap­preciate bis worth,

S'*, ili-.ir brother, w? )i* M with sulunlul"ii;"Ti.- Coil’* riqliteuus nlll and deer*?:

Hi- lui: fur Itaioa !>*'llff mlf-li*li,Thu* early i? call to"* away.

.1. H.Neah St. Paul, M. T., on the 18lh of July, 1'uoiias Hart Bextor

youngest son of Edwin and Eliza Bontou, deportwt this life, ng d three year* and ono month.

Mr. aud Mr*. Bouton formerly resided in l'hlladolpliia, Pa., but re­moved to Minnesota early last spring. Their angel boy while on earth

inspired with tbe deepest affection for bin parents, und a degree of intelligence quit*! beyond the ntearon* of his years. He twin* *1 himself around the fond mother’s heart eo lovingly. Hint when tbe fair form per tolled in her arms, the ulmo.-l felt that daylight had departed. Deal friend, 1«; comforted, for though sorrow, like u solemn night, hiyod:

thee iu thi* hone of coullict and mortal separation, thy child shall rise aud shine in the upper heavens, and be to thee u radiant star ou the brow of the evcrl 'sting morning! editor.

PERSONAL AND SPECIAL NO TiCES.I'l.iit'ir. and < oioml—Ion Ml'l-rllilllt*.

C. IV. Kr.u.ouo & Co., whose card will be found »tt oar Inst page, arc prompt, efllelCDt and honorable biislnct-.' men, and n? such we commend them to the attention ami oonfldonco ol such of our frii-nd.-’ In the coun­try ns may require the assistance of a competent agent to ml lu such capacity.Alitrnn* of Mr. Ivoaii*.

Mil. J onathan Koox* desire* to itilorm his friend* -and the public that it is his Intention to l»o away from homo from the 1st to about the 20th of September. After thin time lie will be pleased to receive calls at hi* Spirit-room as heretofore.Nptiltunll-.ii> In HrooLIj'n.

Itov. R. I*. Aniiueii will iuoturo at the Brooklyn Institute un next Sunday afternoon (Sept. 2 ) at hull-past three o'clock. Public confer­ence every Wednesday evening. Seats free.

lliree traits ’ The pnUe will feel a physica l etu*ation uj?">n the organ o f 6noaess,

and if that organ i* xerv large in the person whoso letter he i* p-vcUometriring. thi- plii m'-aI sensation which at first feels fifce a pre-sun: ou that organ, will inova- - in intensity until it ainounts to a jios’itire ache. The 'cniue o f this - -nsition ;t sympathetic excilement o f the organ, and a blood and nervous fluid to the s-jot.

This excitement of the organ, o f coarse, results in a reflex ex- • cilement o f the mind, and a corresponding m ental emotion h next producid . The psychoineter now speaks and says, This person has large firmness: lie is fix*>l in his oj>ini"n=. sometimes

rv obstinate, etc., etc After a short space »>f tiuiv thi* sen-ation at Uio locality of ; ?piri!

tirmness censes, and the *.ime «ca«a(i**n is vxjterienced at the lo - ! cx|***i

o f Mr. Partridge’s remark-; on t ie t hint, I i explanai phvnvm

: - .fP -r gard Spirito-Tii-iQ a- ;!... m- -- •; .*■-.;-:- r.: and■lion y*•t given of the various and aumcjj?na ou which !Ik* e f .-toinai iuri—ri tiiro. <isycho!*.<gr, j—ychometry, ole» have '*•-.-r. * r Tied fid I

cation o f self-esteem, and the .<.111111 results follow. It at self-esteem, aud is felt at comhativeness. Thus the psychomi- ter is enabled to discover that the writer o f that letter has large firmness, selfesteem and comhativene**, and he jmints liis char­acter accordingly.

I wish hero to call attention to the fact that the impression is first o f a physical nature I that this pli v>ii-:il sensation passes from (]}ul organ to organ, and is just rts distinctly fell :i< the touch of a lg .yjrj ti tiger.

| * S « ™ * < * ;» » ghd to tin l b n l«,ld!y-fscing t i , mu,:-.-publicly at the >\ w York Conference, that the b jr-v’I. * : Spirit-.',*;don should not be ignored out o f deference to nay :i. .ry with a new name, until the merits o f opposite explanation* war? compared.

The main objection relied on hy opponents o f Spirituaiism, a* tbe explanation of tbe various pbtOoTn?ux. u*. MTi>e existence ?f

imed ar.J should be proven.*' T ltk is i t k m i n y discussing this * ubj ? l with p'-raonal fritnds tkeptxai

ns to Spirit-action. But they wiil argue lustily for "m ind acting on mind," magnetism, electricity, ?ympathet;c mental untots. scig- gestioo, etc., as more rational vxpljr.-i;!.. v. ;•.! -, git jug aa;evidence whatever to demon;irate the jklual e.\:-i :*:.. ?•:' a ca mid iu mode of nction, except the phcnomcm>n it-wif, width they

ts an cflect, and from which they infer tix ir theories;, iptritunh-ts must infer nothing— we mu-: show the

and if wo did do so, they would call ii ait abrormalion, etc. As Mr. Part;

1 nut uware that many uuinstructed psychumelers mnko no 1 ol' . . phenoir.cj.:t .tl!. -> d bv < nccomtl of these physical itnpr. -d-'ii-. and rely upon ihcir nunlnt | unjfe,riI,lv l0 \.. ; t.

1 fe»r?il*fy lire

• h v

emotion* entirely. But if the Jotter causes a mental emotion, o f . M ombntivoncsj, for insumce, how is tlutt emotion produced ? It i s '

in this wav: Tltore i- f r s t a sympathetic excitement o f tin* organ ' , <y j4, of combativencss, which ultim:tt-s in .1 retiex ewitemeut o f th e ' mind, and thus produces a corresponding nieuUl emotion. j t\,

Any good psychomet-r who will pause to analyze his interior ?notions, will not tail b> )H-rceive this p rior evc’.l.'tit -til o f the irgan and the physical sensation at its locitioii. riotite psy- j j j ()} ..ho meters ate ignorant of phrenology: the**.* itro forced to rely

npou their mental auctions only, and arc doubtless not aware of the •it o f tlm varied physical sensations which they experience.

The lust and must philosophical psychometers draw their con­clusions not only from their mental emotions but also from their physical sensations. They are thus never deceived as to the chnrnpter of their mental emotions, beenuso they can trace each

vmpatholic excitement o f which ! (-;p, ^ p-()iemotion hack to th** oigan, ill produced that emotion.

You will also observe that the huccess of tlie psychontctcr tic- j pends not only upon hi* ituptessibiliiy, but also upon hi; knowl- j Mn-su-. I’abtztoob and Bhutan ; edge and judgment. Impressibility only furnishes the data 1 /V :r l-mliratoniiitu,* that from which the ]>*ychoiiictor draw* Ins conclusions. Tito sue- ol*. '

fnl psychomotcr should not only understand phrenology, but 1 jt [>1U iio should idso ptemiine what sort of a character will ho produced by combination of organs.

Without a knowledge of the location, function of the organs, and a sound judgment, the [-ichoun-t.-r (no mat­ter how delicate hi* impressibility mny !>•) "'ll mak? fr..Njin*nl and marked failures—for which psyehouictry is not to blame, hut the

>lt\{dualized > aiccv.-sfully the tests our ti

provo professed identity; and th.* lv - of m.Tgn- ti-m,

the pheuoincna sustain their theories iu o;c .-i . t-. the d -*Jnctduration* of the cau-scs -,*f the same phci.o:n.n:u Ti.e J* -

lions of <hur-.tcU-r gii<n hy Mt.-. K i\ r • ill*- : * — he the directing and acting cause, or . the ag* ucy i;-.*l by

iso. Dots slj - pretend t<* reveal the eoutent; o scaled letters, or character* of the writer-, by any ;vd >n .*:' b?r own intellect, will, or miml I—or do - she only amuiunco the mt prossiona she feels—the bodily K-nsaiions or ment d iutpn as the case may bol It scetus : • me. alt that Mr. Brica’/s t -tt prove is simplv that Mr?, Kellogg i- art imj.j -ssiMc medium, and that Spirits deem it wise to giw ta >'-toii fe*rm< th*.* cud* tv.-of their inteUrgeiit action through iv lian:-. Hut .-ca-mv tuny

Min vo.i’> • r*. i

report U.v gone forth into the aonvt nlUia o i nK*littan would be held at or

resideacu in the casu'uiff uiomh uf jJepL-niber. I wish lo make, .............. through your column* that, a- regards myself, I know nothing

mnd judgment, so that ho may dc- of tb - titaf. -r. Ou tb,- c o n tr a r y .- > L.ijr,* u- that 1 have urgent ku-i- ju m which wilt oblige me to at... ot myself' from home at that particular time: mnl I avail myself ot the pra-enl opportunity to annouac* lbi«

1 -tiit'i - •ti«m I lo lil'; V^biic ia gsoeral. in order U» avoid di-»ppointD* at to Ihofc ’ ®‘ 1 "h o might fotl ioclimd to visit luc at tint tlm -. f the purfr-.- »*f w if-

;*i«g s|Hritit.-il umiittVstatiou-v 1 leg ul»* to >ay. that the atiove mtioned report fotiml its way into the woxll without u»y knowledge sanction; cvuscqucntly, I do not hold tu> - if rv-qniaslbte in eo-e

mvcliotnswr, «h» M t. .kill I.. ii,l.*ii...*« Oe N x * k » « * ,ta“ » W M .K » « .a k1 urn, dear rir*. )••>this science spc&kB. lb* has the data, bill he knows not h*

draw tho propot- dcductiim*.T'bosc tvho investigate j'-yelioiuetxy would do well to remember

how frequently two jwrsotis who have the ndvjuitago of an inti- j 1 tie person'll acquaintance with tt third person, d'liVr ttt tli. i

judgment of that person’s character.

ad Ukitim'Iv. - difOppululcd. •edit ol serv ant,


.X t itilou, Fort.lx the Arctic tx

hv.tr.l every

Dales* a ticrson has some very m arked trait*, it i ' dillii-ult for I water a mile wide.

regions, when Ih?* thermetneter >* l*cl?*\v c-ro. \*.-r-e-w ,,r«* than a mile distant. Dr. Jaaih -,*.-i u-??-rts that he J «-f a —iniou at th?* distance of two uiile-e A mother fly beard talking to her child on a till d.iy «. iv a

I * A J l T ' l t 1 1 ) ( i K A N D U I t 1 T T A N ’ S S 1 ’ I J ! T T D A I * • ' * >■ K « I t A V I I •

i lu tcvcstuui 'Ml is cellL O S S E S .

I ,,.s th 'tx 'x.W cx -.111.1 Ut • • '■*< X tin W ill,

•r | • U la. lliat the It llx<* b*<l Ln««n,AN h i.' ( \. ftmg xi m*tl Rti XVi I.un t.n- , ,-iiC ami U y.

\n l ll,. | • : n ,t out .X.l’i XX..0) ttui.w-

x'.u fjxukr, willi xjuWt-r.it,: I'P- t ‘f i f.vr If. .ditto'd >lil|«

\x .11 I.. It.-.- >li,-I i to U>" ‘l“ V L”110 a 'mn 1Put mi t, i.l xv il.h r " "I I , *\ fix i la, I- lone ugxi,

I , .1 It)' vl..rk>r .!. ptlu ora Rtv'.xl I.'WII.

Th if n. ,o wiif uiinxmoil tlu*lr \x tlh .x nuvt lot i"it truth.

1 ><r u * liravx' hoju* nDd mf ntx'vlx-s ex-x-r . .And «>ro uj'-'ix thf \l r *i Turnr.l an ptp tint xx.iuld not iM

I'.ir u - S lull* xxhi rc.ni it* joy had I wed

t .ilkt'd of v.tiv li.d i: <hl,A., of pnn, l b-'i'fn* tx»ld.

A. -.I .1 i... •• J* trial xx.-..' their ln i'i ll" 11"v ••••:•■l» fo v : « t'.t'v

That • ' h-n lonely on 'h"r-v

Hut xxl ui tV-ir l.xl. «• tix •«' ”■ • ' • ll ’

X ' ■ ■ • " ■■ I •• fcolxl k\**-x htXx* I f Mil'I.!\i; tx-'.-i -boax .ry .-l.

IW a i* icv'.ng b«a l h» h f w Hie "

1 Ala. .' I'll,:i .lit* ltd.*• Por the living and tho J fh l ,

For fttr-. inx''* cruelty, for K'\o‘ - »ur»' t w . F«r the wreck* x>t bud an-l ***' l l ji h--waver it x*uic to ihdx’.

T h .x i r a t w r . is h" '* I*.-* ami bx*at irst M.xx

L IV IN G B Y O N E 'S W lT .

*ul<d ftxv.i. I’o -k dx>w a the Rhino. A

tho ot

XV. xxIkx w i-Lol1 V* x'.'m* oo h.vtrxi and j.tum<-y with |

A l!i t i.i,. i u p '..- -T " t l r L’Jilw * nf iti« , f ,m ■ l.'i-tiO'lU' n . • T il- Mhixxi.iH m .o . xti ni'i'lin.xry that I r.xn not i- ‘ x i |h .t<-. Ire l<> cum j Hiunix- d • It t.x | l i 't , i l.-tT. i'l your r ic r lle n t j"»l' r- l>|i ITiib.v. tin- Vd ' ii - i . a-, i j. *n 1 m il. i. i- '.^ ipr Ainu th .-1' l.'MUl l iixj.li.- j.if the •-. > ! V .t *• • nil 'hi - - "i'll iVatll-m .") xx«h i- hriiTm.' Ip) ltTSmly 111 tlloli-j- 1.1 lixiir.ir <>f A Xx ilor t I'lli, villi l.> t |,I I h.lnm I- III,.I li-u ll), 11X1 I x. ; "x.l. ii o i l ix'thix'l. n a rmaui'ix n > « .i iT li,|> ml^hl lu in n i ux - Lu j» x f i l m - .« tiixlhiiM- Ik.- (iii'-x'iirr lulnd. nhi thrr Hi dixia.nxl -nl-jx-x'l l«- ,x tVlrallnl of T 'r tc - tr la l t.^lr, ih r U dj *vl *i |,,.| ■ --jx.tc. <1 j..i In I ho i'x*>jo .n kurh a ioix* rj> c'tnen cf «n i> i.t-xl x xi.it, lv(rijj m * j

xl i'l tin* rixlutnilx xxhtxh hail I < l.vll.n in r favnriti-, iiiini.dlal'i) n«l *•t'-i.'d ihix'oxlio|i« «t Mr-. Mi ill*r*- i t.cili i .i Id'xii’ rinl inn (•'»> "*••• \ (

in nil tin- lntx'i,' Ini)-, ‘ nforcr rliunnl • vnijil.iin- id M tillty. In n u m „ nlain< -linxlder nf Ihr whoh' * j n . m, l - i .- t l" ! tip h. r f.-mttur* aid i-t- ' -

I' imM h<-r r\«r.-uiltion I Mtn \»ac ijuii'kly tda>i'l Undor lh.- »i v If j tin; I rava id tho .'in , and when Tt*t|.«l ,t Ix-.x iiilnuh-* n llu x .anl*. alio had 1 nuLllfd. " ll I o f hup ./ >i i ;«l/ 11■ 1 (1. ' r .ulllin-: mill gxw.’jui.iij; in (In1 , lu 'lf nl lu-r i- i . , in. ,1 I, |,ulil-i x.i n -iii-inli' . In 'xlnnn iin dnul'l i-hi' xx .1 rx li'lini: lu-r la ir mi»h ijx ,,ml xxihiiIioiih i,--<|<ir.vioii, In nt.irr • hnurii xi.', than tho wrd' f c o ld atloinjit. •• S.-tm- Kfi»treanlb tuna llttlix oau-o* upriiiR.” Max out th" IxlUir In- tv *px.-iiio l„r

>• p; ii nr x'umji in i> ntltry. and »mIx-u1ui.-1 in jnt)iii"Ui ilio Iti oiih nndi',.' ’x ltx of tho Ix.xllnixxl trill* ; mid lio ilinil't nil,'III Im-ii, III ill.’ i|'i."l I" '1 al-", ai xx. II a* ll lio* lh*' limnxtt mux*. Fatlium Mimlld 1>- Mil*

|di.d xx i lh ll," aulx-li', > i •• ’i/. tin’ for. "i'lli# I- --ul'xiniiliallx cnm-.l.txti'l xx ill ti' ih'xrfnllx i mxth tm-'l hr thx- jiroprirlor of th,* bird if rcniilrfd.

livsj'x'c'tfxxlly, X KlIITXN.

Grt>'>r. ' ; xix A Frt'iioh l-.xvclc-r, Mxin-. !>•* Sonh-y. |'ix>foi»M- • In h»vix dl-iov. r ..1 tho min* of thtiluix-h'iit clly, <t"'x I.-itrimc lh.' until" >n I ’m*- 1>< I'tlouuir.'iii nr Ouoiratn, on tlx.' Uirdcfn »'f th'1 Dead Si'ii. Tln-y <' tv«■! ovt-i a ji.tt'x' of more than Me thou- ui.l ynr.U, nnd tln-ir v n j natm* eiitn by tho Arabs iudlrati*.* llulr ixh-olliy xxiih tho ancient city dx'ftrnycd by tire frviu haavt-n.

Nr itln r *ax rx*xl or |xrornn" hl.«t<>ry prlvi * any hint of the r\tM«-noc of any xith. r city on lM« Mto : nod tho min* nr" u ry aliun.hiiil nn'un.l- x.iix’rx'd trith rulxbi-h. arrnuvM of upri^hl c.lon'-*. in h-mkI jHivi-rtalion, ft.-., of almuibui FiiitlUhnU.' -and hw l.-dal lb"north, ra 1'irl »i th> Dxad !» x. they -<*vm to tho trnxi'h-r t.i In' Iwyond qtix-ilbm tin- r. nuin* of t!i,»i . ccccdinx xx Ix-kx'd city. Furtlior i'\jxluration4 may Ii- ttn > --arv to ih-> x :T.ddi-htni- it of tho fit. i in mind* h " MxnRulne.

TO TH£ PATRONS OF THIS PAPER.Tut ' r ' ln i i i I xLior. xm l* put'l il.r.t Vxx-U) nt i i per anmiut, nr *1 f»r >1)

Hl"b>hi, i lu rdx-aiuy. It I* uur ruKt.il n, .if) our |L-.tr,"i» ..r tin- i,"i,> xxiu-ntheir U(tvr,|xtMx> t.'tuilKAtxS *>»l ll thrx »rx> iioi rx-,i( ii'*t, Uu |-«|" r U dlrri-utimicxl.Xl e l-x-< imr rrtnixlx u>l -.> n alfx,|'( or ui.Lon] in u> U th" |-»i“-r •» J'w-'i'Xlnii.J.-M.rUh r niVii'C c'xrt l ," !" the loot* In .Xitor.llINi'» llh thp f. t., r<l rj*HtU *x- hue ;.|.'p!x*xl, alial can , x*r.- ~- i.j Ji*c»viix'i'. The pii'i'r. t,K« Mlrr tn»v, W I 'l Ii)- t XK-.', X. h> II a >atMCil|4hiii x-xp'rc* cf a p»|* r u Jlrcx'nilniifxlT" " i t 1'irl t-x »*« i , » - . -IX c p jti.x .' In futur.* t".l,-lix.-r till* paper looity -nS-

•rr.ls, • il.rx x :h U«- w «U r mid. »t.ich tan be xlono l « x«x- c-n» per c»TJ' i( ">«- .-.xlxcilher yr*H1» 1"" u tht* t'fllxV I V |'rt<s> of the piper awl Jx-bxcrj will

w l "•«' »ab»*r.ber l'UL-l U.1,' Uu> rt»k of lb" ialdlfulIi-rforniwic® cflluty, m>

J i m I’tBldh.lLI),

II U o P (5 1* o O V .

I ' A ' I t T I I l l ) ( i l i & I I I U T T A / N ’ . S i ’ l H l . l f A T I O . V S .B» fib piil

• |ii«i'.,xi.rr n ,lh |lx-

Oiir )l 1 1 ml., nc- III' V |ll|l,l> ll -d I, xiihli' l i f t i,my li ' ix I nly lox it.•,! i„ I’m, "flier "< ') i.. • i nt ii

J*.,il;>:-' im I In,,' -" Kit " if paid nt 11"t.'i r. loi- , i nd i nfll' i

I' III lr I,..t d 1" ' ■ <

, ,11 i "fnj'"d»'ii'til Imr :xfN*r, Tin > muni <i lh low, nil xt. Yr.i.i.mixni anti II / iri/m ul, In 01'" I ■fli <• of iltllniry. I1' " '•*t tillu» ) l'. n u rr |l"’ |.

, 1 P'

I alt wptU m ,n,t i/x pitMu ft

|i urn % I.,- /nnli'J ef thiSi-rtn.

"I'l'-iinif bud." idnmhl • nnd (fin ta-'.

Tho T ik .’Tip't r«p. i*-

,• ,.rlN-l." fr, "I lire •

l.'.M p- ■l> It

,IJ */)l*'t'

The BhilrtuaS, Vel. I

" Tl,» ami.,.i I, - »'e l» 1*1. i.i .i I-

hllll) "f ilm hr ..,i - ,'|.,inr,t,. th,. i... • pi f. Ill,I <.t* " /

-xx.. of* Killd Aniltiifp'l..,. ,-

■ III" |> I ;» lillll i, piker

' • 'I'li.t-m lint IV Itilrtisn , lV .ll.i,.r i„| .)1,„|*- I, ii,i,r »" ,1* * „v. iir ,.f|,<

, ,.t hinI ratfriiM tlror.,lu,' - ..I l.'kll, H|.u

•• IV.-X, "•t ( x’r vi.fillnarj *I liji-1 tl

•ml i,il df"i'diiilifj i,f r.,i <-«„ii„l"|i »;- „ >1. ui«| ml, mine „f limn ,hi." II I’frl lltr.U,

* ti *uppii, - ii» th tun ui i . . ii, ii,. i-t.r* i.-.'.i., roi »j«i< ..iI'l f|.l* I'hiru. hl/» '||||| I'l.v .....lit> lulu ilfl* rl>M,p.„ ( ..

Fur »->•* at lid* w n . ; pnr.i $ p ala|*Xef rent*

•*T II I. I If Ap a v n r r p t o t i i k i- u s k <n

r.llixdl.) Mr*. I*At11 IMA WltU.IIT II.IVW *(>•» Mfin. July number r"inm*ix*i x i»,. ,.f d„< »i n.t, ii -■

hPIBIDION I —TliE OREAT SriRIlUAI, 6T0 JIV 0 ¥ Triii AGJ-AIt) l.iumlc r

Tmiidjt.'il hv Mr. Il.i i, and jmMM, th.. pr'*'-Ml cun.lillun nt llm Homan Fa,

‘ if Ml pm

rxitoi-t:.ti I" II- ' K ' l 1

, ui,l «,i,1 .YmI.iiu f'li-l It,1 ,1, anl - ,dnM,i in

,. ... <>] the )■■ < I" t.'ir - i- imd 1ii„ i I-'• r • * II”, 'I - ll ; I'kJ Ii,

lr.l'5x*i It •,

. Into <!«■• ■ ;,o f, I I < lltm iu r, l»> ,f (bo t'l.il ‘•■Co

HaM *i fit** prx-*rt.l lllDr! ,s ’d

T>ax • * I fi )<wr In r.ilxanre. X.Mr. -

uni,<>r ,-i *•> i .. only In Thr / "*. il„l)"u"').".rty ab'.w*

■ .In- i tiur. l, to IN ..ii*-- :.'i*l by* II-' -i•V rit*il 1‘h l i - -.hi. It then tor" *>f i " '<•1 b n# •l,..,tM In' to-lit ,I„, hi n all ll.<-

• t that ll.* xxoiild o.inJnct him-olf «U h propeiMy. 40'1 ju r a * " r. !V;v-'>.urnl-1.. .XM OiM Itx —11,1 Valxle ciftulallx'n X'f lh.' lal(nr.xril

rx.1 h, >

,«* cxt/Siudlf!

r u s i l * r V y . ; ; thx-water. There U :

»> :. . ; j i-: o: t.:.- vxxyve Hi.k r^m en rr at-1 th • lo x XV . j hi* wjilx-iUy Ido-W l* ' subjvTt of p!u,'ll

I able aJv.'.llMnrf un-dunn, anJ the proj tetor* «• ill continuem occupy a limlnd portion sfpuc'' uf u.j , .[.Jf* u, Iho fuUowInlf rate*. TWelte alij a half ceBIJ |ur Una will bx' Ihc

'■-Ixf'.'OlZx'r |,r;cc f,,, n • livvjlx- tfurnioo ; X'ix'h lUCx-xi xl,0|{ urn rth'n. t’ljlll cento px-r line. Tx> tlixW' l 1 ...; " N'-'iwithftaadini? thi* ho a.-- j o ’. * i-ixx wr ilirx-® i".'Wh., no extra chaiae will t•• mvt, f„r tb. I'n tawrxtou.

1 • f r - -hf ho. •• x.'JX ; ’.li.-| nixe l<- i L'Vcn aitvctuwiienlinu'l lepr*? .iJtoWcurx'IUo|.i<are„x,el"*thetin>e Ubx'»|»<tod' i „ —— •- — » "• - i " *«

y a man w ho n*-* grx«x n rich i

a krvuUor* f »r hi* pj**JUf,'.-thin .-..infix'd i « the Jx-'x * jvxckx’l «h

. bat t’..- x niy m.'Ocy thoroin ua*

" ItHmi

1. sal II will bv xl.wi'lil'r.arxl « b( U lh>l lime e\|, r

. Utvl'T hi* arm—for h" *liJ n>4 n trth and mookx'ty. a* a la -! i#

a»Jt. a th v-. • , - j. x : ; ,t 0 J Hut t* the l i .-.-1 •uil<*d x'.nxvjrd.. _ , .. ; .. i: • : -• tg.-r o»..■another ( N * *slcnt. p u ia j: dcwa the river tmttl o .0 rpoko " U t :

- t'.'-ri-. .'x . «l ' yoa k.n»v any I'A-'inio that W'H a m u st'tn ! \our4 «tJi r ' mo*l hivo x n'rxvcd many a 0 :1 .* daring tlielr long *U v in lh- l^'. i rtifiv.*."

•• X..w ih* tini.'." th.xtrbi thedx-.r.-to shear my kbcx-p." And he 1 r.t •• •• 1 ,t : 1 ' • 1 ■ BO nd onrioas................. r I'll I f . V. :h 1 ■ •; to '• "'"'.ll'l ■'! d >« tl

with them. Thou- who coaid not atuiror the fjuosthmk tihpald pay tho oao xxh.i prx'i'Oxutl.d th nt .1 twelve kreou.r-pUcc. and those who aaJWijrvd vhvn p tr ih m ttj s' ioiiM rooolte * I * r pieee.

Th-. jtxxjn -A p’ .--. - 1 t j - company, an l h"P: r-R to divert th -o i'-lrcs w ith tl - J c x . it 1 w'a one a-Led at random-whateverentered hi- head.

TLbs. for example, tin- tir- . t..' o.-ktd—- H - a u any boiltwl e.?-~- c i ' l d the giant f.oliah cat on ut) empty

- that xjui-'iion. and each paidAll add that it w i iicpx--*!!!■• to ax-ov ovtr their twelve krrutrers.

But tho Jsw Ea d. •• Oae : for be who ha- • Jto'a one egg can net eat « oH-.md oa an empty 5. itaoch," and the other juid him twelve treat Rrr?" n ' . 1 thosght. W it . dew. and 1 util try you on the New T.

* list.-st. and think I rball » ,n my pi''x-'.-- TiTite th-- recond «pl«tlc to the Corinthians

The Jew *aid. L'.rau--j be was tn-t in Corinth, ottli-nvi-o he would have spoken to them.' So he won om'tber twx-lv**kreotzcr piece.

IThrn th .- th'rd foiled l1-..: Jew *0 well vcved in fho Ilibl-,*. he tried lnat in a dUMronl way • Who pro'. ,G5i h: -. erk t, the gv-atest length pxiastblx', yet comp' t •» it ia time."

• The roprtaak«. If he is icAost-Ior -'aid the Jexx.In the mtab.xhtie they drew near to a village and one said to tho

t li-cr. ' That ii Craiulach." The todrth asice-L - In xrh.it month do the jtople of Craolach eat lh least t '

Th- J t» • la F- ’.roary. for tl.a'. L-- only twenty-eight day.s."The fifdt -mil. - 1 L..-■ • r: ■ ;-. j nat-sral ic- tL-r-. and still only one of

them is my uncle.”The Jew said. • Tlx* and-- i* yoar father'* btatln.-r.A ti-b b-j w oat of ths water, atd the firth tx.-ltod. •• U'hM f,-h

have tin !r eye* neur- . t togetherTi..- Jew - The smalle.n.5’The SeV'-tv. 'u -auxtd. - flow can a man ri-*«- fnmt Bad" to Ik roe in the

•ammer time in i t . - liadc, when the sun shinThe Jew mid. -Wl, n he couv-s to a place xxliT'- there ii no'shado, he

ta-ort di-mount und walk.”Tjl eigh'Jt a. 1 vl.' When a man rid - in th.- winter time from Come

to Ba/,e. aad ha.-* fx*rgo:t'.a his gloves how tea.: he manage so that hi- bar.,;* shall sot fre"z*- V'

Th" Jew --id. He rau.-t mak.-1 -;« of them."The ti.'r.th xra- th.- last. Thi* onr. asked How can fixe persons

Jirido fiv- egg - - that e-acb man .--ball receive one, and still one remain 0 UiL d:?b.i '

The J'-xr S.„l, •'The last must tak - She dish w ilh'Uic'egg. and can let ,t lie tb*r, w* long a* L. j lf-asev"

Hut p , v it tam etohi* tarn, sud hi- tlc-tcrtniii'il to uiakc it good Mrcap Aft- r many preliminary compllm-nta, he naked with nn air of IHUcbevioiLi fih.ndlineft*—

•• Ilow can a man fry two treat in three pan- mi that a trout may lie in each j-au'

So no-.- coaid au-wxr thi* and one after another gave him twelve* treats*!*.

L.;! wi- a th • ninth -I -irx.il mat he shoald in.-vtcr it him-clf, he frank­ly Mlmmrtl^fr1 *kat be k » away

0 1 ' R F O B E I U N A G E N T S .rs tJ iA s o .

LuttoanD. C xtiu xit, Cl'J H.-cvltl-«ttxxt.I .on-, !*i»s h. IV , t7 I.iiJ cHIC IIIII.Jons Cu*rn»i, ftraiul.

I’RANc-F-P tais-J. B. n*iLmi«k, I!) Hn« limit* Anils.

HPA1M.MxOBlP.—Cll. ltxlL'.r-B»iLUsn«, It L'aUa Jrl Prltirij-o.

C B K E I t A L \ O E X T S F M f T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S .Tli- >wii' ; urn II,-nnr.il Ak*-.iI» tor ttio Fx' ltin Cnu-i.lt anti XrtniTr*i.*,Tri.*.

ukxPIi. a,ul will *U|>| !v all tbx* book* in «nr list at piit*llilii'r»‘ |>flcx-x :IIki.x Mxa«M, N>>. ti Fr.nUiii-' r.-.-t, ll. 'ton, Mau.I'. M. liewtr, n <l»-icr, N. V.A- f . CurrrttLD, lltBnsadway, Albany, N. V.

I . Uoxt, No. 3 I ir-t-ux-x-t. Toy, N. V.J. II. All**. Auburn X. Y.F. IILi, Oartuiuxtl, rxM-sJd f> M. bios. 16» ■IlxVxM-trii.i, XiU'ilV, Tcan r'i'ii’t t- B*aav.‘>Ji Arcb-*Uuxi, above -5 xih, I'loLlelf.liia. h m n u k Co. 9 und 13 Court-x'.r,-.-!, Boiton.II. TxTLea, Sun Iron Diuhllc:, 111 llil'.irr.x'rc-vtji'fi, Baltimore, M.l.11 V. IVtLjos.Torouto, C. tY.XViiLix.'s 31. L.xiino. Baltluinre, Minl.a..l.Im riuxo Aosvr, Isaac T. teur. of Thompuaville. Conn.{3?* Ollier AguBtoand bout xWten will be tjj'p'.nd prx,tn|'Uy. ‘ilie cash shoalxl

aecBipany or>I'-r.

106 IS I'/ni.t tin .tor

IS FAY M T U im i. niCRETfC SNtlYC.AHr.inS .v, .1

, i i i . P .iiM fu r xxo K n tr-v i/(.or >1. / — V kplriloal in.'^nclk hi* boon Im, ', ,|,xe«,

". ill. r,.-:.r Join Tirri*'* Splitt-r, •' o. in AiUntnin, tn.i »i, l x 1 ii.x'i K•«>«*' Fplr.t "Min. Tl,«- « i l " »f rjl-l *j>rtn-i p°

In oil'll) qUalltU-4.ptrii'lN-f, |Ki3, Jims Tirrir will !«’ pr.-ftoir.l |» r.r. Ix 1 ix'llvf to all iiillmmli ,|,-ry an-1 pOnfnl ,1,- n-. x, j.„,t

etliabb'll,--* • '■ II" will bavo lliaxtr Snrvu n, (, rl-bxiiyai,, lie xnll i-t»r.i'/|n anil |,rein,l« f,ir nil ,||'<i-.-*, xrhll, lixoji.nl eondlilotl. With 'lo- e tolxaiun-i .,Ik ' if

•nil pexf, el eonlldetiee, Bint nil i.-.v<'nili!o expecLitl.if . villi tic palm xx III tw rpixo'l t" Weii-nt nil, m,.| n<> rhanp i m»il,' fur < xonable cl,lint*' ttlft'lo for tionril Mol ,-Mr.i nlir mlnnr-. It I , bftp, >1 lliat 11,,- pul,Ue

xx ill ax ail ll,x-uif"|x, • n ,' "(.I) >-f tlir— ralvonialp butnl., ,,f lb-- pfiti",« wilh Spirit.*, Who 'l ilt talk audibly lliOJiub tbc tnimyet AH


I. .<• #. I cu t i ll in ■ *'jl *,.VoJutnk.1 If. nnd lit.

J'bv ........ . in )U"*:ir>, «l V> * * .b ; .v 'h i i ' lij p -:f eri,i' erx-b.

Noturii'# Blvlt.o Revolution'/,' tiel‘> A j . 1)1X1., tbr I.I, //>,.,.ill I'rli

SpirUtudUw.HyJ.'b" •*•».-*, '••!* i " i hi c, r, n .' r,

SpiritQalliCi. Volnmc JJ.II, Jielao )>!'„,,r, I. on4 Dr. IK-.wr ■ rHunt<«|»T,< of 61 ! l«)ii*l *r,1, ti.

30 ceix *.rioc'Litin(ti of tho Hartford Bible C ;■

I'- ,, .., -I |.l,. ,. .,'1. .11, I f Al, lh * J.

Voir.* iVom Cpixlt-7.-iudTbr-urb Nonun t r.inM* tvi, ... M. i. ip .. pOkUc', tJ n

lfight Dido of Hftluto.• ftii'l f,l">«S is, Ciib.-rio,' t‘

Phy*lc6-Phy.'!domical Hr-- vdi-.i, hi 11,0 JIjniiM , . of m.* ,,,.,. ,, | f/.i-ir. -fo, in flo .r r. -..u >n* n> V M |-..r., |-*.inp',<e fnmt ll-v '. rinan r-c.i,J Crtt r») X,,-<••, byJotfO Axlibur,.-r, >f. by I'arlrldce U. llrlunn, ll tbr rnlnrril )

L'.fht from tha flpirit-WcrM.tb- n< xrlltlrn l,j the rwntml id ftphtto.

I Ar-T-r/ d'* l ; ll' l'

i lo r't

ll.*f* f Hf.fiif l„-

, xvbo will talk aenutiuii* w illi t'm-ii

; to be,Kit itinnkifnl.'pioUnrlilr, nl,u vritl U- cOfiMllMt in all h

K )• "t < llatufr."'*!, JI. prt

Cullin’ 'a Pneuiaatology,l-i. ,I U lt.pl/ 111 t/a Lsif.'i-I,, \Vba! i infill a IMsbf I ■ «i •! cufirxruin# I’r, wiillui, al-. i a,n*. turn, Ux-.tnin, and K- ripiurr, tfn.it,fi.<l fr.,in il „ Un it I’ubil.lHxl b} fVlrlUyi*fc tlfi/;,!,. pi...

Tl.o Pilgrim*::o o[ Tbmtnu V .in-.I ' n.t.n b) Ur> b|,:rii of Tto-mit I'.. r,r, U,n „ lUbed lif Part/J'ln U lint' n. Ci;- r . ; ,

•I Millfl.l.• c-xorJin/ i id Ilf I'r f, i:


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1 Md Bp', r;, •' Wf/..

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a n ' i ; .X J , I- ..-- 11-

.ho P hiloioy.y ot Cpv'at I’r i u c ,^

ifittat. ( l l.

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-']V,r-xi c i !Jj\ f V.';.- ;,' f ' > l> ■ A ■ , ....

J.O tp .l .tCii Tt Jtl.df.

c fr 'hoS-',rrior £utn.

Dr. Eadail-/'. Maiwral wtd Mr . -Ic CL-.frv. y .V- ' IT , • '• '•* ■'

ihodow T-ir.A -.ur, ii., -- r. I l f ) ! ,,

fil'; CVl f ■ -.t Of > .

-htuu-i'A Bwed/.Jihorg.A* a ill.: i ■•, e« ace,*',

■ L v W i : iora;■ .

' ••M itfln e n t ikood; -

I'J ll. 1 . . . . r.Phil'..*, y j of Cfcafit.x

a trobi tko

k S y u o f Et ir ; := il t . - i i : Tbr

Gorp.if'/iAuitl) t a ;? S;...: J - • J - - i

A L r to ChvttJU*. s . • ti] ’ I Ad ! . . ■

divni-'i Xro.a the Ot ran i. i . - :

Tl) THE AFiXICTEt).1 anonlalilnx cun * nut hiv- be. ,, I^rtfihn.a) by M,«. Sldib r’i Mi-dlclltc, of

liait.'un], Ct., mot tin,.-a ,,f .Mr*. I n neb, <•( I iu-b„r/, , «|, „ in oilier r. iimlic* bavo fufl.il, nnd Uin pj|„M,l* (px-on ii|, by 0>.'ir n q«cUvu pl.j ,.*,aii* a* biij-'I,-**, am Hln.xirxt liy tUotlund* upon lliminni.l*, t„ xxl,„m r, l.< f lia-1„ ,-ii auor.kd Bulb tli.;u- l"d f*»ro Cl.ilrvuy.uita, and xilllln lu (bit .bite lha Jlvdlur.. fimu In rixliiiiiu of *x i.i.'Ii lb,nr Vvxl..-|,n-a am coxuj» . d. »,Kli.jilx :i|. It to but font [ rail to , .) Dot of k-t tbc lot.. lorn pieparx-i ti r all Uic di—cv. .tins tlr? hum ,r, >;. ■• u , .»o ouixx,.v,ilj >u.c<*x(ul ks tit.* Mtxlirluu* |,ajnml bj th- •

8-iM by S.f-lt l.i, U.tiUtY, tad i^xiit, tYr.udieii Uooifa bll ,x!.:lplii:i, xx'Ut-rc i n "lid uU Ibu splr.luat lirxxluftumx ||if TullUUdlt'' III.,I I ial.'ii's boot—•' 1),B IJ, at,,,.: o: If.,

life pi.'pafvil. 3 1"* "kit bum ll* V. . .u'.:

f-n. * ]- U‘-l ba»

SoorcEt ot Provovst.A tfv'.iX "l I'.'-O I.lnt linn.atixifitr.-:,rfn,in*I • I, Im r t.iii ut .Mwi und u V.',,! of Spirit*, liy Jutif),!* Kcri.i.-r. b '< , l.ii. u ; j ,1,1) l„-.t by I’k' U I'.-.i Frio,-, cent*; ya*fjjfr, fl c •

Disc our *’3 frflm the Spirit-World,Rictat'-d bj Slept,<n oiin. ibrou.'b Rer, U. I’, Wibon, xrrilirjf rr, j, ,j. Rood It the fold,n rile of the untrxrw. X. vr y„ri : J'. r r ie |l.-i:a-.n. T ii an In'., ft-rtln" relume uf ^.rnr -Tr* pa.;- j :-' pnbll be.J. Pfir-,'. ) , : j, -

Brittan’d P.avitw c l Btcchir'a P.jport.IVIiir.'In the r,,in-lit .‘wn ,,Mh„ tut r ;,r • *Lr..Pplj rx.ni,-. I and !,■••■ I ),, ae . . parbon WHIi fi,* pi, n,I., will, rcavr.n arut »,,>> u.- I'. -x. )».ce, •_>* :,!* p ,... buUD-1, and 3! etn'jx tu mudiu; po.-'j^o. J OH,l G cent*.

Brit tea and SiehmoiuVr. DUcasrlon.flirt pil* i oetatu. Till, w.irk cofilainxtnvi,-y-funr l,<Iliir« from *veb <-f it' p:-..<-ub.jvx- nainoJ,e/utiudyli.g a smut uombuf < f tart# u„l an?>in.< »/.*.('rtril In lll’x-'.ra;-- the T'} t-lttul pL. n. airnx „f all #-n, but. -- -i . n,Jiar.ib ;i. To l.-virc a t : Jn r.t: atx.D, llm IT jiV I* I.r.i. J at t;M 1 yr p... of i I. r '-U ’*, S ' ( . nl* Publnb»d by Partr.uTc k Bratow.

E?ie of lha Starry Heaven.Spoli-.ibj TIu.Im > (. l’.-rr.i la 2£ to :r ; aa-l l" mi;,'. , '- -Jj,- ir•cafe: isto I-V..j _ A, ' , ; line*. Pn.-.-, p'.,'a l-j-n-l, is e-ms; r u t u i ’.'i

„ putdJ.b

M ET T L E U ’ S H ED ( C I T E S„ Tom the public tu win a good

octonlios )>•


BEHOLD l TOC SICR ABE HEALED.MP>. s. B. JOHNSON',of llui >-.r, Me, Psychical Physician and Mulinro, would re-

« * i a * • i w i ' i e p « i i * * » * >■" r 1' 1" ' 1 t i ' *• “ • f * ; * * r r «1 !!."**> xr.tb Cs»c*-*uj ktSIcilon:, and ;ucn di'ca-"- g n-rs.ly » 1 have baiii,-l tbe #V,IIof the *• faculty ."

nwixiiLvibmi of pcrwnx at a didanre will be promptly Rltondod l/i on the rorelpl of no, and a luck of hair, or other relic, with name and tbc rvxidimc* of the pnuunL Room* X-'. 5 Moqfaa-<ireet, In tv e-n lUcc ai>l Vine, Addivx-, P. B. JOHNSON, Hoi 17iO. PbilaiMpUa, Pa. 3n»>

IlllAU CLABIi,sl.r.R. PSYCOCRAPIIER. a xi> l e c t u r e r .

Tliorou.jh Dxt'oeauona of tbo Ppirinu), I’liyttcal, etc^ Nalurx', Conditioos am) IVnoIa,» .lh adx tee, Si U» perxon? pr,-‘ nt; (ID lu advni.c« to p,'r*n»i wtndlug by mall; rrfnudxil In rase of failure. Lecturx*. on t. rrns m m»y be a*-re*sl x.n. according to place, etc. xlura* f-r Spirllnol IVvcIopnu-n!, Cl". I'.c-xd.■ nee. 3ul rdlb-airvet, next b> lb« Corner of North Seventh, lYilbacuburz. New York. li? If

MBS. JLV.JE E. KELLOGG,spir it .ur.ptrji.

R,1 0 M«, No. ess D ao * dxv av, Ncxv Y o iik .Mm Kellogg will bold circle* for Spirllual lolercodmi dully, from 9 to )2 a. m., 2 to

•V and from 7 to 9 r. « . No eltui jv an Suiulay#, nor aft«-r 12 on IVcJneidaja.

?IH. A\D 31RS. PALMER,nf-T Jevx'l.prd Oi.rvuyaat*, lie .line, Conveivnr, llappinir, etc, etc. Medium), prvpoml to i-.xc bdxice cencvnili'C Miy l" -.- - ihc buiuan .y.tem u tubjert to;

kite. inf..noa.,j'i ndk'lxc to any ivribly nOure, by tbo Spirit*.X II — Ml man. x, refunded ubJam pcrf-«i rall-faclitw l* given.17'.* At N,« IIS GtoifMUMt, b*toxr TilUi, S.tlxenth said, I’l.dad- 'pbia.

CLllRYOYAACE AND PSYCHOMETRY.T tk s. . F.e Medical Examination juid Pre»,-n(rtkon.............. — ................. . S3b Por r«fcb.,mx'lr.c»l IMinration o| character, u. 'u.io.j Conjugal ad.'i .'*:i -n? d . 173 Address, R. P. \Vlt.u< 'N,« trxrland, f'lxlrt.


-tea i \ : a w r . a : : : ' . . : -.. J

• I ' * - ' .?allaaopoy cf K ' . nr'.crs. A5 «•.•/»,

• •- • •

ft'- S-./.ri ■. t' i t . 3wLJl) ll:d • fe P.' .- C ; p •

i-jrt'.Tj ib d lfa » :c .t!., X" -X n - , 1 J V .. ; .-?. t ; ,

Tkc CIairv;ybr.t Ta-.I'ijr Thj,ic.~n.

Laswtrslj Ecv-..->. 0

6f. n •••>, tl2S . P. " n r . K ,

JI R 8Hava M sjw rg l"„(t ,bet votix-be; to actual (rial. All uf ber IUfl>x-dlii dir.-riim.-, given while In a elate of Claim.)once, and are purely x foctly Mb? umlrr nil <-|rcuui*tancc-L

MBS. MEi rLEB’3 RESTOBATIVE SYP.Ur,Ttiuu h tied a l nixvrud Panacea, l» of tl. • in nt *0b. ic.ouj K.-iu-'di. > for *!! lb lbx jy i which onRii.ato In an Impure '!:.!■! of lha 111,- «l, I ) . - i . t ol tb" crxtloi,*, and IHlInll* Obltroellon*. Thu-e win, are troubled with -n cjnat f'.rcubt' Sick and X.rv.-u- llcsdntbc, Ina.'.Ivit) "I tbe I r, • Up: li, n ■ f ll- ILocc,*,' rrltullou of llic Mur.i.i* Mutnbrar.e, l"?< Ui-r xml, t.. sc xanv„. , , -nj -'ii.-.i,- , will flint (bl> Syrup invaluable.

MRS. KETTiF-E'S 3 YSEKTTJIY COP.DIAI,,A Svoxu.,11 am ilittvai CoBKnrnia. Tin* ""jiortiui rein.-dy Il-.i al<*.,/< pr«»r*-.l >uc- r,"*tul when propv.l) .1,N1.J tbe dirvclb'irt ,:r.,llj earn* ! " ".and no i-tnlly »),„ t! i tie xtlili.iUt H. ll i* tt remarkable ru-dirlnr, are I bn ! f.< ,-u,r In upw.icl 112Jf>rot*i lure (u llixrlf.od.

MRS. METTLEIl'S CELEBRATED ELIXIR.For Du-11 ra nnd caixere lb.,>llc Paiixx, Cramp* <-f flic - .,.111.. : und lUv, It, Rbcm.,:.-

IlC and XYurnl:,'lc Pain*, tlllioux ten*lcncy cf the :-'i, I". .-. r -,.f d X-.' .e, and •-x.-i.pain- Indued by Interna) ii.jur.ci. Tin* will r?'u,.l l„ b •, >1!- g. -J for iK- pur-|ax*x * t-, which II l* <-'p* rtallr adapt- d.

A. Rose, A:? Ill, llartfoid. Cornul-tul.PARl RiDiiP. fc patTfAN*. Agonu for New York.

Jane* M. OLe.iSt, Propill tor. A);ei\t« for tlic Sale of Mrn. .Mitll.-r’u Hviuccltc*.

A. Rr.xc, llarifor.l. Conn.; 9. B. Bulkeley. Norwich, Conn, j John .A. Wool, Norwalk, onn.t SarniaBcaloy, Stamford,Conn.; Rotlney Moor*, IViiu:, J , Coon.; tlit.i.

Middletown, Conn.; Paitridga k liritlan,Sew York; — Rar)»xur. Ringliamj'ion, N. Y .; E. Water*, Troy, N. Y . — I'pham, Poughki<-p*'C, N. V .; It. t ry Si.crbumx-. Kapercac*'. N. Y .; Mr*, ft. N. 11. Brow ue, U/ootux'-tlrr. (, N.xr York; P. IVard Smith,Clcvclatul, Cblo; & S. Bfjuii. la Roy Hill, oar.'t-.pi. N. V.; fain't Barry, Phllolx-lptila ; I'.'Jcib-m kCx'.. 9 and 13 Court-elrcet, It1 "off, Mn.,*.; William I! )iycr, Bridgeport, Conn.; It,-Is Mar-b, 15 ITanklln-xtrx.t, K.Mion, M***.; < lmd, * A. P. Ma-on, 167 llnwd-stret-b Providence, R. I .; ,'lr». M. Ilaycf* 175 rukob-Mn-xi Brooklyn, L. I .; Prnll k llsydx'n, l -.-ei, x. fiu.-, D. K. UJi-x i. Ilavxn, SpiihcflrUM*<». _______

The Colcttiol Teiesrauh.Or, of tb. t t - . i i n c ; « . • 11::paUoii of tho S., .1 after it* Sx-panUon fn-r K' 1 < rtmeoto, I.y ll." in- ku* of * u'lit 1 -"-tafl cxpl .-ut of TidrfJ -a X Ptraorx* In tl.J rpir;

)') t’nnr. l • • u ltri bm Price. ' 1 "The Ajiyroaeliteg Criiia.

lb Ill, ll- vlcv. of Hr. Ilnvbnull'x r . j .

i;j I- Cahasvc J'„l

1>m1 Ftibi: y 1‘ortrPhiloit j>hy e.' tho Spirit World,

t Low Ui" iroul cr-olxl he frit .1 in fucb

MRS. E. SPARKS,if i: a 1.1 n a m i :» i v i t ,

By Mia.pu'.a-.iorj. N'alurc'a Restorant. No. 339 Fourth Aronue, near Ua»V -iitli Hour* from id l» 4.

MISS A. HP.IE It [NT., Tipping, Rapp’: if. W riling, Seciuc, PcrtouAling anil Spcaklmc Medium, 571 Broadway. T«S Circlx .• it 10 a or. b> 12, 2 lo 5, nnd 7 to 9 r.x. 171

Healing .Medium*.—Mr*. Baantiv end Mr* ll.xxvxnn can bx- conmHe.1 nt 91 Crc"U-?lr.if, on MciKlat*. 'Xli!ne*.Uj», and Friday-, fr. tn 10 ». H .until I r. h 172

UICKl»« >

ji ouunt&iiuil til -t ihi- x*i»v unfair in ihc Jew , bat ho -lout- w'afflnae*! that there wa» no provitioa for it in (he argument, nave tfiat lie who could uot ata-wor thi- questions should pay the kreulzcn. •r.xl fulfill lue ngrwmrt*1 by paying that atua to the ninth of hid tom .

, wiif had aal.f-tl him to *o*.v* it hlmaelf. Hut they a!l Iwing rich- .n . \Vx.* h . i ; .. . >1 ..-i !■ ;::r

•ry p la m n lly fx<- th'. a), langhad htartily over their 1<- - and at

J ,w ’« «ao>uf>n- _

p nrT y lw i —Mr. John B. Greenr, »on of aa American ^ ka-vri-- ^ ....lei. Ditwitbitonding th" difTbulticn attendant on

^ g f JlaUnel Unbx.ru. lo di«*oi"ring thcc-Ie-tUwriDR w* u5 ^ of which Chwnpollion c old ..nly copyI.. .1 d ■ , J ) " ^ cx*t of thla monutn nt xtu tak-n on the spot by t u t r l !l ' ' ifIjUr kind Of compodtion, photography not rejwodnc- jac*n« • * P * ' cnlossal figure*, the ujrper pari of which wfr«*iUfi 11 ,,r'T r *4 I, bc-n now cleared away and brought t*v light; one o1 only vim .>. -.---.atioo,ahow* Uic featum of Rumene* III. ami

high. Mn 6reem , in clcaring round thiieol- aul take *t raw iu^* of the Inacriptionn or the Ixii belwceu till, i I'oufta ; and h<- hu- uli

Rich probably C‘»xircxl which »PP**r* to hav

ation* of Mr. Greeni, which have of the m »t imp": tact idifice* of


K m. B d E A flT T H IR T Y - T I R S T S T R E E T .BHwcea Ledngton and Ti.lrd Avenues,



rxTKnTXD (M-Toaaa 24, IS5S.W.mutex) vap< nor to any Jlacl-inx- i"f tbc »anu- purp.-.- in Ui* t'nitad Slalx-x, «m brucine, »* It does at) c-illre mix f. alum t»<l befara aaaxl in any Smut Machine Machine* ?•> d on tri»! .uh/iet ft. ti- return*-1 If ruM «it . V iiy, on,I n., pay asked until lr>1, ,,, after trial out u'C'-plan:*. Orirrs fd iril'J. ManaCclurx-J olid for sale by tli

! IVliklr.Ul!,-, Tu* ora* as < x)., Ohio.

on. l’rier, io con'-: proto

bruhov) by fVlrW. - St Cr

By A. J. D-x it. Tlii* Is

. )3 canto,

an. Prtc •, c

!:x-J b) P.i'l

1 • I'j'lanlul Miuwr. Pri-X', < 1

J . R. snsrCCDS'OLlTE TAR,a.n t: t. r. c u m v. n o 1 1. y i i. i i h ,

. kIVhlCh I* Inhaled aid AppliexI; tt 1* n<>! tak*o.0 L I V E T A K

Cure* D.'-f.v. < of llix-THROAT, L0 NQ3 , HER YES, MUSCLES, JOINTS AND SKIN.riscisoO uvi Taw over baaleO wafer, or bj maktoatiig . ij - ,,i a pend-

n< II in a warm room, t\r orygra * / l\r tlm.-pi'rr hr i.’rrin/leJ (Ike *4tr l u f f'?•*,). And all M XI.ARIA or INFFITION pn -ent. It y-s ,i.c /r

Nu di-eoM can long continue ,.r spr. ad, wb-ro the i«l ,r at Olivo T.-r cri':>.Ours T»n is inlialed by breotb i., ,n almmpherc tinpr.-.n ,-.. ,| w;,|, , ) „ . v h|cb I C'

e.'ininj in contact xi.ib tU" i > , I i t p , • . throtij/ti u.,- i . u , : - ( : . j ; . , Comb’s Cdiiwli’.uticn of Mau.tc c ' / s 'N frrtt it«s jir/J. t.prlt if/ impmrtliri. j t*ric»-, 75 Centt; p1 'a ,v, l*' CTlic —lor of Olive Tar It a delightful bbt-,1,1 ar..m».When Olivo Tar it appb,-l It i« taken up by the ab« irbar,-.., tI1j ,|,j p

comalfu to irp in le J and J i/ * k J IbrotifWat U.c ** *lxt,t ht tb* t.ervr* with nhicli It t< V..ugbl in central-!.

Tho iTee-'ii: A’ C ar.d the Tfi:.er Life.Bcioj a wqucl to Sp.rtMlal l-r*rxv.u.we.Of near »•« pagr -cutt.., HlnKralod; J- v pul

Ihe Spiritual Telcgtaph.Yxlumn l„ a f-« trap*»-i c<-a(!«{. h -u 1 in

A Chari.ExhlhiUn; nn Out!), oof th- Pr w H1..': - j - 1 Apprx-act.ing P - ’.my a! th. Kw. IN'ml, "r o:i r. TNrs- By V. J. D:v,t. P a 'l l , . !/; Bi j.-n, p;’.: !Price. €1

Tho Tables Turned.A brief Review uf Rev. C. Bailer, Ii. P., by V.. v e .!'. Eri'.ton. “ tic that i fir?: ti, hi* ow n c.-n-*' »n ti lb j'i-t; bnt l>>. nc gbborcoast tb nnd irarcUdb L.m. Till# to s brief r> utotinn of ib« print p-I ubj«c;ton» t r.-'-d b> U,.' <«r,-y i 5-a,u fpiriluxUsm, and to. th, rx-'.or*, a m-.J Htulg for p raul cncujji. .i. 1: c.-, - i ' C*-p'.e». 25 ecu's. PxKtkga, 3 rent*. If pntxthamd for gralullona diatrih'i'n'b. lh p;li-n will be at l!.e rate uf $ii! p» r KV, if o.', or more copies !-• ,»rd, r .f.

A Review ol Bed's Involuntary Theory of the Sj,iri:ui2 Itir.if-.-- tiiitrt. tly W.P. F'liirtney. A in ?', tr.nmplxant rvfurati-ti of it- <•• !> maier'i) ibe.tr tluit ,1, - nc* a r*cctful uotlec. P,ire, -* cent*. Postage, 3 c, !,'*.

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