Overviewabout.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Equity...Elaine Harris, Radio Presenter...


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Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Legislative Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Equity and Diversity Management Plan 1998–2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Specific Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Human Resources Policies and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Indigenous People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Cultural Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

People with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

Work and Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Subsidiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45


The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is the national broadcaster

established as a statutory corporation under the Australian

Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 (the ABC Act). The ABC Act, which

includes the ABC Charter, sets out the basic functions and duties of the


As a Commonwealth authority employer, the ABC is bound by the

provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth

Authorities) Act 1987, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex

Discrimination Act 1984, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity

Commission Act 1986 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

This report is made under the provisions of Section 9(2) of the Equal

Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987. The

reporting period covers 1 September 2000 to 31 August 2001.

Included in this report are details of the progress of strategies from the

ABC’s Equity and Diversity Management Plan that covers the period

1998 –2002.

Equity and Diversity Annual Report 2000–2001


During the 2000–01 year the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

is approaching its 70th anniversary and remains, as the national

broadcaster, integral to the strength of the mixed economy of

commercial and non-commercial broadcasting in Australia.

The ABC’s character and status in the community is expressed through

its distinctive range of programming and services across radio,

television and new media — and through its competitive spirit in

aspiring to attract and engage the interest of audiences.

The Corporate Plan 1999–2002 provided the vision, values and

objectives for the ABC for the past year, focusing on the core objective

of fulfilling the ABC’s Charter responsibilities and in undergoing the

process of digital transformation. Digital terrestrial television

broadcasting commenced on 1 January 2001 and the rollout of

transmission facilities throughout regional Australia will continue over

the next few years.



Vision of the Corporate Plan1999–2002

In the new century, the ABC will build on its strengths as an

independent public broadcaster to enrich the lives of all Australians by

offering a greater choice of programs that inform, educate and

entertain. The ABC will play a leading role in developing innovative

new services of increased relevance, localism and immediacy.

Values of the Corporate Plan

In achieving the vision of the Corporate Plan, the ABC values:

• the guiding principles of the Charter and the ABC Act;

• the loyalty of audiences and the ABC’s connection to local

communities and communities of interest in Australia and the


• the ABC’s central place in the broadcasting and online

environments in Australia’s cultural community;

• public funding of the ABC and the prohibition on advertising and


• the ABC’s standards of fairness, accuracy and impartiality; and

• the skills and commitment of ABC employees and its contributors.

Key Objectives of theCorporate Plan



Objective One: Fulfilling the Charter and Other Responsibilities under theABC ActThe Charter requires the ABC to provide broadcasting services of a high

standard, which, amongst other considerations:

• contribute to a sense of national identity and reflect the cultural

diversity of the Australian community; and

• are comprehensive and provide a balance between programs of

wide-appeal and specialised programs.

Objective Two: Transforming ABC Services in the Digital AgeThe ABC needs to respond flexibly and adapt strategies in the digital


Objective Three: Developing Australian ContentContributing to a sense of national identity and reflecting the cultural

diversity of the Australian community are important ABC functions, met

by the provision of Australian content.

Objective Four: Expanding Services to Local and Regional CommunitiesThe new digital environment offers opportunities to extend the ABC’s

relevance to Australian communities through multichannelling,

datacasting and the continued development of ABC Online. To realise

these opportunities, the ABC must be in a position to better identify

audience needs and community interests across Australia and to allow

local, as well as national, responses to those needs. It will also need

effective planning for the deployment of resources and the

development of skills around Australia.

Objective Five: Developing Efficiency and EffectivenessProductivity improvements are a prerequisite for the development of

ABC programs and services in the new media environment.

During the year the ABC undertook a comprehensive review of its

Editorial Policies document, including extensive consultation, which will

be completed in the next year. The current policies include references


• Cultural Diversity (Section 6) — cultural diversity and national

identity, a multicultural community, Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Programs and reporting from overseas.

• International Broadcasting Services (Section 7) — International

services, cultural perspectives, guidelines for international reportage

and editorial perspectives.

• Program Standards (Section 9) — Use of language, discrimination

and stereotypes, sex and sexuality, religious programs and closed

captioning for people who are hearing impaired or deaf.

The Editorial Policies also outline a list of guiding principles

(Section 2.5.2) including:

• be identifiably Australian and be a distinctive, innovative

broadcaster, with a mix of broad appeal and specialist programs;

• extend the range of ideas and experiences available to Australians;

• strive to be a valued part of Australian life;

• provide the best, most reliable and independent coverage and

analysis of contemporary international, national, State/Territory and

regional issues, ideas and events;

• provide programming which reflects awareness of the changing

social, economic and demographic circumstances of the Australian


• work with relevant groups, including regional, ethnic and

Indigenous ones, to foster appreciation of Australia’s unique and

diverse multicultural community;

• provide authoritative, quality educational programs, including

English language teaching programs, within and outside Australia;

• develop the natural specialised strengths which States and

Territories can contribute to national diversity;



Corporate PoliciesAgreements andStructure

• have regard to the well-being, training and development of its

employees; and

• as an employer, be non-discriminatory and seek to promote

equality of opportunity.

The ABC’s Code of Practice outlines general and specific program codes

including references to language, discrimination, portrayal of women

and avoidance of stereotypes and closed captioning.

The Service Commitment is a statement of what the Australian public is

entitled to expect in dealings with the ABC.

In October 2000 the ABC introduced the new Workplace Values and

Code of Conduct document which establishes specific conduct

requirements and provides information on issues of judgement both

within the workplace and when employees are representing the ABC

externally. Workplace values state that the ABC will provide a fair,

flexible, safe and rewarding workplace that is free from discrimination;

facilitate co-operation and culture of respect, courtesy and

inclusiveness; and promote equity in employment and a workplace

that values diversity.

The Corporate Plan and other policies and agreements underpin the

ABC’s focus to provide a comprehensive and inclusive service, achieved

by a workforce that reflects the diversity of all Australians. The

challenge for the ABC is to engage audiences with programs and

content more relevant and appealing to a broader range of community

needs and interests, supported by skilled and diverse employees.

A major organisational restructure took place in 2000 with core output

divisions of Radio, Television and New Media services, supported by the

cross-media focus of ABC Development, News and Current Affairs,

Production Resources and Content Rights Management. Business

support functions operate on a Corporation-wide basis: ABC Corporate;

Funding Finance and Support Services; Human Resources (HR) and

Technology and Distribution.

Significant progress was achieved within the Human Resources Division

with the implementation of the ABC Employment Agreement

2000–2002 delivering wide-ranging changes to structures and

conditions for staff and the introduction of the ABC Senior Employment

Agreement 2001, effective 1 January 2001. The Human Resources

Division has refocused its service delivery in the states to provide better



and higher level services to managers and staff across the ABC,

implemented a new performance management system, developed a

new integrated rostering and payroll system and became a Registered

Training Organisation.

The new Human Resources Director implemented a structure providing

focused services under new functional groups. The Equity and Diversity

Unit, within the HR Division, has the responsibility to develop and

implement the ABC’s Equity and Diversity Management Plan. The

current plan, underpinned by a workplace diversity focus, covers the

period 1998–2002 and includes background, principles, objectives and

detailed strategies outlined in six modules – Disability, Indigenous,

Work/Life, Gender, Cultural Diversity and Human Resources Integration.

During 2000–01 divisions developed new plans, with strategies tailored

to meet individual objectives and relevancy, adapted from the previous

portfolio plans.

The ABC continues to be required by legislation to specifically focus on

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for women, Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander peoples, people from non-English speaking backgrounds

and people with disabilities.



Significant Achievements The ABC continued to make substantial progress with the

implementation of the Equity and Diversity Management Plan

strategies. Divisions adapted individual plans in

line with the new structure and were encouraged

and supported by papers on diversity and

Indigenous background and profile data.

As part of an overall corporate-wide direction the

HR Division developed recommendations for a new

Indigenous employment plan aimed at raising the

representation, profile and awareness of Indigenous

people and culture, to reflect a more

comprehensive broadcasting service.

In November 2000 the ABC won the 2000 Prime

Minister’s Employer of the Year Award in the

Commonwealth category in recognition of outstanding commitment to

the employment of people with a disability. The award, which was

presented by the Prime Minister at Parliament House Canberra,

reflected the achievements of the progressive implementation of the

L-R: Manager, ABC Diversity, ChrissieTucker, Radio Presenter Elaine Harris(with Dori the labrador), and ManagingDirector Jonathan Shier accept anEquity and Diversity Employer of theYear Award from the Prime Ministerthe Hon John Howard MP

Senator Margaret Reid (left) speaks atthe Focus on Diversity launch inCanberra

ABC’s Disability Action Plan. In particular the development of two

resources, the video employABILITY featuring a Geoffrey Robertson

Hypothetical on disability awareness in employment and a program

maker’s guide You can make a difference about the issues and portrayal

of people with disabilities. Elaine Harris, Radio Presenter Tasmania, was

a major contributor to the implementation of the Disability Action

Plan while on secondment to the Equity and Diversity Unit.

To highlight the award and raise the profile of diversity around

Australia, forums were held in Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne,

Canberra, Sydney and Adelaide. These forums called Focus on

Diversity provided the opportunity to launch the two disability

resources and bring together ABC staff and public, private and

community organisations and institutions with diversity


A number of initiatives were introduced in 2000–01 for managers

and staff to assist work and life balance. Guidelines were

developed to provide assistance to manage flexibility in the

workplace. A pilot Men at Work Program was conducted in

February 2001, with 32 participants to examine the key issues

facing men in their work and personal lives. Another pilot Better

Life and Work was introduced in June 2001 for staff in Northern

Territory, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Western

Australia and Tasmania for six months. This pilot provides a free

information service to assist balancing personal and professional


The new Indigenous Employment Program for the recruitment of

Indigenous trainees commenced in March 2000 with a formal three-

year contract with the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations

and Small Business (DEWRSB). During 2000–01 the ABC employed six

Indigenous trainees in Queensland, Northern Territory and New South

Wales in the areas of news and current affairs, radio, television

production resources, technology and distribution and new media.

Information sessions and workshops on the ABC’s diversity issues and

activities, including discrimination and harassment, were conducted for

managers and staff in Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Canberra and

Adelaide. Fourteen new Workplace Harassment Contact Officers were

appointed and trained nationally.



Guidelines have been developed specifically to make ABC television

services more accessible for people who are blind or have a visual

impairment or limited reading comprehension.

The ABC signed a new contract with the Australian Caption Centre to

provide captioning services through to 2003. The Paralympic Games’

coverage by the ABC included captioning.

Staff from ABC New Media were members of an internet industry

taskforce on website accessibility. The taskforce produced the

Accessibility Web Action Plan aimed at encouraging awareness about

web accessibility for people with disabilities.

Forums for staff around Australia, sometimes extended to other media

organisations and the community, encouraged participation,

networking and the provision of information on a range of career and

personal development issues. Opportunities included mentoring

arrangements, women in engineering scholarship awards, NAIDOC

Week activities and the industry-wide Women in Television Project.

The Technology and Distribution Division developed and conducted a

Women in Engineering and Technology Networking and Planning

Session on 18 July 2001 with about ten women from around Australia.

The workshop focused on career development and issues for women

working in the non-traditional technical areas.

Staff from non-English speaking backgrounds were able to participate

in tailored programs to assist spoken and written communication as

well as networking strategies and presentation skills.

The ABC continues to win a range of awards that demonstrates the

Corporation’s commitment to the provision of diverse programming

and policies including the Australian Human Rights Awards, Ageing and

Disability Awards, Australian Caption Centre Supertext Awards, Better

Hearing Australia — Victoria, Clear Speech Award (Better Hearing)

Albany WA, Media Entertainment and Arts Awards Northern Territory,

Older People Speak Out Awards, United Nations Award and the Youth

Media Award.



Employees were given a range of information on equity and diversity

policies, activities and issues by a variety of formats and methods. The

summary of the previous year’s activities was reported in the Equity

and Diversity Annual Report, which was tabled in the House of

Representatives on 8 February 2001 and the Senate on 27 February

2001 and in the ABC’s Annual Report. Articles were published in the

staff magazine abcXchange such as, Celebrating Diversity, the Equity

and Diversity Unit, the Work/Life Pilot, Equity and Diversity Annual

Report, the annual youth award, Heywire, NAIDOC Week activities and

Women in Engineering Scholarships.

The intranet website for the Equity and Diversity Unit is continually

updated with policies, resources, relevant emails to all staff and an

interview kit. Diversity and harassment sessions were conducted for

managers and staff in Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart, Adelaide and

Darwin. Similar sessions were conducted for induction and the state HR

managers. Fourteen new Workplace Harassment Contact Officers were

trained around Australia in preparation for their roles.

Divisional Directors, line managers, HR staff, Workplace Harassment

Contact Officers, work/life seminar participants and women’s network

participants received relevant information on a regular basis.

Information is sent directly to ABC staff working overseas. This year

particular information was sent to senior and line managers about age

issues, pregnancy guidelines, managing flexibility and carers’

responsibilities legislation. Posters and brochures have been updated

for distribution to keep staff informed about the Workplace Harassment

Policy and the names of the local contact officers. School holiday care

and activities and information on English improvement opportunities

were provided to staff.

Staff made a number of enquiries about interview questions, study,

background information for storylines and general interest in

discrimination/diversity issues.

Legislative Requirements


Informing Employees(Section 6(a))

The Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act

1987 requires the ABC to undertake a number of actions as part of its

overall Equity and Diversity program.

Overall responsibility for the implementation of equity and diversity in

the ABC remains with the Managing Director and the Divisional

Directors. Managers retain responsibility for equity and diversity

activities and performance within their areas, with the Manager

Diversity, Chrissie Tucker, and the Acting Indigenous Employment

Co-ordinator, Warren Brown, providing specialist services to assist in the

development, implementation and monitoring of the ED program. All

staff continue to be responsible for ED in their areas and for

maintaining a discrimination and harassment free working


Significant responsibility is also shared by the Workplace Harassment

Contact Officers, who provide information and support to staff

regarding discrimination and harassment matters. Equity and diversity

contacts in each division are responsible for the co-ordination of their

individual plans. Strategies included in the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan focus on commitment from senior management to

be demonstrated by leadership and example, and that all staff have

access to equity and diversity information and awareness training.

Legislative Requirements


Conferring Responsibility(Section 6(b))

Consultation with TradeUnions (Section 6(c))

The ABC Employment Agreement 2000–2002 with the Community and

Public Sector Union (CPSU) and the Media Entertainment and Arts

Alliance (MEAA) came into effect in July 2000 delivering wide-ranging

changes to structures and conditions for the majority of ABC staff. Key

features include a reduction in the number of classifications, a single

performance management system for all staff, more consistent

employment provisions, more flexible hours, rostering, overtime and

penalty provisions. An inter-divisional group to lead implementation

across the ABC was formed and implementation continues to be a

major focus.

The ABC Senior Employment Agreement 2001 came into effect on

1 January 2001. The Agreement covers approximately 230 senior

management jobs. It provides a far simpler employment classification

system and minimum terms and conditions of employment for senior

managers. The new agreement enhances a more individual approach

to employment bargaining for senior managers in the ABC.

Consultation has continued with the unions over the National Property

Project and the Digitisation Strategy.

Women in Television Forum at ABC Brisbane

Divisional representatives were consulted in regard to the tailoring of

the Equity and Diversity Management Plan to the new structure and

objectives were set half way through the reporting period. This group

also took part in discussions regarding the pilot Men at Work project

and individually with division-specific issues and activities.

A designated group of Divisional Directors met to examine the issues of

enhancing the diversity of the ABC workforce, particularly Indigenous

staff. Information was provided to all the Executive regarding

employing for diversity issues and profile of the organisation.

Focus on diversity forums around Australia provided staff with a

diversity /disability focus, to meet with other staff and external public

and private organisations.

During the year there were a number of Women in Television Project

networking forums around Australia which

facilitated consultation about relevant issues within

occupational groups and with other television

networks. A number of forums focused on

balancing work and life issues.

Networking opportunities have provided staff with

a number of forums to encourage discussion, pass

on information and gain feedback, such as the

ABC’s pilot Men at Work program, Network 99

women’s group committees and activities,

networking lunches and focus groups. Participation

on working committees and project teams

provided liaison with a range of staff on matters related to equity and

diversity: the collocation of childcare centres and staff amenities;

accessible television; and editorial policies. Workshops and induction

sessions took place throughout the year around Australia including

modules on equity and diversity, discrimination and harassment.

Preparation is underway for the ABC’s staff Indigenous conference to be

held in Adelaide later in the year. This forum provides the opportunity

for Indigenous staff to network and discuss human resources, program

and portrayal issues. NAIDOC Week activities provide opportunities for

all staff to participate in functions and discussion of Indigenous culture

and perspectives. Indigenous cadets and trainees and their managers

are involved in ongoing consultation regarding workplace matters and

career development.

Legislative Requirements


Consultation withEmployees (Section 6(d))

Women working in technical areas were brought together for a national

workshop for networking and discussion of related issues.

Many of the issues that managers and staff sought consultation on

included managing flexibility in the ABC, harassment and


To assist the implementation of the new performance mangement

system, Human Resources and Training managers delivered training

workshops to over 500 managers responsible for managing staff

performance. Over 1,000 staff attended information sessions on the

new system.

Legislative Requirements


Collection of Statistics(Section 6(e))

The Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act

1987 includes the requirement to collect statistics for the four EEO

groups — women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people

from non-English speaking backgrounds and people with disabilities.

In 1996 a new EEO statistical form for the purpose of reporting

aggregate figures on the EEO groups, was introduced and sent to staff

who had not previously supplied EEO data. Since then, staff who

commenced during each subsequent reporting year, have been invited

to provide their individual EEO information. Due to these initiatives the

overall response rate increased from 56.4 per cent in August 1995 to

85.1 per cent in August 2000. This year the number of respondents

totalled 3311 which represents 83.2 per cent of all staff.

Discussions took place regarding the changeover to the new HR

database system to ensure that EEO data would be available under the

new system to come into effect in late September 2001.

The ABC Board requested comparative data on the representation of

Indigenous employees in Australia. A briefing paper for the Executive

was prepared on Employing for Diversity which included data on the

diversity profile of the ABC for the four EEO groups by occupation,

division and state. Data was also provided on non-English speaking

background staff by language. Preliminary discussions have taken

place about the need to review the collection of internal and external

access and complaints mechanisms regarding disability and cultural

and linguistic background.

The consideration of policies and examination of practices are outlined

in the following sections of this report under Specific Programs, which

is aligned to the modules included in the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan.

The Equity and Diversity Management Plan adopted the diversity

model as its framework and includes objectives and strategies to

support the principles of diversity and to implement appropriate

policies and practices. There is a continuing need to monitor the

impact of legal decisions in the courts in regard to anti-discrimination

legislation and to reflect and promote a discrimination-free

environment in all policies and practices.

The ABC has continued to assist the process of considering and

identifying best policies and practices by monitoring trends and

participating in specialist network groups, seminars and conferences,

workshops and attendance at award presentations.

Legislative Requirements


Consideration of Policiesand Examination ofPractices (Section 6(f))

Setting Objectives andSelecting Indicators(Section 6(g))

Stated objectives of the Equity and Diversity Management Plan are:

1. To increase awareness of the recognition, value and effective use of

the diverse skills, cultural values and backgrounds of the ABC’s

current and potential workforce and to demonstrate commitment

to Equity and Diversity by all managers and staff.

2. To encourage and provide access to all staff to develop their work

skills and contribute to their maximum potential.

3. That workplace structures, systems and procedures assist staff to

balance their work and family/life responsibilities effectively.

4. To ensure that the work environment is free from harassment.

5. To continue to improve organisational structures, systems and

procedures so that they encourage a diverse and equitable


6. To offer equal employment opportunities so that the ABC’s

employee profile reflects the community profile.

Divisions have selected relevant strategies from the six modules of the

Equity and Diversity Management Plan and grouped them under the

objectives, with appropriate performance indicators and responsibility.

Half way through the reporting period representatives from all divisions

determined the main objectives for their areas for the second half of

the year.

Targets that reflect the community profile are two per cent Indigenous

staff of total staff by division and five per cent staff with disabilities of

total staff. Other targets may be determined locally by Divisional

Directors, where occupational under/over representation occurs.

Leadership programs linked to performance management will ensure

that senior executives implement equity and diversity principles and

strategies in their work areas.

Legislative Requirements


Monitoring andEvaluation (Section 6(h))

The Equity and Diversity Management Plan has provision for the

monitoring and evaluation of the stated objectives and strategies

tailored to each division, with performance indicators and allocation of

responsibility. The progress is reported in the ABC’s Equity and

Diversity Annual Report, the ABC’s Annual Report, Corporate and

Business Plans. Other forums for accountability include the Department

of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Access and Equity Annual

Report, the Commonwealth Disability Strategy performance reporting

requirements, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

(HREOC) and a range of Government requirements and enquiries.

Other sources of monitoring and evaluation are the progressive reports

of the Employee Assistance Program and the Workplace Harassment

Contact Officers. These sources provide aggregate information and

highlight trends and usage of services.

From time to time the ABC submits entries to diversity awards and in

November 2000, the Corporation won the 2000 Prime Minister’s

Employer of the Year Award in recognition of outstanding commitment

to the employment of people with a disability. This award in the

Commonwealth Government category highlighted the progressive

implementation of the ABC’s Disability Action Plan.

In 1998 an extensive review of the management of EEO in the ABC was

undertaken, which formed the basis of the ABC Equity and Diversity

Management Plan 1998–2002. The plan reflects the ABC’s Charter,

Corporate Plan, Editorial Policies, Service Commitment and Code of

Practice and covers the period 1 September 1998 until 31 August 2002.

Equity and Diversity Management Plan 1998–2002


Equity and DiversityManagement PlanPrinciples, Vision andObjectives

Workplace Diversity is about the recognition by Australian workplaces

— both public and private — of the need to develop an organisation

that values and utilises all its employees taking into account differences

in backgrounds and experiences. Australia has one of the most diverse

populations in the world and the ABC’s workforce should reflect that

diversity in programs and products for the whole of the Australian

community. Diversity relates to: gender, age, language, ethnicity,

cultural background, disability, sexual orientation and religious belief.

Diversity also recognises the ways that staff are different in other

respects such as educational level, work experience, socio-economic

background, geographic location, marital and parental status and family


All organisational policies, practices and processes that impact on the

lives of employees need to recognise the potential benefits that can

be derived from having access to a range of perspectives and to

take account of these differences in managing the workplace.

Workplace diversity is good management practice and good

business sense and assists the creation of a better working

environment for all.

Managing diversity builds on the equal employment opportunity

foundation, but goes beyond the concept of rectifying

disadvantage for target groups and puts a new emphasis on the

importance of valuing the differences of individuals in the

workplace as good management practice. As the ABC continues to

be bound by the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth

Authorities) Act 1987, there is the requirement to maintain the

program for the four EEO groups — women, Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander peoples, people from non-English speaking

backgrounds and people with disabilities.

Principles underpinning the Equity and Diversity Management Plan

come under an overall concept of fair treatment which includes:

• application of the merit principle;

• appropriate action to eliminate unjustified discrimination and


• application of measures to promote equal employment opportunity

designed to redress disadvantage;

• valuing diversity; and

• natural justice which ensures people have an opportunity to be

heard by an unbiased decision-maker.

Equity and Diversity Management Plan 1998–2002


Principles of Equity andDiversity

Structure of the Plan

Reporting andCommitment of the Plan

The plan has a vision statement and objectives which are supported by

a number of modules containing detailed strategies. The modules are:

Disability, Indigenous, Work/Life, Gender Issues, Cultural Diversity and

Human Resources Integration. Summaries of the strategies included in

each module are included under the relevant sections of this report.

Divisions have drawn from the plan individual models which include

achievable and relevant strategies.

Overall, progress of the plan will be reported in the ABC’s Annual

Report and Equity and Diversity Annual Report. Commitment for the

implementation of the plan is to be shared by all employees with

Divisional Directors and Senior Executives responsible for endorsement

and leadership, to ensure that resources are available, strategies

undertaken and objectives met, with reports of progress completed.

Senior executives will have references to the objectives of the Equity

and Diversity Management Plan included in performance reviews.

Apart from the reward of a workforce that values the contribution and

diverse backgrounds of individuals, the plan will include mechanisms to

recognise the efforts of staff members and groups of employees who

contribute to the achievement of Equity and Diversity Plan objectives.

As Australia’s national broadcaster and major cultural organisation, the

ABC’s mission is to provide its audiences with the best programs,

performances, products and services it can produce and acquire. In

regard to its Equity and Diversity Management Plan, the ABC is

committed to the achievement of this mission by the: provision of a

mix of services designed to acknowledge the diverse needs of

audiences and to connect Australians with their local communities, the

nation and the world; and the development and support of a skilled,

diverse and flexible workforce, committed to high standards, creativity

and quality of service, within a safe and rewarding environment.

Equity and Diversity Management Plan 1998–2002



ObjectivesTo assist the vision statement, to develop a culture within the ABC

which supports the principles of equity and diversity, objectives have

been devised and included in the Equity and Diversity Management


1. To increase awareness of the recognition, value and effective use of

the diverse skills, cultural values and backgrounds of the ABC’s

current and potential workforce and to demonstrate commitment

to Equity and Diversity by all managers and staff.

2. To encourage and provide access to all staff to develop their work

skills and contribute to their maximum potential.

3. That workplace structures, systems and procedures assist staff to

balance their work and family/life responsibilities effectively.

4. To ensure that the work environment is free from harassment.

5. To continue to improve organisational structures, systems and

procedures so that they encourage a diverse and equitable


6. To offer equal employment opportunities so that the ABC’s

employee profile reflects the community profile.

CommunicationThe Equity and Diversity Management Plan will be available to all staff

by a variety of communication means and workshops will be

conducted for management and staff.

The ABC Employment Agreement 2000–2002 with the CPSU and MEAA

came into effect in July 2000 delivering wide-ranging changes to

structures and conditions for the majority of ABC staff. Key features

include a reduction in the number of classifications, a single

performance management system for all staff, more consistent

employment provisions, more flexible hours, rostering, overtime and

penalty provisions. An inter-divisional group to lead implementation

across the Corporation was formed and implementation continues to

be a major focus.

Associated with the new classification structure in the Employment

Agreement, there were a number of key workplace reform projects. The

reforms enabled the ABC to streamline production processes and

achieve efficiencies and savings in the workplace. They have been

undertaken in partnership with other divisions and in consultation with

staff and their unions.

Key among them were reforms in the production of television news,

both in field operations and studio production areas. Coupled with

these reforms, production and support areas have made increasing use

of streamlined and more flexible hours, rostering, overtime and penalty

related provisions.

The ABC Senior Employment Agreement 2001 came into effect on

1 January 2001. The Agreement covers approximately 230 senior

management jobs. It provides a far simpler employment classification

system and minimum terms and conditions of employment for senior

managers. The new agreement enhances a more individual approach

to employment bargaining for senior managers in the ABC.

Human Resources has refocused its service delivery in the states to

provide better and higher level services to managers and staff across

the ABC.

Over the past three years the ABC has committed significant resources

to implement HR SAP, the new business system solution chosen to

integrate existing human resource functions and other business

systems to provide a complete enterprise business information system.

It will provide a greater degree of automation and reduce the manual

processing of the ABC’s current rostering and payroll systems.

Specific ProgramsHuman Resources Policies and Activities


Guidelines were developed for performance management and

employment selection with appropriate references to diversity and

non-discriminatory considerations.

Human Resources Policies and Activities


TrainingAn organisation-wide approach to training has been developed which

will enable the ABC to meet its goals in the digital environment by

delivering suitably skilled staff. Specific training in digital equipment

was underpinned by generic training programs on how the new

technologies work. An Introduction to Widescreen was delivered to

staff in all areas of the corporation. Other topics included: Bit Rate

Reduction, Digital Television Network systems, Digital Television

Production, Digital Video Interfaces and Digitisation Issue.

In December 2000, ABC Training became a Registered Training

Organisation and is now able to deliver accredited training, bringing

major benefits to the ABC and to staff including:

• staff undertaking accredited training will gain nationally recognised

industry qualifications;

• the ABC will attract subsidies for eligible trainees, including existing

worker trainees; and

• the ABC will be able to seek state funds for delivery of certain

training programs to ABC staff and to others.

To assist the implementation of the new performance mangement

system, Human Resources and Training managers delivered training

workshops to over 500 managers responsible for managing staff

performance. Over 1,000 staff attended information sessions on the

new system.

Human ResourcesIntegration Module –Equity and DiversityManagement Plan

The Human Resources Integration module is based on equity and

diversity principles and practices which should be considered and

integrated within the framework of HR activities. This is to assist the

ABC to achieve a balanced, diverse and highly skilled workforce, who

operate within an environment of encouragement, non-discrimination

and fair practice. Appropriate structure, systems and procedures should

allow the ABC to maintain such a workforce within a suitable

environment. All managers and staff should implement, monitor and

be accountable for HR policies and guidelines to ensure an effective

and equitable practice throughout the organisation.

Strategies focus on an array of policies and activities and effective

communication. Disseminating the information to staff is covered by:

the development of a formal equity and diversity policy; production

and distribution of new publications; and interview kit. Understanding

and commitment of the principles and application of equity and

diversity, will be assisted by strategies for leadership programs,

workshops and modules, links to the Performance Management System

and a reward system.

Other strategies include the maintenance of workplace harassment

policies and contact officers, mentoring programs, revised selection

guidelines and diversity issues of age and youth.

During 2000-01 the Equity and Diversity Management Plan was

adapted from the previous portfolio structure to the current divisional

one. Each division endorsed an individual plan which was relevant and

achievable to their area of responsibility. In February divisions met with

the Manager Diversity to set objectives for the second half of the

reporting year.

Human Resources Policies and Activities


Employing for DiversityThe Executive Directors were presented with updated information on

the background, legislation, resources and diversity profile by

occupation, division, and state. A sub-group of the directors was

appointed to examine ways to increase diversity in the ABC, particularly

with Indigenous employment.

Workplace HarassmentThe Workplace Harassment Policy and related resources are available on

the Equity and Diversity intranet site. A brochure summarising the

policy was updated and posted directly to all employees including

casual staff. Posters were also updated with the names of the

Workplace Harassment Contact Officers and placed on noticeboards

around Australia.

Fourteen new contact officers were appointed and trained around

Australia, with around 30 overall. Information on discrimination and

diversity matters is distributed to the contact officers on a regular basis.


Diversity and Harassment WorkshopsThe Manager Diversity conducted information sessions on diversity,

discrimination and harassment in a number of states during the year—

Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Canberra and Adelaide — to both

management and general staff groups.

Mentoring/NetworkingDuring the year there were a number of

opportunities for staff to participate in forums that

encouraged and supported networking and

mentoring — the pilot Men at Work program,

Network 99 gathering and meetings, networking

lunches, Women in Television and Women in

Engineering initiatives and the mentor scheme for

women in multimedia.

Employee Assistance ProgramThe ABC continues to provide staff and their families with support

through the national Employee Assistance Program. Usage of the

program increased to 7.2 per cent, with 288 employees and 56 family

members using the service in 2000-01. Eight per cent of women

employees utilised the service while men ‘s representation was five per

cent. Staff from non-English speaking backgrounds represented six per

cent of all users of the program while there were staff from all age

groups represented.

Tasmania continued to provide further assistance for staff with the

ongoing peer support scheme with a team of ABC employees fulfilling

these roles in addition to their usual workload.

TraineeshipsThe ABC continues to offer traineeship and

cadetship opportunities in a range of occupations

and locations. Targeted traineeships are offered

from time-to-time — currently there are six

Indigenous trainees and a trainee with a disability

has completed the traineeship and is now in

ongoing employment in the television production


Human Resources Policies and Activities


Julie McCrossin, speaker at theNetwork 99 Christmas forum, Ultimo

Production Resources trainees

Age IssuesThe publication Grey Matters was distributed to senior and line

managers to inform on the issues regarding managing age and


Non-discriminatory LanguageThe News and Current Affairs Division employs a Language Research

Specialist who advises and produces information on language

including non-discriminatory language.

Monitoring and LiaisonThere is a continuing need to

monitor best practice trends and to

share information and ideas about

equity and diversity. During 2000-01

the forums of participation included

workplace diversity, Indigenous

employment and Reconciliation,

Commonwealth Disability Strategy,

ethics, pregnancy guidelines and

carers responsibilities legislation.

Information was provided to the

Commonwealth Office of the Status

of Women, Office of Disability, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity

Commission, Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and

to Australian and overseas students.

Human Resources Policies and Activities


Heather Forbes (top left) ManagerSkills Development with 2001 Newsand Current Affairs cadets

The Gender module of the Equity and Diversity Management Plan

focuses on the recognition of the varying representation, including

non-traditional roles, and the needs of men and women in the

workplace to ensure policies and practices are non-discriminatory and

all staff reach their maximum potential. There is a need to provide a

range of programs, and on-air staff, who represent all of the community

in line with the ABC’s Charter function to broadcast programs that

reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community and to comply

with the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities)

Act 1987, which requires an EEO program for women. There is also the

need for compliance with anti-discrimination legislation on the grounds

of gender and application of the Discrimination and Stereotypes

Program Standards included in the ABC’s Editorial Policies.

Strategies included in the Gender module of the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan cover: the need to extend the use of the database to

further monitor trends in employment patterns; the encouragement of

men and women to consider/apply for non-traditional occupation

positions, areas of under representation and single gender

development programs; forums on gender issues, and a greater focus

on gender issues for media staff. The strategies also recommend the

maintenance of ongoing initiatives such as the Women in Engineering

and Women in Television projects.

Special ProgramsGender


ActivitiesPilot Men at Work ProgramThe ABC participated in a pilot Men at Work Program in February 2001

which focused on the key issues facing men in their work and personal

lives. This program was launched in late 2000 by the Department of

Family and Community Services and is an innovative developmental

opportunity for men in the workplace. Thirty-two men participated at

Ultimo and Gore Hill and pre and post surveys indicated a substantial

increase in awareness of issues and strategies in the areas of health,

relationships, balancing work and life and mentoring/fathering roles.

Divisional representatives took part in a briefing session to learn about

the aims and content of the program.

The Men at Work Program will be offered nationally to all relevant staff.

On 16 August 2001 ABC representatives, including three of the pilot

participants, took part in a presentation to the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about the program.

Women in Television ProjectDuring 2000-01 the industry-wide Women in Television Project

continued with reinforcement of the objectives of the group, a calendar

of events for 2001 and other initiatives. The project is co-ordinated by

the Australian Film Commission in association with the ABC, SBS, the

Seven Network, Network Ten, the Nine Network, the Federation of

Australian Commercial Television Stations and the Screen Producers

Association of Australia.

Networking lunches hosted by the project organisations were held in

Brisbane and Sydney in 2000 and focused on balancing work and family

and women producers.

The 2001 calendar of events and initiatives included two large-scale

breakfasts, seven small networking lunches, the development and

publication of a book on balancing work and family in the television

industry and initial research into the development of a cross industry

workshop on promoting a positive work environment in the media.

Within the reporting period, lunches were held in Sydney, Melbourne,

and Brisbane, with topics covering Speaking Up and Being Heard with

Julie McCrossin, Building a Career in Sales, Marketing and Publicity with

Cathy Rhodes, Women in News and Current Affairs with Fiona Crawford

and Ideas into Action with Kris Noble.

On 17 August 2001 the project group organised a breakfast for over

200 people which focused on the future of television with Maxine

McKew as the host. The event was attended by members of the ABC’s

Executive and women from news and current affairs, television and

technology and distribution.

NetworkingNetwork 99 continued with a range of activities

organised by the committees at Gore Hill and Ultimo.

It is envisaged that when the sites are collocated the

committees will combine and it will be an

opportunity to re-focus on the group and its


Up to 200 staff attended a Christmas forum with Julie

McCrossin as guest speaker and a number of ABC

staff performing musical items.



Network 99 Christmas gathering atUltimo

Informal networking lunches were organised for staff at Ultimo during

the year.

The ABC participated in the newly launched National Digital

Technology Multimedia Mentor Scheme for women co-ordinated by the

Women in Film and Television group. Both mentors and mentorees

from the ABC benefited from the scheme.

Women in EngineeringThe Women in Engineering Scholarships are now offered in all states

and territories. Previously there had been a combined award for

NSW/ACT. The monetary component of the scholarship has been

increased with the extra amount being funded by

the Technology and Distribution Division. A major

review of the scheme was undertaken this year and

consultation was sought from staff in the relevant

areas of the ABC.

Women were brought together from around

Australia for a Women in Engineering Planning

Session in Sydney which provided networking

opportunities and a forum for career development


A flier was produced which highlighted the women in engineering

initiatives and profiled current women employees working in the non-

traditional areas.

Training and DevelopmentSpringboard, the external development program for women in non-

managerial positions, continued to attract a number of ABC


RepresentationMembers of the Executive, the most senior level of management in the

ABC, have a high representation of women. In the Content Group

women head the divisions of Development, Television, Radio, New

Media Services, and Content Rights Management. Of the overall

Executive, women hold seven of the fifteen positions.

In the News and Current Affairs Division there is almost an equal

gender balance of on-air presenters of national and state-based

television programs and national radio current affairs.



Women in Engineering PlanningSession participants in Sydney

The total number of women at August 2001 is 1846, representing

46.4 per cent of total staff, an increase of 1.5 per cent from last year.

Within occupational groups the rate of women senior executives

increased significantly by a further 2.1 per cent, continuing the upward

trend of the past four years. Senior executive women totalled 108

which represented 39.1 per cent of all senior executive positions. There

is an over-representation of women in the retail and

administrative/professional groups while men dominate the

technologist group. The large program maker group of staff reflects a

more equitable ratio of women and men.

Representation of Gender by Occupation(figures based on total non-casual staff )



Representation of Gender within Salary Ranges August 2001(percentages based on total non-casual staff )

August 2001 August 2000

Women Men Total Women MenOccupational Group No. % No. % No. No. % No. %

Senior Exec. 108 39.1 168 60.9 276 95 37.0 162 63.0

Admin/ 459 67.6 220 32.4 679 469 66.3 238 33.7Professional

Program Maker 1115 43.7 1439 56.3 2554 1123 42.2 1540 57.8

Technologist 39 12.5 274 87.5 313 46 13.1 306 86.9

Retail 125 79.6 32 20.4 157 122 81.3 28 18.7

Total 1846 46.4 2133 53.6 3979 1855 44.9 2274 55.1

The ABC seeks to employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

in a range of areas to ensure that programs and services are inclusive

and representative of the Indigenous community. There is a need to

maintain a climate of encouragement for Indigenous people to join the

ABC and for those employed to reach their potential and undertake

career progression.

Indigenous representation is in line with the requirements of both the

ABC’s Charter function to provide comprehensive broadcasting services

including programs which reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian

community and the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth

Authorities) Act 1987 which requires an EEO program for Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As well the ABC has to comply with

anti-discrimination legislation on the ground of race and consideration

should be given to the policies on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Programs in the ABC’s Editorial Policies.

The Indigenous module from the Equity and Diversity Management

Plan includes strategies which aim for an update of policy, new

traineeship agreement, promotional literature to support the new

policies and strategies and re-establishment of an ABC Indigenous

Planning Committee. Maintenance and extension of current initiatives

and activities such as liaison with Indigenous organisations and

communities, provision of assistance to Indigenous broadcasting

groups and facilitation of cross-cultural workshops.

The ABC’s Managing Director this year directed divisions to shift from

an overall target of two per cent Indigenous staff of total staff, to a

target of two per cent representation for each division.

To support the ABC to achieve targets a number of initiatives were

undertaken. Information was provided to the ABC Board on the

comparative data of Indigenous employment in other organisations. A

paper was distributed to the Executive, the most senior level of

management, on the background, legislation, potential funding

avenues and the diversity profile of divisions and states. A sub-group of

the Executive was appointed to consider initiatives to raise the

awareness and employment opportunities of Indigenous people in the

ABC across all areas.

As well, divisions were requested to respond to a number of questions

regarding current Indigenous staff and services, past challenges and

successes and suggestions for future direction. ABC Indigenous staff

Special ProgramsIndigenous People


were also invited to put forward their views on Indigenous employment


Discussions were also held with DEWRSB about assistance with a range

of employment initiatives that the ABC could adopt.

From these efforts a draft Indigenous Employment

Plan has been developed with references to

background, legislation, consultation, external

Indigenous programs and recommendations. The

new direction proposed is to assist divisions to

recognise past challenges and to shift to an

inclusive and pro-active model that actively seeks

Indigenous talent and embraces the concept of

mainstream Indigenous employment with

appropriate support mechanisms.

The overall objective being to raise the

representation, profile and awareness of Indigenous people and culture,

which will reflect in a more comprehensive broadcasting service.

There is Indigenous representation on the ABC’s Advisory Council.

Within the ABC, Indigenous employment is supported by the specialist

services of the Acting Indigenous Employment Co-ordinator, Warren

Brown, within the Equity and Diversity area of the Human Resources


Indigenous People


Staff working in the IndigenousPrograms Unit, Gore HillL-R: Veronica Hennessy, PauletteWhitton, Darrin Tranter, WarrenBrown, Chris Spencer

Activities Traineeships/CadetshipsThe ABC and DEWRSB agreed to a project under the Commonwealth

Government’s Indigenous Employment Program aimed at improving

the employment circumstances of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

peoples. A contract was signed in March 2000 which provides for a

flexible funding package from DEWSRB, over three years, to assist the

ABC to provide accredited training and permanent employment for

fifteen Indigenous trainees or cadets.

So far eight trainees have been appointed under the project with six

commencing during 2000–01. The new trainees are located in Brisbane,

Darwin and Gore Hill and are developing careers in news and current

affairs, radio, television production, administration and web


The first in a series of fliers has been produced that focus on Indigenous

employment in the ABC, with a number of current Indigenous staff

featuring in the material that will be used to attract potential


NAIDOC WeekIn early July 2001 the ABC celebrated NAIDOC Week on air and online

with special events around the country. Television screened four

programs produced by the Indigenous Programs Unit (IPU). A NAIDOC

website included feature stories on topics covered on the Triple J

Morning Show, a discussion forum, photographic exhibition and a quiz.

ABC Local Radio, ABC Classic FM and Radio National featured stories

and Indigenous voices.

Traditional flag raising and opening ceremonies took place with

Indigenous musicians and community guests. At Gore Hill the Race

Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Bill Jonas, was the guest speaker at the

opening ceremony. A panel forum was organised to present views on

the topic “Treaty — Let’s Get it Right” with Stan Grant, Jack Beetson and

Tony McAvoy, with MC Nancia Guivarra.

Programming and ServicesRadio’s Indigenous programs Awaye! and Speaking Out continue to be

broadcast nationally and are targeted to the general audience. The

producer/presenter of Speaking Out, Karen Dorante, also presents the

ABc Local Radio Saturday breakfast program in Brisbane. The IPU, under

Executive Producer David Jowsey, produced a second thirteen-part

series of Message Stick., a Stompen Ground 2000 special and the

documentary series Dreamtime to Dance, a year in the life of the

National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association College.

There were also six half-hour television documentaries series three, of

the National Indigenous Documentaries Fund. Barbara McCarthy

continues to be the 7.00pm television newsreader in the Northern


The Manager Indigenous Liaison, Patrick Malone, has been active with

emerging and established Indigenous media groups and communities.

During 2000–01 assistance was provided to groups including: Taree

and Nambucca Heads in New South Wales, Cherbourg, Woorabinda,

Eidsvold, Palm Island, Cairns, Rockhampton and Charleville in

Queensland, Darwin Batchelor and TEABBA in the Northern Territory,

Halls Creek, Broome, Fitzroy Crossing, Kununurra, Bunbury, Port

Indigenous People


Indigenous Employment Programflier

Headland and Roebourne in Western Australia, Port Augusta in South

Australia and preliminary discussions have been held with groups at

Mildura and Echuca in Victoria. Technology and Distribution Division

provided advice and professional knowledge to Indigenous media

associations, particularly in the areas of technical services and

transmission planning/management.

The Message Stick Indigenous online service has been in operation for

two years and includes features such as Black Telegraph, Black Arts and

Culture, The Radar and Yarn Time.

Included in the ABC’s Enterprises corporate plan is the strategy to

extend the life of ABC programming through the creation and licensing

of consumer product in various formats that meet the needs of the

target customer/audience. One of the high priority actions identified to

implement this strategy is to continue to expand the number of

consumer products created and licensed and product categories,

especially in the area of education and Indigenous.

Support has been provided by the Technology and Distribution Division

to Indigenous broadcasting and cultural organisations. Telephone

assistance and consultation was provided to Bumma Bippera, the Cairns

Media Group; the Radio Satellite Flyaway system was lent to the

National Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS) for the coverage of the Laura

Dance Festival along with technical training; and assistance was

provided to NIRS to establish an ISDN connection to ABC Brisbane.

LiaisonThe ABC provided support to Indigenous careers events including a

presence at the Thursday Island Croc Eisteddfod. Membership has

continued with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

Network group with active participation in a range of Indigenous

employment initiatives.

The Managing Director hosted a table including Indigenous and non-

Indigenous staff at the Reconciliation dinner in Sydney in June 2001.

Indigenous People


August 2001 August 2000

Occupational Group No. % No. %

RepresentationIndigenous staff in the ABC remain at 52 with 1.3 per cent

representation of total staff. Although a number of staff left the

organisation, some on redundancy, the traineeship intake and other

recruitment offset the departures of Indigenous staff during the

reporting period. The highest representations are in program making

and administrative/professional.

Within the next few years it is envisaged that the representation will

increase as strategies are developed and implemented to assist the ABC

to attain its stated objective of two per cent representation by each


Representation of Indigenous Peoples by Occupation (figures based on total non-casual staff )

Indigenous People


Senior Executive 1 0.4 1 0.4

Administrative/Professional 10 1.5 12 1.7

Program Maker 39 1.5 36 1.4

Technologist 2 0.6 3 0.9

Retail – – – –

Total 52 1.3 52 1.3

The ABC’s Charter provides for the broadcasting of programs that

contribute to a sense of national identity and inform and entertain, and

reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community and that

broadcasting services take account of the multicultural character of the

Australian community.

The current Corporate Plan 1999–2002 incorporates the principles of

the ABC’s Charter in its vision, values and objectives stating that the

ABC’s presence in the new broadcasting environment is a fundamental

guarantee of media and cultural diversity. To support the vision, the

Corporation values standards of fairness, accuracy and impartiality and

values the skills and commitment of its employees and contributors.

The ABC has Editorial Policies in place which are reviewed every two to

three years. The Editorial Policies are determined by the ABC’s Board

and set out the Corporation’s editorial principles and provide practical

guidance to editorial staff. They include a code of practice and cover a

range of areas including a section on cultural diversity and program

standards on portrayal and discrimination and stereotypes. The

principles in the Editorial Policies that assist the ABC to provide services

that are inclusive are:

• extend the range of ideas and experiences available to Australians;

• provide programming which reflects awareness of the changing

social, economic and demographic circumstances of the Australian


• work with relevant groups, including regional, ethnic and

Indigenous ones, to foster appreciation of Australia’s unique and

diverse multicultural community; and

• develop the natural specialised strengths which states and

territories can contribute to national diversity.

In October 2000, the ABC introduced the new Workplace Values and

Code of Conduct document which establishes specific conduct

requirements and provides information on issues of judgement both

within the workplace and when employees are representing the ABC

externally. Workplace values state that the Corporation will provide a

fair, flexible, safe and rewarding workplace that is free from

discrimination; facilitate co-operation and culture of respect, courtesy

and inclusiveness; and promote equity in employment and a workplace

that values diversity.

Special ProgramsCultural Diversity


Employees are asked to treat other staff and members of the public in a

professional manner without engaging in harassment or victimisation

and must be aware of and apply the ABC’s Prevention of Workplace

Harassment and Discrimination Policy and the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan. As well as compliance with Australian laws relating

to employment practices including anti-discrimination legislation.

The provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity

(Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 require an EEO program

for people from non-English speaking backgrounds and the ABC

is required to comply with anti-discrimination legislation on the

grounds of race.

The ABC continues to collect data on staff from non-English

speaking backgrounds as required under the Equal Employment

Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987. As the ABC

is introducing a new Human Resource/Payroll computer system in

the second half of 2001, work has been undertaken to ensure that

the EEO data will be available under the new system. During

2001–02 all staff will be required to complete a new EEO form to

comply with the new system. During this process the new

Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity will be

examined for application in the ABC.

The Cultural Diversity module of the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan consists of a range of strategies including:

cultural diversity sessions in leadership forums; cross-cultural

awareness; English improvement opportunities; harassment sessions;

and liaison with community groups.

Cultural Diversity


ActivitiesThe Executive Directors were presented with updated information on

the background, legislation, resources and diversity profile of the EEO

groups in the ABC by occupation, division and state. Data also included

non-English speaking background by language.

During the year the ABC continued to assist staff with English

improvement opportunities. Information is collated from external

courses and learning centres at the beginning of each calendar year

and presented in a booklet form for staff to access their own copy. As

well in NSW the ABC participates in a Skillmax Program for staff to

improve workplace communication skills. Staff attend weekly

workshops during work hours for ten weeks. Courses offered include

writing reports and submissions, customer contact, networking

strategies, presentation skills, effective spoken communication,

pronunciation, negotiation skills, meeting skills, grammar in context,

letters, memos and minutes and language for career development.

Managers are requested to encourage staff to participate in these

courses. It is intended to explore similar programs for staff in other


Information sessions and workshops were conducted around Australia

by the Manager Diversity, to management groups and staff, about the

ABC’s Equity and Diversity Management Plan and the

harassment/discrimination policy.

Programming and ServicesThe ABC broadcasts general broad programming that reflects the

make-up of the Australian audience and the news and current affairs

reportage endeavours to reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian

community. During the year an all-media guide to fair and cross-

cultural reporting was distributed to all ABC news editors and the Face

the Facts publication produced by the Federal Race Discrimination

Commissioner to a range of journalists and program makers.

Radio Australia (RA) broadcasts news and features in English and five

languages in the Asia-Pacific area and is supported by a RA website.

During the year traineeships/secondments were offered to Pacific

Islands and Asian program makers and RA staff were encouraged to

pursue professional development such as fellowships and regional


Around Australia ABC metropolitan and

regional centres have participated in

local multicultural activities and

discussion such as the Fiesta

Multicultural Fair Newcastle, Darwin’s

Greek Glenti Festival, University of

Southern Queensland open day, 2001

North Queensland Cultural Festival,

Townsville, Rockhampton Multicultural

Fair, Ten Days on the Island Festival

Tasmania, Canberra Multicultural Festival

and the Melbourne Immigration

Museum. Radio and television programs and multimedia have included

Cultural Diversity


Rockhampton Multicultural Fair

a range of content reflecting the diversity of Australian life and music.

Some areas have contributed to the promotion of a literacy course for

migrant parents (Mackay) and South Australia has continued to

broadcast specific programs tailored to local groups such as the Greek

in Riverland.

The establishment of Bush Telegraph on Radio National this year

provides a forum for a range of diversity programming initiatives

around Australia.

The ABC provides a range of information and reports on cultural

diversity policies and activities, including a contribution to the

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs’ Access and Equity

Annual Report under the relevant identified core government roles.

RepresentationThe level of representation of staff of non-English speaking background

at August 2001 declined slightly to 13.1 per cent. Participation within

the occupational groups remains highest in technologist and

administrative/professional and lowest in retail.

Representation of People of Non-English Speaking Background by Occupation (figures based on total non-casual staff, percentages based on staff with

known EEO data)

Cultural Diversity


August 2001 August 2000Staff with EEO Data

Occupational Group No. % No. % No. %

Senior Executive 20 9.4 213 77.2 22 10.0

Administrative/ 106 17.8 594 87.5 122 19.2Professional

Program Maker 207 9.8 2120 83.0 227 10.1

Technologist 92 33.0 279 89.1 96 30.6

Retail 8 7.6 105 66.9 9 9.9

Total 433 13.1 3311 83.2 476 13.5

Representation of People of Non-English Speaking Background within SalaryRanges August 2001 (percentages based on staff with known EEO data)

Cultural Diversity


The ABC has been progressively implementing its Disability Action Plan

since December 1996. The Disability Action Plan, ABility Counts, was

developed from the requirements of the Commonwealth Disability

Strategy and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The plan, includes

objectives, strategies and monitoring and evaluation, under the four

broad headings of Employment, Communication, Building Services, and

Programs, Services and Delivery. There are a range of strategies to

provide access and equity to people with disabilities currently

employed by the ABC, potential employees - and the community as

audience and users of ABC premises and services. The overall target of

representation of people with disabilities in the ABC is five per cent of

all staff.

The ABC’s Editorial Policies include a code of practice and cover a range

of areas including a section on program standards on portrayal,

discrimination and stereotypes, including reference to people with

disabilities and captioning.

The new Workplace Values and Code of Conduct document has

provision for a workplace free from discrimination, that promotes

equity in employment and values diversity.

A statement of what audiences and customers can expect in their

dealings with the ABC is incorporated in the Service Commitment.

Access for people with disabilities is provided through captioning and

accessible television and websites. Guidelines have been developed

specifically to make ABC television services more accessible for people

who are blind or have a visual impairment or limited reading

comprehension. These guidelines were approved by the Executive

Directors in December 2000.

Included in the Enterprises corporate plan is the strategy to extend the

life of ABC programming through the creation and licensing of

consumer product in various formats that meet the needs of the

target customer/audience. One of the high priority actions identified

to implement this strategy is to extend the formats of ABC consumer

products to include new technologies including DVD and online


The ABC’s Equity and Diversity Policy includes references to people

with disabilities and the ABC has a general policy for access and equity

for people with disabilities. All the plans and policies are available to

Special ProgramsPeople with Disabilities


staff on the ABC’s intranet site. The Disability Action Plan provides a

number of strategies for access to facilities and sites.

The provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth

Authorities) Act 1987 require an EEO program for people with

disabilities and the ABC is required to comply with anti-discrimination

legislation on the grounds of disability.

There are representatives with disabilities on the ABC Advisory Council.

People with Disabilities


Activities Employer of the Year AwardThe ABC was awarded the 2000 Prime Minister’s Employer of the Year

Award in the Commonwealth Government category in recognition of

outstanding commitment to the employment of people with a

disability. The award, which was presented by the Prime Minister at

Parliament House Canberra, reflected the achievements of the

progressive implementation of the ABC’s Disability Action Plan. In

particular the development of two resources, the video employABILITY

featuring a Geoffrey Robertson Hypothetical on disability

awareness in employment and a program maker’s guide You

can make a difference about the issues and portrayal of people

with disabilities.

In February the Manager Diversity was guest speaker at the

Commonwealth Public Service Workplace Diversity Forum in

Canberra, to outline the ABC’s Disability Action Plan and major


Focus on Diversity ForumsFocus on Diversity forums were held in Darwin, Hobart,

Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Adelaide, during the year, for

ABC staff and public and private sector organisations. The

forums highlighted the Employer of the Year Award and

launched the Hypothetical video and program maker’s guide.

In line with the objectives of the ABC’s Equity and Diversity

Management Plan, for greater emphasis on state involvement

in the implementation of policies and activities, the forums

provide the opportunity to foster relationships with a range of business,

educational, government and community groups.

Guest speakers included the Disability Discrimination Commissioner,

Dr. Sev Ozdowski, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Tasmania,

Focus on DIversity launch, AdelaideL-R: Acting State Director SouthAustralia Barry Reid, SACommissioner for Equal OpportunityLinda Matthews, ABC AdvisoryCouncil member Jeff Heath,Manager, ABC DIversity, ChrissieTucker

Dr. Jocelynne Scutt, Commissioner for Equal Opportunity South

Australia, Linda Matthews, Jeff Heath, ABC Advisory Council Member,

Deborah Hall, Darwin Community Legal Service, Senator Margaret Reid

and Professor Barrie O’Connor from Deakin University.

Diversity ProfileThe Executive Directors were presented with

updated information on the background,

legislation, resources and diversity profile of the

EEO groups, including disability, by occupation,

division and state.

TraineeshipA targeted traineeship was provided to a person

with a disability who completed the traineeship

and is now in ongoing employment in the

television production area.

Diversity SessionsInformation sessions and workshops were conducted by the Manager

Diversity, around Australia, to management groups and staff, about the

ABC’s Equity and Diversity Management Plan and the

harassment/discrimination policy.

Access to BuildingsStaff with disabilities were consulted on the accessibility of the new

building at Ultimo and the new security mechanisms.

Work ExperienceWork experience continued to be provided for people with disabilities

around Australia in a range of areas.

Programming and ServicesThe ABC provided coverage of the Paralympic Games in 2000 on

television, radio and online, promoting the ability of people with

disabilities and increasing the awareness of the issues and portrayal for

staff. The Games were captioned on television, along with other

significant events and selected programs.

The ABC won two major prizes for captioning at the Supertext Awards

in November 2000. The ABC’s Late Edition News and Lateline received a

People with Disabilities


Focus on Diversity launch, Gore HillL-R: Chris Madden, Tim Burrows, TomBrassil, Roger Summerill, Richard Ives,Luke Caruso

Special Achievement Award for ten years of captioning and SeaChange

received the Program of the Year Award.

At the same time the ABC announced it had signed an exclusive

contract with the Australian Caption Centre to provide captioning

services through to 2003. Under the agreement the ABC will ensure it is

able to meet new legislative requirements introduced from 1 January


Michael Ward was appointed as the ABC’s representative on the

television captioning working party co-ordinated by the Human Rights

and Equal Opportunity Commission.

ABC New Media staff were members of an internet industry taskforce,

which developed the Accessibility Web Action Plan aimed at

encouraging awareness about web accessibility and working towards

building and maintaining accessible websites.

On 29 August 2001 Tim Gavel, ACT Sports Reporter, was the master of

ceremonies for the International Day of People with a DisAbility 2001 in


The ABC took part in a consultation on arts and disability co-ordinated

by Accessible Arts.

Program makers have been provided with literature, specialist

publications and disability awards details to encourage the inclusion of

disability content. Senior managers and HR managers have received up

to date information on employment issues for people with disabilities.

The ABC provides a range of information and reports on disability

policies and activities, including a contribution under the

Commonwealth Disability Strategy relevant to identified core

government roles included in the ABC’s Annual Report 2000-01.

People with Disabilities


RepresentationThe representation of staff with disabilities remained at 2.2 per cent at

August 2001.

Representation of People with Disabilities by Occupation(figures based on total non-casual staff, percentages based on staff with

known EEO data)

People with Disabilities


August 2001 August 2000Staff with EEO Data

Occupational Group No. % No. % No. %

Senior Executive 6 2.8 213 77.2 7 3.2

Administrative/ 16 2.7 594 87.5 19 3.0Professional

Program Maker 45 2.1 2120 83.0 44 2.0

Technologist 6 2.2 279 89.1 6 1.9

Retail - - 105 66.9 - -

Total 73 2.2 3311 83.2 76 2.2

The ABC recognises that staff have other aspects to their lives as well as

their careers, including pregnancy, parental responsibilities, study

commitments, elder care and caring for other ill relatives/friends.

Flexible working arrangements, clear guidelines for staff and managers

and the encouragement of a supportive work environment will assist

staff to balance work and life commitments. Changes in work methods

and attitudes, such as these, can benefit the workplace by providing

innovative ways of working, flexibility for managers and the attraction

of a greater range of potential applicants and retention of existing

trained and experienced staff.

There is also the need for compliance with anti-discrimination

legislation on the grounds of pregnancy and carers’ responsibilities and

the recognition of the International Labour Organisation Convention for

Workers and Family Responsibilities.

There is a specific overall objective included in the Equity and Diversity

Management Plan that workplace structures, systems and procedures

assist staff to balance their work and family/life responsibilities

effectively. One of the six modules of the plan focuses on Work/Life.

Strategies highlight the need for a policy on work/life and the

production of informative, clear guidelines on the rights and

responsibilities of managers and staff. One of the aims of the strategies

is to raise awareness of work/life and encourage a supportive

environment, particularly for staff during pregnancy, return to work

after extended leave, and flexible work arrangements.

Strategies focus on the consideration of a work/life survey and the

ongoing provision of seminars, networking groups and workshops to

assist staff to balance family and

professional demands. Issues to be

reviewed/monitored including childcare

and related resources, expanded flexible

work arrangements, elder and sick

childcare, work rest areas and education

on discrimination and harassment.

Statistics need to be expanded and

regularly updated to monitor maternity

leave, flexible work practices and

retention rates.

Special ProgramsWork and Life


Men at Work participants, Gore Hill

Pilot Men at Work ProgramThe ABC participated in a pilot Men at Work Program in February 2001

which focused on the key issues facing men in their work and personal

lives. This program was launched in late 2000 by the Department of

Family and Community Services and is an innovative developmental

opportunity for men in the workplace. Thirty-

two men participated at Ultimo and Gore Hill

and pre and post surveys indicated a

substantial increase in awareness of issues

and strategies in the areas of health,

relationships, balancing work and life and

mentoring/fathering roles. Divisional

representatives took part in a briefing session

to learn about the aims and content of the


The Men at Work Program will be offered

nationally to all relevant staff. On 16 August 2001 ABC representatives,

including three of the pilot participants, took part in a presentation to

the OECD about the program.

Pilot Better Life and Work ProgramAnother pilot program Better Life and Work was introduced in June

2001 for staff in the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory,

South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. This six-month pilot

provides a free information service to assist all staff to balance their

personal and professional demands.

The service assists staff by providing a research/search service to

address the needs of staff, including, where to find suitable local

childcare, current government subsidies for childcare fees, disability

support, assistance with accommodation when relocating, health centre

information and removal companies.

Work and Life Support MaterialDraft guide for managers and staff has been completed that contains

workplace related aspects of parental leave, pregnancy, return to work,

elder care, study leave etc., to assist managers and staff to balance work

and family/life responsibilities and activities.

Work and Life



Men at Work participants, Ultimo

To assist managers with the considerations of flexible working

arrangements guidelines were developed on work and life flexibility in

the ABC.

Childcare Centres and Staff AmenitiesThe ABC continues to provide on-site childcare at both Ultimo and Gore

Hill in Sydney and off-site shared childcare in Melbourne.

As the collocation of the two Sydney sites is imminent

the ABC’s Childcare Committee has focused on

accommodating childcare requirements, for the future, in

the Ultimo area. In conjunction with the University of

Technology Sydney the ABC has secured places in the

nearby McKee Street Childcare Centre.

Seminars and other ForumsTwo forums were held in Brisbane during the year. A

work and family workshop was conducted by an external

facilitator and the Women in Television Project held a

networking lunch which focused on balancing work and family.

Participants from all the Brisbane television networks were invited to


Information and AdviceOver the year a number of managers and staff sought information and

advice on matters relating to parental leave, keeping in touch with staff

on leave, returning to work, flexible work and childcare issues. Senior

management and line managers were sent copies of the General

principles: Pregnancy discrimination at work and the Guidelines for

Employers on the Carers’ Responsibilities Discrimination. Information

on vacation care for schoolchildren is collected and distributed to staff.

MonitoringThe ABC continues to monitor the developments in legislation and best

practice in the public and private sectors and participates in forums on

balancing work and family responsibilities.

Work and Life


Having fun at the Child Care Centre,Gore Hill

This section deals separately on the equity and diversity activities and

representation for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation network of

orchestral services. The network comprises seven self-governing wholly

owned subsidiary companies. Since the last review period, the

Queensland Symphony Orchestra separated from Symphony Australia

and merged with the Queensland Philharmonic Orchestra creating

Queensland Orchestras Pty Ltd from 1 January 2001. The

corporatisation process of the former ABC Concerts Division, which

commenced in 1996, is now complete.

This report specifically covers:

• Symphony Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (SAHPL)

• Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd (TSO)

• Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd (ASO)

• West Australian Symphony Orchestra Holdings Pty Ltd (WASO)

• Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd (MSO)

• Sydney Symphony Orchestra Holdings Pty Ltd (SSO)

• Queensland Orchestras Pty Ltd (QO)

The Chief Executive Officers of the orchestras report directly to their

relevant Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officers are responsible

for the implementation of the principles of equity and diversity policies

through their strategic planning, programming and staffing for

orchestral activities.

The selection process for musicians is handled through an anonymous

“behind the screen” audition process. That is, the selection panel cannot

physically see the applicant, but instead bases its recommendations

solely on the musician’s proficiency. This means that the gender of the

applicant, or any other physical feature, cannot be a consideration in

the selection process.

Flexible working hours, family friendly working conditions and

administrative staff working from home processes have all been

initiated throughout the network.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Subsidiaries


• To ensure the principles of equity and cultural diversity are actively

embraced by managers in everyday decision-making.

• To continue efforts to expand audience reach to include those in

remote localities and non-traditional areas.

• To look for opportunities to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander peoples’ involvement in orchestral music and educational


• To reasonably consider family commitments in organising and

rostering work.



EEO Objectives

Achievements for2000–01

Symphony Australia Holdings Pty Ltd

• A staff member employed full time by Symphony Australia works

from home two days per week to accommodate family


Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

• The TSO toured the regions of Launceston, Burnie and Devonport

and presented school concerts to West, North and East Coast


• The TSO participated in the first Ten Days on the Island Festival held

in Tasmania.

• The TSO chamber players toured under the Musica Viva banner to

Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Springwood,

Newcastle, Lismore and Sydney.

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

• The ASO toured to Beachport in rural southeast Australia during the

2000 Adelaide Festival.

• The ASO String Trio (all women) toured extensively throughout

southeast Australia presenting school concerts.

• The ASO toured to the regional centres of Renmark, Whyalla, Port

Pirie and Mount Gambier.

• The ASO has a “chair” occupied by a female musician, which is

supported by the Friends of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.

• A female staff member employed full time by the ASO works from

home to accommodate family commitments.

• A full-time administration assistant’s position was redesigned, on

her return from maternity leave, to assist with parenting


West Australian Symphony Orchestra Holdings Pty Ltd

• The West Australian Symphony is committed to the principles of

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in both its employment

practices and the general working environment. Through the use of

smaller ensembles such as the chamber groups and EChO, the

Company has taken music to a variety of people who would

otherwise not have had the opportunity to experience a symphonic


• The Company will also continue to work with performing and other

arts groups from all areas and cultures, continuing to expand on the

diversity of its performances.

• The complete WASO orchestra toured to Margaret River in March

2001 and the EChO, the Education Chamber Orchestra from WASO

toured to Bunbury.

• EChO also gave performances which involved many different

groups in the community. These included prisons, health

institutions, homes for the disadvantaged and senior citizens’

homes. In addition, EChO performed extensively for young people

— it’s primary function.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd

• The MSO had a successful 2000 European tour visiting such

countries as Canary Islands (Spain), Switzerland, Germany and


• Two senior women managers were appointed — Director of

Development and Director of Marketing.

• Regional touring included visiting country areas such as Horsham,

Hamilton, Warrnambool, Frankston, Warragul, Albury, Shepparton,

Ararat, Mildura and Swan Hill.



• Multicultural Audience Development project was launched in

February 2000 to ensure that the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s

product is well known throughout multicultural communities. Also

to increase box office revenue and audience numbers in non-

English speaking background communities by providing diverse

and relevant programs and highly developed strategies.

Sydney Symphony Orchestra Holdings Pty Ltd

• The SSO introduced a new policy Breastfeeding in the Workplace

and appropriate facilities for staff.

• Of the eight female musicians from the SSO returning from

maternity leave, seven returned on part-time hours.

• Two administrative staff from the SSO returned to work from

maternity leave, one working from home two days per week and

increasing her hours to three days per week. The other

administrative employee returned one day per week in another area

that was able to accommodate her needs. These arrangements

have been managed by the creation of a new full-time position.

• Part-time work arrangements were also granted to two women

employees on request.

• Two female senior executives were appointed, the Director of

Marketing and the Director of Finance.

• Symphony in the Domain is a free concert held in January each

year. As part of the Olympics Arts Festival the SSO also provided a

free concert in the Domain.

• Metropolitan tour included the areas of Sutherland, Penrith and

Castle Hill.

• Intrastate tours included the Beethoven tour of Orange and Dubbo,

a regional tour of Grafton, Tamworth and Taree, Playerlink tour to

Nowra, Bathurst, Wollongong and Coffs Harbour and school

concerts tour to Griffith, Wagga Wagga and Albury.

• The Education Department had a very busy year touring the

Sinfonia Orchestra to Inverell, Moree, Gunnedah, Griffith, Wagga

Wagga and Albury.

• The SSO toured to Brisbane for the Brisbane Festival.



• The Sinfonia Orchestra this year comprised 31 women and 24 men,

18 from interstate, four overseas students studying in Sydney for a

year and 11 from non-English speaking backgrounds. Audition

applicants for Sinfonia incorporated 105 women and 76 men with

women being appointed to nine predominantly male positions of

double bass, bass trombone, two trumpets, three horns, one

percussionist and one bassoon.

• For this reporting period, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra noted

that the majority of appointments were women.

Queensland Orchestras Pty Ltd

• The Queensland Orchestra created a part-time position for an

administrative officer on her return from maternity leave, enabling

the Orchestra to retain a valuable employee.

• The Queensland Orchestra toured regional northern Queensland

including Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Rockhampton.

• As a joint venture the Queensland Orchestra and Queensland Arts

Council toured south east Queensland including Esk, Oakey,

Caloundra, Hervey Bay, Monto, Moura, Springsure, Capella, Emerald,

Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Ipswich, Nambour, Bundaberg,

Gladstone, Biloela.

• Opera Australia and the Queensland Orchestra, a joint venture

toured Caloundra and Maryborough.

• Another joint venture involved the Queensland Orchestra and

Opera Australia tour to Mt Isa, Alice Springs, Darwin, Katherine,

Kununurra, Karratha, Newman, Carnarvon, Geraldton and Moora.

• The recently appointed Chief Executive Officer and Marketing and

Development Manager were both women.



The objective of targeting audiences in remote localities and non-

traditional areas is to develop an awareness and interest from groups of

people that would otherwise have less opportunity to be exposed to

live orchestral music.

The orchestras’ policies of targeting non-traditional audiences in

remote and outlying areas continue to be very effective. These areas

are not well serviced by classical music and this creates the opportunity

for non-traditional audiences to witness live quality classical orchestral


Of the 679 staff employed in Symphony Australia and the network of

orchestras, 331 are women (48.7 per cent). Women comprise 56.5 per

cent of Senior Executive staff throughout the network. There are 98

people from non-English speaking backgrounds, representing 14.4 per

cent of staff, and there is one Indigenous staff member.

Representation of Gender and Designated Groups by Occupation (August 2001)(figures based on total staff )



Progress TowardsAchieving Targets

* NESB — People of Non-English Speaking Background** PWD — People with Disabilities*** IND — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Total Women Men NESB* PWD** IND***Staff

Occupational Group No. No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Senior Executives 23 13 56.5 10 43.5 1 4.3 - - - -

Administrative 154 105 68.2 49 31.8 12 7.8 - - - -Officers

Musicians 502 213 42.4 289 57.6 85 16.9 - - 1 0.2

Total 679 331 48.7 348 51.3 98 14.4 - - 1 0.2

This report is published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

For information about this report, please contact:

ABC Manager Diversity

GPO Box 9994

Sydney 2001

