Expanding the National Government


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The Federalist EraExpanding the National Government

Washington Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti2hV7BfYBo

Starter – October 6th How was the government structure under the

Constitution different than under the Articles of Confederation?

Review Constitutional Convention George Washington first president Wrote new Constitution Articles of Confederation thrown out It was too weak, ineffective Great Compromise by Roger Sherman was agreed

upon 2 house Senate and House of Representatives based

on Constitution Issue of Representation was the key issue, big vs.

small states Compromise!

Were We Really the Land of Liberty?

Who Could Vote Men White Owned land

Who Could Not Vote Women Slaves American Indians Men of any race who

did not own land

The First Political Parties

Federalist Supported strong

central gov’t and ratification of Constitution

George Washington Alexander Hamilton Loose interpretation of


Anti-Federalist Thomas Jefferson Supported farmers

(agrarian society) Supported people’s

rights Had a Bill of Rights

added to Constitution Feared a powerful

central gov’t Strict interpretation of


Jefferson’s Opinion of George Washington

“He was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with the calmest unconcern. Perhaps the strongest feature in his character was prudence, never acting until every circumstance, every consideration, was maturely weighed; refraining if he saw a doubt, but when once decided, going through with his purpose, whatever obstacles opposed.”

George Washington Easily elected president

(well known from Revolutionary War-eased people’s tension about having a president), Adams would be vice president

Leadership at Constitutional Convention

Integrity Faced several internal

crises during his term

Washington’s Cabinet Alexander Hamilton: Secretary of Treasury

(money) Thomas Jefferson: Secretary of State (foreign

affairs) Henry Knox: Secretary of War There was much conflict between Hamilton and


Alexander Hamilton Federalist Wanted to increase

commerce and industry and raise revenue ($$)

Established the Federal Bank (BUS)

Excise tax on whiskey Paid state debts Created tension between

the North and South Moved capital to

Washington DC from NYC

The Whiskey Rebellion

Congress passed excise tax on American made Whiskey in 1791

To pay off national debt Pennsylvania farmers who couldn’t pay the tax

rebelled Tarred and feathered tax collectors Skirmishes broke out between rebels and Federal

officers Shots fired

The Whiskey Rebellion

Washington personally commanded nearly 13,000 troops to shut down the rebellion o Most Rebels fled without battle o Washington captured 20

First major show of Federal Authority, Force

Washington WOULD see that the laws were executedo set a precedent that U.S. citizens who wished

to change the law had to do so peacefully through constitutional means

Political Party Brochure & Research

3 visuals representing parties A brief history of the party. At least 5 political positions of each party. Prominent Leaders of each party. Why a person should join that party. Color!

Separate Sheet How and why political parties developed 5 characteristics of a political party How political parties have evolved over time At least half a page For bonus (+5): List political parties that have been formed, but did not last

Whiskey Rebellion Comic Strip Divided your paper into 6 squares. Use the squares to retell the story of the Whiskey Rebellion. Captions and illustrations in each square. Color!

Major Events During Washington’s Presidency

Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) the American army defeats a confederation of Indians over tension in the Northwest Territory.

Treaty of Greenville (1795) 12 tribes cede much of present-day Ohio and Indiana to the U.S. government.

Major Events During Washington’s Presidency

The French Revolution (1789-1793) the French people overthrow the French monarchy by executing King Louis XVI.

Neutrality – the U.S. would not side with any European country in wartime.

Early Treaties

Jay’s Treaty Helped to prevent war

between US and Britain and eliminated British threats to our security

Pinckney’s Treaty US was given rights to

the Mississippi River by the Spanish

Judicial System Each state had its own

customs in local courts and feared setting up a powerful judicial system that would overpower them

Result----Judiciary Act of 1789: a federal district court would be established in each state and operate according to local traditions (but the Supreme Court would have final jurisdiction)

Washington’s Farewell Address

Washington chose to step down after two terms in office (1789-1797)

His farewell address is his most famous speech

Warns of political party divisions o Political Unity was key to

success Warns about dangers of

foreign entanglement o No permanent friends or

foes Morality in government

o Religion is instrumental

Pair and Share Should we have listened to George Washington’s

advice and stayed clear of alliances, foreign entanglements and affairs?

John Adams Federalist 2nd President XYZ Affair: French

diplomats required payment to talk with US diplomats

Marbury v. Madison: judicial review

Midnight Judges: Adams appoints Federalist judges to Supreme Court to make it difficult for Thomas Jefferson who was coming in after he went out of office

Alien and Sedition Acts: Said that people could not criticize the gov’t (limited freedom of speech) and limited immigration

Antifederalists were angry!

Antifederalists passed the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: affirmed the theory of nullification which said states could nullify unfair laws
