~ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE · 30.07.1982  · s ~ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PublishedbyAuthority Vol.E% No. 54...


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Published by Authority

Vol.E% No. 5430th JULY, 1982

Price 30c

General Notice 689 of 1982By—

ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] “dellas - Salisbucy(b) alteration to times;

-Applications in Connexiori with RoadService Permits fe, enee : : (c) increase in fares.

: IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor: The service operates as follows—“ Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that ,_ the applications detailed in -the Schedule, for the issue oramendmentof road service permits, have been received for theconsideration of the Controller of Road Motor ‘Transportation._ Any person Wishing to object to any such application‘mustlodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation,*. P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— 8' (a) a'notice, in writing,of his intention to object, so as toreach the Controfler’s office not later. than the 20thAugust, 1982; and . c(b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T.24, together with two copies thereof, so as to‘reach theController's Office not'later than the 10th September,982. i

Any person objecting to “an application for the issue oramendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds", of objection to matters direc: y bearing on the considerations_ «Teferred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or ( of section.8 ofthe said Act, Gy

Theservice fo operate as follows—

P. Hall and Company (Pvt. Ltd.



2hlope School.

(a) extension of route from Rus ape - Macheke - Maran-

(a) depart ‘Rusape Tuesday, Thur: day and Sunday 9 a.m.,arriveRwenya Drift 4.45 p.m.;


-(b) depart Rwenya Drift Monday; .Wednesday and Friday5 a.m., arrive Rusape 12.45 p.mi :

(a) depart Salisbury Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 9 a.m.,-arrive Rwenya Drift 6.30 pem.3 £(b) depart Rwenya Drift Monday! -Wednesday and Friday4.50 a.m., arrive Salisbury 3.15 p.m.

0/46/82. Permit: 18272. Passenger-chpacity: 64,Route 1: Gwelo - Lajapanzi - Umvurha - Fairfield - Driefon-tem - Felixburg - Serima Mission!- Gutu Office - Devulifilling-station ~ Mutero Mission - Makurise - Nerushanga.Route 2: Gwelo- Lower Gwelo Mission - Mbanjeni - Ntamba-

30-7-82. Controller of Road Motor Transportation,


Condition: Route 1: The same passenger shall not be picked| oe up or set down between Gwelo and Fairfield. °. SCHEDULE | By: Route I—. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES _,(@) alteration .to times;Amendments - : _7. ., B. & C, Bus Company (Pvt) Ltt, — of a Friday outward service;eo 0/291/82. Permit: 23645, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: ens8: 76.0 °° ~ oL i! . : : Mission to Nerushanga.@& Route: Rusape - Crusader Store = Rhodes Hotel - Inyanga -# - Nyamatsa - Nyawutare - Ruwangwe. . JBy— 4

(a) extension of route from Rusape - Macheke - Maran-;dellas - Salisbury;:(b) alteration to:times; - 3

(c) increase in fares,

The services’operate as follows—. Route J—

10.45 p.m.; The service operatesas follows— ° ‘ ‘te arrive Gwelo 1.45 p.m.;(a) depart Rusape Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 am.

- (a) depart Gwelo Monday andarrive Nerushanga 6.15 p.m;

(b) depart Gwelo Saturday 6 p.m., arrive Mutero Mission

(b) deletion of the Saturday outward!service and substitution- | . 4 .(c) extension of the Sunday inward service from Mutero

IWednesday 11.30 a.m.,

(c) depart Nerushanga Tuesday. and Thursday 7 am.,Lere(d) depart Mutero Mission Sunday 3 p.m., arrive Gwelo

ta - arrive Ruwangwe 4pm; ~.745 p.m.(b) depart Ruwangwe Tuesday, ‘Thursday and Sunday 5.30 | Route 2— 'a.m.arrive Rusape 12.25 p.m. ‘ nn (a) depart: Gwelo Sunday 8 p.m.,\ arrive Ntambamhlope

The service to operate as follows. .(a) depart Salisbury Monday,,Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m., |as arrive Ruwangwe 4.45 p.m.3; i(b) depart Ruwangwe Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 6.a.m., arrive Salisbury 3.15 p.m.OQ/252/82. Permit: 23644. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity; :76. . :

School 10.10 p.m.;.

9 s.

20 Theservices to operate as follows—Route 1—

Route: Rusape-- Makoni - Crusader Store - Rhodes Hotel - j arrive Nerushanga 4 p.m.;Show Hall - Nyamatsa - Nyautare ~ Ruwangwe - Rwenya | -Drift. , a ua


(b) depart Ntambamhlope School S'am., arrive Gwelo7.10 am. . :2

(a) depart Gwelo Monday, Wednes day and Friday 8 am”w

(b) depart Nerushanga Tuesday, Thursday and Sufiday6 a.m., arrive Gwelo 1.50 p.m. ae

702 snr,


ZIMBABWEAN Govenanrr Gazerre, 30TH JULy, 1984

; - ‘ ae tod

. Triangle Trading (Pvt.) Ltd.

‘0/407/82. Permit: 23417, Passenger-capacity: 16.Route: Shabani ~ Madzivadondo - Takavarasha - Chibi Office -’ Chibi Mission -. Chirogwe - Chikofa - Mawadzi School -Berejena + Rozi Dam - Chisiyatenda - Museya - NgunduHalt - Mbangamabwe turn-off ~ Triangle - Buffalo Range -

_ Hippo Valley- Chiredzi e.

_ BY- ,{a} extensiono£ voute from Shabani - Selukwe - Gwelo;

-(b) alteration to days and times of operation;

(c) increase in fares;(d) deletion of intermediate stépping-places,. namely, Chibi

Mission, Chirongwe,. Berejena, Chisiyatenda and Mba-ngamabweturn-off. ; ;

Theservice dperates as follows— a{a) depart Shabani Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m., arrive

Chiredzi 5,10 p.m.; -(b) depart Shabani Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Chiredzi 9.10 p.m;(c) depart Chiredzi’ Monday and Thursday 9 a.m,arrive

Shabani 5.10 pm; 4 , 2

(d) depart Chiredzt Saturday6P:m., arrive Shabani 2.10 am,

The service to operate as follows—(a) depart Gwelo Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m., arrive

Chiredzi 6 p.m.z,


#(b) depart Shabani Sunday10.30 a.m., arrive Chiredzi 6 p.mj.{c) depart Chiredzi Monday and Wednesday 6 a.m., arrive

Gwelo 5.10 p.m.;"

(d). depart Chiredzi Saturday 6 P.m., arrive Shabani1.50 p.m


F. Pullenand Son (Pyt.)Ltd

46.0/424/82. Permit: 16326. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity:

-Route 1: Bulawayo - Magaya: gate - Sipongweni - Queen'sMine - Bembesi - Turk Mine - Inyati Store - Kenilworth -Gwitsi - Matshuzula Dam - B.B, Store - Cross Roads j-Loretto Mission - Chief Ntabeni - Gwenzi School - Joeltore,

Route 2: To .perate as and when required during three corl-secutive days at the beginning and end of each school term

“ for the conveyance of persons connected with school activi-ties to and from Bulawayo and— ¥

(a) Lyrene;.and{b) Usher; and’

(c) Solusi; and(d) Inyati; and(e) Ingwenya; and pha(). Hope Fountain; and . “(g) Fatima Hospital; and

(h) Chongokwe; and(i) Mubuma Mission; andG) UmzingwaneSchool. :

By: Routei— °


(a) extension of route from Joel Store - Sengezi River *:“*_ Empress;

(b) alteration to times;(c) increase in frequencies;(d) deletionof intermediate stopping-places, vamely, Magaya- r

gate, Sipongweni, Bembesi.

Theservice operates as follows—Route i—

(a)- depart Bulawayo Thursday 9.30 a.m., arrive Joel ||Store 1.50 p.m.;

(b) depart Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m., arrive Loretto Mission9.20 p.m.;(c) depart Bulawayo Saturday 1,25 p.m., arrive Joel Store

3.45 p.m.;

‘ (d) depart Joel Store Friday 7 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.04

Pp.M.; |'-{e) depart Loretto Mission [Saturday 2 a.m., arrive Bula- |

wayo ‘5.20 a.m.;

. (f) depart Joel Store Sunday 11 am., arrive Bulawayo4.04 p.m.

Theservice to operate as follows— *Route 1—

- (a) depart Bulawayo Monday 9 am., " arrive Empress2.20 p.m.;

(b) depart Bulawayo Thursday 9.30 a.m., arrive Empress2.50 p.m.3


M. Mpupuni.,

Route: Bulawayo. - -Shangani -_.Gwelp ~

. The service to operate as follows—





is Ranch- Chiredzi - Buffalo Ranch-- Triangle.

The service to dperate as follows— :"| @) depart Salisbury Tuesday, ‘Thursday and Sunday 6.30.


|| ‘Norton - Salisbury. |

The service to operate as follows—






1 (d)

{ (e)

i ©@

G. Mashongwa:;

Route: Salisbury - Beatrice‘ - Enkeldoorn - Nerutanga

The service to operate as follows—

M.’and A,Special Bus Service (Pvt) Ltd’:j. 0/392/82. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76.

depart ‘Empress | Tuesday and Friday 6 a.m., arrive_ Bulaway 12.04 p.m.;

(f) depart Joel Store Saturday 1 a.m., arrive Bulaway5.20 a.m.;

(g). depart:Empress Sunday 9 am., arrive Bulawayo 3.0: pm,

dditionals ©






0/33/82. Motor-omnibus:1s: Passdhger-capacity:16.Selukwe - Donga

Tongogara - Chikato -Tokwe- ‘St. Joseph.

Oodepart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday7.45 a.m., arrivSt. Joseph 3.29 pms.depart Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m., arrive St..“Tosepb 1.44

depart Gwelo Saturday 115pm., arrive St. Joseph6:20

. depart St. Joseph Wednesday 7 2.1, arrive Palas

dope"St Joseph Friday 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 1g

Gepart St, Joseph Saturday 6 a.m., arrive Gwelo 11 a.m.e (

) .depart St. . Joseph Sunday 8 a.m.;; arrive Bulawayo: 3.44 °‘p.m.




Hyamitanta Transport (Pvt) Ltd, ye®

0/42/82. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 6. yA

Route: Salisbury - Beatrice - Enkeldoorn - Gutu turn-off -

on # ‘ 2(c) depart. Bulawayo Friday 5 PMs, arrive:Joel Store. -

9 p.m;hee: 4

' (da) départ”PSilawayo Saturday 10 a.m., arrive Empress‘ 3.20 p.m.;,


' Farmers’ Hall - -Zaka office ,- Chiwamba Townskip- Buffalo

a.m.; arrive Triangle 6.40 p.m.;(b) depart Salisbury Saturday 6.30 a.m., arrive Farmers’ Hall . '

09 p.m.;

(c) depart. Triangle Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6.30. am., arrive Salisbury 6.40 p.m.;

(d) depart Farmers’ Hall Saturday 1.15 pm., arrive. Harar 2.7.56 p.m. eo. ;

0/357/82.‘Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 16.

Marenga- Ndongwe ~ Fari.

depart Salisbury Monday and -“Wednesday 7,30 a.marrive Fari 3.50 p.mdepart Salisbury Friday 5 p.m., arrive Fari 1.26 amit-

(c). depart Enkeldoorn Saturday 11 am.,P-l.;

(d). depart Fari Tuesday, Thursday. and Sunday 5 am.'. afrive Salisbury. 1.26 p.m.;(e) depart Fari Saturday 5 a.m., arrive.:-Enkeldoom 10 a.m,



~| _i

oute: Victoria Falls - Wankie - GwaaiRiver:="Faya - Nkat’ District Commissioner..

€ service to operate as follows— an _1 @) depart Victorja Falls WednesdayFriday and Sunday

8 am., arrive Wankie District Commissioner 5.35 p.m.} -(b) depart Nkai. District

‘Thursday 8 a,m., arrive Victoria Falls 5.10 p.m.(c) depart.Wankie District Commissioner Saturday 10 a

arrive Victoria Falls 7.10 p.m.

_M. Mendelsohn.(0/393/82. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76.oute:. Bulawayo -.Gwelo - Que Que ~Gatooma -


(a). depart Bulawayo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m.arrive Salisbury 3.30 p.m.;

i (b) . depart Salisbury Wednesday, Frid Sunday 10 a.m.|arrive Bulawayo 5.30 p.m, ay and Sunday 10 an

a arrive Fari 4.50, :

Commissigher Monday and’

_~ Hartley at Bey





Super Godiwayo Express (Pyvt.) Ltd. ,- 0/467/82. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. *Route 1: Bulawayo -~Lonely Mine - Gwampa - Zenka - Nzuza

gip - ‘Nkoni - Mpakama - Garapasi - Singwangombe - Ngenatore. ‘

Route 2: To operate as and when required during threeconsecutive days at the beginning and end of each schoolterm for the conveyance of persons connected with schoolactivities to and from Bulawayo and— - .

(a) Mzingwani; and .~

_(b).. Mzinyati; and ~ .

(c) Mawabeni and Ekusileni schools,

Theservice to operate as follows— , .

(a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 8,30’ am._ arrive Ngena Store 2.05 D.m.5

(b) depart Bulawayo Saturday 10.30 am., arrive Ngena_ Store 4.05 p.m.; ~ ,

(c) depart: Bulawayo Sudday 5.30 p.m., arrive Ngena Store11.05 pm. . co.

_(d) depart Negena. Store’Monday, Wednesday and Friday7.10 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.55 pm; ~

(©) depart Ngena Store Sunday 9.10 a.m, arrive Bulawayo255 pam. r



Dendera Trading and Transport (vt) Ltd. ;G/2A2 to 244 and 246, 247 and. 250/82, Permits: 24200, 24201,

24197, 24199, 24196 and 24198, Six goods-vehicles, Load: 7 000kilograms each. . .

Area: ‘Within Vuti, Urungwe, Nydodza, Piriwiri, Rengwe andMukwichi communal Jands, with access to Karoi, Tengwe,Lion’s Den, Sinoja and Salisbury. Lo

Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds.Condition: No picking up or: setting down_of goods between

the: boundaries of the areas. of operation and the places ofaccésy, or between access-places, in either direction,

By: Tntheduction of additionalareas of operation—Area2: Within a 40-kilométre radius of the postoffice, Karoi;Area 3:-Within a 20-kilometre radius of the post office,

Tengwe.” ,;° - oo .

Natureoftfearriage: Areas 2 and 3: Goods, wares and mer-chandise ‘of all kinds. os

ee TAXI-CABS’Additienalst ~ :



TX/i73"to 175/82. Three taxi-cabs, Passenger-capacity: 4 each.Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius’ of the General Post Office,


Mabelreign shopping centre only.Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Dziwaresekwa and

TRANSFERS |_V.L. M. Muchirahondo.

TX/193/82, Permit: 22384, Taxi-cab.By: Transfer ofthe permit from N. Mamvura.

S.J. Rukaza.TX/216/82/ Permit: 20195. Taxi-cab.

‘By: Transferof the permit from N. C. Pagare.

General Notice 690 of 1982. -


Appointment of Commissioner of Police

IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has,in terms of section: 93 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe,appoinféd Mr. Wiridzai Rodwell Nguruve, P.M.M.,. to beCommissioner of Police, with effect from the Ist July, 1982.

: . i . . 7

~~ PB. CLAYPOLE,30-7-82. — o ‘Seeretary for Home Affairs.

General Notice 691 of 1982,





IT is hereby notified, in terms ofAct [Chapter 98], that His Ex¢appointed the persons listed in theto the rank of Inspector in the Zimeffect from the dates listed opposithe second column of the Schedule. §


subsection (2) of the Policeéllency the President hasfirst column of the Schedulebabwe Republic Police, withfe their respective names in


General Notice 692:0f 1982.

30-7-82, Commissioner of Police.


First column Second column111831E John Andrew Spak 2.4.1981.111836K Anne Aalders 21.4.1981111890T Norman Stewart Tough 274.1981111892W Alexander Jose da Costa, 75.1981111893X Michael Hugh Sadler 14,5.1981

8150H David Lurie 1.3.1982111523V Anthony Christopher Mawby ~ 1.3.1982110931B Lavid Landy 1.3.198210193D~ Frans Johannes vd 1.3.1982

110769A Brian Guiffin - i 1,3.1982110909C Gary Alexander Clackworthy 1.3.1982


Revised Scale of Charges for Services: Chemistry and SoilResearch Institute: Department off Research and Specialist


IT is hereby notified that, whereand Sojl Research Institute carries

an officer of the Chemistryout any of the. services

listed in the Schedule, the fees payable for that service will be_ as set out inthe Schedule,

General Notice305 of.1981 is repedled,


30-7-82. Secretary for Agriculture.


Service or axalysis Unit Fee |}. . $

Soits . .. Analysis for. land-use planning and =

development purposes— :available water-capacity for irriga- . '

tion purposes - . SAMPLE 4,00 |' determination of particle-size dis- i

tribution, pH, exchange-capacityand exchangeable cations . . Sanpre + . 10,00 |

Preparation of a. saturation-paste ,extract and the.determination ofpH,electrical conductivity and :water-soluble-cations - - SAMPLE 6,00 .

“free” sesquioxides ” ~. -. E£E T 3,00 :-Fertility-testing or analysis for diag-

_ hostic purposes— it

: from bona fide farmers . .6 . SAMPLE : 6,00 °. from other persons - » « . SAMPLE : 10,00

Partial analysis for advicé on pHand ,liming-rates: tobacco seed-beds ‘and =Private gardens . . . . . . SAMPLE : 1,00

Charges for analyses notlisted shall be : Locharged’at $5 per hourorpart thereof .for time taken, plus the actual cost ofmaterials used. ‘ .

PLANT MATERIALS = |Analysis for diagnosis ‘of nutritional

disorders (undertaken at discretion of t . Loehead of institute). 2-2 2. SAMPLE 10,00 .

Potsons : :: Poisons in viscera offarmanimals _ - ’ DETERMINATION 5,00FERTILIZERS, MANURES AND COMPOSTSFrom bona fide farmers . . . . ~ DETERMINATION 5,00From other persons DETERMINATION 7,50 —


4 - i > fg. ros


Service or analysis Unit Fee . : Date of. $ Number Name ofcompany Capital’ registration

WATER . i . ;Normalanalysis to determinesuitability : : : . 5 /

foragricultural purposes. . . 5 SAMPLE 6,00 92/75 Golden Bouquet Florist (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 000° 19 3 75 ’Liane MATERIALS ‘aire Alarm Systems Rhodesia (Pvt) Ltd... 34000. 25+5.,76To determine suitability for agricultural; 2911/76 The ChatterboxSdlon (Pvi.) Ltd. 24 000 8776| 3

purposes—— ne . 19 77 . P.E. Metals (vt. Ltd... 2 1 ewe 32 0G0 25.1.77. 4‘from bona fide farmers . . °. SAMPLE 6,00 {78 C.A, Import Export (Pvt.) Ltd. . -- m 32 000 | 19 6 78

* from other persons =. . . ,. SAMPLE 10,00 23 79 Door to Door Butchery (Pvt.) Ltd. «+. 32000: 17.1.79.FARM FEEDS, HAYS, SILAGESAND OTHER PLANT MATERIALS 2110/79 Valhalla Chickens (Pvt) Ltd. . ; .: 32000:$ 16.5.79Todetermine feeding-values— {79. Allied Electrix (Pyvt.) Ltd. . . a : doe 24 000° 27,8.99

‘ ‘from bona fide farmers -. . . DETERMINATION 5,00 284/80 Zambezi Hodlings (Pvt.) Ltd... 4 32 000 © 8.4.80]* from otber persons. yo.) ¢)) DETERMINATION 7,50 292/80 Lenco Construction Company(Pvt) Ltd, .. 32 000 8.4.80 .

DETERMINATION OF AMINO ScIDs IN FEED-STUFFS 334/80 Zimbabwe Metal Process (Pvt.) Ltd. .... 32 000 24.4.80:- Analysis undertakenatdiscretion ofthe 495/80 M.Takawira Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd. > 32000 3.6.80

head. of institute (migimum charge, 3 {80 Goodhope Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd.-- - . 20000 10.6.80,)S15). 2 4. Fe...) DereRnmation 5,00 sa Cargo Trans-Africa (Pvt) Lid. /. 32000° 20.6.80.F

Fats AND OILs , . - . +396/80 Zimbabwe International Supply Centre . atAnalysis)... 6 1ee 4%.) DETERMINATION 5,00 vtjlidt . 2. . - 32000 30.6. 8d. :

' CATYLE-Dirs . | 655/80 ‘Property Syndication (Pvt) Ltd. ee 6 32000 .15.7:80,‘Determination ofstrength— : 689/80 African States Consulting Organization . ,

arsenical. . 2. . . . 1 6) SAMPLE oO 2,00 Zimbabwe (Pvt) Lid. . . . 2. 32000 428. 7: 80; .organic . . . . . 1. . . SAMPLE 2,00 694/80 Mangondoz Supermarket (Pvt.) Ltd. . 32000 28.7.30) ‘

IODINE.AND OTHER TESTING-SOLUTIONS o i | 845/80 G.T. Services Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd. 2. 32000: ~ 5.9:80]- j°Standardization . .). 2 . . 2” SAMPLE : 4,00 +: 867/80 Clutch and_-‘Pressure-plate Specialists (Pvt.) | :

PLANT.AND ANIMALPRODUCTS . yt jo. |. Ltd... 4 on + «, 32000 8.9.80:|Determination of moisture— : ceo AE | | 894/80 -K. & G.Electronics vt) Ltd. - - « 32000, 41.95.80A

ovenmethod . . . . . . DETERMINATION 1,00 956/80 Tavetose Transportation (Pvt.) Ltd. . . 32 000 23.9.804toluene method. . . . . . DETERMIMATION 4,00 | 974/80 Philnall Fart; Company (Pvt.) Ltd... . . 32000 . 25.9.80,

‘ Special determination . . . DETERMINATION i 7,50 | 978/80 Insiza Ranching (Pyvt.J Ltd. .. 2: 32 000° 26.9.80-ESSENTIAL OILS } 997/80 _d. & F. TradersPvt.) Ltd. 2. . 32 000 1.10 80

Extraction and estimation - « + SAMPLE 7,50 999/80 Fortune Holdiigs (Pvt.) Ltd. - # ./ 32000 2.10.80GossyPoL 3 “ 1091/80 Management, Gonsultancy and Training ; - 1Determination in cotton-seed cake =. DETERMINATION ‘ 5,00 . Services eH.) Lid 2. ee eee 32 000 2.10.80

AFLATOXIN ‘ . : refeo H. Burger Whilesale (Pvt) Ltd... oe 32 000 2.10.80Determination in .ground-nuts or Do : 1011/80 Pinsan Auto‘Repairs (Pvt) Ltd. . . . 32000 6.10.80, groubd-nut cake, or in feeds . . DETERMINATION 3,00 1017/80 . Industrial and. Commercial Bureau Exe-

UNKNOWN MATERIALS , , . t cutor and Trust (Pvt) Ltd. =. . . 32 000 _ 7.10.80Identification (undertaken at discretion \ 1020/80 Chivaraidze Stores (Pvt) Ltd. . . . 32 oop. 7.10.80

- of the head of institute)". . . . SAMPLE 5,00 1029/80 - Mineral Entegprises (Pvt) Ltd. . . : 32 000, 9.10.80 |; * . ot (minimum), 1037/80 * J. F. van Hoecke (Pvt.) Ltd. . .°.° . ©32000' 13.10.80 |:

_ Som SURVEYS AND ALLIED SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIONS : 1048/80 = - Nendoro TradingCompany Pvt.) Ltd. . 32000°.. 15.10.80 tUndertaken for private persons (plus 1049/80 .


‘Brightside Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . . 32000. 15.10.80


;the actual cost at pertaining rates for. . . a 1052/80 Shabani Cash and Carry (Pvt.) Ltd. . . 32000. 15 10 80] itransport, analyses, labour and pre- : e { : 1053/80 C.J.G.B. Farming (Pvt.) Ltd. -, - 82000 . 15.10.80.paration of reports and maps) . . » PER OFFICER, PERDAY i ' ieee Interland Construction (Pvt. Ltd. ©. 32'000 15.10.80

- — — 1 1057/80 Dee Dee AR-Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. - _32000° 15.10.80. i “| 1058/80 K. & S. Bus.Service (Pvt.) Ltd. * ae . 32,000 I5 19 80_ GeneralNotice 693 of 1982, ae 1069/80 Beray (Pvt) Ltd... foo 20.10.80

oo “ 1071/80 Industrial Stee] Fabrication (eu) tia? 3 20.10.80COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER 190), 1077/80 Class Brass (Pyt.)Ltd... 2. ~ 32000 20.16.80

. ssporan Business. Development Consultants.en) Core. s . r : 1096/80 ComputerSystems and Packages (Pvt, Ltd. 32000. 23.10.80 .

Companies to be Struck Off the Register 180 ElephantShipping Agencies (Pvt.)Lid> . 32000 . 23.10.801102/80 Zimbabwe Business and _ Inyestment - of.

IT is hereby notified, in terms of éection 283 of the'| |. Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. 4 +> 32000 23.10.80Companies.sebposi190], that, at the expiration of three 195/80 Thomson Construction Pvt.) Ltd... 32000, .10.80months from the date of publication of this notice, the names 1108/80 Einalem. Zimbabwe Import and Export’ .of the companies set out in the Schedule will, unless cause | @vi)itd. | . + +" 32000 24.10.80is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register, and the titers oe&Associates Cv)LidMal 32.000 27.10.80rut \- oFsaid companieswill thereby be» dissolved, ’ "ings Pvt) Lid. "30600 11.11.80

RJ. TUCKER, 1432/81 Typewriter & Business Machines (vt) oan .30-7-82. Registrar of Companies. yi Ltd ee 32000 18.11.81 |: iL 8782 Aquafiow (Pvt.)Ltd. 2 2 . - . 24000° 3.2.82

SCHEDULE ' 21 182, Freight Africa Services (Pvt.) Ltd. “.°>. 32000.. 10.3.82

- . / Date of } :Number Name ofcompany : Capital registration’ ee - .

. _ Ss enneral Notice 694 of 1982,219/55 Fayda Properties (Pvt) Lid. 2... 8 000 26.4.55 |. {7 .726{213j55 Cleanwell Dry Cleaners Galisbury) (Pvt) -” . ps~ | LIQUOR ACT [CHAPTER 289] i

Ltd. oboe ee 20000) 811.55) a]803/56 M.‘Alhadeif (Pvt) Ltd. « posses + 8000 19.11.56 | t.425/58 © Carroll Court (Pvt) Lid. |. 1. 2. 8000: 19.4.58 | dauor Lic =’ Bo i72261 Kyle Cruises (Pvt) Ltd. 2. 27.7. 5 80000 24.11.61 | quot ui ensing Board: Interim 1Meeting:" Gatooma Distric ae315/63 | Marlof Estates (Pvt.) Ltd. ae “+, + + 10000 21.8.63 i ? Ss . |ae Fairies(rityta.itd... to eo 19-10-65 i fs JPURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section *37/68 Rhéed id sta 24 000 2.2.68 | ,of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby givenri odesian Gold Mines (Pvt.) Ltd. , “2. at an interim meeting of the Liquor:‘Licensing, Board fos213/71 Meral Properties (Pvt.) Ltd. rr2300) 12.2.71290/71 5 oe e district of Gatooma willbe held:at the Magistrate’s Courtpurcliffe Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. - os 60 000 31.3.7] f.str [ Khdoma, commencingat 9 a.m.’on Tuesday, the


24th day of .1301J7! Galaxie Garments (Pvt.) Ltd, 1 24000 .28.12.71 } hgust, 1982, to consider the foll iti ‘21/72 Huppmann Engineering Zimbabwe (Pvt.) . isA oO owing ma: ef

ltd, . . ks tg 24000 1272: | {(a) an application ‘for authority for the’issue of a bottle68j72 Southside Investments (@vey'Lta. - «+ 24000 24.1.72 | ‘+ Tiquor licence by Elijar Mutaiidira,, to, trade as226/73 | Pionecr Enterprises (Pvt.) Led. . . . 24000 13.3.73 | a Manhando Bottle Store, premises Situate- on lease sitg287}74 Bluff Hill Holdings (Pvt.) Lid, . . . 24000 -26.3.74 i te 6609, Chivero Business Centre, Mhéndoro-.Cormmunal- 874/74 Dirce (Pvt.) Ltd. 5 we me... 32000 18.9.74 ; . Land, Hartley district, and for the | applicant to be42/5/75° Sanda Eaterpeiies (Pvt) Lid... 2. 32000. 10.175 approved as manager; and poet:

_ Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting: Que Que District





_(b) an application for conditional authority for the issueof a bottle liquor licence by Myer Pogrund, to trade asGolden Valley Bottle Store, premises situate on Stand 4,Golden Valley Township, Gatooma district, and for theapplicant to be approved as manager; and ~an application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bottle liquorlicence by Alex Takaindisa Maketa, totrade as Maketa Bottle Store, premises situate on Stand271, Rimuka Township, Kadoma, and for VirimayiFanuel Zinyama to be approved as manager; andan application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bottle liquor Jicence by Alexander MpondwiKuyandepi Chikowore, to trade as Mpondwi BottleStore, premises situate onleasesite 1105, Ngesi BusinessCentre, Ngesi Communal Land, Gatooma district, andfor Maxwell Mandando Chikwore to be approved asManager; andan application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bottle liquor licence by Isaac Pambayi,; to trade as-Pambayi Bottle Store, premises situate on leasesite 5405,Nyimo Business Centre, Sanyati Communal Land,Gatoomadistrict, and for the applicant to be approvedas manager;-and . :

(@) an application for authority for the issue of a. bottle- liquor licence by Dennis Jenah, to trade as ADJ,Bottle Store, premises situate in Shop 3, Stand 10,Chegutu, and for tht applicant to be approved asmanager; and ' .an application for authority for the issue of a bottleliquor licence by Fedelis Saiko Mhepo, to trade asMhepo Country Bottle Store, premises situate on leasesite 23302, Mashayamombe Kraal, Mhondoro CommunalLand, Hartley district, and for Nikasio Mhepo to be

* approved ‘as manager; andan application for conditional authority for theissue ofa bar liquor licence by Bendube (Private). Limited,-totrade as Zambezi Bar, premises situate on Stand 7,Subdivision A and Subdivision B of 8, Kadoma, and

‘for Peter Colin Bénnet to be approved as manager.

, oF R. D. M. DAVIDSON,. . : Secretary,

Liquor Licensing Board.






General Notice 695 of 1982.



PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection {1) of section47 .of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby giventhat an interim meeting of the Liquor Licensing Board for thedistrict of Que Que will be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Que Que, commencing at 2 p.m. onTuesday, the 24th day ofAugust, 1982, to consider the following matters— .

(a) an application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bottle liquor licence by Aaron Maphosa, to trade asMzvanzveridze Store, premises situate on lease site

. 25896, Kana 2 Business Centre, Kana Communal Land,:Gokwe district, and for the :applicant to he approved °as manager; and io /an application for conditional authority for the issue of

_ @ bottle liquor licence by Muchena Mupatsi, to tradeas Mupatsi & Sons, premises situate on lease site 27901,Kasuwe Business Centre; Gokwe Communal Land.‘Gokwe. district, andfor the applicant to be approvedas manager; and : 5

(c) an application for conditional authority for the issue ofa restaurant (ordinary) liquor licen¢e by BensonMuzondiwa Ndemera, to trade as Pembeti NokuwiriranaRestaurant, premises: situate on leaseChinyenyetu Cross Roads -Business Centre, ‘Gokwe‘Communal Land, Gokwe district, and. for the applicantto be.approved as manager; and aoe .an application for conditional authority for the issue of



as Mashazhike & Sons, premises situate on lease site12755,. Zhombe Mission, Zhombe Communal Land,Que Que district, and for Elina Mashazhike to beapproved as managefess; andan application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bar liquor licence -by Peter Remi Gore, to trade asRusununguko Bar, premises situate . on Stand , 2049,Amaveni, Que Que, and for theapplicant to beapproved as manager; and .


- (d)site 10575, |.

a bottle liquor licence by Naison Mashazhike to trade .


ee gs «age be() an application forconditional] authority for the issue of‘van hotel liquor licence by 'T.M.R. (Private) Limited,

“to trade as Impala Hotel; premises Situate on’ Lot 1of sand 769 of Redcliff Township (11 of Redcliffates).- . R. D. M. DAVIDSON,Lot

; Secrdtary,30-7-82, Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 696 of 1982. | os


Liquor Licensing Board: Interim jMeeting: Gwelo District--


PURSUANT to the provisions off subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 28 }, notice is hereby giventhat an interim meeting of the Liqudr Licensing Board for thedistrict of Gwelo will be held 4é the Magistrate’s Court,Gweru, commencing at 9 a.m. on wednesday, the 25th day ofAugust, 1982, to consider the following matters—%(a) an application for conditional authority*for the issue ofbottle liquor licence by Evaristo Zuva Matongo, totrade. as Watershed Bottle Store, premises situate LotD of Lot 1,- Watershed Block, Gwelo district, eand| forZvichanzini Matongo to be approved as manager; and

an application for conditional’ authority for the issueof a bottle liquor licence by Vimbayi Rushwaya,) totrade as Risinawako Bottle $ ore,. premises * situateonStand 64, Makusha Business Centre, Shurugwi TéwnCouncil, and for the applicant to be approved as


; manager. . . 3; R. D. M. DAVIDSON,. . Secretary,30-7-82. Liquor Licensing Board.

%General Notice697 of 1982. mo eS* LIQUOR ACT [CHABTER 289]

‘Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meéting: Charter District PURSUANT to thé provisions of subsection (1) of section |C t , notice is hereby giventhat an interim meeting of. the Liquor. Licensing Board forthe district of Charter will be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Gweru,: commencing at 9 a.m.‘on Wednesday, the 25th dayof August, 1982, to consider the following matters—(a). an application for authority for the issue of a bottle.. liquor licence by Standford ambudzayi Kashora,' totrade 4s Tarikumbira Bottle Store, premises situate .onlease site 23461, Manyene Business Centre, ManyeneCommunal Land, Charter district, and for Jaineote to be approved as manageress; and

anaa bottl liquor licence by Anania Muchanyu, to tradas Muchanya Store and Bottle. Store, premises situaton leasé"site 25630, Chambara Business Centre, ManyenCommunal Land, Charter distritt, and for the applicantto be apptoved as manageress; land

(c) an application for conditional a thority for the issue fofa bottle liquor licence by Angelia Netuve Shoniwe,\totrade as Magwegwe Bottle Store, premises situatelease site 22131, Magwegwe Business Centre, Chilimanzi* Communal Land, Chilimanzi : district, and for theapplicant to be approved as anageréss; andan application for conditional authority for the issue pfa_ bottle liquor licence by Jeremiah MadzivanziraNguma, to trade as Rufaro: ‘Bottle Store, premises. situate on, lease site 24717, (dha Business Centre,

47 of theLiquor Act [Chapter 289],


Sabi North’ Communal Land, Charter district, and for.‘Rosina Nzuwa to be approved IS Manageress; and(e) an application for conditional authority for the issue ofa-bottle liquor licence by Josephat Piki, to trade asChamisa Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site27105, Chamisa Business Centre; Chilimanzi. CommunalLand, Chilimanzi district; and 1 r(f) an application for authority for the issue of a bottleliquor licence by Davidson Mutizwa ‘Rushwaya, to tradeas Manese Bottle Store, premises situate on Subdivision.A of Manese Poort, Charter district, and for LazarusChogato be approved as manager: and :


ication for conditional duthority for the issue \of/





. |

. ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Giaerm 30TH JuLy, 1982. ° [ .

(g) an application for conditional authority for the iseof a bottle liquor licence by John; Doba, to trade iasFaruka Bottle Store, premises -situate on lease site

Masasa Business Centre;. Sabi North CommunalLand, Charter. district, and forAbel Mabe Tinage |to25106,

be approved as manager; ‘and-.

- (h) an application for contitional- authority.for. the issueof a bottle liquor licence by Easter Kwenda, to tradeas Farawo Store and Bottle Stord, premises situate onJeasé site 27801, Munyoro:Bee,Centre, Sabi NorthCommunal Land, Charter distric'and for the applicgt


to be approved as manager.

R. D. M. DAVIDSON,Secretary,

Liquor LicensingBoard.



General Notice 698 of 1982. oo te


Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting:“Belingye District

PURSUANT to. ‘the provisions of subsection () of sectinn47 of the Liquor Act {Chapter 289], notice is hereby giventhat an interim meeting of the Liquor Licensing Board forthe district of Bélingwe will be held at the SeooathCourt, Gwera, commencing at 9 a.m. on; Wednesday, the 2day of August, 1982, to consider the following matters—.

(a) an application for authority for: the issue of a botileliquor licence by Kenny Kujpa Mabhena, to trade as

. Nyamondo- Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site16936, Bonda. Business Centre, Belingwe district; andfor Batsirai Mabhena to be approved as manager; and

(b) an“application for authority for the issue of abo leliquor‘licence by Jennifer Dube, to trade as, Mathembu

. Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site TT. 24473,: Zenda: Business Centre, Belingwe Communal Land,, Belingwe district, and for the applicant to be approvedas manageress; and:

(c) an application for conditional authority for the issue ofa bottle liquor licence by Joram Chirasha, to tradeChirasha Bottle Store, premises situate on lease siteT.T. 18328, Ngungumbane Business Centre, BelinCommunal Land, Belingwe district, and for the applicant

*to be: approved asmanager.

yr, RD. M. DAVIDSON,Secreta

Liquor Licensing Board.30-7-82.

‘068, declared a district road by Rhodesia Notice 1657 ¢4975, to be closed.

Plan 968 may. be inspected free of charge at the office ofthe Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic, “Coghlan Building, ‘

Reference. -


General Notice 699 of 1982. !


Extension of Appointmentof acting Judge

IT is hereby notified that His Excellency.thePresident has,in terms of subsection (2) of section 85 of the Constitution

extended the appointment of Mr. JusticeA. D. H. Lloyd to act as a judge of the High Court ofof Zimbabwe,

. Zimbabwe until the 31st December, 1982.

: 30-7-82.nomi owe : - emo


General.Notice 700 of 1982.



“fi* Appointment of Surveyorof Vessels

ITis “hereby, notified that, with effect from 1st July, 1982,the Minister of Transport has, in terms of section 52 of theInland. Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], appointed Mr.Levy Kusangaya, of P.O. Box 10, Kariba, as a,Surveyor ofvessels. >

; P. B. WINSHIP,Acting Secretary for Transport. -30.17.82.


W. R. SANDURA,Secretary for Justice.

General Notice 701 of 1982.

Companics| Struck Off the Register: Correction of GeneralNotice 639 of 1982

Leis hereby notified, for. eneral information, that General |generain terms of section 283 of the.

Fompanies Act [Chapter 190], contained an error.otice 639 of 1982, publishe

LThat noticeis corrected-in the Schedule by the deletion of+-4.

6/70 Liscard Propefties (Pvt.) Ltd. , $24 000 a» 15.6.70 .

} R.‘i TUCKER,80,7.82. Registrar ‘oft: Companies.

i. ee , _ :

General Notice 702 of 1982. Le : %


t ‘Application for Closure of Road: Que Que RuralCouncil4

IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection3) of sectj“7. of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], that application has beninmade for the road. described hereunder and shown on. bed


Fourth Street, Harare.

yo. Description of road

22/50: Bebdkwe ‘TakeRoad.

_ Commencing Cte . 4.

main road, on Remainder of Bemthree Estate.


» Passirig through a .

‘ Journeys End, EastRange Ranch,# , |

Terminating '

On East Range Ranch-at the north-western boundary of‘Sebakwe ‘National Park (Sebakwe Dam Reserve). an

; Any person wishing to object to such closure of road must .3 so in writing to the Secretary for Roads and Road qmusthose postal address is P.O. Box 8109, Canseway,on or

before 30th August, 1982.

ey ,

Le. 3 P. MAINWARING0-7-82. Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic.

j en

‘General Notice 703 of 1982. :


G .

4 Meee

Promotion of Officers

, pelogIT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection’ (2)- of. section



of the Police Act {Chapter 98], that thePresident has*Rolice the following members of the ZimbabweRepubliicolice:—

| Chief ‘Superintendent Vincent Hustler to!5! Assistane Com-i missioner, with effect from the Ist March, 1982.1 :Superintendent Derek: Tasker to Chief Su rinteside; ith

|” effect from the Ist- March, 1982, Pe ms “he

intendent, with effect from the 1st March, 1982. a:

No. 6795 K Inspector (I) John Douglas McCallamjto Super-intendent, witheffect from the Ist March, 1982.:

. Ferros to Chief Inspecto

“March, 1982.1


"sPector (1), with effect frbin the Ist~

" 0 WRN30-7-82. URUVE,:



Superintendent Andrew Richard Theunissen to!Chive-Super- ,

ay an

» |No. 8944 W Inspector (I) Armindo Antonio Portas Meira

Commissioner iof Police,

- On. Journeys ‘End at its’ junction with Que Que-Mvunla Oo




General Notice 704 of 1982, 3


Proposed Acquisitionof Portion of Stand 331, Seki Township:Goromonzi District a2

NOTICEis hereby given, in terms of section 18 of the LandAcquisition Act, 1979, that the President intends to acquirePortion of Stand 331, . Seki _Township, approximately 91hectares in extent, situated. in ‘the district of Goromonzi and.more fully described on Plan C. 881 and the Schedule hereto.The land is required for the establishment of a town and: civiccentre at Seki,

Plan C, 881, showing the land in question, will be available’for inspection, free of charge, at the office of the Secretary forLocal Government and Town ‘Planning, Earl Grey Building,Livingstone Avenue Harare, between 8 am. and I pm. onevery day other thin Saturdays, Sundays and publi¢e holidayson or before the date mentioned below.

- oo. The owner or occupier ofthe land referred to above, or anyother person having any interest in or right over such land whowishes to claim compensation in terms of Part IV of the Land

Acquisition Act, 1979, for loss or deprivation of rights resultingfrom the acquisition of fhe land, may submit a claim in terms ofsubsection (2) of sectidn 25 of the said Act to the SecretaryforLocal Government and Town Planning, Private Bag 7706,Causeway; not later than-28th September, 1982,

M.'N. TAGWIREYI,: Secretary for Local Government30-7-82, Lo. and’ Town Planning.


An area of land, approximately 91 hectares in extent,fallingwithin the property, Stand 331, Seki Township, situated in the“administrative district of Goromonzi, bounded by a line drawnfrom beacon HA 400 to’a point “a”, being 25 metres frombeacon HA 400 on the line HA 400 to ACI; thence in agenerally southwards direction to point “b”, 415 metres frompoint “a” the line being parallel to and 25 metres east of theline HA 400 to HA 410; thence to point “c” 75 ,>metres awayin a generally south-eastwards direction; thence to point “d”. being on the line ACI to AC2 and 1169 metres from AC2;. thence generally south-westwards, north-westwards and north-' wards through the beacons AC2 and HA 410 to the Starting-point, Doe

HA 400, HA 410, ACI and AC2 are beacons of Stand 331,Seki Township; used in Survey Record 12870, which is. filed inthedepartment of the Surveyor-General. .

. General Notice 705 of 1982. ol


Electricity Supply Commission: Application for an Amendmentto Existing Licence RESC One

' NOTICE is hereby given that the Electricity Supply Com- .mission, Electricity Centre, 25, Samora Machel Avenue Central, ;of the Electricity Act [Chapter 282],Harare, has, in terms i: D

submitted an application to the Electricity: Council for anamendment to its existing licence. .

_, Lhe obiect of the application is to amend the Schedule of|Standard Prices by introducing increased and revised tariffs and |monthly charges, with effect fromthe October, 1982, electricityaccounts, -

Documents and details of the revised ‘tariffs concerning the ;application are available for inspection at the Commission’sHead Office, Electricity Centre, 25; Samora Machel AvenueCentral, Harare, or at-any of the Commission’s district offices.

Any objection to the grantof this application shall be made

.O. Box 8434, Causeway, within 21 days of. the appearance? .this advertisement, and a copy shall be lodged ith. the

. /applicant. . a [

nr J.P. CH RARA,30-7-82, Secretary, Electricity Council.

|. an

.Note.—Tenders which are not received by



- 5960.

General Notice 706of 1982, .


Tenders Invited -¢ ——___


. -' :ALL tenders must be stibmitted to the Secretary, Government TenderBoard, P.O. Box 8075, Causeway |

Tenders must in no circumstances be subinitted to departments.Tenders must be egclosed in sealed cov Opes, endorsed on the outsidewith the advertised tender number and the Jescription, and must be postedin time to be sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered byecretary, Government Tender Board, Second Floor, Regal ‘StarHouse, 25, Gordon “Avenue,

advertised. :

Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the fame of! thetenderer, the service and the amount, must be dispatched in time? fordelivery by the Post Office to the Secreta y. Government Tender Baard,by 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date, and the tonfirmation tender posted; notJater than the closing-time and date. Thearare””,

» before 2,45 p.m. on the closing-date

legraphic address is “Tenders,

2.45 p.m. on the closing-date,Whether by hand, by post or by telegraph, will.be treated as latetenders. : ‘,

|If-a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refundedi onreceipt of a -bona fide tender or if, the tender documents are retuimedcomplete and unmarked before the closing-date.For supply contracts, the country of manfifacture must be stated, Whentenders are compared, a degree of Preference is deducted from Pricestendered for goods manufactured in Zimbabwe. ,No tender can be withdrawn Or amended during a period. of 30 days(or any other period specified in tender documents) from the statedclosing-date.

|The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender,| and reserves the right to select any tender fe whole or in part.

. lenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Boardin sealed envelopes with the advertised tender oumber and descriptionendorsed on the outside are not opened until}2.45 p.m. on the closing-date.Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on SecondFloor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Aventie, Salisbury, from 2.45 pm.onwards on the date specified.

L GAMBLE (Mr),: 7 Acting Secretary,P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. ~ Goverament Tender Board.


5957. Cut, make and trim, Z.R. Police olive shirt drab. Supply’ period Ist July, 1982, to 30th Tune, 1983. Approximately6 000 shirts per annum.

Cut, make and trim, ZR, Police grey shirts, Sup lyand delivery for period Ist etan to 30th June, 1983,

N Approximately 30 000 shirts per annum,Documents and samples for tenders 5957 and 5958 froOfficer-in-Charge, Z-R. Police Ordnance, P.G. Box 8027,Causeway. Closing-date, 19-8-82)Gear shaping cutters: A rangtmodule to 5,00 module in stegs of 0,25: 20° pressure .angle: 4” P.C.D.: 1,75-inch bored, To be compatible wiDrummond 2c gear shaping machine, MeSelf-centring manual chucks: off: Standard Taylor3-jaw, 260 mm self-centering manual chucks, ;Documents from Ministry of Manpower Planning andDevelopment, Private Bag 7750,. Causeway. Cosh

of cutters from 1,


. DWD.37/82. Hire of light-load carrying vehiclesMatabeleland Province for the1982, to 31st August, 1983.Documents from Stores

in theperiod ist Septembet,

ces Officer|J,.Ministry of WaterResources and Development, P!O. Box CR 34, Cran-borne. Closing-date, 19-8-82, .DWD.38/82. Supply to the Mashonaland Province of thMinistry four electric motor and p imp units. |

Documents from S.O.L Ministry of Water Resourcesand Development, P.O, Box CR 34, Cranborne. Closing-date, 19-8-82, . , 1t .

GCS.35/82. Supply and delivery ofplastic. and rubber garden |hose toGovernment Central Stores, -Bocuments from the Controller,


Government CentralStores; P.O. Box 8096, Causeway. |Closimg-date, 26-8-82,


| HDS.25/82, Primary School No. 2, P: rkridge~Fontainbleauin the form prescribed in: the Electricity (Licensing) Regula- | .tions, 1956, and shall be lodged with. the Electricity Council, |South, Unit 1 North.Tenders are. invited from conttactors registered incategory “C”for the development! of a primary schoolin Parkridge~Fontainbleau South, {Unit 1 North, com-prising 10 classroom blocks, 1 administration block1 toilet and storage block, a carpatk, a sports field andpathways.




i- o_O :a>


= 2Z{MBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerrs, 30TH Jury, 1982 [.


Documents from the Director, Housing DevelopmentServices Branch, corner Samora Machel Avenue andFourth Street, Harare, or Private Bag 7706, Causeway.Closing-date, 19-8-82, . ‘ 7 zyA site meeting, at which all prospective tenderers; arerequired to attend, will be held at the Housing Develop-

- ment Services Offices, at 9 a.m. on August 5, 1982.HDS.26/82. Primary School No.

South, Unit I North. -Tenders are invited from %contractors registered| incategory “C” for the development. of a primary schoolin Parkridge-Fontainbleau South, Unit 1 North, com-prising 10 classroom blocks, 1 administration block, 1toilet and. storage block, a carpark, a sports field and

' pathways. * .Documents from the Director, Housing DevelopmentServices, corner Samora Machel Avenue and FourthStreet, Harare, or Private Bag 7706; Causeway. Closing-date, 19-8-82. " :A site meeting, at which all prospective tenderers areTequired to attend, will be held at the Housing Develop-ment Services Offices, at 9 am. on August 5, 1982.

MED.945. Laboratory equipment and sundries: GovernmentMedical Store, Harare. : !

MED.946. Surgical instruments and sundries:Hospital.

MED.947. Oral contraceptives: Medical Store.MED.948, Insulin: Medical Store, Harare. i

MED.949. Sutures: Black braided: Medical Store, Harare.MED.950. Hypodermic syringes and needles: Medical Store.MED.951. Antibiotics and antibiotic preparations: Medical

" Chitungwiza

: Store. : .

Documents for MED 945 to MED 951, inclusive, from

’ Closing-date, 2-9-82.

Tenders are invited from building contractors registered“in category “D” for: :

CON.148/82. Kezi: Housing and offices at Maphisa RoadMaintenance Camp. Documents from the DistrictArchitect’s Office, P.O. Box 968, Darlington “Road,

_ Bulawayo. Closing-date, 19-8-82, “

Tenders are invited from mechanical engineersfor: ca

CON.143/82. Zvishavane: Solar water-heating system to fourhouses at the Police Camp. By

CON.144/82. Harare: Gas services for the Science TechifologyBlock at the Polytechnic. a

CON.145/82. Harare: Unit air’ conditioning, ventilation andfumeextraction equipmentat the Polytechnic. -

CON.146/82._ Compressed air system for electrical workshopsat the Polytechnic. “2,s

CON.147/82. Steam calorifiers.and steam services at HillsideTeachers’ Training College. : ooDocuments for CON.143/82 to CON.147/82, inclusive,from the Secretary for Construction, Samora MachelAvenue, Harare,date, 19-8-82.

30-7-82, os

General Notice 707 of 1982,


Tenders Authorized for Acceptance

The Government Tender Board has authorized the acceptanceof the following tenders. Formal acceptance will be notified-ineach ease by the department concerned. This notice is publishedfor information only, and does’ not in any way constitute theacceptance of a tender. .

fl Tender. +number’ *

+ RDS.14/82. Supply and delivery of precast prestressed concretebeams and precast deck shutters to the Mvuma Road

‘: over rail bridge site on-the Mvuma—Gweru Road: FortConcrete, in the sum of $5786,80. .

DWD.21'82. Tank stands: Nydiida: Stewarts and Lloyds, ‘atvarious prices, Bo .

DWD.26/82. ‘Galvanized steel nibe:and Lloyds, at various prices.

wy:» %a

1-9-82 to 31-8-83: Stewarts



Controller, Medical Store, P.O. Box ST.23, Southerton.

(P.O.’ Box’ 8081, Causeway). Closing-«


33, Parkridge-Fontainbleau .

CON.117/82. Chibi:, Solar water heating system



‘CON.116/82: Bulawayo: Dust extract system.at Branch MedicalStores: M. H. Stevenson and Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.; in the. sumof $10.750,. rs

ifor: seven‘houses: William Smith and Gourock, in the sum of

| * $14 655,89. , po. .COQN.120/82. Gweru: Hospital cold chamber installation,

1 central stores complex: Commercial RefrigerationService (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of$4 136. a

RDS.23/82.. Construction of roadworks .and reinforced earthfor the road over the rail structure at Nort6n: on the

« Salisbury—Gwelo road: W: J. and R. L. Gulliver (Pvt.)’ Ltd., in the sum of $527 422,40. <° < LO


-*L GAMBLE (Mrs.),

4. 7 : , Acting |Secretary,3047-82. Zimbabwe Government Tender Board.

General Notice 708 of 1982. Po fois ’ 7 : i.


| .. Notice of Intention to Cancel Deeds pf Transferjand’Deeds of Grant B ‘ a. _ NOTICE is hereby ; given that the Minister’ of ; Lands,

ReSettlement and Rural Development ‘proposes to direct the .Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deedsof transfer and dedéds

' of! grant described in the .Schedule, in terms of section 5 ofthé Rural Land Act [Chapter 155). ! bos,All. persons having any objections to. such cancellation are

required to lodge the same, in writing, with the’ Minister ofLands, Resettlement and Rural Development, Private ‘Bag 7726,Causeway, on orbefore the 6th September, 1982.1,

_ os 7." 2.7, CHITSIKE, .Secretary for Lands; Resettlement

+1-82, and“Rural Development. .


Deed-of Transfer 647/81, registered in the name of MichaelAlfred Wicksteed, in respect of ,certain piece} of land,situate.in the district of Makoni, called Omaru, measuringone thousand one hundred and ninety-nine comma oneseven eight one (1 199,178 1) hectares.Deed of Grant 6360/80, registered in theWoolwich Estates (Private) Limited, in respect.piece of land, situate in ‘the district of Inyanga, calledSilveira, measuring one thousand two hundred and seventy-one comma nought six eight five-(1 271,068 5) hectares.Deed of Transfer 579/81, registered in the namelof David

: Kay, in respect of certain piece of land, situdte in thedistrict of Inyanga,called Donach, measuring sevenhundred and seventy-nine.comma four threé one seven(779,431 7) hectares. : | .

- Deed of Transfer 2747/67, registered in the naMtoko-Suid Geloftefees en Kultuur Vereniging, fin respectof certain piece of land, situate in the district of Mtoko,called Lot 1 of Guys Cliffe, measuringnine conima seven

_ one two four (9,712.4) hectares. - paDeed of Transfer 7411/74, registered in the lname of -_ Cornelius Johannes Kruger, in réspect of certain . pieceof land, situate in the district of Mtoko, dalled theRemainder ofGuys Cliffe, measuring one thosand ‘two.- hundred an “nine comma nought nine nolight nit* C1 239,090 9) hectares. ‘ = eh . ame

' Deed of Transfer 1961/61, registered in the name of Mrs.. Elizabeth Helena.Tapson, in: respect of certain two: piecesof land, situate in the district of Makoni, called Inver-cargill, measuring one thousand four hundred kind forty —» Commanine. onesix (1 440,916) hectares, and|[Dunedin,measuring. one thousand one hundred and fift commatwo four two two (1 150,242 2) hectares, ’ .Deed of Transfer 2448/59, registered in the name ofCarlos Stanley Oxley, In respect of certain ‘piece of land, .situate in the district of Hartley, called Lidn Ridge, °r measuring one thousand eight hundred and: forty-one4 .comma nine nought two nine (1 841,902 9) hectares,


-8. Deed of Transfer 1849/67, registered in the Iname of7 Walter Hutcheons Barton, in respect of certaj | piece of_ Jand,sitaateasinine [istrict of inyanga, falled Mountal : o in ousan‘| seventy-six (1 276)hectares, 3 © Aungred andfo :f» “4

name ofof certain ne of Die



| iL.









. five five-(2 556,765 5) hectares.

Deed of

land, situate in the district of Makoni, called Tierkloofof Inyati Block, measuring oné thousand five hundredand forty comma one four four nine (1 540,144 9) hectares.Deed’ of Transfer 3773/51, registered in the nameofMere Estate (Private) Limited, in respect of, certain pieceof land, situate in the district of Marandellas, calledMere, measuring one thousand two hundred and seventy-five comma eight one nought six (1 275,810 6) hectares. _

Deed of Transfer 3772/51, registered in the name’ ofMere Estate (Private) Limited, in respect of certain pieceof land, situate in the district of Makoni, called ‘Nyamuaryof Helensvale, measuring one thousand three hundredand seventy-five comma nine‘ noughtfive two (1 375,905 2)ectares. . : i

Deed of Transfer 4042/72, registered in the name of_ Woolwich Estates (Private) Limited, in respect of certainpiece of land, situate in the district of Makoni, calledSchombie, measuring eight hundred and forty-eight commasix two three nine (848,623 9) hectares,

‘Deed of Transfer 2147/80, registered in the. name of‘Woolwich Estates (Private) Limited, in respect ‘of certainIpiece of land, situate in ‘the district of Makoni, calledSilverdale Estate, measuring eight hundred and nineteencomma two eight six seven (819,286 7) hectares,Deed of Transfer 45/69, registered in- the name ofWoolwich Estates (Private) Limited; in respect of certainpiece of land, situate inthe district of Makoni, calledthe Remainder of Inyagura, measuring one thotisand twohundred and thirty-two comma nine nine’ six. five(1 232,996 5) hectares. ,Deed: of Transfer 1011/71, registered in ca name. ofWoolwich Estates (Private) Limited, in respect lof certainpiece of land, situate in the district of Mak

Deed of Transfer 1006/65, registered in the name ofWoolwich Estates (Private) Limited, in respect of certainpiece ofland, situate in the district of Makoni, called theRemainder of Silverdale, measuring eight hundred andeighty-six comma two one six three (886,216 3) hectares.Deed of Transfer 2237/81, registered in the [name of

' Susan Margaret Harvey and Robert Thomas Swift inrespect of certain piece of land, situate in the district ofInyanga, called Turling, measuring one thousand onehundred and nine comma: nought four seven five(1 109,047 5) hectares, _ . oo

Deed of Transfer 1233/67, registered in the | name ofGeza Leopold Varga, in respect of certain piece of land,situate in the district of Inyanga, called Dombo, Mission,measuring onethousand two hundred and forty-six commaseven two two (1 246,722)‘hectares.Deed of Grant 1265/73, registered in the name of DanielJacobus Strydom, in respect of certain piece of land, situatein the district of Sipolilo, called Elhandana, measuringtwo thousand five hundred and fifty-six comma|seven six

Transfer 5061/56, registered in the name of;Alfred Sydney Vickery, in respect of certain piece of

ni, called.Merryvale of Inyagura, measuring six hundred and twelve.

- comma four eight five three (612,485 3) hectares,

- ‘ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerte, 30TH JuLy, 1982 .








Deed of Transfer 7257/74, rpitded in the name ofPhilip Woeke Kemp, in respect oficertain two pieces ofJand, situate in the district of Makdni, called SubdivisionA of The Chase, measuring one thbusand three hundredand eighteen comma seven eight seven (1318, 787)hectares, and Prospect, measuring six hundred and sixty-two comma six nought six: six (662,606 6) ‘hectares,Deed of Transfer 7193/71, registered in the name ofCollen Westwood van der Linden, lin respect of certainpiece of land, ‘situate in the district of Makoni, calledKleinfontein, measuring four hundred and six comma onenought eight (406,108) hectares.Deed of Transfer 3815/58, registered. jn the name of Mrs.Rosaliné Mary Constance -van der Linden, in respect ofcertain piece of land, situate in the; district of Makoni,called the Remainder of The Chase, measuring fivehundred and sixty-six comma eight seven one eight

- (566,871 8) hectares.Deed of Transfer 367/67, registeredtin the name of Mrs.Dorothy Ellen Southey, in respectl of certain piece of.land, situate in the district of Makoni, called Louisvaleof Makoni, measuring two hundred landsixty-two comma

one six seven three (262,167 3) hectares: .Deed of Transfer 4474/68, registered-in the naine of Mrs. |Dorothy Ellen Southey, in respect oficertain piece of Jand,situate inthe district of Makoni, cdiled Liefdefontein of: .Makoni, measuring one hundred andjsixty-six comma fourtwo eight five (166,428 5) hectares. ‘Deed of Transfer 1869/74, registered! in the name of Mrs.’Roseline Mary Constance van der Linden, in respect ofcertain piece of land, situate in thé district of Makoni,called Makoni South Estate, measuring one thousand twohundred and fifty-five comma® two two eight seven(1 255,228 7) hectares, :Deed of Transfer 1961/61, registered,Elizabeth Helena Tapson, in respect of certain piece ofland, situate in the district of akoni, called LesapiSource, measuring one thousand five hundred and. fifty(1 550) hectares. .

Deed of Transfer 2955/82, registered in the name ofGrindlays Industrial and Commercial Finance Limited, inrespect of certain piece of land, si gate in the district ofInyanga, being Carlow, measuring one thousand twohundred and forty-three comma thtee three eight seven

in the name ofMrs.

_- (1 243,338 7) hectares,

General Notice 709 of 1982.

~ PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWEPublication of Bills _ THE following Bills published with this Gozette for general

information: .

Agricultural Finance

University of ZimbabweBill (A.B. 24, 182); ;Corporation (Amendment) Bill (A.B.

i L. B. MOORE,Se¢retary to Parliament.

25, 1982).

General Notice 710 of 1982.

Bank of Zimbabweasat the 16th July,


Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe



IN termsof section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimtlabwe Act [Chapter 173], a‘statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve1982, is published in the Schedule.



30-7-82.Secretary to the Treasury.. ‘ . - SCHEDULE - .


8 . i, ‘ $Capital coe ee 2 000 000 > Gold and foreign assets . .. : 151 096 356‘General Reserve Fund . . 6 000 000 Loans and advances . . . . ,° . 34 993.000Currency in.circulation . . . . 2 2) . (215524419 Internal investments— 222 181 085Deposits and otherliabilities to the public . . 243 658 867 Government stock . - 100/832 674/ ot sO : : : Other . 121848 411 | :Other liabilities. . 104 336902 Other assets oF 143 249 TAT

$571 520188 $571 520 188——

“ae fy GS .

710 iq : ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30vH JuLy, 1983 rr :General Notice 711 of 1982. . . of }



Noricuiis hereby given, in accordance with the provisions ofsection 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, published in Rhodesia Government Not ce 899 of1967. that evidente has been submitted to the insurers whose names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule of the Joss or destruction ofthe locallife policiesdescribed opposite thereto. . .f ‘ . t . ' ; a oo

Aayperson in possession of any such policy, or claiming to have anyinterest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post withthe appropriate ; -. . : : : : : - +insurer, - | ; : - ce fi .

Failing any such communication the insurer wil] issue a correct and certified copy of the policy in accordance with section 51 of the Insurance Act {Chapter196}, . a :


| poof, ce A.J,NDUNA,30-7-~-82.. | > t rs Sou . Registrar of Thsurance,

po | y SCHEDULE : . :

—~— —~| ' Policy Date of | Amant 7. . —

; Name and address of insurer : gumber policy insured e Life insured Se Policy-owner .

Pearl Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O, Box 732, Harare . SR 1.12.78 $5 600 Cames Mwakutuya . .|. . . Cames Mwakutuyfi , AITIE -i 604565A | - : 5 ms :

Pearl Assurance Co. Utd., P.O. Box 732,Harare . SR 4.9.78 33000°'; Ezekiel Mapfumo ...|... « ° EzekielMapfumo. -*AL86Fi : a 604287 A c / f. ; . . oe ry .

Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 9ISSISE J 1,9.76 310000 |. Terence Michael Doyle.|.. . =| Terence Michael + 4172FP.O. Box 969, Hafare . a on . . Doyle. vd.

Southampton Assurance Co, of Zimbabwe Lid., 904899E | °° 1.9.74 $2: 423 _ PrankSacks~ . . .|- . + FrankSacks.. 4173£P.O. Box 969, Harare, 5 . fo ia. ' . of

Southampton AssuranceCo. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 725695 G° “1.9,68 | 3400 ’ Robert Matthew Roberts}. ... . [| Robert Matthew]. 4174fP.O. Box 969, Harare™ : ‘ . : | oe Roberts, . .

Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 909583 G 1.6.75. $5000 |! Brown Mabuza + +|+ . . Brown Mabiiza,:- 4175fP.O. Box 969, Harare: ‘ . , od og T : oP

Southampton Assurance Co.of Zimbabwe Ltd., 922034H - 1.1.79 $5000 NesbertSunguro . .|. . . Nesbert Sunguro- 4176fP.O. Box 969, Harare _ . . . | :

Southampton Assurance Co. ofZimbabwe Ltd., 443149 K 1.11.57 34000 Stavros Gergiou Tzirkalli|. . . Stavros Gergiou Tzir-: 4177fP.O. Box 969, Harare , . Z { | me . 8 Kalli. oe

Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 925692 L 1.6.80" $7 5p0 . Isabelle Florah Chitate - + . Isabelle Florah Chi- i 4260fP.O. Box 96%8Harare : - tate, ,

The Prudential Assurance Co. Lid. P.O. Box 10194013 - 1.8.78 $15900 |' D.S. Marshall * « « « |e « | DS. Marshall. / 4197¢

1083, Harare: r : : . ‘\ : hi . .

The Prudential: Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O, Box 10193974 4.7.78 $6000 M.Mlambo — ..'. . 1. . . M. Mlambo, 41981083, Hassre} . ” : ot { . ° ;

Legal & General Assurance of Zimbabwe, P.O. RH 324394 1.14.76 35 C.M. Gerber «we J. ee I. G. R. Pattullo. * 4181f aBox 435, Harare ‘ . | “ * Legal & General Assuranceof Zimbabwe, P.O. RH 3300464) 14.77 $2000 .|°S.M.M.Mutomba. . |, ...| S.M.M.Mutomba, | 4266fBox 435, Harare , - *.: . : ,ecg : :South African ‘Mutual.Life Assuiance Society, | 2276691 19.5.70 3544 David.Mark Robbins . |... .| Philippe Jacques Lol-,| 4184fP.O. Box 70,,Harare =: 7 ? oo . ye po fiot. / foe

South African Mutual: Life’ Assurance Society, 3123814 30.6.77 $2829 -| Charles Arthur Beckley Wilson . Charles Arthur Beck- 4258fP.O. Box 70, Harare * : . j , : . ley Wilson.

_ South African ‘Mutual Life Assutance Society, 2689309 |- 1 22.2.74 $2016 Alan Richard Gordon Beal¢ . .] Alan Richard Gordon 4259fP.O. Box 70, [Harare « ' : . ‘ : . Beale, ; ‘ .

72 31728 Gideon A. van Aarde . |. . .| Gideon A. vanAarde.



SANLAM,P.O} Box 2473, Harare... dt. . 135153X5 1.7SANLAM, P.O} Box 2473, Harareaf =. . . 127935XK5 1-7.70 $1500 | Edelweiss E. Cronje. . |. . . Edelweiss E, Cronje. | 4224£Yorkshire-General Life Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. | ‘6000359 5.5.72 $11000 | - Dorothy Susanna Webb, formerly


Dorothy Susanna


4180fBox 28, Harare . 4 : j Bleakley, Nee MacDonald | Webb, formerly

at: 3 : Bleakley, Nee Mac- £i . l ° : . - _ Donald. .

Yorkshire-Genefal Life Assurance Go. Ltd., P.O. 6004424 8.1.79 36 odo *Kishoree Modasia (Nee Anand) . |: Kishoree Modasia


4257f£Box 28, Haraie J x , a . o (Nee Anand).Sun Alliance & London Assurance Co. Ltd.,


1/251851 26.6.57 £3 225 ‘Leo James Desmond Harris . .:| Leo James Desmond } 4267fP.O. Box 2471, Harare © . , * . Harris.: .. | : VJ to <

>CHANGE OF NAME : Mabena did formally; abandon the surname Mabena, and did—_— assume, in its plate, the| surname Masoka, and, further, ; : . oe . assumed the first-name Rodwell andthe second name Dumile,NOTICE‘fs hereby given that, by notarial deed executed so that henceforth he will be known, on all occasions in alibefore me, Honour Piniel Mkushi, a legal practitioner, at récords, suits and proceedings, as Rodwell Dumile .Maspka.

Harare, on the 30th June, 1982, Benias Tunhayi Gurure (born t oe 'on the 11th ‘June, 1936, at Mutoko), in his capacity as the || Dated at Bulawayothis 19th day of July, 1982—Lazarus &.natural fathey, sole custodian and legal guardian, and on behalf Sarif, legal practitioners, (éntenary Buildings, Ninth Avenue/of his minor |child did abandon the surname Rusike, and, in-jts |. Jameson Street, Bulawayo, | _ 42208place, did adopt the name Takesure Gurure, and, in future, the |".:. 2.0 ew}——minorchild shall be known as Takesure Gurure for all records; : | .deeds documents ‘and other’ writings, and in all actions, suitsand proceedings, and in all dealings and transactions what-_soeyer, ° ~|

Dated at Harare this 19th, day of July, 1982,—H. P. Mkushi, |NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed ekecuiéd.. clo Sawyer & Mkushi, legal practitioners, Ground and Secorid béfore Anthony Robert Passaporti tifloors, Methodist House, 7, Central Avenue, Harare, _ 4208f Harare, on the 20th Suly, 1982, OswalddereyMost ntdid




Sees mefee = . (oe abandon the PanameMostert,| and did fssume the ameo ‘ilkinson, and did further transpose his forenames, so that heCHANGE .OF NAME . sHall henceforth, on all’ occasions, use and be known by the—— : nameLeroy Oswald Wilkinsdn. .NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed pated _at Harare this 20th day , of Tuly, 1982—A." R.before me, Ega Washington Sansolé, a legal practitioner, at {| Passaportis, legal practitioner, Eighth Floor, Founders House,Bulawayo, 7 the 7th day of December, 1981,-Dumile Rodwell | Gordon Avenue, Harare, - 4211f

sl oe . 4g . . 7 . oad

| - . i

: . on or before the 3rd day of August, 1982, Lo




TAKE notice that Hileen Marjory Heslop (a divorcee, bornon the 10th July, 1941) appeared before me on the 21st day of |.June, 1982, and changed her names by notarial deed byassuming the additional christian name of Victoriachanging her surname from Heslop to Carr so thatin 4dealings her full names will be Eileen Marjory VictoriaMichael Johnc/o. Kantor & Immerman, 93, Park Lane, Harare.

Yand byfuture

Carr.—artmann, notary public/legal practitioner,



‘ Notice of Application - >“ ¥ ee

WHEREASanapplication has been received for dn order' presuming the death of Constable Pius Paul Mazdrire, ofSupport Unit, Headquarters, Harare, who has disappeared;. ' AND WHERBASan inquiry will be held at theM ashona-land Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 17th

|day of August; 1982:. .NOW, THEREFORE,any person who—- 1?(a) has any information relating to the circumstances

disappearance of the missing person; or ‘


of the

can show cause why the missing person should not bepresumed to be dead or why his estate should not be

— placed under an administrator; or“© can show that there is no possibility that the disappear-

ance of the missing person was caused by the activitiesof terrorists; or


should' Magistrate’s Court, at Harate, such representations in:

with the application; 1


Dated this 7th day of July,:1982.

. a Clerk of the_%



|WHEREASan application has. been received for an

presuming the death of Pasurai Madhubeko, of



Notice of Application

aewishes to’make anyother representations in connexion

lodge with the Clerk. of the Mashonaland Proyincjalriting

‘C. KASHORA,Court.


order -pinda

School, Private Bag 8022, Que Que, who has disappeared; .AND WHEREASan inquiry will be held at the Midlands

Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15'p.m. on the Sth !day ofAugust, 1982:NOW, THEREFORE,any person who— |(a) has any information relating to the circumstan

disappearance of the missing person; or . iof the

(b) can. show cause why the missing person should ‘not bepresumed to be dead or why his estate shouldplaced under an administrator; or


not ‘be

‘can show that. there is no possibility that the disappear-ance of the missing person. was caused by the activitiesof terrorists; or

(d) wishes to make anywith the application; b

should lodge with the Clerk of the Midlands Provincial }istrate’s Court, at Gweru, stich representations in Writing‘Mag

on or before the 21st day of August, 1982,

Dated this 9th day of J:uly, 1982,

oO Clerk of the

other representations in connexion

_¢. KAMUTANDA,Court.



Notice of Application -

WHERBAS an application has been received for anpresuming the. death of David Michael Mushambi, ofOld Highfield, Harare, who has disappeared;


AND WHEREASan inquiry will be held at the Mashona-Jand Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p:m. on the 3rdday of August, 1982:

NOW, THEREFORE,any person whol(a) has any‘information relating to the circumstances of the

disappearance of the missing persdn; or(6) can show cause why the missing

presumed to be dead or. why hisplaced under anadministrator; or

person should not beestate should not be

(c) can show thatthere is no possibility that the disappear-ance of the missing person was caused by the activitiesSe Pof terrorists; or é

(d) wishes to make any other represwith the-application; .

should‘lodge with the Clerk of the entations in connexion

ashonaland Provincial Magistrate’s Court, at Harare, such re

on or before the 27th day of July, 1982.. Dated this 28th day of Ture, 1982.

e :&

resentations in writing

C. KASHORA,Clerk of the ‘Gourt.



,NOTICEis hereby given that the undér-mentioned certificatesof registration, issued in the name of,Limited, have been lost or misJaid, and {

Jena Mines (Private)hat application will be

made to the Mining Commissioner, Gweru, at the expirationof 30 days from the date of publicatiogissue of duplicates thereof,

Registered number

9731 -97471252813608- .

- . 136091365214175141761417714178 .15296 .1530015301

- 157871578815856

; 158577 15858

- 1567810060 -12943:

. 12944148441503615183150861511015111150881624116242


Dated at’Harare this 19th day of July

of this notice, for the

Name of block

LeopardLeopard 2Leopard 3Leopard 4Leopard 5Leopard 6Leopard 7Leopard 8Leopard 9Leopard 10Leopard 15Leopard 19Leopard 20

| TermiteTermite 2Termite 3Termite 4Termite 5Python 2LeopardessLeapardess 2 ‘Leopardess 3ResponsibleLeopardess 4Leopardess §Stump 2Stump ,Stump A |Lioness.

Termite 7 oy?Termite 8 uTermite 9Freda1982.7


NOTICEis hereby given; that the unde r-mentioned certificateof registration, issued in the name of the late Terence WalterShannon, has been lost or mislaid, and t hat application will bemade to the Mining Commissioner, Fort Victoria, at the expira-tion of 30 days from the date of ‘publicathe issue of a duplicate thereof. <—

Registration number,4754 . 7 3

Dated at FortVictoria this 16th day g“

‘ - we“ys


ion of this notice, for

. Name of block

Mont d’Or 10

f July, 1982, 4192f




~ to make representations

. the. Rhodesian~ Whereby certdin piece of Jand, in extent 4018 square metres,

~ 712 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT. pGazerre, 30TH Juty, 19 2 . 7 4


NOTICE is hereby given that the under-mentionedcertificate- of registration, issued in the name of Consolidated MineralsLimited, las been lost or mislaid, and that application willbemade to the Mining Commissioner, Harare, at the expiration-of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, for theissue of a duplicate thereof.

Registered) number ©

BM,|8136' Dated at Hararethis 14th day of July, 1982.

: Name of block

‘ Vincant





is hereby given that it is proposed to issue newcertificates }ta replace certificate numbers 2, 8, 12 for 3999shares in Colorlab (Private) Limited, issued in the name of-Frahk Robert James Hogg. 4All persons objecting to the issue of such certificates are

hereby required, to lodge their objections withthe undersignedwithin 14 days of publication hereof. oo 4Dated-at\Harare this 30th day ofJuly, 1982.—Barbour

& O'Connor, P.O, Box; 714, Harare.RobbANTE gz



is given that Patrick Rodney Dibble, in hiscapacity a} Under-Secretary for’ the Ministry of Lands,’Resettlement and Rural Development, intends to apply for a_ certified copy! of Deed of .Transfer 5141:52, dated the 11thseptember, |1952, with Diagram S.G. 1626/52 annexed, madein favour pf the Government of the Colony of SouthemRhodesia, whereby certain piece of land being Subdivision Aof Glenroy! of Oatlands, situate in the district of Salisbury,


. Imeasusipg 204,1391 hectares, was conveyed. AM persons claiming to have any objections to, or wishing,19 mane any representations in connexion with, the issue of.such capy are requised ta Iodge. the same in writingDeeds Kegittry, at Harare, within 14 days from the date ofpubliection e this notice, " aDated at Warare this 12th day of July, 1982.—State Attorney,for the applicant, Tenth Floor,Burroughs House, 48, Gordon

Avenue; Harare, oo - 4201



NOTICE {s hereby given ‘that application is to be made fora certified copy of Deed of:'Transfer 815/1968, made infavourof Derrick Brain (born onthe 5th August,’ 1926) on the 8th_ day of April, 1968, whereby certain piece of land, being Stand. 434, Que Que Township, of Stand 490, Que Que Township,situate in the district of Que Que, in extent 29479 Englishsquare feet, was conveyed, ;_ All persons having any objections to, or wishing to makeanyrepresentations in connéxion with, the issue of such copare ‘hereby required to lodge the same in writing at the DeedsRegistry, Bulawayo, within 14days from the date of publicationOf this noticd-E. C. Moffitt & Pratt, legal practitioners, CamsHouse, Second ‘Strect, Que ‘Que. 4182£


intends to apply2198/59, dated

for a certified copy of Deed of Transferthe 18th November, 1959, made in favour ofMilling, and Manufacturing Company Limited,

being Stand’2176A, Bulawayoof Bulawayo, was conveyed. .All persons| claiming to have any objections to, or wishing

: in Connexion with, the issue of suchcopy are hereby required to lodge the same in wiiting withthe Registrar \of Deeds, Bulawayo, ‘within 14 days from thedate 'of publication of this notice+—Lazarus & Sarif, Jegailpractitioners for the applicant, P.Q. Box 484, Bulawayo.bo a 4187E

Township, situate in the district

> notice,


at the .


i thousand ane hundred, 4g

j;oanga, measuring 101,384' ;| ithree eight four eight Hectares),1

NOTICE is hereby given that Charles William aand ‘Nigel Gordon Hamer-Nel intend to apply forcopy of Deed of Transfer 2260/1978, dated 15th1978, by virtue of mie deed they are the registeof certain piece of land lin extent 1,168.9 hectares,35, 56 and 57 of Raylands Estate A’ of Raylands Est!in the district of Gwelo, the said piece of land hetransfered to them by hur Ermest Henry NicheBeasley, ~ °

representation in connexion with, the issue of suchhereby required to lodgé the same, in writing; atRegistry, Bulawayo, within :14 days from. the datlication of this notice-—Coghlan “&Bulawayo,

All persons ‘having any| objections to, or wishing to

Welsh, P.O,


a certifiedovember,

ed. owners.being Lots:ate, situate.ving beenJas Robin

make anycopy, aretheDeeds> of pub-‘Box 22,



cancellation of Mortgage Bond -390/76, for $61

; cents) passed on the 2nd

Apps, the marriage béing

' Divaris (born 14th Octob


NOTICE is hereby given that .I intend to appl

nd sixteen doJlars and-séFebruary,: 1976, by Pamela Marie

; Apps (born 18th October, 1918), married to Ronalgoverned by the laws of

of P.O. Box 3092, Harare, in favour? of Georgeer, 1928), of 803, PowerDz

; Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, hypothecating certain piece of Jdnd,

6,71 «(sixventy-one

d GeorgeEngland,

dym Drive, situate in the district of .

|Andreas Divaris is the present Jegal holder. .All persons claiming to|have any sight ortitle in laid bond, which is Jost, lod

{ objections or representations, in writing, at the Deeds! Registry,| 12 the date of publication of this

‘hearing Mz. Jordaan, -

are hereby required to

Harare, within 14 daysj George Seiriis,

representatives, efo SeirlisTare,

George Andséas..


whereof the said George

Hlamer-Nel |

y for the

Goromonzi, being Subdivision A of: '8 hectares (one nought one comma

orto the .ge their .

ivarit’s legally igen & Levis, 2.0. Box 3568,

4S i : . * «sf


OF ZIMBABWE | Petitioner, for an order |that it be woundi in'‘terms of the Compan| @ provisional liquidator. :Bulawayo: Friday, the 16th day of July, .1982,

i Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Gubbay.i Mr. Jordaan for the petitioner,; No other interested person present, 7

REUPON,after reading documents filed

up by

IYIS ORDERED: _‘1, That a rule nisi do

Pho "Case No. Hd| IN THE HIGH COURT Ee

es Act, and for the appoin'

issue, returnable to this hoy

. 564/82

the courtment of

of record and

ourablecourt, sitting at Bulawayo lon the 20th day of August 1982,ealling upon afi: _ @) Newton (Private)

(0) the costs of‘thOf liguidation,

2. That this rule do operate as a provisional1 fiquidation. . ”

persons interested to shew cause, if aLimited should notbe wour

terms of the Feleranies Act [Chapteriproceedings should not

ny, whyup in



given that National Foods Limited {


. contained


p. : Highth Avenue, Bulawayo.


That the Assistan

4 x


nt Master of this honourable cd| and is hereby, directed to appoint Ronald Edgar Cray,: 48 provisional liquidator of the company with the |pcg in paragrap

' Section 194 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]That service of this order be effected oncompany at its registered office,That there be one publ

d. , 8. ce ’ Deputy Re' Joe]. Pincus Konson & Wolhuter, Deputy 'Peutigner’s legal -practitioners;:

215, York House, .

hs (a) td (g) of ‘subsection


. I , blication of this order in the Gazetteand in a- Friday edition of The Chronicle, Bul



urt be,

Q)ofthe. respondent

RSON,-gistrar. :




the approval of the Registrar of Banks and

| extraordinary

ZIMBABWEAN Gévennncnsr GAZETTE, 30TH JuLy, 1982 713


TAKE notice that Jacobus Cornelis Henri Renssen, ofVyeboom 619, Badplaas, Transvaal, South Africa, whose estatewas sequestrated, as insolvent, on the 27th November, 1975,willmake application for his rehabilitation to the High Courtof Zimbabwe, at Harare, on Wednesday, the 18th September,1982, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter asthe matter may be heard. .Dated at Harare this. 19th. day of July, 1982—H. Shaw,

legal practitioner for the petitioner, 101, Roslin House, 46-48,Baker Avenue, Harare, 4202£+

Theattention of shareholders is drawn to the facts that—Friday, 6th August, 1982—Register of members closes;Monday, 9th August, 1982—Listing of new shares begins;.Monday, 16th August, 1982;-Register of members

reopens; . , f : -Monday, 23rd August, 1982—Share‘certificates will be

mailed to shareholders in respéct of their new shares.By order of the Board—C. G: TRACY, Chairman: R. C.

| LEWIS, Secretary.“Harare,22nd July, 1982, i 4279£

SPORTS POOLS (PRIXATE) LIMITED,(in members’ voluntary liquidation) _

Sports Pools (Private) Limited; Ellbee and Company (S.R.)(Pvt) Limited; Sports Pools Shop (Private) Limited; UnionAvenue Leasing (Private) Limited; Uniori Avenue PrintingSo (Private) Limited.

For each of the above-named companies: * ._ IN terms of section 216 (1) of the Companies Att, noticeis herety given that the following resolution was passed as aspecial resolution on the 8th July, 1982:

It was resolyed— ; 7 aoSince*the company is no Jonger trading, has no/jassets or

. liabilities, it will be wound up under the terms of section. 215 (b) of the Companies Act, . 4284


Notice to Shareholders: Increase in Authorized Shase Capitaland Capitalization Issue of Shares Oe YOUR“Mirectors are pleased to advise that, having received

inanciaInstitutions, the. following resolutions were passed theL at

general meeting of shareholders held on

1. As a special resolution: .

Thursday, 22nd July, 1932, |

“That the authorized share capital of the company be;- and° it is hereby, increased from ten million dollars

($10 000 000) divided into ten million (10 000 000)! ordinary‘shares of the norminal value of one dollar ($1)/ each, to

. twenty million dollars (20,000 000) divided into twentymillion (20 000 000) ordinary shares of the nominalvalue ofone dollar ($1) each by the creation‘of a further tenmillion (10 000 000) ordjnary shares of the nominal valueof one dollar (S1) eack> such shares to rank Part! passu. inall respects with existing shares.” - |

2. As an ordinary resolution: oo po“That the Board of Directors be,.andit is, hereby authorizedand. empowered to issue, by way of a. capitalizationissue from the company’s reserves, up to 5 184million, one hundred and eighty-four thousand) sharesof the unissued share capital. of the company and to allotthese shares to the members of the company re ed in


the books of the company on Friday, 6th August, 1982, °‘in the pro ‘hundred(100) shares held by them -respectively and 16doall that is necessary to give. effect to this. resolution,subject to the approval of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.”

Thereafter, at a directors’ meeting immediately followingthe meeting of members, the following resolution wasunanimously approved:

jon of seventy (70) new shares for every ;



+ Department of Printing and Stationery

“That in accordance withthe authority given by the conipany.:in extraordinary genera) meeting, up to 5 184 000 (five million,one hundred and eighty-four thousand) shares of the tunissuedshare capital of the company be_and they are hereby; allottedand issued by way of a capitalization issue from the reservesof the company to members registered in the books of thecompany at the close of business on Friday, 6th


August,1582, in the proportion of seventy (70) new shares for every ‘|hundred (100) shares held by them respectively.”

Fractions arising from the issue will be ignored.

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange has approved an apfor the listing of up to 5 184000 new shares arisingissue from Monday, 9th August, 1982, .



| om the:




-of publication of this advertisement, to the


Change ofNames of Companies2 NOTICE is hereby given, in terms 6f subsection (2)of section

7 of the Emergency Powers (Alteratidn of Names) Regulations,1982, published in Statutory Instrument 427 of 1982, thatapplication will be made, not Jess than 14 days from the date

‘gistrar ofCompanies for his approval to change the names o .

(a) 1099/80, Hartley Spares and Equipment(Private) Limited,_ to Chegutu Spares and Equipment (Private) Limited; and(b) 138/82, Hartley Engineering (Private) Limited, to Chegutu

Engineering (Private) Limited. | , oInterested persons may lodge any répresentations which they

wish to make in regard to the prop change of names, in”‘writing, with the said registrar within 14 days after the lastpublication of this advertisement.—Scanlen and Holderness,agents for the companies, P.O. Box 188, Harare. 4209£ ©


in the estate of the late Adam Barnard Boshoff, of 905 KeyWest, Sandowm Road, Durban, South Aftica, who died atDusban, South Africa, -on the 19th May, 1982,NOTICEis her iven that Brian John Hudson, nominee

of Pasclays isereby Bont Lid, the duly appoii executor,intends to apply to the Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe,at Harare, for countersignature of thd letters of executorshipissued by the Assistant Master of the Supreme Court of SouthAfrica (Natal Provincial Division), at Pietermaritzburg, on the17th June, 1982, ooAll persons having any objections the countersignature

of suchletters of -executorship, or haying any claims againstthe estate, are hereby required to Ai their objections andparticulars of their,claims with the Master of the High Court, ~F’arare, on or before the 19th “August, 1982. .Dated at Hardre this 30th day of Jitly, 1982.—Barclaytrust

(Private Limited), P.O. Box 1398, Harare. 4283£


Public Holidays: Early Closing for ithe Receipt of Copy

“IT is hereby notified, for general. in formation, that, owingto the advent of Heroes’ Days on Wednesday and Thursday,the 11th and 12th August, 1982, all copy for the Gazette to bepublished on Friday, the 13th August) 1982, must reach theDepartment of Printing and Stationery{not later than 11 a.m.on Wednesday, the 4th August, 1982. |


Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Stfeet ‘and Epton Street),Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway)} . _ coe


Authorized Scale of Charges, Timés of Closing and’ Subscription Rate

Charges , !

Notices published inthe normal columns: $2or part thereof single column. Taking thematter, normally spaced, approximately,

r centimetreepth of such

25 words occupy one



oe . : d é : 4

ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazeriz, 301m Jury, 1982 .

‘ . ve . STL oe a



Gentimetrs[out this can only be a rough guide, as a -headingmay occupy: two centimetres, and certain notices unavoidably-contain while space, which mustbe included in the chargeabledepth. |:

Ug Kotices thich have to appear in tabular form across the“full width of the page, such as'lost insurance. policies, deceased

. estates, insolvent estates, company liquidations, notices in termsof the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], changes of companies’names, et Cetera : $5per entry.

Except in|the case of approved. accounts, remittances mustaccompany all copy for advertisements. Failingthis, copy willbe returned with an assessmentof charges. ;Times of closingThe Gazeife closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to

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All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing. and Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway,

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Subscription jrateThe annual subscription rate for the Gazette is Z.$14, pay-

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Conditions for Acceptance of, Copy

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Persons drafting any kind‘of notices are strongly advised toa

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(a) the Instructions Relating to the Drafting and Typing ofLegislation (Attorney-General’s Circular 1 of 1978); and

(o) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and Preparation ofpublished by the Department of Printing and |Copy,

. Stationery; . :which two bopklets are intended for complemental use.

In these conditions, other than where a particular kind ofcopy is specified, “copy” means copy for’ allmatter containedin the Gazette itself and for subsidiary legislation issued assupplementsto the Gazette. ce,

1, (1) Other than by prior arrangement, only originaltyping is accepted. =! 2

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4, Photographic copy or copy produced on a duplicating-machine. may te accepted ii is abundantly clear.



5.: (1) Should’ any copy—_ :

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complicated setting; the Gazette in whichit is to be published.

notice if—

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6. Notwithstanding anything .to the contrary contained in. these conditions, any copy—|. | + ; |


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prior arrangement, be accepted late for the currentweek; LS 7jmay, due to shortage ‘of staff or to technical

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8. (1) In cases where hotices have to.be published in‘tabular form, copy mustbe|drafted exactly as it is topppeat:Jé printed forms for anadvertisers must’ prepare their own forms. While it] is’ notnecessary to include the preamble, the box-headings: must bethere, and, where applicable, the. number of the form; forexample, “Insolvency Regulations—Form 3”, ‘

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10. (1) Ifa typographica error occurs in the Gazetie,it isrectified as soon as possible by a correcting notice,charge to the ministry ‘or départment concemed, subject tothe following conditions— . .

(a) that: such error is reported tothe%editor within threemouths from the ldate of publications and | °°.; (®) that the relevan; proved to be abundantly clear; and

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THE following publications are obtainable from theAoterament. Publications Office, Cecil House, . 95, “StanleyAv inue, ‘Salisbury (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway), or from theGoyernnient Publications Office, 101n, Main Street, Bulawayo(P. ). Box t the prices specified - oppositethereto. . —i


211, Bulawayo), ~

| A


| it will be classed as “lengthy” copy, and will be required to besubmitted not less than 21 days before the date of Closing. for

: -(2) Lengthy copy maybé accepted at less than 21 days’

(b) the total volume: 6f work on hand for the time _acceptance, Po

which’-is of national importance, and which is

? such notices are unavailable,

ithout |

copy, upon re-examination, is ‘

+ (4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been *.



. _ : :

Agro-ecotogicalsurvey of Southern Rhodesia, part I and part 2H 2,00 KbulomaTsindebele—Néebele for beginners— 0.50

Agro-economic survey of Central Midlands . . - » i 2,00 - , ¢ ,Air: Navigation Regulations, 1954, with amendments . 7 1,50 | Let’s -build: Zimbabwe together-—Zimeord conference documentation 5,00Au assessment of the surface water resources of Rhodesia . '§. 3,00 | aepoommissionessof oaths: and justices of the peace, as at a

Brands directory, 1974 (consolidated edition) oe 8 e fe 12,00 1 Manual of’ style for the drafting and preparation of copy . a freeBrands directory, 1975 - . - '. - + + +. |+ 400} Matepos, by Sir Robert. Tredgold, K.C.M.G. - 125Brands directory, 1976 - - . - + = 2 «+ (- 400 j Ministry of Roads and Road Traffic: Laboratoryreport 974. =. 2,00Banas directory, NTT ee ttt 400” Model Building By-laws, 1977... foe ete 5,00ran irectory, - - . oe - - te ty famen' Losey sot

Brands directory, 1979 . - oo - - 4,00 PasiTate) tary debates Glonse of Assembly) ¢ val subscription 1,50Catalogue of banned books, periodicals, records, etc., from ist . Parliamentary debates (The Senate) (annual subséription Fate) . - 1,50

: ecember, 1967, to 31st December, 1980 . ° - - 2,00 potent and Trade Marks Journal {annual subscfiption rate) . - 6,00Cantonese ‘of parliamentary papers, 1899-1953 . “ore - 5:00 parent and Trade Marks Journal (individual copiesy . . . 0,20Common veld grasses of Rhodesia.(second edition). . - |. 400 planning handbook (Department of Physical Planning). . - 10,00Community development source book No.5. «.. - |. 5,00 Reports and decisions of the Court of Appeal for Native CivilCommission of inquiry into termination of pregnancy, 1976 . ° 0,50 Cases, 1928-1962 . . - - - . 5,00Company names: the practice followed by the Registrar of Reports and decisions of the Court of Appeal for African CivilCompanies in the approval of company mames . ’ . . 0,10 ses, 197 . . - 0,75 .

Conservation—a guide book for teachers .. - 41,00 Rhodesia Served ,the Queen (the story ‘of the part played byCriminal Procedure and Evidence Act ‘[Chapter 591 (as amendel ne Rhodesian Forces in the Boer War of 1899 to 1902), volume L.

at the 31st December, 1976) . : . 1,50 by Colonel A. S. Hickman— . 2Economic survey of Rhodesia, 1970, ‘971, 197, 1973, 19, “1975, buckram-bound - . - . - - % 10,00

1976, 1977 . . . 0,50 Rhodesia Served the Queen, volume1 > wTEconomic survey “of Zimbabwe. Rhodesia, 1978 . . . - 0,50 cloth-bound . . - “foe, Dog * 10,00_ Economic survey of Zimbabwe, 1979 .. . . . - . 0,50 Rhodesia subsidiazy legistati . "1970 (our parts), per set . . 6,30

, Estimates of expenditure, 1978-79 .- . . . 2. - 2,10 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1971 (five parts) per part . en 1,60°Five-year plan: three complementary books— - . : / or, per set 6,30Proposals for a five-year programme of development in the public Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parts), per part .. . 7,50sector. . - : : + 3,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation; 1973 (seven parts), . 7,50

Integrated plan “for rural development - ot slo - +7 2,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1974 (five parts), - 7,50Urban developmentin the main centres. -- - «© ~. |. ° 4,00 Rkodesia subsidiary legislation, 1975 (five parts . 7,50

Flora zambesiaca, volume I, partI . . ~° .« . « |e 2,701 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part - 7,50Flora zambesiaca, volume I, part D . . soo . " 2,70 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1977 (four parts) 7,50Flora zambesiaca, volume Ul, partI . . . - Te . . 3.25 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (four parts), . 7,50

' Flora -tambesiaca, supplement - - 7 ‘os "ss eri ds (1,55. Rhodesian botanical dictionary ofAfrican and English plant names 4,50Greater Salisbury report, local authority commission -. |. 3,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1970, part 1 and part 2 . 4,20- Government Gazette (annual subscription - rate) . . ds “14,00 Rhodesian Jaw reports, 1971, part 1 and part 2, . 4,20Government Gazette (individual copies) . . *% .. . |. - 0,30 Rhodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2 . 420Growth with equity—an economic policy statement. . ~. |. -3,00 | Rhodesian Jaw reports, 1973, part 1 and part 72 . 4,20History and extent of. recognition of tribal law in Rhodesia . Rhodesian law reports, 1974, part 1 nd ‘part (2 . 4,20(second edition) . .° 7 ‘ . . . 8,00 ‘Rhodesian law. reports, 1975, part 1 and part {2, . 4,20Income Tax Act [Chapter 181], as amended at the 31st October, 1979 2,25 |- Rhodesian law reports, 1976, part 1 and part B2, § . 4,20

Index to the legislation ia force in Zimbabwe on the Ist January, Rhodesian Jaw réports, 1977, part 1 and part 2 . 4,20

BL. 2 Peers ° v2 . » [+ 3,50 Rhodesian law reports, i978 ‘ . ode. - «9,00Instant statute case law .* -. . . 8,00Kirkia, journal of the National Herbarium "Salisbury, 1960-6 “Rhodesian law. reports, 1979 . * |; . . . 9,00Volume yp . Co . , - , - 3,00 Rules and practice of the General Division of the ifieh Court, 1971 2,00Kirkia, 1961-62, volume 2. . . i . Loe . |. 3,00 Rolesof|the General Division of the High (Court—case law 2.00Kirkia, 1962-63, volume 3. 4 7 1 wee fe 300 | geRhodesia, 1915; 1976; 1977; 1978} ~Kirkia, 1963-64, volume 4.0 ©. 1 5. 1 we we 8,00 full-bound, buckram woe ew a EL 20,00Kirkia, volume 5, parts I and I, per part. . » j- 450 | quarter-bound, hard cover. 9. oo. sti... lt; 5,50Kirkia, volume 6, parts I and I, per part : . - . 1,50 soft cover : . Fe. . . . 4,50Kirkia, volume 7, parts I and I, per. part . . . . 1,50 | Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979Kirkia, volume 8, parts I and II, per part . . 1,50 full-bound, buckram . . . . . le 14,00Kirkia, volume 9, parts I. and JI, per part . . . . 1,50 quarter-bound, hard cover . +. . a. . . 9,50Kirkia, volume 10, parts I-and OU, per part . hoo. 1,50 soft cover . . . . : - . 8,50Kirkia, volume 11, part I’ . . eee . soe . 1,50 Statutory instruments, ‘1980, part L"and part 2,} per part . . 7,50‘Kirkia, volume 11, part IT . : . . . ‘ . . 5,00 Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal . . - . - 0,40Kirkia, volume 12, part I . . SoM - oe * 5300 Zimbabwe Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1979 door parts), per part 7,50‘ ol : 4 . |


. . . ak



fo .Norice is hereby given, in terms ofsection 21 ofthe Companies Act [Chapter 190], that application will be made,notless than 14 daj S from the date ofpublica-

‘tion ofthis notice, to the Chief Registrarof Companies, for his approval to change the names of the under-mentioned companies as irfdicated below.

: | a |Number Name 4 Change ofname to [| Agent

: t i -

162/50 H. J. Gadiel (Rhodesia) (Private) Limited. . Queens Stationers (Private) Limited | Kingston Limited, _ 4196

58/69 | L.R. Hooper & Company (Salisbury)(Private) |" H.&. Jackson and Successors (Privaté) Limited Gill, Godlonton & Gérrans. 42136.Limited : -

466/67 Pandora Properties (Private) Limited , . ~. Panent Conimpex (Private) Limited © . 4 O. Dudhia & Co. 4221F

' 674/55 Unmtali Office Equipment (Private) Limited . Mutare Office Equipment(Private) Limitéd “| Higham, Seirlis & Lewis. 4226f298669 . Build-Elect (Salisbury) (Private) Limited *. . i: Build-Elect (Harare) (Private) Limited . - | Coghlan, Welsh arid Guest: * 4230f

$90/112/81 Zimbabwe Training Corporation (Private) Lerm Engineering Holdings (Private) Limited H.and E, Bloch ahd Company. 4243£o Limited.

498/68 Martin Locke Investments (Private) Limited Music Plus (Private) Limited ° . 2 1. Joel Pincps Konson and Wolhuter. 4262f.. 305/34/78 Philpott & Collins (1978) (Pvt) Ltd . . . Apex Investment Company (Pvt)Ltd . . . G. A. Ho Andrews 4268f

. 568/196/51 Leo Raphaely & Sons (Private) Limited . . Raphaely International (Private) Limited . - Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 4278fF

: . ||


* : .4 °.. _ |.716 © Do - ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerte, 30TH Jury, 1982;

; i Z 1i:


iConditions ofsale

1, The sale is conducted in terms ofthe rules of the High Court,‘ which provide that.it shall be without reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheriff -requires.to be satisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time|and place and the state of the Property. '2 After the auction, a report on the bidding and onthehighestprice offered, together with any other relevant information relating to the sale, will be orfvardedto the Sheriff, who, ifsatisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, hating regard to the circumstances of time. and place and the state of the property,will'declare the highest bidder to bethe purchaser, , .i i : .

y, within:seven days of the Sheriffhaving declared the highest biddes to be thehe sale was improperly conducted or the property was sold for an unrpasonably

oe# ‘.

3% In terms of the rules of court, any person haying an interestin the sale mapurchaser, apply to theHigh Court to haveit set aside on the grounds thatlow sum, or any other good ground, ; ,

4. In the event ofno application being made within the said period of seven dalys, the Sheriff shallconfirm thesale. / !3. During the Luction, should any dispute arise as to anydid, the property willlbe put up for sale again. ‘ i6 The right is reserved to the auctioneer of regulating or refusing any bid. . . ,7.. The salc shall be for cash and, in addition, the purchaser shall pay—: *(a)


the auctioneer’s commission; and. : .(b) the costs of transfer, including conveyancer’s charges, stamp-dutyand any otherfees: and(c) all airear rates and charges, and any other expenses necessary to complete the transfer.



:i 3. Immediately after conéjusion of the auction, the highest bidder shall, imnless other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, deposit vith the auctioneeran amount sufficient to cover the auctioncer’s commission, and either— i 4 . ., | .(a) advise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the sale, f the manner. in which he intends ‘to make payment ofthe purchase-price andother costs and charges in terms of these conditions, andsatisfy the Commissioner as to his bona fides an ability to meet his obligations; or 4e (b) effect paymentto the Conmunissionerof the wholeof the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft\drawn to the ‘order ofthe Sheriff.9. The purcbaseamoncy, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at the conelusibn ‘of the auction, shalJ be paid on or before the registration of the.transfer of_ the property “ato the mame ofthe purchaser, unless the Sheriff approves other arrangements for discharging the, amount due by the purchaser. . - .10. The purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at the rate ofnine per cent. per annum in respect of any unpaid balance of the purchaseiprice, with effect fromseven dayy afitr the date of confirmation ofthe sale by the Sheriff. , : “| , oe - LyM1. If the purchaser fails to make payment of the purchase-price and othercost$ and charges in terms of these conditions ofsale, or fails to comply with anycondiuonsof the sale contained herein, the Sheriff shalt have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court to have the sale cancelled, and to hold thepurchaser jiable for any Joss or damages sustained, or to employ any other remedy whichhe may have. In the event of the sale being cancelled, the purchasershall not be engitled to any increase which the property mayrealize at asubsequentsale, i! .

op : ;: | , pried:

12. The propetty ik sold as represented by the title-deeds, the Sheriff not holding himself liable for any deficiency whatsoever, and renouncingall exchsd; andthe Sheriff doe: not holdhimself responsible for the determination of the bouhdaries and beacons, which shall He the responsibility ofthe purchaser. .13. The property spall be at the risk and profit of thepurchaser from the date 1 pon which the Sheriff confirms the sale and the Sheriffgives no warranty ofyacant Nostessi-rn, oe . ‘ 14, The highest bic der may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions off sale prior to the date of confirmation of the sale or rejection ofhis. : . ?

offer ‘bythe Sheriff. a ‘ . : Je. opie M. C. ATKINSON,P.O. Box 8050, - . ; : . i* : Sheriff.' Causeway,

. . / Loe } .CS 7 - ———+—number


gainse and defendant ' Description of property _ | Date, time and place of sale , .Auctioneer

33/82 Serley Building Society -| Stand 213 Mabelteighn Township also known’ 13th August, 11 a.m. Regency| Ridgeway Grant: Real’ Estateot oo and * as 2, 1th Avenue, Mabelreign, Harare Room Ambassador Hotel, Harare (Pvt)Ltd ) 4191F‘Alan Matthew Booyens Sa, : a . — _15/82 j ’ Central Afrika Building Society Stand 312 Marlborough TownshipExterjsion 20th August, 1982 at 11,30 am. Guest & Tanner Real EstatePoot | and ; 4 of Marlborough also known as 29 Prin- First Floor ‘Harvest House, (Pvt) Ltd 42106 .i Tasiana Shadrick Nyika - cess Margaret Road, Marlborough, Harare |- . Baker Avenue, Hararé > ,31/82! Central Africa Building Society Certain piece ofland situate in the sii of


20thAugust, 1982 at 110 ’clock


Fitzgerald & Desfontein 4225£j ‘ and s) Gweru, Stand 120 Ridgemont Township of | _ , at 34 Lobengula Street] Gweru


- 7 :1. - Doréen| Joyce Johnson * Stand 67 RidgemontofRidgemont { fe ;32/82:


Central Africa Buildirig Society | Certain piece ofland being Lot 5 ofsubd ivi- | 27th August, 1982 at 10 a.m. and | Reg Hart & Sons (Pvt)Ltd©| = i band Sey sion 6H of Matsheumhlope situate in|the | at 73A Grey Street, Bulawayo . §238Fi a Ross John Norris | distri¢t of Bulawayo in extent 3 770 square . . / : .| fh oh metres, otherwise known as 78 Arnold a . des ' : 4 .i ide i. . Way, Burnside, Bulawayo i ss bo oF' : { we . .~ 5 i

Fe, . . + | a '

t . . . +e .vy : EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND-CURATORS DATIVE .of - (pursuantto sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301}) :Nonice is hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons whose whereabouts are unknown,are unrepresented, andthat the next of kin,creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the times andplaces specified, for the selection of an. executor

tutor or curator dative, as the case may be. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo before thr Assistant Master: and elsewhere beforethe District Commissioner.. : : 3 . + M.H.C. 25Nomber | ' : J | Time?of meeting a . .of | | : Name and description of estate * “— | Place of meeting ’ Forselection ofestate phe. 7 . . Date 1. ° Hour . , z

| ' . , vo i vo% \ i .ee 5 Pye-

- LA.t p., 4 fe . iw;, 401/82 - ‘Elizateth Phoebe Ellison, also known as Phoebe Elizabeth 4.8.82 bees 10 a.m. - 1 Bulawayo ~ Executor Dative. 4193f .Ellison, ofBulawayo. : ‘ we “ :419/82 = Donald Robert, Elliot, a personnel assistant, of Bulawayo . ; 4.8.82.) 5° “10 a.m. i Buldwayo. Executor dative [42061236/79 Sophie Mupindu, a widow, of Harare. . , be ne 4.8.82 am. . Harare.) Executor dative 4264f.978/82 Leanard Henry Savage, an operation manager, of Harare . 4.8.82: j 10-05 a.m. Harare ‘ ‘| *Execurot dative 4265£ -- : t . > . i . . ‘ .- ; :fe . t

. .s:t

, - sa|

¥ +



e , *


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business’. _ or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than: in the Ordinary Course of the Business

NOTICEiiss hereby given, in terms of section 49 of the


e Insolvency Act [Chapter 303}, that each of the und er-ry

proposes to alienate—

(a) his business; or

(b) the goodwill of his business; or :(c) any goods or. property forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary course of the business.-

Full name of person . : Date from which alienation Narincluding style of business Situation of business Particulars ofproposed alienation takes effect persr

William Patrick Jowett, trading


Shop No. 11, Newlands


Mr.C. T. MacLachlan 1.7.82 : ‘Peteras Jowett’s Hardware and Centre, Harare © : : : : ciaCycles .He:‘As

: z . rd . .Mahombekombe Butchery trad- Stand 438 - Kariba Sale of ures, fittings, stdck-in-trade! for the purposes of the above-}! Kaing as Heights Boutique (Heights Drive, Kariba) and goodwill to Heights Boutique mentioned Act only from the Le: . (Pvt) Limited (in the course of for- date oflast publication ofthis _ Pe.

mation) . notice butfor all otherpurpos- {|. . . es from the 15th July, 1982 .Tinonetsana Washington Kwa-


Checheche Business


Sale of business including goodwill,


For the purposes of the above- |!Chradini Makuyana, trading as Centre, Chipinge stock-initrade, fixtures and fittings. mentioned Act,from the date LKwaadini’Trading Stores . to Estos; Kwaadini Makuyana and of-last publication of this T;s

BrunoSartori, trading as B. & C.


Stand No. 165, being


Transfer L assets to Mrs. HazelBazaar comer 12th Avenuef Miriam* ' : Abercorn Street, Bula- the same

’ wayo‘ iy

Naphegy (Pvt) Ltd. . . . .


1. Mazoe Village Store, Sale ofthe fixtures, fittings and stock-in-‘Stand 1, Mazoe j trade bu

. Mrs. EliasPaida Nyakunu ~ ‘| notice, but for all other pur-

Eeson, who will trade under purposes with effect from the

2. Jumbo Mine Store, John Ric

poses from 31.7.82From. 1.7.82, but for statutory |[Bes

style last publication of this notice

For the purposes of the above- |K;t excluding book debts to mentioned Actyonly, from the


| .thardCawihome Matthews last publication ofthis notice,


{ : Ulidale, Mazoe . and Jo

.. . a, ,Malcoim Fallet, tradingasBrian’s


Shops 6, 7 and 8, Retreat


Sale of assets inclusive of fittings and hn David Hillman Hopley but for all other purposes

respectively from the 7.5.82

and the 21.6.82

For the purposes of theabove- Tp. :Butchery Shopping Centre,- fixtures, stock-in-trade and goodwill |- mentioned Act, from the date sO. Matopos Road, Bula- to Anthany Joseph Fox of the last publication of this 5 ‘

wayo . ° notice, but for all other pur- yoo

poses from the close of busi- 1. , : ness on the 24.7.82Samantha (1975) (Pvt.) Ltd. New Avondale Shopping Chegutu (Pyvt.) Ltd., represented by 31.7.82 . Wi.; trading *as Rosélind’s Supper Centre, Harare Kisito Solomon Mahovo ‘ :2 Club

ne | aY *. ®, L:



COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(section 192, 221 or 225 of the Companies Act [Chapter 1901) ee_ Notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed liquidators of the companies shown as having been placed :mannerstated. that their addresses are as set forth and that persons indebted to the companies are required to pay théir debts at the said adthfrom the date of publication of this notice. . Companies Acti: >

. ,- 4:

Madeof Nameof - : ‘ : .Number . Name of company . liquidation Jiquidator Full address ofligu

91/1962 T. R. Blackmore and Company (Private) Limited « Members Robert Harold “%407/8 Selrho House, Rhodes §o . ¢ . Voluntary Dyer-Smith borne Avenue, Bulawayo.


COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES ~(pursuantto subsection (1) of section 193, subsection (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236 of the Companies Ait fF.Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors and/or contributories will be held in the liquidations mentioned below on the datesjanplaces for the purposes set forth. . . - Companies Act, Lic. .

=- 1 o:

Whether meeting


_ E,of creditors Day, date and hour of meeting (Number Name of company * and/or — | 2 Place of meeting Purpos

contributories ~ | Day | Date Hour ; ve4 to.

my. ‘



KapentaBumi (Pvt) Limited |.’ Creditors Wed.




8.33 aim.| High Court, Harare


Second meer,14/82 Blondies (Private) Limited . ; [. Creditors Wed. 18.8.82


8.39 am. High Court, Harare Second meet. ; , . , y , , ‘ .

‘ f .

e ! - :: aa ! . : i

0 . : . oe , 4foo? : :

ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerre, 30TH Jury, 1982 . ; . { :

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 254 of the ie mmpanies Act [Chapter 190) tesiven that the liquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution inith¢ liquidations gpentioned below will lic open af theoffices mentioned for a© such longer period as is Stated, from the date mentioned or frpm the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later, for inspection by. oe |: Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9

We te ‘ ema ,« OL Th wey ‘Date from | Period for ‘Nameofcompany : ' Description | Office at which account which account which account, ofaccount . will lie open will lieopen | will lie open

1971) (Private) Limited «2 2... First and Final . Master, High Court, Harare’ i 30.7.82 | 14 days.) diser 7°. , Liquidationand . ; : :a i. Distribution Account


- . : Lo S|& Sons (Private) Limited © 2 2 Supplementary _ Master, High Court, Harare: 3.


30.7.82 . 14 days.) 4189, Liquidation and


! ‘.y Distribution Account | fo! / . : | i

nstruction (Pvi) Limited .. 2. 2 . -./* Fith interim % Master, High Court, Harare 30.7.82: 14 days. { 4204f Z’Liquidation an |‘ } . .Distribution Accourlt oo i. . aeES 12th Interim | Master, High Court, Harare 30.7.82 14 days. | 4219F oe. Liquidation and : , . : 7 :. o Distribution Account : . : , : eees Enterprists (Pvt) Ltd-. 2. 2... Twelfth Interim » Master, High Court, Harare 30.7.82 , |° 14 days. {..4235£ : 4se Liquidation and + , / : od -Distribution Account OO : i. ”

MPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) ofsection 253 of the Companiven that, 14 days after the date hereof, it is the intention of the liquidators ofthe companies mentioned below to apply to the Mastef for anpecified, within which to lodge a liquidation account and plan ofdistribution and/or contribution,


Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 11

ies Act [Chapter 190})

so .: | : { Dateof oj PeriodName ofcompany i Nameofliquidator _— ! . liquidator’s Date when ofexiension- | - | appointment account due


—_reqhtired .t I i i hoo .

inmg@(@vlid se et "B.C. Squires - 17/8.77 + 16.6.82 Gmonths, | 2. a : | . i Pty , ' os _ 4190f ;Watd (Pvt) Limited's2 G.F. Adie - OF 9.3.49 31.7.82




* :5 * } . ro i : - 4249F2 _ . i : 7 : i. oe " Jf . - hy z . -

COMPANY LIQUIDATION-NOTICES (pursuantto section 257 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190}) “8 . : .ounts and plans,ofdistGbution and/or contribution in the liquidations mentioned below having been confirmed on tlie dates as stated, notice : 7dividend js jn course.of payment and/or 2 contribution is in course ofcollection in the said liquidations, and that every creditorliable to© pay forthwith to the liquidator,at|the addressimentioned, theamountfor which heis liable. Companiés Act, Liquidation—Form 10. so.

Seed | , Whether a dividend , a7 ys +) YP Date when ;. is being paid, a f eo Ls o -ame ofcomparly . * ~ > account egntribution is being Nameofliquidator Full address ofliquidator ot ge- confirmed | collected, or bothoo 0 se“a to : cae

allow Chinese Restaurant ; 6.7.82 ! Dividend being paid: R. B. Swarbreck | 91, Main Street, Mutare. _ 4232fLimited, -, 3 ot eylates (PY) Lid wy, j 13.7.82 : Preferent dividend _M.Fraser P.O. Box 925, Harare. 4237F . :_ : being paid . . . : - j 2

at i

. , ia

+f ai


NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolyency:Act), given that ‘a mecting of creditors (being the second mecting in such of the said estates ds are undér Sequestration) will be held in the saidnd af the times and places mentioned, for the proof ofclaims against the estate, for the purpose of reteiving the trustee’s or assignee’s.reportondition of the estate, and ofgivingthe trustee or assignee directions concerning the sale or.recovery lof any part of the estate, or concerningthe administrationthereof,

oe . sbury will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo they will bevhela before the Assistant’ Master: elsewhere they will be held before the

Insolvency Régulations—~Form 4 (1952) og 10 (1974)am : i. - : 4/ . : ‘Whether | Dby, date and hour of meetingName and description ofestate oe assigned or —|——— —| Place of meetinga sequestrated Day | Date | Hour .wood . .

~Se. el ee ee eke Sequestrated Wed. 18.8.82 |8:30a.m.| Master, High Court; Harate, 4236f a

: , : 7

. t. sefF

a . 227


Date when~ Number - Nameanddescription ofestate account and“EOF estate : : confirmed bj




Norice.is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held inandfor the purposes set forth. Pe

Meetingsin Salisbury will be *l* before the: “Master; in Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere theyMagistrate,in

. NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolvency Act)



the sequestrated or assigned estaes mentioned below on the dates} at

Insolvency Regulations—Forn :

, k ‘a * Whether Day, date andhour of meetingNumber Name and description of estate assigned or


|—~—_—____, Place of meeting Puryof estate . | sequestrated - Day | Date | . | oo... . . 1 ;a, : t | .a | ; ; ! 1 to» 1/81 Courtney Shields Ferguson . ;. -


Sequestrated | Wed. 18.8.82| 9am.


High Court, Bulawayo | Proof.of |mo, Lot i | ' a9/544 V.R, Z. Mushaninga . ‘4 - + +


Sequestrated: | Wed. . | 18.8.82


8.36 am. High Court, Harare .| Prooflof '‘ . . / i 4 ‘‘ I+ | ]

4 “ "NOTICES oF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (subsection (1) of section 129 ofthe Insolvency Act): THE liquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution and/or contribu

dates mentioned, Notice is hereby given’ that a dividend is in course ofevery creditor liable to contribite is requiréd to pay forthwithto the tri


tion in the assigned, or. sequestrated estates imentioned below havingpayment and/or a contfibution is in course of being collected in the _ustee or assignee at the address mentioned, the amount for which he



or contributionbing collected

Nameoftrustee - Fall address o:

. or assignee: :



G.J.Smitand M.S.Smit 2 4 | 20.7.82.

Dividend being paid we |


: Dividend. being paid | N, K. Peake P.O. Box 925, Hay!

? ee

NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS(pursua' ALL persons having claims against the under-mentioned estates are

stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and thosby them within the same périod, failing which fegal proceedings will be

+ -

nt to sections44 and 67of the Administration of Estates Act [Cha

required to lodge themin detail with the executor or representatie indebtedthereto are required to pay to the executor or represe.aken for the recovery thereof. .


Number ~ Date Withinof _ ‘Name and description of estate” of a. Nameand address of executeestate : | rl ? death period of .

E - -

"60/82 Kanengoni, James Munemo : °. 19.1.81 30 days |7A.J. A. Peck, P.O. Box 2506, Har!1732/81 Maria Pauline Canary, also known‘as Guerra, of.Mutare 31.8:81 30 days Messrs Atherstone &. Cook, S

. : . Mercury House, Gordon Avenue944/82 |. William Henry Warren Rausch . . . . 20.6.82


30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 389922/82 Harry EdwinCox . . . . . . . a, : 17.6.82 30 days Standard Trust.Ltd., P.O. Box 389‘883/82.


Mary Wilson . 2. 2. w-. 2. we.eb 126.82 30 days Gill ,Godlonton & Gerrans, P.O. Ba;365/82 * James Stanley ., . eee Seo ea ; 6.6.82 - 30 days L. J. Cottham, 5, Dawlish Avenue,.7 : . Bulawayo. (P.P. Executrix dative)

‘ = | Harold Desmon .dfullen oe a 17.6.82 30 days Standard Trust Lid., P.O. Box 100%B.342/82 Albert‘SoaCampbell hoe kee 21.5.82 30 days ’ Ben Baron & Partners,First Floor,

: ‘ bois’, : House, Main Street, Bulawayo. s(]~ t : tioners for executor testamentary).— May Asta Hasseriis:“Tilbury, ofBulawayo soe ee 27.6.82 ’ 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 166.. — Elsie Sutherland Roos, bfBulawayo . *. . . 27.6.82 30 days — Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1662‘405/82 Isaac Levine, a pensioner, of Springs, Transvaal, Re- 31.12.81 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1463a public of South Africa . iB.411/82 Stanley Pearson,a retiredheadmaster, ofBulawayo . 2.7.82 ‘30 days | Barclaytfust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1663842/82 AbishaSunhwa . 2. 2. 1... 2D wn 28.12.81 30 days GiftSunhwa, Stand No. 2696, 37-B7:

. . . . Oo Warren Park, Harare. toa Joint community estate of Ronald John WilliamFurntér, 11.7.82 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1463.

@ pensioner, of Bulawayo, and ‘surviving spouse . . ,Martha Agnes Furner . : : .

B.407/82° Dettie Sybel. Vivienne Margerison, of Bulawayo 23.6.82 30 days ‘Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159,199/81 Frederick Tembo Mafuko .. . . . 2. 2. 2... 22.2.73 30 days Gollop & Blank, P.O. Box 262, Harar960/82 ShaiaDonin. . . 2. 2. 2. 2 Le 17.11.8] 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box "3a0u" I735/82 Daphne Joan Price. 2. 2... ww lt nosy 2.5.82 30 days Salisbury Board of Executors Trutts (

- “| P.O. Box 2093, Harare. i;476/82 Laurence Rodney Rutherford Lambert . 2... .. 17.3.82 30 days Mrs. P. E. M. Lambert, 29, Alfred:Roi ‘ ° . . dale,; Harare,778/82 Plot “F”ofHomefield, Homefield Road, Mount Hamp- 28.5.82 30 days V. J. Tidy (Executor), P’O. Box a 87. den, Harare : Hill, Harare.758/82 Adriaan Petrus Grobler 2. ww ww kt 9.4.82 30 days Leonie Grobler, 85, Chiltern Drie, r952/82,


Samuel Ernest Strickland . 2. 2... . 1 14.5.82 30 days Sagit Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 21, Harpre.i . .BL:


ae > :. . {» .



. i

é7 . z -eo

* .

. i ‘ soy 3yoko i

CONTEGeneral Notices _



General Notices

. boos. eo!-:ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerre, 30TH JuLy, 1982 - a. j . a ’ : oy *- F&F 2 - 7 | °NOTICES‘OF:LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FORINSPECTION iea, yo @orvant to-section 53 of the Administration ofEstates Act [Chapter 301]) . -y given that copies of[fquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentionedestates will be openforthe inspectionof all personsinterestedbof 21 days (or longet if;stated) from the dates specified, or fromythe date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later.. Accounts will lie5 offices specified below, ‘Objections to an account should be lodged with the Master, Salisbury, or the AssistantMaster, Bulawayo, as the caseobjections be lodged fy jhe account during the period of inspection; the executor concerned will proceed to make payments in necordance: . re

. : -H.C. 28ave {cs . Date. Description». , po. ;

‘Name and description of estate . or sf oof. Office oftheoe period account - .

meMaud Dell te et ot ays |


First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 4f83¢: an: Liquidation and os

uoa7 m Distribution Accounthn Molyneux Kidd, ofKadoma . : ~f 2t days y First Interim Master Of the High Court, Harare,


4195f «.Po . Liquidation and and Magistrate, Kadoma. ek 2 :_“| Distribution Account : . ‘ 7

‘Anthony Webb . ov, - 6 «© we 21 days, { First and Final Assistant Mastér of the High Court, 41996 oo, yh

4 Liquidation and Bulawayo. yo :; Se | .| Distribution Account- , . r

rharles Buckle, of Chegutu - . ee we 21 days. , First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 4214F! nd Liquidation and yyf . > : Distribution Account - : . theSison, a retired widow, of Harare. . 0... 21 days { First and Final _ Master of the ‘High Court, Harare. - 4218¢t

: Liquidation: and Oy:, Distribution Account . : . : :

Leigh Mactayish 2°... - es ww 21 days: First and Final - Master of the High Court, Harare, - 4222F° 3: , : Liquidation and , : uo nr

.Distribution Account

. Lo“30 Naran eee ew ee ew, 21 days First Interim Master of the High Court, Harare, 4228F :‘ ot, . Liquidation " andMagistrate, Kwekwe. ‘jolet Irene Billiards, of Bulawayo . , LC, f 21 days Second and Final ’ Assistant Master of the High Court, 4242f. : a

Liquidation and Bulawayo. od .j | First and Final -! .Distribution ‘Account oo “ : :

dy,ofBulawayo. . eee ek ee 21 days - First ahd Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 4244f3 ne: Liquidation and Bulawayo.’ . an ae

cc.e Distribution Account | : wd — :

p'tthrina Nel 2 wo. kl Lg - 21 days First and Final - Assistant Master of the High Court, 4246r - .- . ' Liquidation and ’ Bulawayo, | ” : ma: ’


Distribution Account : : ' . caf iMirbach . . i, ete ew ek kg 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 4248F x *Liquidation and Bulawayo. ce : oe

. /Distribution Account : Stsvoumeen Lyon . . hee ew we 21 days First and Final | Assistant Master of the High Court. 42506 :

}Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Gweru. ‘

,Distribution Account :


‘acDonald Weir. sees - 8 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. -4255¢ : t |: Liquidation and ut : ., * vO . Distribution Account

:. a

sy Rutter, retired, ofBulawayo. eo. 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 42706 . ." : . Liquidation and Bulawayo. |: ooo an

f ‘ ; , . Distribution Account &; :

ugenle Galvin ct ee ee ee {21 days Second and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 4277 CN. i: Liquidation andDS. ‘Distribution AccountSF

“ . Page } wher . Pagemnsportation, Act [Chapter 262]; Applications in 701 : 703-4 Police Act [Chapter 98): Promotion of Officers. .. _. 706Road Service crmits me Tmo { 6704.1 Land Acquisition Act, 1979: Proposed: Acquisition of Portion : ,Zimbabwe; Appointment of: Commissioner of. . i of Stand 331, Seki Township: Goromonzi District 2 =o. 707rer Ole Anette TD tte et 7038 '705.; Electricity Act [Chapter 282]; Application for an Amendment . hempter 98): Appointment of. Officers —_ 703 i to Existing Licence RESC One. ww: —~ ae 7culture: Revised Scale of Charges for Services} ; 706. Zimbabwe Government Tender Board: ‘Tendérs Invited — f. 707oi! Research Institute; Department of Research 1 707.) Zimbabwe Government Tender Board: Tenders Authorized for -EWICES mee OTT ee 703 {Acceptance + eee 708Chapter 190): Companies to Be Struck Off the 704


708.|[Rural Land Act [Chapter 155]: Notice of Intention to CancelSer i ee te. ‘Deeds of Transfer and Deeds of Grant ~~ 708eit Piquor Licensing “Board: Interim 704 | 709. \Parliament of Zimbabwe: Publication of Bills — —. 799pier oie Lines rt j 710. 'Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], Statement ofoeeek Liquor Licensing: Board Interim zs | jAssets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe 709} Serer — _ _ _ ~ ‘

. n + oe

apter289]: Liquor Licensing Board: Interim 711. Hnsuranca Act [Chapter 196]: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies .710Distric} weme 105 | Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazetteapter 289]: Liquor Licensing Board: Interim 705 Numbér . e Eenet :* District 2. _ i : ; tae: eo! : :

. ae ss STees 3} 496. Que Que Municipal Undertaking Empyloment Regulations, 1982.ltwinderAeansensCages TE Rant EelSoeeooTeetatcne Bap ete ee ale = . Rents, Supplementary. an rvice Charges By-laws. 1982,cmbabwe: Extensionf Appointment ofActing 106 498. mavaya, fycowporated Areas) (Serviée Charges)(Amendment) By:ves . aws,. lo. ’ : NGareme Act_[Chapter 238) Appomntment of 706 | 499, Bridkshaking and Clay Products Industry Employment. Regulations, ‘[Chapter 190): mpanies Struck Of the i nate.) sass : Ceion of General Notice, 639 of 1982 . 706 f . 500. \bolition of Vuti District Council, . _ apter 263]: Application for Closure of Road: fj 501. Holice (Appointments) (Amendment) Regulations, 1982 (No. 11). :auUncH Area _. —~oe ee 6 502. Salisbury Speed-Limit (Amendment) Resolution, 1982 (No. 10)

Printed by the Government

i.Printer, Harare.


me OU

