)يوازىخع( يعبىش ليغف ي يعبىش...


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)عخىزاوي( چيى شىبعي ي فغيل شىبعي

Stratigraphy and Paleontology

(Oral Presentation)

خرشیذی 3131اسفىذ ما 4زمان:

Date: 23

rd February 2015

اکتشافات معذوی کشرمکان: سازمان زمیه شىاسی ي

Venue: Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran


کمیت علمی

طیب محتاطدکتر: دبیر علمی


اب٫ ٢٨ذع فؼش٫ اب٫ ٢٨ذع دشس٤ارس:

اب٭ذششصب٬١ خب١ دششثذا٬

اب٫ دشش دٮذ٫ ىشد اب٫ دشش ش٭٬

اب٭ذشش٭ضد٫ اب٫ دشش بػ٬ ١ظاد

اب٫ دشش حذ٫ اب٫ دشش عب٧ش٫

اب٫ دشش دا١ـٮب اب٫ ٢٨ذع كج٤س٫

اب٫ دشش ٣ص٭ش ذ خب١ ٢٨ذع ػ٨شاث٬

خب١ ٢٨ذع ػٮب٬١ خب١ دشش حشبط

٢٨ذع ا٦ ذد٫خب١ اب٫ دشش خبؼبس

اب٫ ٢٨ذع بى٬ خب١ ٢٨ذع ٣ٮ ثبمٮـ٦

اب٫ فٮحذ٭ب اب٫ دششيٮذ

خب١ ٢٨ذع ثخـ٢ذ٥ اب٫ ٢٨ذع ٤١س٣ص٫

اب٫ دششدؿشجب خب١ دشش ٣افؼ خ٤اد٫

اب٫ دشش سحش٬ اب٫ دششفجبػ٬

اب٫ دشش بدس٫ جش٭ب٭٬ اب٫ دشش

اب٭ذشش حذ٫ اب٫ دشش ح٬

کمیت اجرایی

غسال ال يردی میگوی

اعضبی وميت علمي ي اجزایي ريیىزد


ببرميه پيشيه جل جذیذی اس رعبگذاری صيراعيه در ایزان مزوشی –طبمبت رعبي آلىيه


خقيش عب٧ش٫ ٣ شسض٬ عب٧شد٤س خٮ آثبد

شض صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ؿب ؿش ـ٤س◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :س٤ا٬ ث٦ ػشجشا٫ .... شش دس ثبخشش ؿ٨شػشب ثشدػ٠ )ؿب ص٭بسسب٥ ضاس ػش١خ٤اة( دس حذ ىبك ؼ دس٦١٣ ٣ ؼ س٭٤ؽ،

٧ب٫ بس٬١ دس ٧ب٫ ١بص ال٭٦ ثب ثٮ٠ ال٭٧٦ب٫ ش٭ؼشبٮ٠ ٧شا٥ ثب س٢ب٣ث٬ اص ػ٢ آ٧٧ب٫ سٮش٥، بػ٦ ػ٢ ٣ س٤هشـ اص ػٮز

خ٤٢ة ثبخشش٫، سخ٤٢ داسد. ا٭٠ عجبر سػ٤ث٬ ٢ؼ٤ة ث٦ ط٣ساػٮ، ٧ اص ١غ٦ ١ؾش –ثبالسش٭٠ ثخؾ، ثب س١٣ذ ؿب خب٣س٫

٧ب٫ ثبسص ثب سػ٤ثبر ط٣ساػٮ دس ٫ سيب٣را٫ ٣ ٧ اص ١ؾش صب آمبص ٣ دب٭ب سػ٤ثزاس٫، دس ثشداس١ذ٧٥ب٫ ػ٢ چٮ٣٦٢٭ظ٬

ؿ٢بػ٬، حب٬ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ثشداؿز ػش٤ چٮ٦٢ذ ش٠ ىؼٮ٧ب٫ ١بس١ذب، ثش اػبع ؿ٤ا٧ثبؿذ. ثشسػ٬ا٭شا شض٫ ٣ ؿب ا٭شا ٬

( ٣ دس ٭ حٮظ سػ٤ثزاس٫ Alenian – Early Barremianاص آ اػز ٦ ا٭٠ س٤ا٬ دس ىبك٦ صب٬١ آ٢ٮ٠ سب ثبسٮ٠ دٮـٮ٠ )

( ساػت ؿذ٥ اػز.Deep basin to toe- of- slopeطسه )

س٤ا١ذ ٫ ثٮـشش ٬زاس٫ ح٤ض٦ ط٣ساػٮ دس ا٭شا اػز ٦ ثب ؿ٢بخز ٣ غبق٦ا٫ اص سػ٤ث٫ حب٭ سبص٥ا٭٠ غبق٦ دس ثشداس١ذ٥

ػبخشبس٫ ثبؿذ. –٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬ ا٫ اص حذ٣د٧٥ب٫ خذ٭ذ٫ دس سيؼٮش خنشاىٮب٫ د٭ش٭٦٢ ا٭شا صٮ٠ ٣ ـو ص٣ا٭ب٫ ١بؿ٢بخش٦اى

ط٣ساػٮ، ثب٭٤اػششاسٮشاى٬، ٮش٤ اػششاسٮشاى٬، حٮظ سػ٤ث٬، ا٭شا شض٫، ثشدػ٠. :کلیذ ياش ا

An Alenian – Early Barremian sedimentary succession, new aspect of sedimentation of Jurassic in

Central Iran basin

Jafar Taheri & Morteza Taherpour Khalil Abad

Geological Survey of Iran, NE territory & Geosciences Research Center


A relatively thick sequence of marine sediments; includes of dark grey to black siltstone, turbiditic thin- to

medium grained sandstone, crystalline tuffs, intercalation of marly limestone and marl in the upper parts, crops

out in the west of Bardaskan city (north of Mazar - e - Sarnakhab), Central Iran. This package which has north

east – south west trend located in a sub-zone between Darouneh and Rivash faults. According to geological

maps this unit attributed to the Shemshak silisiclastic succession and Upper Jurassic-Lower Kretaceous in

previous studies during 1976-2001; while our paleontological investigations showed an Alenian (based on well

preserved ammonite in the base of section) and Early Barremian (based on index fauna and flora in the top of

the section). Lithofacies and ichnofossils reveal that this succession deposited in a deep marine environments

(Deep basin to Toe – of – slope) with a shallowing upwards trend. This research program open new insight on

Jurassic basins in Iran and could help geologists to interpret the palaeogeography and geodynamic condition

which governed on Jurassic basins in Iran.

Keywords : Jurassic, biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, sedimentary basin, Central Iran, Bardaskan.


ب در عبسوذ پزيد )صيراعيه ميبوي(، جىة غزة طبظ Chaetetidگشارػ ايلي اس حضر


4، غالمرضا میراب شبستری1احمذرضا خساعی، 2ن، شایه زما3*پری گدرزیبار يلی

bahare.vallipoor@yahoo.comبسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬ دا١ـب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ، آ٤خش٦ دا١ؾ -1

shaahinzaman@yahoo.comدشش٫ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، بسؿ٢بع اسؿذ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، ذ٭ش٭ز اشـبه، -2

arkhazaei@birjand.ac.irاػشبد٭بس ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ، -3

gshabestari@birjand.ac.irب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ،دا١ـٮبس ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـ -4


چىيذ :Chaetetid سد٥( ٧بDemospongeaث٦ ٧شا٥ شخب )اك٬ س٭و دس ػبص١ذ دش٣د٥ دس ثشؽ ض٭٤٢ ٧ب٫ اػششٮ٢ب اص ػبص١ذب

٦ دس ا٭٠ غبق٦ ث٦ شد٭ذ .Chaetetes spثبؿ٢ذ. غبق٦ ا١دب ؿذ٥ ثش س٫٣ ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ ٢دش ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ )خ٤٢ة مشة عجغ( ٬

س٤كٮو ٣ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ آ خ٤ا٧ٮ دشداخز.

، ط٣ساػٮ، ػبص١ذ دش٣د٥.Chaetetid :کلیذ ياش ا

Primary reports of Chaetetids in Parvadeh Formation (middle Jurassic), South-West Tabas

Valipouri goodarzi, B.*1

, Zaman, Sh.2, Khazaei, A. R.

3 and Mirab Shabestari, G.


1- Graduated from the Master of Paleontology and Stratigraphy, University of Birjand, bahare.valipoor@yahoo.com

2- Ph.D. of Paleontology, Exploration Directorate of NIOC, shaahinzaman@yahoo.com

3- Assistant Prof., University of Birjand, arkhazaei@birjand.ac.ir

4- Associate Prof., University of Birgjand, gshabestari@birjand.ac.ir


The Chaetetids (Class Demospongea) in association with Scleractinan corals are the main reef builders of

Parvadeh Formation in Mazino section (SW Tabas). Study of this Formation lead to identification Chaetetes sp.

which we will describe it in this study;

Keywords: Chaetetid, Jurassic, Parvadeh Formation.



عببط مطبلع رخغبر الىتزیىي عض گری اس عبسوذ ميشبن در ميذان گبسی عزخن، شمبل شزق بىذر

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ 4، سٮ٦ فش٣خ3٤، ا٨ب اػذ٫ ٨ب١ذ٣ػش2٬، ػٮذف٬ ق1٬خ٨ب١جخؾ دا١ـٮب

صٮ٠، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬،س٨شا، ا٭شا ف٤ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥دا١ـٮبس، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ -1

س٨شا، س٨شا، ا٭شا اػشبد٭بس، دظ٧٣ـب٥ ك٢قز ١يز -2

صٮ٠، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬،س٨شا، ا٭شا ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤اػشبد٭بس، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ -3

ؿ٢بػ٬ ، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬ دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ -4sr.oroujloo@yahoo.com


چىيذ :ٮذا ٧1ب٫ حيبس٫ ثخؾ ٤س٫ اص ػبص١ذ ٮـب دس چب٥ ؿبس٥ غـ ١بص حبك اص خشد٥ 62دس ا٭٠ غبق٦ ثش اػبع غبق٦

-دؼش٤ حب٫٣ ثب٭٤ؼز ٣ ٣ؼش٤ -س٭ض سخؼبس٥ ؿب ٣ؼش٤ حب٫٣ ثب٭٤ؼز، ٣ؼش٤ 3بص٫ ػشخ٤، ٢دش ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬

٧ب٫ ال٤ ٣ دس٭ب٫ ثبص ٭ سخ ؿذ. ثش اػبع چب٥ ١بس٧ب٫ ٤خ٤د دس ا٭٠ ٮذا، ثب ٤٤١ٮشٮذ شق ث٦ حٮظدؼش٤ حب٫٣

٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬ سخؼبس٥ اشش٭٬ ثذػز آذ ٦ ثب س٭ض سخؼبس٥ 5ا٫ ثب س٤ػظ ١ش اىضاس طئ٤ال، ذ ث٨ٮ٦٢ MRGCاخشا٫ س٣ؽ

د٧ذ. سغبث خ٤ث٬ سا ١ـب ٬

ٮـب، سخؼبس٥ اشش٭٬، حٮظ سػ٤ث٬، ؿب ؿش ث٢ذسفجبع: ػبص١ذ کلیذ ياش ا

Study of Electrofacies of Guri Member ( Mishan Formation ) of Sarkhun Gas field, Northeast Bandar

Abbas Jahanbakhsh Daneshian

1, Sayed Ali Moallemi

2, Elham Asadi Mehmandoosti

3, Roghaye Oroujloo


1- Associate Professor, Geology Department, Earth Sciences Faculty, Kharazmi University,Tehran, Iran 2- Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry of Tehran (RIPI), Tehran, Iran

3- Assistant Professor, Geology Department, Earth Sciences Faculty, Kharazmi University,Tehran, Iran 4- M.sc student at Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The study of 62 thin sections of the Guri Member (Mishan Formation) for Sarkhun Gas field (well no.1) led us

to recognize three microfacies including Bioclastic Wackstone, Bioclastic Wackstone – Packstone and

Nummulitids Wackestone - Packstone belong to Lagoon and Open marine environment of a ramp. Based on

well logs in the Sarkhun Gas field, an optimized model was defined with MRGC method and Geolog software.

In this model, five electrofacies with a Burdigulian age are suggested which shows a good correlation with

identified microfacies in examined subsurface sections.

Keywords : Mishan Formation, Electrofacies, Sedimentary environment, Northeast Bandar Abbas



بزرعي پبلئاولصی عبسوذ جزم در شمبل شيزاس◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

٣2 ػٮذ حذ اٮ٠ بؽٮ٬٢ *2، فجبع ٭٤ػو صاد٥ 1ؼٮح اى٦

دا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬ ٣احذ ؿٮشاص، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬اػشبد٭بس -1

بسؿ٢بع اسؿذ ؿشز ٬ حيبس٫ ا٭شا -2

. abb.1357@gmail.com: * ؼئ٤ بسجبر. ا٭ٮ


چىيذ :

س٤٢ؿ ص٭ؼش٬ ىشا٣ا ػبص١ذ خ٨ش دس ٢غ٦ ثبفث ٮ٤شش٫ ؿب ؿٮشاص، خبد٥ ؿٮشاص ش٣دؿز شاس داسد. 15غـ ٤سد ١ؾش دس

٣ دس د٤ؿ ١شب٭ح شش ث٤د٥ 340ثٮ٤ص٣ ٢غ٦ ف ٣ ٭ ثٮ٤ص٣ ٢غ٦ فٮ شد٭ذ. ضخبز ػبص١ذ ٤سد ١ؾش 9سـخٮق

ائ٤ػ٠ اػز. غـ ٮش٣ػ٤د٬ ثذػز آذ٥ اػز. ػ٠ ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ دس غـ ٤سد غبق٦ دبئ٤ػ٠ دؼٮ٠ سب ٤190سد ١ؾش ثب ثشداؿز

حض٤س س٣ص داسا ثذ٣ ٢يز ب٢١ذ خب٤١اد٥ ٮٮ٤ٮذ ١ـب١ش حٮظ ال٬١٤ ث٦ ٧شا٥ ؿ٤س٫ ثبال ٬ ثبؿذ. ٣خ٤د ىشا٢ٮيش٧ب٫ ث٢شٮ٬

١ـب اص ب٧ؾ ف ٣ ٧چ٢ٮ٠ اىضا٭ؾ ٮضا دب ٬ ثبؿذ. ٣خ٤د ىشا٢ٮيش٧ب٫ ث٢شٮ٬ Somalina stefaniniثب د٭٤اس٥ ضخٮ ب٢١ذ

ثب د٤ػش٦ ا٫ ـٮذ٥ ١ـب اص ثخؾ ف دس٭ب٫ ثبص ثب ؿ٤س٫ ١شب اػز. ٧چ٢ٮ٠ حض٤س ىشا٢ٮيش٧ب٫ .Operculina spب٢١ذ

Be & Hamlinؿبخق آث٨ب٫ ش ٭ب حذا آة ٧ب٫ ش قشذ اػز ) Globorotalia archeomenardiiدالط٭ ب٢١ذ

٫ دس ا٭٠ ثشؽ سحز ؿشا٭ظ حبس٥ ا٫ ٣ اٮ٤سش٣ىٮ ك٤سر (. اخشبفبر ص٭ؼش٬ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿذ٥ ١ـب ٬ د٧ذ سػ٤ثزاس1967

شىش٦ اػز ٦ ثشا٫ ؿ ٮش٫ د٤ف٦ ٧ب٫ ىش٤ص٣ئ٠ ٭ حٮظ ا٭ذ٥ آ اػز. اص عشى٬ اخشبؿ دا٦١ ٧ب٫ شث٢بس٦ ٣ حض٤س

حض٤س شخب٨١ب٫ ىشا٣ا س٣ص٥ داسا و ص٫ ث٦ ٧شا٥ د٭ش اخضا٫ اػش٬ ب٢١ذ ثش٭٤ص٣آ، د٤ػش٦ ٧ب٫ اٮ٤٢دس، بػشش٣د٤د ٣ فذ

( ٣ (Flugel.2004)٧ؼش٢ذ (Biostrom) ٣ ثب٭٤ػشش٣ (Bioherm)٧شبسٮذٮ )٦ ٨شش٭٠ ف٢بكش سـٮ د٢٧ذ٥ ثب٭٧٤ش ٧ب

خج ٧ب٫ ػجض دس سخؼبس٥ ى٤سا٤ بث عج٦ ث٢ذ٫ ٧ؼش٢ذ.

دبئ٤ا٤٤ط٫ * ػبص١ذ خ٨ش * ؿٮشاص کلیذ ياش ا:Paleoecology of Jahrum formation in the North of shiraz

1. Masih Afghah 2. *Abbas Yoosefzadeh 3. Seyed Mohammad Amin Kazemaini

* E_mail: abb.1357@gmail.com


This section located 15 kilometers road Shiraz-Marvdasht. Variation of paleobiotypes in jahrom formation in

this section cause identification of 9 benthic Biozones and 1 plagic biozone. The thickness of this section is

about 340m. Age of this section is early Paleocene to Eocene. Presence of non porous foraminifer like Miliolids,

indicate a lagoonic zone with high salinity. Presence of benthic foraminifera such as Somalina stefaninii or

Nummulites fichteli indicates a shallow environment and increase of temperature. Also presence of Operculina

sp. With elongated shell shows a shallow open marine with normal to high salinity. Pelagic foraminifers such

as Globorotalia archaeomonardii is an index fossil for tropical waters (Be & Hamlin 1967). Studying of

Biozones assemblies indicate that sedimentation in this section occur in Tropical environment and Oligotrphic

condition. This condition is ideal for creation of photozeon environments. In the other side Carbonate grain

associations and presence of large benthic foraminifera with other carbonated skeleton such as Bryozoans, shell

of Echinoderm, Gastropods and the lack of coral reef and green algae we can classify it in Foramol environment. Keywords : Paleoecology * Jahrom formation * Shiraz


بی وزتبع پيشيه در فتح آببد )شمبل غزة لبیه( وبواعتزاتيگزافي وشت

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ fhadavi@ferdowsi.um.ac.ir ا٭شا ـ٨ذ، ىشد٣ػ٬ دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬، صٮ٠ ش٥٣ ىبع٦ ٧بد٫٣، دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، اػشبد،

m.n.moghaddam@gmail.com ا٭شا ،دٮب ٤١س دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬، صٮ٠ ش٥٣ دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، اػشبد٭بس،شضٮ٦ ١غ٬ ذ،

lid_kh5@yahoo.com ا٭شا ،دٮب ٤١س دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬، صٮ٠ ش٥٣ٮذا خذاداد٫، دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬،

smollaii@yahoo.com ا٭شا ،دٮب ٤١س دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬، صٮ٠ ش٥٣ىبع٦ سضبصاد٥، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬،


چکیذ :

ثب س٤خ٦ ث٦ اسصؽ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ١ب٤١دال١ش٤ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧ خ٨ز سقٮٮ٠ ػ٠ ال٭٦ ٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬، ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٫ شسبػ٦ دٮـٮ٠ ثشا٫ غبقبر

ثب٭٤اػششاسٮشاى٬ ثش اػبع ١ب٤١ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧ ٦١٤١ ثشداس٫ ؿذ٥ ا١ذ. ٢غ٦ ٤سد غبق٦ ىشح آثبد ٣اـ دس ؿب مشة ب٭٠ )حبؿٮ٦

ذ. س٤ا٬ ثشداؿز ؿذ٥ دس ٢غ٦ ىشح آثبد شـ اص ٤٢شا، بس ػٮش٬ ٣ ػ٢ آ٧ اػز. ٦١٤١ ٧ب ؿش٬ ث٤ ٤ر( ٬ ثبؿ

٧ب٫ ٤خ٤د دس ا٭٠ ٢غ٦ ث٦ س٣ؽ اػٮشاػال٭ذ آبد٥ ػبص٫ ؿذ٥ ٣ ١ب٤١ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ ا٭٠ س٤ا٬ فغ ثشداس٫ ؿذ٥ اػز. ١ب٤١ىؼٮ

خ٢غ اص ١ب٤١ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿذ٥ ٣ ٦١٤10 شق ث٦ 28٭٠ ثشسػ٬داسا٫ س٤٢ؿ ١ؼجشب خ٤ة ٣ ىشا٣ا٬١ ش٤ػغ٬ ٧ؼش٢ذ. دس ا

٫ غبقبر ثب٭٤اػششاسٮشاى٬، ػ٠ سقٮٮ٠ شد٭ذ. ثشج٢ب٫ ثب٭٤ص٣ ٧ب٫ سقٮٮ٠ ؿذ٥ ٣ ث٦ ف٤٢ا ١شٮد٦ CC4 ٣ CC5ثب٭٤ص٣ ٧ب٫

س٤ا٬ ٤سد غبق٦ دس ٢غ٦ ىشح آثبد ٤٧سش٣٣٭٠ دٮـٮ٠ سب ٤٧سش٣٭٠ دؼٮ٠ دٮـ٨٢بد ٬ شدد.

١ب٤١اػششاسٮشاى٬؛ شسبػ٦ دٮـٮ٠؛ ىشح آثبد؛ ب٭٠ کلیذ ياش ا:Nannostratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous deposits in Fathabad (Northwest Qaen)

Fatemeh Hadavi, Ph.D of stratigraphy and paleontology, Professor, Department of Geology, Ferdowsi University

of Mashhad, Iran Marziyeh Notghi moghaddam, Ph.D of stratigraphy and paleontology, Assistant Professor, Department of

Geology, Payame Noor University, I.R of Iran Lida Khodadadi, Ph.D of stratigraphy and paleontology, Department of Geology, Payame Noor University, I.R of Iran

Fatemeh Rezazadeh, M.S student of stratigraphy and paleontology, Department of Geology, Payame Noor University, I.R

of Iran Abstract:

By attention to the stratigraphic value of calcareous nannoplanktons for the age determination of sedimentary

beds, Early Cretaceous deposits for biostratigraphical investigations based on calcareous nannofossils were

sampled. The studied region is Fathabad located in North West Qaen (East margin of Lut Block). The sampled

sequence in Fathabad region comprises of conglomerate, silty marl and limestone. Samples were prepared with

smear-slides and nannofossils of this sequence are photographed. Present nannofossils in this region have

relatively good diversity and medium abundance. In this investigation 28 species belong to 10 genus of

calcareous nannofossils were identified and biozones, CC4 - CC5 were determined. Based on determined

biozones and as a result of biostratigraphic studies, the age of the studied sequence in the Fathabad region Early

Hauterivian to Late Hauterivian was suggested.

Keywords: Nannostratigraphy؛ Early Cretaceous؛ Fathabad؛ Qaen



ی آن بب واحي خبيری ي ممبیغبيىبلد رشت و بی پبليىلصیىي عبسوذ دليچبی در ببختز يیضگي

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ Abradatmafi@gmail.comآثشادار بى٬، دشش٫،

Raoufian_a@yahoo.comاحذ سئ٤ىٮب، دشش٫،


چىيذ:ث٦ ٢ؾ٤س ا١دب غبقبر دبٮ٤٢اػششاسٮشاى٬ ٣ دبٮ٤٢ىبػٮغ ػبص١ذ دٮچب٫ دس ثخؾ ثبخشش٫ سؿش٦ ٥٤ ثٮ٢ب٤د ٣ ب٭ؼ٦ آ ثب

ػبص١ذ . ا١شخبة شد٭ذ ) ثشؽ چ٨بسثشج( اػيشا٭٠ ؿ٨شػشب ثبخشش دس٧ب٫ دبٮ٤٤٢ط٭٬ ثخؾ خب٣س٫، ثشؿ٬ اص ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ ٣٭ظ٬

ثب عجبر ضخٮ ال٭٦ آ ٮت ثش س٫٣ ػبص١ذ ؿـ شاس داسد ٣ دس ٧جش٫ ثبال٭٬ زس سذس٭د٬ؿ ث٦ ع٤س ٧ ح ا٭٠ دٮچب٫ دس

٧ب٫ ا٭٠ س٤ا٬ شد٭ذ ٣ ثش اص دا٭٤٢ػٮؼز ٦١٤ 48. غبقبر دبٮ٤٤٢ط٭٬ ٢دش ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿ٤د د٭ذ٥ ٬ ػبص١ذ الس داس آ٬٧ چشر

سغبث بث س٤خ٬٨ ـب٧ذ٥ ٧ب٫ ص٭ؼش٬ اس٣دب٫ مشث٬ ا٭٤٢ػٮؼش٬ ثب ص٧٣ب٫ د ٫ ص٣ ثب ب٭ؼ٦ سقٮٮ٠ ؿذ ٦چ٨بس ثب٭٤ص٣ ا٭٠ اػبع

ثشؽ دبٮ٤٤٢ط٭٬ ٧ب٫ ثبؿذ. ثشسػ٬ ٣٭ظ٬ دس ثشؽ چ٨بسثشج سشض ف٢بكش دبٮ٤٤٢ط٭٬ دس د٢ح ىبػٮغ بث سيٮ ٬ .ؿ٤د ٬

٧ب دس ػبص١ذ اد ٣ س٤٢ؿ دا٭٤٢ػٮؼزسقذد٧ذ ٦ ١ـب ٬ دس ثخؾ ثبخشش٫ ثشج ٣ ثشؽ چ٨بس ثخؾ خب٣س٫ ثٮ٢ب٤دىش٭ض٫ ٣اـ دس

٢٧ب ثشج چ٨بس ثب٭٤ص٣ اص ١ؾش دبٮ٤٢اػششاسٮشاى٬ دس ثشؽ ىش٭ض٫ ٣ ثشؽ چ٨بس. ثشج ثٮـشش اص ثشؽ ىش٭ض٫ اػز دٮچب٫ دس ثشؽ چ٨بس

س ثشؽ د د٧ذ ٦ . غبقبر دبٮ٤٢ىبػٮغ ١ـب ٬ػبص١ذ دٮچب٫ بث سيٮ اػز آؼي٤سد٭٠ دٮـٮ٠ دس -ػ٠ ثبط٣ػٮ٠ دؼٮ٠ث٦

ثشج ػشجشا٫ ػبص١ذ دٮدب٫ دس ثشؽ چ٨بس ٧شچ٢ذ .ثبؿذ بث سـخٮق ٬دس ثشؽ ىش٭ض٫ ػ٦ دبٮ٤٢ىبػٮغ ٣ثشج د٢ح ىبػٮغ چ٨بس

٧ب٫ ص٭بد٫ ٮب د٣ ثخؾ ؿجب٧ز ؼي٤سد٭٠ دٮـٮ٣٠ آ دس صب ثبط٣ػٮ٠ دؼٮ٠ا٫ چٮ٦٢ ثٮـشش اص ثشؽ ىش٭ض٫ اػز. ٬٣ اص ١ؾش صب

ؿ٤د. ٭ذ٥ ٬خب٣س٫ ٣ ثبخشش٫ ثٮ٢ب٤د د

، سؿش٦ ٥٤ ثٮ٢ب٤دػبص١ذ دٮچب٧٫ب، دبٮ٤٢ىبػٮغ، دا٭٤٢ػٮؼز ا: کلیذ ياشPalynological characteristics of the Dalichai Formation in the west of Binalud Mountains and its

correlation with Eastern part Abradat Mafi, Ahmad Raoufian


The Dalichai Formation studied in the western Binalud Mountains at west of Espharayen (Chehar Borj

section). Well-preserved section of the formation sampled for palynological purpose. The Dalichai Formation is

a lithostratigraphically outstanding unit in the Binalud Mountains where it disconformably overlies the

Shemshak Formation and is in turn overlain by the massive carbonates of the Lar Formation with a transitional

boundary. Forty-eight dinocyst species identified lead to identification of four biozones with an age of late

Bajocian-Early Oxfordian and five types of palynofacies. This biozonation corresponds to those recognized in

Northwest Europe and Central Alborz Mountains. Examination of the dinoflagellate cysts of the Dalichai

Formation in the west and the east of Binalud Mountains lead to erection of four biozones with a similar age and

three types of palynofacies at Fraizi section in the Eastern Binalud Mountains .Thickness of the formation at

Chehar Borj section is more than Fraizi section and our studies have shown the close similarities between two

areas in the late Bajocian and Early Oxfordian chronostratigraphically.

Keywords : Dinocysts, Palynofacies, Dalichai Formation, Binalud Mountains



حغىىذر البزس مزوشیدر وبحي )پزميه ميبوي( ريت ای عبسوذ برمذل رخغ


sheida.fathi2007@gmail.com ، ؿ٢بػ٬ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮبسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢دا١ـد٫٤ ، ش٭ ىشب٬١

ؿ٢بػ٬ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮٮذا ىشح٬، بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢ؿ

چب٤عاػال٬ ر ف٬ دا١ـب٥ آصاد فض٤ ٧ٮب١ظاد، آ١ب٧ٮشب ٬


چىيذ :س٣س٦ . ثخؾ ص٭ش٭٠ ػبص١ذ اػزشث٢بس٦ -٫ داسا٫ ب٧ٮز خ٤ط آ٣اس٫شضاجشص ٮب٬١ دس ١بحٮ٦ حؼ٢ذس ٤ا٬ سػ٤ث٬ دشٮ٠ س

كحشا٭٬ ٣ آصب٭ـب٬٧ ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ػ٦ ثبؿذ. غبقبر ثبال٭٬ آ، شث٢بس٦ ٬ثخؾ ؿ٢بخش٬ مبت آ٣اس٫ ٣ داسا٫ سشٮت ػ٢

داس، ثٮ٤الػز ٠٧، ا٭٢ششاالػز دؼش٤ ثٮ٤الػز ٣ چ٨بس سخؼبس٩ شث٢بس٦ )بدػش٤ آ٬٧ (S3 ٣ S1 ،S2) سخؼبس٩ آ٣اس٫

٧ب٫ سخؼبس٥ا٫ ذ سخؼبس٥ث٦ ف٤٢ا ي٪ دس٭ب٭٬ ف . اػش٤( دس ا٭٠ س٤ا٬ سػ٤ث٬ ا١دبٮذ٥ اػز ٣ؼش٤ ٣ د٤ئٮذ ش٭٠

ؿٮت ٧ دالسيش شث٢بس٦ ٤١ؿ سخاػز. ٧چ٢ٮ٠، س٤ا٬ سػ٤ث٬ دٮـ٨٢بد شد٭ذ٥ ا٭٠ شث٢بس٦ ثخؾ ص٭ش٭٠ -آ٣اس٫ سب خشظ آ٣اس٫

١ؼج٬ د٧ذ خٮض ٧ب ١ـب ٬ . ثشسػ١٬ؾش شىش٦ ؿذ٥ اػزى٤ب٬١ ػبص١ذ س٣س٦ دس ثخؾ ٧ب٫ شث٢بس٦ سخؼبس٥ا٫ ذ سخؼبس٥ث٦ ف٤٢ا

حٮظ دس٭ب٭٬ ف آ٣اس٫ ػز خـ٬ ٣ سجذ٭ ٧ب ث٦ ٤خت دٮـش٫٣ سخؼبس٥ ٧ب٫ دشٮ٠ ػغح آة دس٭ب دس ا٭٠ ١بحٮ٦ دس ٮب٦١

ؿٮت شد٭ذ٥ اػز. ث٦ ٭ سخ شث٢بس٦ ٧

.حؼ٢ذس، ؿٮت ٧، سخ شث٢بس٦ ي٪ دس٭ب٭٬ ف ا٫، ، ػبص١ذ س٣س٦، ذ سخؼبس٥ٮب٬١ دشٮ٠ :ا کلیذ ياش

Facies Model of Ruteh Formation (Middle Permian) in Hasanakdar Area, Central Alborz

Maryam Fatani, MSc student of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, sheida.fathi2007@gmail.com Sheida Fathi, MSc of Stratigraphy and Paleontology

Anahita Keynejad, Faculty member of Islamic Azad University of Chaloos


The Middle Permian sedimentary succession in Hasanakdar area (Central Alborz) has mixed siliciclastic-

carbonate nature. The lower part of Ruteh Formation is dominantly siliciclastic and the upper part has carbonate

lithology. Field and laboratory studies resulted in recognition of 3 siliciclastic (S1, S2, S3) and 4 carbonate facies

(Homogenous lime mudstone, Bioclastic intraclast packstone, Bioclastic wackestone and Peloid grainstone).

Facies models of the lower and upper parts of Ruteh Formation were found "siliciclastic shallow marine shelf"

and "Homoclinal ramp-type carbonate platform", respectively. The study shows that relative sea level rise in

this area in the midst of Permian led to facies retrogradation and conversion of the siliciclastic shallow marine

shelf to a homoclinal carbonate ramp.

Keywords: Middle Permian, Ruteh Formation, Facies model, Siliciclastic shallow marine shelf, Homoclinal

carbonate ramp, Hasanakdar. ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊


Coniopterisبيعتزاتيگزافي رعببت صيراعيه ميبوي وچىعلي، طبظ ي معزفي بيسين فزاگيز

hymenophylloides-Klukia exilis در گغتز ایزان

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ىبع٦ ٣افؼ خ٤اد٫

vaezjavadi@ut.ac.irاػشبد٭بس دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،


چىيذ :ػبص١ذ ٧دذ دس ٢غ٦ ٤چق٬، خ٤٢ة مشة عجغ ؼششؽ خ٤ث٬ داسد. ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ دسثشداس١ذ٥ س٢ب٣ث٬ اص ال٭٦ ٧ب٫ صمب٬ ٣

٤33سد غبق٦ شاس شىز. سقذاد 169ثبؿذ. بش٣ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ ٮب٬٧ ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ دس چب٥ اشـبى٬ ؿبس٥ بش٣ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ ٮب٬٧ ٬

خ٢غ اص ساػش٦ ٧ب٫ خشو ا٤ئ٬ ػشب ٧ب، ىٮٮب ٧ب،٬ س١٤ٮب ٧ب، ١ٮؼ١٤ٮب ٧ب، ث٢شٮشب ٧ب، ٮ٤٢آ ٧ب ٣ ٦١٤19 شق ث٦

Coniopteris hymenophylloides ،Klukia ث٦ حض٤س ٦١٤ ٧ب٫ ؿبخق دب٭٢ب ٧ب ٤سد ؿ٢بػب٭٬ شاس شىش٢ذ. ثب س٤خ٦

exilis ،Nilssonia ingens ٣ Elatides thomasii ثبط٣ػٮ٠ ثشا٫ ا٭٠ د٤ف٦ ىؼٮ٬ خبعش١ـب ٬ شدد. ٭ -ػ٠ آا٢ٮ٠

٣ چ٨بس ص٭ش ثٮ٤ص٣ ث٦ سشسٮت اص Klukia exilis-Nilssonia macrophylla Assemblage zoneثٮ٤ص٣ سدق٬ ث٦ ١ب

-Sagenopteris nilssoniana-Equisetites columnaris concurrent range zone ،2 -1دب٭ٮ٠ ث٦ ثبال ث٦ ١ب ٧ب٫

Equisetites beanii-Ptilophyllum harrisianum concurrent range zone ،3- Ginkgoites huttonii

taxon range zone ٣4- Coniopteris hymenophylloides-Nilssonia feriziensis Assemblage zone دس

ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ سقٮٮ٠ شد٭ذ. ثٮ٤ص٣ ٧ب٫ ػبص١ذ ٧دذ دس ٢غ٦ ٤چق٬ عجغ ثب ػب٭ش ثٮ٤ص٣ ٧ب٫ ٧ اسص ثبص٥ صب٬١ ط٣ساػٮ

Coniopterisىشاٮش٫ ث٦ ١ب ٮب٬١ ١ٮض ٤سد ب٭ؼ٦ ٣ سغجٮ شاس شىز. دس ١شٮد٦ دشا٢ؾ ثٮ٤ص٣ سدق٬

hymenophylloides-Klukia exilis Assemblage zone .دس سب٬ ؼشش٥ ا٭شا خبعش١ـب ٬ شدد

بش٣ىؼٮ ٮب٬٧، ػبص١ذ ٧دذ، ثٮ٤ػششاسٮشاى٬، عجغ، سغبث :کلیذ ياش ا

Biostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Kouchekali, Tabas and introduce Coniopteris

hymenophylloides-Klukia exilis Biozone throughout Iran Fatemeh Vaez-Javadi; Department of Geology, University College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Islamic

Republic of Iran; vaezjavadi@ut.ac.ir


Hojedk Formation is well-spread in the Kouchekali area, south western of the Tabas city. It consists of mainly

grey-dark shale, siltstone and sandstone intercalating with coal seams. Here, the core number 169 was studied

and plant macrofossils were collected. The Hojedk Formation contains thirty-three species of plant macrofossil


remains allocated to nineteen genera of various orders such as Equisetales, Filicales, Caytoniales, Bennettitales,

Cycadales, Ginkgoales, and Pinales. On the basis of the occurrence of index fossils such as Coniopteris

hymenophylloides, Klukia exilix, Nilssonia ingens, and Elatides thomasii Aalenian-Bajocian age is suggested for

this assemblage. One assemblage zone (Klukia exilis-Nilssonia macrophylla) and four subzones were

recognized in this formation. These subzones are: 1- Sagenopteris nilssoniana-Equisetites columnaris

concurrent range zone, 2- Equisetites beanii-Ptilophyllum harrisianum concurrent range zone, 3- Ginkgoites

huttonii taxon range zone, and 4- Coniopteris hymenophylloides-Nilssonia feriziensis assemblage zone.

Biozones of the Middle Jurassic of Kouchekali area were correlated to the similar age sediments of the Mazino

area (Tabas Block), Dansirit Formation in Baladeh and Rudbarak (Central Alborz Mountains), Bazehowz

Formation in its type section (south Mashhad, Binalud Mountains).These correlations concluded that the

Coniopteris hymenophylloides-Klukia exilis Assemblage zone is widespread during the Middle Jurassic

throughout Iran.

Keywords : Plant macrofossil, Hojedk Formation, Biostratigraphy, Kouchekali, Tabas, Correlation



)پعتز( چيى شىبعي ي فغيل شىبعي

Stratigraphy and Paleontology

(Poster Presentation)

خرشیذی 3131اسفىذ ما 4زمان:

Date: 23

rd February 2015

مکان: سازمان زمیه شىاسی ي اکتشافات معذوی کشر

Venue: Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran


وگبری عىبوغي در عبسوذ وىگبن؛ یىي اس ميبدیه خليج فبرط بزرعي فزایىذبی دیبصوشی در چبرچة چيى

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ٨mehrnoush.rafiei@gmail.comش٤١ؽ سىٮق٬، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،

rahimpor@ut.ac.irحؼٮ٠ سحٮ د٤س ث٢بة، اػشبد دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،

٣vtavakoli@ut.ac.irحٮذ س٬٤، اػشبد٭بس دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،


چىيذ :اػز. دس ثؼٮبس٫ اص س ٮبد٭٠ خٮح ىبسعد ٧ب٫ بص٫ شث٢بس٦ ع دٮـٮ٠ ٭٬ اص ٨شش٭٠ ػ٢ خض٢ب ث٦ ػ٠ سش٭بػبص١ذ

٧ب٫ خض٬١ داسد. ٨شش٭٠ فب دس سقٮٮ٠ چ٬١٤ خبص ٧ٮذس٣شث٬٢ دس د١ٮب، ىشا٭٢ذ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫ ١ؾ ٬٨ دس ٢شش ٣٭ظ٬

دس ا٭٠ غبق٦ ٧ب دس ثؼش٦ ٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬ ٧ش ػب١غ ثؼش٬ داسد. ث٦ خب٭ب٥ سخؼبس٥ ١ؾ ؼشٮ ىشا٭٢ذ د٭بط١ض دس ٮيٮز خض٬١،

ثش ا٭٠ .س شىش٦ اػز٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫ ٣ ا٫٤ ا١جبؿش٬ سػ٤ثبر دس چبسچ٤ة چٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ػب١ؼ٬ ٤سد ثشسػ٬ شااسسجبط ثٮ٠ ىشا٭٢ذ

٧ب٫ ثذػز ٦ ٣ ثب س٤خ٦ ث٦ اسسجبطسد ؿ٢بػب٭٬ شاس شىش٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬ ٧ش ػب١غ ٣ اسسجبط ثٮ٠ آ٨١ب ٤ اػبع ىشا٭٢ذ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫ ثؼش٦

ثش اػبع 3س٤ا ىشا٭٢ذ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫ خبف شث٤ط ث٦ ٧ش ثؼش٦ سػ٤ث٬ سا ٤سد ؿ٢بػب٭٬ شاس داد. د٣ ػب١غ سػ٤ث٬ دسخ٦ آذ٥ ٬

( TSTص دٮـش١٣ذ٥ )٬ سشاثؼش٦ سػ٤ث ٥ اػز ٦ ٧ش ػب١غ بث سؼٮ ث٦ د٣س١٣ذ فٮ ؿذ٬ ٣ ف ؿذ٬ سـخٮق داد٥ ؿذ

اص ىشا٭٢ذ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫ مبت دس ثؼش٦ سػ٤ث٬ دٮـش١٣ذ٥ ػٮب ؼٮز ٣ د٤٣ٮش٬ ؿذ ٣ دس ثؼش٦ .ثبؿذ ( ٣HST٬ سشاص ثبال )

ثبؿذ. سػ٤ث٬ دؼش١٣ذ٥ ػٮب ا١ٮذس٭ز ٣ د٤٣ٮش٬ ؿذ ٣ ا١حال ٬

ثؼش٦ سػ٤ث٬. ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض٫، ٢ذچٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ػب١ؼ٬،ىشا٭ ػبص١ذ ٢ب، :کلیذ ياش اInvestigating the Diagenetic Processes in Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Kangan Formation; one

of the fields in Persian Gulf Mehrnoush Rafiei

1, Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab

2, Vahid Tavakoli


123 School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: The Early Triassic carbonates of Kangan Formation are major gas reservoirs in Persian Gulf Fields. Diagenetic

processes play a crucial role in controlling the reservoir properties of many hydrocarbon reservoirs in the world.

The most significant factor in determining the direct role of diagenesis in reservoir quality depends upon facies

architecture in systems tracts of sequences. This research is focused on the relationship between diagenetic

processes and systems tracts in sequence stratigraphic framework. To do so, special diagenetic processes of

systems tracts and their relationships were studied. Using these relationships, special diagenetic processes can

be assigned to each system tract. According to shallowing and deepening trends, two third-order sequences were

specified and each of which dividable into two system tracts including transgressive system tract (TST) and

highstsnd system tract (HST). Moreover, the main diagenetic processes affecting this formation are

dolomitization, cementation, stylolitization, and dissolution.

Keywords : Kangan Formation, sequence stratigraphy, diagenetic processes, system trac



( مزوشی ایزان غزة مزجبوبی يیشئه )وزبىيفز پيشيه( بزػ اعذآببد، جىة شزلي شزضب )جىة

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ (Mahdibadpa110@gmail.com )دا١ـد٫٤ دشش٫ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، ٨ذ٫ ثبددب

(kavehkhaksar@gmail.comب٥٣ خبؼبس )دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬،

(ashouri2001@yahoo.comفٮشضب فبؿ٤س٫ )دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬

(Samahmudi@yahoo.com، )بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ٬ اث٤ابػ ح٤د٫ػٮذ


چىيذ :. دغ ؿذ ا١شخبة خ٤٢ة ؿش ؿ٨شضب دسثشؽ اػذآثبد دس خ٤٢ة مشة خشد بس٥ ا٭شا شض٫، ٧ب٫ شث٢ٮيشث٦ ٢ؾ٤س غبق٦ شخب

٧ب٫ س٤٣صا ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿذ١ذ. خ٢غ اص شخب ٦١٤2 شق ث٦ 2 ،٧ب٫ شخب٬١اص ػ٤٢اس٥ غـ ٮش٣ػ٤د٬ 20 اص غبق٦ ثٮؾ اص

ثشا٫ ا٣ٮ٠ ثبس اص Diphyphyllumاػز. خ٢غ Diphyphyllum ىبػٮ٤ٮز ٣ ٢Paleosmiliaيشد ٧ب٫ ٤سد غبق٦ ؿب خ٢غشخب

س٤ا٬ دسثشٮش١ذ٥ ا٭٠ د٭ش٭٬٢ ٤سد غبق٦، ثشؽدس Diphyphyllum lateseptatumثشدب٭٦ ؽ٤٨س ٦١٤ ؿ٤د.ا٭شا ضاسؽ ٬

دس MFZ14 ص٣ ىشاٮ٢ٮيش٦٫ قبد ثب اػزβ RC7 شخب٬١ ٢٢ذ٥ ػبة ص٣ـخق ا٭٠ ٦١٤ؽ٤٨س شخب٨١ب ٣٭ضئ٠ دؼٮ٠ اػز.

( اػز. ثبالسش٭٠ ص٭شاؿ٤ة ٣٭ضئ٠) Warnantian قشه ثخؾ دبئٮ٬٢ ص٭شاؿ٤ة ثبؿذ ٦اس٣دب ٬

ثشؽ اػذآثبد، ٣٭ضئ٠شث٢ٮيش، شخب، :کلیذ ياش ا

The Visean (Early Carboniferous) Corals from Asad-Abad section, SE Shahreza (SW Central Iran)

Mahdi Badpa, Ph.D. student of Paleontology and Stratigraphy; MahdiBadpa110@gmail.com

Alireza Ashouri, Ph.D. of Paleontology and Stratigraphy; ashouri2001@yahoo.com

Kaveh Khaksar, Ph.D. of Paleontology and Stratigraphy; kavehkhaksar@gmail.com

Seyyed Abolghasem MahmoudiM.Sc. of Sedimentology: Samahmudi@yahoo.com

Abstract: In order to investigate of Carboniferous corals from SW Central Asad-Abad stratigraphic section was selected. After the

studied of more than 20 thin section of coral fossils, we identified 2 species belong to 2 genera of roguse corals. These

corals are included solitary genus of Paleosmilia and fasciculate genus of Diphyphyllum. Diphyphyllum is described from

Iran for the first time. According appearance of Diphyphyllum lateseptatum age of the fauna is Late Visean. In the

appearance of this species indicat RC7 β corals subzone and MFZ14 foraminifera zone Europe that are Lower Warnantian

(lates Visean) in age.

Keywords : Carboniferous, Coral, Asad-Abad section, Visean



ي تطببك آن بب بزػ ش، شزق الر يلعبسوذ آعمبری در بزػ شم وگبری چيى سیغت◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

emami_soraya@yahoo.com ؿ٢بػ٬، دشد٭غ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،ثش٭ب اب٬ ٬، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠

ranjbaran@khayam.ut.ac.irحؼ٠ س١دجشا، اػشبد٭بس دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دشد٭غ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،


چىيذ :الس ؿش دسػغح االسض٬ ؿٮ٤ ٬ؿ٢بػ ٮ٦٢دس ثشؽ چ ٣٫ دبئ٤ا٤٤ط ١٫بس ٮ٦٢چ ٭ؼزاص حبػ ص ٫ػبص١ذ آػبسدس ا٭٠ غبق٦

دس ثشؽ غـ ١بص س٨ٮ٦ شد٭ذ. 33شش ضخبز ٬ ثبؿذ ٦ 80. ػبص١ذ آػبس٫ دس ثشؽ ز٤س داسا٫ شاس شىز ٤٬سد ثشسػ

٦١٤ اص ىشاٮ٢ٮيش٧ب٫ ث٢ٮ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿذ ٦ سقٮٮ٠ ٢٢ذ٥ ػ٠ اٮ٤ػ٠ )س٣دٮ٠ دٮـٮ٠( اػز. 16خ٢غ ٣ 12ػغح االسض٬ ؿٮ٤

دس ثشؽ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ (Wynd, 1965)٣ا٭٢ذ 58ٮ٠ د٣ ثشؽ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ػغح االسض٬ ؿٮ٤ ٣ ؿ٤ ١ـب د٢٧ذ٥ ١ج٤د ثب٭٤ص٣ سغبث ث

٤خ٦ ث٦ حش٤ا٫ ىؼٮ٬ ؿشا٭ظ د٭ذ٥ ١ـذ٥ اػز. ثب س Archaias operculiniformisػغح االسض٬ ؿٮ٤ اػز. ث٦ دٮ آ٦١

.ثبؿذ ٧٬ب٫ ش ى٤ ؿ٤س ٨١ـش٦ ؿذ سػ٤ثبر دس حٮظ ال٤ ثب آة د٢٧ذ٥ ١ـبدبئ٤ا٤٤ط٫ ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ

.دبئ٤ا٤٤ط٫ ،يشٮ٢ٮىشا، ٠ٮس٣د ٫،آػبس :کلیذ ياش ا

Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Asmari Formation in Shamilu Section and correlation whith Shu

section east of Lar

Soraya Emami Kolli, School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran, emami_soraya@yahoo.com

Mohsen Ranjbaran, Assistant Professor of school of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran,



The Asmari Formation has been studied from Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology.The Asmari Formation in

Shamilu Section was studied. The thickness is 80 m in this section. In this section 33 sample were taken, led to

recognition of 12 genera and 16 species and age Rupelian for Shu section approved. The correlation between

these two section shows that in Shamilu section the 58 biozone of Wynd (1965) is not be and Archaias

operculiniformis wasnʼt seen. The Paleoecology of this formation suggested depositional setting included

lagoon with warm and hypersalin water.

Keywords: Asmari, Foraminifera, lagoon, Rupelian.



)اعتبن چبرمحبل ي بختيبری (عبسوذ جزم در غزة شزوزدوگبری چيى سیغت◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

، ا٭شادا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬ ٣احذ خش آثبدؿ٢بػ٬، ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮچٮ٦٢ بسؿ٢بع اسؿذ ، عٮج٦ حؼٮ٬٢*

، ا٭شادا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬ ٣احذ ؼدذ ػٮبؿ٢بػ٬، اػشبد٭بس ش٥٣ صٮ٠، دشش ثشص٣ فؼش٫ دٮشث٤ع٬ t.hossini93@gmail.comدؼز اشش١٣ٮ: *


چىيذ :ؽ شث.داس١ذ سخ٤٢ آ مشث٬ دس٤١اح٬ ٣٭ظ٥ اصاػشب چ٨بس حب ٣ثخشٮبس٫ ث٦ ٣ػٮق٬ دسثخـ٨ب٫ ٭ؼبص١ذ خ٨ش آ٧ سػ٤ثبر

٧ب٫ ش٤ػظ ال٭٦ سب ضخٮ ال٭٦ ٣ ػ٢ ٧ب٫ د٤٣ٮش٬ اػز ٦ ث٦ ك٤سر شش ؿب ػ٢ آ٧ 217شد٦١ ١ق اؿ٢ب ثب ػشجشا٫

١بدٮ٤ػش٬ ىشػب٭ـ٬ ثش س٫٣ ؿٮ ٣ بس ٧ب٫ ػبص١ذ ٤سد٬ ٣ دس شص ثبال٭٬ ث٦ ك٤سر دٮ٤ػش٦ ٣سذس٭د٬ دس ص٭ش ػبص١ذ دبثذ٥ شاس

٦١٤ اص س٣ص ثشا و ص٫ ٣ غقبس٬ اص بش٣ىؼٮ ٧ب اص جٮ خج ٧ب٫ 19خ٢غ ٣ ٢28بػ٬ شىش٦ اػز .اص ا٭٠ ثشؽ چٮ٦٢ ؿ

ػبص١ذ خ٨ش دس ثشؽ ٤سد غبق٦ ث٦ فز ؿجب٧ز د٤ف٦ ا٫ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ شد٭ذ.ػ٠شض، ثش٭٤ص٣ا٧ب، خبسد٤ػشب ٣ ش ٧ب٫ ٦٤

٬ س٤ا ائ٤ػ٠ Nummulites-Alveolina assemblage subzone(Wynd, 1965)س٣ص ثشا و ص٫ ثب ص٭ش ص٣ ص٭ؼش٬ سدق٬

ثبسس١٤ٮ٠( دس ١ؾش شىز. -ٮب٬١ )٤سؼٮ٠

، شد٦١ ١ق اؿ٢ب، ؿ٨ششدػبص١ذ خ٨ش ائ٤ػ١،٠بس٫ ، چٮ٦٢: کلیذ ياشBiostratigraphy Jahrom Formation in westernShahrekord

Tayebeh Hosseini Eslamic Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad Dr.BorzooAskaripirbaloutiIslamic Azad University, Masjedsoleyman

Abstract: Calcareous sediments of the Jahrom Formation are extensively outcropped in western Charmahal and Bakhtiary

province.The thickness of Gardaneh- Nal-Eshkanan section in this formation has been measured with 217 meters length

which includes medium to thick-bedded limestone layers and dolomitic rocks. This section is in the form of attrition

discontinuities on the limestone, shale and marl of the Gurpi Formation and continuities and gradual textures under the

Pabdeh Formation .From this stratigraphic section, it can be seen 28 genus and 19 species of benthic foraminifera and

fragments of macrofossils such red algae, Bryuzooa, Echinoderms and tube worms are identified. According to the

similarities between the benthic foraminifera of studied formation in this specific section with Nummulites-Alveolina

assemblage subzone(Wynd, 1965), it can be considered that the formation belongs to Middle Eocene(Lutetian - Bartonin).

Keywords: stratigraphic, Eocene, Jahrom formation, Gardaneh- Nal-Eshkanan, Shahrekord



تسیع ي تطببك سیغت چيى وگبری مزجبوبی اعىلزاوتيىبی تزیبط پغيه

در شمبل اصفبن بب دیگز واحي تتيظ

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ، ج. ا. ا٭شا19395 -4697دا١ـب٥ دٮب ٤١س، ش٥٣ ف٬ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، س٨شا اػشبد٭بس ش٭ ٢ب٬١، دشش٫،



چىيذ :٦١٤١ ٣400اـ دس ؿب اكي٨ب ؿب د١ج٬ؼٮ٤ شخب٨١ب٫ اػشاشٮ٢ب٫ ػبص١ذ ١ب٭ج٢ذ )سش٭بع دؼٮ٠( ٢بع ثبشآثبد، د٭ض٤ ٣

٦ ؿب اػز٦١٤ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ شد٭ذ٥ 26خ٢غ ٣ 14)ػبص١ذ ١ب٭ج٢ذ( ٬ ثبؿذ. دس آ٨٧ب٫ س٭ي٬ ثخـ٨ب٫ ثٮذػشب ٣ ح٤م خب

,Reimaniphylliidae Coryphylliidae, Stylophyllidae, Margarophylliidae, Astraeomorphidae :٧ب٫خب٤١اد٥

Cyclophyllidae, Pamiroseriidae, Actinastraeidae, ٬ ثبؿ٢ذ. ا٭٠ ٦١٤ ٧ب٫ شخب٬١ ثب شخب٨١ب٫ اػشاشٮ٢ب٫ ح٤ض٦ سشٮغ

اص خ٦: آخ، بسدبسٮ٠، خ٤٢ة ؿش آػٮب )چٮ٠، ثش٦، ا١ذ١٣ض٫ ٣ ىٮٮذٮ٠(، آػٮب٫ شض٫، دبٮش، خ٤٢ة ؿش اس٣دب، ٨ؼشب ٣

شخب٨١ب٫ ثخؾ ثٮذػشب ثب س٤ص٭ـ خ٨ب٬١ ػغح ىؼٮ٬ ٤١س٭٠ ٮب٬١ ٣ شخب٨١ب٫ ثخؾ ح٤م خب ثب س٤ص٭ـ ثنبسػشب ـبث٦ ٬ ثبؿ٢ذ.

سسٮ٠ غبثز داس١ذ. -خ٨ب٬١ ػغح ىؼٮ٬ ٤١س٭٠ دؼٮ٠

سش٭بع دؼٮ٠، ؿب اكي٨ب، سشٮغ.س٤ص٭ـ، اػشاشٮ٢ب، : کلیذ ياش ا

Biostrtigraphical distribution and correlation of Scleractinian Corals of Late Triassic

in the North of Isfahan with other areas of Tethys

Maryam Mannani, Assistant Professor, Geology Department, Payame Noor University, 19395- 4697 Tehran, I. R of IRAN.

Abstract: Collection of Scleractinian corals from The Nayband Formation (Late Triassic) of Bagher Abad, Dizlu and

Margh areas (North of Isfahan) consist 400 samples. 14 Genus and 26 species of Scleractinian corals were

recognized in reefal limeston of Bidestan and Howz- e- Khan Members (Nayband Formation). They included:

Reimaniphylliidae, Margarophylliidae, Coryphylliidae, Cyclophyllidae ، Astraeomorphidae، Pamiroseriidae,

Stylophyllidae and Actinastraeidae families. These species are similar to fauna’s Tethys: Alps, Carpathian,

South- East of Asia (China, Burma, Indonesia and Philippines), Central Asia, pamir, South-East of Europe,

Poland and Bulgaria. In the North of Isfahan, Scleractinian corals of Bidestan Member can be correlated with

world distribution of Middle Norian coral level and Scleractinian Corals of Howz- e- Khan Member with world

distribution of Upper Norian- Rhaetian coral level.

Keywords : Distribution, Scleractinian, Late Triassic, North of Isfahan, Tethys.



وزتبع جىة غزة بجغتبن یدر وشت ب يغتیه گشارػ اس حضر اجتمبعبت ريديوخغت

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ rzyasi425@gmail.com٭بػ٠ سضب٭٬ ػ٤ب٬١، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ٣ د٭ش٭٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ،

arkhazaei@birjand.ac.irاحذ سضب خضاف٬، دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ٣ د٭ش٭٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬، اػشبد٭بس ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ، دا١ـب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ،

gshabestari@birjand.ac.irمالشضب ٮشاة ؿجؼشش٫، دشش٫ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ سػ٤ث٬، دا١ـٮبس ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ، دا١ـب٥ ثٮشخ٢ذ، ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :

٤سد ثشسػ٬ شاسشىش٦ چٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ص٭ؼش٬ د٭ذب٥ اصخ٤٢ة مشة ثدؼشب )ضاس ٣ ث٨بثبد( ٣اـ دسشسبػ٦ دس د٣ ثشؽ ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٫

اخشبفبر دش سشا اص د٣ي٦ ا٭٨ب٫ س٣د٭ؼز حض٤س شث٢بس٦ دس ثشؽ ٧ب٫ ز٤س ال٭٦ ٧ب٫ ع٬ ثشسػ٬ ٣ ٦١٤١ ثشداس٫ اص. اػز

ضاسؽ ٬ شد١ذ. اخشبفبر س٣د٭ؼش٬ فذسب اص ٤١ؿ ٦١٤ حذ٣د ٣ ثشا٫ ا٣ٮ٠ ثبس شسبػ٦ دس ٢بس آثبس ػب٭ش ث٬ ٨شب دس٭ب٭٬

ثبؿ٢ذ ٦ ٣اثؼش٦ ٬ ساد٭٤ٮشٮذ٣٥ ٧ٮذ٤س٭شٮذ٥ ٥ ٧ب٫دس ثشسػ٬ ٧ب٫ ذبس٬ ث٦ خب٤١اد٦١٤١ ٧ب٫ ٭بىز ؿذ٥ ا٫ ٬ ثبؿ٢ذ. س ٦١٤

ح٤ض٦ ٧ب٫ ٦١٤١ ٧ب٫ ص٭ؼز خنشاىٮب٫ ا٭٠ سبؼ٤ ٧ب ثب ٣ ١ح٥٤ اسسجبعبر د٭ش٭٤٦٢٭ب٫ ػ٠ دٮ سػ٤ثبر غبق٦ ػٮؼشبسٮ

ر ٤سد غبق٦ دب٣س دس صب سـٮ خ٤ا٧ذ ث٤د. حض٤س، حيؼ ؿذ٬ بث س٤خ٦ ٣ شاسٮش٫ دس ٣ضقٮز سؿذ دس مبت اخشبفب

سنز٭٦ ا٫ ٣ ؿشا٭ظ -ث٨ج٤د ؿشا٭ظ ص٭ؼش٬ ثبص٢٢٤ذ٥ آة ٣ ٤٧ا٫ ش ٣ دس ٦٧٣ ا٣ ١ـب١ش ؼششؽ دالسيش شث٢بس٦ شسبػ٦ ٣

ثبؿذ. حٮظ سػ٤ث٬ دس ا٭٠ صب ٬

س٣د٭ؼز، اخشبفبر س٣د٭ؼش٬، ٮش٤ػ٤، ا٭شا شض٫، ث٤ ٤ر :کلیذ ياش ا

First report of rudist assemblages in Cretaceous deposits, south west of Bajestan

Yasaman Rezaei Soolgani, M. Sc. Student of Stratigraphy and paleontology, University of Birjand, rzyasi425@gmail.com

Ahmadreza Khazaei, Assistant professor of Stratigraphy and paleontology, University of Birjand, arkhazaei@birjand.ac.ir

Gholamreza Mirab Shabestari, Associate professor of Sedimentology and sedimentary petrology, University of Birjand,



In this research, two sections of the Cretaceous deposits have been studied biostratigraphically at southwest of

Bajestan city (Mazar and Behabad villages). According to investigation and sampling of the mentioned

carbonate rock units, presence of high-density assemblages of rudist bivalves accompanied by other marine

invertebrates are reported for the first time. The rudist societies are mainly composed of paucispecific and

monospecific types. Preliminary studies reveal that the collected samples belong to Hippuritidae and

Radiolitidae families. So, systematic study will show accurate age of these sediments and palaeobiogeography

relationship of these taxa with those from adjacent basins. The presence, proper preservation and growth

position of majority of the studied congregation indicate the development of Cretaceous carbonate platform and

also warm climate and improvement of sedimentary and environment-nutrition conditions of this time.

Keywords : Rudist, Rudist assemblages, Lithosome, Central Iran, Lut block



)جىة غزة ایزان( 32بزرعي ميىزيفبعيظ ب ي محيط رعبي عبسوذ عزين در چب دلزان

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ سػ٤ث٬، اػشبد٭بس، دا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬، ٣احذ ػبس٫، ؿ٨شا ؿش٭قش٬، دششا٫ سػ٤ة -1

shariati@ayerma.ir، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، ػبس٫، ا٭شا

آسٮ٠ ػؼب٬١، دا١ـد٫٤ دششا٫ چٮ٦٢ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬، ٣احذ ف٤ ٣ سحٮبر، ش٥٣ -٣* 2

rmn.salsany@gmail.com، صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، س٨شا، ا٭شا

آ٭ؼب سبد٫، دا١ـد٫٤ دششا٫ ىشا٣س٫ ٤اد قذ٬١، دا١ـذ٥ ٢٨ذػ٬ قذ، دا١ـب٥ س٨شا -3aisan.ramadi@ut.ac.ir


چىيذمشة ـ٤س سا ؿب ٬ شدد. ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ ػش٣ س٤ا٬ آجٮ٠ سب س٤س١٣ٮ٠ ص٭ش د٦٢٨ سػ٤ث٬ صاشع چٮ٠ خ٤سد٥ دس ثخؾ خ٤٢ة

٧ب٫ ؿب ػ٢ آ٧ 23ؿ٤د ٣ ٮش٤٤ط٫ آ دس چب٥ د٧شا ف ٣ فٮ ـخق ٬ ػبص١ذ دس ح٤ض٦ صاشع ثب د٣ سخؼبس٥

٧ذه اص ا١دب ا٭٠ سحٮ . ثبؿذ ٧ب٭٬ اص ؿٮ ٣ آ٧ سػ٬ ٬ داس ث٦ ٧شا٥ ٮب ال٭٦ ا٫ س٣د٭ؼز خبؼشش٫ ضخٮ ال٭٦ سب س٤د٥

سقٮٮ٠ خل٤كٮبر حٮظ دشش٣شاى٬، ىشآ٭٢ذ٧ب٫ د٭بط١ض ٣ ٮش٣ىبػٮغ ٧ب٫ ػبص١ذ ػش٣ دس چب٥ ٤سد غبق٦ ث٦ ٢ؾ٤سثشسػ٬

٫ چب٥ ٧ب غـ ١بص اص نض٥ 260 ثشا٫ د٬ ثشد ث٦ سشٮت ب٬١ ؿ٢بػ٬، خل٤كٮبر ثبىش٬ ٣ ف٤اسم د٭بط١ض٫،سػ٤ث٬ آ ٬ ثبؿذ.

٭ دس غبق٦ ٤سد چب٥ دس ػش٣ غبقبر ا١دب ؿذ٥ ١ـب ٬ د٧ذ ٦ ػبص١ذ .ىز٤سد غبق٦ شاس شس٨ٮ٦ ؿذ ٣ 23 -د٧شا

ثش اػبع ٮش٣ىبػٮغ ٧ب٫ ـب٧ذ٥ ؿذ٥ ػبص١ذ ػش٣ دس ص٭ش حٮظ ٧ب٫ ال٤، اػز. ؿذ٥ ٨١ـش٦ سخ ٤١ؿ اص شث٢بس٦ ىش دز

ٮب٬١ ٣ سخ خبسخ٬ س٦ ١ـؼز ٭بىش٦ حٮظ ال٤ دس٭ب٫ حذ٣د ؿذ٥، حٮظ دس٭ب٫ ثبص شث٤ط سخ داخ٬ ٣ حٮظ ٧ب٫ سخ


، ال٤، سخ داخ٬، سخ ٮب٬١، سخ خبسخ٬ 23ٮش٣ىبػٮغ، سخ شث٢بس٦، ػبص١ذ ػش٣، چب٥ د٧شا کلیذ ياش ا:

Microfacies and sedimentary environment analysis of Sarvak Formation in Dehloran 23 well (South west

of Iran) 1- Shahram Shariati, PhD graduated in sedimentology and sedimentary petrology, Assistant Professor, Department of

Geology, Sari branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

2- Armin Salsani, PhD student in Stratigraphy & Paleontology, Department of Geology, Science & Research branch,

Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3- Aisan Ramadi, PhD student in Mineral processing, Faculty of Mining Engineering, Tehran University


Sarvak Formation comprise Albian to Cenomanian deposites of Zagros basin in south west part of Iran.

Sedimentation of this Formation took place under shallow and deep conditions. The main lithology of Sarvak

Formation in Dehloran-23 well composed thick to massive Rudist limestone with interbedded Shale and

argillaceous limestone. The main purpose of this study was microfacies and petrographic analysis and

diagenetic process investigation in order to determine paleoenvironmental condition. Regarding to determine the

mineralogical composition, Textural characteristics and diagenetic process, 260 thin sections has been prepared

and studied. The results denote that carbonate Ramp should be mentioned for Sarvak depositional environment

in Dehloran-23 well. Microfacies analysis stabilize Lagoon, Restricted marine lagoons, Inner ramp of open

marine and middle and outer ramp origin of Sarvak Formation in studied area. Keywords: Microfacies, Carbonate ramp, Sarvak Formation, Lagoon, Outer ramp, Middle ramp, Inner ramp



بزرعي مزس وزبويفز پزميه در بزػ ببغ يوگ، وبحي شيز گشت


3دشش ػٮذ ف٬ آب١جبس٬ ،2، دشش ث٨بءاذ٭٠ حذ٫*1ذسضب دشس٤آرسحدشش

دششا، دا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬، ٣احذ ف٤ سحٮبر س٨شا، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، س٨شا، ا٭شا. 1 اػشبد٭بس، دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ػبصب صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س، س٨شا، ا٭شا.2

دا١ـٮبس، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ دب٭٦، دا١ـب٥ آصاداػال٬، ٣احذ س٨شا ؿب، س٨شا، ا٭شا.3

mpartoazar@yahoo.com: *آدسع اشش١٣ٮ٬ ٤١٭ؼ٢ذ٥ ؼئ٤


چىيذ :ٮ٤شش٫ ؿب ثبخشش٫ ١بحٮ٦ عجغ ٣ خ٤٢ة ١بحٮ٦ ؿٮش ـز ٣اـ ؿذ٥ اػز. دس ا٭٠ ثشؽ سػ٤ثبر دشٮ٠ 45ثبك ١٣ دس ثشؽ

س٫٣ ػبص١ذ ػشدس شاس شىش٦ اػز. ػذغ سػ٤ثبر سش٭بع ص٭ش٭٠ ثش س٫٣ ثششش ثب ١بدٮ٤ػش٬ 270حذ٣د ػبص١ذ خب ث٦ ضخبز

عجبر دشٮ٠ ثبال٭٬ ػبص١ذ خب شاس شىش٦ اػز.

٧چ٢ٮ٠ ػ٠ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ص٭ش ، آؿ٤ة ٣٭ضئ٠، ػ٠ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ػبص١ذ ػشدس دس ثشؽ ثبك ١٣ ث٦ شث١٤ٮيش دٮـٮ٠ دس ا٭٠ غبق٦

آؿ٤ة شمبثٮ٠ ص٭ش٭٠ ١ؼجز داد٥ دشٮ٠ دؼٮ٠، ػبص١ذ خب )ثخؾ ثبك ١٣( ثب س٤خ٦ ث٦ ىؼٮ ٧ب٫ ؿبخق آ ث٦ 1٣2 ٣احذ٧ب٫


The Study of Carboniferous Permian Boundary in Bagh Vang Section, Shirgesht Area

M.R. Partoazar1*, B. Hamdi2 & S.A. Aghanabati3 1Ph.D., Department of Geology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

3Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran,



Study of Kuh-e Bagh Vang stratigraphic section has been done in order to study of Carboniferous-Permian Boundary

deposits of Central Iran (Shirgesht Area). Bagh Vang Section is located some 45 Km to the northwest of Tabas and south of

Shirgesht areas. In the mentioned section, the Permian deposits of the Jamal Formation with a thickness of 270 meters are

underlain by the Sardar Formation disconformably. The formation is also overlain by Lower Triassic deposits of Sorkh

Shale Formation.

In this study geochronology of the Sardar Formation in Bagh Vang Section is attributed to Early Carboniferous, Visean,

Moreover, geochronology of Member 1 and Member 2 of the Jamal Formation (Bagh Vang Member) is attributed to Late

Permian, Early Murghabian according to the index fossils.



بی عبسوذ اليىب در بزػ شميزساد، شمبل عمىبن لتریه◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

navid.pc47@gmail.comؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س ، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ ، دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ، ػبصب صٮ٠، ٤١٭ذ عبجب

ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س. اػشبد٭بس ، دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ، ػبصب صٮ٠ث٨بءاذ٭٠ حذ٫


چىيذ : ٮش١ذ. اثش ٧ب٫ اجشص ؼششؽ ىشا٣ا٬١ داس١ذ ٣ دس ثشخ٬ ٤١اح٬ ضخبز بث س٤خ٬٨ سا دس ثش ٬سػ٤ثبر سش٭بع دس ث٢ذ٫

ؿ١٤ذ ٦ ثب سنٮٮشاس٬ دس ضخبز دس ٢بع ٬ ف ٣ ػ٫٤ بس٥ سا ؿبدس اجشص، سػ٤ثبر شث٢بس٬ ٢بع ٧ب٫ ا٭٠ د٣س٨١٥ـش٦

شدد اب داسا٫ ٣احذ سـٮ ٬ 2صد٬ اص ا١ذ. ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ دس اثش ٢بع ثٮش١٣بٮذ٥ ؿذ٥ "اٮب"خشو اجشص ث٦ ع٤س ٬ ػبص١ذ

٦ دٮ ىشػب٭ؾ اص ثٮ٠ سىش٦ اػز. دس ثشخ٬ ٤١اح٬ اص خ٦ ؿ٨ٮشصاد ٦ ٮضا ىشػب٭ؾ ٣احذ ػ٬٤ ١ٮض ٧ؼز ٦ دس آ ٢بع ث

شش ٧890ب٫ شج٤س ٣سػ اػز ٦ خقب ضخبز ٧ب ٣ آ٧٧ب٫ ٣سٮ٦٤، د٤٣ٮز٣احذ ػ٬٢ ؿب آ٧ 3شش ث٤د٥ ا٭٠

سىش٠ ؿ٤ا٧ذ ىؼٮ٬ چ٢ذا ـخق ١ٮؼز ٧ب، ٣ اص ثٮ٧٠ب٫ ٣سػ ث٦ فز سج٤س دذد ػ٢ٮش١ذ. ػ٠ آ٧سا دس ثش ٬

٧ب احشبال شق ث٦ بس١ٮ٠ ٧ؼش٢ذؿ٢بػ٬ حذع صد٥ ؿذ٥ ٦ ا٭٠ ػ٣٢ ١ٮض س٤ا٬ چٮ٦٢ قذ٣د ٧٬ب٭ثش اػبع ثشسػ٬ اب

دس ١بع٬ ٦ شش دچبس سػذ شش ٬ 380ثشؽ ؿ٨ٮشصاد ٦ ػشجشا٫ آ ث٦ حذ٣د 3(. دس ا٭٠ ب٦ ثب ثشسػ٬ ٣احذ 1383)آب١جبس٬،

٧ب٫ ٤٤٧س٤س٭٠ ـو شد٭ذ ٦ فجبسس٢ذ اص:خ٢غ ٣ ٦١٤ ىؼٮ 4 ؿذ٥ ث٤د١ذ سج٤سAchistrum (Achistrum) issleri

Eocaudina sp. Priscopedatus triassicus Theelia immissorbicula

د٢٧ذ ٦ احشب دسػز ث٤د ػ٠ ػج٬ سا اسائ٦ ٬ػ٠ سش٭ج٬ ٢ب ٣T. immissorbicula ٫P. triassicus اص ا٭٠ ٮب د٣ ٦١٤

.د٧ذحذع صد٥ ؿذ٥ سا اىضا٭ؾ ٬

، ٤٤٧س٤س٫سش٭بع، بس١ٮ٠، اجشص، ؿ٨ٮشصاد، اٮب، ٣سػ :کلیذ ياش ا

Holothurians of Elika formation, Shahmirzad section, north of Semnan Navid Taleban

1 , Baha'odin Hamdi


1. Geological survey of Iran , navid.pc47@gmail.com 2. Geological survey of Iran

Abstract :

Most of Triassic rocks of Alborz Mountains are carbonate shallow water and platform deposits. With some

changes in thickness in different sections they’re generally called “Elika” formation. In most outcrops, this

formation consists of two units but it also has a third unit which is destroyed as a result of erosion in those

regions. In some areas like Shahmirzad with less erosion, these three units are Vermiculate Limestones,

Dolomites and Veresk recrystallized Limestones which are 890 meters thick totally. Because of recrystallization,

Veresk Limestones are not precisely dated but based on a few studies and also relative dating they have been

assumed to belong to Carnian (Aghanabati, 2004). In this paper, by studying unit 3 of Shahmirzad section, about

380 meters thick, in beds with less recrystallization 4 genera and species of Holothurian were discovered:

Achistrum (Achistrum) issleri, Eocaudina sp., Priscopedatus triassicus, Theelia immissorbicula

Two of these, P. triassicus and T. immissorbicula indicate an approximate age, increasing the probability of the

current assumptions. Keywords: Triassic, Carnian, Alborz, Shahmirzad, Elika, Veresk, Holothurian



وگبری عىبصز وىديوتي عبسوذ اليىب در بزػ شميزساد، شمبل عمىبن چيى سیغت

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ 2، ث٨بءاذ٭٠ حذ٫ ٤١1٭ذ عبجب

navid.pc47@gmail.comؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س ، . دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ ، دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ، ػبصب صٮ1٠

ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س. اػشبد٭بس ، دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ، ػبصب صٮ2٠


چىيذ : ٧ب٫. اثش ٨١ـش٦ٮش١ذ٬سا دس ثش ٬بث س٤خ٨ ٫ػشجشا ٤١٬اح ٬داس١ذ ٣ دس ثشخ ٬اجشص ؼششؽ ىشا٣ا١ ٧ب٫٫دس ث٢ذ ٭بعسػ٤ثبر سش

دس ػشجشا دس ٢بع خشو اجشص ٮٮشاس٦٬ ثب سن ؿ١٤ذ٬ بس٥ سا ؿب ػ٫٤ ٣ ف٢بع ٬د٣س٥ دس اجشص، سػ٤ثبر شث٢بس ٭٠ا

٧ب ٣ ٧ب٫ ٣سٮ٦٤، د٤٣ٮز٣احذ ػ٬٢ آ٧ 3ٮشصاد ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ ؿب ؿ٨ ١٫بحٮ٦ دس. ا١ذؿذ٥ ٮذ١٥ب "ٮبا" بص١ذػ ٬ث٦ ع٤س

٧ب٫ ىشػب٭ـ٬ دس بفذ٥ ٣ ا١ش٨ب ثش ٮش١ذ. ا٭٠ ثشؽ ثب ١بدٮ٤ػش٬شش سا دس ثش ٬ 890اػز ٦ خقب ػشجشا٫ ٧ب٫ شج٤س ٣سػ آ٧

٧ب٫ ( داسا٫ ف٢بكش ٤٢د١٣ش٬ ث٤د٥ ٣ ىؼٮ1شش ا٣ ثشؽ )٣احذ 131ٮشد. س٨٢ب س٫٣ ػبص١ذ جبس ٣ ص٭ش ػبص١ذ ؿـ شاس ٬

٧ب٫ ١بص آ٬٧ ٣ ٦١٤ ٤٢د١٣ش٬ اػز ٦ دس س٢ب٣ث٬ اص ال٭٦ 50خ٢غ ٣ ٣23احذ داسا٫ ا١ذ. ا٭٠ د٣ ٣احذ د٭ش بال اص ثٮ٠ سىش٦

د٢٧ذ ٦ فجبسس٢ذ اص:٬ ص٣ سا سـٮص٭ؼز 9( شاس داؿش٦ ٣ storm bedع٤ىب٬١ )Induan: ancoraeformis zone, costatus zone, Furnishius assemblage zone

Olenekian: obliqua zone, peculiaris zone, Gondolella assemblage zone, bicuspidatus zone, prioniodellides

zone, triangularis zone ( دس ا٭شبٮب غبثز داس١ذ.٧Perri, 1991ب٫ آخ خ٤٢ث٬ )٧٥ب٫ ٤ثب ص٣ ٣triangularis obliquaد٣ ص٣

١بس٫چٮ٤٦٢د١٣ز، ص٭ؼزسش٭بع، اجشص، ؿ٨ٮشصاد، اٮب، ٣سٮ٦٤، ٢ :کلیذ ياش اConodont Biostratigraphy of Elika formation, Shahmirzad section, north of Semnan

Navid Taleban1 , Baha'odin Hamdi


1. Geological survey of Iran , navid.pc47@gmail.com

2. Geological survey of Iran Abstract :

Most of Triassic rocks of Alborz Mountains are carbonate shallow water and platform deposits. With some

changes in thickness in different sections they’re generally called “Elika” formation. In Shahmirzad section, this

formation consists of 3 units. Vermiculate Limestones, Dolomites and crystalized Limestones which are 890

meters thick totally. This section is separated by disconformities at the base and the end over Mobarak

formation and under Shemshak formation. Only the first 130 meters of the section (unit 1) contains conodont

elements and fossils of the other two units are totally destroyed. This unit contains 23 genera and 50 species of

conodonts in an alternation of thin-bedded Limestones and storm beds that make 9 biozones as follows:

Induan: ancoraeformis zone, costatus zone, Furnishius assemblage zone

Olenekian: obliqua zone, peculiaris zone, Gondolella assemblage zone, bicuspidatus zone, prioniodellides zone,

triangularis zoneobliqua and triangularis zones are comparable to Southern Alps zones from Italy (Perri, 1991).

Keywords: Triassic, Alborz, Shahmirzad, Elika, Vermiculate, Conodont, Biostratigraphy



در ببختز بىذرعببط يبریعبسوذ بخت يىيت وش یطب ي شزا رخغبرعىگ ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

zarerezvan@gmail.comسضب ، ھدا١ـب٥ ٬،سػ٤ث ٣٬ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ ٬سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ ٫،دشش ٫دا١ـد٤، سض٤ا صاسؿ صاد٥ 1* peiman_rezaie@yahoo.com، سضبھدا١ـب٥ ٭بس،اػشبد٬ ، سػ٤ث ٣٬ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ ٬سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ ئ٬، دشش٫سضب ٮبد 2٬، دا١ؾ آ٤خش٦ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ػ٢ ٧ب٫ سػ٤ث٬ ، دا١ـب٥ آصاد اػال٬ ، ٣احذ ثش٣اس ٫خقيش ٮ٠حذحؼ 3

ف٤ سحٮبردا١ـب٥ ٧شضب ٬،سػ٤ث ٣٬ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ ٬اسؿذ سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ ٬بسؿ٢بػ ٫دا١ـد٤ٮ٬، حذصاد٥ ؿؿ٨شثب 4

،Sh.mohammadzade@yahoo.com ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :ؼشش٥ ٭٠اػز.دس ا ٫دشا٢ذ٥ ٫سخ٤٢ ٧ب ٫( دس ثبخشش ؿ٨ش ث٢ذسفجبع، داساٮـٮ٠د ٮؼش٤ػ٠د-ٮب٬١ ٮ٤ػ٠د ٬)صب١ ٮبس٫ػبص١ذ ثخش

٫ثش س٣ ٭ـ٬ىشػب ٮ٤ػش٬اص ٤١ؿ ١بد ٭٬ثب شص٧ب ٮبس٫ػبص١ذ ٤سد غبق٦ شاسشىش٦ اػز . دس٧ش د٣ ثشؽ، ػبص١ذ ثخش ٭٠د٣ ثشؽ اص ا

٣٫خ٤د د٣ سخؼبس٥ ٤٢شا ٭ـب٣٬٧ آصب ٭٬ؿ٤د. غبقبر كحشا ٬ف٨ذ حبضش ٣اـ ٫ش ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٭٣ دس ص ٫ػبص١ذ آمبخبس

( ١ـب١ش دـش٦ St)٭ش٬آس١ب ٮز( ٣ بػ٦ ػ٢ High flow regimeثبال ) ٭ب٣٬١ ١ؾب خش ٬ع٤ ٫( قشه دـش٦ ٧بGm)٭٬چ٢ذ ٢ـب

٬( سا ١ـب ٮؼ٤٭٬) ٭ذ٥ثش ٭ذ٥ىقب س٣دخب٦١ ثش ٭ب ٬( ب١ب اكLow flow regime) ٭ٮ٠دب ٭ب٣٬١ ١ؾب خش ٫سب صثب٦١ ا ٬فشض ٧٫ب

٣٫خ٤د ػبخز ٧ب ٭ضؿ١٤ذ٥،ثبال س ٫ث٦ ػ٤ ٧٫ب ٬اب٢١ذ؛ س٤ ٬سػ٤ث ٫د٧ذ. ثب س٤خ٦ ث٦ ٤١ؿ ػ٢ سخؼبس٥ ٧ب ٣ ػبخز ٧ب

دس ٮبس٫ػبص١ذ ثخش ٮ١٬٢ـ ٦س ٭ظاسائ٦ ؿذ٥ ،ؿشا ٫ـخل٦ ٧ب ثب ذ ٧ب ٭٠ا ٭ؼ٦شبعـ ٣ ب ٫ث٢ذ ٭٣٦ ال ٭ـ٬ىشػب ٬،ب١ب٨ب٫ىؼ

٬آث ٬خش٣ط اى٦٢ آثشىش ٭دػز ٭ٮ٠( د٣س اص ٢ـب اص ٤١ؿ د١٣د دس دب ٮؼ٤٭٬) ٭ذ٥ثش ٭ذ٥س٣د خب٦١ ثش ٭ثبخشش ث٢ذسفجبع،

داد٥ ؿذ. ٮقسـخ

(ٮ٬٢س٦ ١ـ ٭ظثبخشش ث٢ذسفجبع، ػ٢ سخؼبس٧ب، ؿشا ٮبس٫،ػبص١ذ ثخش :)کلیذ ياش اRock facies and depositional conditions Bakhtyari Formation west of Bandar-e- Abbas

Hoseen Jafari, Shahrban Mohammad zadehRezvan zarezadeh, Peyman rezaee, Mohammad


Bakhtyari Formation (Middle Pliocene - Early Pleistocene) in west of Bandar-e- Abbas city has outspread

outcrops. In this area two sections from this Formation has been studied. In these sections, Bakhtyari Formation

is located on Aghajari Formation and under recent age deposits with erosional unconformity. Filed and

laboratory studies indicated that polymictic Conglomerate Facies with sign of longitudinal ridges and High

flow regime and Litharenaite Sandstones Facies with sign of Lateral to languid ridge and Low flow regime,

original channel or active Braided river. According to rock facies and sedimentary structures as fining-

upward sequences, imbrication, erosional channels and cross bedding and Compared with standards modeling,

depositional conditions of Bakhtyari Formation in west of Bandar-e- Abbas is distal Braided river that is

Donjek type in Downstream of alluvial fan.

Keywords :( Bakhtyari Formation, west of Bandar-e- Abbas, rock facies, depositional conditions)



معزفي پبر عبسوذ بی عبسوذ عبچن در سين بيىببيىي ساگزط◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

ص٧شا ٧ٮجش٬، دا١ـد٫٤ دشش٫ سش١٤ٮ، بسؿ٢بع شض صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ خ٤٢ة ـ٤سdonyaheibati@gmail.com

اشـبىبر قذ٬١ خ٤٢ة ـ٤سػٮٮ٠ ؿب٤٧سا، بسؿ٢بع اسؿذ اشلبد٫، بسؿ٢بع شض صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣

sh.shahvaran_gsi@yahoo.com ؿ٨شا بسش، بسؿ٢بع اسؿذ سش١٤ٮ، قب٣ شض صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ خ٤٢ة ـ٤س

Shahram_kargar_geo@gmail.com ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :ٮ٤شش٫ ؿٮشاص داسا٫ س٤٢ؿ سخؼبس٥ ا٫ خبف ٣ ثبسص٫ ٬ ثبؿذ. ثب س٤خ٦ ث٦ ـب٧ذار 25ؿ٨ش٭بس دس ػبص١ذ ػبچ٤ دس ٢غ٦

كحشا٭٬ ٣ ٮش٣ػ٤د٬ ا١دب ؿذ٥ دس ا٭٠ ٢غ٦ ـخق شد٭ذ ٦ ػبص١ذ ػبچ٤ اص چ٨بس دبس٥ ػبص١ذ سـٮ ؿذ٥ اػز. ا٭٠ دبس٥

دس ٬ضخبش ٫داسا ٭بسد٤ؿ ػبص١ذ ػبچ٤ دس ٢غ٦ ؿ٨ش دس. ثبؿذ ٬ ػش٣ػشب ٣ ثبخب٥ ٭بس،ؿب: شثب، ؿ٨ش ٮتسشس ػبص١ذ ٧ب ث٦

.ثبؿذ ٬شش 330حذ٣د

ػش٣ػشب. ٭بس،شثب، ثبخب٥، ؿ٨ش ٮ٢بثٮ٬٢،ػبص١ذ ػبچ٤، ص٣ ث :کلیذ ياش ا

Introduction of Sachun member in intermediate subzone of Zagros

Zahra Heibati, Simin Shahvaran, Shahram Kargar


Sachun formation in Shahriyar area, near Shiraz city has typical various fancies. Field observation and thin

section studies show that this formation has 4 mdiferent member. Qorban, Shahriyar, Sarvestan and Bajgah are

the 4 member of sachun formation in Shahriyar area. Sachun formation in Shariyar area has a thickness about

330 meters.

Keywords :( Sachun formation, Qorban, Bajgah, Shahriyar, Sarvestan,Intermediate sub zone)



فبوتربی پبليىلصیىي در عبسوذ عرگب، بزػ تىگ شيزیه آة، ایالم مطبلع تغييزات وغبي عطح آة بب اعتفبد اس

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ sedighe.vesali@yahoo.com،كذ٭٦ ٣كب٬، دا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دشد٭غ ف٤ دا١ـب٥ س٨شا

eghasemi@khayam.ut.ac.ir دا١ـذ٥ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دشد٭غ ف٤ دا١ـب٥ س٨شا،اثشا٧ٮ بػ٬ ١ظاد، اػشبد ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :شش 297آة حذ٣د ٮش٭٠ػبص١ذ دس ثشؽ س٢ ؿ ٭٠. اثبؿذ٬ح٤ض٦ صاشع ٭٬شسبػ٦ ثبال ٫اص ػبص١ذ٧ب ٭٬ػبص١ذ ػ٤سب٥

٣ ١شخ ٮظح ٬غبق٦ ثشسػ ٭٠ؿذ٥ اػز. ٧ذه اص ا ٮاصآ٧ سـ ٧ب٭٬٭٦ال ٮبثب ٮ٬ؿ ٧٫ب ٭٦ضخبز داؿش٦ ٦ اص ال

٫اص ىبش٤س٧ب ٬ثشخ ٬چ١٤ ٮٮ٣٠ سق ٮ٤٤٢ط٭٬دب ٬ش٥٣ ف٢بكش اك ٦ػبص١ذ دس ثشؽ ز٤س، ث٦ ػ ٭٠ا ٫سػ٤ثزاس

ؿيبه ث٦ AOM (،ٮٮش٬)الث ٮش٥ث٦ س ا٥٤٨٫ ٧٫ب ٮش٤ؼزى ٮش٥،س AOMؿيبه ث٦ AOM ٫. ١ؼجز ثبالثبؿذ٬ ٭٬دبئ٤ا٤٤ط

ؿيبه ث٦ ١AOMؼجز ٬. اص عشىثبؿذ٬ دس صب س٦ ١ـؼز ػبص١ذ ػ٤سب٥ ٮظاؼ ٮضا٢٢ذ٥ ٮبث ٭ب٭٬دس ٧ب٫ٮ٤٤٢سهدب

AOM ٣ ٮش٥سAOM ٮ٣٠ ٧چ٢ ٭ب٭٬دس ٧ب٫ٮ٤٤٢سهؿيبه ث٦ دب AOM ٦ ١شخ د٧ذ١٬ـب ا٥٤٨٫ ٧ب٫ٮش٤ؼزث٦ ى

٣C/PPC ثبال ث٤د ١ؼجز ٧ب٭٤٢ىالط٦خشو دا ٧ب٫٭خ٤سى٤سب ٬ث٤د٥ اػز. ثشسػ ٭ٮ٠دب ٮػبص١ذ دس صب سـ ٭٠ا ٫سػ٤ثزاس

، ١شخ ٭بػغح آة دس ١٬ؼج ٮٮشارشىز ٦ ٧ضب ثب سن ٮد٦س٤ا ١ش ٬ ٬. ث٦ ع٤س ثبؿذ١٬ـب د٢٧ذ٥ ثبال ث٤د ػغح آة

٨١ـش٦ ٮب٭٣٬ اح ٮف ٮغ٬ػبص١ذ دس ح ٭٠ا ٮد٣٦ دس ١ش ٭بىش٦ػبص١ذ ب٧ؾ ٫ث٦ ػز ثبال ٮظح٤ ح ٮظاؼ ٮضا٣ ٫سػ٤ثزاس

ؿذ٥ اػز.

.١٫شخ سػ٤ثزاس ٮظ،اؼ ٮضا ٭٬،ػبص١ذ ػ٤سب٥، ػغح آة، شسبػ٦ ثبال :کلیذ ياش اThe study of water level changes via using Palynological Proxies in Surgah Formation at Tange-

Shirinab, Ilam Title Sedighe vesali, School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran, sedighe.vesali@yahoo.com

Ebrahim ghasemi nejad, Professor of School of Geology, College of Science, University of Tehran,


Abstract: Surgah Formation is one of the Upper Cretaceous formations in Zagros basin. This formation is about 297 m

thick in Tange- Shirinab section and consist of shale and limestone interbed. The purpose of this study is to

determine the oxygen content of environment and the deposition rate of the formation according to three main

groups of palynological elements and statistical studies. High proportion of light AOM to dark, Brown

phytoclast to opaqe (Lability), AOM to marine palynomorph show low level of oxygen during deposition of the

Surgah Formation. In the other hand ratio of light AOM to dark, AOM to marine palynomorph and AOM to

brown phytoclast indicate that rate of the deposition of this formation is low. Also high ratio of C:PPC show

that sea level increased. From buttom to the top of the formationFinally, with changes in sea level, oxygen

content and rate of deposition decrease upwards of the formation. Keywords : Oxygen content, Rate of deposition, Sea level, Surgah Formation, Upper cretaceous.



مطبلع ميىزيفبعيظ بی عبسوذ داالن ببالیي بب وگزشي يیض بز ببفتبی مختلف تبخيزی ب در ميذان پبرط جىبي


Farnaz.gholibeikian@gmail.com، بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ شا٭ؾ ػ٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ سػ٤ث٬ ٣ سػ٤ة ؿ٢بػ٬، ىش١بص ٬ ثٮٮب◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

:چىيذ چب٥ ٧ب٫ ٤سد غبق٦ سب٭ض سخؼبس٥ ٧ب ٣ دس خضئٮبر ـخلبر دشش٣ىٮض٭٬ ٣ س٤ص٭ـ ا٭٠ سخؼبس٥ ٧ب دس ب٦ا٧ذاه ا٭٠

٬ ثبؿذ. ؿ٢بخز سخؼبس٥ ٧ب٫ اك٬ ٣ ص٭ش سخؼبس٥ ٧ب٫ آ ٧ب ج٬٢ ثش غبق٦ ثبىز سػ٤ثبر اك٬ اػز.

زا ثشا٫ دس ١ح٥٤ سـٮ سجخٮش٫ ٧ب الص ،٬ ثب شث٢بر ٧ب داس١ذاص آ خبئ٬ ٦ سجخٮش٫ ٧ب٫ ػبص١ذ داال ثبالئ٬ ٧شا٬٧ ب

٧ ث٦ خ٤ث٬ دس ؿ٤د ث٦ ٧ٮ٠ دٮ ث٦ غبق٦ ٮش٣ىبػٮغ ٧ب دشداخش٦ ؿذ٥ اػز. آ٨١ب اػز سب ١ح٥٤ سـٮ سػ٤ثبر شث٢بس٦ ٧شا٥

. سػ٤ة ٤١د٥ ا١ذخش دشٮ٠ سب ا٣ا٭ سش٭بع ا٭٠ س٦ ١ـؼز ٧ب ثش اثش دٮـش٫٣ آة دس٭ب ثش س٫٣ خـ٬ دس ٭ دالسيش شث٢بس٦ دس ا٣ا

(سجخٮش٫، ثبىز ٧ب٫ سجخٮش٫، ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٫ سجخٮش٫:)کلیذ ياش اMicro facieses Study of Upper Dalan Formation with Special Focus on the Different Evaporatic Textures

in the South Pars Field Gholibeikian Farnaz, M.Sc Degree on Sedimentry Petrology & Sedimentology


The targets of this study is to differentiate facieses and to understand the reasons for petrophysical

characteristics variations in the studied wells for subjected reservoirs. To recognize original facieses and sub

facieses is related to texture of original sediments. Therefore evaporatic of upper Dalan formation

accompaniment with carbonates, to understand the procedure of evaporatic deposition, it is necessary to

understand also the procedure of subjected carbonate deposition.

The present micro facieses study is done to clear this important phenomena.

The sediments are deposited based on progressions of the sea to the land in the carbonate platform in the late

Permian to early Triassic.

Keywords :( Evaporate, evaporatic deposition, evaporatic texture)



شزق بزاسجبندر جىة بزػ گيغىبن عبوتويه – ببالیيآلبيه ىتويهوفزاميىيفزبی پال◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

خ٨ب١جخؾ دا١ـٮب، ٢بمٮبث٬، ػٮذ ف٬ ق٬

، ا٭شاس٨شادا١ـٮبس ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬ -1

، ا٭شادا١ـد٫٤ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬ س٨شا -2

اػشبد٭بس دظ٧٣ـب٥ ك٢قز ١يز، س٨شا، ا٭شا -3◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ :ؿش ثشاصخب ٤سد ثشسػ٬ شاس ٬ خ٤٢ة شش اص ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٫ ش٥٣ ث٢ؼشب اص ٭ ثشؽ چٮ٦٢ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣اـ دس 677دس ا٭٠ غبق٦

يشا٫ دال١ش١٤ٮ ٮ٦١٤ ٫ ىشاٮ٢ 28خ٢غ ٣ ١14شب٭ح حبك٦ اصغبقبر ٮش٣ دبئ١٤ش٤٤ط٫ ٣ ص٭ؼز چٮ٦٢ ١بس٫ ث٦ سـخٮق ٮشد.

,Marginotruncana, Rotalipora, Helvetoglobotruncanaس٤خ٦ ث٦ ١ج٤د ٦١٤ ٧ب٫ شث٤ط ث٦ خ٢غ ٧ب٭٬ ب٢١ذ ثب ٢دشؿذ.

Dicarinella, Globotruncanella شش )ب٢١ذ 50حض٤س ىشاٮ٢ٮيش٧ب٫ شث٤ط ث٦ افب شش اص ٣

Heterohelix ,Globigerinelloeides, Hedbergella ب٢١ذ 100سب 50( ٭ب ثٮ٠( ششPraeglobotruncana ٦ اص ٤سى٤سب٭خ ٧ب٫ )

فذ٥ ث٦ ػز ثبال فجبسس٢ذ اص: ث٦ ؿبس ٬ س١٣ذ، ص٣ ٧ب٫ ص٭ؼش٬ اسائ٦ ؿذ٥ ث٦ ك٤سر ٧ اسص ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ؿذ١ذ ٣ اص ب 2ش٥٣ ا ٣ Rotalipora ticinensis Zone, Dicarinella algeriana Zone, Witheinella archaeocretacea , Dicarinella asymetrica

Zone ١ـب ٬ د٧ذ ٦ ٨١ـش٦ ٧ب٫ ػبص١ذ ظد٬ ثب . ض٢ب غبق٦ ٫ د٤ف٦ ٫ ىشاٮ٢ٮيشا٫ ا٭٠ ثشؽ ٣ ب٭ؼ٦ ثب ثٮ٤ص١٣بػٮ٤ ٣ا٭٢ذ

ئ٦ ؿذ٥ ػ٠ ػبص١ذظد٬ آجٮ٠ دؼٮ٠، ػبص١ذ ػش٣ آجٮ٠ ابث ب٭ؼ٦ ٬ ثبؿذ. ثبس٤خ٦ ث٦ ص٣ ٧ب٫ ص٭ؼش٬ اس 19ثٮ٤ص٣ ؿبس٥ ٫

.دٮـ٨٢بد ٬ ؿ٤دػب١ش١٤ٮ٠ -س٤س١٣ٮ٠ دٮـٮ٠ ٣ ػبص١ذا٭ال س٤س١٣ٮ٠ دٮـٮ٠-دؼٮ٠

ػب١ش١٤ٮ٠، ىش٣اىشبد٬ دصى٤، صاشع -ش٥٣ ث٢ؼشب، ىشاٮ٢ٮيشا، آجٮ٠ ثبال٭٬ :کلیذ ياش ا

Upper Albian to Santonian Planktonic Foraminifera in Gisakan Section, Southeast of Borazjan

Daneshian¹, J., Ghiasi², M., Moallemi³, S.A.

1-Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

E-mail: daneshian@khu.ac.ir 2- M.Sc. Student in Paleontology & Stratigraphy, Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences,

Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

E-mail: Ghiyasimona@yahoo.com 3- Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran

E-mail: Moallemisa@ripi.ir


In this study, 677 meters deposits of Bangestan Group in a stratigraphic section located at East Borazjan is

examined. The results of micropaleontology and biostratigraphy of planktonic foraminiferal studies led to

identify 14 genera and 28 species. Due to the lack of Marginotruncana, Rotalipora, Helvetoglobotruncana,

Dicarinella and Globotruncanella, and the occurrence of planktonic foraminifera from the depths less than 50

meters, such as Heterohelix, Globigerinelloeides, Hedbergella, and between 50 and 100 meters, such as


Praeglobotruncana, which they are the morphotypes of group 1 and 2. Thus, the suggested biozones as

equivalent were identified, that from the base to top are as follow: Rotalipora ticinensis Zone, Dicarinella

algeriana Zone, Witheinella archaeocretacea Zone, Dicarinella asymetrica Zone. Meanwhile, the comparison

of Foraminiferal assemblage to Wynd biofacies indicates the Khazhdumi Formation is comparable to biozone

no. 19. On the basis of the recognized biozones, Late Albian for Kazhdumi Formation and Late Albian to Early

Turnian for Sarvak Formation and Early Turnian to Santonian Ilam Formation are suggested.

Keywords :Bangestan Group, U.Albian to Santonian, Dezful Eembayment, Zagros



بی تحتبوي عبسوذ گرپي بزاعبط بزرعي ببیاعتزاتيگزافي لغمت

بی آىي در یبل جىة شزلي تبلذیظ و گرپي وبوفغيل ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٨ٮذ ثب٢٧ش شب، ؿ٢بػ٬، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢، د٤س ١دو ٮ٦٢ا

a.Najafpour@sci.uk.ac.ir ،شب،ا٭شا

،،ا٭شاؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٨ٮذ ثب٢٧ش شب، شب ؿ٢بػ٬، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ چٮ٦٢ دششا ،د٤س ٬ب٧ب١ افؾ a_Mahanipour@uk.ac.ir


چىيذ :٧اب٫ آ٧ا٬ دس ٭اب خ٢ا٤ة ؿاش٬ سباذ٭غ ا٥٤ ثخؾ سحشب٬١ ػبص١ذ ٤سد٬ ثب اػشيبد٥ اص ١ب٤١ىؼٮ دس ا٭٠ غبق٦ ثب٭٤اػششاسٮشاى٬

ساب صسد، ػا٢ آ٧ا ٫اص بس خبؼاشش شش شـ 202. ضخبز حذ٣د٥ ٫ ثشداؿز ؿذ٥ ٤سد ثشسػ٬ شاس شىش٦ اػز٤سد٬

10خ٢غ شقا ثا٦ ٦١٤29 اص 58سقذاد . غبقبر ا١دب ؿذ٥ ثش س٫٣ اػال٭ذ٧ب ٢دش ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ثبؿذ ٣٬ ػ٢ آ٧ ٮؿ ،٬بس١

ثاش ٣CC24 ٧CC22 ،CC23ب٫ ؿابخق ؿ٢بػاب٭٬ ؿاذ٥ ، ػا٦ ثٮا٤ص٣ آ٬٧ شد٭ذ. ثشاػبع خ٢غ ٣ ٦١٤ ١ب٤١ىؼٮ٨ب٫اص خب٤١اد٥

٧ب٫ سحشب٬١ ػبص١ذ ٤سد٬ دس ثشؽ ٥٤ ٤سد٬ سـخٮق داد٥ ؿذ٥ اػز. دس ؼز (Sissingh, 1977) ٢ٮؼٮػ ٤ٮ٤ص١٣بػٮثاػبع

.ثبؿذ ٬ ٠ٮـٮد ٠ٮـش٭ؼشش٭سب ب ٠ٮدؼ ٠ٮبذب١ اص٧ب٫ ثجز ؿذ٥، ػ٠ حذ٣د٥ ٤سد غبق٦ ثٮ٤ص٣ثش اػبع

(.٭٤اػششاسٮشاى٬ثب ٭ؼشش٭ـشٮ٠،ب ٮ٠،بذب١ ٤،٬سدػبص١ذ ٬،آ٧ ٧ب٫ ٮ١ب٤١ىؼ :)کلیذ ياش اCalcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the lower part of the Gurpi Formation at the SW of

the Gurpi Anticline Abstract:

Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic analyses was carried out at the lower part of the Gurpi Formation in the

SE of the Gurpi Anticline. A thickness of 202 m of gray marls, marly limestones, shales and limestones have

been investigated. Fifty eight species from 29 genus and 10 family of calcareous nannofossils have been

identified at the studied interval. According to the index calcareous nannofossils, three biozones of Sissingh

(1977) biozonation have been recorded at the lower part of the Gurpi Formation that are as follow: CC22, CC23

and CC24. Based on the recorded biozones, the age of the studied interval is considered as Late Campanian-

Early Maastrichtian.

Keywords :(Calcareous nannofossils, Gurpi Formation, Campanian, Maastrichtian, Biostratigraphy)


بی تحتبوي عبسوذ گرپي بزاعبط بزرعي ببیاعتزاتيگزافي لغمت

بی آىي در یبل جىة شزلي تبلذیظ و گرپي وبوفغيل ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٨ٮذ ثب٢٧ش شب، ؿ٢بػ٬، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ بسؿ٢بػ٬ اسؿذ چٮ٦٢، د٤س ١دو ٮ٦٢ا

a.Najafpour@sci.uk.ac.ir ،شب،ا٭شا

،ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٨ٮذ ثب٢٧ش شب، شب،ا٭شا ؿ٢بػ٬، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ ىؼٮ چٮ٦٢ دششا ،د٤س ٬ب٧ب١ افؾ a_Mahanipour@uk.ac.ir


چىيذ :٧ب٫ سحشب٬١ ػبص١ذ ٤سد٬ دس ثشؽ ٥٤ ٤سد٬ ٤سد ثشسػ٬ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧ بذب١ٮ٠ دؼٮ٠، ؼز خ٨ز ثشسػ٬ دبئ٤ا٤٤ط٫ ١ب٤١ىؼٮ

٧ب٫ ؿبخق آة ش ٣ػشد دس ٢غ٦ ٬ ثبؿذ. ثا٦ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧ ؤ٭ذ حض٤س ٧ضب ٦١٤ شاس شىز. ثشسػ٬ آبس٫ سدـ ١ب٤١ىؼٮ

٧اب٫ ٧ب٫ آة ػشد اػز ٣ س١٣ذ ق٤ع ثٮ٠ آ٨١اب ٣خا٤د داسد. ثا٦ ػاز ؼاز ؾ اص ٧٦١٤ب٫ آة ش ثٮ ع٤س ٬ ىشا٣ا٬١ ٦١٤

٣ ىشا٣ا١ا٬ ضا٭ؾاىا Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis ٣ ٧Micula staurophoraب٫ آة ػشد اص جٮا ا١ش٨ب٫ بذب١ٮ٠ ىشا٣ا٬١ ٦١٤٦١٤ ٭بثاذ. اب٧ؾ ا٬ .٣Aspidolithus spp Watznaueria barnesiae، Uniplanarius trifidus ٧ب٫ ؿبخق آة اش اص جٮا

٧ب٫ آة اش ٧ب٫ ا١ش٨ب٭٬ ثشؽ ٣ ا١ش٨ب٫ بذب١ٮ٠ ٧ضب ثب ب٧ؾ ىشا٣ا٬١ ٦١٤ ٧ب٫ آة ػشد ث٦ ػز ؼز اىضا٭ؾ ىشا٣ا٬١ ٦١٤

ثبؿذ. ؿذ٬ دس ثشؽ ٤سد غبق٦ ـبث٦ ثب ػب٭ش ١بط د١ٮب ٬ ؤ٭ذ ثجز حبدث٦ ػشد

(ؿذ٬ ٧ب٫ آ٬٧، ػبص١ذ ٤سد٬، دبئ٤ا٤٤ط٫، ا١ش٨ب٫ بذب١ٮ٠ دؼٮ٠، حبدث٦ ػشد ١ب٤١ىؼٮ:)کلیذ ياش اEvidence of Late Campanian cooling event on the basis of the calcareous nannofossils at the lower part of

the Gurpi Formation at the SW of the Gurpi Anticline


The paleoecology of the Late Campanian calcareous nannofossils have been investigated at the lower part of the

Gurpi Formation in Gurpi Anticline. Statistical analyses of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages indicate the

presence of warm and cool water species along with each other at the studied interval. The abundance of warm

water species is higher than cool water taxa and a reverse trend can be observed between them. The relative

abundance of cool water taxa like Micula staurophora and Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis is increasing, while

the relative abundance of warm water taxa such as Watznaueria barnesiae, Uniplanarius trifidus and

Aspidolithus spp. is decreaseing towards the upper part of the section at the uppermost Campanian. The increase

in abundance of cool water taxa towards the uppermost part of the section in the Late Campanian and the

simultaneous decrease of the warm water taxa indicate the record of a cooling event at the studied interval

similar to the other parts of the world.

Keywords :(Calcareous nannofossils, Gurpi Formation, Paleoecolog, Late Campanian, Cooling event).


رفتبربی يذريدیىبميىي تجمعبت ومليت ب اس رعببت ائعه در البزس غزبي )شمبل غزة ایزان(

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ 2حؼٮ٠ لذ ،1*٨ذ٫ ٧بد٫

د٣ػ٬دا١ـب٥ ىش ،دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ،دا١ـد٫٤ دشش٫ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ -1

دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬ ،دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠ ،دا١ـٮبس -2

mehdi_hadi_s@yahoo.com: *دؼز اشش١٣ٮ


چىيذ :سدقبر ٤٤١ٮز ٧ب٫ ائ٤ػ٠ ثب ٣ضٮقز دبئ٤طئ٤شاى٬ ثشخؼش٦ ا٫ دس دز ىش شث٢بس٦ ح٤ض٦ سشٮغ اص ا٭شا ؿ شىش٦ اػز.

سبى٤١٤ٮ ٣ دبئ٤ا٤٤ط٭٬ اص د٤ػش٦ ٧ب٫ ٤٤١ٮز ٧ب دس سيؼٮش ،ثب٭٤ىبثش٭ ،ثب٭٤شش٭٧ذه اص ا٭٠ ب٦ اػشيبد٥ اص ـخلبر

سدبر آ٨١ب )ث٢ ٧ب( ٬ ثبؿذ. ثقال٥٣ سخخ دس٣ اػش٬ ث٤ػٮ٦ سقذاد٫ سلب٣٭ش بعـ ١بص ٣ ٮش٣ػ٤ح اشش٬١٣ اص

ػش٫ د٤ػش٦ ٧ب٫ خبثدب ؿذ٥ ثشا٫ دس ث٨شش ؿشا٭ظ د٭ش٭٦٢ ثغ٤س٭٦ سخٮ٬٢ اص ىبك٦ ػشسب ،د٤ػش٦ ٧ب٫ ٤٤١ٮز ٧ب حبػج٦ شد٭ذ

حب دس ع٬ سػ٤ثزاس٫ ثبس شىش٦ ؿذ.

اجشص مشث٬ ،ػبص١ذ ص٭بسر ،سخخ دس٣ اػش٬ ،سدقبر ٤٤١ٮز ٧ب ،ثب٭٤ىبثش٭ کلیذ ياش ا:



Abstract Eocene nummulite-rich accumulations of Iran was formed in a paleogeographic relief of circum-

Tethyan carbonate platform. The aim of this paper is to use biometric, biofabric, taphonomic and

palaeoecological characteristics of Nummulites tests to interpret banks. In addition, the calculated intraskeletal

porosity by using numerous sections and FE-SEM images of Nummulites tests, which were used to estimate the

distance over of tests transported in order to better understand paleo-conditions that occurred during the


Keywords: Biofabric, Nummulites accumulations, intraskeletal porosity, Ziarat Formation, Western Alborz



بز اعبط فزاميىيفزا در وبحي خر Kuh-e Hunuدر بزػ .K/Pgبزرعي مزس


دکترمحمذ رضا پرت ارر.6پذرام ی.دکتر مصعد زماو5بخشىذ یذا.دکتر ل4محتاط یب.دکتر ط1فر یذی.دکتمحمذرضا مج2یخاو ی.فاطم مذ1

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ : چىيذ

دس ؿش خ٤س )اػشب اكي٨ب( دس ( (Kuh-e Hunuدبئ٤ط، ثشؽ -١بس٫ شص شسبػ٦چٮ١٦٢بس٫ ٣ ص٭ؼزث٦ ٢ؾ٤س غبق٦ ػ٢ چٮ٦٢

ا٭٬ آ٧ بػ٦آ٧ ٣ ػ٧٢ب اص بس، ػ٢ػ٢ٮش٫ ؿذ٥ اػز. ا٭٠ شش ا١ذاص٧70٥ب٫ ٤سد ١ؾش ١ؾش شىش٦ ؿذ. ضخبز ال٭٦

خ٢غ ٧30ب٫ ثٮ٤اػششاسٮشاى٬ ػبص١ذ ىشخ٬ ٣ دس ادا٦ ػبص١ذ چ٤دب١ب شاس داسد. دس ثشسػ٬ ،سـٮ ؿذ٥ اػز. ثخؾ دب٭ٮ٬٢ ا٭٠ س٤ا٬

٤سد غبق٦ سا دس ثشؽ ٤سد ٧ب٫ ٦١٤ خشو اص ىشاٮ٢ٮيشا ؿ٢بػب٭٬ ٣ قشى٬ ؿذ٥ اػز. غبقبر ٮش٣دبئ١٤ش٤٤ط٫ ػ٠ ال٭٦ ٣16

دبئ٤ػ٠ دؼٮ٠ سقٮٮ٠ شد٥ اػز. ثش اػبع ٣ ثشا٫ ثخؾ ص٭ش٭٠ ػبص١ذ چ٤دب١ب، ١ؾش بػشش٭ـشٮ٠ دؼٮ٠ ثشا٫ ثخؾ ثبال٭٬ ػبص١ذ ىشخ٬

( سـخٮق داد٥ ؿذ٥ paraconformityث٦ ك٤سر ١بدٮ٤ػش٬ ٤اص٫ ) K/Pgشص Kuh-e Hunuسنٮٮشار ىؼٮ٬ ٣ ٮش٤٤ط٭٬ دس ثشؽ

٦ ١شٮد٦ فشد سخذاد الساٮذ اػز.اػز

دبئ٤ط، ىشاٮ٢ٮيشا٫ ث٢شٮ-خ٤س، ىشخ٬، چ٤دب١ب، شص شسبػ٦ :کلیذ ياش ا



F. Mahdikhani, M. Majidifard, T. Mohtat, M. Partoazar

Abstract: In order to study the K/Pg. boundary for biostratigraphy and stratigraphy purpose the thick section 70 meter was

sampled at Kuh-e Hunu, East of Khur, Isfahan Province. Kuh-e Hunu section is made mainly of marl, limestone,

sandy limestone. Lower boundary of Farrokhi formation is continuous with Chupanan formation.

Biostratigraphy studies lead to identification of 30 genera and 16 species showing Late Maastrichtian for the

upper part of Farrokhi formation and Late Paleocene for the lower part of Chupanan formation.

Based on paleontology evidence there is paraconformity in Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary that was caused by

Laramid orogeny.

Key words: Khur, Chupanan, Farrokhi, K/Pg. boundary, bentic foraminifera ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊


يزسادبزػ شم يال،البزس عبسوذ م یوىديوتب يگزافياعتزات یبب


3ثب١٣ذد٤س ٭٬ش ٮشضب، ف٫2حذ ٭٠، ث٨بءاذ1ٮب٬١ػ ٮ٦ػ

gsi.soleymani@gmail.comـ٤س ٣٬ اشـبىبر قذ١ ٬ؿ٢بػ ٮ٠ػبصب ص-ٮ٠دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ ص ٫دا١ـد1٤

ـ٤س ٣٬ اشـبىبر قذ١ ٬ؿ٢بػ ٮ٠ػبصب ص-ٮ٠دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ ص ٬ف ٮئز2٧

ـ٤س ٣٬ اشـبىبر قذ١ ٬ؿ٢بػ ٮ٠ػبصب صبسؿ٢بع 3◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

چىيذ : 35ثشؽ دس اعشاه ٥٤ ب٧ؾ ثب خشلبر ٭٣٠اـ اػز ح ا ٮشصاد،ؿب ؿ٨ ٮ٤شش٫ 5سب 3دس اػشب ػ٢ب دس ٮالػبص١ذ

.ثبؿذ¬٬ ٬ع٤ ؿش ٮ٦ثب١ ٣59 ٮ٦د 16دسخ٦ ٣ ٣53 ٬فشم ؿب ٮ٦ثب١ ٣40 ٮ٦د 48دسخ٦ ٣

ػبص١ذ ٫اػز. ثش س٣ ٮش٫¬ا١ذاص٥ بث ٦ ث٤د٥ ػبص١ذ¬دبس٥ 5 ٫ثشؽ داسا ٭٠دانب( ٣ دس ا ٮال٥٤س٨٢ب دس ثشؽ ا٤ ) ٮال ػبص١ذ

ٮـٮ٠د ٮ٠ث٦ ػ٠ د١٣ ٮش٣دشض س١ بفذ٥ ػبص١ذ خ ٣٫ س٤ػظ ٤٢شا٧ب ٮشد¬٬شاس ٮتال٤ ثل٤سر ٧ـ ٬ػ٢-بػ٦

.ؿ٤د¬٬ ٮذ٥د٤ؿ

٭٠خ٢غ اص ا ٦١٤14 ٣ 6. ثبؿ٢ذ¬٬ ٬ػبص١ذ اص ٤١ؿ دش٤٢٣د١٣ز ٣ اص ش٥٣ خش٣ع ٭٠غبق٦ ؿذ٥ دس ا ٧ب٫¬٤٢د١٣ز

ػبص١ذ اػز. ٭٠ا ٫ثشا ٮـٮ٠د ٭ؼٮ٣٠ اسد٣ ٮ٠دؼ -ٮب٬١ ٭٠ػ٠ بجش ٤٭ذ ٦ آذ٥ ثذػز ٧ب¬٤٢د١٣ز

:ثبؿ٢ذ¬٬ ر٭ ؿشح ث٦ ٧ب¬٤٢د١٣ز ا٭٠

-Proconodontus seratus -Proconodontus mulleri- proconodontus of rotundatus

- Prooneotodus sp? -Prooneotudus tenuise- Furnishina furnishi-Furnishina asymmetrica

-Furnishina sp. - Furnishina obliqus-Hirsutodontus? -Westergardodina cf. mossebergensis

-Westergardodina fossa -Cordylodus -Cordylodus intermedius - Cordylodus lindstromi

- Cordylodus proavus-Oneotodus nakamurai-Problematoconites sp.

دبس٥ ػبص١ذ ٭٠سب ث٦ حب اص ا ٭شااػز ص ٮال ػبص١ذ د٣ ػبص١ذاص دبس٥ tenuis Prooneotudusبث س٤خ٦ ضاسؽ خ٢غ ٣ ٦١٤ ١ش٦

ضاسؽ ١ـذ٥ ث٤د. ٤٢٬د١٣ش

٭٤٢ئٮذا،ائ٤ش ٮ٤ٮشغ،٧ ٮ٤د٤دا،ثشا ٧ب،¬٭٤ثٮزثذػز آذ٥ اص خ٦ سش ٮض١ ٭ش٫د ٧ب٫¬ٮش٣ىؼٮ ٬،ف٢بكش ٤٢د١٣ش ٭٠ثب ا ٧شا٥

٧ؼش٢ذ. ٭بدس ٢بع ف دس ٮالػبص١ذ سػ٤ثزاس٫ ١ـب١ذ٢٧ذ٥ ٦ ٧ب٣اػي٢ح ئٮذادبئ٤اػ٦٤ ٭ب١ب،ش٣ص ٮ٤ع،سص٣ى

٤٢د١٣ز ٮش٣ىؼٮ، ٮ٠،دؼٮب٬١ ٭٠بجش ٮشصاد،ثشؽ ؿ٨ ٮال،: ػبص١ذ ا کلیذياش

Biostratigraphy Alborz Mountain Conodonts in Mila Formation, Shahmirzad Section Somayeh Soleymani(Geological Survey of Iran. gsi.soleymani@gmail.com)

Bahaeddin Hamdi. (Geological Survey of Iran)

Alireza Karimibavandpour. (Geological Survey of Iran)



Mila formation is located 3 to 5 kilometers north of Shahmirzad in Semnan province. This section is near Kuh-e

Kahesh at 35° 48′ 40″ N latitude and 53° 16′ 59″ E longitude. Only in this section and the type section (Mila

Kuh in Damghan), Mila formation consists of 5 members that are measureable. This formation lays on Lalun

Sandstone formation with a paraconformity at the bottom and is covered by the Early Devonian red

conglomerates at the beginning of Geirud formation.

Studied Conodonts in this formation are of Proconodontus type and Coniform group. 6 genera and 14 species of

these conodonts were acquired which indicate an age of Mid-Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician for this


These Conodonts are listed below:

-Proconodontus seratus -Proconodontus mulleri- proconodontus of rotundatus

- Prooneotodus sp? -Prooneotudus tenuise- Furnishina furnishi-Furnishina asymmetrica

-Furnishina sp. - Furnishina obliqus-Hirsutodontus? -Westergardodina cf. mossebergensis

-Westergardodina fossa -Cordylodus -Cordylodus intermedius - Cordylodus lindstromi

- Cordylodus proavus-Oneotodus nakamurai-Problematoconites sp.

A remarkable point is the discovery of species Prooneotodus tenuise in the second member of Mila formation

because no Conodonts have ever been reported from this member.

Other microfossils such as Trilobites, Brachiopoda, Hyolithes, Eocrinoida, Rusophycus, Cruziana,

Paleoscoleidae and sponges are also discovered that indicate the deposition of Mila formation in a shallow

marine environment.

Keywords: Mila Formation, Shahmirzad Section, Late- Mid Cambrian, Microfossil,Conodont.



ب ي محيط رعبي عبسوذ جزم در غزة اعتببن، اعتبن فبرط معزفي ریشرخغبر◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

3، ش٭ خ٤بس2اٮشؿب٧ش٬، ٢٨بصاؼبدار 1كبد٬ سضب

reza_geology@yahoo.comدٮب ٤١س، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬،ثخؾ صٮ٠ ف٬ ٧ٮأر فض٤ -1

m_amirshahkarami@yahoo.comدٮب ٤١س، دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬،ثخؾ صٮ٠ ف٬ ٧ٮأر فض٤ -2

j.maryam55@ yahoo.comؿٮشاص، ٤١س دٮب دا١ـب٥ ؿ٢بػ٬،ىؼٮ ٣ ؿ٢بػ٬اسؿذ چٮ٦٢بسؿ٢بػ٬ دا١ـد٫٤ -3


چىيذ: ٤ػ٠ئا ٧ب ٣ سيؼٮش حٮظ سػ٤ث٬ د٭ش٭٦٢ س٤ا٧٬ب، سيٮ ص٭شحٮظس٭ضسخؼبس٧٥ب، سـخٮق دػش٦ث٦ ؿ٢بػب٭٬ س٭ضسخؼبس٥ دظ٧٣ؾ، ا٭٠

Todej)سبذ٭غ س٤دج دس ثشؽ ٤سد١ؾش، دشداخش٦ اػز.( Tang-e Nimbashi) ثبؿ١٬ٮ س٢ ػبص١ذ خ٨ش دس ثشؽ

Anticline) ضخبز آ ٣ دس ص٭شد٦٢٨ ىبسع داخ٬ اص شث٢ذ صاشع چٮ٠ خ٤سد٥ ٣اـ شد٭ذ٥ ٣ (ىبسع اػشب)، مشة اػش٨جب

س٭ضسخؼبس٥ دس ػ٦ دػش٦ ١11بص، غـ 338 ٮش٣ػ٤د٬ غبق٦ ٣ ػٮؼشبسٮ ثشداس٦١٤١٫ ثبؿذ. دغ اصشش ٬ 628ثبل ثش

ا٭٠ ػبص١ذ س٫٣ ٭ ٧ب، ق٤ شد٭ذ ٦ سػ٤ثزاس٣٫ دٮشاـ٢ذ٫ سـخٮق ٣ ثب سحٮ داد٤٥الث٬ ثبص، ص٭شحٮظ سػ٤ث٬ دس٭ب٫

٧ـٮت ك٤سر دز٭شىش٦ اػز. ػ٫٤ شث٢بس٦ اص ٤١ؿ سخ

سػ٤ث٬ ٤ػ٠، حٮظئا خ٨ش، ىبسع داخ٬، سبذ٭غ س٤دج، ػبص١ذ صاشع چٮ٠ خ٤سد٥، :ا کلیذ ياش

Introduction of Microfacies and Sedimentary environment of the Jahrum Formation in West of Estahban, Fars Province

Reza Sadeghi1, Mahnaz Amirshahkarami

2, Maryam Jokar


1-Geology Department, Payame Noor University, reza_geology@yahoo.com

2- Geology Department, Payame Noor University, m_amirshahkarami@yahoo.com

3- Student of Shiraz, Payame Noor University, j.maryam55@yahoo.com

Abstract: This research has been studied identification of the microfacies, determination microfacies class, recognition

sub- environment and interpretation the sedimentary environments Eocene succession of Jahrum Formation in

the stratigraphic section of Tang-e Nimbashi. This section has been selected in Todej anticline, west of

Estahban, Interior Fars sub-zone in folded belt of Zagros Mountains and with thickness of 628 meters. The

results of study of 338 thin sections are 11 microfacies class in 3 sub-environments includes: open marine,

Lagoon and Peritidal has been identified and analyzed data indicates sedimentation this Formation occurred on a

carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp. Keywords: Folded Zagros, Interior Fars, Todej Anticline, Jahrum Formation, Eocene, Sedimentary environmen



گزي شمشه در شمبل شميزساد بزرعي چيى وگبری عىگي، رخغبر رعبي ي ببسعبسی محيط رعبي دیزیى◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

ى٤ ٮؼب١غ چٮ٦٢ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، -3ؼق٤د صب٬١ دذسا ،2ح٤دسضب دٮذ٫ ىشد، 1ػٮب٣ؿب٬١فبعي٦ ٧بؿ٬

atefeh.hashemi2000@gmail.com 2- دشش٫، سػ٤ة -دشش٫ چٮ٦٢ ٣ ىؼٮ ؿ٢بػ٬، فض٤ ٧ٮبر ف٬ دظ٧٣ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠

ؿ٢بػ٬، ػبصب صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ٣ اشـبىبر قذ٬١ ـ٤س


چىيذ :ؿذ٥ ٮ٣ بػ٦ ػ٢ سـ ٮشش فذسب اص ؿ72/962 ٫ؿب ػ٢ب ث٦ ػشجشا ٮ٤شش٫ ٣22اـ دس ٮشصادؿـ دس ثشؽ ؿ٨ش٥٣

اى شض س١ ٭ث٤د٥ ٦ ثل٤سر ٭ـ٬ىشػب ٮ٤ػش٦اص ٤١ؿ ١بد ٮب٣سػ ػبص١ذ ا ٧ب٫ش٥٣ ثب ػ٢ آ٧ ٭٠ا ٭ٮ٠دب ٫اػز. ٧جش

٫. ٧جشثبؿذ٬ ٮـٮ٠د ٮش٭٠فشد سخذاد ػ ٮد١٦ش ٮ٤ػش١٬بد ٭٠ا ؿ٤د٬ ٭ذ٥ذ دد٣ ػبص١ ( دس ىل ـشش٭زالسش -ٮز)ث٤ؼ

٭٠دس ا .ثبؿذ٬ ٮب٬١ ٮٮش٭٠ث٤د٥ ٣ حبك سخذاد ػ ٮ٤ػش٬اص ٤١ؿ ١بد ٮض١ ٮچب٫ش٥٣ دس ٢غ٦ ب٣سد ثب ػبص١ذ د ٭٠ا ٭٠ا ٭٬ثبال

ؿذ٥ اػز: ٭٬ؿ٢بػب ٭شص ٮتػبص١ذ ث٦ سشس 5ثشؽ شت

– ٭٠شش ٣ ث٦ ػ٠ ٧شب١ظ 331ضخبز ٫ػبص١ذ آالؿز، داسا •.ٮ٠سس -٭٠شش ٣ ث٦ ػ٠ ٤١س 117ضخبز ٫داسا ٮشصاد،ػبص١ذ ؿ٨•

شش ٣ ث٦ ػ٠ 505ضخبز ٫داسا صٮ٠،ٮػبص١ذ ى • ٮ٠.شش ٣ ث٦ ػ٠ س٤آسػ 514.72دؿز، ث٦ ضخبز ٮش٭٠ػبص١ذ ؿ•س٤آسػٮ٠.

ٮشش٥٣ ؿـ ١ؾ ٬سػ٤ث ٧ب٫سخؼبس٥ ٮذا٬١ثب اػشيبد٥ اص ؿ٤ا٧ذ .ٮ٠شش ث٦ ػ٠ ثبط٣ػ 185ضخبز ٫داسا ٮش٭ز،ػبص١ذ د١ؼ•.ٮ٠آ٢

ٮض٧شا٥ ٣ ١ ٧ب٫سخؼبس٥ ٧ب،سخؼبس٥ ٬بئ ٣ خب١ج ٮٮشارسن ٮش٤٤ط٫، ٮ٬،ىؼ ٫حش٤ا ٮ٬اثشار ىؼ ٮض٭٬،ى ٬سػ٤ث ٧ب٫ػبخز

-ٮشصادؿـ دس ٢غ٦ ؿ٨ ٥٣ش ٬سخؼبس٥ سػ٤ث ٮش٣ سيؼ ٮسحاػشيبد٥ اص ٢بثـ ٤خ٤د ث٦ ٮ٣٠ ٧چ٢ ٭ـب٬٧غبقبر آصب

غـ ٢٢ذ٥ ٧ب٫( سػ٤ثبر ب١ب3 ٬( سػ٤ثبر ػبح2 ٫( سػ٤ثبر ئب١ذس1 ا٫د٤ف٦ سخؼبس٥ 8 ٣٬ قشى ٭٬ب٣سد ٢دش ث٦ ؿ٢بػب

٭ب٫( سػ٤ثبر دس6دشب ٭٬ؼز خ٤ ٭٬سب ثبال ٭ٮ٬٢( سػ٤ثبر دب5 ا٫٭بچ٦/ دس٤٬الث ٧ب٫ٮظح ٫( سػ٤ثبر آ٣اس4 ٫ػذ ٭شخضا

.٭ذشد ٬( سػ٤ثبر ع٤ىب8١سب د٣س اص ػبح ٭ٮ٬٢ػبح دب ٮ٦حبؿ ٫( سػ٤ثبر آ٣اس7 ٫دش ا١شط ف

ٮز.، آ١٤ ٮـٮ٠د ٮش٭٠ش٥٣ ؿـ،اى شض س١، ػ :کلیذ ياش ا

Study of rock stratigraphy, sedimentary facies of ancient sedimentary environment of the

shemshak Group in northeast of shahmirzad Atefeh hashemi siavashani,mahmoudreza majidifard

,masoud zamani pedram

atefeh.hashemi2000@gmail.com Abstract: Shemshak Group in Shahmirzad section located in 22 kilometers north of Semnan and with 962.72 meters

thickness, is mainly composed of shales and sandstones. The lower boundary of this group with Veresk

limestones of Elika formation is discontinuous erosional which is seen as a red horizon (Bauxite - Laterite)

between the joint boundary of two formations. This discontinuity is the result of early Cimmerian orogeny. The

upper boundary of this group with Dalichai formation in Kavard region is also a discontinuous caused by middle

Cimmerian orogeny.


In this composite section, 5 formations were identified as follows:

•Shahmirzad formation with a thickness of 117 meters and the age of Norian-Rhaetian • Alasht formation with a

thickness of 331 meters and the age of Hettangian-Toarcian •Shirindasht formation with a thickness of 514.72

meters and the age of Toarcian •Filzamin formation with a thickness of 505 meters and the age of Aalenian.•

Densirit formation with a thickness of 185 meters and the age of Bajocian..Using field evidence of Shemshak

Group sedimentary facies such as physical sedimentary structures, biogenic traces of fossil content, lithology,

vertical and lateral facies changes, compeer facies, lab studies and also using of existing resources for

interpreting and describing sedimentary facies of Shemshak Group in Shahmirzad- Kavard region, resulted in

identification and introduction of 8 facies series as follows :

1: Meandering deposits.2: Beach deposits.3: Channel inlet deposits.4: Backswamp/lake? siliciclastic deposits

5: Lower to upper delta front deposits.6: High-energy shallow marine deposits.7:Lower shoreface to offshore

siliciclastic deposits.8: Storm deposits

Keywords: Shemshak group, red horizon, Cimmerian orogeny, ammonite



)معذن اعتمالل(ايليه گشارػ حبدث آوالتب در رعببت ديويه پغيه شمبل شزق آببد

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ، ج. ا. ا٭شا19395 -4697دا١ـب٥ دٮب ٤١س، ش٥٣ ف٬ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، س٨شا اػشبد٭بس ش٭ ٢ب٬١، دشش٫،


دا١ـب٥ اكي٨ب، ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬ ،٨ذ٫ ٭ضد٫، دشش٫، اػشبد (meh.yazdi@gmail.com)


چىيذ :٣احذ 9دس سػ٤ثبر د١٣ٮ٠ دؼٮ٠ ؿب قذ اػشال ٮ٤شش٫ ؿب ؿش آثبد٥ ٣اـ ٬ ثبؿذ. 10قذ خب ١ؼ٤ص اػشال دس

ـب٧ذ٥ )د١٣ٮ٠ دؼٮ٠- )١٤ٮبسٮز Platyclymenids( Bػ٬٢ سـخٮق داد٥ ؿذ. دس آ٨٧ب٫ خبؼشش٫ س١ )٣احذ ػ٬٢

دس ا٭٠ Clymenids ذ.٬٢ ثبؿ (Late trachytera zone)خل٤ف دس٭ب٫ آصاد ث٤د٥ ٣ شق ث٦ ىبٮ٢ٮ٠ آ٨١ب ٬ شدد.

دس خ٨ب . حبدث٦ آ٤١السب دس صب ٤سب٧٬٧ؼش٢ذحبدث٦ خ٨ب٬١ آ٤١السب دس ؿب ؿش آثبد٥ ١ـب١ذ٢٧ذ٥ىشا٣ا ٬ ثبؿ٢ذ ٣ آ٨١ب سػ٤ثبر

ؿشا٭ظ ٭٤سش٣ىٮ ٣ ا١يدبس ثقض٬ ٦١٤ ٧ب، اىضا٭ؾ ، دس صب ٤سب٥ اٮب٤١ػ٨بآة ١ب٨ب٬١ دٮـش٫٣ حبدث٦ ف سخ داد٥ اػز.

ىقبٮز اػششاس ؿشا٭ظ خب٦١ ا٫، ٨ب٫ ٤٢ؼٮ٬١٤ ٧ضب ثب خش٭ب آث٨ب٫ م٬٢ اص ٤اد مزا٭٬ اص افب ث٦ ػغح اٮب٤١ػ٨ب،خش٭ب١

سنٮٮشار آة ٣ ٤٧ا، ٦ ٢دش ث٦ ا٭دبد ٬ ثبؿذ ٣ خبثدب٭٬ بس٥ ٧ب دس حذ٣د٥ ٧ب٫ خنشاىٮب٭٬ د٭ش٭٠ ٣ػٮـ آسـيـب٨١ب٫ خـ٬

ا١شام ٤خ٤دار شد٭ذ٥ اػز. دس ٨١ب٭ز ٣ آة اٮب٤١ػ٨ب ؿشا٭ظ ىذا اؼٮظ

آثبد٥.قذ اػشال، آ٤١السب، د١٣ٮ٠ دؼٮ٠، حبدث٦ دالس٬ ٮ٢ٮب، :کلیذ ياش ا

First report on Late Devonian Annulata Event

in the northeast of Abadeh (Esteghlal Mine)

Maryam Mannani, Assistant Professor, Geology Department, Payame Noor University, 19395- 4697 Tehran, I. R of IRAN.

Mehdi Yazdi, Professor, Department of Geology, University of Isfahan


The Esteghlal Refractory Mine is located in 10 km of northeast of Abadeh. There are recognized nine

lithological units in Late Devonian deposits of North of Esteghlal Mine. In grey limestone (B unite) can be seen

Platyclymenids (Goniatites- Late Devonian). They lived in open marine in Late trachytera zone (Famennian).

Clymenids are abundant in these sediments and they show global Annulata event in northeast of Abadeh area.

Annulata event occurred in short time in world. Causal factors are: sudden transgression of ocean in short time,

eutrophication conditions and bloom of same species, increasing of oceanic convection current and synchronous

upwelling, greenhouse conditions, volcanic activity, and movement of continents. These conditions created

anoxic oceans and mass extinction.

Keywords: Platyclymenia, Annulata Event, Late Devonian, Esteghlal Mine, Abadeh.


در بلن طبظ، جىة شزق طبظ معزفي عبسوذ حض ديرا

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ٣3 آبٮب اػذٮ٢ب 2، حذف٬ ب٣ػ1٬، خ٨ب١جخؾ دا١ـٮب1٣2حذسضب آس٭ب١ؼت

Daneshian@khu.ac.ir ٣ mohammadrtk@gmail.com: ش٥٣ صٮ٠ ؿ٢بػ٬، دا١ـذ٥ ف٤ صٮ٠، دا١ـب٥ خ٤اسص٬، 1

kalenoo2002@yahoo.com: ذ٭ش٭ز اشـبه ٣صاسر ١يز، 2

spinama3@gmail.com: دا١ـب٥ دش٣خب، ا٭شبٮب، 3


چىيذ :دس ١بحٮ٦ ح٤م د٣سا٥ ١ـب د٢٧ذ٥ ػ٠ 2 –ؿ٢بػ٬ ثش ج٢ب٫ دبٮ٤٤٢سه ٧ب ٣ ىشاٮ٢ٮيشا ٫ ٤خ٤د دس ثخؾ ؿٮـش٤ غبقبر ىؼٮ

ثش ج٢ب٫ 1-ثشا٫ ا٭٠ سػ٤ثبر اػز. اص عشى٬ سػ٤ثبر آ٧ ٧ب٫ ػيب٤د٤د داس ا١ش٨ب٫ ثخؾ ؿٮـش٤ دب٭ب٠٬١ ٮب٬١ سب ٣٭ضئ٠ ٭س٤س١ض

ثضس ثٮ٠ د٣ ثخؾ شث٤ط ث٦ ػبص١ذ "٬ ثبؿ٢ذ. ثش ا٭٠ اػبع ٭ ١بدٮ٤ػش٬ ١ؼجشب ٤٢د١٣ز ٣ دبٮ٤٤٢سه ٧ب داسا٫ ػ٠ ىب٢ٮ٠

ؿٮـش٤ دس ا٭٠ ١بحٮ٦ ٣خ٤د داسد. ٣خ٤د خب ذ٭٦ ٣ ٤٢شا٫ بفذ٥ ا٫ دس بفذ٥ اى ؿٮ٬ ٤ؽ ثٮب١ش ا٭٠ ١ج٤د ث٤د٥ ٣ ا٭٠ اى

٤ػش٬ ز٤س ٣ ػ٤٨ز خذا٭ؾ د٣ ثخؾ ؿٮـش٤ ثش اػبع ٤١ؿ شاس ٬ د٧ذ. ث٢بثشا٭٠ ثبس٤خ٦ ث٦ ١بدٮ 2-سا ١ٮض خضئ٬ اص ثخؾ ؿٮـش٤

١ب ثذ. ث٢بثشا٭٠اص ػبص١ذ ؿٮـش٤ ث٦ ػبص١ذ اسسب ٭ب 2-ثخؾ٣ ؼششؽ خنشاىٮب٭٬ بث الحؾ٦، ث٦ ١ؾش ٬ سػذ الص اػز ٮش٤٤ط٫

.دٮـ٨٢بد ٬ ؿ٤دػبص١ذ ح٤م د٣سا٥ ثشا٫ آ

شض٫. ػبص١ذ ح٤م د٣سا٥، ث٤ عجغ، ا٭شا :کلیذ ياش ا

Introducing the Howz-e-Dorah formation in Tabas Block, Southeast Tabas

Mohammadreza Aria-Nasab1,2

, Jahanbakhsh Daneshian1, Mohammadali Kavousi

2 and Amalia spina


1: Faculty of Geological Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran

2: Exploration Directorate of National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran

3: Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, University of Perugia, Italy.


Paleontological studies based on palynomorphs and foraminifera indicate a Middle Tournaisian to Late Visean

age for Shishtu-2 Member of Shishtu Formation in the Howz-e-Dorah area. On the other hand, cephalopod beds

of uppermost part of Shishtu-1 Member, show Famennian age based on conodonts and palynomorphs.

Therefore, there is a huge hiatus between these two members of Shishtu Formation in this area. A paleosoil and

basal conglomerate present at the base of Mush Horizon in lowermost part of Shishtu-2 Member. Based on this

unconformity and very easily recognizable of two members of Shishtu Formation based on lithology and

geographical distribution of Shishtu-2 Member, it seems necessary to upgrade Shishtu-2 Member to formation.

Hence, the name of “Howz-e-Dorah formation” is suggested by authors.

Keywords : Howz-e-Dorah formation, Tabas Block, Central Iran
