,; I · Capt. David William l\1:cKechnie, No. 6 Fieid Ambulance, Ca.iladian Army Medical C,orps. /,...


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ROYAL ARMY I EDI CALG'O:RP-8o' (torps 1Rews., , '




' ,

/ St. Jame~'s Palace, f5.W., " • fNo1)ember18, 1918.

, The¥ing has been graciou~ly'pleased to give orders for th,e folloyving appointment. to the. l\1:o~t EXgellent Order of the British Empire,ior,distinguished service in connexion with military , operations in France and Flanders, to he dated, June 3, 1918 ;- '

To be Offioer of the said Most Excellent Order:- . " ' Oapt. David,HammandFraser:, M.O:., Royal Army MedicafCorps. ,~ For an'act of gallantry not in the presence of the enemy. . .'. \


St. Jail1es's'Palaee, S:W., , .. , ' " , " " November IS; 1915. " .

The King!has been graciously pleased to' give ord~rs for the following ,appointments to the l\1:ostExoellent Order of the British Empire, for distinguished se~vice in connexion with military operations in ,Mesopotamia, to be dated June 3; 1915:- . / \/ "

.To be Officers of the said Most,Excellent Order:- . ' I

,Tem~: Capt. David Forbes Barde, Royal Army Medioli'! Corps, , , .~. Major SamuetRichard Christophers, C.I'.E,., M.B.; Indian Medical Service. Capt. William Dunlop; ROyal ArWY Med~cal Corps (Special Reserve). . ' Temp. Capt. Edward Norman Glover, Royal Army Medical Corps. , , Major Frederick Percival Mackie, M.D., F.R.C.'S., Indian Med~oal Servic!l'

, , ,I , , . St. James's Palace,S.W., , J '. ' • . • '. " • " ?,!ove1J1:ber 18, 1918. " The Kmg has been grQ,Clo.usly plea~ed to gl'\l'e orders for the,follow!ng appoIntments to ·the Most'Exce~lent Ordet ?f the,British Empire, for distingu,ished servi.lle in' connexion with milital:y operations in East Afnca, to beda,ted June 3,;1918 :,-

To be ,Officers of the sa,id 'Most Exoellent Order :~ ~Temp. Lieut .. Cdl.,Donald Macaulay, Roya,l Army 11edical Oorps., Major George Dare.11 Maynard, South African Medical Corps. ' ~c Ca,pt. (Acting, Major) William Drummond Miller, South African Medica,l Corps. Lieut. ·001. Ernest Reinhold Bost; Indian Medical Service; "

;MajorEustaceLindsay Scot~; ~~O."Indian ¥edic~lf?ervice. .' ':' . I' "

'l\1:ajor Charles Ed~ard Bouthon, M.B., Indian Medical Service. ' To be Members of the-'sai\'lMost Excellent Order,;- , Capt. Wi:llia,1l). Herron Ellidtt, Royal Army Medical;,Oorps (Special Reserve): ' Capt. Geoffr'ey Balmano' Fleming, Royal ,Army M~dical Corps (Territorial For,ce).

,,Temp. Oapt. Donl!'ld McIn~yre" Royal ,Army.¥edlCa,l Gorps, i'" ' ", '; ,

, '

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. St. J!uries's Palace, S.W., . , <: I., /' • , November, 18, 1918.'

.' ,The ,King ,has been graciously pl,eased to give orders for the following appointment to the_ 'Most Excellent Order,of the British Empire, for,d\stiriguishe!i service'in,connexion wit}:t military

operations in Egypt"to be dated June 3, 1918:-To be Officer of the said, Most ExcellentoOrder;-

, .' Major Edward Gibbon, M:B., Royal Army Medical Corps;, War Office,

, November 22, 1918 . . :The following are among the Decorations and Medals awarded by the Allied Powers at various

'dates to the British Forces fo~ distiiJ,guished services rendered during the course of the campaign. , His Majesty the King has given unrest'ricted permission 'in all cases to .wear the Deeora.tions

_ and Medals in ~uestion. • ' , '


LEGION D'HONNEUl!~ / ' ,-' ,- 'Croix·deGuerre'.·"', \"

\ ~, , \ . ~ I

Capt. (Acting, Major) Richard Pitt . Ballard i td.C., M,B., ,Royal Army Medical lCorps(Speciid , Reserve).,. "_,' , ' " • Temp. Capt. (Acting Major) Philip Carney, M.C., M,.B., Royal Army Medical CQrps.

Gapt. (Acting Major) D,aniel Dougal, M.C., M.D:, Royal Army Medical Corps. ' Temp. Capt. (Acting Major) James Angus Doull, M.D;, Royal Army Medical Corps. . Lieut.-Col. (Temp. Col.) FitzgeJ;ald, Gabbett Fitzgerald, D.S.a., Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieut. Willillom Aldridge Fraser,M.B,., Royal Army Medical Corps (Special Reserve). \ Temp. Capt'. Lawrence Cameson, M.B.,- Royal Army Medical Corps. Temp. Capt. JamesFranklin McLay, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps •

. Temp. Capt. Stanley Andrew Woolaston Munro, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. ;{Japt. (Actmg ~ieut.-Col.) Edgar,-Percival, D.S.O., J\1:.C., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. MajofiJatnesSamuel Yef\man Rogers, D.S.O., M.B.;, Royal :Army Medic'al Gorps (attached

Royal Highlahders). " . _. :) '. -. " . 'f '

Temp. Capt. Denis.Jeffcott Stokes, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps:. , . , i i·Temp. Capt. (Acting Lieut.·Col.) . Hobert Svensson, M.C., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corpf;; Oapt., (ActiJ?g LieUt.-Col.) Frank Worthington, D.S:O;,M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. . 36'190. Serfjt.-Major Douglas"James Dargie BeHord, Royal A,rmy Medical Corps (Wormit:on-

l'ay\ Dundee). . .' f

820.01 Pte. George Reginald Burgess, Royal Army Medical Corps (Bedford). , 2'i563:!Cp!. Arthur Fisher, M.M., Royal Arrp.y Medical! Corps (Mansfield, Notts).

661.31Pte. ;rames Flood, Royal Army Medical Corps (Mullingar). .', 7910.4 Pte: . (Acting Qmr .-Serjt.), Frederick 'Hartison, Royal Army Medical Corps (Carlisle). 1

24793 Pte. Alan'BatheJohnson, Royal Army Medical Corps (Blackpool). 'f. ,

65380. Pte. Victor Bllnjamin :J:..ee, ROy. al Army Mea.icalCorps (Arnold, Notts)'. _ ,~' . 447'10. Pte. William Monaghan, Royal Army Medical Corps (Cowdenbeath): \. . 63387 Pte. (Acting Lance-Opl.) JosephPhiIJips, Royal A~my Medical-Corps (Liverpool). -44740 Ptll. William Smith, Royal Army Medieal Corps (Sumlerland).

'" 103 Company Qmr. -Serjt. (Tem;p. Serjp.-~ajor) George Pa~ick Steer, Royal Army Medicai. Corps (South Farnborongh). 0 '. -. • \' , • • , • '

65321 Cp!. John Strevens; Royal Army Medical Gorps (Por~sla\le,near Brighton). 30783 Pte. William Travis, Roy:al Army Medical Corps (Bootle).' "

• . ' 0'· Mtldaille Militaire. ' . 76665 Pt~. JohnCresswell Armstrong; Royal A,rmy Medical Ooqfs (Low.Fell~ Co'. Durham). 6575Q Pte. (Acting' Sefjt.) ·Ernest George· Waterman, Mattick, Royal Army Medical Corps

(Brighto~). 0" '. , • :\

Ilidia,Office, Whitehall, S:W. 1;, , ",' _. . Novemqer 26; 1918. '.

The following dispatch frorn' His Excellency the Comm.arider-in-Chief· in, I~d{a on the work of 'the Army in India and ,of the Civil Departments oUhe Government pf India and of civili~ns 0

, in connexion with tha War has been received from the Government of India:- .' r . • . .. " ,No.,17445-L '

A,rmy Headquarters, India. o "_ ,'-'Simla, '\

" .'" ' , . August 20, 1918. A list'of those whose services have been of particular -value, and whose a~sistance arid. worl!;

I desire to bring specially to notice, forms the subject of Appendix I'pf this dispatch. ' . Lieut.:CoI.J. M.CrawJord, O.B.E., M:.B.;·Indian Medical Service.' / ' Major G. I. Davys, M. D:, Indian Medical Service. '. Major If..1;Iallilay,M.B., Indian Medical. S~rvice. ,

/ ",I



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, , \ 0 . - ,

Lieut.-Col. T. Jackson, M.B., Indian. Medical Service: 001. W.E, Jennings, M.D."India~cMedical Service. ' Major J.O. ~ennedy, M.D.,Royal .Army Medical'Qorps. , Lieut.-Col. W. G. Liston"C;I.E.,M.D., India1l Medical Service. Col. W. Moles,,"orth,C.I.E.,M.B., Indian Medical Service., Major G. F, Rugg, RoyalArmy Medical Corps. , " , ,,' OokA.'W. Sheen, ~/LD., Royal Army Medical Oorps, (T.F.). j

MajorA. E. WaIter, :fl1dial1 Medical Service. ' Lieut.-Ool. C. F. Wanhill, Royal ArmY Medical Corps. Lieut.-Col. J. W. Watsoli, Indian Medical Servic~. '


\ War Office, , I ,December 2,1918: ; ms M8:jesty the I King has been graqiously pleased tps;pprove oUhe ~ollowing awards to the'

undel=rilentioned Officers in recognition of their gallantry and deYbtiol). to duty in the Field ;-I ",

DISTINGUISHED SER'vrCE ORDER. , Canadian ,Force. , ,

Capt. David William l\1:cKechnie, No. 6 Fieid Ambulance, Ca.iladian Army Medical C,orps. /, ,For conspicuous gallantry ,and devotion to, duty. While prep~ring an advanced dressiljg

,station in a village it was subjected to an intense' bombardment, but he remained at his post dre~sing the wounded, and refused to take underground cover. Major, stanley Graham Ross, M. C;, 6th Field Ambulance,.Ganadian Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry and Qevotion'to duty. On three successive days "this Officer wall in charge' of ,cQIlecting posts and adval1ced ilressing stations. He a(jco~panie4 t4e stretcher­

,bearers, in the advance to see that prop~r touch was ,maintained. ,His coolnesi;; and disregard 9£ danger under heavy fi~e ,had an excellent effect on the work of the, bearer parties. ) ~ol. Robert Mills Si'~pson, Calladian Army Medical Corps, Assistant Director Medical Service,

2nd, Canadian Diyision. '. , " ,,',' ,\' ',', For conspicuous gallll.ntryand 'devoti6ntoduty inestablishing, often under heavy.fire, his

a.dvaricljld dressing stations and collecting posts, ani!: personally superintending the evacuation cif, ' the wounded~ When a sudden attack resulted in the capture of a village, he went, up under fire, ' arid personally dressiid the wound" of his'men on the field; evamiating all by'the evening. His tireless wor~ undoubtedly s\1yed ma;ny lives.: ,'",.c",


Tem.p. O;1pt., (A'cting Major) Robert Masson Grieg, M.C.,: M.B., 63rd Field Arnbulance, Roya.l Army Medical Corps. ' , ,,', ' ) :'

lIe digplayed conspicuous gallantry 'and great devotion to, duty in attending to the wounded a.nd' superhitend~ng their eV\1cuation from advanced po~itions. , To his admirable organization and selLsacrificing endurance, working without rest or ,sleep" many, wounqed ,men! owe their lives, and, his cdolness and courage when lea,ding hi~ stretcher-bearers nnderheavy fire were, admirabl'3. '(M.O: ,g~zetted November 25, 1919.) (1st Bar gazetted September 16, 1918.) .


Oapt. (Acting Major) Charles Stuart Pegdie Bhck, M.O., 1/2nd (Low) Field Am.bulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Force..

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an advance. Under heavy shell and machine·gup. fire he reconnoitred the Iorward'roads and brought up a tent sub-division av.d set up an advanced dressing station." By his energy.and c()urage h'e,was' enabled to clear ,all wounded f.rom the:' aid-posts and, evacuate them to the main !1ressing station. (M.C. gazetted October 29, 1915;),' . !' ')

OaPt. (Acting Major) Williarn Murdoch, M.O.; M.B., Royal Mmy :M:e~cal Corps (Specia.l" : Reserve), attached 52nd, Field Ambulance. , ' " ,

During/three days' severe fighting he was untiring in his efforts, working night a:Qd day wit~ his stretcher hearers, attending to wounded in forward pOSitions and evacua.ting them rapidly through difficult country. He was severely ,wounded in the arm by direct machine-gun fire, but' insisted 011. carrying on his dutiesll,I\til he received a direct ordedromthe comrilan'ding officer to' reppit to a dressing ,statibn.. His courage under fire and great endura.nce were splendid examples to everYQne.(M.C. gazetted January 1, 1918.) :' Temp. C~pt. Patrick Joseph O:Reilly,. M.C.,Royal Army Medic!\l Corps, attaclied 7th Battjl.Iion

, East York R~giment. , /' , ' " ,For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in attending to the wounded under heavy tire duri~g several days; operations.' ~eadva,nced with. the leading trool?s i~!"n atta,ck, and brought III many wounded :men from m front pf the, hnes. ,He set an mspmng example of coolness and skill. JM.C. gazetted November 14,1916.) :' ,

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~emp. Capt. (Acting Major) John McLeanPinke~ton,)V.r:9., iM~B., 13th Field Amb1:llaJ;l~~, Royal: , ArmyMedical Corps.. " ' .,', ' , , .'

For coospicuoljB gallan,t1'Y,in charge of. stretcber bearers., He went forward'with some bearer .quads to brin~ in Yl>ounded which/bearers bad been prevented from getting to by machine­gun fire; ,He ultimateJy succeeded in briDging in some' of the wouDded, 'though ,fired on every tim~ he was observed; ~broughout ,the operations he showed ~he greatest zeal and devotion to duty. He was finally severely wounded. '(M.C. gazetted Nov~mber :t5, 1916,) Temp. Capt. '(Acting Major) William Kenneth Armstrong Richards, M;C;,Royal Army Medical •. ,Corps, attached 55th Field. Ambulance. " ' "

, For conspicuous gaJlantry and devotion to duty. He fOllOYl>ed up an attack under very heavy fir~ and Qrganized and car~ied out the eva.cuation Of the wounded during several days' operations with the greatest courage and skill. '(J¥I.C. g'<tzetted June 4; 1917.)1 / Capt.Christopher Matheson Finlays~n,' E, C;, Qanadian Army Medical CorpS, ,attached 20th

Canadian Battalion 1st OanadianOntario Reserve. ",,' .For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to i!uty. Asmedical,officer of the bllttalion d\lring

. an attack he did excellent work ii). atten(lingto sever:!,l wounded men und,er ~hen and machine­gun fire. Bis coolness alld attention 'to duty; regardless of persqnal safety were an inspir~tion to all. (M.C. gazetted September ~4: 1918.) ',' .,', ',', ' ' AWARDED THE, MILITARY CROSS. ,:'

Temp, 'Capt. Ellis Catnpbell Bowden, Royal Army, Medical aor~, attached 2nd Battalion, , ' London Regirl?-ent. I ", ; " , I "

, He attended to wounded men iunder, a ,very intense 'fire ~rom macb,ine guns, in daylight, 'and helped to car:rS ,mapy wounded into safety in .full' vil"w of 'the e",emy. His unc,easing efforts arid, his sEllf-sacrificing disregaril of danger saved many ,!ives, arid were ,the 'adm\ratibn of all who saw him. I • '

Temp C~pt. (A~ting M!J>jor) 'John B~rke, 130th Field Ambul~ilCe: Royal Army Me~ical Cor;ps. , , 'Duii~g ten !days' severe fighting he was~riremittingin his dev0tion to duty, teDdingthe wounde.d an~ selecting, often in the middle of the, night, suitable plitcesfor his dressiog statiops. He display~d conspicuous courage and coolness 'under fire, and his, initiative and endurance evoked the, admiration of all who were with him.. " " :Lieut. Finlay Oameroh, Royal Army Medical Corps (:SpecialRell~rve); attached 14th ;Ba;ttalion,

Welsh, Regiment. " , i \ '

Durihgmanydays' hard fighting .. his' courage and devotion, todJ;lty were con&pi'cuous. ' He was continually at work under heavy shell and machine-gun fire, attending to tlie wounded and organizing their evacuation'., He'was wounded himself ,on one occasion; but remained at 'duty. His behaviour throughout was, admirable.- ,,' , ' , !', ' '

/ . Lieut. HeJ+ry Alexh{Chodak, Royal Army Medical Oorps (Special R,6serye), aittached 1/5th~att,lion, London Regiment. " . ' ',: ,,\

For conspicuous gallant,y.;and dev'otion tg duty. He was, wounded during an a,ttack but refused to withdraw, arid remained :;vith ,the, battalion for three, more days atten<ling'to the

, 'wounded, often'lmder heavy fret He set a splendid example of determination.! , temp. Capt. Alfred'Mackenzie Clark, M.B.; Royal ArtnyMer.'jical Corps,attached 1st Battalion,

,Northumberland Fusiliers. ' ,"\ " " " ' , ' For con~piC1;[(:ius gallantry a:Q.~ devqtion to duty. H~aring that there were seve,al1"ounded men

lying out that could not be collected until nightfall, owing to ,snipers and machine-gun fire, he went himself and dressed them in the shell holes where they 13Y, €)nthis, 'as on other occasions, ,he showed a total disr€)gard for his 'persona~ safety when ,the welfare of the wounded was,at' ,~take,. " ' i / ' ""'" '

Capt, William James Dowling, M.B" ;Royal i,\.rmyMedical Corps (SV8cial Reserve), attached , Srd Battalion, M.G. Corps. I., , " "', " • I

, For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He t~lided and evacuated wounded of his own and other units under very heavy shell and maChine-gun fire. I Later, he did excellent work

\ in charge ofthe bearer section ofa field ambulance" By his, ze'al and fearless conduct he s~ved many lives. ,\ /, , ' Temp. Capt; Ori~ Elgin Finch, M.D., Royal Army Medical Corps, ~ttq.chect 2rid Battalion, King's

. Own ScottIsh Borderers. ,/ , For conspicuous gallantry and devotion, to duty. «:Ie mo~ed his 'aid, post, forward to, close

l:>ehind tp.e 'front ,line, nnder :very heavy machine-gun fire., Here he WOrked unceasinglY'in a 1'\ ' trenc.h for thirty-six hours handagh/g and attending to wounded,; and it was due td his,fearless

conduct and splendid energy that' all the wo:und~d were attended to in a short time. t Capt. (Acting Major) StaD:leyRid~rGibbs. 2/2nd (Wessex) Field Ambulance, RoyatArmy Medical,

, Corps. Territorial Force;' ",' " , ',',,',' , Forconspic~ousgallantry and ~evotion to d~ty~He'organized ,t~e finqing, an~:evacua!iion of

, one oi'ficer and four other ranks lymg wounded m a.n advanced machme-gun post m frolit ,of our ;lines, and although the operation,;which'tooK seyeralliours, was conducted under almos,t .continous machine,-gun fire, he r~covered them all... ' , ,



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Temp. Capt. Basil Graves, Royal~riny M.§dical Corps, ,attached l~th Battalion Royal Fusili~rs. For cO/lspicuous gaUantryduting an attack. He'dressed .wounded·in the op~n, under· difficult

conditions,and frequently under machine:gunfire. 'Throughout the ,qperation he encouraged th~ yvoul),dedbyhis cheerfulness and, disregard '6f danger, and by his devotion to duty sav~d many lives.·. .' .. . '. .' ,.'.., " .'. . . . Temp. Capt. WilliamHamilton, M.B., Royal 'At:mi Medioal Corps, attaohed 223rd Battalion . Royal Field Artillery.' . ' .. . . '.:"

For conspicuous,~aJlantry during aJi advance. He remained at the gun positions throughout the operations. Under heavy shelling he attended to wounded in e~posedpositions, and was always

,cheerful under most trying Ciircumstances; His courage anil devotion to ,Iluty won him the admiration of all 'ranks.'. ' ' , ' ' .

~' , "/ \ .' .' \. f

Capt. (~cting Major) William James Hirst:, M.B., 1st, attached 2/1st South Middlesex Field Ambu1an~,Royal Army Medical Corps, ,Territorial Force. , . ' .

ForconspiGious gallantry: and devotiontq duty in orgahizing the evacuationof woundedfron). , a village dU,ring an enemy attack., He'remained behind when the enemy adyanced into the " village /loud !l-ssisted in' removing all the wounded, refusing to leave the village until the last man

had heen brought in. He has at all times shown great 'coolness and disregard of 'dang~r under heavy' fire. / , . ..., ',' . '.' . . "

Temp. Capt. Jeremiah Holland, M.B., Royal Army' Medical Corps, attached 1st Battalion Cheshire Regiment. '

,For\col,lspicuQus g1J,llari~ry and devotion to duty. Under very Jieavy,machin'e.glm Il,IJd rille fire he colleoted and ,evaouated wounded from a ridg\l>. He .snowed utter disregard for personal. safety, and by l1is. zealanu energy 'set a splendid example to those unqethifu and save<l many lives. .' '.'." , .

T~mp. Lieut: Edward Digby Kinsey, ,ROy~l Ar~y M~diG~Y'Corps', attached'lst Battalion Bedford":. \ s!::tireI.Regiment.. '. " /' . .

:For conspicuous gallantry·and' devotion ·to duty. 'He remained in.the open for over an hour, whe.n the 'ba.ttalion were inC\lrring seve.recasualtie& from intense ,sheUi~g, dre$sing the wounded: a.nd seeing'that they were prom)?tiycarried into .safety. His efforts resulted in the sa.ving of niauY' lives. . ' .' . \, ,.' . ! '

T~mp, Capt. Alexana.er Chester Lamb~rt, M.b.', 'R~yal Army 'Medical Corps, /!>ttached 8th Battalion; ,Royal Lancashire Regiment,', ' . " "... ..

For conspicuo1).s gallantry and devotion to duty: He ,repeatedly established aid J?ostsduring ",n attack, and under v~ry heavy shell and machine,gunfhe attendEld aIld evacuated wounded belonging to his own and other units; 'When a shell struck his aid post, killing ass~stants and slightly ;,ounding himself, 'pe reniainlld at duty and. tefused to go down. Throughout the operatioJ;ls his'conduct was admirable.· ,', TeIllp.'Capt.'·Philip Whiteside MacLagan, M.R, Royal Army Medical Corps,' attaohed

. 1st Battalion Hert,s RegiJ;nent. /' ' , i'"., For conspicuous gallantry'.and devotion to duty. }fe continued to bind qp wounded on a

roa,d under shell fire. He also .showed great ability.1n getting wounded evacuatedfro:tn the aid " post; and geher~lly ,showed great coolness and. disregard of dange:t;.,under fire ~hr(l\ighout the . operat~ons. ' . Ca.pt. (Acting Major) EdwardBertram MarRh, M,B., Royal Army Medical Corps. '.'

For gaHantryand marked devotion to duty during aJ;l advance. He kept touch with the tEjgimerital Illedical pfficer~'. and bearer divisions under V'e'ry adverse ciroumstances anli heavy 'fire, and so co-ordinated/tbe forward evacuation ~hat the divisional front 'oV'as cleared intjie shortest possible tiroe.~ ,His energy was remarkable'throughout/the operations, ' '/ . . I

Temp. Capt. AndrewFinlay Readdie, 21st Fieid Ambulance, 'Royal Army Medical Co.r~s'· '(Italy). .' ' ," . . " I •

For conspicuous gallantrY, and devotion:. to duty. While supervising the.eyacu.ation of the , ;wounded from the front lipe he heard that 'a medic,al' officer in charge of. stretche.r '~earers had . heen killed. He at once. prqceElded.to tbespot through heavy enemy barrage and 'took c)1a1ge of the bearers, and it WlJ,S due to his prompt action that no del1J,y reshlted. He has consistently don'e

'good work. /,' Temp: ~apt. John Josepli Reynollis, Royal Army Medical Corps, at,tached 15th BattaliOn, . H~mpsbire 'Regiment. " . I • ' '" '" •• ,

For conspicuou\l gallantry and devotion to duty. ' He formed an advanced regimeptal aid, post on the sid€l of the·.road" .thusshortening the stretcher hearers' journey. EverrtualfY he' ,was fo,rced to e'l'acuate this pOHition owing to hostlle.fire, Later, he dres~ed and attended to all' the casualties of three battalions, though partially gassed himself. By his uutiring energy he und?ubbedly saved mapy lives., '. ' ." . I •. '.' "

Temp. dapt. William Brockie WilsQn, M.B., Royal Army. Medica~ Corps, attached 1st Battalion, .. Devon Regh!lent. . ' . " . . '., .'

. For conHpicuous.ga!1ll<ntrY and devotion.to duty. He treated the wounded of his own and other' . . bMt.alions.; tbis involveq,passing backwards and forwards over.shell"swept areas. tater, he went

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, forV(ard with his stret,cher,bearers and sea,rched aB the ground up to the front line: He showed , splendId zeal and disrega,rd of danger and set a fine example:to th()se under him,'

. " " • '. . CAl:I'AD~l:I' FORCE. :",.. Capt. GeorgeRaymond Baby, No. 4 Field Am!:mlance, Canadian Army Medical'Corps.' ,

For conspi,cuous gallantry and devotion to ,duty in cha.rge of a. stretcher bea.rer section, which, ' he bl;onght up immediately behind the infantry advance and collected the wounded: He W;lS continuously exposed to every, kind of hostile fire. His'energy in searcl).ing for the woullded resulted in his are~ of the battlefield being thoroughly and quicklyclea.red., Oapt. (Acting Major) Frederick Cla.rence Crarke, 12th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Medical , Gorps.' , " .' .,,'," ,', , '

,For conspicuous gallautry and devotion to duty. Under heavy shelling he colleoted four seve;rely wounded men, dressed them, placed ',them under 'cover and remained with tbem until help'

'arrived, when he. got all four away safely. Fot: thre.e days of heavy fighting his Cheerfulness and de'\'otion to duty inspired all under him. . , . ' , Capt.' Josephdulloden 'Eagar, 'Canadian Army Medical Corps; att;lched 78th Battalion; Manitoba'

Regiment. '.:" : ' " For conspicuous gallimtry,and, devotion' to duty . Throughout the fighting this officer w6rked

unceasingly ministering to the,wounded; frequentlyunde'r heavy shelling and machine-gun fire. He' went 'without "food or sleep, and when wounlled refused to leave until' his station was cleared. " '" ." ' .' I. " " .. Capt. Bellenden, Seymour lIutchisori, Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached,75tn Canadian,

Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment,., '" ' .. " For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to dnty, ,B,etore the battalion reached its jUlnping off

position the enemy put down a heavy llarra8,e and many/ casualties were sustained. ,This. officer .. worked qnceasingly in att!)uding to arid dressing the wounded under. heavy fire in open ground. Dur~ng the mopping Up"()£ a village he passed through the streets several times attending t,9 the' 'wounded. He also voluntarily dressed nearly 100 enell;ly wounded who had been left behind. Ca,pt. James Kiiburn Mo~s~an,No. 5 Field Ambulance, Canadia,n Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuolls gaUantry and tireless energy in the execution of his du~y. This officer was' in charge of a 'section of stretcher bearer/> and rapidly organized the evacuatiun of th<'l woullded.' .;He followed close on the attacking infantry waves, a,nd regardle~s of bis own safety attendedtci the wounded. His zeal and judgment were a great example to the men. . . Capt: Finiay Munroe", Canadian Army' Medical Corps, attaChed 52nd Canadian Battalion,

M;anitoblb Regiment. " ,". .... , , For conspicuous gallantrY,arid devotion to duty in dressing and attending to wounded

during a, hostile' 'bar!'age .. This officer has always }isregarded person~l danger and has undoubtedly saved many hves on the ba.ttlefield. , ~ eapt. Loudon Corsah Reid, 12th Field Ambulance, Canadian Arll}yMedicaI Corps.' " '

For .consPicuoUS g. allantry, and devptipn to duty. ',For'several hour, sunder heayy rifle ani! machine-gun fire he dressed and cleared wounded, and by his -efforts saved 'many lives. He several times went forward to,polnts of extrell}e danger to satisfy, himself that all wounded had' been cleared. ' , . / ' , Capt. Albert Henderson WaIIace, 13th Field Ambulance, :Canadian Army Medical Corps.

,Fo'rconspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. While in charge of five stretcher squads he 'followed ,a battalion into action and established collecting posts for the wounded 'directly behind' ,the battaliqn. ' His courage and initiative enabled the wO,unded tq be' got out r!Lpidly thereby saving many lives-: ' '-. .'.' . -" . ' , 1 , '

Capt. William Charles WaIsh, 13th Field Ambula.nCe, 'Canadian Army Medical Corps. -For cdnspicuous galIantrY:,and devotVm to duty .. With four squads of stretcher' bearers he

followed the,battalion int.o action and established collecting posts a few hundred'yards behind the ftont !ille. ,He dresse,d and evacuated woullded under heavy shell ~re; workin~ .all day and night in the open:u~til all were carri~d off the field. He behaved splendIdly. ' . .


\ Capt. Lanoelot John Hunter, Australia;n Army Medical Corps; ~tt~ched 15th Battalion, , Australian "Infal1try.

Forconspicuons gallantry and devotion to duty; When the battalion was beavily shelled' in ibivoua.c fo·rtwo·bours he attended to the wounded. with'utter disr~gard of da.nger. ' During an attack he followed closely. behind the attacking troops and attended to the wounded under heavy· fire. 'He set a splenq.id example of self-sacrifice. " . ' ' . Capt. TJ;lOmas Ross Jagg~r, Australian ,ArrjiyMedical Oorps, attached 31st Battalion; Australian

Infantry. , ' "',", ' , . ," For ·con"spicuous gallantry and devotion to,duty; He carried on his wOJ)k under heavy fire

during two attacks and atte-nded to the wounded ofliis own and other, unit~ with utter disregard of danger. He set a spIendiC! example ~f,(\ourage and self-sacrifice. ' ",'

" . . '/ ~ -"' \,

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o C~Pt. '(now 'Maj~r)SYdneYMiChaelIO'RiOJ:'d,an,' Austral~an Army Medical Corps, attaj?hed

1,3th Battali~n, Australian Inf1liotry. . . For oonspicuous gallantty and devotion to duty .. During the later stages o·fan ·adv!J.nce,

when the infantry were 'under heavy fira, he estl1bHshed his l1id post in I1n advanced position and dealt very rI1pidly with theoasualties. His initiative I1na. coolness under heavy Jlre were I1n inspiration to Illl who came in contact wit.h him. .. ," Oapt. Frl1nkEl1iot Trenow~th Tru~, A,ustralillrl Army Medi~al Corps, I1ttached 48th Battalion, '

,'Australian Infantry. . " , .... /'.' . . '. . , .. ' ForiJonspicuous gallantry and devotion ~0 duty. ,He moved forward 'with the, assl1ulting.

troops under very heavy fire, established his aid post. and orgl1nized his stretcher .bearers and was' th~ means of saving lIlany of the w~unded. He carried out his duties under heavy fire with great SklU and. courage. ' Capt. Francis L~uis Trinca, A~stralian Army 'Medical COrps,' ~ttached llna Australian Light.

Horse Regiment. . , ' " '. . . For conspicuous gl111antry and devotion to duty .. During an attack t.his officer,althpngh

suffering from' fever, carried out his duties. with greatene:rgy and totlll disregard of. dJlonger. , Later; he accompanied the troops in a 'counter att.a(lk I1ttending to casul1lties in the. Opell' under' .\

.. fire, I1ndsetting a fine example of endurance.: " 'ClliPt: Paul Erilest Vo~s, ,Australian Army Meaical (Jorps, .attached 58th Battalion, Au~tralian

Infantry. ." " For' conspicuous' gaUan,try an<l devotion to duty. He worked I1t his aid post und'er ~eavy fire

throughout two days: operations I1nd I1ttended to the wounded of tw'o divi,sions.;Hetet a . fine exantple of oourage throughout, and undoubtedlY.$l1ved ml1nt lives:' . .. ~

.' .. . " . '. ' . Dec~mber 5,'1918. , '. His Ntl1jesty the King hl1sbeen gmciously plel1sed to I1pprove of the I1ward of .the Distinglli'shed

~onductMedl11 to the undermentioned Non-commissioned Office.rs for,gallantry I1nd distinguished' service in the Field:- . , ..' . ' .

. / 341263 Cp1. (Acting Serj.t.), O. Dolan, M.M., 641;h (W. Lanes:) Field Ambulance, Royal Army ~. Medical Corps (T.Il'.) (St. He~ens). " .'. I.', ' .

For conspicuous gallantry .and devotion to duty. Seeing somE), i!1fantry caugh~ in a sudden 'enemY bl1rrl1ge, irj.cluding gl1S; he rushed forwl1rd an,d cl1uied. in one man on, bisbM}{ fro;t!l thE/ gl1s cloud. Ll1ter, though ,suffering from tl;!e effects of gl1S, he led his bel1re~s l1ll,d ,clE)l1red the ·reIDl1inder oJ the woumled. 'By his fine action and eXl1mple he saved lives. , . 61886 Serjt: R. H. Foster, M.M.,glst Field Ambulan~e, ROYl11 Ariny Medical Corps (Galway), ,

. For conspicuous gallantry arid devotioido duty in chl1rge of a pl1rty ,of s~retcher bel1'rers during an"attl1ck on a vill!Joge. He .worked conttnuously from 3 a.m. to gp.m. clearing, R.A.P.l~,and, while,supervising the vati.6us squl1ds.was constl1ntly: exposed .to·very heavY shellfire.. rrhanks to his untiring eJ;l.ergy, I1bout ninety severely wounded men on stretcihersweresafelY,and quickly

, removed, which 'undou~tedlysaved the lives of ml1ny of them., .'. '" 839017 Berlt. R. Pierce, M.M.,'9i?th Field :Ambull1nce, RoyalAtmy MedicI11 CorJ;ls (Sellocoi):lbe): . , For conspicUolls. gall~ntrYl1nd'devotion to duty. He snpervised theevac~l1ti9n6fwound.ed '. llndet hel1vy shelling I1t a bearer rell1Y post.· , While assisting in lifting 11 stretcher cl1se' on to 11 ' wheeledcarri~r a shell wound~db4n. cNe:ver~~e]ess, he I1t once r~sumed his work underurll1bat,ed shell fire, and secured the sl1fe eVl1cuation of several more cases, only seeking medical attention when the post was completely ~lel1red.. ,He behl1ved splendidly. ' . . .,

ISSUED WITH THE} ",GAZETTE OF lNDI!," S~ptembei' 21, ,1918. ~, . The nl1lnes' of the und~rmentioned hl1v~ been brobght to the notice of' th~ 'Gove~mn~nt of· India for valuable services, rendered in India in connection with the Wl1r up to August 4. 1917, and where I1pplicable an entry will be ml1de'in the record of serviees of the officers concerned :~ / 'Cl1pt.A.W.13yrne; Royal A~myMedical Corps. , " J

.MajorW. W, Browlle, Royal Army Medicl11 Corps. . MajoJ;:,Gen. T. M.Oorker, C.B., M.D:, ArJ:ny MedicI11 Service (retire(i PI1Y). ',' Ol1pt. (Temp. Major) W. M. Dickson, ROYl11 Army MedicalCorp's (Speoial'Reserve).\ Ml1jor A. T. 'Frost, J,\:I.B.,RoYI11 Army Medicl11 Corps. . ·Major D. P.Johnstone, Royal Army Meilic,111 Oorps. , Lieut .. -Col., R. H.Lloyd. ROYl11 Army Medical Cprps. , Lieut-Qol. R.,E~ Molesworth. Royal Army, Medical Corps (retired). ~ieut.-Ool. H: ·W. H. O'Reilly,M.B.. Royal Army Medicl11 Corps. Lieut.-CoL J/J. W. Prescott, D.S.O., ROYl1l Army Medical 001:1>8 •

. .capt. c. G. Sber:loyk, M:O., Roy.al,Army Medicl11 Corps. Ol1pt. W. A.Spong, M;B., ,Royal Army/;Med1cI11 OorpR. Capt. G. H. :a:.~aylen, RoyalArmy Medical Corps. (T.F.).

ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. .. 001. Deni~M6ria.rty O'<;la.lll1g,h!l<n,.d.M.G.,is pll1ced on retiredpl1Y, d/1<tedD'e .. cl\lmber 11, 1915:"

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,. . . R,On.J.ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. , , , The.llndermentioned relinquish the acting rank of Lieutenant,ColoX1el on Jreposting :-. Dated :August ·26, . 1918 . .,.,..Capt; Sydney J. Higgins.· \ Dated October 10, 1918.-Majqr Jal1l;es T.McEntire, M,B.· , . The. undermentioned tQ be acting Lieutenant·Colonels :-," .. Dat~d May 29, 1915.~Temp . .capt. (Acting.Major) Herbert K.WaIlace, M.I); , /

,Dated Septewber 26, 1918.-Major/a~d Brevet Lieut.-Col. Dudley S. SkeltoD, D~S.O., whils.t specially il'mployed~. _ . \ '. "

~he' underm~4tionecl'to be acting Lieutenant~Colonels whilst ,in command of a Me,dical .umt·;~ . . '

-:Oil-ted October 2, 1918,-Major Alexander W. Sampey. , . , Dated October_13,1918:~Major John W. L. SCQtt, D.S.O. 'I. '. /

/ The undElfmentfoned Temporary Captains relinquish the acting ran'k ot ¥ajor,on reposting ;-Dated October 2~, 1918.-George D. Laing; M.D. • . Dated Q<)tober ~5, 1918.-:-:-Rupert S. Scott. / I .

The unde-rmentioned to be acting Majors :- / Dated ApriL5_to SeptePlber 2, 1915.-Capt. John E. Hepper. Dated October 14,' 1918.~Cap~. William P. Croker, M.B. . ,

\ Major, Erliest G. :Et., Lithgow is seconded for .service, withtbe Royal. Air Force, dated October 1, 1918. . . •

. Capt. Ronald E. Todd, M.B., relinquishes the aoting rank of Lieutenant.Colo:q:el on reposting,' dated December 6, 1918. ,.' '-. . ,

'Capt; Gilbert' q. 'Collet, M.B., relinquishes the aoting rank of Lieutenant.Colonel, and reverts 'to the actiX1g rank of Major (with pay and ~l!owances of his substantive rank), dated September 28, 1918. ' , . " '. / ,

Capt. William P. MacArthur" D.S.O., M.D.,F.R.C.P.L" to be a,cting Liimt;·Col. whilst ,sp.eciallY' employed, !'l3~ed' October 24,' 1918.


WE have ~eceivedthei folIowing communication from MajorF,' A .. ·H.' Clarke, B..A.M.O. :- . "Now~hat the War has ended and reliefs for tour-expired officers of. the Corps wiH doubtless

soop. be on their yray to India, it ~eems an especiajly'favourabl!lmomentto invite- attention to' \ the. a.bove·mentioned Fund, and to ask officers seriously to ~onsider the advisability of their joiningimll).Cdi'a~ely on reaching the port of disembarkation. • -.. . .

~, When bringing the benefits< of the Fund to the notice of those already' serving abroad,; ~. onlil is frequently told, that it would have bee;n entered' earlier had. the speaker known of/it.

'To remove this disability,all essential details are now given. , "The immediate object of the Fund, which w-as'created in 1820, .is to provide a SUll). of money

to meet the imrp.ediate nee4sof the widow"and bhildren if any, or officers of the British.Service .wllodie.,iD, Inilia. Anyone iallliliar ,,{ith the co:qditionsof service in the tropics knows that, however ,healthy the general conditions rilaybe, death-oftencoDlparatively sudden death.-:.is

, standing at one's elbow, and one has often had to mourn the loss of friends during a tour of j

doreignservice. How great, then,.is the necessity that onlil)'; brother officers should, not leave' widows faced. with .the technical difficulties of the 'provision of immediate c\Lsh., An officer, 'approached on. the subject of the 1< mid, once said: .. Oh; there is no need. for thi!,t ; 'my wife could always go~<ithe bank and:get'whatever balance there was standing to my 'credit if! died." He knew noth~ng of such' things as probate and letters of adrp.inistration. He was advised to call at the bank and ask whether his assuniptionwascorr«;lct ; tlie answer he received Cllused him to join the Fund forthwith, ' ' , I "

•• Now for details. . First, a~ to cost. This is based upon the amount of pay received'. , ," The fol~owing table show,s the sqbscriptionrate fo~ ,an officer in receiJ?t of pay and ~!low-, ances' of:_ ",' " i

Rs. 75C and Between Loss than upward's Rs. 400 and 750 Rs. {QO

Per month ' •• Rs. 4 Rs .. S.. Rs. 2 , P~r qu'a:rte'r : \ : Re. 12 R'S:i 9 Rs. 6 Bachelors ,Re. 1 per quarter .'

. .. The wido~ of: a;' sl,lbscriber is entitled t~ six months' maintenallce allowance accOl;d,ing' to the following scale :-.: . ' .

. " To the widow of a su1;lscriber wbo ,paid a subscription- \ ,-OuRs. 750 and upwards .Rs. 600 a month On Rs, 40q ap.d upwarill! Rs.500a.month

. On le8S tlianRs. 400 " Rs. 401)

. equals Rs. 3,600 equals Rs. 3;000 equals ~s" 2,400 ..

and,; in addition, wilrb,e gralited a donation aB follows:_ For herself !. • • •• • '. • • • •• ·Rs.1,500

Rs.500 Rs; 300

/ , ..

For each c)1ilddependent on her above 12 ~nd unde; 21 years •• For c8.ach child under' 12 ,years ' ' ••

1 t

.' .

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dThus, 'for'example, a widow' on the highest ,s~ale, with two children under 1~, ~ould!get Rs. 3;600 plus Rs.' 1,500 plus Rs. 600, total Rs. 5,700. Taking.the valueoC the rupee as ~fteeri '

" to the soyereign":""the"normal rate-this equals ,£380, a very useful 'sum', obtainable without , formality ~t once., For this penefit,the officer would have subscribed only RB. 4" or ,5s. 4d. per \ 'month-,--a, sum which he would never have missed.', ' , , '.,,' ,,' ,

.. Subscriptions are Payable to the Secretary, MUitary,Widows: Flilnd'(British Service)" Simla, India; An application to join the Fund should give the fOllowing particulars :-'- ' ,

MlJ,rried or single. "',' " ' , ' , ' ", , Date of marriage., ",

,Date of IJ,rrj:vlJ,l. in India on present tour' of servicl!'. , Date ,of arrivalin India as a married officer'.

, I

t ;4.

I ' Date from which desirous of joining the Fund. ' " " , " In receipt of pay 'and Mlowaiwes of Rs ... :. per inonth., " " , , ""Officers cannot subscribe for a, higher rate than tp.at fiXlld for the pay drawn by hiJ;h. Slib~,

scriptions are pre~ed,bly payable quarterly tn advance by'banker's order, ,\ ~'An extract from the book of Regulations of the Fund )yould not be out of place. ' The

, MillitlJ,ry Widows' Fund, British Service, has well fulfilled the intentions of itS'fonnders, and has ,'saved many fam~lies from the humiliation of haying to seek for charitable coiitribution~. ' "

"A bound copy ,of the la,test RegUlations of the Fund obtainable at dat~; has been sent to thil' Commandant, Royal Army Medical College, MillbaIik, London. ' ,

, ' \ I ," w!!,. A~ H. C." ,


, , " " , ' /' ,\

, AT a meeting of theOommittee of this Society, held on January 16, 1919, it;wa~ resolved ,unanimllusly, 9ll the advice of'the Actuarw to the Societ:y~ t'hat ,the present extra 'war premium for new entrants into the Society be s'uspended until further notice." /:' , " '

, This Fund provides ann.ui~jes ~f £50 a year/during .wi~owhood to,the widows of ,officers who, have held permanent commISSIOns In the ROy3i1 Army MedIcal Corps. In the event of, the dea.,th of the, widow tnis annuity is continued t() the ,children oisuch marriage until the youngest attains the age of 21 years. :It also continaes for the,ir benefit', up to the same age, if the widow

,re·marries. Furtherm.ore, should the wife of the subscriber predecea~e hini,j~will b~,optionl1l' for him to, continue' the s~bsctiption he had, been paying as a,married member, in order to provide an anriuitysimilar to the above for the childien of the marriage~ uiltil the, youngest, shall have attained the age of 21 years., " , " ',' ' , .. / / " "" .. Provision it also made,wherllby'a part,of the surplus at 'any quinquennial/valuation may,be applied for the benefit Of 'memberli,or their widows,or ,orphaJ;;l children. 'Thus, by the appropria~

, t\ons of surplu~!at the valuations,of Decen;tber 31, 1910a~d 1~1?" the ~ro~pe<?tivewidows. of ',firs't-class marned members on the books at, those dates WIll receIve, durl~g thIS curren,t,qmn­

quennium, £200,and ;£100' respectively at, the 'death of their husbands,'.their annuitie,s being also lncreased ,to. the statutory limit ,of £92. ". ' " ' , " ' , ," " ',' Untparried members pay art annual subscription of £2,':fl.nd <in passing to the married class

are allowed the equivalent' ~f all past subscriptions in, the unmarried 'claSH by way qf reductio~, of their annual subscripti,;m in the married class. , J',', ,,' '

Exampl~s,of t~e annual slibscdptjon,for,marded l)fembe~s are:_ ' ' . , ,Husband'. age Wife's age, .' \ Annual subscription

" , '25 •• 20 "£13 8 I) Ba 21 14 ;6 1

'36, , 33;.. 16 17 2, I: , 46' 40 /2212,.6 50 4524 9 5

. Th~ Secretary will be glad to giVe any further information as ,to details. '. 3, Hori1,ejield Road, '. ' " '. ,J. T.CLAPHAM, Oaptain.

, ,Wimbledon,. 8,W.19. ',I . ,~8eo/etary. :January'17,1919. __ ' __ \'


OBITUARY. . , " 'I! ' , ' //

,MAJOIl'CHARLES. :WILLIAM DUCfG:AN,l\LB., C.M., R.A.M.,C., who lost his life ,on Ootober 10, " 1918, by the sinlring .of the R.M.S. "DeiIister" by enemy aption, w/lsborn: at Edinburgh on , October 14, 1866. :He'was tqeonlY son of ,the late WiIliam Nelson DqgglJ,n, M..D.Edin.,

:M:a;jor; Army Medical Staff, and ,was educated at Daniel Stewart's and George Watson's Colleges .. He graduat,ed,!,at Edinburgh 'University in 1887 and then proceeded to'Vienna" subse­quently studying, ,atPra$ue and Paris.. In 1889 he w~~iAs.sistant to the late Professor Rutherford, , ' I ~ "



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,and engaged; in original research with Professor Berry Haycraft, the results of their ~bserva~ions beiIl{ published in the Journaloj-Physiology. " " " ' , '

, He iqined ,the Royal Army Medical Corps-in 1891 arid married in 1895, Crystal, youngest daughter of t4e late W. H. Maund, Esq.; and leaves three children. His foreign service included two tours on the West Coast of Africa ; 'during the first he took part in the Expedition against the Sofas for which h~obtained the medal and clasp. ,D~ringhis W~st Coast'tours he did much good resear9h wor/r, and in 1897 an tarticle by him was, published by the Medico­Chirurgiqal Society, London, entitlea "The Parasite of Malaria in the Fevers of Sierra Leone.\' Later he served at Gibraltar and in India and Burlpa. He was, gazetted Majo,r in 1903 aRd retired from, the SEjrvice in 1909, On'retirement he' accepted a retired pay,appointment in charge of the MiVtary,'Hospital, Lincoln. , '

On the outbreak of war his work became'very strenuous and when his hospital was enlarged to accommodate B.E.F, patients, he did much ,good service for the ,wounded !loldiers by specializitig in wound tre,atment. ' , , " ," \ ' " •

He was:',' mentioned" for valuable services in the Gqzette of February 24, 1917. His d~tli occurred while obeyipg olders as he was retm;ning from court martial duty at Cork when 'the "'LE)inster" was Mrpedoed by enemy action in the 'Irish Sea.' "',, / , Always devoted to ,the welfare of others, th~ sufferings of our wounded touched himgr,ea.tly and his sympathetic nature made him beloved by everyone. The following extract is taken from the Lincoln Depot, Sta.tion Ord'ers:~ , ' , " ,

"It is with regre,tthat the Comma,nding Clfficer has to report the de,ath of Major C. W. Duggan who was lost at sea ou ,the R.M.S.· Leinster' on October lO;whilst in the execution of his duty. Major:QuggaJ;!. ha!1 served with the, depot for n\ne years aDd was loved and respected byallrahlts. His loss is deeply mourned and ,the grel),test sympathy is extended to his widow

'and children;"" " '" . .

• f


DEATH. CLARK;~At Brighton, on December. 14, 1914, Arthtrr, dearly ~oved ot,lly . so,n

'So Frazer Clark, A.M,S'., and Mrs. Clark, aged 21 years . " ," - "


~f Colonel

,The charge forinserting;Notices r~pecti~gExchanges in the Royal A.rmy. Me4icat Oorps i~ .5/- for not, more, than five lines, which should be forwarded/ b'/l ' Oheque or 'P~O.O., with the notice, to Messrs. G. STREET and 00" Lt,d~, 8, Serle Stref4t. London, W.O.,not later than the 22nd of the mQnth. '


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, Rottces. '

~DITORIALNOTICES. ,The Edit6r ,will be glad to ,teceive original !lOmIl;lUnicationB:UPQnpi~fesslonalsubjeot)l,

travef"and personalexperi~nceB,etc. He wiUalso be, glad to reoeive items .of news and informationregardillg ;matters of ip.terest, .to the Oorps ,from thE! vari()u'S garrisons', districts; and ~omm~nds at bomeand abroll>d. J,' , ' , ' '\'

All such,' Communications OP 'Aptlcles.acceptied an4puhUshe4 In" the "JouPDal of the Royal,Apmy Medical Corps:' will (unless, the Authop notlfte4 'at' the time of'

. suhmisBion that ':he pesepYes the, COPyplght of tbe A:J!tlcle to / bimself) hecome' tbe pPol'eP1;Y of 'tt"e' Llhriapy and Jo:upnalCommittee; wbo will exepclse' run copyrlgbt poweps, concepnlng s",ch, Articles.", ", "- / ,. /

, M~tter intended for, the Oorps News should reaoh the Editor not· later than' the '16th 'of eaoh ~~lnth.for tliefollowingmonth's,issiie~, Notioes o} Births; Marria.ges, and Deaths a~e



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ed Corps: first published as 10.1136/jram

c-32-01-12 on 1 January 1919. Dow

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