-Kodu -Fractions -Geocaching -Gardening -Spelling -Reading -Writing


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-Kodu-Fractions-Geocaching-Gardening-Spelling-Reading -Writing

Jarvis Jackie Coco Zac Kaitlyn Bailey Shannen

Jayden Chicquita Jordan.H Bethany Ryan Justin

Michael Kobe Ashleigh Jordan.R Jarred Molly

Maddison, Coco, Caroline, Shannen, Jackie, Ashleigh, Molly, Justin, Jayden, Zac, Jarred, Michael.

In the garden shed I’ve planted plants made mini gardens in tiers In the tires we have vegetables Like Parsley, Tomatoes, Corn, Lettuce & lots of other stuff.

Kobe - Blake Jayden- NathanJarred - Payton Zac- Ben.BJordan.R - Bailey Kaitlyn-Blane Ryan - Ben.R Coco- Natalie Jackie - Montana Jarvis- No OneChicquita - Jaycee Shannen- KelseyJustin - Tyler Bethany- ChristopherMolly - Lily Jordan.H- No OneHarvey - Sophie Bailey – Cohen

Ashleigh - Angela

The school sport I enjoyed was swimming I got to regionals then I came about 5th out of the swimming places like Orbost Sale & other places.

Hello, My name is Chicquita I’m 11 years old. My favorite sport is Swimming.

I have 5 pets 4 fish & one Rabbit The fishes names are Bubbles, Pebbles, Angel & Spotty. My Rabbits Name Is Snoopy.

Dads Family- My Dad Was Full South American.

Mums Family- My Mum Was Full Aussie.

Me!- So That Makes Me Half South American & Half Aussie

This year we had to do Sex Ed which we are still doing it. We had to draw disgusting pitchers of a female & a male naked Eww & we had to watch a video of growing up it was Icky.

Best Friends – Maddison Coco Ashleigh Molly Justin Alessia Jayden Michael Makayla

Who I Wont In My Class Next Year- Maddison, Coco, Shannen, Brodie

My Likes & Dislikes1. I'm Bright, Bubbly & Shy 2. Literacy, Maths & Work3. Swimming, Sport & Creating Things4. I Don’t need to be good at anything

else because I'm the BEST!!!!!

My Family History 1. Canberra2. Mum3. English4. Christmas & Easter

My Feelings