– Metaphysical Memorial




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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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Metaphysical Memorial

Ruoyu Wei (website), Kangsan Danny Kim

Columbia University GSAPP

Advanced Studio

4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

http://pitcrit.com/metaphysical­memorial/ 2/19

Faculty: Karla Rothstein (website)


This project was to de ne a new way to remembering the deceased individuals. The

instructor for this project is Karla Rothstein, who is also the director of GSAPP’s Death Lab.

The design was begun with de ning “fading” using abstracted spaces models. I proposed

two concepts. For the rst concept design, I poured melting wax into ice water and tried to

capture a diffusion status. The second concept was about a resilient paper model, which

conveyed the perception of changes of particle density in the air, such as a cloud. The nal

design was an organic farm. The fertilizer for the farm came from corpses, which were

processed through an approach called “Promession”. Dead people were back to earth and

given a second life as they nurture the plants and fruits. The building included a memorial

space, facility rooms, and educational rooms. The concept of “particle density change” was

used to organize the building functions.

4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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4/26/2016 – Metaphysical Memorial

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