Objectives: To understand how our world is connected and interdependent


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Objectives: To understand how our world is connected and interdependent. The World in Spatial Terms Developing an awareness of the world around you. Locations = Where am I in relation to other places on Earth? Places and Regions Place describes what a place is like and where it is. Regions have one or more common characteristics. Place/Region ex.= Latin America-What does Latin America share? Language, Customs-Latinos Physical Systems Weather, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Glaciers, Erosion Physical features and how they impact the earth. Movement of plates=earthquakes = Tsunami Human Systems How have Human beings have shaped our world? Movement of ideas, people and goods, technology. Environment and Society Is how people use their environment and their actions affect their environment. Human / Environment Interactions. Natural Resources? Deforestation? War? Pollution? The uses of Geography Why do we use Geography? Geography helps us understand the relationship among people, places, animals and environments. We combine the six elements of Geography when we study different places on Earth. Please pay attention to the short video titled The World in Seven Minutes. Lets Play the Gameshow With your host Al Heras.
