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y, ll!.\! F, X'\X\. (TWO DOLLARS I'Eir l"R.\R 1 \ . . II.\ (U30H GRAC'E, NFl D, FRIO,\ Y, .J -~ NU AB.Y 26, 1894 F.~TS)


lemonS, Apples, ORANGES, (\'ulcncill :wd Florid•.)

Pure Honey, 1 lh ti.J1s, 30c ench Fresh Jlalifnx , nusnges Digby lle1-ri ng, 25 e. per box.

- .\ 1:::0,-

A L·ugc '"'"nrtmPut. cof CA~~En Fuurrs, Selling aL low priC<'e.

• -­• 18941 • -­• •

Just R ecei,·ed :-~tlmple Mntorh1l of Lndie~· nnd Gents•


{[ JO.SEPH ROSS' Brnn nt 90 cts. nnd $1.80 n sack.

CA.TTLE FEED-$2.00 ': Yellow Corn Menl, 3 .50 n. brl.

. ChetJ.p Flour, $?.50 a bel.

\V c-nrc ~howing wonderful v:\luc iu Orcs'~ C:.> >tl.i, r.m~ing from 5 cents 11Cl' ynr<\1\tpw.u·ds. ·

Dress --Twee~s, Serges, · ;Flannellette Cloths, nnd n Yarict.y of Fancy Checks -nil n.t COS'l' PRlCK ____________________ ......._ ____ -- - - - - ------

---JOSEPH HO. • \V n.ter S t reet. Partie. 1:cqniring :1 . nice \VA 1'J.;RPROOF for the Summer JOSEPH RO ' , \Vn.ter Street. I r you wnnt. a Chenp Dre~3 n ow'-:; you~· titnc tu purc!t1...;c ns

Jan. 26, '94. ;hould sc lctt one frum o ur p:t~terns. JRn. 2G. '!4. om· Stock .M T BE SOLD within the ucxt m mt!t, and no ======-----=--=-=-=-=--=-= Carriages, Slei"'hs, Carts, &c. o tre r will be refu:cd. . Cood Profit · Personal Attention Cive, to all Orders, 641

I I and Value ~ Fl'l' c T AUAN'rEED. . _ 1 _ JAMES WARREN, - To Tm :- < CARR/AGEe!.: SLEIGH BUILDER

Grocer or Housekeeper ~M .... -u N N B. R- 08--... - WATER ~TRE~T • •• prtpared to oxeculo nll work In hlll llno •: • with d~pntch. Uood unci follhl\s l work

WIIO 11 .\ o'D.I. l::S ' lllarant~. A II kind• nr He pnlnng dono otsbort noll eo n · OODILL' , anfl Ill moder••e prlt-ell. fl ~ · \ 'chlc.'lCI bUill In luteal Sl!'le8 Rlld In ftrU·

r!E RMAN clu.p nnllb . u ..... "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.,· l!liilr Sntisfnction gunrnnteed.


• ~~. . . • For Sale oh Commission


--FOR ,\LL--


For Snle on Commission, from n Belgi unl Mnnufnctory, a large quan­tity of ·

M. l JONES, - 93 Water St. PATE~soN &

t. .... ...... ~ ..................... -- .

You can always rely on the Good~ wa sell. Im­ported direct from the Manufactur?rs.


Sick Headache, Constipatio , Weak St.oma rh, Impaired Digestion,

Disordei·ed - Livt r. -:- and -:- Female - Ailments.

Window · Glass~ A Large Stock o( CROCERI Son hand.

. .. · - ~., .. ~ ..., • l ~ ~

etc., to bo solt.l without rel!en ·o Wholesale nnd ·retail.

W.)l. Bt;TT . Jnn. 19, t's9~.

No~th Sydney and Victo1'ia Coals in ,store. t.\ : • • • 'J :f. ' - ;- ' 'l' IJE l'A f,E 1 ~ ~0\\' ~TX MILLION BOXEr YEARLY.

~ • .-· ':ZJ L - ....:.:/ 1/iir ~TI.I. Ull: ~:I'TIOX WITH EACH n o x. .,..

.::---> , ~ [~~:~~~;~i_~~g ~~-="-=H==-=OMAS nE ... ~ .. AM,. ~"~~~;~~~~·i.ancasbire.

POPU1AR Water Street Harbor Grace . Song: . Folios ! ......:;.;;;-='~======

:..:aL~R~(:Jil)~ •. :~&,";il by nll Druggis s nnd Pntent.-Medicil)e Deniers, overy\vhore.

C. KNOWLINC, ·st. John'H, Agent for Newfoundla~d. Fll\'Orite Song Folio,~~~. u-con~iniog

Aft4'r the llall, &<'.-00 centll.

' Fll\'Orite Song Falfo, ~011. 1, 2, 3 & 4.-

50 ccAta~ach. MUNN'S

~~.~!, .. ~~.~.~:ATTENTION!! Oaluy ofl!Ong-50 ctnla. &nga We Ne,·c r Forgt t-OO ccn(e. Netlt-n'• Ultf'l& t::ong smd Chorus Cvllec·

tion-00 cente. The Song Fulio-Noe. l, 2, 3, & 4-50 eta

nc·h. o•· ""-\- io:L'\DS

In 2 oz. Bottles at 15 cts. each -.\~1>--

1 gal, Cans at $1-75 per gallon. A 1-gnllon can uting equal t.o SC\'Cnly

bolUMI. Jfiir A lih<'rnl lrn,le t.liscount..

\\'11. A. KI~G, )Jnnng<'r Munn'a Liquid Fi11ls

Glut> und )Ju c;:ilnge Works. JOll~ ~I UNX .~to., Proprietont.

ll nrbor Gmce, NIIJ. Jiarbor Or.tcc, cpt . 5, JS!l3.

Everybody's Law Book is the tit le of the new 768 page work n ow in press, prepared by J. Alf:x­andcr Kooncs, L.L.n., member of the Kcw Y urk Bur.

It. C'nnLI<'a C\'<'ry mun and 1\'omnn to be thl'i r own lawyer. It. Leachra "·hat. ll.tO your ri~;hte nnu how t.o maoiauain tLem. \'. h <'n to L<'gin a law auiL And when to alnsn On<'. It. contAins t.hc use­ful inf(lrmntion C\'Cr'/ Lusinru man nce<l8 in l \'try , tnte 1n the Union. It COOl& ins uusin<PS f.ol'mll Of e\'Cry VAriety useful to the 11\W\'<'r ns wdl ns to all 1rbo hnt'o l<'gal L11'aincaa to tnuistct.

Incloec t.wo do!lnra for 1\ copy, or in­close t'\\o-Ccut. JWblagc stump for" t.nble of cont l'nta nnJ tt•rms to agents Ad· dreaa UE~J . \\'. HITCHCOCK, Pub· lilher, 3&5 ixt.h A,·cnn<', ~cw York.

July. ~~ '9'J,-1v r-~----------~

MARLIN &~;d;~ .

We have on hand e. full assortment of

Suitable - GoodS For the Beason.


H·ALL - BROTH.ERS Central Dry Go~ds Stor~:water St.


The Excelaioc Song Folio--.50 et>nla. be Monarch (t( Son&-00 c:aDtL

Uni veraiLJ or Toronto Sonp~J.()(). Unlf'cnal College Sonp Am.l Gleee-75

cent a. Coll~o Songa (Oetaon &. Co'.s etlition)-

00 centa. Royal Song Folio-15 Cl'ntll. Ideal Soi\ID', N011. 1 and 2-i'J ccut.. Sonp or England-70 cenle. :!ong1 Of SeoLianJ, ln•hUid llUd \\'uJra-

70 Ct!DII each. S. E. 0.\RLAND,

'VMII'r an•l R oncl ~lrt'l'l,,


OppoeiLe the Office of llcasra. John Muon ,~ Co,

Water Street, IfnrLur Grnce


---------- ~ --------------

is Teplcte with O\'cry description DOLJ..8-from 2 cents up. and class of Goods-Fancy Articles

Drum!l nnd Tnmbourincs, Albums, Violins, nncl other tnusic~j H orses, Arks, Wnlchcs, Instruments, Pipe;,Jewellery,'roys,

Bells, Paints, Drnwing Slntes, Stationery of nil kinds. l'nrsons' -.TOYS I TOY. I !-from 2 cents. Locnl. \'iew Chri11tmns CnnlR, which

Dnminocs, Che~iJ, Games, &c, have becomo so popular, on Lnnd; Anu a large assortment of Fl\ncy Also Views of .Nflcl. Scenerv.

ra.a,a.~<a.uae as cream. Goods 1 , • ~aate like othors. In blsr bottlets, A. J. A. BRUNLEES. . The Photographic Room 50o. and $1.00. • oc.

is fitted 'vitb the requirements We Don't Intend to Go With the . Old Year. neceSRnry fo $000 work . Photo­

graphs and Tint ·pes u'f nll sizes

---We hnve irt Stock---';....o.....;:- ...

" LIO.N " - ·HO.US.E:, Water Street, Harbor Grace, Nfid.

This well-known and most conunodious Hotel has been re-fitted and opened for the accomm'J· dation ot the Trave~Publi~. ~It is situt\ted U Rl' t l utl·e uf tlte L()Wn, nllU the

comfort nnd convenience of th.e G csts will th.e best nt­teution of the Proprietor.

Oct. 3, lS_?Y.~m. .

FOR , - A Useful Present .­


Wife, Mother, ister or Daughter

GO '1'0 ,...

. J. • CASEY'S· . A~D BUY A




THE W~TE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, JOHN CASEY, Gcu. A gent, Water ::it., H :.trbor Grace.


. 1~~~!).~~;!~7RIFLES A Full Assortment cf Groceries

~lken en superior style nnd finish . Pictures copied nnd enlarged nt lo\v prices. Do not send your Photographs awny for enlargement Try_ PARSONS' for such work.

The Teeth and Breath. Strongly recommended by the best

Physicians and Dentists. • MAUo in :11l atylf"S KnJ aisce. J..argcat..· 11 z:o.!)&CSI, caaicat. working, aafcat,aimpll'· ~mOt:L accurute, moat. compact., lnJ

which we nrc selling nt the lowest margin o~ profit.

• Tea! :'C:~n'!'.oJcm. }o'or u.le uy aU Jt•.Uc~ Tea ! - Tea ! Cai.Aioc;uca mail&~l rree hy •

The Marlin Fire Arms Co.,. \Ve would c.'lll SJ)ecinl attention to our TEAS-nt 30 cts, 40 N"" HAVRN. {'.()lflf. U.R.A . ••

~ For by nll Druggidt,-..

w. H. THOMPSON & co., Agents for Newfoundland.

,I S & C cen t , 50 cent, nnd GO cents per lb. These Tens nrc.A 1. vn.lue . "'" ,_ ' tewart )Junn o., ~


The - Furniture - Rooms are filled with nll sotts of Domestic Furniture :-Burenufl, Uedstentls, Chcffioniers, Side l$onrds, WnPh­st.ands, buits, Chnirs,l\lultrniJses,&c. Furniture and Cabinet-work mndo to order, nt low price crnd with de­.spatch . Picture-frnming in nll its branches. Wo gunrnnteo satisfac­tion in every rlepBrtment, nnd in­vite inspection of the vnrious stoclcs.

. .

Governme11 t LANDS· 22 sT. JOIJ.v • ·r., JIONTREA L. Skinner' aM onumental Art StUdio Our prices will be found as low as 'l"DE GOVER~llENT OF CANADA llAS I~ Tilt~ ~OIU'JI-\\'t-m ~10,000,-

tbe lowest. UOO (lwo hundred milliona) of acrea or the r•·ry ''''11L laml in the "'urhl,

Canadian Special nt L<'ntion ~;i ,·en to the sale

Fiab and f."i•h Oih1. A*', to I he t.u~·in~; nne! aLipving or

Flour ~nd T rcviuoks nod gcncrill pro-duce. • ·

Cable AJJr•aa-)IU~N, ~footreal.

Q U R Businf s8 Place and entire 8\0ck wu destroyed in tbe Orea~ P'irr E. PARSONS. wlslcb it oft'c~ rree to actuAl artllt=~ in eet!tiuna uf lliO "''r• • ""'cis . The uo..·nap of Jnly 8. We baT& Iince eucoeeded in erecting a manufacturln1 yield or wbe•t. on these J,,oo. ia frum SO to .ftl lm11huls ,,. r .. ,·n·; '"'''• r,o &o 70

f:hop and Wal't'l'OOm on lbe old epol ' We have reeeiYed alarae IDpply POST OFnCE NOTICE buabt'la ; barh·y, 40 to 50 buabele 1. rooL cn•r• 11nct ullH·r J,:t.oiu• in 1•1\•(lOrtion of Marble, freeh from the qoarriH; together witb a number of lh•lalelt -- THE LAND I~ HE.\.DY FOR 'fHE 'LOW,""' ' ' ' '"'"""' r~q·•iru •·l··ttrint;, hmcinr aod moat leauUful d•igna for Cemet.ery deooralion,, in IINdatoDeJ and labrador WinteF Service. or maqure. There ia no l'llin in tho fstll to iujun·.,tlsu ~r:•iu, .. ud ., ... "ling lwgi• .. Monumeot.a. Marble-or liranit.d. A lao, a few l'lecH o( ltallaa Art, wbfoh ahoot.lbe bL or AJ•ril:ln be lal)t<'at_llllrt of Llw cuuutry. 0 ,., r " gnAt. par\ o(

Higains' Hat·r Dress' t•n . . i d i d 11!-· b i 1 " b -~ • lbia region CAT'fLE AXD HORSe:l nuN A'£ J.t\ltUI:: all Wlllh•r. Tlun .. e& - ~ ore esqu111te n ett pan uull , IU tab e aor C un:o purJ»>OI' or houae MAILS wlll be de.-pnt.ched from good water en.~~ily roon11 everywhrr•. eo.l i• cl,·lh·t:n'l at. '"'m ~.;;o &o t5.00

Room& · . ' ornaQlentaUon. Pt!nonal a~tentlon li ginn to eaeb order, amall or lu,e. ~bb Oftlee, via Quebec for · La bra- pu toa aL ali nail way auliooa. LUMBER, for hnil•ling, <-"fflA IMu JU tu t:m rer [Two doon wed oHhe Tolegrapb Offlce] W ~ ar~ aa well prt~pared u eYtl to recein aod execute ordtra. Kfti'J• •dor on or abouUbe 29tb November jll ; alaiopN at!ll aL t3 ~r AI. Catt.le dn • ·inte 1 rum iO.I u ... , "• :JtiU I be., aN

thmg IS new, enrythiflg i~t goo.l. Will our palroDI end frl.U ~:ate and 27th Dec;ember 1898 24th of niaed oo ~·e _pnairit'8 wubou~ any food buL 1ho witJ 60"'•· Jt.\IL\VAY8 WATER STilEET HABBOR OBACB this1 As in u.e I.NUIL.. we will do DOtbina buL ft,.ol .. work, and U.• 1anuary and 7th February, ts&i. ~are built, or lx-ing buUt1 all over Lhe countn.-. UJuruhl'S ••ad I~ achuola are• . I ~Ualaio LbeJOOol l'f'puta\lun •rned In Dln•teeayean or IUOOIIII'ul ~'»Uil· Lotten full~ paid will be forward- &abliabed In eYC~11 NVIOCC!. O.IOd hotnl'tl, good Ianda and inalltlllltna :Ioder the

Vlliton and &ra'Vellen can rely on nue life. Tools, ~meht, Plutel, and llalll\ta for Mle. od b , n ol I bid dag. Now 11 lbe lin1e Cur enwrpriahag m~n to come aod lt'CUre &be bC!I& i , u. no 1•. pe0.n~ ; 8

•Jz;CR, •p· ...... G. ~llh .... tfl~ial ratn 1ireo via J. <.'. u. and C. P. R.. oo •ppliOiltlOD ~ =~.i.rroqnremeotu&l.ialaccOrilJ I TERRA NOVA MARBLIJ WOBXS, ~n3 .ar lU I I General PGH Office, · C. C. CARL YL£, P. mooms, Proprietor. " Duckworth St., eut or Beck'i Hill, St. John't. St. John's, Se~. 20th, '93. Care ot Ncwroancllabd ~·n:r,S&.Jobia ...

\.. ..

''German ·syrup" Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par­

sonage. " My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's Gamaa Syrup, was made nbout fourteen years ago, when I contracted a Cold wbic.h resulted in a Hoarseness ud a Cough which disnbled me from filling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths: After try in~ a Physician, without obtaining rebef-1 canDOt

tSRY now what remedy be prescribed ' -I saw the advertisement of your

remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permaneDt help from it that whenever we have bad Throat or Bronchial trouble. since in our family, Boschee's Ger· man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable · results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I bnve found then:r troubled in like manner." R.Bv.


.. .. ....

' .


of the Newark, New A Safe Jersey, M.E. Confer-ence, April25, '90· Remedy.

0 G. G. CREE~. Sole Mao'fr,Woodbury,N.j.

Pmt•nanct lA u.un: n ••II &:1\t rtbtl . f"''" "' OlC'I ol 1ont: '""""'C· •be-t• • c-ure to«- J

... powblt •nd "'• ~ llarc:Jr • 011r. ,., ,.~

Per Bottle,25c,50c.orSLOO

• Do not be Depressed

because you have l)een

unable to rid yourself of

th:tt obstin: te cough.

You have been experi­

menting with new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope for you

if you will try that stand­

ard preparatiort that has befl\ in use fo~ m~ than 50 yezrs,

Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.

II wia Cure Ym~. Sold hy all 'Drutfisll.

Wistar's BaiiiDI ---Wild

.. Cheny Thle old Nlleble epeoltlo

for couahe, ookle end ell dle•••e of e pulmonery neture ... u, retelne lte populertty emorw the peo­ple, thoueende of whOm mey elmoet be eeld t6 heve been releed uPOn It elnoe lth lon.beentheunl·

I oure-ell In eo meny homee. lte reoorcl for ...,. werde of e heft oenturJ le , known to ell end etteetelte rem•keble merit. I' or .... bJ •II Dr .... lete.

Seth W. Fowle & Sons, IIIOPU&IG9t

aono•,•• ...





,J. \V. KEijNEDY, B'>Ot and Shoe - Maker. Oomu 1rerlm'ia and Wt.~Ur Bu.


RT. R.:v • • BIImoP, REv. Cr,t:RoY, DEAR BRETHREN:

" 'Ttlty 11totcriiecl]nr hint many da!/3, and 8lli<l, how t6 tht mighty •man fall· en., 1Dho 1ared the people o} l6rntl-"­.4fnc. ix. 20.

A great sorrow is come on the Church of St. John'tt. It is n far· reaching and deep sorrow. Its low· ering shadow overcuta every ham­let and home in the land. It has made all hearts sad. A great man and good has pnssed away from our midst. The kindly Biahop who ruled this Diocese for upwards of twenty-three years so gently .and so wisely, brut laid nside for ever the crook of nuthority. The buckler and speo.r have full en from the hand of the vnliant une in Ierael, nnd a universo.l wail is gone up from his spiritual children, 1ft! for the .slain Machnbean chieftain from the tribes of Denjnmin and Judn. ''And all the people of Imzel lmrailul him rriJh. great lamcntati,m, aml 11tow"llcd for hint many daya, and 11id: Ilotc is the mig/dy man faUcn trho an red the pcvplc l!f l smd."

A grent mnn he was in the st'>nse too thnl worlclli ng reckon greatness -a prince in the hicrnr~hy .which rule!i the hristinn world-a sage in the comn10nwe:tlth nf scicn<·e nml lctters-n prominent figure in the pnnornm:t thnt outlines the history of our coJ,my- and yet, not as such doc~ h e come before us nt ~his moment. Our grief l\\"ines round dcnr('r me111ories. Our tears fn.ll for the fumiliur, kinfl· hearted Bis hop, whoJ:e friendship we were wont to enjoy. Our henrt:t go out in him in nflectionnte sorro ', as to n. father who sought u~ in is ln tmxioue look , and blesse< us in i::

vin words. ' 1 The gent , k · cl­bcnr e "shop." are word ich come unbidclt>n to our lips at the mention of his name. ) et I feel to-day-1\nd there is n pathott in the reftection-thnt even those who kne'" him bestnnd apprecinted him the highest, failed to do justice to hie rnre kindness of heart. "Clmri­'Y ~ tmticnl, i ll hn(l. C11arity htartih all tllings, btlicreth all things, e11durdh 'Ill th.ing1." In this seose the late uishov was chantable and kind· Jearted to a degree. rn his char-

.lcter, which wns otherwise uniform,

.!hnrity ~·as the most conspicuous feature. It inten~ifiecl his other \"irtues : it ~haped the tenor of his actions : it regulnted' his every in-ercourse with his priest.." and peo·

pie: it imparted a mellowed color­I n~ to the exercise of his Facred .umistry : it is the ~ecret ofthe deep hold h e always had of the populAr· affection . In a heart full fraught with Christian benevolence, be con­:iUlted hizs j oys in the joys, and his :iorrows in the sorrow!!, of those around him, irrespective of creed or coun1ry. The verv grief which to-day il! manifested" everywhere, but feeds on the memory of the 1arge kind-heartednt:ss of the de­·eased prelate. We loved him be·

.:ause he was gentle and sympathe· tic. Our love i" the measure of our sorrow. "Chords that vibrnte sweet­est pleasure sound the deepest notee of woe." It is in the light which his gentle benignant charity throws nround it, thnt his life must be in­terpreted . For thus alone it may best be understood. We discern in it, from the beginning to the end, a ontlness of nim-a ~~nerous and pliant nnture ever read)' to obey the behests of the Divine ~!nster.

On matters of merely personal historv, I shnll be brief. The Most Rev. Thomns Joseph Power wns iJorn on the 1• th December, 1830, in the ancient city of Ross, Co. Wex· ford. He was the child of respectable nnd very worthy parents. Shield­ed as he wna from the knowledge of evil by the pure atmosphere of his-earliest surrounclings, renred in a family where the old faith wna hereditaryl and where hafl been per· petunted ueaotiful traditions o f heroic constancy in its practice, h e yielded-and need we wonder-to the lofty and chivalrous ambition of devoting his JOuth and the ener­gies ef his manhood t'O the cause of the religion which had so long been to his people the most valued portion of their inheritance. Call­ed early, as Samuel was, he early honored the \•ncation, " I will go to the altar of Ood, to God who malf.eth my youth joyful.'" In the heyday of his youth, we find him in Cmrlow College a diligent and an ardent student. It was here, " like the trH that is planted near the runninJ wateri which ehall bring forth i&l Crnit n due lleUOD," that he treuared up the richatora of nrt.d leamlng, and aaqolred the &nlahed nyle, the graceful manner, which in after life made hll diacoUI'MI the admhadon, if not the delpalr, of public .,.ken.

_; ,.


In 1853 he went from Carlow to Rome to ~rfod hia studiet for the sacred uunistry. Often he con vel!· ed with m' fo.r hours together on the incidents ol those tranquil and happy yeart he pused in the Irieh College, under ita aaintly rector, the present Archbishop of Ephes\ftt. Rome, the · cit.Y of the soul, exerts-it cannot faif to exert -an influence and a power on moat minds. On the cultured and fine­ly sensitive mind of the future Hishop th~ influence was pheno­menal. In everything he admired the great and the beautiful. InRome religion appealed to his senaes under its more auguat and majestic forms. Day after day, for yean his eyes rested on the monuments which the Christian geniue of every age bad consecrated to Chrie,ian faith. He admired their peerless beauty. His henrt wu filled, and it expanded. with the images of their grandeur. When .tbe one nmbition-J hacl well nigh said the enthusiasm-orhis life took form and direction, it was a lo\·e for the beauty CJf tho Church 6f God and1 it solemn, impressive functions. ·' I hn);e loveu, 0 Lord, the beauty of Thy house nnd th e plnce where Thy glory dwelleth." ·

At the end of n succeFsful nnd hrill innt cour::e of studic:1, he re· turned to JrcJ,md. lliuub equoni 1i fe j 5 the 8l0r)' Of tWO Ci tie, I nub· lin nnd .. :t. J olrn'$, the successh·e cenes of Ilia lnbouril. In th e fur·

mer. thirty !"Cnr bnck, the nume of 'anon 1'11wer wns nA1ouS()hold word. li e wns the iu~l prrest, an cloqttentnnJ popular preacher, nn<l an e fliei cnt President of H oly C r o s ~ 'lonlifTe. (.'l)nsecrnted Ri~hop in Rom9,on Trinity Hundny, V/0, by the great nnd guod Cnr­dinnl Oullen.henrri,·ed here on tho 9th dny of tile follo,ving 'cp· cmlrer. 'l'he rPccption he recP.iv-

ed, to quote the good Bishop's own words, oft repeated, "could not be surRaeeed by aoy city in the n·orld." '!hose of you who saw him then-he wa.~ in th(\full visor ofmnnhood-need no words of uane to enable you to recnll the influ­ence and magnetism of his pre· sence. His was trulv a majestic figure, u courtly bearing, a noble face, which wore habitually a benevolent exprest'ion, with a cer­tain austere integrity. His whole character seemed to bunt upon you with a flood of instantaneous light, nnd you felt as if you had known him for a life-time. Ntle natures bnve a power to comm ni­cat.e to others a sense of their in te inartificial greatness. One of the great joys of all his after yean o.mong you was. to recall the bri~ht1 happy day of his arrival. ·He hau come to a atnmge country, but not to a strange pe<Sple. Their faitlo, their love for the miniaten of their religion, their deep reverence for his own sacred office, at once iden­tified them in his mind with the ~ple from whom be had parted m the fair and sainted Isle beyond· the seas. He rejoiced to witnese that here, as elsewhere the world over, the essentials of divine faith and the love and enth uaium which faith inspires, were irradicable in the children of the Irish race, in whatever clime they may be born. He found himselfatonceaurround­ed. by a faithful people and a de­voted priesthood, who cheerfully accorded him in advance ao. instal· ment of the most renerous confi­dence. The seque proved it had not been misplaud. SuaLained by the assurAnce of continued support and sympathv, he took in hands the work of his extensive dio'hse with the full ardor of.,ne ;who feel11 himself enter on the true. mission of his life. He visited the most distnnt pnrts of the const again and ngnin, to gi\"c confirmation, to prench 1 to plnce priests, or to en­coura$c those o.l rcndy vlaced. Here m , "t. John's, the churches~ the schools, the conventtt nnd or­phannges claimed his time and at· tention, nnd tl1e good Jlishop was found in e \'ery plaee thr\t needed his consoling presence. Scarcely a night in the ye1u, from the dny of hts nrrival to the c,SlifyJng cl.oSe of hie life, could be be mts~etl-from his confessional. The gentleness of his mnnner made him a very angel of·thc sacred tribunnl. Men of busy lives nnd rugged natures were attracted to him. Spring and fall, when craft!' from the distant outports crowded into yonr harbor, the hardy toilers of the sea sought their favorite confeuor. And sel­dom were they dieappointed. The',y came in the confidence of the1r faith ; they knew -wUh what loYing -ldndn .. be obeyed the mandaC.:-""""n. ... ,. .............. ,..... ::£~1 ... ...... ...... topr...aa.. Q(

......... ' ., .. . 0. ~ .............. ...r.:' ,.,.., A ad ---··r.•ni!MI=-11 &tie J~rg;:;• 'l'nl M .. nlfu .......... If...,... 1 .................... ft'lftd ot

The ..aaoaa which he J1ft!.IIOhecl from tbla palplt wm lona. be ....

membered, ·They were good ser- . ful combination of the manifold l TH~ mona and are not forg6tteri. His means at his disliosal. His earlier -- --oratory WIUI of"' high order. Dolcl predecessors belQnged to 1\ differ- Q u~ N and free. it rose abo\'e conventional ont ta~leau. Each in his turn ' rules, butied itself with living 1 stood alone on the heuth-a soli- ' thou~hta alone~,. and these he com- tary fi~ure on the hmllscl\pe-lond- Insura (...,. ruuntco.ted witn the vividness of ing dtgnity to the horiz:m, and nee -. •OY. intuition. He chained the ntten- creating nll that was of gmndeur in . • tion by the earnestness of his mnn· the scene. They \Yare lenders with- Lost1n the Great Conflaga :\tl6n ner and the aptitude of his diction, out the a~,>pointments, which , in · the sum of and his words sunk deep into the ordinary cucumstances, mako lenJ­memory by the weight of intrinsic ership effective: But there were matter. His, again, was so clear, giants in those dnys. They yere

$541,000 . 110 direct and so cogcmt n method men ~ of stern mold,• re~olu!e of 1 nml the of expounding the rich thou~hts \Vill, of unj.iring exertion . They . · -which teemed in his bnsy mmd, :were fitted , for., every emergency, : QUEEN I~SURA~CE CO. that the !Dost abstruse truths be- and. e1\rly colonial life. is a s~c· ! paid out to 39~ of its pntrons. came eVtdent the mo~ent the,Y cesston of. cmergencte!l whtch j \Vhose policies were involvca paalled through the cructble of hts must be avatled ofa.t the ptoper mo- 1 · th fi tl . .1 mt.ellect. ment or lo!lt forcYer. They could m e . r~, e1.:o.c . IJ n Slllll ~u

But the crowning work of his not afford to wnit to forecast dis- amount, VlZ., busyandfruitfullifewa~ostbefound· c·ouraging circumstances, or to $541,QQ. Q ing in his Diocese of the schools of count results. 'Their enterprises the Christinn Brothers. This pro· were 'of the Loldest chnrnctor nnd je<!t, by which we sot much store, their execution of them equally will be for ever associated with the bold. They pushed tht'i r cntl J name of Dr. Power. _ with persevering energy and by the

JOHN C0Jl~1ACK. Agcn t, St . .T oint'~.

A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, H:ul.or G rncc.

If we would make aj ust estimo.te most direct meAns. They were, of the success of his episcopate, we like the torrent from tho catnrnct, not to lose sight of the lnotthat rapid, but perennial1 ·which Ahnpe!l thts late Bi:~hop wns the ~ixth in tlH: its cours.e throush rocks rt'rtUnl-­lline o.fg1Dricdms.pontiffs

1, ":~•1nsegrent ed

1ha ry d tprect

1p1ice .

1o,· dca\1·C I, J. A. Whitman.

earmng an nrtue~ s leu ustro on ga ermg s reng 1 ns 1 runs. I Ill· their exalted po ilion. To our pill r.s c rystal , certain :\!l l i C tiny. humble secmin\i. each wac in his unerring ns fate. Dr. }J('":~r Wl\'i

time chosen hv (iod , hccn uPe of hi thr~;nwvlher trcnm,whidtlhmu~h s pecial fitnc£ts.for the !!pccial work >~ miling menuows flows Jll '\1 '!'l:wicl · which Goc.l as ig ncd him. Eadt lv on to th e g rcal ocean ~f<·l<•mity . was pro\"itlential , for euc·h wn:1true .. ~ach was a ~rcntbi !lh6p ln hi nwn to h i:1 time, its wants, anti it:1 pro- time and \)lncc. Enclt wa. appu;ll:l·.l mises. Anu bv tlli -. rule alone nrc l<lllo (iod F work. nntl cu<•h JW!·fqnll· we to mensm e"tltc . uccc::;'l nf thl'ir ec1 fn ithfnl l~· nncl well tht• allu:t· reapective Jh·e~ The difTcn·n·t cir· cd ta.::k . Alllauored with lite :-:tlllC cumstancl's in which their Jot:: high moth ·c nnll for t he !lllllH' <'nd. were cast, the widely :tltcrcd ron- Gotlacceptod lli · pmi:~e,; frm11 their diticms ofthecolony, thedis~i milur lips nnu set the seal 1 1fh i>~nt•t •rn' a · menns. at thei;'\H po al , g1n·e, of lion .. on the· work of th ei r Ji~·e ~. necesstty, a ,·nrtetr to· tl1 c rhamctcr ·· \\ to;clom hnth ('nlulucl<•.! th c--.J u,;l

Custom Tailor, \\' til ~.,., ... .! ' lt~" Fi ~, \\"url..n"" ~~.;p

11 11 I :-iLylt-. O.ttpr,n nr.ll'l'l' r••("l·h·c• prom ; t altt:ntiuo

(.; h ·c I Ill II C<all.

Cott~ \"'!-rm:~' .\~:\: '~~ !' :: n:~a:Ta II .\ l.lhJI. <old ) 1· ... , Jl-1 ..

I - -· .


Assurance Co. nnd extent of their labor . • TL wns man in the ri~hl way~, lll:tdc· hi111 E lllbli:ihc tl tho prescience of th e earlier Bi~h- houomhlc in his laiH)\Ir and J(t· · ops which discerncc.l nnd selectetl com)'li:oh ed hi wurk .'' The n~~ull the ngencies by which th e future -I :>hOt\ld . ny the succe" -r>f lh(\i r of Catholicity in tho. colony, is nuicr~ lnlwur~ is sti l l l'rc~cnt with nssured for ever. They '' brought \1£1. f ur to u:e the worrl:- of ~t. the vineyard out ~ Egypt n.nd ~lnximu on 1\ll occ:n ion . imilnr to plnnted tt." They protoctE:d nncl the pre~c·n t : ·· Wh:ttc,·er ptlwer of nurtured its growth until ' the drtuc nud grnce there i in thi~ shadow of it covered the bills faithful people, fNm them it hns and the branches thereof tho come as the s pnrkling rintlet ft0\\":1 cedars of God." In other words, from i ts pure fount r~in." Our d~tty they watched over the infant JS to love nnd admtre-to chcn sh Church, which in tho beginnih" their memories- to omulnto their was a mere aggregate of spn~ preserve the rich lega<'y congregations, united by fnith it is of J?ivino Faith and holy example, trne, but divided by phy~tical bar- whtch they have bequeathed to u!'l . rierA, wenlcened by isolation, lan- In the retrospt!ct which wo mrtkc guisbing often from of mnteri- to-dny the lifc(of the_!~te Bishop of .111 meaM, and composed of a people ~t. John's . seet~"s ~ tne brig~tt>r who werejet holot:s in the land of J_ewel for Jts n ch golden settmg. their adoption. They guided their In itself it wa~ a beautiful lifo, pe?ple through the desert, as Moses nobly begun . nn~ nobly ended. guaded the children of Jacob. From the begmmng to the close Like Moses. they fed them with i~ went t~ reafize the highest aims manna from heaven; they went to of hu!Dan desire .nnd tho kindliest Mount Horeb to pray in their be- ntrect10ns of the humnn 1 heart. halff and to Mopnt Smai to receive T~e name of Tho1~1ns J oseph· Power the aw. Thev came to their peo- \Vtll go down to htstory an ho r· ple u the acc'redited ~mbl\lsadors ~d and stainle~s nam.e-:-etainlaa in of God. In the except1onal condi- tts youth-stamless tn tts manhood tion of the country their authority -stainless in the rich mellow waa like that bf the Hebrew lnw- autumn of its years-blessed in giver in a m11nnet immediate and the teal'!! and affections, and laden their office dispent~ed with the' more with the benedictions of those formal exercises of ecclesiastical whom he loved so well and sorved gonrnment. Dr.Power,on the other so faithfully. His pure soul has hand, succeeded to an heritage appeared at the judgment-scat of which preparatory toil had made God, f<?llowed by the pr:tyers of n fmir and fruitful. Like Simion, the eorroWlng and grateful people­son of Oniaa, he found himself in followed) too. by the jrayera of the permanent home of his people · tho pious ~tisterhoods an religious the priesthood of Anron had alrt'ady CODlmunities, to wnom he was a been established in the land the kind fatht!r-followed by the sup· offering and the daily sacrifice 'were plications of the priest.s of God nt made, and the law wna read on the the altar offeljng the adorable Sabbath aceording to legal usage. sacrifice i!l•his behalf, and from And like Simion, too "be in his hands whtch himself hnd conse­lite-time J.ropped up the h ouse and ·crnted, pouring .out the mysterious fortified the temple." " And the Llood which " epeaketh better singen lifted up their ,,oicesand in things than thnt of Abel." His the great bouse the sound o( s weet sacred rcmninE~ are luid 'to rest melody was increased . . . the wor- under the altar on which he so often shipof~he Lord Wll!'l pcrfectcd."(Ec. o.ff~red up the sacrifice for the L.) Ltko the Ideal High Priest of h\'tng nud the dend . Thoro he thcoldlnwhob•·oughttoe\'eryf\lnc· shall sl eep t.he silent, pencoful tion of public worship tho digniw sleep of the JU t, nnd nwnH tho

J.o:•wu~ : . 1. ~JOP.C:.\TE tiTII EE'I~ • 1-:. C.

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The Undersigned nrc cmpowcrf'\1 to cffeot. insun10CC8 on nil kinds or Pro­perty i n XcwfounJlAml nl. curre-nt. Hates of Premiums. , . TI)e Com p1u1y is well :known for 1t.s hbcrnhty anJ pnnuptncsun setLiing loes<'!.

J'~peclust's, Fom1s of npplicnlion forr'i~u nod l:ife Insurance, nnd all Other mformnt100 Cl\0 bo Oulnincd nt. ~he office of.

A. O. llAVWARD. ST. JOI J:-1°8,

Agent. for 'N.F.LD. W. lT. TIIOllPSON,

i\a..I).A eot for Harltor Ontce.

w TED !-

AOE~TS to ell our choice Rnd hardy nun('ry at.ock ~i(bor on Sal11ry or

Commiuion. We alllo give our men tbe priviJ~e or aell ing our new and choice vanetica or lt'cd pot.Rtors. Se­cure the agency at. once, whioh will bandaomelr rE'pR)' you lis now ia the !-ime to,scl auch goode forapring plant· lllg.

Addrcaa F . N. MAY COYPA~"Y, Nur­aeryml'n and PropagAtors or Choice Seed Pv1.4toca, Rochester, N. Y.

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Stomach, Uve.· and Bowels and PL rifv the Blood.

RIPA!II TAliOLU are tht! bell~ Medicine toown ror lndll('ltlon,DIIIpo• neu.'aeiiAhlche COo•Upatlon. D.J'11JM!PIIIII, Chronic Liver !'rouble, Dlulo.u, &d Complexion, DT· MDiary. \Jirenelvo lJreath, anti all dleortaeriiOC the ltom•l'b , r.tver •nd BvweiL

Rlpana TabulueontRin nolhlnc l njurloua to lhll rno.~t dellc:aLe ronM~Itu~ton. Are rtea· taot t.o ta"c.-, ;uue, etr~tuRI al1d ctvo 1m meed­ate rellor. • May he obtAined by Appllcallon to nc:Are~\ drugrln.

of outl\"'nrd personal grnco. M weR ~righter mo:n that knows no. ~nd. ns the benut·y of perr;onnl 8Anctity. And we- wtll not h rn·o you tgnor· " When he went up to tht> holy altnr ant, brethren, concerntng those • he honoured the vesture of Jlnli ile~s that nrc nsleep, that you mny not and when he took tho pMtions out be sorrowful e\"Ch n~ otJ1ers who of the hands of the prio.i• him· hnve no h ope. For if we beJic,·e self stoo<l by tho altar nnd' nbout U1at .Je us died nnd ro!lc ngnin, him was the ring of the brethern, o\·en so will God bring with Him !lnd ns the ccdttr plnnted on Mount them .,who ha\:e slept through Lebanus and as the branches of the J esu . -[1 TJ1. t\".] p~lm trees, they stood rDund 1\boul Fn:ewcll now, gentle, kind ·hent"l-, lnm, nnd nil the sons of Aaron in ed Btshop. their glory." (ib). Agnin in any "Fnrewell, bu~ not ft)rover. broth •r dear,

• h" h h · Be bra•e and patient on th)' be 1 or11orro1r, enterpnse w te o took 10 hand Soon will pau lby nlthL ort rlal taerf', (or religion edtrcation or charity C.:nRIST wilt come nnd •w~tko tbeo ou Lllo

.• 1 • t n:orrow." the late B1shop wns. noL alone. ==:::::============ tHbestood wellfin ~he,!orogdround 1in J. J. MUL{PHY,

e ~roup o pn .. s.., un peop e, A · .1.. 0o · · ofrehgions communities and bone- ttctwneeru: mmwwn Agent, .11. l'i b $ ~ ) vol.ent.aocieties, . whose willing co- WATn ST.,_~A~Bon GRACE. I ~..,e ~at •r-~~~ ~hmb~ b operattpn outwardJy•r:rtected the ~'-, •·"''--or:t.. ofh11· h d 1" d .. h _. Conaignment.e •olicited. OOOll• • · .. ·~ an 1• an rea lze • e auctioned without delav. • CO~CEM'ION DAY A l>VJ.:RTISER-

matured in his ardenhoul. " m . h -n .. 'e na'ure·

1• t WIUI congent". 18- PromP' relume anti aatiafaclion I~rdln&H aad1 puhllthbt'tl onry Tatld&7 and ~' D"" W • .,.1arao&eed r ,., &7 eYeD Dtr1 1\ \ e III!Ddud Odloe. VIC.

aJ \o aue n· .. ·-· by tho• .. more •- · tortai:M.reet.,B•rDOrU~,bJ.a&u•• •oa. ...,._ .,..., BV-=aJniOIIIt ILATD :......, ptor aDDIJID ! pliant meana which are ofLen the tl!Dperuu~: IOiofttcu•ablcrlber ,.._ .__ l J raa. wtll lie IS ... molt •~t Ye. n every thinK he ADTDT~SDnt BAn.:-aoeenr..,.rtnob._,r did IUOCeed

1&1ld the IUCCell W&l not lrAt.....uoa; lWOlJ OlD &a per IDob fftneelo

1 .. L. _._1 eoallaa&loll. ~at ra&etlbr lbrw or l'lal'

Ill .... •-Uf' Of hil kind &Ud .-llal. 'l'be biiiDberOII...n&ODI Of IIC• wlamDfiD&IlDer, than ofbll akll· ===.--..... ~~te ..., ... b7 u,,




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1 II It' ll. copy. l.i llrr.1l term" to ;\s:enls

A•l•lrc s~ 1lE~J. \\'. JIITCIICOCK, .PuLii. h r r, 3S.) ~i xth A,.,,,, ~cw Yurk I

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tend.a to personal enjoymen• when rightly uaecL The many, who lift bet­ter than ot hen and enjoy life more, with lea expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world'• beet prodact.l ~ the need~ of physical bemg, will the vAluo to health of .the pure liquid )nXI\tive principle. In the remedy, Syrup of Figs.

lta excellence ia due to Ita preeenting in the form moat aeceptab~e and pleu­ant to the tutoftho and truly beneficial propertioa of • perfcd Jax. atl\'O ; effect unlly clCAnaing the ayatem, dispelling colda. hcadnohea and fevora and pormnnoutly curing conatipation. · It 1lais gh•cn aatiafaction to miUiona and m~ with tho appro"ru of ' medical profession, becauao it acta on the K id· nc~·a, Li,•cr and Bowela1rithout weak­cmng them nud it ia perfectly U.. from e\·o..- objectionnble substAnce.

Syrup of F igs ia for aat, by all drug­giata in 'lGe. boltlea, bat it ia manu­factured by tho Califon1ia Fig Syrup Co. only, whoso nnme ia printed on 8l'Ory J>&C.k.nll:e. also tho name, Syrup of Figa, imd l~Jfng well informed, yon will not aeccl't any aubatitut.e if offerod.

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Root ~Pills. --------Dr. IliorsA~s Indian

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Du a St•,- Your •• o •. Moclel'a Jndlulltoot PiDa'" ar•wo best rea:ubco. (« !he AJil- thalbamaalt)' can u- Life la u th4 time piece: frail ud cW1catit :a; e uuut7or ' '- W\ltk~ A iiD)' ~ offonl&a ~taost~ n.dbcres to the amalJric wt.ella the _ _.a, : .. w whatltlborcsllhl- at Ar.t,onl)'aallcbtd~ la pcrce~tible ln iu dme-keeptnc. bot wail,_; u tbe ohttrw·uon ''owt, the lriqalarllf lieooiiMa Cl"t'.l~f. untllllt last, "hat could bave blillll racdW wuh little ltovble,ln the Ue.r~nnlll(.wiU aowreq-. moe!! caroln \horouJ)ll)' c:IUIIIIIDccbe•dre...._

D 1- • ....... ""' • Soitlai:lbacun lJf.-. lllrbt•~ah~ r ·; nrse·o ti 'Q'lll~in'!W kc:u:d,ltrr_o\\attnd~ hDs-citpd!.IIJa&lni, t ·-'- :,.,) &.~ ~ ahon lllpld!y, antil wbat coald, 'In the ~

R P ha.-o b«n cured with little trooble, ~ .._.

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-"- - so J>ICXlV11 'lcor M d •·l~l! ty.

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1.11,.8, Aluo.uou• ,.,,.o.LN.s.,1a:a..,,·,.

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-- believer lliJc:ur "Dr. x-~ ........'IJI&."

Dr. Morse's Ind1'an· .- ~t~.·~~e':aie=s:::.:.~·=·~.!J - u:arlt, •r, t.o.u.r.a luocb tbat I 1f11!4 ..a.ot

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W H. c.-.. noca, Broc:kv!U.. Ollt.

Dr. fl iJ:-si.'!! h:jiaJt Pcv.;i: Pills. w~~!!.'r:;/.:=.~:~·J~~'r!!l fHE t.C::S.T r AMILV FILL lr"' us• -.ottl.olJr.Moo•'•lndlaltuocf'lletbaa:r.ii ,., .. t:.. ..... -w-t. lWr ............ ~ .....

J~ Yeova.k. M. L. NIPOLIOII. ,()R ~UE 11 Al.L DEALER$

·-· •

.· e


r- Miscellaneous. Ill QlJBST OF COD.

Tu£ ST£Al&£R Numoo'e TRIP To> THE NonTn£RX Rroro~s. CAPT. BLAND­FORD's ExrF.IUE. .. C£. n .. bn:RE811SO NARRATIVE. TnE F1su Stcuuo A~'"D THE HARBOBI 0J9COVUED.

(Concluded.) TillS CAUIED 3UNY DIS"PUTE8

u to the direction of. the wind, and until the outside lioe or the head·landa WAI reacllcd, the true direction Of the wjnd could not be aacert.ained. Afkr a time we got. accuetomed t.o the peculi· aritin or the place, ami could ucertain bow the wind waa out.aide. Uere we aecurt'd 2,700 qUa. of good flah 1 and whilat fiahiog hl're· aome of our ooata saw lhe S. S. Falcon pais homewanl bound from laLnding the Pt>ary Expedi· lion. Jo'rom my oLaervationa I am con~ \•inced there waa no IJody of flab in Lbia nei~shborhood excepting in a apoL of ground CO\'t>ring about. t.welve mllea, from three miiCAr aouth of Sir Terence O'Brien harbor, t.o thrt'e milca north of Lady J ob hArbor, including the prom in· t'nt COAIL of the Cape. The rl'UOn why auch a body or fish Will fou~ here ia, in my opinion, thaL tho tide, which ie very rapid heft', aeema to concr nlfllt.e in thaa spot all tho different. crnatacca~• on which tho cod feed. It. ap~,>eara that t.hil' Y<'Rr tho fiehery'wns 11 failure from C~&pe Mugford to tlaie apot of ground, aa no't\·herl', within this areA, did 1 lind afly, or h t'ar of any quantity bl'ing taken.

Tm: nt-rro:-J ISl. \NOS, which lie nLout. s0\'011 mil<>a E S. E. of Cape Chidley, are 1\ t'hnin of ialan•l• much greater in number th11n •• lAid down on the charta. Many of lhem are \'Cty lrigh nml app1'11r to ln\'U clerp g1til-hn uf lanrLors in thl'm. Thiechain of iel•&nde form!', with tho l~&mf of Caapo Chidlt-y, ·,\'hnt. is kno'7n A'i Grey Stnlila. From whu 1. I an w J ~l cotwi,nccd that. there ia plc•nty ,,r C'O I l_lhoul. th rae id­lande, Lut we hmlnot lime lt1 explore them 011 natch PI! 1 would ha vt• wtahro to. Ucaolut ion leland, • ·l•icl• is on tho eastern toide uf lluJsou'" Str.•ita, ia iu BiJ.,<hl. from tho l'lllranco Of L:ldy Job hJirbor. I hn\'O e\·ery renaon to Lt-liove there ie plenty of cootleh onthnt. ea.. tern aide ae w,•fl 1\8 on the wretern ahoro where we fished. As I said before, the current nme

WITII GREAT RAriDITV near tl1e bC~Ldlands, ami 111 the title ehbs and flo'"' the courac of the curr( nt. ohangt'l. In L.'ld~· Joll harbor the riee and Jail Of the epnn~ lich I 'f/1' 118 thirteen feet. \''c found no b~tit a fLt•r lea\'iog Nachvnk D.1y, Lut when eplilling fish in Latly Job harbor, found very amall squid, not more than three inchu long, in the atomRcha of the rod. The water here I('COietl t.o teem with a IJief'it>e Of cruatacC'an, known to our lOClll falter­men aa " blackberries." During tho time we were at Cape Cbi<'ley th..e weat.her waa delightfully wann. 1o fa~L it waa eo sultry that I kept the port­hole in my c.aLin OJ~n all the time I wu in J..ady Job harbor. The wellther wu not fit for lish-mAkiog, o'fl·int to the creaL pre\'~tlrnce of (Of , which CO\' ered tho top uf t'!le hills, andaometimra came half way down them, when 1\ aort. of fine wrt would fllll •• though t.hc fog had been concleneed. IL waa not fllin. The l&od in all t.his neighborhood ie

EXTR&)IEJ..Y HIOII, ranging froJD 2,000 to 8t000 ft.. near tho couL, •nd much higner inland. No ngelation is t.o he eeen excepting mOM and lichena, not a tn!e of auy deacri~ uoo. AL Nachvak Bay the Hullaon Bay Co. people ha\'e t.o be aupplied by their ateamer with all the ru-.1 they uae. A~ Sir Terence and Lady Job har­borJ, and al Port Newberry l erected, 1,200 feeL abo\'e It'& level, cairoa ae•t'n fL bigb with a ~le in tbe centre, and a board covered with black tin in which wu cu~ the name or the harbor, &he 8. S. Nimrod, am.l tbe namo of tho cap­tain ur the atumer. On the 22nd Sep­&embl'r we len. Lady Joo harbor, havinc on board, in all3,110 qtt.. codtiah, 1,100 ~U.. of wbich Wb bad caught. with the j1uer. U waa not fiah wu acarce t.baL 1 thra left. iL, for each day iL a~ to be plentier, and in my opiDaon bad only atruclc in thrre when we arrhed. AL the time we lefL, there waa nry much more flab there than hid been the prevloua fortnight, boL my buainca

AT BLANC SABLI\~ needed my prHCnct',. lind I had alao to take into conaidrntlon tho fact thaL the ftab -.,e cauab& had to be made, eo I thought lL adviaable to go aouth. The fiab I caught hrre waa faL and wdl Ji\'ered, lho produce or oil from the lhrra being equal to that. a~ Blanc lon.

We arrived at Blano Sdlon on tho 28th Septelnbrr, greet('() enthuaiaatical­Jyoy !le~~ra. Wataon1 Whiteley and the crewa nmaining in tno Stnita, having been two mont.ha a«ay withuuL any communication with that part or the country, or in fact with an1 of tlte ou~ eide world. Since my amval homo I ha'fe beard tbaL a man named Walker, or -Bona\'iala Day(t~cu~ed .,.tew yean ago1 a load or flab on tiJl('" near .EC_hpee Harbor, and aleo thaL an enteJ'o priaing IIeberman named Wade, beloor­l.Dg t.o Conet'pt.ion Uarbor, loaded ptoar the aame place thia year. EcliP'fe llaf· bor b abouL fifty mlll'l aout.h ot 'Bland· Coni Harbor.

rEJta.ATUM.-Nacbl"ak &y Win laL 69.6 N. and long. 68.20 W., apd do& u ae& up in Friday'• iatQe. Dl.aodrord HarbOr liee in laL 60.11 N. and Jq. 64.5 W.]___ •


Highest or Leavening Pow~r.-Latest u.s. Gov't Report.

Ill A OABIB OF SBAX£8 ToPEKA, Kan., Dec. 20.-0eorge Hig·

J:ina, a 'I'orpedo L:avclJing man,confirm~ tho atory ot the det~oth in Cherokee coun­ty of Augt_Jat SchraJt>r and wife by acr­J>('nta' poiaon. Incredlt>lo Rl it. may aeem, thf'y wt>re bitten by rattleanukt'a and copper beada when the thcrmom· l'ter l'fRlllered at nearly freedng point. Their death occ•trn!tl on the night of their wedding.

Yr. HiJ&ina Will one of a party of huntera, 1n camp on Shoal Creek, noL far dietauL (rom tb(l Indian Territory line, aud within guoahoL of tO. cabin occupied hy Schrader ami hie hride. Early in the evening ft>alivitiea were given by the elJer Schrader in honor of the marriRge of hi a aon. The cabin was 1.-u than 100 yarua from the domicile of Scbradt'r, aenior, and had bern ne,..·Jy built on tho lt&tter'e f11rm for the occU· pancy of U\cs young conpl.-. IL coneiat­Ct.l of one rdom and w11s lmilt of lo,:s. A perpr ntlicular alone bluff f•,rmoo onn end ot the alnltture. Against thia Llufr

·a firC'place wae Luilc., the chimney n-tending up ita eiJe Rml riaing "boYe the et.!go ot tbu Llutt. A lire waa Luilt there on tho wcJJing night. for the lirat time. . JlanJiy hall tho t'amping party re·

tm.'ll to lent. when tht-v wero aruuaed hy calla fur-help from t)te eldt>r Schra· ll<"r. Oui•~Cll hy the crit'l thl'y h11etcncd to t.he c"Ltn or the yo.,ng con pi~ where thry r. uud th('lll writhin); iu the t.hf()(. of death. A.Uout. the Jhxar and on the low bl'd WC'r e"'enyenteen huge anakt>a vf all apeci~'l, principally cooper heada and uttll'an~&kcs some of'which h"d been killcJ aud others chiUrd to dellth . The huntera rln back w the tent fur 1\'hiakey, which thC'l tric1l to adminis­ter lo the dyins: hnal.oand anti wife, buL tbn remedy came too l11te.

Upon invf'ltigation, it aprearcd tluat. the fireplace batt Lten IJIIllt. in cloao proximtty t.o a cavern in th~LlufT, iu which tho reptilra had hirLrlllAted for the wint~r. The fi re had warmed tho aerpcnte into lifo "nd tht>y were drawn out into the cahin by the htaL. Young Schr~der " 'AI ~&hie lw fortl he died to rx· pl•in, that he l&o~l hia Lrhlo bad bl'cn ANUit'll fr"'" their alumLers hy tho n1oauing of a h <JUIO Jog ale('ping at. their feet. And which, too, w'a~.a batten to death. Following thia Schradt>r heacJ a lti.uing and rattling aound, and leap­ing out. of Lho bell t.o aacertain tho caueC', hia bare feeL lixhtrtl up.m the writhing body of a acrpent. Noxt he foiL himaelf stung, anti, by the light. of the rmben in t.he lire pl•cl!, he 1 1\W •

uumhcr of rcptill'8 en&wling allout. the tlooror coil eel in the attit.mle of atrikinJ. He Will atung again and again. ll11 cril'l arouaing bia wife, ahe, too,jumpod from her bed, only to III"Ct. her hua· banda Then t.bey ran for the door and criell for help. Schrader, aenior, appeared. The Opt'n door quickly chill· ed lhe room anti the rl!ptile.a brcame torpid and were ea~ily tl~!!patched.

Tho bri,lo waa a half-breed Indian cirl, namt d Labadir. She had Jived in the tribe of her mother until a year or t.wo before her murlac.-, when ahe went. to live with Lho elder Soht'llder u a domc.tic.

&ki. ~ . . ~ Powder

Minaru~ Y'niruer.t relic\'ce 1\cumlgia.

Tm: QuESTto~ SF:TTJ.ED.-Thl·sc Pmi­nent. mon, ·Dr. James Cl:trk. l ' hvaician 1.0 Queen Victoria, ancl Dr. ilught'l Bennett., IIAY that. conaumptiutl' c1m be curcJ. Dtt. WISTAR knew this when he disco\'ered • his wiJcly·knowu DAI.SA:V OF Wu.o CIIEIIRY, aud cxpcrienco hoe pro\'cd tho corrC'elllt'B!I Of hia opinion.

Minard's Liniment. for sale e\·cry\\·herr.

Rll f:UlJ ATk31 C URED 1~ A 0AY.-8outh American Hheumatic Curr,for UhP.ullla· tiam nnd Nruralgin, rad ically curu in 1 to 3 dnya. Jt. rc·m0\'('1 al (lnce the cause nnd the disraae imml'di~ttely dilll\ppeara. The OrstcineP J,trt>ntly bept:lilll . 75 CPIIIl'. Sollllty W. JJ . Thumpton ~(; Co.-Jn. 5. -lO w. . ·

'Minnnla Liniment cures Burns, S:c

Bilioumoes.Fever and Ague. So plenanntly do Vr. Monse'11 Indi•m

Root !'ills l t.'D rch .()u~ and d rh·c nwny ~he ~eelll of disCliSC that all pOn!Ona th·· lllg tn a <'Ountr,'· . wht•r" fever ami ngue, autl Rll olhllr lnlwus d iscaef'l, nrc prc­Yillcut, will fi nd t h.-y ehoultl nt- ,·e r he without them. J.' rvm two to four l'illa each night uron going lcl hc:d, will, in a short. lim~ .. llri\'O ""'"Y 11icldy yellow look of Lthoue J•ersona, nnd Lrin~ to I h('ir chocks 1\ Lt•lmtiful s:lnw uf per­ff'CL he1liLb. Dr. Murse'a Iudilln ](ool l ' ille arc aoltl Lyall dcnlera it Ill cdici nc.

CULT.ED FRO~l THE OLD' YE.\ R. Lcwi~ S. DuUt>r, Dt:rin, Xflll., Rheumll·

llam. Th08. \\'nee.:m, Sht'ffit·lJ, :\. D., l .ockj:1w. Dy Mc~Jullin, Chntluun, Ont .• Goitr•·· 1

Mra. \\'. W. Johnson, W11lsh, Oot., In· flllmnu&tiou.

James H . D~tiley, PatrkJ1tle, Out., Ncu­rlllgin.

C. I. L·IJ(IIC. SyJnl•y , 0. Jl, L:\Grippc. Jn e \·ery CA8C unsolicited nnd nu­

thrnticatecl. Thr\• rltll'lll. to the merits of All~ARD'S U~DlE~l'.

DEAF~ES:i CO~IPLETELY CURED. An)' person 111 ffcring from Dellfnel!&. Notaes in the H ead, &c., may l i'Anl or .. new, simple trentmcnt, which ia pro\'· ing wry .ucccaaful in compll·t t ly cur­in~e CI\Bl'f Of 1111 kigdt,. Jo'uJI p arliculan., including nuy1y \ msolicttcJ t.eeti· j moni11ls nnd ncwepRper prcu notice•· will be aenL poet free on npplication. The ll}'atem is without doubt, 1 he m011L ancct'lll!ful e\'cr llronght before the puL· lie. Alhlrt'll, At\ml S(>COialilst, Alhuny Buildings, 39, Victon11 Street., West.­mineter, London. S. W.

--- 1 Mina ru'a LinimenL cures Dandruff.


Younsr, olJ ot miJrHe n~eJ . wh'l find lhem11elv,.a, nervous, wo11k and exhs\Uel· ed, 'fl•ho are brok~ down from uccu or O\'erwt~rk, ~t>ellling in many of the following aymptoma : Mental dt-prf'll· a ion, prematuru ohlnge. lou of vitality, loa Of lllt!ffiOry, bad dri'IUTtS, dimrf.'fa of aight, palpitation of the heart, ernie· siena, lack of eno~y, pain in the kid­neys, headachC', puuplca on the f1lce aud body, itching or pccnlinr aeneation abouL the acrotnm, watating of tbe or­gane, cliuio~ apecka before tho eyes, &witching of tfio musoJra, t')'u.'itle 11 nd elaowht're, baebfnlnt'U, depoeile ira tho urine, toea of will power, tcnJemeu of tile acalp and spine, weak and flatbhy mueclca dNiro to elel'p, failure to be rcatetl t>y sleep, conatipation, tlullnraa of hearing, loa of voice, dt 'iru for eoli­t.ude, exca&abilit.y of temper, sunken e~·ea, eurroundell with LEAD£.>~ CIJlCL£8, otly looking akin, etc. are all symptoms of norvoua debility th11t Jc"' llo ina tnity unlea cured. The spring or \•ita! force hning lnet ita LetlalO'~ e,·ery function w•nea in coneequt"ncc. 'J h·• o who through abuse committ.etl in ignorance, may be permantly curet!. l::)cthl your addl't'll anJ JOe in at-ampe for boolc 011 diaeasca peculiar t.o milo, et•nt. ao.&led, All~ M. V. LUOO~ 24 MAcdenncll Avo., Toronto, On&.., Colnada&.

E\'ery llareh," large heathen ff'lli· val ia helcl n l'ar Neyoor. " t.o which," aaya tho Uev. I. 11 . IJaLOker, ' 1 hundred• and thouaanda of p· oplo flock Cor ten daya. The people come from fifty t.o one hundred milt>a' dia&ance, nearly all oo Coot.. 'fhey come in banlla of twenty to thirty. Sometime. Lhoy hsne men with mu.aical inatrumenta who lead tho litLle proeeuiona. Sometimf'l &he lead­or ia a sinter, who atart.a an iovoca­tion to hia god u ho waalka along, and otht'ra fullowing him t-alco it up, and· the choruaea of these pilgrims aa &hty paa along tho 1oad b)' the aide of our houat'l are moet atrikang. On tho lut IMLL d•J or the feast I, with our new mlaelonarit'l, Dr. and lira, Jo'ella and }(i,. llacdonnell, wonL· t.ngulhl'r with " ll't'&L band or llllliVc Chriali~Ana, ~lOll the whole da) wu apenL . trying to tell lhem o( the hel.ter and only 'fi'~Y of olr talnlng peace whl.t Q,ad. 111e noiao, tho excitemeut, tho borriblo eigbt.a and aacrillcl'l, and the crowd that surround­ed tbaL &emple arc be)'OO•I all dt'ICrip-tlon. We uw a Uindu uiut eiuing by Bl k , d F , W k fhe J'OAdlide && thiS ft IJtival, lJe b ac sm1th an arner or I

The undcrsigned llcga to intimate to Lhe public gent'ntlly, and hoNe-ownert rartioufarly thaL be ia prepared to do all kiuda or worlc in the abovc-Mmetl linl'l of tracfe.

HORSE-9HOEINO will be giYen aprcial attention, and h3 Jnaranteea to do all work in tbia line whh ~tt'lt. carf'. · _. Prices t.o auiL t.he Umea, p.ntl aat·

iaractlon auurtotl. .NICHOLAS BA.RRts,

Ua"eJ 8lree& Wt>~L

eonaidered a V<•ry holy m•o. lie ie called Sunnh·aay ; that meane a mto who hu gi•en up alleocial life and en­joymonL, and livra upon what the peo­ple gi •o him. He ia a relilriou.a b ·gar, and the land ia ruu or diem. lie b coveft!d with 11het. hia hair Ia nenr comlled, he wanders from •illap to •illa1e and from klwa to t.own bt'llinc from Ole ~plel and aU.hougb Lhe poor people Uija~ h m • very KoOd man, in manf caaet .be ia Intensely aelftah1 lfttd.J and DO aood t.o &nybodJ. I meL oae lbe o&ber clay wltb ll area\ anake etab& fee& 1o01 ttect round b& neck, Ju-' W J RUSSELL like ladles tie 'bole for bou which • · • ,

~\~ r:!,1inw~~ :,.!ra ';,': House, Sign & Ge~eral Painter

TnE P.u ·ll.-JC CoDFI!I:tF.nY.-It is interesting to n"ticc wlw• n Britifilh 0olumbin pnpcr M.r~ iu rrgnrd to cod fi sh i ng will1in tl1<' l'n&·ifh: "'nlcr~ . This, it seems. lws not unt &l within the ln~t twH ur tht <.•c n•arri a~:tumcd the prop~~ of 11 ~r<>nl,lou"incst~ enlcrpn~c. Sit}t·e tit. l•<';.!:lll, how ­e\'cr. it Ita~ g"rt> \\' 11 . u rnpitll \' that it SCent Ji k cl\· I'Oilll tu I <'l;lllllC n formidnulc ri \•nl l•l the li:1iting and pnckin~ inclu~try nf t l.c Atl antic coast. I utlcl·tl. salt l.,,.Jfl .:h rrn JU t!1e Pa.cific ii; nlrcatl~· i1t t•umpcti­hon w th the ca~tctla ,,.,\.luct in S t . Lo ui , ( 'hicng•' nu.t . tJthcr great r ities atul its pt·t•~t C':!:t i ~ -;tcntlilv towartll:l tl1c Atl autit·. '-'lht• ·upply of codfi ·h in the l'adfic wnt('rs i s practi(·nlly incxlwu:-;til,l l'. They can h e cnt~ght whNrn:r soundi ng~ cnn be marie, anti the fl eets l!ll· gnged in lmsinco~:! arc in\'arinhly SUC'CC ' ll r\tl in th oi r work.

---~---- 4

::~~~.~~~~ ~'~~!.;~ . F orest. Ilill, W. Yn., " 1 had n bron· chial trouble of snch a )l\'r.-!i~lcnt nnd stulJborn chnmrtcr, tlmt the &loctor prononnccd it ivcurnhle with o rdinary medicines, ntul :uh·i~d me to t ry .Ayer 'a Cherry l 'c!rtor:1l. I did so, nnd one bottle cur('cl me. }"'or the lnst fiflccn yenrs. 1 h:wc used t his prrllarnt ion with gooll effect whenever I tnko

A Bad Cold, nnd ] know Of numbers ur )I<'Ople who keep it in the house nil the thnc. not considering it snfe to be with­out it." "r hn,·o boon usln;: Ayer'a Chr rry

Peclorul in my family f(lr :!0 yea~. " 1 lh the 111011t ~~ntl .. ractor.l' result,-, a nti cnn clwl'rfnlly recommencl It ·n.~ IH"•In,:: espe­cially nclntltc\1 10 nil pnlmot.nry com­rnalnL.~. I hn,·e, ror lntmy yt'nrK, m ntlo pu lmonnry nn\1 other mctllclnell ll llllt'c:iBl stncly, nncl I hn1·c come to the conclusion tluu. Ayer•s Cheny P ectoral occupies a position pre-e.mlnent o1·er other metll· cines or the class.''-Chns. Dn,·cn port, Do\'er, N . J.


Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Preportil bynr. J . C. Arer &Co., Lowell, :UN&

Prompt to act, su~.eto cur~


l.AJ~ I>U~:

LOMO.\fll) STREET AXD Cll.\1:1~0



Jueepb W. llcncn.J"I!J EotQ. Url~tt.ow uovlll, ~.

TIJ" nuu. J•lnu Brnto J"obo Cl:11tnn1 f'.IIIJ.

O.:~v n• F- C<IClJM', ~·· ll.f'. .Uo!Q'X'! Arthur 1't11ler1 Elq.

Cluulv. E. 000\ln.rL, £J )f, Rhn.le """'kln11 t:MJ. a.r John J.utot..oc:ll:, \liJr"-, ll.r.

Cbe&rlu Thoma• L11cu, EDQ. Cltarl~• Macna,-, ~q.

The Uon. Kolwlo U. f'o: tmtua, £11q. Oc.dle7 Rot.ert. 81nllh, Ellq.

Wllli•!!'. ~.~~~-~.Thomr-on, E:aq. lion. Dlret'tor-JOHS J. m.OO:WFIELD,Eaq. WILt.l4• 0. MACD()!'ULDfJOinl. lo'MA:coaa IL )lAODu~ALU t &:cr.,Larlea.

Tho "'n~eaccmcnta or thla om~ an- ,~roaran· ~ toy a numenxu ond wullhy l'Toprte­~.ln a tlollllon ""' Ia~ tnvcoot.xl; and lhe promrllllu.Ju antl llbenoiiiJ' wltb which elllltn~ lt•ve lll wa~'ll bt-flo tnat. au well-known ""' I arknnwledat!d.

Tl • c mpur~\uco ur lh• v•uMOllona or lbo

FHfE.\'IX F/JlE Oft FJCE may be Hllmated trom lbe fad lhatalooe lla ealabllahruent.-now ov"'r 0" a IIUlfDaao f~LU~~t-lhe ray m en ta In IIUI•f*lllon of the clalma for l.oue• have uaL-eedl!d FUURTU..'If (J Ll,JUS1i "'k:r lluar. --lusuranl!ell llptn•li.AII b7 F'lre IUid

l.labtntnx ..,. .... nec-t.o.l hy "'"' Comf'IID7 opoo nert deaorlpllno or Proi>"'r&.7, on tba mo.\ IYOr&ble lOfhl ..

W. «.G. RE~DEI.t., St. Jobna A~mtt.l for Newfoundland .

(g~,~~~ !t,

ill~~~ r.~~ .. -.ii!! ee11.9~fu~


AUen's Lung Balsam.

All who •n &loubled whb Collet~ 'ion wiU ftafcla •f!t.•un, and tpeldy reUef In A1_d1 nlla. Ualllre mol&

h looked ·~hOrrid. and iL Ia uid Vonet.lcan BUnda made, nOLtod and re- , &beJ lhlnklhi& tbe10 tlainp ~eue no.aLed. • -......,.....--------~-09d;DO& knolri01 tbe true-hearted HI'- 0 ini --~ 1 ld k t'• d I

olher ca'bartit'l, t.beH pUla ~­&be stomach, U•er, and bowll._ aid re­ltore the orpDI to normal &DcJ rep1ar aotloa.

'floe far oar 6ro&ben and ab&en t. tbe 1 ra og auu 111 e w~ nea v ODf'. \NN& .,.1 to .en-e God, wbo 1a alnya

1. Lel&eriaaand B1.n P.UnLtnl&apecial&J. I

..,.._ • !»1 eenblc a.."....o.Olareb Batlatactloa paranteed. lllllfoaur loamaL Relldenoe-VIctoria. St., Harbor On~.



• •



T.B.BATY. desiring rother to see the protec· Correspondence· L 1 d th 1 I tion wnlls of both nntions built up . ..-w·•-~-----:"'"'- .~~---an o_ ~~ tems. to the skies, in order to restrict LOWD,liOT mouvv EDUCATION.

-ASO- * · t.'OliCE!TlO~ BAY AD7.BRT1S1lt., "The Newfoundland minielry iengain trnde and commerce between their --~-• . '

~tlrongly urginl tho Imperial Oovl'rn· 1lf menl. "' giv" it.aaaaent to the concluaion peoples. 'rhe J:~ewfouudlan<l met- ITO THE EDlT-.~R o•· Tur. &-r.\~DARD.J FRIO.\\", JASU \ll\' 2G, 18~).1. .. rtheD .. .md-lllainc convco&.ion. Sydney chant, in his letter, urges that Can- Oeu .Sir.-

A VALUABLE 1,1/P RO VE.'.llEX'l'. lluJtton, M. P., ;I>Arli"menl'l\ry Seorel.ary ada should make a grent effort to I rend inn recent number of the ---- uf the C.1loni•l Ofliee, atatCt.lnot l\Jtg negotiate such n treaty, or by STA~D.\non letter on "JiighcrEdu-

It goc3 witJwul saying that nny- .. ince in tho UritiJ11 Uouae ofC>mmona showing a willingness to recipro- cation," and Monday evening I thin~r that will tend to ndd to the that negotiatiooa were uow in progrt>u cate to sc:curc the freest posstblo noticed on tlie wa lls nhout town

P nt Wuhington and the whole mattl'r d 1 · · h th U · d t f H' 1e1 J d u servtce.'lblcne3S nod general effi·- Wile in the htultla of the Britillll am· tra o re nt1ons wtt c mtE' pos. ora rom IS .a:: on or . u ·go nen-eiency of the inestimable Light- l,uaaado·, Sir Julian r.uncefole. ~tntes, now thut n tariff reform nd- nett, requesting n meeting of citi-house system cannot be too highly ministrat.ion nncl Congress nrc at zens to consider the matter. I must comm~Jnded. Of the gre!lt benefit The nforegoing nRpe:us in an ex- wor'k upon tho reduction of the confess that I have not considered the snfoiunrding·npparntu:J is found change per last Cannai:m mail. United States tnriff', and that or rend the fncts about Higher Edu­nround the consts of this colony, What truth tht' clipping contnins the Cnnndian Government, in view cation; bat, as far as I ean under· very lit11e need he nffirmod-such we not in a position yet to suy. of nll thnt is promised to Cnnndn st.nnd, the Governmqnt, last session, admits of no gaiusayin~ nor ques- 'fhe matter does not. at present form by the Wilson t.nrift', should npportioned some 85,000 for the tion. Truth to tell, the beacon id ~ubjcct of discussion in the Island show· its friendliness both toward purpose of forming I!Ome sort of always and ever the mariner's bcstl press nor in business circles. Some Newfoundland and the United Board, before whom .any person m ost trusted friend-hilS provea uf the papers outside, though, are States by withdrawing its protest wislring to become advnnc~ in the itself so times without number. It ,;iving a little prominence to the ngainst the Bond-Blaine treaty. hitther brnnches of education could rarely if ever fails him-iL is his Rubject. Tho .Montreal 1Vil1ieu of There is obvious force in this argu- train, and then be examined by verit.!lble sheet-anchor. the lith inst. (copy oT which has ment. While Canada stnndstogain this Board or Boaras. This is nil

-Tho fullldt. of tho Ptlnf';!>·rio de­Jh·•·rc-.1 t.y II ie IJ.>rdship thu U11hop of lJnrhor Umcc, 011 the occ.•"i" 11 or the Month's llcmory ofLhu l11 tc of :St. .John'11, npvc~tre cl11cwhen•. Tlmt the ion ie nu tlblo ono u~c,l nuL IJc enid.

-Tho Fir•·me11'~ U.tll , wl it·h t took pl:tco at. the Moteonic nwl llriLiah Hnlla un Tut>ella~· e\·cning, J'-"''·c,1 " very Cll· joyalllc aU~u euC\'<'88 In c\'ery way. 'Tie pleaSing lOifiml th~ tru&ty .Fire ll.ri.gado 80 WQ11 JlltlNIIiZC•I loy tho Clll:&ens. ---

-The Cbrietmaa Tree atSmull l'l.iut, Dtty-de-Vcnle, ht.IJ on thu :!.)all ' 1111., reali&rd lhe hantl~mo sum of 10 1 ,,.,,. J11rs. 11te Latltt'8 of :he <.:ommith·e­Mn. J. and Mrs. R 'Haydrn, and Mrs. Dunno-are to l>e congrll4tulllLed on tho eucceee of the aff~~oir.

--- I - OnrT.-DcaLh haa been lmey dur-

ing the week paat-. Among those w!.o passed awny in this ndghiJorhoutl ''"ere two old reeidt>nt.e-nsrnely1 M ~. \\'il· liam Brown and 'l\1~. Nachol""· At. Carbon ear a wort\1y rceillrnt. or 1 hRt place Also paeecd away-namely, Mr. Joeeph Smit.h.1 The frit•nde o~cb and nil h•,·e rccehed much sym(l'l\th~ .

The' proper keeping of tho Lights hcen sent us by a friend} contains n grent deal ofwhatshe wnnts from very well in its wny. But there on this and indeed every other sea- a leading article thereon, in which the United States by the Wilson nre many otherthing11 which should girt isle or country is a thing ofim- it i:J remarked thnt '·a prominent uill, Newfoundland, it nppears.will be considered, nod which nrc more pm tnnce supreme, whose conse- merchant of this cit~. who belongs not be much benefited, if a.t al , by greatly needed thnn this Higher c1uenco cannot possibl> be O\'er- to a well-known Newfoundland that measure, which, nccordin$ to Education. This sum of 85000, I estimated. It is worthy of notice family, and who is largely inter- 'Nowfoundlander'places even h1gh- am bold to say, would be far better that an improvement has just been csted in the trade between Canndn cr duties upun fish an~ fish pro- !expended by the Government, if it e ffccted, which bids fair to dispense and Newfoundland, enters " timely due~ than did the fnmo\1s McKin· were voted nod devoted to help the fhe prc\'aili~g di~temp<>r-ln gtippc totally with the 11ervices of light- protest against the maintenance of ley tnriff. It Stlems to us that whnt places in mnny of our · Bnys which -te now relutng Its hoJd. Ttuna,.;h . house keepers. It is no .. claimed t;anada's protest against the .Bond- shou)d J>e done nt this juncture is nrc too J>90r of themsAlves to hnYe many of tho citizens Are Y<'l. qonaphun: that a be.lcon ha.s been devised Blaine treatv bet ween the United for Canadian anj Newfoundland Schools. How mnnr ••lnces nro ing, 11.1'ld keeping iodoors, th~ l'wou.t, iL

• b · • · B , r ieiJelie\'ed, ie past .. The ntvaget~ of the which will burn stcndily, without States and Newfoundlnnd, unl Rtntesmen to go together te Wnsh- t ere moor nys whtch nre with- monster Wt'ro not confin<'d to this town; hum::m nid, for the space of two Cnnndn is prepared to take ndvnn- ington and try to arrange for recip- out a School, b~ause their ~ropor- it. wne present. also at [111and Covo .uu.J months. A late number of the tage of the present splendid oppor- rocnl reductions or abolitions of tion of the grant is too small to be other adjacent plncet~. Now York World states thnt n new tunity which offers tor the rregoti- 1luties with tho promoters of th~ of nny use inpnyilthe salnry of --lightbou e,hnving n unique fel\ture, ating of n comprehensive trenty turiff reforin bill in the United a feachor? Tho c dren t)\ore aro -Pr.nsoN.I'J!--A. M. Mat'lcny, uq., has just been completed on an between Cnnadl\, Newfoundland States Congress. There is certainly compelled to grow pin ignorance Supcrinten~lt. Allglo-.yrteric11 n 'f',.lc· estuary of the Gironde, in Franc·c, and the United States, which will t1angf!r in Canada's attitude toward through no faul t of theirs but of gmph Cumpany, was in town for 11 dny \ '1 here it stand \lllOn an isolated Fecure the commercial interests of Newfoundlr,nd, and blide:J bv their masters. This 85000 would tluung tho paef week. He cnrne lwru

r froJl! tit .. Johu'e IJy Tuesd•t)"'ll truin, n11J rock in the midst of n t reacherous l1oth the British nations of Ameri- arousing and maintnini ill-fee - s;o n long wny in nffording schools lefL 11g1110 IJy yesterd11y•11• Mr. ~rue· nnd rocky reef. The IJ'urld nfl1rms c·.\, so far n.'i they can be secured, ing, it prevenb nll deve moo( of to neglected outhhrbors. ' kay's many trit>nda will r+>joice to hear thnt the peculiarity of tbis light- from the United tate3 in return the confederation mo\'ement on the Another thing about the tnntter thut hie atrcngtb and he~tlt h nro now h ou e is that it is unoccupied-nud for tho fisheries privileges which island. Cnnadn should do its best is thnt it berrefits solely au-. only thoroughly rct~torcd; that ho hne not yet its lamp is hurning perpetual- tho United States wi:Jhes to secure. nt tho earliest possible moment to tlte chihlren of the richc" an~ moro had for some time paat nny return of ly. The fa m OltS Jtcld y~tone light, H will be remembered thnt Mr. render the maintenance of her pro· favored parenttt ~· 't. J oltn s, and the old lun~ ttoublc. on the coaqt of England, rising J:ond. on behalf of Ne\vfoundluncl, tegt unneceflaary." perhaps in Harbo'r Grace' M WQll. -Tho Tde•gr.&m beli~vce tluu tlreim-from n rock that is only lnrge :\nd Mr. Blaine, on hchr~lf f the We shnll haven few words to of- If Mr. A,. wants to educnie hj s s.on portant l'neo of the collision of tlie enou.;h fur the structure, i~ re- linited tnteil, negotiattd trea fer on the nuovo in next issue. No for th.e Ba.r, he should do so with- fl'tenm• rs _tho Cyphrd1c11 nn11 .IA-mnrknble because the men ha\'ing !&y which Xewfoundlan was to spnco nt present. out having n specinl tux plnced on Flamlro w11l cornu llrr,.ro tho AJmir<£1ty it in charge nrc nhlc to len,·e their n.t. lo..J.he l"nited tnt , do the revenue Of the· colonv. 'rhe Court ehnrLiy, a ld tho rceuiL or i~~ltO confined •)llnr tors only onc*'·ery fi hing privileges ~1d lower !\riff EJ.EC rJO:'i PETJTIO:'is.-In tho Su- poor .ptnn's children will not reap 01':1\!'8 111 '">.' tho·1saml11 of r ound11, three months. when a \ 'OS cl comes rates on Amcric:m exports, while · promo Court 0 11 'l'ucsday morning tho mututcst part icle of henMt from ~rllt:h "11'rlln~. ~Jr. B.lgar lt Uow­to them with ~tt,>a,,Tic~. lctler3, and tho l:nitcd , 'tates wn to adt""i' free the Chief Ju Lice deli\'ered iudg- tho :front, but, on tht otho' hnncl, -rwg 11 •g· nL fvr tho uwnl'rd nn.l ua~&lt·r-

" " • . th tt fth I'/ . \..-ritN8 rvr ~lie ett'llllll'nt. II Oil. ,\. \\". n new dctach.ncnt t'lf watcher:J. It of duty or nt lower rntcs of duty men ... 111 e ma or 0 O.Jlre mun- are eprived of their duo shnrc by Harv y rcprcst'nla ~he Anwriollu und, f" was t :> do aw:1y with thi exacting Xcwfoundlnnd fish & fi h products. my ohjcction mndc on ~ehnlf of tho op~rntion oftho men.surc. What 'Hit.• rd. 'flu• tnwp rd cn:;:ogrd llr.J:

and lone onw lir"c tha t the French This treaty, i f it had been snnc- James McGrath, one of the re- wo want hero, cspccinlly, is the 3 1{, n . 0 . H. r;o~ur, tl. c., nnd ~lr. en~incer:J set t!tC:lHCl \"(~~~bout the tioncd and had gone into opera- s pondcnls. The nhjection was, R.'s, n nd we can wnit longer for Hor\\ OOd lor the I..n Ftundrc, nnd Mr. task of de,·iFing- amPthotl hv which tio11, would ha ,·c worked harnl in tbnt since the election l'etitioned Higher Educntion. TDJr, z. would U. )lori.s•·ll for tlu• Cyphrtn a. Mr. tho u:efulnc"' of the lig)lthonsc two wnysto Canncl:t. In the first n~ainst ( in Novemher - llSt), and likotogi\'o hischiluronnthorough UviJut J •. Murc i.snot.try fur l>olh slaits. could he m~in:a!ncd with out ~o t'lncc, it would hnvc! tended to in- hefore the petition was lodged, Mr. education, he cnn afforu f.o sand p ---;-

1 I · ~reG' nth L d t d th ffi f • - tel\ ED ur.-T"o men, coneiue, Loth muc • J>Crsona nttenllllt\. H thus crease the United tat ..... export .. to • :rr, a.;l\ ncceE o · e o ce o them a"·ny ,· bot Ute I>COJll\c of tho 1 ""' " Ch · f tl d f \V k n:unec l'"""<'r. nath·ce or 'l'ond'a C<.l\·e, happened that n la:n;., w:1s invented ~ewfoundlnnd at the expense of turmnn ° 10 onr · 0 or s, colony dan not afford to he lnxb<l to pnrt or tho cr<'w (If tho Olouocatt>r achr. whieh will lJ.a1a continuous! y for of Canada, nnd i"n the second nnd thereby men ted hi~ senti and clef it. "'hilc so mnny of •heir own .&l. Bp1ton, Ca1Jt. Corooran, hn,·lng got two nv>nt_h., without 1Jeingtrin1med place it _would have thrown open consequently that tho pcti~ion children cnnnut. get t)te aim ple p<'rnu~JSil)n to visit. their home, ri1r n or replcna~hl.'•l. the fishen es to Americans. thus en- n~nin~t him could not be proceeded rudiments ovPn. couple of d~·s. lpfL ll:ty Dulls on 'J'urs·

It seems further that tho burning abling them to corr pete on e\•en wtth . The argument on behalf of . Higher educntiou .i ~, · ns far as I dny we<'k. 'J'hri· wcre,ftrhcu to Di~ fluid u_scu in tl . .ii 1:\cu!• i'i nn ••r,lin· l te rms with Cnnadians. while Cann· ~rr. McGrath wa made by :'tlr. cnn see, n Cronk. We Nhould have Pnaul, 111111 loft thrro , N. fOoL nt. •e,·cn

I I Tl b Jror\voo<:l an(l C t b M P J . o'clock t_he anmo Hl'nlnrr to tnwcl the ary mmem ot . 1e tn e in the dn would have received no corres- • on rn Y • r. · · sm1hlo education wollin hnnd , nnd • '-! - t• Q C \\' .• ...1 k .. llC\'en nttlca to D.ay Dull11. • inco that

in_terior of the ln!IIJJ i:i iua:ni!thed pondi~g admntnges in return. •~0 "• • •• on eun esnny \VCC • out- nrbors, coves nnd smaller time thev wrre uoL aecn or hcurJ fr\lm

By Telegraph. - o--

HALI FAX, Ja111. 2-t.- <..:hnrlre Tupper n d Jnml'e HudJart., rcl'rrllc•utiug C&n· nc nnd ·A n,.trnlia, wnih.,l 1111 Earl llipon, und a•skc cl [t•r~ •JII~ ·li,·c t!lOM· ~llDd~ ItS IIU 111111bJI 8!tltlli.fy r,,r tho t:anat.hnn 1111d A ustrKhltll .,tt-umeLip lin<'.

'l'he Drititth .(;.,,·rmml'nt, ~uu.antco I.oiJcnJ;Uia hi11 lifu aut! II. ll'.tet of ltwd eho11lll !Jc 1111rr ndcr.

The C&t~r'• 1 wo s•m~ , Or , ,,,J Dukre Ot'orgc null )lit•hncl. nrc nidcully HI.

The Fr. nula 8lhll11in•ll '' •l• ·••·ott fr.,m tho Touquin 1•ir"t' 11 ; 1 Wl•ut r·li \t· j-'rcuch Wl'rc. killed. ·

Dr. llugh llci.e<~l . ,,f CnJI(' D~,n the ulli<'8L clt-rgyman in the 1>ulntuic~ Uietl y~ .. tenl"Y·

JA~. 2.5.-Tt n t!.Quenntl Oldo llli11c ~ strike ngaiuet. rct.lucl'd wages.

No,·a Scotia Assembfy d.·fcaietl women eu llmJ:I'. "

Emperor Willinm anJ Prince D) e. marck are reconciled. Uiauum·k ~·ill ,.it•it. the Emper11r. ·

'!'he. Frt'uch Ch:trnb<'r lu•e Mnctionetl tho Suuuraa tru~y. I'rcnaier l't>ri"r annou':'cetl n.n."·ar wi_th M~ttl~tgaacur.

Snna&n crn1e c<Jnttrlucs., Vt>~ecle cannot. discharge at. Rio

Jnm 1r0 . • ~lll(our, -ap<'nkin,< at. l\Jauwh<'8lf'r, ellhl _uo OU\"<'rumeut. W Rl! juatilil'\1 in ex· p_cctll'): loug I'' nee. Jo'ru11cc wne hua­Ltlc. Udcnct'll ehouliiiJc ~ trcngtlu nctl.

JAx. :'?G.-The lJritieh Oovtlrmn('nl. o~Jl·~ moru. troopa to .E&;\'f\1. 'l'lle Khe· dt '"F 1e l!lllllllli: a~ ""~i-britiah fl·tlin~. A L a rc\"lt:W the Khed1 \"CI trCdlllCIIt or Uriti•h oll_iC('J'I nod troops woe olrt·ueh·t>.

Rceol11t tune l'l'JH•alin): MeKiulry Rt.'­Ciproc~ty lliiJ paned llout~o of J<l'prr­eentatlvee. Sugar am} C01tl 1\ill be pluC(•cl 011 the lrt"e lit~t.

llri.ti~oh Adptir~lty)?l~s to elrcugthN\ l~o :\&n~·. Jl wtll nqt iru St\' t•n neil­hun JMmnlls. Thl·rc i11 cut nctivity in the sl.ip·ynr,l~t.

-An Amcricnn Rnd CaM<.Iirm mnil was reet>ived here on WednceJ11y last. It ~1uno by tho S. S. Portin. A' mall Wl'nt. out the morning fullowiug. ---

IL ie prubBbly not. the ooiJreL weather ~·ou C.Vt-r knew in your lifo · but lhat La ho"! ,·on reel just. now, bl'~uee P••~ euncrw~S"}\ re aoon forgotten, nncl be· ~nu!o yol!r b~ood neetle tbe enriching, wngoratwg wllucnce of Ayer'• Sarsa· par!lla~-the Supt'rior Ml.'<licine.

- ---The L.1tly Glo,·cr left. here on Wetl-

ncedr.~ y a rternoon I nat. nnd proccedt>d down the Bny nnd tobk MceeN. John Munn . & Cu.'s ltarqt.. Cluthn, Cuptain Joyce I n tuw, nn,l urrt \"01.1 ht'ro nl. i to 8 P: l_ll. ·n,e Clutha ia rrvm l'crnnmlmco. llurty·t.wo Juye \\"(•re OCCllfli~d on tbe pnasug".

JX OI.D"E:\ TDlEf'. Pt.'Oplc overlooked the importance of pcrn\9-nently IJeneficiBI elr<.-cte aud wero satllrlicll wuh tmueicnt. action· l>ut now LhRt it i.s ,;cncntlly known thaL Srrup or }'igll, Will P<'rmRnently Cll~ hnhllliBl conetipntion, weiJ.informcJ (><:QJIIC "·ill not louy otlu r lnxath·<'e which act. for a tinw, !Jut linnlly i11jur~ the ayet('m.


w1th n. WICk h!t\'111ri a tluckness t'nnadum statesmen hncl no right 'rbe decision of tho Chief Justice plnces started nlong ·with some sort un~il they were t.l i11c;u·l'n.>tl (•Jt'nd) 11n three hmes as great M thnt em- to object on the first of these was to tho effec~ that tho objection of n school, before such n snm ns 'fn<'8dny n:orning on thl' ronll n<'ar Uig ployed gencr:lll.': in lighthouses. ~round!' to the treaty. as tho policy W!lS not well taken, that . the ac· 85000 should be voted fllr H igher Pond and ll~ty Dutlti. Ikt.h men were Around the IJurmng surface of·the which has obtained in Canadn of ceptnnce of office, and the issue of Education. young. 'fhcy h~td IJecn fishing out of

-~rr. Frederick Knight goes north in the steamer Fnlcof)- from St. J ohn 's, to tnko the pluce of the Into ~r. George Auhott n engineer "f tho Iceland, sailing from Pool's Island, Donnvista Bny, under com­mamd of Capt. \\'in~or. .Mr. J a mes H . Curtis will tuke Mr. Knight's ~Jiaec in the Mnstiff'.

/ wick _is n cnk<:, ~~nclc of pntent pre- arranging our fiscal policy to flui t :\ new writ, di<knot operate ns an By the wny, Mr. Editor, wh en are Olouc.eter ror some tim<'. •

earnhon con. 1. tmg lnrgely of car- ourselves, no matter who s uitors estoppel agninst tho right of tbe we to Lave a school obcned here in n A ---. d , ft' t h tl h -uuSEI.F.d Fl ' II.-A al.ipm or omze tar. Thi:~ protection as- the mother-lnntl or whoever else pe 1 toner 0 nve 1e c a.rgea plnco of the old C. '. S. Sch ool, D~tvia & Co'• weJI·kunwn Polnr llmt• ria

s ures. the duration and th~ uni- bnrs Canada fro:n stnnding on.s uch against Mr. McGrnth inquired into. closed up some eighteen months Fiah, nllnurocturcd in this to~·n, will formtty of the flame. A clumney grounds. Dut they d id protest Tho matter is one of public import- ngo? \re the children to do the lie mAde early nl'xt week CoS~. Jul.n'e; mnd P. of mica .is .placed aro.und the against the .treaty on the second ance, h e sni~ , nnd the enquiry best they cnn until such time ns to be ahipped thf'nr.e rwr atcamer to ~amc, nnd ll11s ' !l·i urc3 nn 1ncrease g rohnd, urg1n$ that the fisheries in must go on. the School will he re-opened? I Arontreal, whf'~ hie hoped, it. will be m t~e.powcr of hght. The supply Uritish Amertcn were British, and The Chief Justice also remarked greatlv fenr that ronny of them will diepoeetl of aatisfnclorilv to the entef" of 01l.•s nRS ur_e' l. !.y mcnns of n re na 11uch the pro.perty of C"n"dl'"ns that the English Courts had re- be det\cient in higher educatt'on, or prhtin« Jirm. Titia induetry- ' f the " " .. d t th ' • f }Jr•Miuot Wt're introdncNJ lO outetde nt.-serVOlr COU~UOlug 100 qunrt:J, the and all peoples of aJl the empire rr O e preVIOUS procttCes 0 even in the rud iment.'i, should mat- t.cntiu11, 111 it ongla~ to lu~-1huul.l Jt


lamp consumin,:; !)0 grammes each ns of Newfoundland, and th1Lt they nrliament, and that our local law ters continue as they nre now going. ... proept>roo1 lulnre. TbPro-ie no good h our. To prov1de Ill ways for the should only be dealt with as Brit- incorporated tho '' prindples,prac- Yours &c. rc·naou 11Jao l'h~· lhriJor Grace ahouiJ reservoir being furnished with ish fisheries nod aa a whole for the tice and rules " governing English DEMOS not IJo made lie heaulqunrll·t'l'. Ht·re ~affi~ient f~el the gnuge i!4 fixed at gootl of both' Cannda and Newfound- Courts, wherefore it follows that to Jan. 22. there ie much in ita favor. Why not

_ tts s~de '!h1ch governi the suppt1 land, which wereintere•ted. They all intents and purposes we nre th<'n, "''ail ~ully or the auapicioua cun~ flowm.g 10 from nno_ther reservotr urged that the fisheries had alw~s ~overned by the ancient and well- IY lJEYORU.ll. ditiona ? '-... at.ats~"'tat n

50ce, and thts gaughe per- th

1 us been dealt with, and they e- 0

1 stnblished princfiplea odf Ehnglis~ OIOROE Ao~, Esoi:o.En. -Hront:R EoucATtO!'f.-At. a PuiJlio

m1 JM grammee per our to c nred that if the Bond-Blaine aw concernmg ree an one~. Meeting. held in Lbe Cou ... Uouee ,.,0 1• ih ..,...., ,.,. 1 1 ~ 1 t' Far from thy home and kiodred dear, , n v ~reo. ro"'8u ,.e ttt e ~upply treaty, granting privileges to the o eo tons. Witb,Jiooe to drop on t.hy grave • lear, W!<ff!etd•y last., f~r ,the 1•urpoe~ of Rp-ptpe IDt.o tho supply rese"o1r. fishermen of the Ullited States ·in SEALS ON THE ·CoAST.-A late &Ye one or t.wo companiona tried potnttng an 4'XIllh10111g committee to

.. It is further staled that the diam- Newfoundland waters were allow- N Who roamed wiLh t.hee tbe blllow11 wide, superintend tlte e.uminationa under the ~ter of the lantern is 56.i nche~, nnd ed to go into force it' would have orth Sydnor paper says that Capt. Thou liHt to-day in Death'• carm sleep, Council of Higher .&Jucation, the fol· tts C?St 11,400. The mtens.1ty of the effect of depriving Canada of Fnrquhar, 0 the steamer Harlaw, Too aoft. for plaint, for acom too deep. Jowiog oi&isena · were nominuted to the hght k bl til th h f . which arrh·ed R few days ago from By th)' looe gra\'e may euniJeama play, aen·e on &he committee :-

. . eeps equa e un e t e pow~r o secunng commercial Halifax, reports palling a number And lo b Moe' .Rev. Dr. Macdonald, Ro\'. J. ~xplrnbon of tw~ r;nonths, when it advrlntages from the United Stntes ofseals'in the water near the en- d t wen loomonLhrougbsummer'a Noel, Re\', J. J . While, Rev. W. Swann IS necesear1 to v1s1t the lighthouse uy means of these British fisheries trance of Big Bru d 'Or. The geni- Au~~nal brenea woo thy tomb, Meeal'll. A. T. Drysdale, .4. B. Boymour' nnd replemsh the wick. Th., light privile~res. The Imperial Govern· nl captain will again be in com- And Sprilll'• aweeL gnaa.e. ~heer the H. J . Watts, J. J. Murphy, Thoa. Han~

_can be s~ mo~e tl~nn twelve miles men~ acted upon Canada's protest , mand of the S. S. Newfoundland gloom. raban, Wm. Bte,·enaon, R. B. Munn, J. ~he w1ck 1s cleansed nod and "efu!ed to sanction the Bond- Tr.apoellc,Roben. Bad cock. W. U. Tbomp-

d d 11 b h . Dl ,r on her sealing voyage the coming · eon and J. F. Muno.· rawn up gra ua . y y t e actwn ame treaty, with the result thn~ season. The steamer forsome time froa nu: nuooaoaAcE STA~nun. l The abo"e Commilteo will meet at.

of the tnr cnke nt Its mouth. commercial war was declared be- pnat has been undergoing extensive the Court houee on to-morrow, (SuLur-Of the signal advanta~e of this tween Canada Bnd Newfoundland repnin and alt~rations at Halifax IIMbodlltDa:r lobool, •oad Street d~ty) at Ji o'clock, for the porvoeo of

there can he little questton. Tho and each did its be"t to injure th~ 90 as to fit her for the seal fisher~. Tb 00 Sob 1 •11 b 00 appointing a Chairman and Secretnr French Gonrnment 1s so convinc- 1• other by cutting off its own nose. C CD y • •e ondoo WI e re-open and for other important IJuaiocea. ' ed o_f it that.. w., nre told it is nr- A pence was patched up but the apt. Farquhar will have no troub e John ~ift~.!J •hali.JJ!')~ l~~~ -- . rnngmg to put. up odlert~ of these 11ore feeling remains and though in getting seal-ki11ers to f0 with certificate wh~ baa taught. ancceafully Tu -TH& BAJ.L.-Greal. prtparat1ooa for boase11. Not only so, bnt it is also it was discovered th'nt the Bond- him to Uie ice this year. )ready in ~er of Newfoundland and 1 eeday'a ~II Arc bt>ing made, aotl"

• perfecting an inyeJ?tion hy which a Ulnine treaty was no~ calculated to ili:~e~ar~~nd~f!,id~ for berths in b_u apeoL one year~n lla~wcr.rJ u :,i•l'r· 1i~e.:~~~. •:r<JA m!'~ ~~C:o~~1:C0k: perpetual el~ctrlc hg~t can be con- henefit Newfound Janel as munh u / au.y •. and one-oe•r'ln a \\ •·•l,•yan Uni- ening aomtrtrhllt, .~I ~e aco familiar . - trolle<l ~y wues runntng throu~rh 1\ ws" nt firAt su pposed, tho big end A FATED CUBAN Cow.-Ha~ana, venl:f;,Qhlo, ·H. A:, 1111 beeu.engagetl facca abouL •s•in that. wouiJ be aadly

subm:mno cable to the lnnd. of tlfe hRrgain having been secured Jnn. 15.-A frightful accident h,as :epor ~~1•00~0 ~!~ ~ .;:r::ed .;1 mi11ed if not lountl beaming upon ua Truly, we are livi.n~r in "~ nge of uy the United States, yet Newfonnd- occurred on the Timina Mat&n188 pila will be adm/:et.e(l oo ..i:e full~wio~ at the )baonio Jlall on 'l'ut'Way n!ghL. j)rogress. who40 shibboleth ts ·· on- lnncl h t\8 always remained diuatis- Railway, eight milet from Cam· aenn. ·-&aDdaNa 1 aod 2 ~ per The Preaid.,nL,fur--clad and evt>r-radaant, W:trd." I fied hecnuse th~ treaty ha.s not been anayAua, in the province of Mat, q~; a aodf, 75c. ptorquartcr; 6~d r:~~orc:,~!:IJ:t.'d'""~~~~~:e~~:!i

. a! lowed to go mto force. H was a Mas. A pnssenger train wu gO. 6• .•1.00 per qua.Mr. . hit 1enial and evf'r welcome \'Oioo' will - TI• in the we•thcr eon- ~nderstoo l at the time the sane- lng at a good _,peetl when it rn._ fhe 000~'~" 0~ atucly "!"1U <'n!"race.all l be hrard at theBall in lrue pmillential

- tinged yeat. .. r ls'f· n,in fell at. timt>t b on 'Was refuaed hy ~he ImperiRl into n cow that had walked sud- oAJrdiaiUJb _-!?.!110 .. h nhJt:et.a8,

1".011udu!l form• .. of Y<•ru. Other memb,. ... of the

I '

. • G - t th • C d Jd d d I Be rcr. AIIU eome•ry. pect• euu- Co 'It d i -.- i ·• n cnp o~1• a'1ow••r•, .ecomp-uu"'l IJl overnmeq: a.. ana a won o en y on the track. One of the jecca UnaU&Il.. Drawing etc will t,., mm1 to are un rrgo og a apcc al •err heavy l(11N •tl "i"·' · Th() alrecta he~ best to leCUft! the privileges can was throw" two hundred yards cbaried u exLn~ aL Lbe rate o1·00c. ~r :re~ration lo make tberr.aehH. ,C'slra In m '"" dire.:&i•>n.. were 1 •i·l b:u.~ or whrch she desired 10 return for th• off the track. The engine waa de. quan.t·r fcJr each etudy ill ken. The J!iC:"1o_:-i:!;•efu~fb!. lbr ft>~t .. , ' oo­&be i~ ·an 1 anow. A,. lho ni,;h•. wore · ~ritish fisheries fro'!' the Uni~ railed; and several o( the care were ICbool will b.:t open ~ flupila or all


up~~ from 8&. j~h~ •• ~ :.!l'ir .. ~e:::_ oa, · LbtlDgh, L1te wCAlh.Or hal'llrned I States, and thus adm,lt o! the New· pilerl np on each other. Help waa ~~*~r ~nlindl w ~·e o;hogl~t. ~e- aar1 the uan .. lng SecretarJ will en­and 10-daJ U.e uJd Illite of •~in ob- fou~land

1·t1reaty g<!tng mto Coree at unce MD! to the ecene o1 Ute :::,:u0111 ~bo ':u, ;:.o .. ~.r!!to.; 1 g•ge a couple of linN of at.e.mera to

..... ~_ ....... , , al we ear eat posatble dat.e. So dlaater. Stxt.een penona were lnaUun in 1 4Lh d rd .Ko &1 brilll&b•m oTer In aafetr. Gent.leml'n, -- , ... ooLI~pin. The auu • 1-'11 far Canada ha• made liUJe efl'on; taken out of Use wreck dead Nine Cr •LC t. le atan • I who ba•tt no& ret aobloribed to tho ..,, howeTer, .,.. lncre&.in11 In in- her <U\femmen' being re~Uy op· ; others were~ wounded: As yet . ~-= • Yuun LrulJ, Ball, aboolchee &.be tleere .. ry whbo"' llillll&J. Tbe dar• aro ltmpblflliiJI. posed to an1 wide meuure of re· none of the d have been ideo- \VILUAM Swus. d.eJar, •to it to be eoc.nc1 from time to ......_,nest II l"ebmary Ia&. ciprocity wtlh Use United State., • Wled. I Jmaarj t4tb, 1804. . a ~a=.~. accuatomed plaoo <>f buai·

.~ ,.

Tm: Coluso l:iuo....:cRil'Tto~ But. givH promise of I'Cilf sin~ e\'en ita brilliant. IJrotht>r 11f IILSt eeneon. Thu l0\'<'1'1 or the " liJ:ht fllntaetic " are now All on the tivtoo of expectation until Lhe hapJ'\y mombnl Arrh·e. The untiring llau~tging Se<'rl'lary-Mr. C. Harold Bennett-hoe h•fl litcmlly nothing un­done to attain tl1e desired end-lurniah L~e liegE's or the eccont,l city and their fr1enda of the, C.rbonear Buy RoiJerte, and other Jolact'8, with ~ lil'lll-clau nil(ht'a tujoymcnt on tho oc-casion aforesaid. ·

-Ovsn 200 liEs IS E)IPT.onrEsT. -Almost overy dav the fleet of sealing sch ooners e·n J:Outc to the Japnn Coaat is enlarged by a fresh one starting out from Victoria, nnd on those which hnvonlready sniled over 200 men hn\'e found cmploy­~ent for at lenst Re\'en months. "Y est~rdny tho Dora Sie,mrd depnrt­ed wtth a. crew of 26 men . She is captnincd by F. ColeJ who com­mnnded the schooner Penelope on her Jnst cruise.-B. C. Colonist.

We wish our oltl friend, Capt Cole, continued success.

-- ' - One or the handeomest pamJJLh·t. '-' , that h11e reAched our this yl'ar h111 jueL liCM'n iuued by the Dr. \Vil· JiAm'• Mt'dicine Co., telling rortb the \"lrlUfl or lhl ir rink Pilla for P•le Peoplf'. Tl•e ramphlt>L ia undoubtedly tbe moat elaborate C\'er iuurd bJ a pro­prietarJ mtdlcioe ho•11e in Oaoada Tho covf'r ia printed in three col011 and on the front pago ght'l wdl extcuttd portraita or the Duke and Dncht'M oC York-England'• futuru Xing and Quf't'n-the pcor:rahe lH ing aunuunded by • handaome bmdt·r, forming a onioo or hellrtl. Tho back C0\' 1 r JMitcC ia aleo print('(! in colora and eho~·s a faclimlle Of A fll't'bge nf lhe lamhUI J'ink Pilla, The reading mallcor in 1~" 1,.mphlc t will be lnll·noatintr to lhf'41e wbo maJ 101' any fC!8aoD require a blood lmllder or Dt'rYe &onlo. A Ot.'r1 nr thia l•ancl-eome pamphla will be m~lled ,,... &o &nJ of our reedera who •ill aend &belr addl'fal on a ~tal C&ftl &o 'J'be Dr. Williama llediOIDe Oo.. Drocbillt", OD&.
