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PbOMOTBI)..Lieut.-CoL Jamea A. Ekin,tttrtQirhrteimMterof tbe Caratry Burtaku, bM been

g>roaotod te th. rank or Oolonel lu the BbBMBT Army.a^rVI fJaaBf bl BBBTB1 of the lat Ilmaionuf tbeQuartcr-BBjater'i l>i»arBaent. Entorlng ai rechnontal qnarter-Bxaator Ib tbe tberao-moutha* aerviee, be amlited ln

oa^iinarattiwyrairt' regiment, of wln.b ha wui made

BfAjatalBaVOobBBt Whilo in tbe field at the bond of

kta cooBandbo wm apoolnted Captaln and AuLitaat

ajriartonnMter. aod orrir-red i<> li'bvMBfi M aPbat4J}oartermaiter. fcbortly after be wai MBBTBd to lo

kfiAnapoita aa Depot Qr.arterrxaiTter. Wkfk boldirgffcli poeitloo.from Octotoer. IMoi. tlll Pecraber. !»->».

giewM tirat made (aptnin in the BtogaM Amy. and

afterward tatjrtyttod Msjor and LtaMMBBt Qataaalfbe duthBof th, afaaa *i thi.-i aaartM inafnVittia,ayndtbobiulneMooctiiiiu.l U> hBBMBM ii'ill it irrew to

IkelmnMnie, making the Uhomof tMaafoM bothouer-

pat and Irka-ime, In t><a-oit>er. iBBk bo wai urderodlo WMhiagtoa aa Chief Ljaarvenaaitaoi of the CoialrymBaraaa._

, Poi Th* TrStnii*.Mpara bm Tdhe Bar.

The Bun'd bunface i-howa B far h-^b nnmlwr tafojpota thia aeaaon thaa niuo'. and theae af ranch BBBBBf

fjre, whioh may acconnt for th* titiu»ueJ haat aod nb-

Beaoe of BoUture ln the atmoenhere. Theae boloa

opot* may bo aailly aeen wtth an eitnvneTTilcr.l tclo

ajoope of oxoderato power. wheiitfbe w* ii at a low alfi

grade in the mornlng. tho imoky ntmiaiphere reu.'.t

togtheuBnalaceoiiipanyiiigan.i eye pteoei aaperflnon*Okttd tbe Tlew nnanrpMied. My lait obeerration. Ai:ff.II. ahuwad me abont hAlf a d/>»>n ipoti whioh ntiit--dlyfould no| amoont to tnon-, ix>mt>arative.y, thau tha

kead of a plaon a diik of eighteen incbei. and in Mtflfaaaaona on^uarter of the entlre BaxxBOT wonld be oi

.itBM oorarad with apou of varioua ilapra and PkBA3l o. a

* .

Moalher wl BBB. WaafclnBleaa, 11. 14.BVMhUT IlOlBi;. MT. VVAMlINf.TOX. B. II., <

p-rlday. Aujt. IB, 1844 jTh'i weathorhore ia fae, und dolightfnlly

aaooa. The therxnoineb r eiaad* tbi* moruing at Hi :

'AilTeitiaeinenLlAi.tVTH Hocsb. llARrpoRP, CoNK..while the

aanal raawrto at tbe aeaaide aud Ibe ipi.ngt an uneorn-

IWtAWy oroaded, we do the traTehnir patlie a fnvor OT

OillinfT attontion to the elegant ac-d-iinmudattorii of IMtflllTn Hooae, TbU Hotiee ia tiew. tbe haili and roorni

are larpe and airy. and tho cullnory arr«ii(aeraent*MaalaVbrl few botola in tbe r>.unt.y. ^udiTiaPu i nnd.aVm.lie* Ib quMt of a qciet and envant »<.">-£"*»"*¦ *

Barm montha con find their wi*b*i ratiiktW tl tbuOatabliihmetit The BraaaM protinetor, Mr. K. *7. Al rn,f-ipcniei wllh no luiury which the market BffirfAK BBBBBTf and drina »l«'nt Uartf-rd are tvlcbrnvdfor their beaoty. few i ities af equiU riau arOBOBbaft»on laiiiioroua attractiona to itrjnkrt'ri.


f AdTartboraonL]Bh-WBl AjrBI0».» FevKB A14D AOCR CtTRB.

A inre oure for Ferer ar.l Agae. lt ueror taJa. lKpolbo. rjy, ldUirty -IL, up aluTJ-a.

J AatTartlieaDeTit 18rx Ybaiw F.ipfrikmcx, withont faimre, and

4b. BaBBMOT »f huodrada of onr be*t citbfaa, b tbat th*Beo-OLAB AiAikM iaLBOtura teude-i a bu.,.» tor.piat.lybmkai uroof.* lact wonby th* atieoticn tf aT.rr -i-ir-nBViAfuv prtHM-B iac. , j- Hi)tJ|M (j; w, Hroadway.

Snsinces iNcticcs.

A SlQB OF THB TlME8..Mr. A. MoBTOrt, theBoibaa-t nuaOutar.tur.r of Ould r*ni, hru kl lei I'-h layeo rom-

aolbd b, Um oontanui! tdruie. U nomlnil Talu**. ratuod b,tbe iBOatiM of our Co-rene,, to iAtboc* tb* pricM af hit

(oadA. H* ba* (taod ont throagh tuao, moolhi, lucurrtuiBM*Ty lo****. ia tbo bop* tbit tb* *nd of tb* War wouid

avaoBedil, oaoabla tiia to botaat Bat ba bai loltt bb F«ni

4broo|bout at Peac* priea; bnt b* xive* bbBm t<ni», tbat h*

Baa *land *ut oo lunr»r aud muat b.n -*i\r b rduri* er.u'.*b

fbl hli iraod* to oorer tov-lr PoeL Tbi* b tarinod aa adTince ia

avarlrvai, hut oot qutt* ac-surat*!,. P.Tery fainaar tu bu, one,

B dooeo, o* a buaired af MoBTOBl Pena for -.. Prodnan.

.rary kTAiAuiiaotoror tor Lvta, Clolb, wtj wcrkman Ibj lo*.

liabor, tbaoln 1*0, Il b *lmpiy a readjaitioaut of nooilnaj

B* actual Talu**. We hof* to b»ar tbat hla Irad* t* -itiaf-ct. d

fe, U; for w* bold lt n» uaua true lr-lereat to buy my nmra

lhaa tu eeli fooda fcr laaa* t ur n kbelr hnoett eoeLITrlbuoe. JjI; 17.

"~klBA WlBSLOW*b booTHlsu fiVRUP.-Por chil-|tm« TaB>tlabaf Corova tiyaaaletr aad Daarta.*» lefabU* tb.

BBBBBBl * B*w*l*. *nd eara* VVInd Caiia,_I" yon want to know, &.c, rpad

Mipical Cnaaoii BMbaA Mttooibook for cunon. p*<.pl*. and i ruod book fer Piioe B| bu. Tu be lad a ail nowi depota. 4ont*nU(ava-a ai.tkao frr -. A ..

Ur. K. H. PooTt, No. 1,130 Hroadway N. Y

BATcntOR'a FIair DTE..The best in thoB*rbl Pirtoet. aat'oTil, reiiabb. kano.**i. aud inat*Bt«Be*iiita »«.*_ Ther.-B. -e . ai|a*d VVnaJAM A. BaTCBBLOB.fkoU by ab Urutf.tta. PaeAory No. II HarrbTAL_

EXTAACT OP 8WKKT GrM.CtraM DllBaBKA. .>oid at No. li Ooldak, aod b, aii

gragr'ata. Piice 60 eoBnta._^tSoMBTHIRO NEW..The NOVELTT Ml'RO-

fui nhoiuloT. tb* wondoifui taaalfof ftairea aidli.aeovu. Mauad,pr*paid. fr i't. b, H< SIT < BAiO,

o. 180 Caiitra-et., N-* Y-ni. Liboi-l di-o .ui tudaJ-ia.__BBAtrTIPt'l, LlVB-LIa-B PlCTTJR_A

Cmrtaa d* Viiit* *- per daaven. t*apBaBB Bl 40. Ail aef-Ive* rerbterad. R. A. Liwi*. Ne. i.'.'lihatban. it, N. V"" Artii>tcTal LiMita by E. D. HtTMOV, af. !>.,flowTark, Aator.alaea. GbBBBM "P .-"-.. U. S. v,.liar.

¦nd monrvai fBrnlaho-d witnmtt rbarf* by ortbr oi tttfttm-4W. H*roiooiid. li. S. A., aiod nui|ai.u VS beutu, I'. .'-

TBUSSB8, ELASTItJ HTOfKINQS, SfSPIiNSORYBiMnnu. r^rrroRTaa*. kc. -Mimm A (io.l R*die_i(ii_o*lTuu (3t7ir*.only «t .N". 3 1 raay »L Laily ata.udaiit._~»;ii.>v_R & BaxkrA Higbeui Pretmiim, Elu.a-B* btib-ii «iwi.iG-.MivliJ'J, No*. 4*J Braadway, N*wTork, anti 13k Pulton aC. HIooIItb^^_" lVt)BT^ROOCHE4, EAR-KIK03, COMM, HaIB*.tbi. HUBTB-bcrtom. kc, aanaut-d ITOUT, Bl Wai.-flo->tt'l. No 871 H»"AiiWAt. oppoaiioi t:_ taabrapataBa, arijtu.f tbe Ootvoaa Ktai-iiA7.iT.


For the llair BCtd 6klit.liAKiiv'h f rucfiiiJitt-BB8, the boM BDd rl-spei.t arti.-_B. BabjBjl

? .

To I.Buy yoor M»* aow. oaluaof^B^ aua_.p-Ux *oti on aial

BBBbBM to* jarir*.Thk Diamobb P*aiaBk MiTCR,

lle btaat ta Uwworid, are iaiiiin .*r|>*T ir,oa. »r.y othen, Mtle Lobl iatABCIACTi'tiaio ( o a.

N-i.'.'. Corlbnd aL

T'UB ABW A5P LtN (PALMKn'rv I'ATEVr) KUJ4.fbed Tur Duldieri by tle iniaut-r. g. PftABI PalMBB. tifojoo- Artlat. Proadway. r< 7. AMBf flM*. M. I"., IM8 :-¦.-

But-*c. Pblla. liy ord i uf tb* 8?t.aOKia<«a»taUa.

Wl7BRt,EA A WlliSO.S-'P BlOHBWT l'RKVflUMt**ara Stttob 8awiao M*ci::Nia, Bo. b 'S Bl. I '- lf.

iin.n.ttARv7'TT.f>n TTi-.roday tMMBBf. Ati^ !!, cf MBMB4W eoiri.

plaiH. KoaMlB. JMa-l tifrlH ti VvUliakwBMWl'* r-iattro* and frie:. ia of tb* familyar* laittod .-

-. * 'nueral ou rla.ur.'a,. Aoj. U,M U a. i.i i.o-. .

*> <,'^r*puaoe, Hrotkiyn.B>.i)K)R0-*t G'*t .ii. N- V., -b Th-iraiiy, A-f, IL

faliaard Unntlni bad ord, ;r ,b) ot i. M ol ii 11. audAuBk H*Tier Il*,ll,..-.l ,r* 1 3 y.aia. 7 i ...i.r,a MoJ tk d*>».

f-.uiiv frcm the ii. D. fBBlM uf 0*e.m.M Hiv-itda; M i

p m.

B> RTiNK.AlMoont V.-irin. rai ThurarbT. Aof. 11, rhivllaAu. i-l. *oti<.f8aii..a. li. i_d M.ry A. BorUiie, «|*47 y**n,8 tn uthi and 11 d.i

474)JtN\VKI.I..fh, ln'ty. Aaa, 17, WillUin K. Cor.iw,!!. lntbe 4'id yaar of bii U(a. _ ,

IMn-ra! frrta bla B llBtBM No. lW IVo-M Purtyelfhth

BheMl, on Monday, lllB, at 'l u'. .oak p. Bk.

CROMW ELL.On TTtBlltBI. Au{. ", t i.ari. * Cioit.well, aonuf Jrhn and the lateaWaa Crco.a-*:) .;). r * t..*.-t and .*>¦eavere lltaaas, o$ri M yeara tad 4 moutbi.

Jlunrr- (rom taabaaaaaf bb u:..:*. Natba.-.!*! Hawxhurtt,noar Rahwty, Se**oth day, it 3 f, ra. 13tL in*'_

fXLI.KRY. PBBWd to tbo lro.uuru. Iil*. -a, Th-.riarUy. Ae;. 11,lOVi, Mary J. i.iiary, wi'o ot >'paa P..>.ii.ry, afad 31 ,Mrtand i. nioutbi." D.-aih b but a kliei Kod 0B*BBBS a*nr* ,t. who unbveokl

«.tu noUela** band U't'i Bowef-eacirei*d duor to iknwuIho** we .OT*. "

f/ taaal «n RootUy. t4th lnac. fr.. ai bar bt* rMtdetvce., No. Ml...- >i.d Ufti. i : - v . of tb, i.ov ln*lt*d.

f/OX-Oa Frld*,, Aui, 11, Mr*. 8vnL wldow of TBarnM g,Paa

tftf i-*tlTB* and frtertd. of tb* ta-'.ly, ai*o thoa* ef bar lea-lu law Edward Rutk tr. liiTitod 4« aU*ud th* foaaral at Ht.l,uk*A Cborch, liuibuo atreet, OfapuiMo Uroro *tt**t, MBonday M lf o eloek.

JP.NKINS.lo N*wbnr|b. N. T oa Tbtr.l.T Anf, 11'Waitof, v n of Cbaa «. and Carrb E. iraklua, t|*d 7.i i.lbt tnd 17 de,*.

BtcCALI-- Ib tbb city. oo Tharaday, Atif, 11, 3atnt*,MeCall, Ib tb* 7iid yei.- of bb afe

t*bc fBaanl wiil take phw* f ni tn, r*a!d ric* of hla brotberbi l*w. !au..-a Iiorii.iai (Jraha.. No lt TA'aehlia|tvn Hquar*,an Saturda*. the I'lth iual at 8| o'clock *. ui. Ti e rel*Bmei nl Meudi of thi Uiuliy . Urlud to altoad wlihoulfMkhM kVOtAo*.

VARIArt-Al PrekikMl. on Wadaraday, Aag. II, taaac L.Varia_,lo IheT-th yeBofhltaaa. . .

Tl,a raUtivai aad fnaadt of Ihe famity are reaeaetfully lavrBe*». ittei.d tbe funera! on B.turda-. liKh Ina., M l| p '»¦.

finiu h . hvt* r-ii.ier.ea. Cairlaaaa wIM ta la wtiilag M

Pcnkaiill on Ibe arriral of tht lu a m. triln from New-Yorh.IKAIr-Oa Huiidty, loly 14. a th* l.o.|-it.,l, Daratiir., Abu,Corp. WehaBcT Tetl. of the 11th _*cti_*4it, N. T. V., afVera «i. .-I BbflflBi 'fed 18 yeara

MtHKITTKICK-Al Yonkert, ob Thnriday, Ang, II, HarbertIV fli mn, teeoud ann of Alexandor iad Llliie MunkitUicA,arad 18 year., i moutht and 11 d.yi.

BMITH-At PitTMald, Matt. M Wednaeday. Ang. 10, Katat., dtugbu-r of Inac T. and Kliaabett. P. Btnlth of thi. city,ir*d .i yeari

/anaral oa Moadty nait tt 8 p. m., frora tha Kirtl KaptlilChuruh. rora. r of Kruoin* tnd Klittbeth itreela Tbe rraa-

tirat aud t: U ud. tr- .aei.--.ijny Uivitad to atteieLSTAttR.ihi Th'jr*.i«ye-eninr. Aar 18. tl Yonk'n. Haory

Ueokrr. in'Ant i.m of O. Wlnthrop .nd Mary E. Starr.I'uurrtl i«o_*-» on -atnidty rt 4 waktat p. ru. Tho relaUv-Ban) f laata uia i.apeetAdry brtadio niond.

TORBTBB fta Kridiy. Ang. IX afUr a -rrrare aad knfarlngii!n ¦" Mra EQea Torran., ee.-d jti j-rar*.

The frbid. <A tha f,i.i!v BM rr.peerfr'lv b_NM M BBMharfuaeial at I a m. to'day, tiom No. -9a Weat I ourt. eutbttreri.

I)a»rnlt ptpa-B pl*4*e eopy.TUlTDV-At Maaaa N. Y.. on Krid.y. A-.a », jM*l Knrdy

I-, tbe 74th y-.r Bf LU ag". fonnerly uf W'UU Ttautt. Wett.ehattet Coanty, N. Y.

TA1.1.MAS.At Byaak, ¦> I- °a Frid.r, Aur. I?. after a

li^ering illnom. T. Snilta Tallman, lu tbe Wd yatrof hta

Thr frimJ* of Thr fai-lly tra tnrltrd to iHecd hitlnnrr-l rrotn ht. into rciid. Boa, Nyack, to-day (SaurdayJ

' a » o'chvk. w1lh«..t furtbar notic*.____________

Cprriul _\0tuf*.

:^^[kmt\-.,.i. ': ! '¦ I 1- 4I- o 8 . : S r R 2_. :

li_-_.oBr_!>K!19a:_': £ 1KRI'Ha^-ff^B'i : ft fiA>a*aw3-.i tr3a.j-» . H U. £- BBflMB .»?'; ; ¦ M adi igjlflf; iiffl j a a |f .

laCHlSB'i? iril? 5 ° 5 > Q :

. _. 3 I r / . u, .-. h> J_ .. _>

i: r; ¦.-. o ! ? a iw b s. n : B_.:'"..U

. O R?°i -1 .-. 7 : f*: W r_tra. i! *S a|li ! b. < B,Sa ta* ri y.i,. ; w



R«.lor.-t Oray H& to ltt on.'in..l Mbr, ttopt Ri ftlltng BMlu thr*e U-v«. Aeeyi th, Aaad r'.-on rn..'aad btak-M, wBl i."l

ataln tha «kia or a^U thr fabrlr. Tiie b>-4 t.nlr dr. at

Inf «v»r ober. d la lha PaOBa Caa ba uied frarly. , BtB-MIio.hinrtr.j.irioti>;«t- -.'! IM rn! j,i r,.:irrt<-a t'.e jTowtli afOMtreaka.t 1 air. ii -BBBB_MB_td B-fMad bpBbdbM-MMtal¦ immatttp rn Bta li rk. Ail are bwaty i..v.l-,l to ai.inli.e Ihbwiiajerhii trlii.pb oftdanra. Huld .'. ti... d.-;i, t'.or. a Bfl| al

BryM-taB,Balaia Bwalwey. ahMi Mbba Mto traataaMwill br .-ratiltou.'y niven. Iru^i Al p^'r botllr|

OB per ha.f do-rn, in faiiry taiv.a Caa Ire aar.t by riprrtaBABAHAI BBVALIKA B. D.


BBWING MAOHI-fH,Ita-bMaa Ebtara-td hytkta r-tttmyBlBab tnd N v-i

«a» il ini ar. BM -uiv a-; .1 .' ll b .1 hand nude i-i ti.a i..-.

ng tb*B ln taeetyenthewreag-kta. Btdthy 3ri l.leb «ob_ad-ai_b

j |n-. HOLK PlBWBRhF-l.()-.-,*. i!,, , .aiykted!luiike other oWwbig "vl.i.e. .' -anofaMarat ta awa i

li, -..;, ARB ' irRD.* v 1. ono oi IM ;r*«t aarhi. H r..n be wagked

aaa b] aaj To* I lady, wboi IU rtai Ur* -Byieiperien-a uitXofiuai l,OvM) ic l,?-.«l 1'ar.iv t l.uTtou II i.. ¦ 1.1 BM

!;, 'rar-rr iru i_id Nraille. »<.< rr-.pany aaak M-J-'rlne, livery51 hia. ,. VV_rr_-tad fur I w-'te M;Btl.aMa klaei caa he t.*r, in fal apafaHM B on aaa t^u. ttr-re,

No. ha^i Broadwiy. i.rtr lii. ..rk. r wh. re li..'r t~i. roaBM tie

r,..IforZ-ubra, PR-I8AU A flKCtTB, Agaata,Altcntlon, I.fldta-a aud NaraCBr-Mra P, R. M.

PCrTTKB'a BOCeTHlNU COROlAb f-1 uiM.eo lt an iuftl-:.b'.. r ri.iv ir laeeMaB Mttatawtta, ataiera iafar.t.!i-riUbtlrtv oftempe-. b-»t af kead in laal ing. ilr.r.- .. -

¦oftnoM tu lha gaaa, aad tUaaftkea-ag w.-vk rabae. .''. . >

a. .. othlag Btririia. romilalag na aai ttUt paaaaawhaieear,B*.era_cai cvn ba prudai'ed fuiu l.., umM aad-CM pnya'.rai-*iold al ^7 tlold tt and 3« Mb av., It y., ».d t ra^a. labta.-/¦-.. Mra l)r. Potler r.n b* .. .iai ab '*ta Auiav aa

al i_M4-ea of wmoan tnd chiUran.

Paaraleaatl Doaaaieaal I

DF.MTJI.CENT IThta latlrefy aew ft-np ta bayond all eaBB-rtaea Ita keM

ren.aoiiod yat "ferad fafCliaiTTXi; Olt TCNDER HANBS.

THR BVRRCBT, ANf) ALL TOtLtT VBtAMta-lactarad anly by

J. O. HUIali'S HON. No. 3A PARR ROW.R. T.tVhr, alto off.n apward of IBA -ariettat of Toitat and Sttpli

Batpt aad Candtaa Kot tale by rt, «t all ratpaeuhladaataraDtaaaaad Hlawa.

of ai! daarrlpvir-t. frow twoi.ty 6ra dollan ta M-tn hnndreddubait eath for aale by OKO. C. ALLKN. No. 411 Brordway,.,- d.-»r halow Canal rt foroterly No. 11 WallM.CLU.SK U U.N QAtMBBAlfl a Jo'etaek_ I

n_ar.Mta)B»^dlni-B^NKVV ATTLK8 -Intt Baaatoad,Ttaaa Pwa s7vao,Trn. 'iwelve. rif_)*B.Twenty W «e*aaty6*. t aat. Kor aa)* by UKU. C. Al.l.K.N, No. 411Broadwty one doot bataw C-ual tt btirt ctaied M 3ai'_r jbya m J a aieok.











lade-erydlieiaaof thtKyier Ftr requlrtag ettha Bedi-a

or targtee! ald Mtrr.ded |o


DBt VON l.IHKNIJF.lta,Aathorel "Suigt-al aod Praetleal Obterratioua oo tka Dta-

eatet of tha Kar, wbuh tha Nrw Mod* ef TreaU-eat," at hta

"fLcm>No. 810 .UlOADWAY.

OiTMO.vs Of TBI H-Hf-TOlI FUlktSb

Prim Yjt Juixa: '. of Connner a


CALl L'LATOtt."t

TLere ru pnbUi-ed hi iLete cohuini t taw _*yi ilnea tta

reaiiikabta cure ol ¦abh-BBk 'ha " Li/htufog Mtabb*1maell known to _b r<-M"' dnrlag thu riar.y l.e ai

.-.. J .,.-.. ..»¦.'.. .-. a ,. - ¦. al l'.t:..-:. . Mata-

nm, ty t-» ctiebrafed Ocuiiai anJ Auritt, Dr. V-jb Klienbargaf ll_aclty. llolcUngt ta reprateotad to Ltra beru atth*

pointuf dactb, and, bat for llai t.mly takB-bBBBM af BOd<vtor. w.iild now bo raotlng ln h'i rTrtvt. T!ita lt t r-ipjirk.

b'.a rat*. tad worthyt_ettUn'lt.nufparroi_itii_llar!y all.Urd

Wa tblnk ll li hot jurt to Pr. Vou Kianhirg to c_U poLltagtaa *l i lo thia -.»*. There ara bnadredt ua the tuui uanlty. af r | .'r. a .t-rt.. wi. BM tbe " I.', h-r.Ur «'a>i.later,"

il not tatuj_y pr.yl-f f»I tlea'.h, ar. leady t" trcopt of t >y

l_i-., ta_tt pr.aiiaea bo teiiare ult. in .'roru itair dutrea^w. To

, .. !. we wotld a»y hrtAa aul »i:« iacapailenead a..:., it

eonio!t.wirlio;.l ui_i*reat*/y d/wty, Dt. Vea fctaea-erg, Brikfljalleiat, haitha bitrw-rty toaaaura :. i pa- .ui w-a-eti ilil

wi'.i.L. I ii powet lo n.tke tb-B ahoia ar aat


V.KXKH TO TH* DF.AF.Xierymtn tud a.per.aliy evrry Wnman, balia-et la 1 i* 11

hmpbyabtaL Ih a *ra phl imB-tal aaata wbu-j. haht|BMakaMBaftah b Al p'Uy.urU.-'optthy.orllydr.ptaiy,artot* »'!... ronn of KMntiu cert. Lul a iii tba wutld rt

l.rra lha br'!a." lt BM ln Uw eyew-m, but ln tha d.. tu.. Ka

;* tt'yli thit tr.te tt itfiidt e-rirt* a.i CM Bb I .¦»

BBXhal wbo Lu mseaaaad bb ttafai m hb betrir.g i. . .r. t>._i

fta MbMBg aaetl have baea reatnred to -Ln hy aa oOni

pnatitiuaei Ibaii thal (artk witr on. :.* w'. m kli . ,'i <w 0»-t

aa.arT.rad. Ih. Vea Klarritari U ain.teg e.-r b*«t k-iwr.

loriata, Ha bat aoi irniu.uvui brutber pra-tltl n-r l*a

ay*.. tul lu wlw.* iklll. thrraf.wa, wa b..lne lUn aTl tluara

I'.ul we ttar of Llm frcm thota wbo ettaem tlrn ne! ' * -I,

li I njrgeon, brt at t brnafarvVir A r*r*«.t .»te tjit brrn -r

ta'.d lo u.. fur Ibe U-.tbfuia*ti-f a IJ wa can « ¦¦.'

w. oan BBBM Bo ntruea Tlt paBflM w_i t tady who bad tatn

Ueaf ftoru luftny. t. t rolieeq .*- a af ,.v - of tho i__-*t.ll

lo wbl-h BH-bM arr li-bta. latt'-ily tbe diieate ljjd t_ttfl

aa trute BMB, tnd tiie pitianb »lt BBkpMI M rnteoB to-er'ngTh* riraf..aet w.- BhpkBpb BBbg c.iopl-t-. u.J -M :tB_r».

Ihaakhble-Aiji. dov .. _er Ur |1 J.. ,'. .ii:*..!!!'.-. 4»laud_r.t

tpen contUnt pi'ru Oi.lituvy tnl ..r.u..ry t'lelee

wne naadawi tnJ Dr. b ou BbMbaSg ott catrf..! lu. OTi Baed

nr.t rapeal Ltadu^r.otii; fur UjA w ouiJ bo ou.y all.taf hard

namatta ;!.e BBBBMl '-* BM bt dr'.e ted tt . .: '.ua

tatt of dLtoaae, hiitlnone umtlcn of tht orga-um. Iheala

ano'Ur, aad arBt BBatpahBlM -.Biiifaiat Ut 1-iijb: wat ac-

rvirtta, be rraiurrd Ihe ct'itet, tnd ... wbo fuia lofaacir.

luiletrd wi'L Aifrla.iltT, anl I»*t*r!y hrrdly at a'l. tflt*

ataiad, flrit tn paila.-t h-BBk : tnd th r, I , |*rf.<t be-llh. Dr.

V'oi. Flaen'.eri'a-Jvar' i t rt 'a'.i if'.a. eaai, wLlfa

-.,, taM lii'ly ir v.a. tl.,Ufii tot »: l_a tal .*'- ¦"- b I L.ib

ItathMhaM e*'«. i e.»r

Pmm tu* CbbdM (taM

blUHT BE8TOHED.covcnvafa im am» oculuii.

Of lac fcr- BBB-ta thit Brk k BBMB tael.-.g I, tbe in,.l iiu

I'.jrtai.t ir.d ttttt \ J :*L Iu pr rpartiaa aa I.I. ituao faa) ua,

wt are rcj . .il'..< l»a'|,.r>»iiit.^ Ill .i. iy d-t'i' f flightLow OmB » o. .d beiur BBBBBBBb iruw rJ;c, tnd how li_i1 ed .. .i ai^Le.-a uf ri tion ai.d MMBbflM lindcwed 1'

lha Bflbaaai Lerou.a. t naw rrtii'.n, tlettad a Bk i" t'.t) aad

uivei..-»d by ii l.ulle BMMp BM ¦. BBBM ftlta lo aii-ct

tbo mlad aod ...»'.

For raretil moiiiht ptrt thit haa beea t pr.ett-a t.b.r.-t to

na An L.fltrn.d f.-idttion of the eye'lii, roir.rj. ui, ttlng.¦ allta Ika paat^ aaademd Ita .,.*..uc of .-lly laBta qji

..uly .. .'il. bn* d->i/» ¦.¦ a AltribulUig it to tht eiTeea of .

r.old, ae andured ib Ihtiugh the Mprir|, wltii ll e 1,..;« llu'wllh Ihe return )l weaih.-r lt », tii an'.l.ely £ IppHot ln tl.i. we we.t Jairjied to dlit^'.niU'i .-nt. BbbB ir*

taraed,kataMbmwaariadfligb. tVha Mhara aaalb. .-.-..:. thmaagbam *i beema bb taalaBBV

*. a gaaaatmfbrilaticf oui rtta to a rrt-nd, ta aii'.nd iu tbat t I'.tnJiar

BM la hii own lamlly had raoenUy baea treaU-i wl'.h e-iiira

. trcaai ly I)r. Von Fiteaberg of tldt rity. Sa'.fylig ....

a-.rri l.y BMB l*ni, u't/Lnrj.lrirt thtJ the IWtoT ta M MB

;!rlc. t-'t t k Ir.l'ifi.i oroliit nd titlit, wi. u i .d«J tn Mektbr hriM-fit of M> ti-Nltnv..'., wi.i h vtt iuvvt now r> kaataawb-gl at r-ry j. u. ILiuib Lul a i.-w w... bb *-r

Lii. ir*. tbe flppflaa-MB of anr eya, h». tvtal'y cl.uige»L Tn*| "pi-1IBBB tul! tnl clear, tad ti* BbflM BBB-flbBMBaM.:.! .u,'i- j', .-- TU I'.a '. ar.yi Ibal , optle i i ,e ktt t

wi.ktL-.l, and tbe riliua aaauiutd a ii. ..... .1.1 . r

ttala, -fl- '.I. i mcrt ur ti t'J tb* ¦,.,. iL. .-a, aod ......:,

Bg. lf oegiettad, toend ln Atuaoroila <.; .:.,:...i'i, wt haiie»» ta tha tarm whirh ..-..' a'a appiy to .... aftrtad ti were

aara Hivlng nhttined tbt Biarb dailnrd, vr take r: -«1

pleatara lo iclnowtadg-!ng our ,1-bt. !.-... to the taieut ofDr. Voa Etaentaia »'¦ * f ca-icg tn lt th* ittaattan of oLmmiwho aiay bt tuffertag Ti.-.-n a ihuilar tt trrn wum roaditlunef their ayaa lt it tad Uitl KroHdaaee proiidoa ib t.-.i.dtltfar etery bana It it eertaio Ihat tha aya la, la ttate,

tnhJK-t to te-arer thali tbta formarly. Lat nt be thankful,, thtt ii wa ln. naw tha tamionrlai whi h dattroy Ihe

argtn ot vl.1 .n, tha | r ,:-a.« «f . lenoa paoe with Matt., II not lo tdrtBca of IheauOf, Ii.t, N. bll B&OABWAT,

V. B. 7*30 Laaa.

The Berrotary of ths Tn a, 1; y (Itm aotlo* tlutt MDaertfttOM will b, racaioed for Coupua Treiaar, Nute*. payahl*brrae yaaia from Ao|. IS, IB64, with aeml aonaal MbOT altbe rato ef .*t.b m4 thre* teoihi p*r eeut per anuio,.otiaot-

ptl and iatarett buth to b*> pald la ItwM aiooey.Tbe** BkM will ha rouTortibla M the oftloa of tn kolAat M

maturtty, lola .U P** eent gpjf. boarloi bondi, payakl* aM

Im* ll.*" bva nor loti tbin tvraii y yru. fioru tinir tbu, a,

tbe O.T*ror_*nl may eleeL The, wlU tva taaued la tteooaai-

tBfaMOf ?». BK*. .*".- *'.*"* tni .'.onC' tai ¦" ¦*.

irnptl-ii oiuM b* for Bft, dallari or i.rre niehlpU of tft,gabMTba notet wlll b* lriaMn.lrtod to the ownatifr*.* traaa-

porlalioo cluri** M looo aftor tb* teoelpt *f tf** ort«in*l Gw

tlrVitet of IBpeadt M tbe, e*n ti prepmxed.Ai tb* not** draw lnt*r**Tt from Au-uit 13, parieni taailnf

d*po*iti iuhaefl.aie'.t to that date inuit pa, tb* Intora-ot te, .o>d

fruoi dit* ef not* to date of ibpoolLfM'.lri kBfatBMg twotf,BM abBBBBd d-lWi ind upmeard

for UicM ootei lt au, oa* BBB Bal be ailvwed a ooinoibaloo

of noi-qitaner %t om pir eent, which will be pald by tn

TrMniry Depcrtroeot upon th* PBSBBtf of a bUl for Um

lanoaut, cettihedto b, th* BBBB with irt-oio th» d*poitl ».*

..-.--. Ne u> fur t»rnn,bi.oni BtiA bo trk*da from

t.i . diBBBBBi

bTLClAI* ADVANTAGKS OP TIIIS 1*0AN.It ii a Natiosa*. Batikoi IUbk. ottViH? * hithir rat*

of Ipterrit tcin an, etrw, and IV bttt l*r'.«fja. An, MTin**

b'^ATrLichr.)iit*depo.i'<^» M l'. 8. Notr*. eoniiden th>l

it b p*,lr.| tn gM be* elroulalii.i m- BBM of Ibe 'oantry,

Bal U faiiavoJ pi, an anjtba.| beite.', Ur iu ewn iae«* tn

ei'.hcr in UoTenunaol **ciiik.b* or ia uokt* ot boadi payabU(a tioTerunaaal papar.

lt 1* eoj.ii.dl, M * t' rr.p-rrtr, or patxau-eut la-

,T»*tmenL The nit?* can alwiyt b- ioI I for wt'hin a fraeUoo

uf tbeir f.a, mJ a'-umulAU-d bibff**?, and ira th* Ult .*>

eority with bir.i.* ai collaUriJi for illa.-ounti

t\iNYKRTlriU-: INTO A SiX PBB < K'.iT 5-'a!0 iK)U)

rlO.M).In ad-lillon ta fh* TM, Utaeril lntti«*t eo tlie Notoifbl

thraei vetn, thil p-'.vtlaja ef entivari'ain lt now t, r!b liiont

three por r*r.l p*r axnum, for tb* com-ol r*te f-*r 5M Boodl

ia n>t IaM fbia. wtwttm ttwttWwmtwM, before tha w.r Ua*

fMBBBB oo .!. paf eaol U. 8. .miocki wu o/*f t«eu», par

eent. It will b* aiaari thal tb* aeti.rd prtit on ll.b I-oan, MIL* pr*.-: '. niirki-l ra., U B"t baa lhaa t*o pM etnt per


ATION.1,0'.. ttide f .ui ail tha aatrioUf** wm U»r» .uumer*J>d, a

Spa-iiaJ A. t of C-eafr*M extmptt all r.wtt and TrftntyS lat /*»*! 1-viJ tu*ttr%. On tbe BTerrat*. liib *xrmptioo b

worth a: v '. two per -nt pM au.-r.i, atve ilituil to tha rio- of

.ra.-tioii la tart-vu ptrti of th* eountry.It it baBMOBd BM nafta-orlli-aotTer MgaM BBBBBaBBMl

to b na ii a. tbaa* ia*n<-3 by tha, (Imaran --.nt Tn all

tVhtt furrr.a . f babutediiaiA, th* bith or abuuy of priTat*iwrtits, or Maab r "Iipanie*. er .epirtl* rocmtultl**, <a»Iy,b pl*4|-aj ta ptyo eul. whi.e th* VBSb D*vper»y of tb, roun-

try I* BaM I > ia -are. i>* rJl*cli*r|e tvf all tla- al,.'falioB8 lf th*

L-nl'-alPiAba\\ i> tb* (<or,ai,iii*Dt (jfi-n tli* rr.-v*t ilViaU t. rjit for tt*

Lo_.t K loeii. TM tl^l A. Tei, itiuB|rf. Ipp«»l wU bo to tha

byalty *i. t pMrtu4«ui ef th* r-» p.*-

BaBfaaBkB citdaoat** will b* laiued ttt ait ttopo.i a Tno

p.ny BBaaaBtBJ BBBl indiri. i.p. u tha or\.pa*l rB-7'la4V.'e(h*daBoo.lui'Ioo ot oolM r*qtilrt^. tndwbetloBf th», i.-e'a b«

. . u. biai * ..r faytba* lo oiJ*r. VVbeu ao iaaior.ed. tl

aa-a**. b« bft » Bb tb* offkar tl-r d*po*il, '* ba for

vtar-'-^ t-, tb* Trraaury Daparta-etiLPfBa RIPT70N9 Wll.I. BK BPlTIVVP

by Ua*Ata-rra.r TarA*.BBBJ o* i*ta l artaa. r-iAtra, c rm** ef

v\»j .ad Baaaa MIn-r-.i- v. BaM OTWaa v.t Nn. i)V." *..

BatBBaTfarmn BiMMaaTtTrai "-if hBiJv,**.1 aiiB Naroi .*' Kisa o* Naw \n*t. N-v 5 Naaaia .!.

Iorara »*»a ur N*w Voax. Bl ,r.d l-i Pai* *C

lir.a .'-A1104U Baib «f Ntw *n, B*4 3J' M .*.

rixta Natioiax Uaia of Niw Toaa. »'h it k Br'-laray.Fiobtii BdrfBHUaBaABBOTBBB N ona, N.s .'. Hrneilway.Ni-ri- Natiobai '(ajibo* Naw Yoaa. Nu. :«vi . . .,

TiiBTB PaAartasn Uabb o* New Vobk. B4 "4" awaMWBBB,Ca.ri-L BJBaMai HAsa or N'a* Voaa. N* "l Baaaa ab:iii.,..!).i..uii« Uaaao* BM '.-.*-. BM tb aTafbab

..-I j ... Noa .. I-i-Ia Bbfab ue abpoiiUrW* nl fubtbBBBBBjANl) Al.b Rl IbbBBbI AND nANblf.aVB

ti -i ..h.i.i tba eouotry wiU aluohtUaM


A ateaat rtinpT *td* hli* are helag itia.1* at ItM.I'I tnialleai Hllfera, b *y i-rt. ut tw.> ef .1 i -.i-.l'il 1,-,..'..¦.» .-r.'.. ia.iraa.1 t-i C ,t,t* ur r-virit*rf«t' tbem.l-'l i.U of no uie. Tia* pBBfi. wuu't bo i*b| liup.aavl aj-ua.Ta* Piai l Bb BIH -o ar- in-raa.j.a, lu Ul* a .1 fSfal BBf»*'!.. vliy. I'kl lhat*l what t tt* mtl'.ai." avbaf a."B 1-, a*::i*

.:-. 3 bfl * ia 1 invl' )M ii lb-y BBM *t 4r*t, i. J wlll roa-

tlu B -0 h«, ul we liiail .' p tBaBBBJ 1 *vi.

'i - Plao'alioa U'.ttrn parlfr. itr.L-flbea, aal iuil|v,rik*.1 b i- etaeta ibM tfrf spaatlta.7 \.--j MB aa %i.'. b t>, iliana of water tu-t '.*Cl'h , un-.-a-i iu- > .1. .,-.',.[.,.; "v 'i ji.-I ..ih 'i*Th -y .1 i.a.... -ti li * .>,(*u. aiiu rr.iiv ¦ tha nili.ak.Tl *v pHeOPl li.I ..ll. aU- Blld I- '¦ ri it'toM l*Tara.Tb.y partfr taa hwab aad aald r .. .

l:..i. ira l>; tft pa > m,i i'. bbHbbHbB'D^-_ Mta l» i 7h.Ba. CtMarBa, .nd Cboaar. MnT+i..ali., i- .r. lojaa P BBpMlM Bad Baaaa ¦' Haadaal ok

T b. y n M tbo w.Hik atrory, ... Iar,--.ll, a-.d ar*

cil...'.. d ivatuie a irett r-.t r«r. fi.« !'. ,- it. 1 ini, ( u u

OT 1MBBMBadBBeb 0 :... taabtgyBMS,, aud p*|.oaa i krbeaiaBaV BBBf hahtl* lad*.. t .-aaii.-a, .. «i'-i ie. |v*JpiMth u !ita b. .:i. iv| rf sppot.te, diotieaa aft,a BBBBB, il at

i.-.pi ..r.:, r.BBtlga iia, k--., wdl flt.,1 tmmtiutt ai.d fv*iu*no.i.t r*...: tathaM i:: ra. B-.t, abvra aii, tu yiara rvcaxo

p. a4*d tb Va ik liei.itt, fao^vioi* Bil 1 r.-t-tlbMBTliay a-* a-.iJ bf -I I'tiva. labla T»*7. biu'.tv. S*a*.l.teB-h

. uui p. 1. ata 1'i.itayJ a-*t*« Suoup r..,i '.la* BBfk and..»» ^ ,-.- ..'.- J.'r.

BBBBB rtaaflBMl 'a.'.'loa, .¦..' tl iritiup bM 1(4 bv*a

iBBBBBl b llll. Aiy poT-Bou BBBOT*BMJ 18 a-'li l"ai '..'. II

Iil '. a by tla* Bkkaa !. a Ai.d i.i poi ,t ,t ar,,| ab.-a.J bao/Aaaadbt ly i... i. v. -.. v.4 r. ll liltAiiP. 1 Cf*,

__PBB, tt tttkrow/, ft, T.

. . . . Inrltiil.U . f .

1011 nrjEAPlflM AND Qt'AI.ITY W" MATUKWh' VKVJ/riAN HAIK IrVE," b»o b. r. ti f ifi tha Pkbll,- fr i.*ail"A QUABTKB C'P A CKIITVtVtt*

aadb nnloai^ily ai,,,7i.T*d..'. ITilS I1AIR DVP."a. IIIBBBMlBIld t-v » p. ..'iillar pr.-*B' w'ii.-h i»i'-i.t* M

" i.i V'..\-1 KAt.1.1 BOfBBlOB"I* ai.y tl BM lo ti.ii ahkiaa of

" A DVK -

t.ow ar erey befur. th* peopl*. M, ln* rr.rBfi--!* lo-onL. BOTTI.P,"

BBJBMfaafAb a il reaulied, wbkb .:.-*(fy aiiup.ia*4 lo* affiVeatloo. in u.ii., tba. Oye, you at i.i tbal

DUlSiY, I31RTY .

arp'aoaiir*, by wh'ash dyed bair aud w!.kik*r* iro M iMdWyra. ifuurJ »h-n tn lnfarlor arflrU Sa* ht-n uoa.1

"I RIlK, PIP-TY CBBTB PPR ,!,)T1'L,:i"B-ltb e-.|.t_hia douhl* Ib. dy. B lho*a uiuaily BBB tot *M-i- a ar. ifoai by all iir-i/i u* Tl.MATI1F.WB. BBbBMI Araerl,

No. 11 (»uUl «4., New Yerk.Abo, Sfannfiatatorir of Mae-Bwy Aasica llaja (itotMB, Ib*

br*t bai rnajaaebif ln UM. lo l*re* bcttl**, frktaliBBkP4Bt.O«eei4|*rtVa.-Tb. M.tb f« OREAT BRITArM

aii-l tn CONIINKNT, *b BliiltaaiOTlB aud llmaan, ftw

a. iu. i SMUuu O, V a. m.ABRIM WAKPMAN P**tmutor.

Flab'a ralfat CoolklBB-INu. 3W PmiIil, iN.wlna

Por BM Ffatlaa:








Drar-twuliBottnly tha tura f.ritrun-ar of flnatfa bat tta

eornpiniiin of a mliarthl* U&_ Il hta wtil beea etlled ttan-tlon'i icotirg*, for mort pertetw, both old iad yoong, Bataaad fer-ala, .Ji froai Ut ra-tgat, than frooi tii oliasr aUiueutiaombioed. It robt tha w_o4e tyttem of lu rigof and a-ergy,i>i vtt weari-ott tad total ,a to tltoaa onoo ttiougaad BcUtb reodert ihe ttooiteh poMMMM ta jige-t lha Ibc-,and hu f r tta itte-da-tt,UEAOACItF.. nKARTBLRN.CONRTIPATION,NAB-EA


refuil.glta eubjeeU a partl.lo of nr-urtattig or beerty food

wUhout payUig tue peuaity lu tbe mort m-ntaing dirtreaa, and

oftaeltaetcaynipleAaptotUitioa To ntti, the terrtbie rar-

agea of tbta worrt of tii ditataaaVVT. HAVE rREPAXF.D

OOl.'S DTaBPEFSIA CUREtiad we phrdga our r«patation npoa our etaleineut, wtaa wa

*»y U wi'.l

po-Rttni eun tue tPOBfli o? toui

aot tn a yev-oot ln a moeth.oor la a weeh | bot yoo ahaU

*** tta beaaictal Infl-aenca at onoa, l-une-tately. aud tha day

yoo 't.t lt. To yon wfco htre llred fot yeara epoa OrihaB

brtad aid ptain dlet, who dara not aat anythlrig tbe taaf.wbe

hrt.-ty fl/tt, beeaim tba doclot _M ordeied the ptal-ett tooi,and teccu.ily, for fear of thu dtattaat ll ceueee, riaing and toar-

lag oo yoor ttoo.vh-wa *ay, tit dnwa to yoor di__er, eatat

Uaarty t ateal m yoo wtah. tnd u tooo at the food begiaa bo

dtaueaa yoo, tel'.ow tt by a i-igl* teaapoonlul ol

OOmVa 1)Y8I*KI,SIA CURJ-,an it wn.u,

B-DU-tll 100 Daat*__fc_L_BB0__4llfhM enehtag yon, hy hearty eatlng. and lha ca of the Care

after eaeh meel (ta eftea ai tha food dittreaeei yon. or tonn

ou yoor atomae-), to get ia a very f«w dayt to tbat yoo caa

do wtthool tha BieJi-'ue. exoept ocoutonal'y. and by tbe

tUn* tht _nt bot'.ie U rjtod Bp wa wili gntrautre yo'i !>r* from

Dyipepeia, aud at> to eat, dhjoat, aud eu;oy aa hearty a break-fai* ta you evrr -tt do*m to la your bealtulnit houri; and wa

wUI forfult ._ y. i th* prica of the taattta upon your tbowinglha our fatetnt jt li not earrect.Tba madL-ina L. p-iwr.'ul bat harrataif, and-rhlle a itagta

t. aipoonfui wU! tt onr* rellar* t!ia dyiprpilo tuff-avrr, tue

whoUb.xUefa.l woold not materlaily k\j-re him u it lt an-

tu. iy vrfatibla, and c-iitalnt no opUlaa All c.anai of dli-r_*a thal hara tuatr oruln la a dltoi-ored .Stoniarb and

iioweia *Je dlii-.iltd lu th* .a... i-aUatanooui wty, by the-Mof

COT.'S DYSPEP8IA CUItKir,rvar aad Ague, Slch Uea-aaha, St-kneB it tbe Htoma-h,

tVxutipaiioa. if.rart-ur-, CuUo PbIbi ia tftonie.-a* How- a Dyaanle-f, Voatili-a a ffir

iag of 1 :ui.-i and Lattit-da,Vb ,i:i uf Appetita,

tlJ not aad rannot exlit wUar* lha oar* ta neod. Il retna-aa

tho DUaaa* by r. tnoving tbo rauM, not llke AJeohollo Uittertwhlcb oover up yo'_ btd .'. otagt for t few mon.eutt ky t-elr. :.:...-«"r.| »e

liewirc uf ai au.h r-oiedl-t ot beTanget, bot iu their p.aeaBM t B*r_*.1y thit wtl raatota tha dlwtted fen-tlnnt to tbrlr

anrmal co-i-hioo and tet ln lunticB tbe eutlra b'jm_B tuaehaa-1iitii Ui perfeot hanm-uy, u.d '.poo prtiK-lploi tynooyaiout w.thw... dciined p_-,-*ii iof_:_i tawa 1 kat tu. a wiU ba Uta odoot

COVB DYfePSP-OA CURE,l,-..n.a'^,!y aid liirt-ntaaouualjr. .». pl*-|a *ut «u.J ->

. f h»uot.our irp'jt-allon at Putrus-cottutt*.our firoriblo ac-

rjuaict-aro wlta th i -»op7r ai pmpriot )i- ef _hfl World ra-

Bo-rtit-d'tiOE'S CoVoti UAtflAM," Ufctaoad aceerdiaglo IM di'.ctioti. B-BB- -ity be fooud with eaeh ho'.:._.

We tddba.->wa.ina Tettiinonl-lt O'Ti ou. BeigLbort anllowa*->AB, to wkii-h wi atk y _>r.r carri'al _Ui.n-.i_a.

TF.STIMONTAI.8.Frooi thr F-V.-ir of tha M, Utoditt F.. Chunb. .Vtaltaon, CoBa.

I ..,.-" aaad ' ea < Byapepab Caca ln uiy la-iliy, aad carwir.iialv Uratuv t lt" viui... zm t medlein*." 'llENRY HIPMABD. Faalor JL E. Choreh.Iliul-jv. C ni.., J_ue JO, iki

A V ot. e frotu hctn* BaflMjb o*:r C!fy PtparaNaw ::.o. < onn , .'..«¦ II. 1814.

-I.-t.rt. Fditobi: A-ow tu* tara.(b your eoiumna. to ac-

krowU dte my iTatlMdr for ihe benrbt I btvr revrivrd froai tho.,*. of Ca,e'i1)*.pe--.i*Cuni. Aithouak I wtt ifl.1 tufli-rtrrfro-.t l)y>p*p«U. tii. br.t d .* BBVa r^a Inrtaut rtaat, tne ono

ounea hat emhVd BB ta eat nnythioa thal ! i-.h-raaa w itiwi.l

gkj J bM uaw taffal uaing _M .-jS^tlfifit"MaoitOT, t orta.. 'naa m. im.

From Thr r-T.,t,t d-rl-ed hy tbo ua> ol Coo'l Byapeptb CaaBIIn my furl.y. I tm pre;».-ad to BT tbM I uev.r u'.t-ud to ue

Wa. r.ia: Tlia boota of CWl DyvaMpBta Cure yon r«-e me

hat bv.-Ved up yoo.- aUli-neiK tt. 1 htva onlyu-e.1 l.ail B battkl aadcai e.t I'lneapple ahort-caVe or any'hlugalte without txjabl*. It acu UAe a atatB. 1*%BaMal ¦ **f.rlt ti lavttnui^iua lABUB A. luwkcx.

:,.* llavaa, Jun* IX 1&*-

!f any ont wl.1 e-. M know wiuuCor . Dytpepta Co:a hatIsaa taaM of th. worM e-at of Py-P' p.ia la t i-ria .*-. i.t

tbawaall *tNo.:i lruidla-lioy. 8o «r-tt ta tha ahaaaai «anata *i »ho uetatb baa _oubtf.5 to ttU tnd he*r fortkaa-BBbaa

IMfotlTAVT TO TBAVELS-UlW.ita laat-aytaf aa tbo cmn rnj'itoinioh b<-o_ma htdly de-

ranaad -.'..ina at-aaapa-i lu u.y hoad. Bad h b«*o ou tb*witerll Wiruld Un. b. ,-u (-«:..-d ».-! .i.-knota Ahdy ahUbflBy o:o B y aond liou. rrach.d out a butlle, *ay»'.«." Takaa .ailkw.' I -.1 w, in «*. than nvemuiute. mytiauhia wa. raadrd. Tbe iUH.-il.Iur ... -Cattt Dj r.iti an bbIObb Ib rOad u Ud upoa th* ttomach, tud wbaI le-.rt.-d el ll B-Wa, I ibink lt ruuU b* an axtaJleul teai-

edy furru.a?lckt.a_, .iu Uyapop.ia ...,.-.. k.ntnSlad-KU, J._eaj, |Mt MRS.HAMli-LAlr.LU

CIIOIXIIA MORBllfl.JI kjtkim MiiBBlalT' 0.H COE'B PYriPFP^IA CfJItE ta

, BBfl7-B-M»3rC? ta ChabM Morbut. Dy^ntery. I>lar-... irij ki-died a^.upuuiti. now to aiaialiM aaa Mar,ea ana ..a-. iT, ,ery few m nut. . thr mo-t *"vare

.ST .eavMM, iifaeatrVjlSS badeObri .f.en nrodur,.!I i n« nf wiiilr. drtohlagbewatar, ur -».u.a unripadTTi'A » wUI cara all tuoh caaaa, »_f .very 1U9,

UAbmISaa-Mka. J«»flBkaliid lr.forra.-da«Mtha%%ota iady had k**o tave.i hy two do«<.a

OSE Ul TH/. iWEltTTT-FlTE.NbW HaviB .' .ra 11, lBAt

V-. I'oB.Jtr: Tlf.viar h^u trouhlad wl'h th* Dyaneprtal.a .. i.e- f iah» rr twofv.' u,«.~u.. I havo Takeii ilw ..uaf k.ndl,

,T, .. -!...'. 1 tv.. a- ¦"* i-taigooA l taw yoor ad-tr-1ta-mcB' ol . mad'cl-o To cir* tha U. I .. 4 trla lt.L, 10 ,. d lt to bo TBB fiw-du lar. Tba Bnt iiften, dront (lhaT ifof Jiiu.-i that ' l-ek I'.ihv-l -i.f'fi.ou., 'iiir.iu-. I ,.av*

tikaii i'threo or I'.Ji.r'.iniaa. bul hur- ivd ni d'.atretihit fead-lu' a. uiy t-o-'it.-'i ita takbg Ita hr*' -fteea 'Irap., althonxhkeaBM I could m : BM B BBB, BBdlOBBfJBB BMBBM t-MIihrea or I' -1 BaoUinj «, wd_ow.dttlii.'4._,< uie.'

Reapeot:-',. Af.tVOOBMff,Naw I'.-.t. l-r.ell V'-i

Ul ( oa. fWrr.SV 'i'be botta of l)v.po)q'ia Mtdirino Irviil.JlllS ".. 1." _,.'» ,,.,., ... rall.l. ... . ,.al.lwla n 11 y food* d'..^r.«»eed ui". It w*a ahotil like uii_g twodoaet to day. 011a tamorrow, t.'iaa avary other ihiy. rucraatlaatba q'li-tlty of food ..nd dt iii-aaiiig Uia iiwdir iu,, until Iw.a vnahted to ett without Ualn* viTthlng at alL My caaewtt tn eilreaa* fie, htvlaf anflerad for arv n yeara I nowrcriiid-r iuy». :l cmed, and by only uifng ooa botlla ufMedli _>e iu Ihe tpaoa uf bwo uto-tha Tho diaa. wai a l*aipooi--l BU-CN B AIJ_r.N.

Itaid ky I'rugtltta b rMy aod ooonfry ev-rywtara.PR1CK 01 TER Murri.E.

Or-tn ky n-ui, bou aiiha deatan 01 oouroi-eii, proaiptlytUe-dedta.


l*lwpfwm)Wt%Rara-Fiaiataa eaeeitito wifl And t-taaaptaadM aatldols

'or NAIJBEA AT BTOMACB. aad al t__tapot__oa peotUtarwthe-BaeBoB

OEICAI BABBXB A Ca,Ha U fait-rew, B. T,

I bM tta BhflM ptmaraBea fer eata ta targa at bbbbII gaaa-iUtaa 1 ata Coc. Ceagk Bataaa aad Byat't Parladtaai Drepa

H. B. HEMBOLD,«htakai W alMi'-B, N t. IN hna-wtyt

Caaaaftatlaa Llfa IBfTM

gatapiBg of


Wah th* Cixnpaoad C<*ao*^rttod PTaU BaMBt Of





WhM mi, MBB almMt tnoimarlibb ta, tbat MM, 4B8BM

hlihano !y*Mld*rmd hapale*.!, tneonthb ira fM|iiMlj aaaa4

la ifM<bTiMoaaUn4w*iiBairt.ay bjTaa tf» bBOBB

latloni of tha liTMBl-atailod and aslMtlao ta cotm wkhhtan

M paralbl B) th* BBBbb dafk(JvimadieiMlipeeolbr, by B tho MMlfM, ****** M

d'.r**.Uy rmached, and th* eojaflrbriiu- rMtMwATao** who h*-* lotTtnof Ung from faiofol aad abaBbata

ThoMwhohart eainly toagbt lallaf bBB BBBBBBBB BBaV

IfkWBjTbom a*A* BtaBaa w» twrad by atha phMetaa,


DairlagthapOT fir* yein wa har* PMMfaf wahpfMBj.Mt,aal BBMBM oppotftUa m hareabaaa aaraBBMaa

e/iantered b, aa, lafflnMfl.

OONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP*a pmmitlT* aad ipwclAo rem*dy tor all dboaaM oriiloaiio, Baa

m IMPL'RE STATE OF TUE BLOOD. ud f.r ail (baaaVktary) AHaLA.tEd trat-mittod frora FAAENT TO (IKILB.

FABALYSIB.It U m ontTBTMM, tdtrdttod that Coaitttat'.M Wfo flyrip te

Ih. oriy effectlT. maaM of reatontlon b Um esrioo* fotwm tt

Faraiyab, tlavt w. o**d not raltauau tbat B b PAMaBBBB*!to. Or*al UlaOiTBi I'wa

DYSPEPSTA.wiiiB."AtiToaaaoa utib 4M«na4iM. uuaiiuiaaa

laTDMBBtMt. turoturca aa* Baavkra.



ox-raaiava iwaaxiaa*. aiotyaaktiaB.iitiii I47AA. bajvt aaaaa

Thbtatat ihbbboitabt aad kcavtaaa.) BTliai tlb wM aa

teid a.i*ei y, U by all aiual rtmodiM iacuiabb.RUEtMATl.aM.

BaT-atloOt*. BtTIA.iOAV

If tharr* b any diMMa U which tn ConttuuU oa Lifa flyiaab* otrrrtoltn, ll b la BMoautba and tU kinJred thTntllM

Tu* loeit UtoaM piiai m. aimt»*t loitaaUy albrbMl BMB

Biout »w*Uinp ar. tadiieod. Ciaom, obronio. or Tlcavioaa, Of10 or 38 y**aa itaadiaf, baia beoa osrid b, aa,

Tkooaatvb wbo hatw auaWd for y**r* wtll bltw* th* 4*,4Mvhleh the, read IhM* llna*. Fartlculariy to weak, MBMbajwoc-40 Bii thb medicio* p**TO *n baoMimablo bbnBgd'.r,.-l.f tbob BjBaioji to a BBM whioh fuiAib ¦koraUMabpromi***.

( >Srtl ITT^fON LIFE BYRUT potga th, tyitom *Mtrahyfrom til tb. *TiI .atVt* of MERCUBY, remorUn Um BaloroMtb, and turing tn W**k Joint* tad RbeuiBtlto FaMwhich tho mi of Calaaael b hn to prodtioe. ItaMBMB

Spoof, Oiurak, aud Saeoro* tn Taath u Brml, m eror.

CON.STITUTIOM L.IFE SYRUPPra-:.¦.*-¦*.. roat ind taaaab, aii Craptira OtttatM of th* 4444.


Aad BO athar diff cuitle* of tbb kiod, whbh *o mieh aatkaMBB

tb* lutward trraaoaxriAMB ot botb biabi md feaialM, .(Ua aaaVir.j UaMB . dbf^Mlaf abject to U*era*ejT-i aad tbair f)ie_A*.


P Itiier oi Um Ftee, Imoea. or Fiaaab Braeat, tod ahaold OTlakM u io.o m tb. iwellaiai U aUtectod, thui ptsTrptlaf thtte

li-tik-ar.f, and prndncuxf tr,ubl**ome I>lacba~tn| Stvrtw, whtdb

Bafg jra io tuo; af iu* younaer portioo of Um BMMMBaakfrom tfx I. twiBty yaari of Bf*. Yoang ehildren ar. my aaa*

jMt to OuooharfM tMM tU tar*. whioh depeud* apoa a t*aaB>

BBBB OoBitltiUoa. Ta. MM b»ob BMOM b, Ukiaf a OOTda**e *f tbo Lif* r-yiup.

Ad Strofuloai penoai iuff«rtn( fr"« »«n*r*l n*4»ulty, Eara*

ebxtoa, DyipoptU, ¦»'' Dropiy of th* Umbi. ibdomeo, tad ta

tbi Femati. Dropiy oftfM onartM and womb, |Mkerally locaa¦Mad with BBmBBMBOT aud 11 <-'aUioo of th* UtorM. aa

poirnanenUy oured by Coattitulloo Llfo Syrup. Th. <

knuwa ti OolJt ot Bwelbd N«ck. th* faf* Smrnp wtU i

ratbrel,. Tba remed, ib*uld b* UkM fur wm* titu.. a* BB)

bBBMB b exceedloxiy chfoaia kod itahborB, «d will ggfBBreaaoTKl witoint ixtrt iffv-rtTumori of tb. 0*»rtM, Tvu»ori ot tha Br****, and iwttBBj

of atbtf tTbaili efm kody, will bo eomplatriy redoeod wgB>

.ai iMortiaf to tb. kaif., a epondooi of an, kind,

EpllAoptie Ph*, r>yiupath*tie .r Orgauilc ot BBB

Ii*art, u Palpitttlon, DImom of tn Vahrot, pr-o.1 irlai * araV-

ii-|orfilin| aourd, titD;iy aflb* Hoait Caim a^d aU tOT lBB>

livoi of trai lauportast ot|aa IfortoM loitori&i fYom My MBM

ptia Lo thi Mfiou of th* boart) artU b* |tmU, talbrrrt bfC'cMtUatioa L'.f* syrnp.


TJLCERATIVB DI8EA8ES,tfthar M tb* Nom. Tiiroat, Tao*-,, Opiao, V^tohoad, ot B*a*Am i*tD*dy bMo« priied itt oo.a*3.OT kS A r.F.NERAL BLOOD-FOlUFYmfJ AOaThTt



liiMAMi nf tn MptM m oioall, rUtTovkiped in Ib. ,oaa«, f_B

Di-eoj*, N*nral|U, ar.d al! norroni llbetMa, anJ L*di*i wOT

ui luffirtiaj fcoM OiioM** ftw wlilab Um, ara M a Imb OT

inow wbat t. do, w. woikld tdrb. Um om t COHSTmt.

riON UFE BYBUF. Il wUl iMtora tbtfr p*iud itoMaaa.

aaaaa, itr*a|th*B tlMir weak back, aad ibm, ftra taaa aaa

roargy, mw 113a Md iBjafaaaajTHE AICU AND FOOB

tMiiohUtotn BBM faMBB WBtoa aad bbbB|| an

oad* UM CoaiUtuUcn Llf* Brrwp f*1 tb* beneBt of aa.


»r*dtoc**bMltb, BiO-tad woowai and lf th* bMbBBBBI ta

»I>04*d 1B yeolh, 4avr*M *ud amrl, dcavtb b th, i-autu BB,ua **-y wbM th* ma*iai are M MM at haad, in wi'_ua Ibfakchofalt,


f> gbj BhjMJ Ifafl FrbOT aad lha Bleb Mtn'i

but rr, take rr. and be clrrd.IT IB UmVEBAAL IM ITB EFFECTB

Wai. H. 0REt30, M. D.,fOIaB FaVOPBlBTOB, BEW TO

FiVaBlMB^^lBUBottbaiforaJiIV IM by .tafprea to all para of Um eoantr,.


Whttleojab Dranketa, AfeaB,aia 443 CivIFFAT., attWigtUV
