+ Plot Structure Notes Theatre Crafts. + Today’s Schedule Discuss viewing requirement...


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Plot Structure Notes

Theatre Crafts

+Today’s Schedule

Discuss viewing requirement Recommendation: Present


Intro to upcoming project

Plot structure notes We will talk Finding Nemo!

Select stories Create plot structure on your Grimm fable

SLHS Presents the Play

Present Laughter

+The Upcoming Project

Select a Grimm fairytale/fable to turn into a play Groups of 2-4

Cinderella Little Red Cap (aka Little Red Riding Hood) The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats (yup… not pigs) Sleeping Beauty

In your groups, you will create the following A plot structure A script (with blocking)

Blocking = character movement A set design Costume design

+A plot structure pyramid


Set the scene

Introduce characters

Establish point of view

There is no story… yet

+Exposition in Finding Nemo

Marlin’s cautious nature is shown when he goes in and out of the home indefinitely

Nemo’s ‘lucky fin’ is revealed, showing that he was physically affected by the barracuda attack.

We also see that Nemo is a regular kid, annoyed by his father’s worrying.

Marlin is socially awkward, revealed through his terribly unfunny joke.

+Inciting incident

The story starts where the trouble starts

Create conflict

Complicate your protagonist’s life Protagonist = main character


Inciting incident in Finding Nemo

When does the conflict truly begin? Nemo is taken by the divers

It is the origin of the next act, the rising action

+Rising action

The story builds

Key characters are in focus

Characters are in trouble

Many small challenges

leading to the bigger goal

+Rising action in Finding Nemo


Marlin encounters the sharks.

Marlin goes through the jellyfish. Meets Crush

Nemo gains the friendship of the aquarium fish.

Nemo attempts to escape the aquarium.


The moment of greatest tension

The point to which all events have led

Characters act

+Climax in Finding Nemo

The search for Nemo intersects with Nemo’s own adventures in the dentist’s office.

The climax continues into the ocean, reaching its peak when Nemo rescues the fish trapped in a net.

+Falling action

Events are a result of the climax

The story nears its end

What is the fallout from the climax?

+Falling action in Finding Nemo

Nemo saves Dorie after she is knocked unconscious


The protagonist solves the problem

Characters change

because of the


+Resolution in Finding Nemo

Marlin finally tells his whole joke.

Marlin is no longer over protective of his son.

Nemo is confident and happy.

+Your objective

Create a plot structure for the Grimm fable of your choice

Cinderella Little Red Cap (aka Little Red Riding Hood) The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats (yup… not pigs) Sleeping Beauty
